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5 quotes about society. Aphorisms about man and society

The unity of people with people, based on the real differences between people, the concept of the human race, transferred from the sky of abstraction to the real earth - what is this if not the concept of society!

K. Marx

Man is born for society.

D. Diderot

Man is created for society. He is unable and does not have the courage to live alone.

W. Blackstone

Man by origin is a herd animal. His actions are determined by the instinctive impulse to follow the leader and stick to the animals that surround him. To the extent that we are a herd, there is no greater danger to our existence than to lose this contact with the herd and find ourselves alone.

E. Fromm

We were born to unite with our brothers - people and with the entire human race.


“Movement is the way of existence of matter,” communication with one’s own kind is the way of existence of living beings.

Communication with others like you is the elixir of life.

I. N. Shevelev

If everyone is the whole world,

Well alone

Can't live without the other.

L. I. Boleslavsky

There seems to be nothing to which nature would push us more than friendly communication.

M. Montaigne

We need communication more than anything else.

D. M. Cage

The source of interests, goals and activities is the substance of social life.

V. G. Belinsky

A person becomes a person only among people.

I. Becher

Individual people unite into one whole - into society; and therefore the highest sphere of beauty is human society.

N. G. Chernyshevsky

The development of an individual is determined by the development of other individuals with whom he is in direct or indirect communication.

If you want to influence other people, then you must be a person who truly stimulates and moves other people forward.

K. Marx

A person does not begin to live until he rises above the narrow framework of his personal opinions and beliefs and joins the beliefs of all humanity.

M. L. King

People's characters are determined and shaped by their relationships.

A. Maurois

Nature creates man, but society develops and shapes him.

V. G. Belinsky

Society is a capricious creature, disposed towards those who indulge its whims, and not at all towards those who contribute to its development.

V. G. Krotov

Society degrades if it does not receive impulses from individuals; the impulse degrades if it does not receive sympathy from the whole society.

W. James

Society consists of two classes of people: those who have lunch but no appetite; and those who have an excellent appetite, but no lunch.

N. Chamfort

A truly honest person should prefer his family to himself, his fatherland to his family, and humanity to his fatherland.

J. D'Alembert

It is impossible to connect with birds and animals...If I did not join the people, humanity, then who should I join?


Of course, if you are going to live among people as if they were flies, then who will stop you from doing this?


You don't have to be the greatest genius to do great things; You don’t need to be above people, you need to be with them.

C. Montesquieu

Breaking away from the people is the same as losing your mind.


A man without people is like a body without a soul.


Loneliness is a test of yourself.

V. G. Krotov

You will never die with the people.


...In society, every person is a pebble in a mosaic pattern.

N. Chamfort

...The most beautiful life is a life lived for other people.

H. Keller

There are people who, like a bridge, exist so that others can cross it. And they run and run; no one will look back, no one will look at their feet. And the bridge serves this, and the next, and the third generation.

V. V. Rozanov

Where there is unity, there is life.


Universal peace is as impossible as the immobility of the ocean.

P. Buast

The Spirit of the Whole requires communication. Therefore, he created less perfect beings for the sake of more perfect ones, and adapted the more perfect ones to each other.

It is easier to find something earthly, not in contact with anything earthly, than a person who is not in communication with a person.

M. Aurelius

Destroy society and you destroy the unity of the human race - the unity that sustains life...

Seneca the Younger

...When a person seeks the company of his own kind, he only obeys the powerful voice of nature...

T. Desami

...The feelings of a social person are different feelings than the feelings of a non-social person.

K. Marx

A person cannot live in solitude; he needs society.

I. Goethe

We all need each other: we are bound by this need to each other; from each comes a thread of relationship to each other and, in addition, a thread of relationship to our common property...

I. A. Ilyin

Only in people can a person recognize himself.

I. Goethe

Anyone who loves solitude is either a wild animal or the Lord God.

F. Bacon

Alone, a person is either a saint or a devil.

R. Burton

If people bother you, then you have no reason to live.

L. N. Tolstoy

Whoever people don't love won't grow up.


The planer straightens a crooked tree, the people straighten a bad man.


A person can do without many things, but not without a person.

K. L. Burne

Communication of any kind is so inherent in man at the core of his being that it always remains possible, and one can never know what depth it will reach... readiness for communication is not a consequence of knowledge, but a decision to enter the path of human existence. The idea of ​​communication is not a utopia, but a faith.

K. Jaspers

Man exists only in society, and society shapes him only for itself.

L. Bonald

In the soul of every person there is a miniature portrait of his people.

G. Freytag

Seek joy and peace only in moving from social action to social action...

Don't be ashamed when they help; You have been given a task, like a fighter under a fortress wall. Well, what should you do if, lame, you are not able to climb the tower alone, but with another it is possible?

M. Aurelius

Human society... is like a turbulent sea, in which individual people, like waves, surrounded by their own kind, constantly collide with each other, arise, grow and disappear, and the sea - society - is forever seething, agitated and never silent...

P. A. Sorokin

A living person carries the life of society in his spirit, in his heart, in his blood: he suffers from its ailments, is tormented by its sufferings, blooms with its health, blissfully enjoys its happiness...

V. G. Belinsky

...The eternal wisdom that governs the universe connects the self-interest of a being with the general good of his system, and in such a way that he cannot achieve one without sacrificing the other, and treat his fellow creatures badly without causing harm to himself. In this sense, one can say of a person that he is his own sworn enemy, since he holds his happiness in his own hands, and that he can lose it only by losing sight of the happiness of society and everything of which he is a part...

D. Diderot

It can be said without exaggeration that a person’s happiness depends solely on the characteristics of his social life.

  • A person can only sympathize with social misfortune if he sympathizes with any specific misfortune of each individual person. F.E. Dzerzhinsky
  • The fairest society consists of one person.
  • It is wonderful that humanity does not have to wait for the advent of perfect ethics to allow social virtues to manifest themselves. Jean Marie Guyot
  • Man by nature is a social being. Aristotle
  • Only a fool is annoying: an intelligent person immediately feels whether his company is pleasant or boring, and leaves a second before it becomes clear that he is superfluous. Jean de La Bruyère
  • No man who contributes something to the material, intellectual and moral welfare of the society in which he lives ever remains for a long time without reward. Booker Taliaferro Washington
  • Man is a social animal that cannot stand his relatives. Eugene Delacroix
  • In principle, everyone agrees that man is a social animal. Only, some believe that it is more correct to say “social”, while others believe that it is more correct to say “cattle”.
  • The smarter a person is, the dumber he looks in a company of fools. Georgy Alexandrov
  • In a society of equal opportunities, there is always somewhere to send a person who cannot find a place for himself.
  • They sometimes say about people who live alone: ​​“They don’t like society.” In many cases, this is the same as saying about someone: “He doesn’t like to walk,” simply on the grounds that the person is not inclined to wander around robber dens at night. Nicola Sebastian Chamfort
  • In the morning, on public transport, people are put in conditions after which a cultured person would have to get married...
  • A person cannot live alone, and in the same way cannot live in society. Georges Duhamel
  • Simply being a Human is the most important and most unclaimed talent by society. Igor Krasnovsky
  • In order to somehow smooth out the bitterness of loss to a person who has lost his conscience, society pays him a significant amount of money. Yuri Tatarkin
  • One can only criticize a society that does not make demands on an individual. - Otherwise, I would have to criticize myself. Evgeniy Bagashov
  • Paradox. Cowardice is a human quality generated by the natural instinct of self-preservation, but considered negative by society. Courage comes from the desire not to be branded a coward. A positive quality according to society, ignoring natural instinct. Aron Vigushin
  • Justice is not only a matter of concern for each individual, it is a matter of concern for the entire society. Verna Dozier
  • A person is as social an animal as the public notices him. Mikhail Mamchich
  • Too high qualities make a person less suitable for society. People go to the market not with large bars of gold, but with silver and copper. Nicola Sebastian Chamfort

This is a very voluminous and rather complex system, the basis for which is the collective activity of people. It was, is and will remain a subject for discussion and research. And its specificity lies precisely in the fact that countless people participate in this system, each of whom is a Personality. Accordingly, society is constantly changing. That is why people will talk about him forever. And this, by the way, influenced the statements of great people about public order.

References to philosophy

Great thinkers did not limit themselves to simple statements. No, they developed entire theories. Speaking about the interesting statements of great people about social order, I would like to note the thoughts of the well-known Plato and Aristotle. The first of them argued that society consists of three layers: philosophers, warriors and hard workers. And that there is a world of ideas and matter. Those people who are endowed with the talent to think should rule the state. Plato saw the social order as a pyramid that was supported by philosophers and thinkers.

Aristotle belongs to the following state - this is the happiness of people. And politics is the science that allows you to understand how to achieve happiness in society." But, at the same time, the philosopher said that an ideal form of government as such does not exist. But there is a cycle of forms of government. Here are the words of the thinker: " The best form of government is one in which the laws are respected and the government is just."

Something that makes you think

Many of the statements of great people about social order really give rise to certain thoughts. Belinsky argued that a person is the son of his country, a citizen of the fatherland, and he must warmly take all its interests to heart. And Cicero said that social order is a prescription, following which we must control our actions and, of course, our lives, no matter what the circumstances. Another interesting phrase belongs to the great Russian writer Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy. A famous thinker said that a person, from all existing sciences, is obliged to know how to live in order to do as much good as possible for society.

In fact, such statements by great people about social order make you think and rethink something. The most interesting thing is that when studying such quotes, said hundreds of years ago, a truth is revealed that is still relevant today. From this we can conclude: society, it turns out, is not changing that much.

What worried the greats

It is unlikely that famous scientists, thinkers and literary figures would talk about social order and everything connected with it if this topic did not concern them. To be more precise - if she had not touched them. Probably, many quotes about social order appeared this way - great people tried to explain to themselves how to cope with everything that was happening. L. Tolstoy said that man is unthinkable outside of society. This phrase has long become a catchphrase. And, be that as it may, Lev Nikolaevich was right. Just like Belinsky, saying that although man was created by nature, society still develops him.

Everything ingenious is simple

Many statements about social order are incredibly simple, but despite this, the truth is hidden in them. An unknown person said that no woman is as fickle and flighty as the opinion of society. And this is really so - we can see confirmation of these words every day. The following phrase, belonging to the French writer, can be considered a continuation of the previous quote: “Public opinion rules people.” It’s worth thinking about: is it necessary to submit to something flighty and fickle, moreover, if it has absolutely no meaning? Many people deceive themselves that they care what others think of them. But, in essence, it doesn’t matter. After all, as public opinion said, this is just in our lives, not a beacon.

Only science will change the world. Science in a broad sense: both how to split the atom and how to educate people. And adults too. N. M. Amosov

Just as those who eat a lot are not healthier than those who eat only the essentials, so the true scientists are not those who read a lot, but those who read what is useful. Aristippus

He who moves forward in science, but lags behind in morality, goes backward rather than forward. Aristotle

The task of scientists is not only to develop scientific research, but also to fight for its use for the benefit of society, for the benefit of all the people of the world. I. I. Artobolevsky

A true scientist is a dreamer, and whoever is not one calls himself a practitioner. O. Balzac

The key to all science is the question mark. O. Balzac

A student will never surpass a teacher if he sees him as a model and not a rival. V. G. Belinsky

Science is not a subject of pure thinking, but a subject of thinking constantly involved in practice and constantly reinforced by practice. This is why science cannot be studied in isolation from technology. D. Bernal

When a fact comes across that contradicts the prevailing theory, you need to recognize the fact and reject the theory, even if it is supported by big names and accepted by everyone. K. Bernard

Another scientist is like a bank teller: he has the keys to great wealth, but this wealth does not belong to him. L. Burnet

The main duty of a scientist is not to try to prove the infallibility of his opinions, but to be always ready to abandon any view that seems unproven, any experience that turns out to be erroneous. P. Berthelot

Science is the best way to make the human spirit heroic. D. Bruno

The limits of science are like the horizon: the closer one approaches them, the more they move away. P. Buast

Science is an ocean open to both boat and frigate. One transports gold bars along it, the other fishes for herring in it. E. Bulwer-Lytton

Morality should be the polar star of science. S. Bouffler

The true and legitimate goal of all sciences is to endow human life with new inventions and riches. F. Bacon

Science is nothing more than a reflection of reality. F. Bacon

Facts are to science what experience is to social life. J. Buffon

When science reaches any peak, it opens up a vast prospect of a further path to new heights, new roads open up along which science will go further. S. I. Vavilov

Science has its own specific logic of development, which is very important to take into account. Science must always work in reserve, for future use, and only under this condition will it be in natural conditions. S. I. Vavilov

You can't be a real mathematician without being a little poet. K. Weierstrass

A scientific hypothesis always goes beyond the facts that served as the basis for its construction. V. I. Vernadsky

The scientific worldview, imbued with natural science and mathematics, is the greatest strength not only of the present, but also of the future. V. I. Vernadsky

One minute is enough to be surprised; It takes many years to make an amazing thing. K. Helvetius

In science there is no other way to acquire than by the sweat of your brow; neither impulses, nor fantasies, nor aspirations with all your heart replace work. A. I. Herzen

Science is power; it reveals the relationships of things, their laws and interactions. A. I. Herzen

Science requires the whole person, without ulterior motives, with a willingness to give everything and, as a reward, to receive the heavy cross of sober knowledge. A. I. Herzen

There are no difficult sciences, there are only difficult expositions. A. I. Herzen

We cannot have science disconnected from life: it is contrary to our character. A. I. Herzen

Hypotheses are scaffolding that is erected in front of a building and taken down when the building is finished; they are necessary for the employee; he should not just mistake the scaffolding for a building. I. Goethe

In order for any science to move forward, so that its expansion becomes more perfect, hypotheses are necessary in the same way as evidence from experience and observation. I. Goethe

A person must believe that the incomprehensible can be understood. I. Goethe

What is in the air and what time requires can arise simultaneously in a hundred heads without any borrowing. I. Goethe

In science you need to believe and doubt at the same time. L. Girshfeld

The right of a scientist is freedom, and his duty is truthfulness. L. Girshfeld

Science is becoming the nervous system of our era. M. Gorky

Labor and science - there is nothing on earth higher than these two forces. M. Gorky

The work of a scientist is the heritage of all humanity, and science is the area of ​​greatest selflessness. M. Gorky

People have no force more powerful and victorious than science. M. Gorky

True science knows neither likes nor dislikes: its only goal is truth. W. Grove

Moving forward, science constantly crosses itself out. V. Hugo

Science consists in such a grouping of facts that allows one to derive general laws or conclusions based on them. C. Darwin

Usually, not those who know a lot, but those who know little, always declare more confidently that this or that problem will never be solved by science. C. Darwin

The aim of scientific pursuits should be to direct the mind in such a way that it makes sound and true judgments about all objects encountered. R. Descartes

Nature is the best and most objective teacher when solving the most difficult questions of science. V. V. Dokuchaev

Every great success of science has its source in the great audacity of the imagination. D. Dewey

In any profession, love for it is one of the conditions for success, but this is especially true for research work. I. Joliot-Curie

Perhaps we owe more to science than to any other kind of human activity for the emergence of a sense of the need for collective effort. F. Joliot-Curie

Science is necessary for the people. A country that does not develop it inevitably turns into a colony. F. Joliot-Curie

Science opens up great prospects for those who serve it. F. Joliot-Curie

The teaching has no right to consider itself a small group of chosen ones, alien to the tasks of practical life. As members of a great family of workers, they should be concerned about how their discoveries are used. They want science to be put at the service of the people. F. Joliot-Curie

The time will come when science will outstrip imagination. Jules Verne

The great poetry of our century is a science with the amazing flowering of its discoveries, its conquest of matter, inspiring man to increase his activity tenfold. E. Zola

Honesty in science is inseparable from honesty in life, and whoever sees one cash cow for himself in science is not an honest servant, but an industrialist who turns the bright name of science into a commercial business. F. N. Inozemtsev

The beginning of science is reason, the beginning of reason is patience. E. Kapiev

We can find a thousand scientists, while we come across one sage. F. Klinger

Science is often confused with knowledge. This is a gross misunderstanding. Science is not only knowledge, but also consciousness, that is, the ability to use knowledge properly. V. O. Klyuchevsky

The abuse of scientific language turns into a science of words what should be a science of facts. J. Condorcet

There are no barriers to human thought. S. P. Korolev

Science is a huge treasury of knowledge accumulated by humanity. N. K. Krupskaya

Human life is not eternal, but science and knowledge cross the threshold of centuries. I. V. Kurchatov

Science consists of knowledge logically combined into a system and imbued with an idea. M. S. Kutorga

The system of sciences must be considered as a system of nature: everything in it is infinite and everything is necessary. J. Cuvier

A scientist devoid of imagination can become a good walking library and a living reference book - he assimilates, not creates. F. Yu. Levinson-Lessing

We need science to really become part of our flesh and blood, to turn into an integral element of everyday life in a completely and real way. V. I. Lenin

Cooperation between representatives of science and workers - only such cooperation will be able to destroy all the oppression of poverty, disease, and dirt. And it will be done. No dark force can resist the union of representatives of science, the proletariat and technology. V. I. Lenin

There is no certainty in sciences where none of the mathematical sciences can be applied, and in those that have no connection with mathematics. Leonardo da Vinci

The source of all science is experience. Every experience is a thought, which with its help becomes accessible to the senses. Yu. Liebig

Reason and imagination are equally necessary for our knowledge and have equal rights in science. Yu. Liebig

Science cannot be wrong about things, it can only be wrong about understanding things. V. Liebknecht

Science cannot move forward in a cage of bureaucracy. K. Liebknecht

The word “scientist” sometimes contains only the concept that a person has been taught a lot, but not that he himself has learned something. G. Lichtenberg

Where previously there were the boundaries of science, there is now its center. G. Lichtenberg

A scientist must follow untrodden paths, despite obstacles. N. I. Lobachevsky

For the general benefit, and especially for the establishment of science in the Fatherland, I do not want to rebel against my own father for sin. M. V. Lomonosov

Science is a clear knowledge of the truth, the enlightenment of the mind, the immaculate joy of life, the praise of youth, the support of old age, the builder of cities and regiments, the fortress of success in misfortune, the adornment in happiness, everywhere a faithful and constant companion. M. V. Lomonosov

I value one experience higher than a thousand opinions born only of imagination. M. V. Lomonosov

There is no wide highway in science, and only those who, without fear of fatigue, climb its rocky paths can reach its shining peaks. K. Marx

Every scientific work, every discovery, every invention is universal labor. It is determined partly by the cooperation of contemporaries, partly by the use of the labor of predecessors. K. Marx

Every beginning is difficult - this truth is true for every science. K. Marx

Science is not at all a selfish pleasure. Those lucky ones who can devote themselves to scientific tasks should themselves be the first to give their knowledge to the service of humanity. K. Marx

Scientific truths are always paradoxical when judged on the basis of everyday experience, which captures only the deceptive appearance of things. K. Marx

The production process can be turned into a technological application of science. K. Marx

The development of science, this ideal and at the same time practical wealth, is only one of the sides, one of the forms in which the development of human productive forces appears, i.e., the development of wealth. K. Marx

A teacher, if he does not want to lower his level himself, should never interrupt his active participation in public life and should not sit forever locked up in his office or in his laboratory, like a rat that got into cheese, without interfering with life, social and political struggle of his contemporaries. K. Marx

Hypotheses make scientific work easier and correct - the search for truth, like a farmer's plow, makes it easier to grow useful plants. D. I. Mendeleev

It is impossible to foresee the boundaries of scientific knowledge and prediction. D. I. Mendeleev

Science is a common property, and therefore justice requires not giving the greatest scientific glory to the one who was the first to express a known truth, but to the one who managed to convince others of it, showed its reliability and made it applicable in science. D. I. Mendeleev

The role of the sciences is service; they constitute a means to achieve the good. D. I. Mendeleev

Striving to know the infinite, science itself has no end and, being universal, in reality inevitably acquires a national character. D. I. Mendeleev

A characteristic feature of science is precisely that it requires strong activity. I. I. Mechnikov

Man, with the help of science, is able to correct the imperfections of his nature. I. I. Mechnikov

True scholars are like ears of corn in a field. While the ear is empty, it grows cheerfully and proudly raises its head; but when he swells, fills with grain and ripens, he becomes humble and lowers his head. M. Montaigne

Book learning is an ornament, not a foundation. M. Montaigne

To those who have not comprehended the science of good, any other science brings only harm. M. Montaigne

There is no science for science, there is no art for art - they all exist for society, for the ennoblement, for the elevation of man, for his enrichment with knowledge and the material comforts of life. N. A. Nekrasov

If I saw further than others, it was only because I stood on the shoulders of giants. I. Newton

My faith is the belief that the progress of science will bring happiness to humanity. I. P. Pavlov

Science demands from a person his entire life. And if you had two lives, then they would not be enough for you. Science requires great effort and great passion from a person. I. P. Pavlov

The field of research in all sciences is limitless. B. Pascal

Accidental discoveries are made only by prepared minds. B. Pascal

The cult of science in the highest sense of the word is perhaps even more necessary for the moral than for the material prosperity of a nation. Science raises the intellectual and moral level; Science promotes the spread and triumph of great ideas. L. Pasteur

Science must be the most sublime embodiment of the fatherland, for of all nations the first will always be the one that is ahead of others in the field of thought and mental activity. L. Pasteur

The progress of science is determined by the works of its scientists and the value of their discoveries. L. Pasteur

Where the spirit of science reigns, great things are accomplished with small means. N. I. Pirogov

A one-sided specialist is either a crude empiricist or a scientific charlatan. N. I. Pirogov

The greatness and dignity of science lies solely in the benefits it brings to people, increasing the productivity of their labor and strengthening the natural powers of their minds. D. I. Pisarev

There is a very close, inextricable connection between science and life, and for neither of them is in the least humiliating connection: the more science serves life, the more life enriches science. G. V. Plekhanov

Where science stands high, man stands high. A. I. Polezhaev

Science is built from facts, just as a house is built from bricks; however, a pile of facts is not science, just as a pile of bricks is not a house. A. Poincare

Science is a collective creation and cannot be anything else; it is like a monumental structure that takes centuries to build, and where everyone must bring a stone, and this stone often costs him his whole life. A. Poincare

Freedom is for science what air is for a living being. A. Poincare

The dignity of art and the dignity of science lie in selfless service for the benefit of people. D. Ruskin

The plaids of true science and true art are the fruits of sacrifice, not material gain. R. Rolland

Modern great scientists are true poets. R. Rolland

People who know how to act fruitfully, even without diplomas, should be rated a thousand times higher than people who are inactive but have diplomas. N. A. Rubakin

Science is constant recognition, not only discovery, but discovery. N. A. Rubakin

Two people worked fruitlessly and tried to no avail: the one who accumulated wealth and did not use it, and the one who studied the sciences, but did not apply them. Saadi

A scientist without work is a tree without fruit. Saadi

Science is the basis of all progress that makes life easier for mankind and reduces its suffering. M. Skłodowska-Curie

What could be more harmful than a person who has knowledge of the most complex sciences, but does not have a kind heart? He uses all his knowledge for evil. G. S. Skovoroda

A scientist must be absolutely honest in everything. The slightest deviation from this quality is a grave crime. K. I. Scriabin

Science is organized knowledge. G. Spencer

The generally accepted opinion that science and poetry are two opposites is a big misconception. On the contrary, science reveals to us a whole world of poetry. People who have devoted themselves to scientific research constantly prove to us that they not only perceive the poetry of the subjects they study in the same way as other people, but even more vividly than they do. G. Spencer

The job of a scientist is to walk closely with his people, to raise them in an imperceptibly winding spiral to the difficult steep slopes of truth. V. V. Stasov

Selected people engaged in science must look at knowledge as a treasure entrusted to them, constituting the property of the entire people. K. A. Timiryazev

Science is the best, strongest, brightest support in life, no matter what its vicissitudes. K. A. Timiryazev

With the complete elimination of hypothesis, that is, guiding thought, science would turn into a pile of bare facts. K. A. Timiryazev

Only science teaches how to obtain truth from its only primary source - from reality. K. A. Timiryazev

The business of science is to serve people. L. N. Tolstoy

Scientific and artistic activity in its true sense is only fruitful when it does not know rights, but knows only responsibilities. L. N. Tolstoy

The task of science should be to know what should be, not what is. L. N. Tolstoy

Science and art are as necessary for people as food, drink, and clothing, even more necessary.

Recognition can be recognized. and prove only by the sacrifice that a scientist or artist makes to his peace and well-being in order to devote himself to his calling. L. N. Tolstoy

The goal of scientific thinking is to see the general in the particular and the eternal in the transitory. A. Whitehead

In the sciences, the most reliable help is your own eyes and reflection. J. Fabre

Science wins when its wings are unfettered by imagination. M. Faraday

Discoveries are born where the teacher’s knowledge ends and the student’s new knowledge begins.

A true scientist cannot be modest: the more he has done, the more clearly he sees how much remains to be done. A. France

To neglect the opportunity to use scientific data in public life means to belittle the importance of science. Science helps us in the fight against fanaticism in all its manifestations; it helps us to create our own ideal of justice, without borrowing anything from erroneous systems and barbaric traditions. A. France

Scientists very often differ from normal mortals in their ability to admire verbose and complex errors. A. France

Already in his early youth, a scientist must come to terms with the idea that he is destined to know very little about the world around him. A. France

He who flaunts erudition or learning has neither one nor the other. E. Hemingway

Science has an extremely tangible, so to speak, bread-and-butter importance. K. E. Tsiolkovsky

One of the greatest disasters of civilization is the learned fool. K. Chapek

Science preserves the fruits of the experience and reflection of the human race, and most importantly, on the basis of science, concepts, and then the morals and lives of people, are improved. B. Shaw

A bad scientist is one who has read about everything in the world and only remembered what he read. G. Shaw

There is always an element of poetry in scientific thinking. Real science and real music require a homogeneous thought process. A. Einstein

Science is the tireless centuries-old work of thought: to bring together through a system all the knowable phenomena of our world. A. Einstein

Science is not and will never be a finished book. Every important success brings new questions, every development reveals, over time, new and deeper difficulties.

The best order is one in which a place is cleared for me.
Denis Diderot

Paul Valéry

First bring order among the strong, then bring order among the weak; first put things in order in the big things, then put things in order in the small things; first bring order to your life, then bring order to others.
Zhuge Liang

One old man complained to the king of Sparta, Agis, that the old laws had fallen into oblivion, and the new ones were bad, and that everything in Sparta had turned upside down. The king laughed and said: “If so, then everything goes as usual. As a child, I heard from my father that in his time everything was turned upside down.”
Plutarch, Sayings of the Spartans

Robert Lembke

Danger comes from security, destruction comes from survival, chaos comes from order.
Zhuge Liang

Chaotic action is better than well-organized inaction.
Will Rogers

Biologists have a synonym for the word “stable.” This is the word "dead".
Jack Cohen

If there is chaos above, then below is chaos.
Roort Waterman

A herd without a whip scatters in search of a whip.
Arkady Davidovich

Those who are able to sacrifice fundamental freedoms in exchange for momentary security deserve neither freedom nor security.
Benjamin Franklin

Whatever order you try,
But if it is in the hands of unscrupulous people,
They will always find a trick
To do where they want, skill.
Ivan Krylov

The order that philosophers dream of exists only in classrooms.
Lev Shestov

People often mistake the order of their ideas for the order of natural phenomena.
James Fraser

In order for there to be order in the world, the usual chaos must be maintained.
Arkady Davidovich

Everywhere is a mess. But this is where the order rests.
Arkady Davidovich

The more organized it is, the greater the chaos.

It’s incredible how much damage rules can do once you make things too strict.
Georg Lichtenberg

Life creates order, but order does not create life.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Two dangers never cease to threaten the world: order and disorder.
Paul Valéry

Order is the pleasure of the mind, but disorder is the pleasure of the imagination.
Paul Claudel

Repeated chaos becomes order.
Wilhelm Schwöbel

Order is the most primitive and arbitrary grouping of objects in the chaos of the universe.

Order is the chaos we are used to.
Robert Lembke

Any existing order has to be continually restored.
Vladislav Grzegorczyk

Disturbing order leads to chaos, following order leads to calm.
Han Feizi

If the noble and wise rule the foolish and base, then order reigns.
Mo Tzu

Keep order, and order will keep you.
Latin saying

Order frees thought.
Rene Descartes

When it is clearly determined who is the lamb and who is the butcher, they say that peace and order reign in society.
Wilhelm Schwöbel

Social order is simply organized violence.
Anatole France

There is no need to put the world in order, it was in order from the beginning. We just need to bring ourselves into agreement with this order.
Henry Miller

What do we call disorder? This is when a son loves himself, but does not love his father, so for the sake of his own self-interest he harms his father; this is when a younger brother loves only himself and does not love his older brother, so for the sake of his own self-interest he harms his [elder] brother.
Mo Tzu (Mo Di)

The appearance of disorder only confirms the greatness of God, for order in no way fits in with the idea of ​​a Supreme Power.
Edmund Burke

Order teaches you to save time.
Johann Wolfgang Goethe

Disorder is the measure of a person who craves the collapse of morality.
Georges Bataille

To obsequiously screw into the image of Order a picture of the troubles it generates - this is now a paradoxical, but also irresistible way to glorify it.
Roland Barthes

Wherever order comes from, if it is based on force, it is an act of violence, not of law.

Someone always comes along to upset the “reasonable” order.
Jean-François Lyotard

Ultimately, order and only order creates freedom. Disorder creates slavery.
Charles Peguy