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Tactical and technical characteristics of special fire trucks. Tactical and technical characteristics of fire trucks Test tensile rope on al 30

General information

At the present stage, the industry has mastered the production of many models of high-altitude rescue equipment (fire ladders and car lifts).

At the same time, at present, the AL-30 (131) PM-506D is gradually being replaced by more modern models of firefighting aircraft. This is due primarily to a decrease in the production of ZIL-131 trucks (and also Amur) and the introduction of new chassis.

The modernization was carried out in order to improve the technical performance of the ladder.

The AL-30(131)PM-506V model differs from the AL-30(131)L21 model by a slightly increased lifting height - 30 cm were added to each of the knees of the ladder.

The AL-30(131)PM-506D model differs from the AL-30(131)PM-506V in a thoroughly redesigned turning part. Replaced hydraulics and controls.

Spring lock mechanism

The spring locking mechanism is designed to increase the stability of the ladder during operation. The mechanism consists of a hydraulic cylinder for locking the springs, fixed on the rear spring and a rope, which is thrown over the rod and connected with the ends to the beams of the middle and rear axles.

When the front supports are extended, the working fluid is simultaneously supplied to the piston cavity of the spring lock hydraulic cylinder. The rod extends, pulls the rope and blocks the spring, does not allow it to straighten. When the supports are shifted, the working fluid is supplied to the rod end, the rod is pushed in, the rope is loosened, the spring is unlocked. The rod is fixed by locking the cavities of the hydraulic cylinder for locking the springs with a hydraulic lock.

Security measures

It is forbidden to operate a ladder that has not passed a technical examination.
During the operation of the ladder, it is FORBIDDEN:
  • admission to the management of the ladder of persons who do not have a special certificate;
  • stay of unauthorized persons on the ladder during its operation;
  • be under raised knees;
  • lift the stairs until people are at a safe distance for them;
  • work under power lines and closer than 30 m from them;
  • being on the stairs and moving people on it in excess of the norm specified in clause 10.6.1 of the operating instructions;
  • work with a faulty hydraulic system;
  • work on a surface with a slope of more than 6 °;
  • work with raised supports;
  • work without making sure that the plates are correctly installed on the ground and that the soil is reliable;
  • work with unlocked springs;
  • leave without supervision from the ground a ladder with raised knees;
  • work without stretch ropes at wind speeds of more than 10 m/s;
  • work in case of detection of malfunctions of hydraulic locks, fastening elements, the occurrence of dangerous vibrations of the knees and until the detected defects are eliminated;
  • work at night on an unlit site and without lighting of the serviced object;
  • work without pads under the front right or left wheels;
  • work in case of failure of the traffic field blocking system;
  • work with automatic lateral leveling disabled;
  • carrying out ladder maneuvers in the presence of people on it;
  • adjustment of the safety valve when performing movements;
  • work in the absence of power in the electrical system, since at this time the automation and blocking do not work;
  • performing operations when the working fluid in the system is heated above the permissible temperature;
  • lift the load with a brace to the side;
  • lift a load that is frozen, littered with other objects and screwed;
  • work with a manual trunk with an unsupported top of the stairs;
  • lubricate the treadmills along which the rear rollers move.
The field of movement is the area in which the top of the ladder can be fully strained by the amount specified in the technical specification.

The stability of the ladder during operation depends on the overturning moment acting on the ladder, which cannot exceed a certain calculated value. Therefore, the flight of the stairs cannot be more than indicated on and is limited during operation by automation.

When extending and lowering, you must be especially careful, since these two movements lead to an increase in the reach of the ladder and the overturning moment.

The action of the automation that monitors the departure of the stairs must be controlled by light signals and by the extension length indicator on the control panel.

After the end of the operation of the ladder, the power take-off must be turned off. Driving a vehicle with the power take-off engaged PROHIBITED.

During preparation for work, maintenance and repair, it is necessary to observe the safety regulations adopted for road transport and lifting machines.

To ensure safety, it is necessary once a month, but at least after 50 hours of operation of the ladder:

Preparation for work

"Combat" work of the ladder

A hydraulically operated retractable ladder is an indispensable device that is mandatory on most fire engines. The main purpose of this design is to save people in the event of a fire hazard in high-rise multi-storey buildings. The most common models of this device are ladders of the AL 30 and AL 50 types. Their design features, as well as the operating rules, according to the instructions, will be discussed in this article, illustrated with a large number of photos and videos.

Hydraulic retractable ladder for fire truck - an indispensable technique to help rescue people

Fire ladder - description of the device

A fire ladder is a special type of rescue equipment, which is a sliding swivel structure with a hydraulic lifting drive. Systems of modifications AL 30 and AL 50 are mounted on the chassis of specialized trucks - most often on cars that go to the place of fires.

The ladder AL 50 in sliding form is able to reach even the highest floors

Purpose of ladders AL 30 and AL 50

This type of ladder is used:

  • when extinguishing fires;
  • in emergency recovery work;
  • for carrying out rescue operations to evacuate people.

No fire department can do without this reliable technological device.

Fire escapes provide access for the rescue team to hard-to-reach places on high-rise buildings. Also, with their support, special fire extinguishing equipment and special equipment are delivered to the required height.

The design allows you to raise to the floors of skyscrapers, both firefighters and the equipment necessary for extinguishing the fire

Often, with the help of structures AL 30 and AL 50, victims are evacuated from the upper floors of the building and material assets.

terms of Use

Fire fighting equipment AL 30 and AL 50 has a number of design features (read about them below), which allows it to operate in various climatic conditions, including large temperature differences.

These systems are able to work uninterruptedly both in heat and in severe cold, withstanding temperature loads from -35 to +35 degrees.

This system easily withstands temperature loads from -35 to +35 degrees Celsius. And subject to specific instructions, such systems can be used at lower temperatures.

The photo shows a fire truck equipped with an AL 30 modification ladder

Classification of fire ladders

Fire structures such as AL 30 and AL 50 are classified according to the following parameters:

  • the length of the unfolded system;
  • the number of knees;
  • drive type.

These construction systems are classified according to their length, number of units and drive type.


According to this indicator, ladders are:

  • light type - length is up to 20 meters;
  • medium - from 20 to 30 meters;
  • heavy - the length exceeds 30 meters.

The fire ladder in sliding form can reach a length of 50 meters

Number of tribes

By the number of knees, the systems are classified into:

  • three-knee;
  • four-knee;
  • six-legged.

With an increase in the length of the structure, the number of knees also increases.

This system has increased strength and has reliable knots.

Drive types

As for the types of drives, fire ladders are divided into:

  • ladders with hydraulic system;
  • with a mechanical drive;
  • with combination box.

The greatest application was found by auto-devices on hydraulics (see photo).

The most common in application is the design with a hydraulic mechanism.

How to decipher the marking of ladders

Fire structures are marked with signs and numbers. Let's consider it in more detail using the example of AL 30 ladders.

The marking of a fire escape car is deciphered quite simply: AL 30 - a car ladder 30 meters long

So, this marking is deciphered as follows:

  • A-car;
  • L-staircase;
  • 30 - a figure indicating the length of the device when unfolded, this indicator is presented in meters.
The photo schematically shows the fire structure type AL-50

User manual

A special instruction manual for the system was developed for this high-tech engineering device. This act is mandatory for familiarization of all members of fire brigades.

Very important. so that after the exercise or fire work, the ladder is properly serviced and in combat readiness

The document itself consists of the following main points that must be completed:

  • In order to ensure the operability of the fire hydraulic structure, it must be stored in a heated garage at a temperature of at least 5 degrees Celsius. But at the same time, the system must always remain in combat readiness - to be properly equipped with equipment and filled with fuel and lubricants.

    After returning the machine from the job, it is necessary to check all the parts of the fire escape, as well as clean them, wipe and lubricate

  • After each trip to a fire or a training (training) session, the ladder must be cleaned, wiped and lubricated in accordance with the lubrication map. It is also necessary to check the design for the serviceability of the contactors, assemblies and the hydraulic system. If a break is found on the cables, they must be replaced immediately.

    During the period of parking in the garage, the structure must be kept in perfect condition

  • The access of the ladder to the object should be carried out in such a way that the system can be unhindered to decompose. At the same time, the higher you need to raise the ladder, the closer it must be to the serviced object.
  • It is not allowed to work on a structure if its platform has an angle of inclination to the horizon of more than 6 degrees. In this case, it is necessary to observe that the rear wheels of the vehicle are not on the cover of mines, fire wells, in trenches, shaky soil, and so on (see photo).

    Before starting to lift the device, the driver must ensure that the machine is securely and firmly fixed in place.

  • Before preparing for work, you need to tighten the hand brake of the fire truck and lower the supporting cheeks. The design should be controlled using the handles and handwheels on the remote control.
  • The first maneuver of the ladder is considered to be its growth, since in the vehicular position all remaining movements are blocked.

    A fire truck equipped with a ladder hydraulic system must always be in good condition.

  • The most serious movement of the structure is the extension of the knees to the desired height. The alignment of the first knee should be performed at low speed. After the top of the stairs reaches the maximum mark, the knees must be put on the contactors, and the car engine must be turned off.

    Before starting up and down the ladder, firefighters must ensure that it is firmly fixed to the wall.


    Thus, fire ladders of the AL 30 and AL 50 types are indispensable structures for ensuring the safety of people living in cities and other settlements where there are high-rise buildings. These designs allow you to quickly and timely get to the place of rescue operations and save people's lives.

    Fire ladders saved the lives of a large number of victims and continue to serve for the benefit of people


    Your attention is invited to an interesting video about the work of fire brigades using the ladder structure AL 30 (AL 50).





fire truck operator


Saint Petersburg

Kamentsev A.Ya., Presnov A.I. Memo to the driver-operator of the fire ladder AL-30 (131) PM-506D: St. Petersburg. St. Petersburg State Fire Service EMERCOM of Russia, 55 p.

The basic information on the safe operation of the ladder is outlined. Practical recommendations are given for identifying the most probable failures and malfunctions during the operation of the ladder for its intended purpose and performing individual operations during its maintenance.

The memo is not a textbook for initial training, but serves for AL-30 (131) PM-506D drivers-operators admitted to independent work.


Saint Petersburg


At the present stage, the domestic industry has mastered the production of many models of high-altitude rescue equipment (fire ladders and car lifts). The undisputed leader in the production of this technique in our country is Pozhtekhnika OJSC. It produces fire ladders and car lifts with a lifting height of up to 60 meters on various chassis: ZiL, KamAZ, MAZ, MZKT, TATRA, etc.

Today, the most demanded fire brigade in Russia are 30-meter ladders, which have been produced for a long time and remain the main rescue unit.

One of the directions of a rational approach to the creation of modern fire trucks is modernization through a major (restorative) repair or reconstruction of fire trucks in operation. At the end of the twentieth century, the main production of domestic fire ladders was carried out on the chassis of the ZIL-131 car. In this regard, the modernization of fire ladders to a greater extent is carried out on these chassis and, as a rule, is carried out by converting (transforming) AL-30 (131) PM-506 into AL-30 (131) PM-506D.

Thus, at present, AL-30 (131) PM-506D is the most common model of domestic fire ladders. Indeed, among the family of domestic 30-meter fire ladders, AL-30 (131) PM-506D is quite compact, maneuverable, reliable in operation, easy to operate, relatively inexpensive, both in cost and in operation, and meets the requirements of modern domestic standards.

The authors have significant experience in the operation of AL-30(131)PM-506D and pedagogical experience in the training of drivers-operators of fire ladders. Practice shows that often drivers-operators who do not have sufficient experience in operating a fire ladder and poor basic knowledge in electrical engineering need an explanation (hint), which is often not given by the factory operating instructions. In addition, there are some disagreements between the regulatory documents of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and factory instructions. So, for example, the order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia dated December 31, 2002 No. No. 630 prohibits working on a ladder at a wind speed of more than 10 m / s; at the same time, the operating instructions for AL-30(131)PM-506D allow operation at wind speeds of more than 10 m/s, using stretch ropes, but without any restrictions on wind speed.

In the work, the authors made an attempt to create a general algorithm of actions when working on the ladder, to reflect the purpose of the main elements that ensure the safe operation of the ladder, to clarify (more fully disclose) the individual operations of its maintenance.

The memo does not replace the technical description and operating instructions for the ladder, but serves as a hint to the driver-operator AL-30(131)PM-506D when operating the ladder.


In accordance with GOST 12.2.047-86 “Fire fighting equipment. Terms and definitions" fire ladder truck - a fire truck with a stationary mechanized retractable and rotary ladder.

All fire ladders (AL) are characterized by the following basic definitions: lift height, reach, length and working field.

Lifting height (H) is the vertical distance from the horizontal support surface to the top rung of the ladder.

Departure (B)– horizontal distance from the axis of rotation of the lifting-swivel base to the top rung of the ladder.

Ladder (boom) length (L)- the distance from the bottom to the top step of the stairs.

Working field AL- the area delineated by the top of the boom when maneuvering it with the maximum allowable values ​​for the outreach and height for the corresponding value of the load capacity.

The working field of AL-30(131)PM-506D is shown in fig. 1.1, and in fig. 1.2 nomogram of the dependence of its allowable length under conditions of increased wind loads.

At maximum reach (H=16m), the workload at the top of the non-leaning ladder is limited 160 kg.

Rice. 1.1 Working field AL-30(131)PM-506D

fire truck ladder- a fire truck with a stationary mechanized retractable and rotary ladder.

The main structural elements of the ladder are:

  • base chassis with platform and front support leg;
  • power point;
  • support base;
  • swivel base;
  • set of knees (boom);
  • mechanisms for turning the tower, lifting-lowering, extending-shifting the boom;
  • hydraulic system;
  • electrical equipment.
  • control panel (or panels) with control and blocking mechanisms.

All mechanisms and devices of the ladder provide:

  • stability, strength and rigidity of the structure, allowing reliable and safe operation on surfaces with a slope of up to 60;
  • alignment of the swivel base or set of elbows;
  • raising-lowering a set of knees;
  • extension-shift of a set of knees;
  • rotation of the stairs around a vertical axis.

The base chassis for mounting components and assemblies of ladders are various modifications of ZIL, KamAZ, MAZ, Ural, MZKT, TATRA vehicles, which are selected depending on the required carrying capacity and cross-country ability.

The boom (set of knees) of the ladder, according to its purpose, is the main structural element, with the help of which all operations provided for by the technical data of the ladder are carried out. The boom consists of four, five, six or seven sections (depending on the model of the auto ladder), telescopically interconnected. In the technical literature, this design is called an open truss telescope. Each knee is made of high-strength alloy steels, and consists of two side trusses, each of which is formed by a profiled bowstring (from below) and an upper chord, interconnected by braces and uprights. The side trusses are interconnected in a horizontal plane by steps.

Sets of knees of high-rise ladders are necessarily equipped with an elevator, which serves to quickly evacuate people or lift firefighters and special equipment to a height. With the help of a winch, the elevator moves on rollers along guides welded to the upper chords of the knees. The elevator is equipped with a braking system (catcher). In the event of a winch cable break, the braking system is automatically activated and the elevator stops.

At the top of the first knee of the auto ladder, a removable fire monitor can be installed with manual (cable) or remote (based on electric drives) control, or an uncontrolled collector (the so-called “comb”) for GPS-600 foam generators. In the latter case, the ladder can act as a foam lifter.

All modern models of ladders provide for the use of a special platform for attaching an elastic sectional rescue sleeve RS-S, which allows for quick evacuation of people, including those who are unable to move independently.

A number of models of ladders are supplied with a removable or permanently attached to the top suspension cradle. A suspended cradle (most often double) gives the ladder additional features that are typical for car lifts. If the ladder is equipped with a proportional electro-hydraulic control system, then an additional control panel is installed in the cradle, from which the operator controls all movements of the boom.

The ladder truck AL-30, model PM-512B, is mounted on a KAMAZ-43114 off-road chassis. The ladder is designed to work with a reach of up to 24 meters, which is ensured by the large mass of the machine and the increased strength of the set of knees. The height of the fully extended ladder is 33 meters. The ladder is equipped with a removable cradle with a load capacity of 200 kg with an additional control panel. The machine uses a proportional electro-hydraulic control system based on Danfoss hydraulic valves.

The performance characteristics of the ladder AL-30(43114)PM512B

Parameter name Index
Base Chassis KAMAZ-43114
Wheel formula
Full mass 16960 kg

- width

- height

Engine diesel, turbocharged and intercooled, 240 hp
Number of places for combat crew 3 persons
Max Speed 70 km/h
The maximum length of the fully extended ladder at an elevation angle of 73 0 , not less than
Working load at the top of a non-leaning ladder: - at a reach of 18 meters

– at a departure of 24 meters

350 + 10 kg

100 + 10 kg

with a top load of 350 kg

18 + 0.5 meters

24 + 0.5 meters

from – 4 0 to + 73 0

is not limited

Lifting capacity when used as a crane (with offset legs) at a lifting angle of 30 … 73 0

2000 + 50 kg

Carrying capacity of a removable cradle (at not leaning top)

200 + 10 kg

The time of ladder maneuvers at maximum speed with a working load in the aerial platform at:

rise from 0 0 to 73 0

lowering from 73 0 to 0 0

turn by 360 0 to the right and left with the ladder shifted, raised by 73 0

40 + 5 sec.

35 + 5 sec.

40 + 5 sec.

35 + 5 sec.

45 + 5 sec.

Working pressure in the hydraulic system:

top contour

bottom contour

19 + 1 MPa (190 + 10 kgf / cm 2)

17,5 + 1 MPa (175 + 10 kgf / cm 2)

LS(D)-S-20U (manufactured by CJSC Robotics Engineering Center, Petrozavodsk)
The presence of a rescue sleeve available, 32 meters long

AKP-32 (43118) PM545

Fire articulated car lift- a fire truck with a stationary mechanized rotary articulated, telescopic or articulated telescopic lifting boom, the last link of which is equipped with a cradle.

Fire articulated car lifts are similar in design to car ladders, because. their systems have much in common; support contour, rotary device, hydraulic drive, blocking systems, etc. Significantly different from ladders are only their lifting device, which is made in the form of an cranked, telescopic or cranked-telescopic boom, equipped with a stationary system of water and foam communications. A characteristic feature of the movement control of the lift arm is the mandatory location of the control panels for the lift arm both on the lifting and turning base and in the cradle.

Articulated car lifts compared to car ladders have greater maneuverability, but lack such an important advantage of the stairs as the possibility of continuous evacuation of victims without changing the position of the boom. At the same time, automatic transmissions have wider possibilities for supplying water to a height compared to ladders.

In recent years, there has been a trend towards equipping articulated telescopic car lifts with a parallel flight of stairs, which makes it possible to combine the advantages of a car lift and a car ladder in one product.

The most common are car lifts with a height of 30 and 50 meters. Currently, car lifts are being created, designed for high altitudes.

The main mechanisms and units of the car lift are:

  • base chassis;
  • platform with support structures for the transport position of the boom
  • power group;
  • hydraulic system;
  • support device, including a frame, 4 hydraulic outriggers and a spring locking system;
  • lifting and turning part, consisting of a rotating tower, lower, middle, small arrows and a cradle with a load capacity of 350 kg;
  • built-in water-foam communication with an axial collector;
  • mechanisms for laying arrows, turning the tower and turning the cradle around a vertical axis;
  • electrical equipment with a system of blocking and signaling
  • governing bodies.

The lift height of the car lift cradle is 30 meters, the working height is 31.5 meters, the maximum structurally specified side reach of the cradle is 17 meters, the maximum load in the cradle is 350 kg.

A water line riser is mounted along the lower, middle and small arrows. In the upper part of the riser, a fire monitor (hydromonitor) is installed on the cradle. In addition, a winch is mounted in the cradle for lifting fire extinguishers or lowering victims, a sectional rescue sleeve fastening clip, and a control panel with an intercom.

Articulated lifts are simple in design and relatively cheap, but have a very long transport length (14-15 meters) and require a large free area for deployment. Crank-telescopic lifts are free from these shortcomings.

The AKP-32 articulated telescopic lift, model PM-545, is installed on the all-wheel drive KAMAZ-43118 (6 × 6).

The boom of the 32-meter AKP-32 car lift model PM-545 is of the crank-telescopic type, with 3 all-metal telescopic box-shaped elbows and an additional hinged section, on which a swivel cradle is installed. The maximum reach of the boom reaches 17 meters, the carrying capacity of the cradle is 350 kg. In the transport position, the upper and lower booms are side by side rather than one below the other, resulting in a smaller vertical clearance of the machine. Separate control of each support allows you to perform work with supports extended from one side only.

Equipped with telescopic water-foam communications. The cradle is equipped with a fire monitor (on the riser), a control panel, a folding platform for attaching the RS-S rescue sleeve and an intercom.

The performance characteristics of the AKP-32(43118)PM545

Parameter name Index
Base Chassis KAMAZ-43118
Wheel formula 6 × 6 (locking inter-axle and inter-wheel differentials)
Full mass 20500 kg
Dimensions in transport position:


Number of places for combat crew 3 persons
Max Speed 90 km/h
The maximum length of the fully extended boom at a lifting angle of 85 0, not less than

32 + 1 meters

The maximum height of lowering the knee of the boom down - 5 meters
Load capacity (maximum working load) of the aerial work platform
Maximum reach of the outer edge of the cradle from the axis of rotation of the swivel base with the maximum working load in the cradle
Boom Angle Range from 0 0 to + 85 0
Boom swing angle right and left is not limited
The time of maneuvers of the cradle of the car lift at the maximum speed of movement with the workload in the cradle at:

lifting to full height

dropping to the ground

Rotate 360 ​​0

Installation time on outriggers on a horizontal platform, no more
Model of a stationary robotic fire monitor LS(D)-S-20U (manufactured by CJSC "Engineering Center for Robotics" EFER "Petrozavodsk")
20 l/s
Possibility of remote control of a stationary water monitor in the cradle
Angle of rotation of the stationary fire monitor:

· right left)

Availability and type of pneumatic jumping rescue device
The presence of a rescue sleeve available, 32 meters long


Parameter name Index
Base Chassis KAMAZ-65115 with a low cab
Wheel formula 6×4
Gross weight, no more 24450 kg
Dimensions in transport position:

length, no more

Width, no more

height, no more



diesel, turbocharged and intercooled
Number of places for combat crew 3 persons
Max Speed 80 km/h
Maximum ladder height fully extended 50 meters
Working load at the top of a non-leaning ladder: - at a reach of 16 meters

– at a departure of 20 meters

Working reach of the top of the stairs from the axis of rotation of the rotary base:

with a top load of 300 kg

with load in the cradle 200 kg

with a top load of 100 kg

Angle range of knee set from – 4 0 to + 73 0
The angle of rotation of the stairs to the right and left (with an angle of rise of at least 10 0)

is not limited

Lift capacity 200 kg
Carrying capacity of a removable cradle (when the top of the stairs is not leaning)
Lifting capacity when used as a crane (with offset legs)
Ladder maneuver time at maximum speed with working load in the cradle, no more, at:

rise from 0 0 to 73 0

lowering from 73 0 to 0 0

extension to full length at the angle of elevation of the stairs 73 0

shifting (full) at the angle of elevation of the stairs 73 0

Turning by 360 0 to the right and left with the ladder shifted, raised by 73 0, no more

lifting (lowering) of a cradle, an elevator at an angle of elevation of the stairs 73 0

Installation time on outriggers on a horizontal platform, no more
Model of a stationary robotic fire monitor LS(D)-S-20U (manufactured by CJSC Robotics Engineering Center)
Feeding a stationary fire monitor 20 l/s
Possibility of remote control of a stationary water monitor
Availability and type of pneumatic jumping rescue device
The presence of a rescue sleeve available, 49 meters long

ABR-ROBOT (4326)

A rapid response vehicle for rescue operations and firefighting in high-risk conditions using a light-class mobile robotic complex MRK-RP is assembled on a KAMAZ-4326 chassis. ABR-ROBOT is intended for:

  • delivery of a mobile robotic complex (MRC) and additional equipment to the place of rescue operations and fire fighting;
  • delivery of personnel capable of servicing and controlling the robotic tool;
  • delivery to the place of work of the combat crew, fire tools and emergency equipment, a supply of fire extinguishing agents.

Performance characteristics of ABR-ROBOT(4326)with emergency rescue vehicle (ASA) functions

Parameter name Index
Base Chassis KAMAZ-4326
Wheel formula 4 × 4 (there is a function of blocking center and wheel differentials)
Wheelbase 4200 mm
Full mass 11600 kg
Load distribution:

on the front axle

on the rear axle



diesel, turbocharged and intercooled

Number of places for combat crew 5 people (2 + 3)
Max Speed 90 km/h
Water tank capacity, not less than 500 liters
Portable power generator "BOSCH":

generator drive

· Rated voltage

rated frequency

maximum power

(transfer from ASA RV-2)

from internal combustion engine (gasoline)

Set of hydraulic rescue equipment "PROSTOR" 1 set (pumping station, scissors, wire cutters, spreader, jacks)
Electric generator "VEPR" 1 PC. (N = 2.2 kW)

(not used,

is in storage)

Water mist fire extinguishing installation UPTV-300 with mounted coil and high-pressure hose with a diameter of 17.4 mm for 50 meters 1 kit

(not used,

is in storage)

Preparation time for work:

Composition of ABR-ROBOT(4326) with ASA functions

No. p.p. Name Qty Note
1. Light mobile robotic complex MRK-RP 2 pcs.
2. Water mist fire extinguishing installation UPTV-300 with mounted coil and high-pressure hose with a diameter of 17.4 mm for 50 meters 1 set not used
3. A set of additional equipment for MRK-RP, consisting of: 1 set
– powder fire extinguishing module with a capacity of 50 liters. 2 pcs.
– water-foam fire extinguishing module with a capacity of 50 liters. 2 pcs. not used
– dose rate meter IMD-21B 1 PC. Installed


– gas detector GSA-3 (GSA-AIG) 1 PC. Installed


4. SPTA for MRK-RP in accordance with the SPTA list 1 set
5. Car VHF radio 1 set
6. Portable VHF radio 2 pcs.
7. Signal loudspeaker system 1 PC.
8. lighting kit 1 PC.
9. FOS with AZU 1 PC.
10. A set of hydraulic rescue equipment "PROSTOR", adopted in the system of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, consisting of:
– wire cutters KGS-80 1 PC.
– combined scissors NKGS-80; 1 PC.
– middle expander RSGS-80; 1 PC.
– pumping station SGS-1-80DHM; 1 PC.
- double-acting double-sided cylinder TsGS-2/80; 1 PC.
– hand pump НРС-2/80; 1 PC.
– single-row extension coil KUS-1/15 1 PC.
Fire-fighting equipment
11. GPVK foam generator 1 PC.
12. Motor pump with the possibility of water intake from an external source Q = 600 l/min. 1 PC.
13. Fire extinguisher OU-5 1 PC.
No. p.p. Name Qty Note
14. Fire extinguisher OP-5 2 pcs.
15. Pressure fire hose Dat=51mm, L=20m 5 pieces.
16. Trunk manual universal combined RSKU-50A 1 PC.
17. Column fire KPA 1 PC.
Special Equipment
18. Heat reflective suit TK-800 3 pcs.
19. Special suit "RZK" 3 pcs.
20. Breathing apparatus AP "Omega" 3 pcs.
Means for first aid
21. Automobile first aid kit 1 PC.
22. medical styling 1 PC.
23. Lightweight sanitary stretcher 1 PC.
Equipment and tools
24. Warning triangle 1 PC. Chassis SPTA
25. wheel chocks 2 pcs. Chassis SPTA
26. bayonet shovel 1 PC.
27. Sledgehammer 1 PC.
28. Hook for opening hatches 1 PC.
29. Rope 1 PC.
30. Axe 1 PC.
31. Scrap fireman with a ball head 1 PC.
32. Universal fire crowbar 1 PC.
33. Towing cable made of steel rope with a carrying capacity of 8-10 tons. 1 PC. On the roof of the superstructure
34. Canister for gasoline 5 l. 1 PC. in the cockpit
35. Dielectric scissors 1 PC.
36. Dielectric gloves 1 pair
37. Dielectric bots 1 pair
38. Dielectric mat 1 PC.
39. Clamp 80 1 PC.
40. GP 50x70 1 PC.
41. GP 50x80 1 PC.
42. GP 70x80 1 PC.
43. Key K-80 1 PC.
44. Key K-150 1 PC.
45. Driver tool kit 1 set Chassis SPTA

The NT598.00.00.000 mobile robotic complex for reconnaissance and firefighting (hereinafter referred to as MRK-RP) is intended for use in the aftermath of accidents aggravated by chemical and radiation contamination, associated with the risk of death and injury to personnel.

Specifications MRK-RP

Curb weight of MR, no more than, kg 190
Maximum speed of MR movement, not less than, km/h 3,0
The height of the threshold obstacle overcome by the MR, m 0,25
Permissible angle of roll, trim MR, no more than, degree 35
Depth of the water barrier overcome by the MR, no more than, m 0,1
Depth of snow cover overcome by MR, no more than, m 0,1
Rated load capacity of the manipulator, kg 30
Maximum permissible load capacity of the manipulator, kg 50
Remote control of MR with PU:

– by cable, m, up to

- by radio in an open area, m, up to

Overall dimensions MR, no more than, m
length 1,35
width 0,65
height 0,7
Time of continuous operation, h, not less 4

AG-20-0.3 NATISK (433362)


  • delivery to the place of fire (accident) of personnel of the gas and smoke protection service, personal respiratory and vision protection equipment, fire-technical equipment;
  • deploying on fire (accident) control post (security post) GDZS;
  • illumination of the place of fire (accident);
  • providing electricity in case of fire (accident) of the exported electrical equipment, power tools, smoke exhausters, searchlights, etc.

AG vehicles consist of the following main parts:

  • base chassis with additional transmission to drive the electric power plant;
  • saloon for calculation and compartments for fire-fighting equipment;
  • electric power plant;
  • additional electrical equipment systems;
  • fixed lighting tower.

Three-phase current generators with a power of 8, 16, 20, 30 kW with a current frequency of 50 and 400 Hz and an output voltage of 230 or 400 V should be used as the main power sources for electric power plants.

The vehicle is equipped with a stationary drive three-phase alternating current generator GS-250-20/4, with a power of 20 kW, a current frequency of 50 Hz and an output voltage of 400 V.

The car is equipped with a 6-meter telescopic mast with 2 fixed spotlights.

The car is equipped with a hydraulic rescue tool, a mechanized tool with a petrol and electric drive, PDE-7 fire smoke exhausters, remote searchlights, coils with an electric cable, electrical branches and other fire-technical weapons and equipment necessary for the operation of the GDZS links when extinguishing fires and performing rescue operations.

Tactical and technical characteristics of AG-20-0.3-NATISK (433362)

Parameter name Index
Base Chassis ZIL-433362
Wheel formula 4×2
Full mass 10500 kg



Number of places for combat crew 9 people
Max Speed 80 km/h
Built-in generator:

· location

Generator drive from chassis engine
Rated voltage 400/230V
Rated frequency 50 Hz
Max power 20 kW
Light tower lifting height 6 m
Hoist drive pneumatic
Number/power of spotlights 2 pcs / 1.0 kW
Spotlight control manual
Respiratory protection equipment:

· quantity

compressed air breathing apparatus with PDM 1 hour
Protective suits:

– heat reflective

– protective FIR-5

Cable reels:

– stationary

– portable

Special emergency equipment and tools:

a set of emergency rescue tools:

– electric saw

– electric slotter

Equipment for smoke removal:

– electric smoke exhauster DPE-7

– pressure hose

- suction hose

1 kit

Performance characteristics

mobile fire extinguishing installationNATISK-300 M BL»

Overall dimensions, l×w×h

(horizontal version)

Curb weight 450 kg
Water tank 300 liters
Dosing foam concentrate 0,6 %
Foamer type hydrocarbon synthetic 1%, production of the Russian Federation
Foam volume 1.8 liters
Foam ratio 5 – 20
The volume of produced foam, multiplicity

from 1:5 (wet foam) to 1:20 (dry foam)

1500 - 6000 liters
Solution consumption 0.6 - 1.8 l/s
Finished foam consumption 15 l/s
Installation operating time up to 15 minutes
Feed method intermittent
Foam jet distance up to 25 meters
air balloon 2 pcs. × 50 l. (P \u003d 200 kgf / cm 2)
Working pressure in the plant 5 - 7 kgf / cm 2
Sleeve line diameter 51 mm with GR-50
Hose line length 100 meters (5 sleeves of 20 m)
Barrel manual foam pistol type "DELTA" 1 PC.


Technical description

and operating instructions pm-506d.00.000 TO



  1. The purpose of the ladder

  2. Technical data

  3. Composition, arrangement and operation of the ladder

  4. The device and operation of the components of the ladder

  1. Chassis

  2. Power group

  3. Power take-off

  4. hydraulic pump

  5. Oil tank
4.6 Filter

  1. emergency drive

  2. Motor control drive

  3. hydraulic drive

  1. support base

  2. Spring lock mechanism

  3. Support

  4. Support extension hydraulic cylinder

  5. Support control unit

  6. Swivel base

  7. swivel support

  8. Hydraulic mechanisms

  9. swing drive

  10. Lift cylinder

  11. Extend drive

  12. Extend drive gearbox
4.22 Oil current transition

4.23 Diagram of led locking device

4.24 Blocking device

4.25 Side leveling mechanism

4.26 Lateral leveling cylinder

4.27 Elbow kit

4.28 Electrical equipment

4.29 Fire monitor

4.30 Sleeve attachment device 5. Instrumentation, tools and accessories

  1. Instrumentation

  2. Tools and accessories

  1. Marking, sealing and packaging

  2. General instructions for the operation of the ladder

  3. Safety Instructions

  4. Preparation for work, measurement of parameters, regulation and adjustment,
technical condition check

  1. Preparation for work

  2. Measurement of parameters, regulation and adjustment
9.3Checking the technical condition

10 How it works

  1. Lowering-raising supports

  2. Raising and lowering stairs

  3. Stair turn

  4. Pull-out ladder
10.5 Lowering the leaning ladder

  1. Getting people up and down stairs

  2. Descent of people down the sleeve

  3. Fire monitor work

  4. Work with foam generators

  1. Laying stairs

  2. Job change

    1. Operation of hand pumps

  1. The use of a ladder for lifting loads

  2. Operation at low air temperatures
11 Maintenance

  1. Types and frequency of maintenance

  2. Maintenance of hydraulic units

  3. Lubricant

  4. Change of working fluid

  5. Maintenance of electrical equipment
11.6 List of works for various types of maintenance

11.7 Static tests

  1. Possible failures and methods for their elimination

  2. Maintenance instructions

  3. Technical certification and operational tests

  4. Storage rules, conservation
16 Transportation


A Characteristics of working fluids used in the hydraulic system

B Lubrication table

In the List of elements of the electrical circuit diagram

D List of elements of the hydraulic circuit diagram

D Scheme of sealing

E Slinging diagram

G Mounting diagram

And Album of drawings PM-506D.00.000 TO1


The operation of the fire ladder AL-ZO (131) PM-506D is allowed for persons who have completed a training course at the training center of the Main Directorate of the Federal Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergencies of Russia or at the manufacturing plant and who have received a certificate for the right to drive the ladder.

The operation of the ladder by persons who do not have a certificate is PROHIBITED.

Poor knowledge of the construction of the ladder and its management can lead to emergency situations.

When working with an emergency drive, if oscillations of a set of knees occur, stop the movement until the end of the oscillations.

To exclude cases of overloading the hydraulic system with pressure and the possibility of hydraulic shocks, it is necessary to move the control handles from one position to another smoothly with a mandatory exposure in the neutral position.

In order to exclude the possibility of breaking the limit switches in the support control compartments, it is necessary to close the doors by holding the handles, preventing free impact when slamming.

Carrying out any modifications without the consent of the manufacturer



This technical description and operating instructions are intended to study the device, the principle of operation and the rules for operating the ladder.

In addition to this maintenance, it is necessary to use the operational documentation listed in section 4 of the form PM-506D.00.000 FO

The TO text is explained by drawings placed in a separate Appendix I. Album of drawings PM-506D.00.000TO1.

1 Purpose of the ladder

1.1 Fire ladder is designed:

for rescue operations in the upper floors of buildings;

for delivery of combat crew and fire equipment to the place of fire;

to extinguish a fire with water or air-mechanical foam;

to perform auxiliary work at a height of up to 30 m;

for use as a crane when the set of knees is folded;

for the evacuation of people from a height of up to 30 m along the flight of stairs, as well as with the help of an elastic rescue sleeve.

1.2 The ladder is designed for operation in a moderate climate at an air temperature of minus 40 to plus 40°C and relative humidity up to 80% at 20°C.

2 Technical data

2.1 Technical data of the ladder are given in table 2.1
Table 2.1

Name of indicator


Height of a fully extended ladder at an elevation angle of 75 °, m,


at least

Working load at the top of a non-leaning ladder at


maximum reach, kN (kgf), no more

The load capacity of the ladder when using the ladder in


as a crane (with a shifted ladder), kg, no more

The working range of lifting stairs in a vertical

from minus 4 to 75

plane, hail

The angle of rotation of the stairs to the right or left (at the angle of elevation

is not limited

not less than 10°), hail

Working reach of the top of the stairs from the axis of rotation of the rotary

bases with maximum working load at the top, m

Ladder maneuver time at maximum travel speed

no load, s, at:

elevation from 0 to 75°


lowering from 75 to 0°


full extension at 75° lift angle


shift (full) at an elevation angle of 75°


360° swivel right or left with ladder shifted up 75°


Installation time on outriggers on a horizontal platform,


s, no more

Minimum angle of inclination at which the knees can move


under the action of its own mass, deg

Working pressure in the hydraulic system, MPa (kgf / cm 2)

17,5 +1 (175 +10)

Hydraulic fluid

All-weather oil VMGZ


Oil MG-30

TU 38-10150-79

Working Fluid Substitutes

Spindle oil

OST 38.01412-86

Oil I-30A

GOST 20799-75

Continuation of table 2.1

Name of indicator


The interval of permissible temperatures of working fluids for short

temporary work, °С:


From - 40 to +



From - 5 to +



From - 5 to +



From - 20 to +


The volume of filling tanks of the ladder units, l;

extension drive gearbox


swing drive gearbox


hydraulic tank

the entire hydraulic system



Chassis type

All-wheel drive

Full weight, kg, no more


Distribution of the total mass along the axes, kg

on the front axle, no more


on the rear bogie, no more


Length in transport position, mm, no more


Width in transport position, mm, no more


Height in transport position, mm, no more


Maximum transport speed, km/h


Fuel consumption during stationary operation for the pump drive,


kg/h, no more

Gamma-percent resource before the first overhaul


(when y =0.8), h, not less

Average service life before decommissioning, years


Installed resource before the first overhaul, h, not less than


Note: Maneuvering times are indicated when working on the 4th

gear box transmission

3 Composition, arrangement and operation of the ladder

3.1 Ladder AL-30(131)PM-506D is