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Magic Twins Academy. “Academy of Magical Twins” () - download the book for free without registration

Getting into a magical academy in another world, and even as a result of an ominous ritual, is only interesting in books. But this brought nothing but problems to Agrippina. She will have to not only accept her new characteristics, curb the awakened magic of fire, but also be able to survive. After all, the insidious Maluma conquerors are just waiting to raze the academy to the ground.

In addition, Agrippina will need to decide what is more important - to remain alone in an unfamiliar world or to take a risk and let into her heart the unbearable and harmful monomorph Aldamir, who is not at all happy that she has appeared.

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ABSTRACT: An old dream comes true - Agrippina ends up on Earth. But her heart bleeds, because on Torgon there remain those without whom life is not sweet. Aldamir is in danger, and only Grusha can help him and Storm. In addition, the insidious malums are again preparing an attack. They want one thing: to win her new home.


The wall clock, bought immediately after the housewarming, counted down the time of my stay on Earth. If you had told me six months ago that I would return, I would have jumped with happiness, but now I felt like the most unfortunate creature in all the worlds.
Torgon. So much meaning in one name. Twin Academy, where I was called during the ritual. Magic is a fiery force that filled the body with warmth and the desire to live. Friends who looked after me from the very beginning and did not abandon me in trouble. Adventures and dangers that only brought us all closer together. The sun is my dear toothy piece, whose invisible presence inspired confidence. Storm and Aldamir... Are they alive?

The day had long passed, giving way to darkness, and I still sat on the floor, pressing my back against the wall, and looking at one point. Without seeing, without understanding.
The thoughts are over. Apathy took over the consciousness. The reluctance to move, even just to change position, prevailed over everything else. The hunger was dulled, I didn’t feel thirsty, I didn’t want to sleep. To tell the truth, I only wanted one thing. Impossible. Return to Torgon.
“I’m going to live,” I suddenly heard in my head.
Quietly, barely audible, so that at first I thought it seemed.
“...live,” even quieter. Like a distant echo.
If I hadn't listened, I wouldn't have heard for sure.
- Sun?! – she screamed at the top of her lungs, afraid to believe what she heard. - Sun!!! You?!
Gods, have I just lost my mind? Am I really wishful thinking? Was it really just me imagining the growl of a wyvern?!
“Sunny, dear,” she whined into the darkness. - If you hear, let me know. Please answer... Give me a sign!
The toothy piece did not answer, driving me into despair.
- Sun!
My eyes stung, my chest began to tear from unbearable pain, I sobbed and burst into tears.
- Dear, come on, answer me! – she moaned, smearing tears down her cheeks. – I can’t stand being alone!!! I'll die here alone!
Silence in response.
- Alone... you don’t know where..., friends on Torgon..., they... husband, Storm are wounded... What’s wrong with them?
The indistinct muttering was getting quieter, which happened in the morning and the tears exhausted me too much to resist. Falling to the side, I hugged my knees with my arms, closed my sore eyes and fell into the darkness. But she didn’t find peace in the kingdom of dreams either. Philip's triumphant smile; guards with deadly spells cast over me; surprised friends. The pictures of the past were not left behind.
- Pear... Pear... to live... The sun to live...
I whimpered, because this was just a twist of consciousness, there was no wyvern.
And again visions. Horror in the eyes of the guests, and then the shouted word “malum”. Pale to blue Katarina. Alfred, who tried to protect his stepmother. And then Storm’s broken voice, and his terrible wounds on his back. These scenes haunted me and did not let me go. But what tormented me most were the eyes of Aldamir... her husband. He looked at me with incredible tenderness and smiled.
“I’m sorry... I’m sorry,” my lips whispered of their own accord. - I miss you so much...
But suddenly the image of the twin began to melt. In its place a toothy muzzle appeared, which suddenly bared its teeth angrily and growled.
- Deaf grouse! – the wyvern’s voice sounded irritated. - I call, call, and she roars! And don't hear it! Wow!!! Wow!!! It's like the egg is just about to hatch.
And this scaly, green, harmful and most beloved winged lizard began to imitate me.
- Ooh! Ooh! Wow!!!
“Sunny,” I stammered, still not believing that I saw her. - Is this true, are you? Isn't it a glitch? Isn't it a nightmare?
The wyvern stopped making faces. She took a step forward and hugged my mental self with her wings.
“Pear,” she cooed tenderly. - Pear... my part.
And then water suddenly started dripping on me. I pulled away from the hug and raised my head. And she almost cried again - tears ran down Sunny’s face.
- Dear! – I clasped my hands. - Don't cry, girl. Well, all the terrible things are over. We will definitely come up with something together!
Unable to bear it, I pressed myself against her hot body.
- Everything will be fine. Everything will be fine! We can handle it!
“Love you,” the wyvern purred. “And know how to get back.”
- What?! – I froze. – Do you know how to get back?!
And then she stepped back and raised her head again, finding her eyes with her gaze.
- Know! – Sunny smiled with all her might. - Remember!
He knows! Remembers!!!
Glory to all gods!!!
I fell to my knees and burst into tears again for the umpteenth time that day, but this time from joy.
Not alone!!! And soon I’ll be back... home. Yes, go home! In such a short time, the world that sheltered me became home. Here, in the place of my birth, I did not feel comfortable. It was as if the Earth, offended by the betrayal, was pushing itself away.
Having wiped away her tears, she looked demandingly at the wyvern, who was also looking sideways at me from under her eyebrows. Tired of bowing her head, she tucked her paws like a cat and lay down, and then, completely, laid her heavy chin on my lap. It’s interesting, it seems like we were talking, so to speak, in the virtual world, but the feelings and sensations were as if in the real one.
- Well, honey, tell me!
- Or maybe we should still visit? – this intriguing woman slyly asked. - To go for a walk to my homeland.
I almost hit the ugly girl on the forehead and stopped in time. She wouldn’t have noticed, but I hurt my hand.
- Tell jokes! – Having understood the colorful pantomime, Sunny rubbed her muzzle against my stomach. - The sun is good.
“Good, good,” I lowered my palm to my forehead to stroke it. – But cunning and harmful. That's why I love it.
The gentle growl in response made him smile.
- Speak, dear, don’t delay. “I’m very worried about them,” she asked in a low voice. – Both for Storm and for Aldamir. How are they doing?
The wyvern sighed quite humanly, releasing a cloud of steam from her nose. And the answer was not at all what I expected to hear.
- Abode of the ancients. Guardians. Key.
It was like I was electrocuted.
Abode of the Ancients! Portal storage, and my twin and I, as the new guardians, could move there whenever we wanted. And from there - anywhere!
How could I forget about this?!
But... I only have part of the key, will the rim be enough to return or not?
In excitement, she bit her lip and put her hands out of harm’s way behind her back. His fingers tried to squeeze the horny plates on the wyvern’s neck with all their strength.
“And if...,” she began.
“Try,” Sunny said categorically, interrupting. - Right now.
- Do not know how!!! – I roared like a wounded buffalo. – The previous guards didn’t tell!
The wyvern rolled her eyes and even covered her muzzle with her wing, showing her attitude towards the empty-headed me.
“Imagine, think, want,” came from under the leather sheet. - That's all.
Is it really that simple?!
I immediately closed my eyes, searching in my memory for the outlines of the monastery: a vaulted ceiling with a battle scene depicted on it, patterned windows, arches - passages, shelving, stairs and billions of portals. The desired picture appeared instantly. Extending her hand, she took a mental step towards the main hall, then another. Emboldened, she rushed headlong and was immediately punished for her arrogance. An unknown force threw me back.
- Here's the armor! – Rubbing my bruised butt, I got up from the imaginary floor. - Does not work.
- Eh! – the wyvern drawled. - Do things, then jump.
- What's going on? - I did not understand.
– Those that pull and hold to the Earth. Unfinished business.
These are the tears of the Unpronounceable One, what unfinished business is there?!
Apparently, the question was looming large on my face, because the wyvern shook its head meaningfully, and then rose to its feet again.
– Eat red berries, breathe the earth’s air, watch the clouds, call Uncle Fyodor. Recall?
I nodded frantically, realizing what Sunny meant.
“Understand, then go do it,” the wyvern summed up and unceremoniously shoved her back into the world.
Blinking, she rushed around the room, unable to choose the first thing to do. I stopped with difficulty and forced myself to take a deep breath, exhale slowly, stand motionless for a while, and then started everything in order.
First of all, I turned on the TV, found the news and found out what day I was transported to. After all, it is unknown whether time passed the same way in different worlds. Having received the answer, I froze for a long time. Through scrupulous calculations, I came to the conclusion that time on Earth was “lagging” by about three times. That is, more than six months passed at Torgon, but here about two months. On the one hand, it’s good. On the other hand, it's just terrible. After all, those hours that I spent doing nothing turned into days there.
We must hurry!
So, what was I dreaming about in the portal storage, standing next to the painting?
Breathe in the native air. As if she were in a changed wedding dress, she rushed out into the street. She ran out into the yard, raised her head, simultaneously inhaling and looking at the sky. I noticed briefly that today there really are no clouds. The earth's sun decided to smile at me goodbye. She returned the smile and rushed off to carry out the next step of the plan.
Eat raspberries. Glory to Predestination, while I was away, the raspberries gave birth to berries. Even though they were green and tasteless, they were there. Otherwise, we would have to wait for an unknown amount of time for the season.
Okay, next one! Call Uncle Fedor. She rushed back into the house. I spent some time trying to remember where my phone went. I remembered. The device was found in the cabinet, and the charger was also found there, very useful, I must say. After waiting until the battery was at least ten percent full, she dialed the desired number. They picked up the phone literally immediately, without allowing me to worry about waiting.
- Pear!!! - They shouted in the voice of their grandfather’s friend. - To fuck your...
Then I listened to endless swearing, which mentioned my deceased grandfather, my mental abilities, the police and ambulance, as well as morgues and all sorts of animals with strange tendencies. Until, finally, Uncle Fyodor asked in a normal tone:
- Where have you been?
“There’s no time to tell you yet, uncle,” I answered. “Just know that I’m okay.” Moved... abroad. I study at the academy, made friends, got married. I couldn’t tell you right away, don’t ask why. Here.
“Fast,” he drawled after a long silence. - I won’t get into your soul. Since you say everything is fine, I’ll take your word for it. But remember, if you need it, we will help you. We will look after your house until you return.
“Okay, uncle,” I blinked away my tears. - If we happen to meet, we will meet. I'll tell you everything. I promise.
“As you say, Agrippina,” the man sighed. - As you say…
“Thank you, dear,” she whispered into the phone, barely holding back her sobs. - Goodbye... goodbye.
And then she quickly pressed reset so that my grandfather’s old friend, Predestination forbid, would not hear the sobs.
Well, I got the job done. You can try moving again. I hope I succeed this time.
I closed my eyes again and imagined a library of portals before my mind’s eye. This required even less effort than last time. The even rows of shelves with paintings beckoned me to come up, touch each one and choose the one I needed. No longer holding back, she stepped forward, driven by strange but pleasant feelings. But she was again forced to return to the ordinary world - the barrier had not gone away.
What is it?!
I collapsed helplessly on the bed and tried to collect my thoughts. It didn't work out very well. All items on the wish list were completed. Why then won't he let me in?
- Sun, what do you think? – she drawled uncertainly. – Have I forgotten something?
The wyvern did not answer for some time, apparently she was also thinking. Finally, she said something uncertain:
- We need recollection. You need thinking. We need a little time.
Time. We just don't have enough of it. Here's the armor!
“I ended up on Earth,” I began to think out loud. “I did what I wanted: I warned my uncle, I enjoyed earthly joys.” Or wasn't it enough? Didn’t you feel all the charm, so to speak? Maybe repeat?
Sunny “shrugged.”
- Sample.
- Okay, I'll try again.
But before testing her guess, the first thing she did was take off her dress. It’s beautiful, I don’t argue, but it’s painfully uncomfortable and dirty. In the closet I found my favorite jeans, a T-shirt and a sweatshirt, which I immediately put on with pleasure. I also didn’t forget about underwear, socks and sneakers. The last one was as happy as family. Then she repeated the manipulations that she had done quite recently, but this time with precision and order, trying to enjoy the process. She tried again to return to Torgon and almost howled with disappointment - it didn’t work.
- What is this! – I panicked, running circles around the bedroom. – Will we never get out?!
- Could someone be waiting for you? – the wyvern asked a question. - To be sad?
“Only Uncle Fyodor and Murz, my cat, could be waiting for me.” There is no one else, to be honest. But the first was warned, the second, most likely, was forgotten long ago, caressed by the attention of his uncle’s daughter-in-law. And it’s unlikely that his waiting could deter me.
“Then you are eager to see someone.”
- I? – she raised her eyebrow in surprise. “You know who I’m dying to see.” But these creatures are on Torgon, not here.
“Remember, reflect,” Sunny repeated, pretending not to notice my nervousness. - No panic.
I nodded, but instead of calming down, I became even more nervous. Every minute spent on Earth, there on Torgon, was equal to three. This means there is three times less opportunity to save them.
“So, when I left the village, I said goodbye to everyone and didn’t leave anyone offended.” I went into town by bus and didn’t really talk to anyone. Upon arrival, I immediately went to the real estate agency, met Zlata Sergeevna there, who...
Unable to finish my sentence, I fell silent. One thought clearly began to beat in my brain, common sense and intuition sang along with it. She grabbed the thought by the tail, turned it this way and that and was forced to admit: perhaps this is so.
The sun looked at me with interest, waiting for the continuation of the phrase. Without tormenting her with ignorance, I finished the sentence:
– Who fraudulently sold me an old house, in the attic of which a painting-portal to Torgon was discovered. Here.
The wyvern whistled, thought, and then stretched its mouth into something like a smile.
- Yes! It's a shame to keep you on Earth. You need to remove the resentment, then moving to Torgon is available.
“It’s easy to say, take it away,” I grumbled. - And how to do it?
After listening to myself, I really felt angry. Wounded pride demanded, if not to punish the deceiver, then at least to ensure that justice prevailed. And even though thanks to her machinations I ended up in another world, fell in love and got married, because another village idiot could have gotten into big trouble.
As if reading my thoughts, although most likely doing it shamelessly, Sunny slyly narrowed one eye.
- You are right. Zlata will receive punishment. Then the resentment will leave, stay on Earth, and we will return home.
For a moment, the greatest joy flooded my consciousness, but the wave quickly subsided. But questions arose.
– What can we do? – I asked the wyvern. - How can we bring this scoundrel out into the open?
– I have an idea! – Sunny growled insidiously. - We deceive the liar. But first you must change.

Aldamir Sky de Rouchen, the bastard of the Lord of Monomorphs, sadly looked out the window. Another day passed, and there were only a few hours left before the magic twin was summoned. He should have rested, because he never managed to fall asleep today; he tossed and turned in bed all night without sleep and thought. But the eyes did not close, and the heart beat restlessly, not giving even the slightest opportunity to relax.

But everything was going so well. The youngest son of the Lord, even though born from an official favorite, did not feel deprived at all. On the contrary, compared to legitimate children, he had much more concessions and freedom of choice. Aldamir did not have to painstakingly delve into economics and politics, like his older brother-heir Philip. There was no need to slog through endless training like the average Alfred. And even more so, no one demanded that he carefully follow etiquette and take care of his honor, like his sister Dalina.

His mother was presented to the court after the death of the Lady, so he was not afraid of the offended woman behind his back. The mother herself doted on her son; the father was condescending and did not seem to regret recognizing the boy at the right time. The brothers did not cause any trouble, raising each in their own way; the sister adored her, pampering and cherishing her in every possible way. That is why Aldamir lived, enjoying every day, enjoying art and beautiful playful muses.

It just turned out that he, who in principle did not strive for power and the throne, carefully avoiding responsibility, had to go to the draft today and, perhaps, take on an exorbitant burden.

Philip has disappeared. Disappeared along with his magical twin, going on pre-graduation practice in distribution to the southern border of the domain. His father's bloodhounds, led by Alfred, examined the lands, traveled the same route as the heir, but did not find anyone. The middle brother returned with nothing.

The father, who had not lost hope until the last moment, instantly became hunched over and noticeably aged. After the sad news, he locked himself in his office and only a few hours later came out, ready to implement the decision: the youngest son must undergo the ritual of searching for a magic twin and become the heir. Because other children could not claim the throne. Alfred did not even have the rudiments of magic, and Dalina, as a woman, could not be a Lord by definition.

Sighing sadly, Aldamir moved away from the window and began to get dressed, without waiting for the servant who usually woke him up in the morning. He saw no point in delaying the inevitable; rather, on the contrary, the sooner he carried out the order, the better it would be. At least for him.

Deep in his soul there was a hope that no one would respond to the call and that he would refuse the imposed honor with a clear conscience. And even his father will not be able to say a word against him. The Throne of the Lord cannot be occupied by a monomorph that Predestination itself does not hear and does not bestow with a magical twin, an ideal partner, amplifier and accumulator of power.

Aldamir winced.

Predestination. So much meaning in this one word. Previously, he was satisfied with the fate that it predicted for him, now he felt only irritation. It seems like we should be glad that, thanks to circumstances, he had a chance to break out of the usual mask of a blockhead and a playmaker, to become someone significant, important, necessary for his father and the state. But…

Aldamir did not want change. Everything suited him. Yes, selfish, cowardly, but that’s the way he is, you can’t change him. Do not reforge. Late.

A short knock on the door interrupted his thoughts.

“Perceval, come in, I’m already awake,” Aldamir said without looking.

But instead of Perceval’s usual bass voice, he heard a ringing female voice in response:

– Your Highness, good morning. Can I come see you?

What surprised me most was that Aldamir didn’t even understand right away. Either that they called him “Highness,” although they usually muttered the ambiguous “Mr.” through clenched teeth, hinting at his origin. Still, he is a bastard, and not a legitimate son, much less an heir. Or the fact that a woman said this phrase. If he brought ladies here, to the palace chambers, they usually slipped away into the darkness immediately after the “night of love”, and then they were afraid to even glance at him, let alone show up early in the morning. Lovers of titillation, often widows in their prime and unfaithful spouses, did not want to bring shame on themselves and their families.

In surprise, Aldamir pulled the ends of his neckerchief harder than necessary and instantly coughed, tightening his throat. Having loosened the noose, he turned to the door.

Lady Liopoldina Dair do Milos, only daughter and heiress of the old Duke Dair do Milos, magical twin, advisor and best friend of her father, in her own beautiful person. Usually proud and arrogant, today she was unlike herself and smiled, revealing her snow-white teeth.

Aldamir habitually bowed his head, responding to the high-born beauty’s greeting, and, without hesitation, began to examine the guest, while shamelessly violating etiquette. In the end, she came herself, when else would he be able to look at her like this without witnesses (the governess behind Liopoldina’s back does not count).

For a moment the smile faded from his beautiful face. The girl frowned and blushed, but instantly pulled herself together and smiled again in a sickly sweet way. Aldamir mentally applauded Der do Milos's restraint; not every girl was able to control herself so successfully. However, it is not for nothing that women of this kind were valued on the bride market. Not only for her bright beauty, but also for her intelligence, determination and endurance.

So this representative of Der do Milos, muting the furious shine of her sapphire eyes, briefly tucked a fiery lock behind her ear and said as if nothing had happened:

– Your Highness, forgive the intrusion, but His Majesty was ordered to remind you of the call and escort you to the academy.

Liopoldina dutifully lowered her gaze to the floor.

- Forgive Lady Dare do Milos, but who will you go with me as? – carefully hiding surprise, asked Aldamir. – Unfortunately, the presence of outsiders at the Summoning ritual is strictly prohibited.

“I remember the rules perfectly, Your Highness,” the girl answered evenly. - I will go with you as a bride. And I will wait in the academy courtyard.

Aldamir's mouth parted uncivilly.


That's news!

– Once again, forgive my ignorance, lady, but when did you acquire such a significant status? I don't remember something.

“Yesterday at the ball in honor of recognizing you as the heir, Your Highness,” Liopoldina said, continuing to radiate calm. “Unfortunately, you were unwell and you were unable to come down, thereby missing His Majesty’s speech.

“Be a winged lizard for me!” – Aldamir mentally cursed.

Here's your father! He did the business behind his back. But everything started so well yesterday. Since the morning he had been pretending to be dying and successfully avoided the fate of being torn apart by the power-hungry ladies who found out about his new status as an heir.

Did he really decide to play it safe so that Predestination would choose a twin of the right gender for him? But why? Why is Dare do Milos so valuable?

And she is also good, standing, smiling, as if nothing had happened. All I did was exchange one brother for another! Not much of a replacement.

Aldamir involuntarily clenched his hands into fists.

“As far as I remember, just yesterday morning you were Philip’s bride, lady,” he muttered, piercing her with his gaze.

“Your memory does not fail you, Your Highness,” Liopoldina blushed again, but did not raise her eyes. “This is the wish of His Majesty and my father.” In addition, His Highness Crown Prince Philip died.

– And you just agreed to a replacement just like that?

The girl shuddered and sharply raised her eyes to him.

– I understand and accept the necessity of our marriage, Your Highness.

It means the old people were making a fuss. They thought there was no need for such blood to go to waste.

However, Aldamir understood the reason perfectly. Women of the Dare do Milos clan were guaranteed to pass on to their sons the ability to transform into a being of high rank. Even if they had a weak self-importance, no higher than the fifth, the boys received the tenth - twelfth. What for the future heir meant the opportunity to become this same heir, and subsequently the Lord, without dying during the ritual of transferring rights. Not everyone could endure the thirteenth, highest hypostasis of the dragon, only the strongest.

The only things better than Dair do Milos were the summoned female magical twins.

“I hope you won’t object either.”

Liopoldina took a step forward, getting unacceptably close. Aldamir took a deep breath, smelling the aroma of her expensive perfume, but did not move from his place.

“Please don’t reject me, Your Highness,” the girl whispered barely audibly. - It hurts so much to lose. I can't stand another loss.

And then she did something that no high-born maiden would dare to do. Liopoldina took his limp hand and pressed it to her cheek. Someone gasped at the door, but the girl did not seem to notice the maids' reaction. She just let out a heartbreaking sob and looked into his eyes. Her eyes, shining with unshed tears, looked sad and pleading.

Liopoldina's skin burned under Aldamir's fingers. He wanted to pull his hand away, but he couldn’t; he stood there, not moving or breathing.

If someone had told him just yesterday that Der do Milos would come to his chambers, he would have considered this monomorph crazy. For the proud lady herself to pay him a visit, but this simply could not happen.

But this happened, and Aldamir did not know what to do with himself. Beautiful, but distant, she offered herself to him. Yes, if anyone else were in her place, he would, without a doubt, take advantage of the opportunity and deepen the acquaintance, but even mentally he could not allow himself to think about something more than just breathing the same air as the charming Lio. The red fox, his youthful hobby and dream.

“Lady, I cannot promise you that my twin will be a man,” Aldamir said dully. “You know, if this is a woman, then she will become my wife.” Predestination itself will tie our destinies together.

Just like what happened to his grandfather, great-great-grandfather and many other men in the Sky de Rouchen family.

“I will hope that Predestination will take pity on me,” Liopoldina sighed bitterly and touched his fingers with her lips.

Aldamir froze, froze, fighting the urge to squeeze the girl in his arms. Mentally, he had already killed in a particularly cruel way anyone who would stand between him and his dream.

– Do you promise that if a man becomes your partner, you will not abandon me? – Lio asked the question again.

“Yes,” Aldamir answered mournfully. – I give you my word.

Carefully releasing his palm from the girl’s tenacious fingers, he abruptly put his hands behind his back and walked a couple of steps away from her. And only after that I was able to breathe calmly. Liopoldina acted on him like a magical igniter. It made the blood run faster in the veins, forced the body to react to touch in a special way.

“We should hurry, Your Highness,” Dair do Milos reminded.

As it turned out, the bride needed much less time to come to her senses and put on the mask of equanimity again. After a few heartbeats there was no longer any reminder of her weakness.

– The doors of the academy will open any minute.

Silently nodding, Aldamir fastened the “feather” - a weapon that belonged to every member of the Lord’s family, even a recognized bastard. I cast a slight illusion of stealth over him and, without hesitation, stepped towards the door. The maids accompanying the lady jumped to the sides, giving him the opportunity to leave unhindered. Liopoldina left the chamber a little later.

“We’re leaving,” she ordered the girls and, rustling the hem of her dress, she walked in the opposite direction from him.

Everything is correct. They will arrive at the academy in different carriages, and if Predestination decides, they will return recognized as the bride and groom. A strange, incomprehensible tradition, but now there is no time for reflection. That's how it's supposed to be.

Mentally slapping himself, Aldamir calmed his own imagination. In his dreams, he had already freed the bride from that same dress and covered her naked body with kisses.

Not now. We need to concentrate. First the ritual, and then everything else. After all, if he fails, then there will be nothing: neither the throne, nor the bride. And if he wasn’t upset because of the first one, rather the opposite, then he craved the second one more than anything else.

Winged lizard, dragon imperfection!

He simply had to summon the magical twin today. Moreover, a male twin. And may Predestination help him with this.

It took an unacceptably long time to get to the portal. However, it is understandable. Those wishing to try their hand flooded the streets. Even the coat of arms of the Lord was of little help; other people’s carriages simply failed to clear the road.

Tired of fidgeting on the bench, Aldamir went outside. I looked around. A gigantic line of carriages and horses appeared ahead. Some particularly impatient aristocrats were already leaving the carriages. They took the horses from the guards and rushed to the desired place on horseback.

The arch of the portal was visible even from here and attracted him no worse than Liopoldina’s blue eyes. Shaking his head to dispel the obsession, Aldamir immediately took advantage of the advice of his more experienced relatives and, while it was still possible, hurried to cover the remaining distance. Just a couple of streets and he would have been there.

The academy itself was located in no man's land and, in fact, was a separate state with its own laws and rules. Several passages led there, exactly as many races existed in the world of Torgon. The portals were located in five capitals: Valkyries, Elementals, Dwarves, Gargoyles and Monomorphs.

The transition arch worked without interruption all day today, so that those who wished could reach the academy, write down their names, and leave a drop of blood on a scroll enchanted especially for that occasion. And then, after waiting in line, they asked Predestination to find them a twin. Just once in a lifetime, an adult creature of any race, possessing a magical gift and unmarried, could exercise his right and find himself in the Summoning Hall.

Aldamir didn’t really know what a magical twin was; he only knew publicly available information, nothing more. The gifted sacredly kept secrets and did not let them outside the monastery. According to official chronicles, the twin could not only accumulate and transfer power, but also gift his partner with a new ability. Which one it was depended on the one called, and it was never possible to predict.

Only a select few knew the whole truth. But one thing remained unchanged - magical twins were highly valued in any state.

As a child, Aldamir tried to find out at least something from Philip, who was then entering the first year of the academy, but his brother, who usually always generously shared his knowledge, categorically refused to tell. And as soon as the boy raised the topic again, he abruptly ended the conversation and left him alone. Aldamir did not dare approach his father with such questions. So he went to the call in complete ignorance, like everyone else. And he didn’t know what was waiting for him behind the doors.

While thinking, Aldamir did not notice how he crossed the arch and found himself in front of a majestic building in a crowd of exactly the same thirsty people and their close relatives. I turned around - the retinue had not yet arrived, and neither had Liopoldina. Concern crept into his soul, but he pushed it away. Not before.

Calming his nerves, Aldamir focused on what was happening. And on time. The carved doors opened with a creak, attracting the attention of those gathered. Then a loud male voice, clearly enhanced by magic, announced:

“Welcome everyone to the Magic Twins Academy.”

Then the speaker fell silent, pausing, giving those who arrived the opportunity to get into a serious mood. And only after that he continued:

– I remind those who do not know or for some unknown reason have forgotten: only those who have arrived here to be drafted can enter the door. Others are not allowed to enter.

A murmur of indignant relatives swept through the yard, but soon it became quiet again.

– Pay attention to your right hands. The applicant should have a serial number on the back of his hand according to which he will enter.

Aldamir glanced at the hand. There really was an ornate number on it. Forty nine.

- That's all. May Predestination help you.

The gong sounded, petitioner number one, constantly looking around, timidly crossed the threshold of the academy. And he disappeared into the darkness behind the door, as if he had been swallowed by an unknown monster. In complete silence, an elderly gnome, obviously the mother of the pioneer, screamed loudly and clutched her heart. Her companion raised his beard belligerently, mechanically grabbed the ax handle, took a step forward, but, apparently remembering the rules, lowered his head and returned to the gnome.

The crowd of willing people, who had been carefully watching the scene, flowed away from the porch in a single wave and froze in a flock of frightened rabbits. Aldamir involuntarily succumbed to the herd feeling and also took a step back. But after a moment he came to his senses and, awkwardly shrugging his shoulders, looked around. Were there many witnesses to his weakness? Judging by the faces, he was not the only one who mentally scolded himself for cowardice and was now doing his best to hide traces of fear. Whether it's trembling in your hands or beads of sweat on your forehead. Women fanned their faces with handkerchiefs, men gloomily gazed at the mysterious door.

As soon as the people calmed down a little, the invisible owner of the loud voice decided that it was time to continue, and again caused a commotion among the petitioners.

- Number two.

The young elemental, who was standing not far from Aldamir, shuddered. She, unable to contain her emotions, momentarily released rainbow wings from behind her back. Having looked pleadingly at her relative, but not finding support, she trudged to the door with an unsteady gait, so that, as soon as she was beyond the threshold, she disappeared into its mouth like a gnome.

Behind her, without waiting for a signal, a stern-looking Valkyrie emerged from the crowd. She straightened the sword belt with her usual movement, straightened her shoulders proudly and climbed up the step.

– Cora, no!!! – after the girl, howling and crying, a slender boy in bright trousers ran out.

Tangled in his legs, he collapsed on the grass, but still did not stop, continuing to crawl towards her on his knees.

- Cora, please don’t go! I'm scared, don't leave me!!! Do not go!!!

Valkyrie grimaced and, without saying anything to him, turned to the door. At this time, two of her stately companions, pushing aside the people, got to the guy and, grabbing him by the arms on both sides, dragged him away. It became quiet.

- Number three.

Valkyrie abruptly, as if throwing herself into an abyss, crossed the threshold and disappeared.

The next petitioner was escorted off as if to execution. The timid whispers grew louder and at some point turned into shouting.

- Number four...

- Number thirteen.

Another gnome was swallowed up by blackness.

Aldamir involuntarily shivered and looked at his hand. Thirty-five more. So much and so little at the same time. But Liopoldina is still not there. Holding back a sorrowful groan, he stared sadly at the door.

- Father! – a sudden scream that rang out drowned out all the others, causing him to jump on the spot.

- Father!!! I did it! I did it! I called her!

The people fell silent abruptly and turned their heads towards the noise. The very first gnome emerged from around the corner of one of the academy buildings, seemingly alive and well. He waved his hand and rushed at full speed towards his parents. But that wasn’t why Aldamir couldn’t look away. Holding the bearded man by the wide shovel-like palm, a gargoyle ran nearby. Awkwardly spreading her wings, she could barely keep up with the twin, but still diligently moved her clawed bird legs.

Having caught up with his parents, the dwarf stopped and, beaming with joy, exclaimed:

- Mom, it's Diana!

And he radiated so much delight that Aldamir doubted whether it was a dwarf in front of him.

The gnome froze and, clasping her plump hands, pressed the gargoyle to her voluminous chest. The girl jerked in surprise, but a few seconds later she was already hugging her new relative. Soon the happy family left the academy courtyard.

The remaining people perked up and no longer looked at the petitioners as if they were sentenced to death. Things got more fun.

- Number forty-eight.

Aldamir clenched his teeth, realizing that he was next. A little more and he will cross the threshold. But what's behind it? The unknown.

- Number forty-nine.

It's time. And may Predestination help him.

Aldamir took a deep breath and walked forward. The door to nowhere was approaching. The faces of those present disappeared, the hum died down, only he and the blackness opposite remained.

– Your Highness, wait! – Liopoldina’s shrill voice caught up with him on the threshold.

He stopped dead in his tracks and turned around, catching his gaze at the familiar figure. Lady Dare do Milos, picking up her fluffy skirts, made her way through the crowd; if not for the hefty guards, she would never have been able to overcome the obstacle.

Exhaling through his teeth, Aldamir rushed forward.

“You made it, lady,” he whispered, grabbing her hand. - I'm happy. Immeasurably.

A little disheveled and flushed, Liopoldina was gorgeous. Her chest heaved heavily, her bright eyes sparkled.

- Sorry, I'm a little late.

- It's OK.

Liopoldina smiled and carefully released the hand he had clasped.

- It's time for you, Your Highness. Go ahead, I'll be waiting. Come on!

- Number forty-nine. I'm calling for the last time.

Aldamir did not move from his place, continuing to devour the girl with his eyes.

- Go! – she exclaimed excitedly. - Faster!

Sending her a smile, he took off, ran and literally burst into the open door.

At first, the darkness was deafening, as if Aldamir had jumped from a height into the water. His chest was compressed, so much so that he could not breathe, and colored spots danced before his eyes. But as soon as he started to panic, all the unpleasant sensations disappeared, and he was literally spat out somewhere.

Having overcome the slight dizziness, Aldamir began to look around. He found himself in a darkened rectangular hall, illuminated only by the light of torches. In the center, on a high pedestal, rested a huge open book. Not a scroll, as stated in official sources. On one side, next to her, lay a golden feather, on the other, a bowl of magical fire, in which a stiletto blade was placed.

Aldamir obediently climbed onto the pedestal and looked at the book, but saw nothing. The spread was pristinely clean.

“Write down your full name, race and age,” the invisible man ordered.

Using the pen, Aldamir complied with the requirement. Before I had time to put it in place, the lines became hazy and transformed into text.

“I, Aldamir Sky de Rouchen, monomorph, twenty full years of life, being an adult representative of my race, confirm that, being of sound mind, I, at my own request, exercise the right to summon a magical twin...

He cleared his throat, swallowed the sudden lump in his throat and continued:

– I undertake to keep the secret of the Hall of the Eternal Book and the Hall of Summoning no matter the outcome of the matter. Do not talk about what you saw and heard either voluntarily or under torture. In the event of a summoning of a magical twin, I promise to undergo training within the walls of the Academy of Magical Twins and perform the Fusion ritual. After completing your training, choose one of three paths and follow it for the rest of your life.

With each phrase he read, Aldamir doubted more and more about the correctness of his choice, but could not stop. The eyes independently ran from line to line, the mouth spontaneously uttered the words of the oath.

– In case of violation of the oath, I am ready for any punishment provided for by the rules, up to and including death. I confirm that I have been warned of a period of three months to resolve controversial issues through forced reading and erasing the memory of both me and the person who received the knowledge.

“Confirm your oath with a drop of blood,” the invisible man spoke again.

The hand automatically reached for the stiletto, the fingers clenched on the handle. Aldamir struck the blade across his palm and, waiting for blood to come out, applied it to the paper. The book absorbed the liquid with a hiss and closed, he barely had time to pull his hand away.

– The Summoning Hall is straight ahead. And may Predestination help you, Aldamir Sky de Rouchen.

The vile grinding sound sounded especially loud in the half-empty hall. Aldamir shook off the stupor caused by the realization of the meaning of what he had just read, and looked forward. In the direction from which the unpleasant sound came. It turned out that another door had formed right in the wall, although he could have sworn that it had not been there before.

Without waiting for a new invitation, he decisively went down to the floor and headed to where he was invited. And, without further hesitation, he crossed the threshold. Everything was repeated exactly as with the first door. His chest felt tight again, his head began to spin, and for a moment Aldamir lost the feeling of his own body. But the discomfort quickly passed, although it left behind weakness.

Magic Twins Academy Rosalind Storm

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Title: Magic Twins Academy

About the book “Magic Twins Academy” by Rosalind Storm

Getting into a magical academy in another world, and even as a result of an ominous ritual, is only interesting in books. But this brought nothing but problems to Agrippina. She will have to not only accept her new characteristics, curb the awakened magic of fire, but also be able to survive. After all, the insidious Maluma conquerors are just waiting to raze the academy to the ground.

In addition, Agrippina will need to decide what is more important - to remain alone in an unfamiliar world or to take a risk and let into her heart the unbearable and harmful monomorph Aldamir, who is not at all happy that she has appeared.

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“But,” he emphasized the word with intonation, “you still have to go through the procedure right now, otherwise I will not allow you to continue the educational process on general terms.” The operation is quick and virtually painless. Gentlemen, the investigators, together with the deans, will conduct it in a few minutes.

Almost painless?! Somehow I don’t like this wording anymore. Where to hide?

However, we were not given time to think. As the rector promised, the great gentlemen got it done quickly. They pricked my fingers with needles, whispered over drops of blood and let me go.

“That’s probably all,” the rector summed up, rubbing his hands contentedly. – For obvious reasons, I cannot disclose the results of the investigation. But you can be sure that the academy is safe again. I won't keep you any longer.

The people looked at Do Pompeo incredulously, but he continued to smile sympathetically. Then the students looked at each other and, in a discordant column, moved towards the exit.

The students instantly became cheerful and broke out into freedom in a noisy crowd. All. Except for Aldamir and me.

Gently pushing him away from his friends, the mischievous Paliano ordered him to stay. Having seated us on the chairs, he remained nearby, showing with all his appearance that he would not take his eyes off us.

“Agrippina, Aldamir, I have news for you that is not intended for others,” the rector said as soon as the door closed behind the last student.

- AND? – I asked against my will.

“We know, Grusha, why do Vran kidnapped you,” do Pompeo did not stand on ceremony.

- AND? “I swallowed the lump in my throat.

Memory helpfully threw up a picture. The body naturally shrank, expecting pain.

“Du Vran drained your blood.”

“Yes,” she said, barely audible.

But then the twin took my hand and squeezed my palm. The pleasant warmth instantly dispelled the veil of memories.

- So here it is. The blood vessel was missing.

I shuddered all over.

- How did you disappear?! - the prince exclaimed, squeezing my fingers. - It can not be. We were the last to leave, the vessel was where Do Vran had thrown it.

“Alas,” the rector lowered his eyes. - Gentlemen, the investigators searched every centimeter, but found nothing. There weren't even any drops left on the floor. If it weren’t for Agrippina’s specific wounds and residual magical disturbances, we would not have immediately suspected this reason.

– Tears of the Unpronounceable, I don’t understand where he could have gone?! – Aldamir asked excitedly. - Maybe it rolled somewhere? In a hole or crevice.

The rector just shook his head.

-What about secret passages? Have you examined the cave for secret passages?

- Alas. There is nothing.

While the twin was torturing do Pompeo, I, shuddering from the fear I had experienced, sank into the abyss of memories, reconstructing that day: the warehouse, the attack of the shwerk, do Vran’s monologue that smacked of madness, the flight into Aldamir’s head, then back into the wyvern. Ritual and pain. A short respite with friends who came to the rescue and pain again.

There is a lot, a lot of pain, from which you cannot hide or escape. You can’t drown it out with painkillers, you can’t endure it, and you can’t get used to it. The pain entangled me, tied me with scarlet ribbons, forever burning traces in my memory. I swam in a bloody haze, emerging into the white light only for a moment.

And then... and then, it seems, she died.

Predestination! I only now realized that the vile Doo Vran finished me off then. Destroyed.

But then why am I alive? Do I continue to move, talk, think? Breathe?!

“...I bind with the moon and the sun... I bind with water and fire, air and earth, with threads of power that weave everything around... I bind with the warmth of life and the cold of death... I bind in the name of Predestination, I seal with the word of the Unpronounceable...”

Phrases appeared in my head by themselves. I whispered them unconsciously and began to understand.

Tears of the Unspeakable!

And then I woke up in his arms, safe and sound. She forced the twin to talk, to talk about his friends, not knowing, not suspecting how bad he felt. She hung like a limp doll, allowing herself to be dragged in her arms...

Something else happened in the cave. Something important.

Intuition scratched like a cat’s claws, but I still couldn’t understand. I replayed the scene over and over again and finally remembered.

- I know!

Predestination, is this wheezing really mine?!

“I know who stole the vessel.” I saw it.

Aldamir froze for a moment, and then pulled me towards him. I gasped in surprise and obediently flew into his arms.

- Who, Grusha?

The yellow eyes stared without blinking. They demanded, no, they asked. They just wanted an answer.

- Who, Agrippina?

“A tall creature in a dark cloak,” she muttered barely audibly, captivated by his gaze. “The kidnapper’s face was hidden under the hood.

The prince finally blinked. I managed to exhale and lowered my head.

“It’s a pity,” he drawled. - This gives us nothing.

“I only saw him for about two seconds,” feeling guilty, she began to make excuses. – I thought it was glitches after everything that happened. Who knew that he was real and not my personal nonsense.

“I understand,” Aldamir stroked my fingers. - Don't worry.

And he carefully touched his face with his hand. I involuntarily rubbed my cheek against his palm.

“Ahem, ahem,” someone nearby coughed expressively.

Startled, she sharply jumped away from the prince.

Here's the armor! I completely forgot that we are not alone in the office.

And he? What is he doing? We are friends. But friends don't do that. They don’t touch each other gently, causing goosebumps to run down their skin. It is so? Yes?!

“Gentlemen, students,” said one of the six investigators, a handsome gray-eyed brunette with a mole above his lip, mockingly. – I understand everything, common difficulties bring us closer together. But let's still go back to the stranger in the raincoat, shall we?

My cheeks burned red.

- Agrippina, please tell us about everything you saw. Cloak color? Maybe some features of the cut? Finishes? Decorations? Perhaps you heard the kidnapper's voice or saw his gait and movements?

Pulling myself together, I honestly tried to remember. But, unfortunately, she failed.

“I just woke up and noticed him immediately,” I shrugged. – Then she blinked, the stranger disappeared as if it had never happened.

“Mmm, interesting,” the investigator said thoughtfully. “Did you happen to notice that his disappearance was accompanied by some kind of sound, color effect or smell?”

I shook my head.

- It's clear. Well, Agrippina, thank you for your help. Your information will undoubtedly be useful to us.

- Glad to try.

– And one more thing, Agrippina. I would strongly recommend that in the near future you acquire an amulet that blocks external influences through the blood. Well, pay great attention to your well-being.

“Thank you, I’ll definitely think about your advice,” was all I could answer.

“At this point, I guess we say goodbye to you,” the gray-eyed man rose from his chair. - See you later, gentlemen students. I'm waiting for you on Tuesday, Mr. do Pompeo.

Having waited for the others to tear off their uniform pants from the chairs, the brunette, who had not given his name, pressed the round badge on his chest and disappeared along with his subordinates.

“Mr. do Swivt is right,” the rector said after the investigators teleported. – You simply need the amulet.

He opened the desk drawer and pulled out a yellow round piece on a string that resembled a coin and at the same time Storm's eyes. And then he handed it to me.

“I thought about protection the moment I learned about the reason for your captivity, Grusha.” Two weeks while you were in the infirmary was enough time to build this.

I looked at Aldamir. He smiled approvingly. Approaching the rector’s desk, she took the amulet from his hands and twirled it in her fingers.

“Activate it with your blood and put it on your neck,” do Pompeo instructed. – And until the thief is found, please do not film.

“Okay,” I muttered, continuing to look at the round thing.

“Right now, Grusha,” the rector hurried. “We don’t know when the thief will decide to use the stolen property.”

“There’s nothing to inject with,” I muttered.

- Take it. – A needle flickered on the tabletop.

Reluctantly, she took the instrument and took a deep breath. I didn’t particularly want to prick my finger again. And so the previous wound did not heal.

This is what kind of world this is, all they know is to shed blood. No peace!

- Let me help. “Aldamir decisively took the needle from me. - I'm careful.

She closed her eyes and offered him her palm. Quietly groaning from the short pain, she opened her eyes. The prince had already gotten rid of the magic thorn and was looking at me carefully.

“Put the amulet on the wound,” he asked.

I obediently bled the “eye” and then put it on my neck.

- That is great! – the joyful voice of do Pompeo rang out. - Now no one will be able to remove it from you, Grusha, without your permission. The possibility of loss is also excluded. Use it calmly and don’t think about anything terrible. Since the Lord's investigators are involved, there is no need to worry.

“Thank you,” I thanked the rector, mechanically smoothing the round piece.

It was warm and smooth. The hand was reaching out to touch it.

- Yes. One more moment. There may be some side effects due to the attunement of the amulet to you. But don't worry, they are short-lived.

– What exactly are the effects? – the prince immediately asked a question. -What are they threatening Grusha with?

“Always individually,” answered the rector. “But definitely nothing painful or scary.” Perhaps slight dizziness, mood swings, and so on for little things.

- Clear. Can we go, Mister do Pompeo?

“Yes, of course, go,” the rector responded. – If anything seems strange to you, please let me know.

Taking my hand again, Aldamir pulled me towards the exit. But as soon as we went out into the corridor, I immediately pulled out my palm and, pressing the prince against the wall, demanded:

– Tell me, what does stolen blood threaten me with?

He was taken aback and at first blinked his eyes in bewilderment. Then he tried to break free, but I didn’t allow him.

“I don’t advise you to deceive,” she warned the sly one. – I’ll find out anyway.

– I didn’t mean to.

Aldamir narrowed his eyes and said impudently:

“If you don’t want to live peacefully in ignorance, so be it, I’ll take you to the library and help you find a textbook on blood magic.” Perhaps I’ll even explain some unclear points.

- Is it true? – Honestly, I was surprised.

I was ready for a long siege and resistance. And then there is complete capitulation. Not without reason. Oh, for good reason. The prince was clearly up to something.

- Fine. “I pretended to believe in the twin’s honest intentions.” - When will we go looking?

“Soon,” he said without blinking an eye.

– When is soon?

- In the near future.

Looking at him suspiciously, she was forced to let him go. But finally she warned me sternly:

- Look at me!

Aldamir lifted his nose arrogantly. He did it so professionally that for a moment I thought: the “prince” had returned. Apparently, my appearance made it clear that he had overacted, because the twin immediately returned a benevolent expression to his face and smiled.

- Let's go, Grusha. Otherwise your friends will hunt me.

I snorted and hurried down the corridor.