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The seller offered to send a new product. The Aliexpress seller offers to resend the goods - should you agree? Aliexpress seller offers to resend

The Aliexpress platform is very popular among many Internet users. There is nothing surprising. Aliexpress has a huge range of different products. From small jewelry, mobile phones, to clothes and shoes. Low prices for goods, compared to retail stores, also make this store attractive.

In this article we will tell you what to do if the seller asks to close a dispute on Aliexpress.

Most often, buyers come to Aliexpress looking for a product. After the desired product has been found, the next stage begins - communication with the seller and placing an order. It is worth noting that a mandatory condition for fulfilling an order is 100 percent prepayment for the selected product. After the package with the desired product has been sent, an exciting time of waiting begins. Most often, the orders received pleasantly please the buyer. But sometimes disappointment sets in.

In this case, the Aliexpress platform tries to respect the interests of both parties, the buyer and the seller. During the entire delivery period of the parcel, a buyer protection system is in effect. If you receive a low-quality product, or if the package is lost, the money for the product can be returned.

To do this, the buyer must open a dispute. However, it very often happens that the seller on Aliexpress asks to cancel the dispute, explaining his request for some reason. Let's look at what to do in this case.

Money transferred during checkout is stored in Alipay. This is the monetary system operating on Aliexpress. It is used for settlements with sellers. During the delivery of the parcel with the goods, the funds remain in Alipay. That is, the seller does not receive money for the goods immediately, but after confirming that the buyer has received the parcel.

A dispute can be opened in the following cases:

  • If the buyer for any reason has not received his order. There are several options offered here. You can write to the seller, if he does not answer, or is trying to “hang noodles on his ears,” then the only right decision will be to return the money through a dispute.
  • The seller sent the parcel to the wrong address and refuses to help;
  • The parcel is taking too long, and all delivery deadlines have already passed. In this case, it happens that the buyer has opened a dispute on Aliexpress, the seller asks to wait.

Sometimes this is justified. Especially if the product is inexpensive and sent by parcel with a track that can only be tracked to the Chinese border. But if all delivery deadlines have already passed, then you need to insist on your point and not close the dispute.

However, there is one caveat here.

You can open a dispute due to non-receipt of goods if the buyer protection period is still in effect.

Sometimes dishonest sellers on Aliexpress ask you to close the dispute. This can be done, but only if the protection has not expired. If the protection period has come to an end, the order will be closed automatically and the seller will receive the money. If the delivery time of the goods has passed and the protection period expires, then it is absolutely impossible to close the dispute. Even if the seller really asks for it.

Buyers often encounter the following problems:

  • The seller generally sent the wrong product that was ordered;
  • The product did not fit in size or color;
  • We ordered several items from the store, but were sent the wrong quantity.
  • Another reason for an open dispute may be receiving a low-quality product.

Unfortunately, some customers receive parcels with defective or low-quality goods.

You can verify the quality of the product only after receiving the parcel. Having received the parcel, it is advisable to open it, recording this process using photos or videos.

If the product turns out to be of poor quality, then the photographs will be useful for the dispute. They will have to be included as evidence.

What should I do if the seller asks to close a dispute on Ali, promising to send another product? It is best to ignore the seller’s request to close the dispute when receiving a low-quality product. Otherwise, there is a high probability of being left without money.

Do not forget that the seller first of all wants to receive payment for the goods. Therefore, it is beneficial for him to have the dispute closed as quickly as possible.

The Aliexpress platform itself punishes sellers for low-quality goods. If disputes due to defects occur frequently with a given store, then it may even be closed. Trying to avoid such complications, Chinese sellers resort to a variety of tricks.

For example, a seller on Aliexpress asks to cancel the dispute and return the money to the buyer via PayPal. Dishonest sellers often make such requests to the buyer. The fact is that in this case, the Aliexpress platform cannot guarantee the security of the transaction. After the dispute is canceled, the seller will receive the money and disappear. Therefore, it is best to bring an open dispute to its logical conclusion, namely a refund.

How to recognize a dishonest seller

You can guess the dishonest intentions of the seller by following

  • Writes letters asking to close the dispute;
  • Offers to return money to your Paypal account;
  • Begins to drag out the time of the dispute, extending the terms of protection;
  • Sometimes sellers themselves accuse buyers of trying to deceive them.

In this case, we can only advise one thing. Edit the dispute, collect additional evidence and escalate the dispute. In this case, Fliexpress employees will join the dispute.

At the same time, we must remember that if sellers do not ask to close a dispute that has already escalated, then the order itself will be closed along with it. In this case, the seller gets his money, and you lose yours.

You can close it, but only if the cause of the dispute is eliminated. Otherwise, you need to involve site employees. Otherwise, you can lose the dispute and lose money.

Is it possible to cancel a dispute and then open it again for one order?

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28.11.2014, 13:40

Let us not deceive ourselves and deceive each other. There is always some risk in buying a product online. You pay without ever seeing the product in person. You don’t hold it in your hands, you don’t see the quality, you don’t pick up the purchase and take it with you immediately after payment. This means there is always a possibility that:

The seller initially planned to deceive you and gives an inappropriate description of the product.
You yourself expected one thing, but it turned out something else - the fabric is thinner or rougher, the seams are worse processed than you thought, the quality of the lining is rather poor.
You were “deceived” by the image of the product - for example, the color was conveyed inaccurately.
The seller unintentionally mixed up something when sending the order, such as color or size.
The postal service got it wrong and the item went to Papua New Guinea.
The seller intentionally or mistakenly supplied fewer items than you paid for.
The parcels were mixed up, and what you received was not what you ordered. And your order went to another person.
Your order was packaged improperly and ended up broken, broken, or wet and faded.

Such risks exist when shopping in any online store. What is good about Aliexpress is that until you have confirmed receipt of the order and its compliance in quality and quantity, the money does not reach the seller. They lie on Aliexpress accounts and are waiting for your permission to send them to the seller - or for your protest with a request to return the money to you. True, they go to the seller automatically at the end of the delivery period. But this is a separate topic, and we discussed how to avoid this “pitfall” of shopping on Aliexpress in a separate article.

So, in the previous stages you did everything correctly. The Aliexpress buyer protection program is working for you, the delivery period has not expired, the package has reached you. You pick it up and discover with great disappointment that one of the above has happened. The product is insufficient in quantity, poor in quality, not the same at all, or something happened to it along the way. What should you do to get your money back?

Do not confirm receipt of the order under any circumstances. There are fraudulent sellers who act like this: a dissatisfied buyer writes to them. The seller apologizes profusely, claims that there was a mistake and he will return your money. He is very repentant and even promises some kind of compensation for moral damage. But, he says, in order to return the money to you, he needs to receive it himself. And the order has reached you. Therefore, let you confirm receipt of the order, the transaction on Aliexpress will be closed, the seller will take the money, “recovering” it from Aliexpress accounts and immediately send it to you. And he will add a little more as an apology. Do not go for this under any circumstances. The seller may say that he will send the money quickly. And Aliexpress is slow. Or that this is a generally controversial case, but he, the seller, due to his conscientiousness, is ready to agree with your claims if you resolve the matter peacefully. What Aliexpress will decide about this is another question. But be aware: once you confirm receipt of the order, you will no longer see the money. And you won’t prove anything, no matter how much you protest and no matter where you write. You yourself have already confirmed that everything is fine! Remember, now only Aliexpress can refund your money. He really does it.

You have a week! The time limit for filing claims is limited. You are not the only one who monitors the movement of your parcel using the track code. Aliexpress tracks it too. And gives you a week to file a claim after the package reaches your post office. Therefore, keep an eye on the progress of your order. Pick it up as soon as it arrives in the mail. And, if you have any complaints about the contents of the parcel, do not hesitate a day.

Collect evidence. A dispute or dispute, it is called both this and that - it is very important and very final. If you are refused a refund, you will not have a second chance. Therefore, we must act quickly, but deliberately. A very common reason for refusal to return money is that the buyer himself acted rashly when opening a dispute, without preparing. And instead of evidence, he attached a lot of emotions, presented in a not entirely censorship form.
Take a photo of the product so that it is clear what exactly you are not satisfied with. Attach screenshots of correspondence with the seller that confirm his promises. If you ordered a gadget and it doesn’t work correctly, take screenshots. Clearly justify why the seller should return your money and translate this rationale into English. It is possible - with incorrect grammar or spelling, but it is important that the meaning is clear. Google translator will help you, even if your own English is very poor.
Open a dispute. Or, as it is also called, a dispute. The “My Orders” section displays your orders and their statuses. Near the product image there is an “Open Dispute” button. When you click on it, a menu will open. Here you need to select the reasons for opening a dispute - check the boxes in the menu, clearly describe the claims, attach evidence and indicate the amount of money that you insist on returning.
The first thing you will see is a question asking whether the package has been received. Don't be alarmed - answering “Yes” to this question is not at all the same as confirming receipt of the order. Next you will see several options for what may be wrong with the contents of the package. Select the one you need.
Amount of compensation. If the product arrived in good condition and in the required quantity, but the color or quality of the fabric was disappointing, we do not recommend demanding the full amount. Consider a reasonable amount of compensation that is adequate for what happened. If you insist on a full refund, check the “Full refund” checkbox. If we are talking about a partial refund, indicate the amount you require for reimbursement.
At the bottom of the menu you will be asked if you want to send the item back. If fussing with sending goods, especially inexpensive ones, is not part of your plans, feel free to answer “no”. If the product is expensive and the quality is not much different, but you don’t want to send it back, you may have to accept a partial refund.

For example, leatherette instead of leather is definitely a reason to demand a full refund, and you are unlikely to be forced to send the product back at your own expense. But if the item is made of leather, but the shade is different from the one in the product image, the situation is not so clear-cut.
Bargain. Most likely, the seller will contact you with the next program number. He will offer some of his own conditions - for example, a smaller amount of compensation, or send another product or something else. Correspondence with the seller, clarification of the details of the problem, some preliminary agreements can be carried out directly in the dispute or in chat, in private messages. But the conditions that the seller offers you must be written in the dispute.

You can accept them - the "Accept" button or change them by offering your own option - the "Modify" button. If you are communicating not in the body of the dispute, but in the Aliexpress chat and it comes to filing a claim with the administration, the correspondence in the form of screenshots will need to be uploaded to the dispute. It is strictly not recommended to conduct correspondence outside Aliexpress - they may not be accepted as evidence.

And remember one more thing: the subject of bargaining is only the amount of money returned to you. If the seller promises to send another product or make a discount or otherwise compensate for the damage, Aliexpress cannot control the fulfillment of these promises. Aliexpress only controls the return of money, all or part.

Be careful with the “Accept” button! By clicking it, you will close the dispute on the last proposed condition. It will no longer be possible to open it again, and you will have to be content with what the seller offered. Do not confirm acceptance of the terms if you do not agree with them in any way and are not ready to concede.

Cancellation and reopening of a dispute. Sometimes the seller asks to close the dispute - for example, he says that the parcel is in your city, two addresses were simply mixed up, and someone else’s goods came to you. And that everything will be delivered to your home. There are different situations.

Remember that you can cancel a dispute using the “Cancel Dispute” button. But before you do this, check if you can open it again. If the protection program has not yet expired, you can do this. But this situation happens more often if a dispute is opened due to the reason “The product did not arrive.” And if you have already taken the order in your hands, you have a maximum of a week left until the end of the Aliexpress buyer protection program. What a closure and reopening!

Even if they really ask you and promise mountains of gold, remember: after the program expires, you will not open the dispute again. Follow the timer in the order - not in the dispute, but in the order! It will show how much time you have left. And one more thing - you can cancel a dispute with the right to reopen it only before it is transferred to the administration. If you have already contacted Aliexpress and then canceled the dispute, you will not be able to open it again. The money will go to the seller.

If the seller does not respond to the dispute, then you have nothing to worry about. After a certain period, the case will automatically be resolved in your favor. As soon as you open a dispute, you will see a timer counting down until a decision is made in your favor.
File a claim. The previous stage is intended in case the seller really made a mistake, wants to correct the mistake, and you can come to an agreement. If you clearly cannot find a common language with the seller, proceed to the next stage. “Escalate Dispute” - this button will include the Aliexpress administration in your negotiations. By clicking it, you will inform that you cannot come to an agreement and ask them to judge you and return your money.

In this case, you will have to wait for a refund. The claim will be reviewed by a living person. While he gets to it, while he studies the issue, some time will pass. Therefore, no one specifies the exact time frame for consideration of the claim. Perhaps an Aliexpress employee will ask you some questions, so check Aliexpress and be ready to answer them.

If, after 15 days after opening a dispute, you do not reach an agreement with the seller yourself, the dispute will automatically be transferred to the Aliexpress administration.

How to monitor the status of the dispute after filing a claim? A dispute submitted to the administration for consideration may have several statuses. Processing – means that the case is under initial consideration. This is precisely the period that is not regulated, although simple issues are actually resolved quickly. While this status remains, you can only wait.

Waiting for other party`s response – the seller’s response is expected. This means that the administration turned to the seller for clarification, documents, and evidence of his position. A response may take up to 7 days. After this, if the seller still does not respond, the dispute is resolved in your favor.

Waiting my response – your response is expected. If the Aliexpress administration has requested something - photographs or documents or other evidence or information - send it to them. Otherwise, the dispute will be resolved in favor of the seller. A message indicating that a response is expected from you will also be sent to your email.

Waiting for*both party`s response – a response is expected from both sides. Do your part. You can respond to the administration using the “Respond now” button
When and how will the money be returned? If the dispute is resolved in your favor, the money will be returned within 10 business days. They will be transferred to the same place you paid from. Practice shows that money is credited to the card almost instantly. To wallets in electronic payment systems like Webmoney or QIWI - within a few days.

As you can see, the buyer is truly protected on Aliexpress. There is a working refund mechanism, and it really works. If, of course, you know a few pitfalls. But now you know them!

28.11.2014, 15:25

Good article. Answers all questions that arise during the dispute. But I would like to add that there are cases when the seller does not agree with the dispute and the declared amount of compensation becomes equal to zero. Buttons appear under the dispute: “accept”, “cancel”, “edit”, escalate.” Newcomers unknowingly click “escalate”, but the refund amount remains the same - ZERO!

In this case, you need to click the “edit” button and set the refund amount again - does the seller again disagree? Now you need to wait 15 days for the dispute to turn into a claim and go to the court of the AliExpress administration. And then everything is described in detail above.

are not tracked or are stuck in one status. It immediately begins to seem that something is wrong with the delivery and the buyer writes to the seller. In this case, the latter may offer to send the purchase again, citing the fact that he understands your worries, the goods came back to him or were lost. Let's figure out whether it's worth agreeing to such an offer.

Do I agree to resend the goods to Aliexpress?

Do I agree to resend the goods from Aliexpress?

Let's look at several possible situations when it is and is not worth agreeing to resend the goods.

There is still enough time on the buyer protection timer

If your product has not been on the road for that long and it does not have tracking or it has stopped, then you can still meet the seller halfway and agree to wait for a re-shipment. But you need to act as follows:

  • First, check that there is enough time for the repeated parcel to reach you. If there is not much time, then first ask the seller for it. The maximum delivery time for parcels is 120 days, including the period specified by the seller upon dispatch.
  • If there are approximately 20-30 days left before the protection period expires, but you have already, then cancel it by clicking the appropriate button. Don't be afraid, as it can be opened again if necessary. At the same time, it is strictly forbidden to accept the seller’s offer specified in the dispute, since most often it includes a zero return, which is completely unprofitable for you. And the seller will most likely stop contacting you after this.
  • Wait for the goods to arrive and be sure to check. If a lot of time passes and you still do not receive the parcel, then...

The transaction protection is almost over, but there is still no product

Protection of transactions on Aliexpress

If the time is almost up, but there is still no parcel, although the seller claims that he will resend it, then you need to be careful. In most cases, they will try to deceive you. The seller expects the following:

  • You will wait for the goods and miss the moment when it is still possible.
  • If it’s over, then if you cancel the dispute, you will close the order and you will not be able to make a claim again.
  • Inexperienced buyers may agree with the seller and accept his offer in a dispute. However, he will not return anything to you. Thus, the dispute and order will be closed, the seller will receive the money, and you will be left with nothing.

In any case, he expects that you will lose the opportunity and the money will come to him.

The seller offers to buy the same product, but for 1 cent

Sometimes sellers ask to re-order only not for the full price of the product, for 1 cent. It turns out that you will receive your purchase almost free of charge. In addition, the package will come to you with an updated timer. Additionally, the seller asks to accept his offer in the dispute, where he has already indicated a zero amount for return.

Of course, this may seem convenient and profitable to you, but this method is nothing more than a scam.

You make a new purchase and agree with the seller in the dispute. And this is what happens. Previous the order is closed and the money is gone to the seller. In addition, you cannot open it again. The seller gives you a new one for your current order, but when you try to track it, it turns out that it’s just a left set of numbers and the package has not been sent. Or, alternatively, the number may be someone else’s, issued to another buyer. Thus, when opening a dispute on a new order, only 1 cent will be returned to you, and the rest of the amount will go to the seller.

Remember that you Aliexpress There is no guaranteed delivery of goods. Therefore, if the package did not arrive on time, it is better to return the money via and re-order, preferably from another seller.

Video: Resending goods to Aliexpress

When opening a dispute on AliExpress, you may encounter a situation where the seller asks you to cancel the dispute, while promising a nice bonus or re-delivery of the goods. Should you trust him, and what should you do if the seller on Aliexpress asks you to cancel the dispute?

Can the seller close the dispute on his own?

If the merchant strongly insists that you close the dispute on AliExpress, but you do not want to do this for certain reasons, the question arises: can he cancel everything on his own, without your consent? The answer to this question is clear - no, sellers do not have such an opportunity.

When should I open a dispute?

The funds transferred by the customer when purchasing goods are stored in the Alipay payment system account. During the delivery of the order, the money always remains in Alipay accounts, which is why sellers do not receive their payment immediately, but only when the customer confirms that he received the parcel at the post office.

A dispute can be opened in the following cases:

  • If for some reason you have not received your parcel. There may be several options for the development of the situation. Write to the seller, and if he responds, come up with a reason that you can write to the administrators so that you get your money back through a dispute.
  • The merchant sent the products to the wrong address.
  • The order has been in progress for a long time, and the delivery period has long expired. It is in such situations that most often the seller on AliExpress asks to cancel the dispute and wait a little.

Sometimes circumstances actually develop in such a way that the seller may have serious excuses. In particular, difficulties may arise when the cost of the goods is low, as well as when sending an order with a track that is tracked only to the border of China. If the delivery period has ended, remember that it is best to insist on your position and under no circumstances close the dispute.

Please also take into account the fact that opening a dispute due to non-receipt of an order is only possible when the customer protection system has not expired.

What to do if the seller asks to close the dispute?

What should I do if a seller on the AliExpress marketplace asks me to close a dispute? You can meet him halfway only in a situation where the protection period has not yet passed. If it has already ended, then the order is closed automatically, and your funds are transferred to the seller.

If the delivery time of the parcel has ended and the protection period has come to an end, do not close the dispute under any circumstances! Even if the seller really asks you to do this.

After receiving your parcel, you may encounter the following problems:

  • You were sent a completely different product than you ordered on the website.
  • The purchase did not fit in size or it is not the color you expected.
  • You purchased several units of a product, but you were not sent the quantity of products specified when placing your order.
  • The received order does not meet the declared quality.

In all the situations described above, you need to open a dispute.

How to make sure that the order will be of high quality? Even at the stage of making a purchase, look at the number of reviews, as well as the proportion of positive ones among them, find photos from satisfied customers.

What should I do if the store promised to resend the product?

What should a buyer do if a store representative on the website asks to close the dispute, promising to send another item in exchange for the low-quality one? In such a situation, it is recommended to ignore requests.

Always remember that the most important thing for sellers is to get money for the package. That is why it will be most beneficial for them if you close the dispute as soon as possible.

The Aliexpress administration will be able to punish the store for dishonest work, which is why they came up with the dispute function. If this is not the first time that circumstances similar to yours have arisen, the store may be closed.

When opening disputes, bring them to the end so as not to deprive yourself of the opportunity to return the funds. Otherwise, you may simply be left with nothing.

How to understand that you are facing scammers?

What actions of store representatives on AliExpress indicate that they want to deceive the buyer?

  • The seller sends many letters asking to cancel the dispute.
  • The store offers a refund.
  • The representative delays the dispute and extends the period of protection.
  • You are accused of being cunning and deceiving the store employees.

What to do in such situations? Edit the details, collect as much evidence as possible in the form of photos and videos that can prove you are right, and be sure to escalate the dispute. If you do all this, the AliExpress administration will definitely help you.

But remember that if you meet the store halfway and close an aggravated dispute, then your order will also be closed. After this, the money will go to the seller’s account and will not return to you.

Close a dispute only when all the reasons for opening it are no longer relevant and all issues have been resolved.

If this does not happen, contact the administrators as a matter of urgency.

Typical situations when sellers ask to close a dispute

Option #1

You ordered products that did not arrive at the post office within the period specified by the service, and there are only a couple of days left until the end of the protection period. When a dispute was opened, the seller responded and asked to close it, assuring that the goods would still arrive.

If the package does not arrive for a long period of time (more than 50 days), then there is no need to follow the store’s lead. She is unlikely to come, but you are guaranteed to win the dispute and get your money back.

If the product is not available for about 30 days, and it should be delivered in 35 days, then you can simply ask the seller to extend the order protection period.

Option No. 2

A situation may arise when the goods still arrive, but they are defective. You can open a dispute for a partial refund or demand a full refund.

In this case, sellers very often ask for closure and promise to return the money to the account of payment systems, for example, PayPal. In this situation, demand that he first transfer the amount, and then close the dispute, but not vice versa.

The video below provides detailed information on how to change the details of the dispute and cancel them:

Let's consider a situation where you received your order, but it turned out to be either faulty, or what you ordered was not what you ordered, or the wrong quantity, etc. Naturally, you open a dispute and demand a refund of the cost of the goods.

But soon you receive a message from the seller that an error has occurred and he offers to resend the goods. But for this, you must close the dispute.

The seller explains his request to close the dispute by saying:

  • the dispute has a bad effect on the store’s rating;
  • that the seller has an evil boss and therefore, because of his mistake, he may lose his job, and he has 3 small children who need to be fed;
  • promises coupons, discounts, gifts, etc.

In general, the Chinese come up with a bunch of different stories to pity the client so that he closes the dispute.

Options for developing this situation

  • believe him that he will resend the order and close the dispute.

This cannot be done. After this, the order is completed and the money goes to the seller. Believe me, as soon as he sees that the order is closed, he will not send anything.

  • bring the dispute to an end and, if necessary, sharpening it, you get your money back and order this product again, in this or another store.
  • Some sellers are very ask to support them and allow resend the goods to them. They are concerned about their reputation and want you to be satisfied with your order and to return to them for a new purchase in the future.

Let's look at option 3 - you decided to wait for the resent parcel.

To ensure transaction security, you must do the following:

We agree with the seller that he will extend the buyer protection period and send a new parcel within 1-2 days, plus provide you with a new track number.

Check to see if they have extended the protection.

After this, you can “Cancel Dispute”. Exactly cancel, not close.

Within one or two days, the seller must give you a tracking number; if he is silent, open the dispute again. But usually, good stores resolve such issues quickly and even provide a photo of the new shipment.

Basically, after he resends the goods, you just have to wait for the parcel to arrive and, if there are no problems with it, complete the order.

But during this period, it is necessary:

  • if the parcel has an international track, control its movement using tracking services, since you will not have information about it in your personal account;
  • if it is trackless, watch out for the delivery protection period.

If you have any suspicions or problems, open a dispute and resolve these issues.

Let me remind you again. If you decide to wait for a resent item, you need to cancel the dispute, and not close it and wait for a new parcel.