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Many parcels from Aliexpress do not arrive. What to do if your package is lost at the post office? How to open a dispute

Shopping in online stores is fashionable, convenient and quite cheap. Therefore, trade on the Aliexpress platform is developing with all its might. Despite the fact that the goods come from China, the sellers guarantee timely delivery and the proper appearance of the product. The buyer only needs to be patient and press the coveted button. But if the package does not arrive from Aliexpress, what should you do? How to get a response from the seller? How to call him to talk and organize compensation? And what to do if the parcel from Aliexpress did not arrive?

What are the benefits of “shop on the couch”?

Why do we love shopping so much? Because it is convenient, fast and very pleasant. Shopping is very relaxing and calming, which men cannot understand. They sincerely believe that shopping cannot be called a vacation. But if you remove from these walks the running around the floors, endless fittings and competition from other customers, then only pleasant impressions and the joy of buying a new thing remain! And if you also make the price a level lower than what is in regular stores! Shopping on the Aliexpress site is profitable and interesting. You can place an order quickly, the range is very wide, and the helpful Chinese are well aware that the CIS countries are their main audience, so they willingly offer discounts and bonuses as gifts.

Order problems

When placing an order, the buyer must decide on the size, parameters and desired color of the purchase. Next comes the payment process: the client transfers money to the account of the intermediary - the Aliexpress platform. The seller sends the goods and indicates the time period within which delivery must be made. But the main problem arises if the package from Aliexpress does not arrive. What to do if all deadlines have passed, order protection is inexorably approaching the end or has already ended, but the treasured item is still missing? There are a lot of reasons why the package was not delivered, but it is more rational to go through the most common issues.

Specifically about the main thing

Firstly, the protection period ends. Secondly, the seller gave the wrong track code or did not give it at all. Thirdly, the parcel went beyond tracking, and there is no more information about it. Each of these problems can be solved, and in any case, the buyer should know that his rights are a priority for the employees of the Aliexpress site. The money remains in their account until the moment the client confirms his consent to payment. But it should be noted that when a package from Aliexpress does not arrive, the buyer must be on guard, otherwise his silence will be perceived as consent to complete the transaction. If the deadline has passed, and you have not responded in any way to the lack of goods, then the money will go to the seller, and it will be almost impossible to return it later. In this case, you don’t have to ask: “What should I do if the package from Aliexpress did not arrive on time?” You just missed your chance.


Remember that on the other side of the screen there are the same people for whom working through Aliexpress is important and prestigious. They are pleased to offer their customers a rich assortment and ensure that the quality meets their needs. For most sellers, it is more important to achieve a customer’s smile and loyalty than to make one-time money from him, and therefore prices can be incredibly low, and bonuses can be endless. The seller is interested in the appearance of regular customers who will recommend him and his store to their circle of friends and acquaintances.

What if the package from Aliexpress does not arrive? What to do? Firstly, do not blame the seller for all sins. His conscience may be clear. Don’t forget that the parcel comes from afar, sometimes almost traveling around the world, and along the way, as you know, anything can happen: problems at customs, confusion in the warehouse, in the end, the goods can simply get lost. Is the seller to blame for this? Hardly. But I don’t want to forgive the parcel; the money has been sent. It’s good if we are talking about a couple of dollars for some beautiful trinket, but if you ordered, say, a smartphone, the price of which is over 100 USD. e.? So make contact. How? Yes, very simple. To the right of each product on the Aliexpress site there is a “Contact the seller” tab.

Using it, you can discuss a specific product, find out about sizes, colors and additional photographs. If the item is expensive, then you can discuss the timing of tailoring and the possibility of obtaining a discount for wholesale. If the order is placed, you can communicate with the seller in the correspondence window located under the order information. You can also write here if your package does not arrive from Aliexpress. What to do - the seller will tell you or offer a compromise. For example, return the money or send an additional copy. The seller can also extend the protection period if the goods are simply delayed in transit.

No contact

So, an unpleasant situation: the parcel from Aliexpress does not arrive. What to do if the seller remains silent in response to all questions? This behavior is, to put it mildly, suspicious and requires decisive action. Wait a day or two and move on to the next stage of negotiations - open a dispute. This is the most convenient way to proceed when a package from Aliexpress does not arrive. This is a special conflict when the parties express their opinions, and the “arbitrator”, which is the Aliexpress platform, makes a verdict. In particular, the buyer talks about his problem and provides the order number or track code as proof. Presents his demands, under which he agrees to settle the dispute. If the seller agrees, the issue is settled and the buyer gets what he wants. Otherwise, the Aliexpress platform solves the problem based on the rules of conduct on the site. If you competently defend your position and confirm that you are right, then there is nothing to be afraid of.

No code

Sometimes it happens that the seller does not provide a track code or gives an erroneous one. In this case, if the package from Aliexpress has not arrived, what should you do? There is no point in waiting, since there are not even the slightest order parameters. There is also no point in contacting the post office, since they will not be able to track the route of the goods. You need to either negotiate with the seller or solve the problem radically, for which you need to contact the site administration. By the way, there is 24/7 online support, both in Russian and English, so you can always understand the meaning of the sentences. Here you can discuss all questions directly with the operator. He will tell you what to do if the package from Aliexpress does not arrive on time. You can achieve a solution to the problem with his help, even before opening a dispute. By the way, some buyers may be completely mistaken in identifying the track code. Remember that when the item is shipped, you will receive a notification with a number by email. This is the order number, but it is better to look at the track code on the page with information about the sent product. Such a letter will be generated within a maximum of 5 days. This period is determined by the seller himself and undertakes to complete the shipment within the specified period. If he cannot do this, the money will automatically be returned to the owner. In this case, the question is: “The parcel from Aliexpress did not arrive - what should I do?” is decided without your active participation at all. The site itself will do everything!

No information

The next problem is that there is no information on the track, which was indicated by the seller. Here there are already a lot of possible reasons as to why the package from Aliexpress did not arrive. What to do? Get it right from the start! The first information about the product should appear 10 days from the date of shipment. This is due to the high traffic on Chinese mail. It's better to just be patient and wait until the deadline. If possible, it is better to track the parcel through the website of the postal courier through which the order was sent. By the way, the link to the site is indicated next to the tracking code. Other services may not have access to such information.

If 15 days have already passed and there is still no news about the product, then you need to go to your list of orders and check if the track has changed. Sometimes this happens when the goods cross the border. If there is no change, contact the seller and ask for advice. Most likely, he will write that an error occurred and give another code. If the product is very small (beads, threads, jewelry), then the parcel may not be tracked throughout the entire delivery period. It makes sense to wait until the end of the defense and open a dispute.

In the early stages

So, what to do if the package from Aliexpress does not arrive? Worry? It is possible, but only a little. Remember that the interface of this trading platform is entirely customized for the buyer. There are all conditions and almost no restrictions for you. At first, do not rush to open a dispute. Sellers on Aliexpress are very loyal people who are easy to contact and can please you with a discount if you have some doubt about the quality or speed of delivery. Check your “Personal Account” on the website often for letters from sellers, system alerts and other important messages. Don't be lazy to track the movement of goods. In problematic situations, contact support operators. They always know what to do. Parcel from Aliexpress doesn't arrive? Send them her number and they can find out the location of the goods. Isn't it calming?

Two in one

So, we have examined almost all the nuances and features of behavior in a situation where an order is not tracked, discussed who to contact and what to do. Parcel from Aliexpress doesn't arrive? Don’t panic, but in your free time, go to the Russian-language cashback service website, where you can return interest on purchases to your card and, in addition, track your parcel. However, the latter function is only available when the order is placed with cashback. You can also use third-party tracking resources. True, in the most effective and efficient ones there may be difficulties with the language barrier. The Chinese language is mainly supported here.

Finally, let's summarize all of the above. So, what to do if the package from Aliexpress does not arrive? First, you need to make sure that this is a problem beyond your control. Secondly, contact the seller and discuss the current situation with him. Thirdly, you can always contact the site administration and invite them to resolve the issue. It's simple! Enjoy the shopping!

The subjective feeling that “something has not arrived for a long time” is not enough to be sure that it is missing. Look on the online store’s website to see how long they promised to deliver your order.

List of orders on AliExpress

These numbers don't just happen. As a rule, the estimated delivery time is close to reality. If there is plenty of time left in this period, just wait.

Check where the package is

Parcels have track codes that can be used to determine their location. They are usually present in your personal account in the order card. If the parcel was sent by a private person, ask him for the necessary numbers.

Using the track code, you can find out the path of the cargo and see where it is stuck. It happens that a shipment sits for a long time at customs or in a sorting center, and not necessarily in a Russian one. This usually happens during the period or holidays - employees cannot cope with the increased workload. This is unpleasant, but it is worth understanding and forgiving them.

The service is now provided by many services, here are some of them.

1. Russian Post

Parcels sent from a Russian locality are assigned a 14-digit track code. As for international parcels, on the Russian Post website you can find data only on those whose numbers begin with the letters R, C, E, V and L. The rest are considered untraceable.

2. Where is the package

Here you can also trace the path of untraceable shipments - but only to the border with Russia. The service has nowhere to get further information from, since “” does not provide such data.


There is also a route for untraceable shipments to the Russian border. Sometimes the information continues to be updated, but the website says that you shouldn’t believe it.

On the Track24 website you can enter the tracking code of the parcel and find out how long on average such items are delivered. It may be too early to panic.

Make sure that Russian Post is to blame

“Russian Post”, as the name implies, delivers throughout the Russian Federation. And the parcel can only be lost after it has arrived in the country. If the shipment disappeared before this, then it is useless to file a claim with the domestic service.

If the track code shows that the parcel arrived safely in Russia and was lost at one of the stages here, you can proceed to the next steps of rescuing the cargo.

Go to the branch

Sometimes you simply don't receive a notification about your parcel. It shouldn't happen this way, but it does. If you see by the track number that the parcel is at the post office, fill out the notification form on the Russian Post website, print it out and go there.

If the shipment is untracked or is located in an unclear location, also go to the department with. Ask that the parcels be searched by address, last name, track code. Sometimes they are found. Postal employees who do not want to do this are encouraged to call the hotline at 8-800-100-00-00.

If the necessary information is not available on the Russian Post tracking service or the data has not been changed for a long time, and the delivery period has expired, you can put the shipment on the wanted list. Check the period of stay of the cargo in transit in the relevant order - it varies and depends on the type of shipment and on the city. But this does not apply to parcels that are not tracked in Russia.

A search claim can be filled out and sent on the website using credentials from the portal “” or printed out and taken to the department.

But there is a nuance: you need to attach to your application the receipt issued when sending the parcel, or a copy of it. You will have to ask the seller for it.

Applications to search for domestic and international postal items are accepted within 6 months from the date of dispatch.

A complaint about domestic shipments will be considered up to 30 days, for international shipments - up to 90 days.

Wait for a decision

If Russian Post admits that the item is missing, they will give compensation for it.

For a regular parcel sent from Russia, you will be paid the amount of the declared value. It is determined by the sender. It is indicated on the parcel itself and on the receipt, and is entered into the mail database.

You are also subject to a tariff fee. Its size varies, you can see it on the Russian Post website. Tariffs apply to parcels sent by Russian mail. You can try to find out from him how much they took from a seller from another country.

For international shipments without declared value, compensation is calculated in the artificial payment currency SDR. It is equal to 41.73% of the dollar. In case of loss, the payment will be 40 SDR plus 4.5 SDR for each kilogram of the parcel. If the value is declared, this amount will be refunded.

Russian Post does not always meet halfway. If you want justice, you have two options:

  1. Court. Collect evidence and submit. The process will be long. But who looks at this when it comes to justice.
  2. Roskomnadzor. You don’t even have to get up from your computer to complain - do it on the department’s website.

Sooner or later the question will arise: do you want to check or go, return the money for the parcel or butt heads with Russian Post? And it doesn’t matter who lost the package, it didn’t reach you. This means that you need to go to the seller and act within the capabilities that this or that site provides.

For example, AliExpress has a great dispute system. If you are not a fraudster and do not abuse the granted right in order not to pay for, administrators will most likely take your side.

Sites like Asos and iHerb will often resend purchases if you explain the situation.

Sellers, for their part, can put the shipment on the wanted list and receive compensation.

The number of users of the foreign site is increasing every day, people are offered a wide selection of goods, wholesalers and retailers, what more do you need? Buyers need reliability, because even in such a popular arena, mistakes happen. What to do if the parcel from Aliexpress has not arrived?

  1. Initially, monitor the status of your order. If about a week has passed since you paid for your order, and its status is displayed as awaiting shipment, it may not be shipped at all. And the whole point is that the seller is given 8 days to process, that is, send the goods. If it does not meet these deadlines, the money is returned back to the account from which it came, and the order is cancelled.
  2. If the order still has the status of being shipped, but you cannot find its location, first try writing to the seller. The delay is not always his fault. What should I write to the seller on Aliexpress, except that the package did not arrive? In the message, you can ask to duplicate the number by which the ordered item can be tracked; perhaps a stupid mistake has occurred and some number is incorrect. Having found out the correct code, you may be able to find out its location and estimate the time it will arrive to you. You should also ask the wholesaler to extend the period for protecting the goods. This will help you a lot when opening a dispute, and the seller, if he is confident in his actions, will agree to a meeting.
  3. Next, the customer’s actions are divided into two sequences. It all depends on whether the product had a tracking code or without it at the time of dispatch.

If you tried to do the above manipulations, but the goods are still not there, you need to open a dispute. Those whose parcel was sent with a real tracking code can open a dispute earlier, in principle, at least a week after sending the order. But those who were told an invented number or a product without it at all will have to wait at least 40 days to open a discussion.

Message to sender

In order to contact the sender of the parcel personally, you need to go to your orders section. Near a specific product there is a “Message to seller” link; clicking on it will open a communication window. A message can be written regardless of the person’s status (online or offline), he will read it as soon as he enters his personal account.

Remember that the site is foreign and the appeal must be written in the universal language - English. If you don’t know, you can use any online translator.

When the number of days allotted for delivery of goods to their destination comes to an end, which is on average 60 days by the standards of a foreign store, and the order from Aliexpress has not arrived, it’s time to open a dispute.

Delivery time = Protection time

To be aware of the number of days remaining until the end of protection, you need to go to the “Details” tab in the orders section. A timer will be drawn there, with the number of days, hours and minutes written next to it. This is the remaining period.

How to open a dispute?

  • We go to the already familiar order section, find the one we need, click on it;
  • The page that opens will contain the order number, its status, a timer with time for protection, and at the very bottom a button to start a dispute. Click;
  • The new page will consist of a list of questions from the site:
    1. The first one is whether you received the goods, the answer is, of course, no.
    2. The next one will ask you to choose the essence of the problem from these options. We choose the one that reflects the essence of the dispute - the period for protecting the goods is ending, but the parcel is still not there.
    3. Next you will need to indicate the amount of the refund, which is the full cost of the ordered item.
    4. In the field below you have the opportunity to describe the problem in more detail. For example, say that the time for delivery of the parcel specified by the seller has been exceeded. Or report that the parcel cannot be tracked in any way. This proposal is a parting word for the administration to “punish” the employee. After all, he is simply obliged to provide the real one and provide the tracking number in general.
  • Click on the send button. Let's see what comes out of the window that pops up on the screen. In the reminders column in the dispute description there is another timer, only this one already counts down the time for the response and offer from the seller.

If the seller does not respond within the specified time, he loses the dispute and the amount is fully returned to your account.

And if the seller does respond to the dispute raised, you should be especially careful. If he is still to blame for the fact that the package from Aliexpress did not arrive, he will try to outwit you by playing on your inattention. Having edited the dispute, he can change the amount to be returned, and if you do not notice this and accept it, then rest assured, you will be returned exactly 0 rubles, dollars or whatever it is.

When you notice a cunning trick, also click edit dispute and return the initial amount. The wholesaler will not play such games endlessly; the seller is aware that the dispute can escalate, and he will get what he deserves.

How to escalate a dispute?

Another way not to despair, despite the fact that the package from Aliexpress does not arrive, is to tell lies, but what should you do for this? In principle, a start has already been made - the dispute is open. But to sharpen it you need to:

  • Go to the disputes and returns section and click on the button with a detailed description;
  • At the bottom there will be 4 buttons, among which the one you need, select it. Please note that even if the seller offered unfair conditions and you escalated the dispute, and if the merchant decided not to respond at all, the money will be returned in full. The only difference is the reaction of the site administration to the actions of its employee.

Administration decision

After you have opened or escalated a dispute, the decision will be made by the site administration. She may either return the entire amount to you or, for some reason, offer only part of it.

When a decision is made, you will see a message and two options for your decision:

  • Cancel dispute;
  • View the solution. In this case, you will see the amount that the administration offered for refund. You can also agree with it and receive part of it at your own expense, or you can continue the dispute. Then you will have to prove why you want the full amount, provide iron-clad arguments.

The dispute is closed: already or not yet?

As you understand, opening a dispute is the most common option when answering the question “What to do if a parcel from Aliexpress does not arrive?” Well, when can this dispute be closed, and in such a way as not to harm yourself and get the desired compensation?

When closing a dispute depends on you, and not on the trading platform (This is the case if you want to send the parcel back. Then the dispute will be closed after the seller receives the parcel), it is worth closing it in the case when you are satisfied with the decision. The time it takes for the amount to be transferred to the payment sender’s account takes from 5 to 14 days.

Blame yourself

It also happens that you yourself are fully or partially to blame for the absence of a long-awaited item at home.

Partially: It seems like you did everything right: you chose the product, paid for it, sit and wait, but it’s still not there. Time passes, and you still sit. And don’t even look at the product protection period. Now, if you screw it up, then part of the blame deservedly shifts to you.

But, despite this, there is an opportunity to return the money in this case. The user has 15 days after the expiration of the specified period to write a complaint to the administration.

In full: But if the user provided incorrect data when placing an order, then did not double-check them and did not contact the seller, then the parcel will go to the specified address. And it’s definitely not the seller’s fault here. Then you need to contact the post office and deal with the employees. And if the blot in the filling is not only in the number of the house or apartment, then the item can travel for quite a long time, and then end up returning to China.

So be careful yourself and watch out for the honesty of others! In the situation with Aliexpress, both actions will help you get what you want in a row.

P.S. Friends, when shopping in online stores, be sure to use. As they say, if you save, you earn it!

With this I want to say goodbye to you, happy shopping everyone!

This summer, our Russian Post completely infuriated me, and I decided to start fighting it. In general, after wandering around Airek, I realized that our parcels take a long time, and this is wrong. If a parcel takes more than 30 days to arrive from abroad, this is a violation, and if we do not report it, the Post Office thinks that we are happy with everything, and its statistics do not spoil. And as soon as we start to act, to complain, the statistics spoil, they need to be corrected, and so the mail starts working.

So, my review is for those who have a track number. Do not spare money on it, because if your parcel gets stuck somewhere for a long time and you prove it, then the money for delivery will be returned to you partially or in full, and so you at least know where your parcel is. It’s just that in other countries the track number itself is confirmation that the parcel was sent. But we have all the papers and papers. As the saying goes, Without a piece of paper you are a bug.

This means that if your parcel takes longer than 30 days, we begin to act. First you need to request a check or invoice from the sender.

After downloadstatement from the Russian Post website and fill it out. But here you need to take into account one point: even if your package is stuck somewhere, you should note: Item not received, otherwise no one will look for your parcel. Well, the statement there is simple, everything is intuitive. We fill out one copy, take a printout of the invoice/receipt with us, don’t forget about your passport and go to the post office. There they must fill out a tear-off coupon and give it to you. You are waiting for a call within two weeks, if you have not received a call, call yourself. The numbers were written on the back of the ticket. Here they are: 495-351-14-03, 495-351-60-00, 495-351-47-47, 495-351-44-94.

FSUE Russian Post

from __________________

your address____________

Your phone: +7___________


"___"__________ 2013, I used the services of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Post" for sending international registered items, ___________________________. The parcel was sent from the post office to the address: ___________________. Shipping cost ___________________, shipping number ______________. The parcel arrived in Russia "___"__________ 2013.

Services were not provided in full (delivery deadline was missed). My parcel is more than ______________ in Moscow and has not yet been delivered to me. This is confirmed by a link to tracking postal items [link]. In particular, the status of the shipment today:

(Attached is a screenshot of the status)

I suffered the following damages: Shipping cost _________________, parcel cost _______________________

In this regard, I demand, within the period established by law: to respond to my claim, pay me compensation, find and hand over my parcel to me.

Sincerely ______________

"___"__________ 2013


This document we print it out, put our signature and also take it to the post office. We give one copy, we keep one for ourselves. You should receive a registered letter in your mailbox as a response. I was told that within 5 working days, but on the Internet they write that they can answer within two months.

But we still need this text, copy it and send it to the email of the Russian Post (oil): [link]- here they answer consistently, but only on Mondays, well, at least for me only on Mondays.

They are obliged to answer. By the way, when you submit this form on the site there will be call code, it is also sent by mail, so, you can write it down and call Roskomnadzor and ask how the solution to your problem is going.

2. If the parcel is stuck at customs. This has never happened to me, all my parcels go through customs in 5 minutes, and by law they can only hold the parcel for 24 hours if there are no problems.

“Dear FTS!

My custom package from (indicate the sending country) with the tracking number “RT111222333HK” (indicate your tracking number) has not been transferred to Russian Post for more than... business days

(Here it is better to indicate the dates from which to which)

I ask you to clarify the current situation and explain why your part violates the deadlines for processing and checking IPOs. And also provide me with information about the location of my shipment.

What actions should I take to get this issue resolved?

Sincerely, …"

3. If the parcel disappears after leaving customs , then it will only help to do what I wrote at the beginning.

We are also writing a complaint to Rospotrebnadzor and the Ministry of Communications. We write either in free form. You can take the text from the claims above. Since I wrote there at the very beginning, I simply described my situation, it is necessary to indicate the track. But do not ask them to look for the parcel, this is not in their competence, they will simply abandon your application.

I did it all, it just looks scary. Thanks to the method from point 1, my parcel is now moving quickly, everything else is also about to be in my hands. I was looking for all this information to find my lost one, it’s been hanging around somewhere for 92 days, it’s still in progress.

Losing a package or part of its contents is not a pleasant situation. No one wants to waste time searching for shipments and experience mental anguish.

But many people have to face this problem and not everyone knows what to do.

It is imperative to seek justice, especially since every client has the right to do so. Read on in the article about what to do if you lost your package at the post office and how to return it as soon as possible.

First of all, check the location of the parcel using the track number on the postal service website.

Track number is an identifier assigned to each product in the department at the time it is sent to the designated address. Consists of 14 digits (for Russia) and 13 characters for international shipments (example - CA568478589RU).

It is indicated:

Not all international shipments are tracked, only those whose track number begins with the letters L, C, E, V, R. It is also impossible to check the status of goods sent that are not registered in the system (simple shipment).

The Russian Post does not accept some international identifiers; check the status on the website of the postal service of the country where the parcel is coming from.

What to do if Russian Post has lost your parcel? You need to start a search if there is no information about the status of the parcel, the ordered goods have not yet arrived, the status has not been updated for a long time, the period allotted for shipment has expired.

There are 2 options:

  1. Apply online;
  2. Personal visit to the post office at the place of registration.

To submit an application from the site:

For personal contact at the post office:

  1. Fill out the application form on the company’s website, download it to your computer and print it, or ask for it at the branch;
  2. Wait your turn and give it to the employee;
  3. Additionally, provide the receipt issued with the parcel, or a copy of it and your passport.

From the moment the parcel is sent, claims for their search are accepted within six months, with the exception of EMS shipments. A period of 4 months is allotted for them.

You can address the application to another person by issuing a power of attorney for him.

Complaint to Russian Post about missing item

How to write a complaint to Russian Post about the loss of a parcel? In addition to the method described above, you can use the mobile application and send a claim from there. It is available for download on smartphones and computers.

Let's look at an example of filing a complaint regarding internal mail from the official website:

  1. Go to the electronic appeals section, select the link “Claim for search in Russia”;
  2. Fill out the form, download it in PDF format, print it and take it to the post office.

Click “Download form” and take it to the post office at your registration address. The result of the proceedings will be sent by registered mail or email.

  • Postal items within 1 locality – 5 days;
  • Shipping within Russia – 30 days;
  • International shipments – from 30 to 90 days.

After it was not possible to find a parcel lost at Russian Post, compensation is paid to the applicant, who, in turn, can refuse it in favor of the recipient. Payment is made within 10 days.

Compensation is paid only for valuable items. These include registered ones - with the issuance of a receipt and receipt of receipt. The amount of compensation for domestic shipments depends on the type of parcel and does not exceed its value and tariff fee.

As compensation for international transfers, the organization covers the client's losses with non-cash means of payment - SDR (special drawing rights).

Responsibility of the post office for violation of delivery deadlines, damage or loss of the parcel is removed if:

  • The event occurred due to reasons beyond the control of the company, for example, due to a natural disaster;
  • The parcel was withdrawn from circulation by the authorities entitled to do so in order to ensure security and prevent violations of various types;
  • The parcel was lost or damaged due to the fault of the sender: the packaging was carried out incorrectly or a discrepancy in the properties of the product was identified.

Individual entrepreneurs and legal entities for violation of delivery deadlines receive a penalty from Russian Post in the amount of 0.1% of the amount paid for the service for each day of delay.

After losing a shipment, especially a valuable one, most people begin to think about how to punish Russian Post for the loss of the package.

If, after filing a complaint, the organization has not responded in any way, or the deadline for responding has passed, you can file a lawsuit.

Moreover, even if the claim is satisfied and compensation is paid, it is recommended to apply to the courts for compensation for material damage. This right is reserved for the citizen in Article 15 of the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” and in Article 151 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

In court, you will have to prove that as a result of the negligent actions of your employees, you suffered moral harm that led to mental suffering. Set the amount of compensation to be reasonable so as not to receive a refusal to consider the case.

Compensation for material damage in 2019 from Russian Post: procedure:

  1. Drawing up a claim;
  2. Preparation of documents;
  3. Going to court.

An application for compensation for material damage is submitted in the same way.

What to do if a parcel from Aliexpress is lost at Russian Post? Where to go to solve the problem?

The sequence of actions in this case is the same. Please remember that not all international parcels are tracked on the website.

Additionally you can:

Now you know where to call and what to do. From now on, carefully monitor the movement of parcels and take action at the slightest delay. Typically, the time a parcel stays at one point does not exceed 4-5 days.