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How to find out cbm for cars of legal entities. How to find out your cbm and driver class according to OSAGO

CBM or "Bonus-Malus" coefficient is a coefficient that is used by insurance companies when calculating the insurance premium under the contract. Depending on the presence or absence of accidents, "Bonus-Malus" can be lowering or increasing. For the convenience of determining this coefficient, a special KBM table for OSAGO has been created.

Class KBM Rise in price

The number of insured events (payments) that occurred during the period of validity of previous OSAGO contracts
0 1 2 3 4
The class to be assigned
M 2,45 145% 0 M M M M
0 2,3 130% 1 M M M M
1 1,55 55% 2 M M M M
2 1,4 40% 3 1 M M M
3 1 No 4 1 M M M
4 0,95 5% 5 2 1 M M
5 0,9 10% 6 3 1 M M
6 0,85 15% 7 4 2 M M
7 0,8 20% 8 4 2 M M
8 0,75 25% 9 5 2 M M
9 0,7 30% 10 5 2 1 M
10 0,65 35% 11 6 3 1 M
11 0,6 40% 12 6 3 1 M
12 0,55 45% 13 6 3 1 M
13 0,5 50% 13 7 3 1 M

Check KBM

What do the rows in the table mean

The cost of the contract directly depends on which class of KBM for OSAGO will be applied.

The entire table is divided into several sections. The first column indicates the class of the driver at the time of insurance. A driver who first contacts a company representative in order to issue a policy automatically receives the initial 3rd class. It is from him that the calculation will take place up or down.

The second line contains the discount, the bonus-malus coefficient, as a percentage.

The last column indicates the presence or absence of appeals during the insurance year.

How to use the table

The table is very easy to use. To determine the coefficient, you only need to know: what class was at the time of insurance and how many accidents happened during the validity of this contract. The second meaning is simple, since every driver knows whether accidents have happened or not. The first value can be found in the insurance organization or on the page.

For verification, you must enter: full name, date of birth, series and number of the driver's license. After entering personal information, a verification will automatically occur.

In order to personally find out the coefficient at the beginning of insurance, you must contact the office of the company where the contract was drawn up. You must have a passport, a signed contract and a driver's license with you. In terms of time, checking the bonus-malus takes no more than 10 minutes.

After you recognize your class, you need a 2020 OSAGO KBM table to determine the value. In the first column of the table, you need to find your class. The second column will reflect the discount, or multiplying factor, that was used in calculating the premium under the contract. Next, the bonus-malus for the next year is determined. In the absence of payments, it goes down the table by one line. If there were accidents, it rises up the table, depending on the accidents.

An example of calculating the KBM according to the table

Here are two examples for you. In the first case, the driver drove for a year without loss, in the second, the driver had an accident. Let's consider how the KBM table of the driver class works, in the absence and presence of insured events.

Ivanov Sergey Petrovich turned to the insurer on November 11, 2015. At the time of registration of the contract, the driver was assigned class 9 KBM, namely a 30% discount to the base rate under the policy. It turns out that the client has already used the services of the insurance company more than once and each received 5% for an accident-free ride.

Example #1: No accidents

A year later, Sergei Petrovich again turned to the insurance company to obtain a new contract. As before, the client had no accidents, and the employee provided a reduction bonus for an accident-free year. To determine, she used the Bonus-Malus table for OSAGO.

Sergey Petrovich had the 9th class, moving along this line to the right, in the table, the insurance agent looked at the new class, with the number of insured events "0". After 9 comes 10, which corresponds to a discount of 0.65 or 35% to the total cost of the insurance contract. It turns out that the new contract will receive a discount of 35%.

Example #2: Having three alarms

A year later, Sergei Petrovich again turned to the representative of the insurance company to draw up a new contract. Unfortunately, over the past year, the client had 3 accidents, through his fault. In this regard, the client did not count on a good discount.

Sergei Petrovich was in the 9th grade. Moving along the line, you need to look at the new coefficient that is assigned to the driver who had 3 accidents. The new class that the emergency driver receives is 1 or a multiplier of 1.55. It turns out that the client must pay an increased insurance premium.

KBM with unlimited insurance

If a policy is issued that provides for an unlimited number of persons admitted to driving a vehicle, then the question arises: how to find out the bonus-malus class? In this case, the calculation of the bonus goes to the owner of the car.

The coefficient for the owner is determined in the same way as for the driver. The only thing to take into account is that the discount on the car by the owner is assigned to a specific car and does not apply to others.

For example, for several years in a row, without accidents, you draw up a contract for a VAZ 2110 car and earn the maximum class, in the amount of 50%. When buying a new car, Kia Ria, subject to an unlimited number of persons, according to OSAGO, you will be assigned an initial - 3 indicator. It turns out that a new car is a new system of discounts.

KBM - coefficient "Bonus-Malus". This value is used by insurance companies to calculate the insurance premium under the contract.

Due to the presence or absence of accidents, the KBM is either step-down or step-up. We will learn how to calculate the KBM for OSAGO in 2020.


OSAGO policy is a document according to which the insurance company partially reimburses the damage to the injured party after an accident in which its client is to blame. The same conditions apply to drivers included in the same insurance policy.

The cost of an OSAGO insurance policy depends on the following indicators:

  • the age of the driver;
  • driving experience;
  • indicator of accident-free driving, takes into account the insurance history (KBM);
  • characteristics of the insured car (KM-engine power factor);
  • region of operation (CT-territorial coefficient);
  • coefficient of gross violations (KN);
  • from the general conditions of the contract;
  • the presence or absence of a trailer or restrictions.

Video: How to calculate a discount for KBM accident-free driving

Table and its correct application

Motorist class KBM Class and insured events that occurred during the validity of the OSAGO policy
There were no payments 1 payout 2 3 4 or more
M 2,45 0 M M M M
0 2,3 1
1 1,55 2
2 1,4 3 1
3 1 4 1
4 0,95 5 2 1
5 0,9 6 3 1
6 0,85 7 4 2
7 0,8 8 4 2
8 0,75 9 5 2
9 0,7 10 5 2 1
10 0,65 11 6 3 1
11 0,6 12 6 3 1
12 0,55 13 6 3 1
13 0,5 13 7 3 1
  1. The left column indicates the class of the motorist. For all drivers who enter into an OSAGO agreement for the first time, the third class is typical, the KBM class will be equal to 1.
  2. Then it is determined how many insured events were during the validity of past insurance contracts in which the driver was found guilty. Beginners do not have such cases, so the number “0” is needed.
  3. The column showing the number of losses is needed to determine the class for the next year. For beginners class 4.
  4. Class four corresponds to the value of KBM 0.95.


Consider two examples. In the first, the motorist drove for a year without accidents, in the second, the driver had accidents. Let's start with the first example.

Suppose that at the time of the conclusion of the insurance contract, the motorist was assigned class 9 KBM. Those. 30% discount to the basic insurance rate. This means that the motorist has already used the services of an insurance company, and each year received a 5% discount more for accident-free driving.

A year later, the same driver began to draw up a new insurance contract. There were no accidents. From grade 9 we move down the column in the table, the insurance agent looks at the new class. The driver receives class 10, the discount is 35% (value 0.65).

Consider another example where the same driver (class 9) had 3 accidents. From class 9, we move along the table to the right, to the value where 3 payments are indicated. And we get class 1, and the multiplying factor is 1.55. This means that the driver will have to pay the increased cost.

To independently determine the discount:

  • you need to start the calculation from the line that contains the third class;
  • after each accident-free year, you can go down one line below;
  • for each year with accidents, you need to go to the line that corresponds to the number of insurance payments;
  • if a motorist has not had insurance for a year, his class is three;
  • if the policy is open (unlimited number of drivers), the coefficient changes only for the owner of the car.

According to OSAGO, the maximum discount for accident-free driving is 50%. This corresponds to a value of 0.5 and a class of 13. A motorist receives the largest possible discount if he has not been paid insurance for 10 years.

Insurance payments are made only when the victim of an accident provoked by you applies to the insurance company for payment. If the damage is minor, motorists sort it out on the spot, and the cost of the policy does not increase.

If there is a limit on the number of drivers, the coefficient is determined based on the information for each of the drivers:

  • employees of the insurance company determine the KBM by the motorist with the worst class;
  • the discount is given to a person, not a vehicle;
  • the coefficient increases only for the driver responsible for the accident.

  • transit insurance;
  • insurance of a vehicle registered in another state.

The table provides the theoretical value of the coefficient. In reality, its value may be higher, since insurers do not always enter the MSC into the PCA database, which all insurance companies must rely on.

This is done to get more money. And a motorist who is not well versed in insurance payments is easily caught and pays more than required.

The discount is quickly checked independently through the PCA database.. This is very important, as insurance companies sometimes do not enter the coefficient into the PCA database in order to get a higher profit for the same insurance policy.

The Russian Union of Motor Insurers is a non-profit corporate organization that represents a single all-Russian professional association.

It is based on the principle of compulsory membership of insurers who are engaged in compulsory civil liability insurance of vehicle owners. The status of the association is fixed by law. The structure includes 71 insurance companies.

You can check the coefficient on the PCA base on the official website: http://www.autoins.ru/ru/osago/polis.

You will need the following information:

  • Date of Birth;
  • data of an identity document, or full name and date of birth of a person who is allowed to drive a car;
  • driver's license information.

A tick confirms consent to the processing of personal data, verification is carried out.

If the final figure coincided with the value calculated by you theoretically, it should be so. If, after checking the value in the PCA, an incorrect result is obtained, the KBM should be restored.

The PCA database provides the most complete information. You can determine where the coefficient value came from, which policy number was used in the calculation.

When concluding an OSAGO agreement, an insurance company must use AIS information about previous periods of insurance to confirm the validity of the use of KBM.

Based on the database, you can also check the validity of the coefficient used by the company in relation to the driver specified in the policy. The system has data on drivers since the beginning of 2011.

The class of a motorist in the PCA system is changed only by representatives of the insurance company. Base employees do not change AIS data. Any adjustments are made by employees of the insurance company.

Since 2014, companies must transfer information about OSAGO agreements to the database within 24 hours from the moment the agreement is drawn up.

First you need to find out when the error was made in the calculation of the KBM. The policy itself does not indicate the coefficient, so the previous policies should be recalculated.

Do not throw away old insurance policies. They will be needed to recalculate the correct value.

Insurance ratios change every year. The price of the insurance policy must be reconciled every year. If you have already done this all the time, there is probably a mistake in the previous policy.

Reasons for the error:

  • the information in the database has not been corrected, there is a record with information on the old policy;
  • employees made a mistake when entering;
  • if the company went bankrupt or was liquidated, employees may not have communicated information about the PCA system.

You can restore KBM in an insurance company that made a mistake in the calculation. If the error is confirmed, the changes will be made in a few days.

If the previous insurance company made a mistake, you need to contact there. If it is liquidated, the coefficient cannot be restored, since other insurance companies do not correct the mistakes of their colleagues.

If ordinary employees refuse to admit their mistakes, contact the company's head office, file a complaint, send it by registered mail or in person. If you are submitting it in person, request that copies of the complaint be marked with a note that it has been accepted for consideration.

The document should describe in detail the circumstances confirming the incorrect application of the coefficient. Enter the employee's name, time, insurance policy number.

You have the right to demand written payment. You can also mention that you are going to file a complaint against the company with the authorities exercising control over financial settlements. If there are no results, contact the FFMS.

If one of the drivers inscribed in the insurance has changed his driver's license, you must immediately inform the insurance company about this. This refers to changing any other information in documents.

If for some reason the insurance company does not receive information about the accident, drivers begin to cheat and keep silent about their accidents. When calculating, the inaccuracy of the information will immediately be detected in the PCA database.

The insurance company has the right to apply penalties for providing false information. The fine is 1.5 coefficients, the cost of insurance will be increased.

The motorist cannot hide from sanctions even when he decides to change the insurer.


  • KPR is not used for passenger vehicles;
  • KM is used only for passenger vehicles;
  • KP does not apply to cars that have been registered in the Russian Federation.

There are also other features. For this reason, it is always faster and easier to use any of the online policy calculators on various sites if you do not trust the employees of your insurance company.

Checking the KBM on the RSA database allows the car owner to determine his individual class, which affects the value of the malus bonus. Since 2015 By decree of the Government, a system was introduced to encourage accident-free driving when purchasing OSAGO insurance - the bonus-malus coefficient, in short, KBM.

Since that time, all drivers of vehicles are assigned an individual coefficient, depending on the accuracy of driving. The higher the KBM class, the greater the discount provided by the auto insurer when purchasing a policy.

The Union of Motor Insurers of the Russian Federation (RUA) is responsible for tracking and recording the insurance history of each driver. This organization keeps statistics of insured events with each driver, and in accordance with this assigns him a certain class of KBM. The driver will be able to check his KBM in several ways, the most accessible of which is to find out the data of interest to him on the official website of the PCA, where the information base of car owners is presented.

The owner of a vehicle can determine a personal KBM online by filling out an electronic form on the RSA portal. This service is absolutely free, and verification will take just a couple of minutes. To do this, you will need to enter the website of the Union, located at the email address: autoins.ru. Then go through the sections "OSAGO" - "Calculation of the cost" - "Checking the KBM". In the subsection that opens, fill out the submitted electronic form, and receive data from the AIS database (automatic identification system).

The request will require you to enter:

  • FULL NAME. car owner.
  • Year, month and date of birth of the owner of the vehicle.
  • Driver's license number.
  • Day and month for which data is requested.

After entering this information, the user receives information about his class according to the AIS RSA database.

Definition of KBM under the contract without limiting the number of drivers

Domestic auto insurers are given the opportunity to purchase an OSAGO policy without limiting the number of drivers. This option is ideal for companies engaged in passenger or freight transportation. There is no limit on the number of drivers allowed to drive a particular vehicle. It is possible, if necessary, to make a replacement at any time without making adjustments to the “autocitizen” policy.

True, in order to obtain information on KBM, the car owner will have to provide a number of additional data:

  • VIN number of the vehicle.
  • Registration number of the car.
  • Body number for the car.
  • Chassis number for frame structure vehicles (trucks, buses, SUVs).

Checking KBM for organizations

Auto insurance policy for legal entities is always issued without restrictions. Therefore, it is possible to “break through” the KBM of a legal entity, knowing the data of the owner of the vehicle and his car. In the appropriate section on the site, select in the column "Owner" - "Legal entity", and fill out the electronic form that appears.

To do this, you will need to enter the following data:

  • VIN number of the car.
  • Registration number.
  • body and/or chassis no.

BMF calculation date

To obtain information about how much the OSAGO car owner will cost next year, when filling out the electronic form, the correct date should be entered. To do this, when filling out the “Calculation date” item, you should indicate the year, day and month of the expiration of the insurance policy you have on hand, and add one more day to this date. As a result, the car owner will receive information about the cost of the OSAGO policy for him next year, if he does not commit any accidents through his own fault in the remaining time.

Instructions for filling out the form correctly

To obtain correct information from the PCA database, you will need to correctly fill out the electronic form. Particular attention should be paid to the choice of the category of the car owner - whether he is an individual or some kind of organization. It is also necessary to correctly indicate in the subsection the type of OSAGO agreement - ordinary or without restrictions. Further, the user will only need to enter the necessary information in the appropriate electronic fields.

Recovery of KBM

The KBM class assigned to each driver is by no means a constant value. It can change downwards or upwards. When you downgrade, the price of car insurance increases. For each year of careful driving, the rating of the car owner increases by one point. According to the current KBM table, this entitles the driver to a 5% bonus.

There are usually two reasons:

  1. The car owner changed his driver's license or last name. As a result, the automatic identification system assigned him a basic third grade, just like any newcomer.
  2. The insurer did not enter information about the accident-free driving of its client over the past year into the AIS RSA database, as a result of which the rating was not raised for him.

You can correct the situation by contacting your auto insurer, or directly to the PCA using the official website. Consideration of the application may take up to 30 calendar days. After the restoration of the KBM, the driver has the right to demand that the insurer recalculate.

Why you need to know your KBM

The KBM class directly affects the cost of the OSAGO policy: the higher it is(your class, not coefficient), so insurance will cost less. Therefore, before purchasing a policy, it is always recommended to calculate your own CBM on the PCA online portal or on our website. This will reveal involuntary or deliberate errors of the company's insurers when calculating the "autocitizenship".

What is the history of KBM and how to check it

The insurance history of motorists has been conducted since 01/01/2015. Since that time, the relevant government decree has come into force, and a single insurance base for all drivers has been created. The insurance history of KBM contains information about all accidents caused by this citizen. Here you can also track the change in the personal rating in the KBM classification over the past four years.

To check the personal history of KBM, you will need to go to the online portal of the Union of Motor Insurers and enter your identification information. As a result, the user will be able to receive, along with current data about his class at the moment, information about his personal insurance history in the AIS RSO database. Thus, the RSO website is an indispensable tool for obtaining various information for all car owners in our country.

Familiarize yourself with the form of the electronic resource of the Union of Motor Insurers, with the help of which you can check your K bm online using the AIS RSA database (hereinafter -). This feature is available to users at any time and car owners should check the KBM on this site, and not try to use various unofficial accesses, since the information here is complete and accurate.

During the check, the user receives information not only about the current value of KBM, but also about the source of information (in which insurance, and for which particular policy the coefficient was calculated). In addition, the PCA database allows you to check the OSAGO policy for authenticity.

Please note that the request is sent directly to the PCA database for any date that the user is interested in.

This point is very important because:

  • At the time of the conclusion of a new contract for a motor vehicle citizen, the bonus-malus coefficient will be determined on the date of the newly issued OSAGO policy. It changes the day after the current policy has expired.
  • In the case when the driver is entered into several insurance policies at once, the registration of a new autocitizenship takes place taking into account the information from the last expired policy.

These moments also affect the fact that on different days the value of the coefficient may be different. This should not be forgotten.

In the form below, you can find out the KBM on the PCA database.

How is the check of KBM car owners

As a rule, the KBM check has the following features:

  • The user is provided with a KBM request identifier (unique);
  • The indicator can be determined both for legal entities and for individuals;
  • It is possible to perform a coefficient check for a policy with an unlimited number of drivers;
  • The program displays information on the previous autocitizen policy, which indicates the name of the insurance company and the status of current losses.

Making a request for KBM online is quite easy. To do this, you need to enter your own data in the verification form, namely:

  • select the number of car drivers whose given coefficient will be checked by the service (no more than 4 people can be checked at the same time).
  • indicate the date of interest for the check (the current coefficient is checked for the corresponding date). To find out the coefficient for a newly concluded OSAGO agreement, you need to specify the date following the expiration date of the previous policy.
  • Enter the full name without regard to the case (for example, Matveev Matvey Matveevich).
  • Enter date of birth information.
  • Specify auto ID details (case insensitive).
  • Press the "Search" key.

After that, the information you are interested in (Kbm) will appear at the bottom of the page, which is worth writing down.

Please note that the value of this coefficient is calculated exclusively on the date specified in the request.

Calculation of discounts for OSAGO: features

When concluding a contract for a car citizen, the car owner must know that the insurance manager receives information about the KBM from the AIS RSA database.

In the case when the necessary information is not available in the system, the price of the insurance policy will be calculated taking into account K bm =1. Regarding the driver's class, it must be said that it is determined once for the entire period for which the autocitizen agreement is concluded (1 year). From this it follows that payments made through the fault of the owner of the vehicle, the coefficient increases only in the process of drawing up the next insurance contract.

If the car owner plans to conclude an OSAGO agreement with a limit on the number of persons allowed to drive the vehicle, then the car driver who expects to receive a discount must appear in this agreement from the beginning of its validity. If the driver was added to an already existing insurance policy, then next year K bm is not taken into account for him (for an incomplete period).

It is important to understand that the driver is assigned a coefficient based on his accident-free driving under the previous auto-citizen agreement, from the expiration of which no more than 1 year has passed.

In the case when the insurance history of the driver is missing, in the calculation of the policy price, CBM = 1 is taken. At the same time, the discount accumulated by the driver, as a reward for accident-free driving, is retained for him, regardless of which insurance company he will apply for the next auto citizenship.

The driver/owner of the vehicle can only if at the time of entry into force of the new OSAGO agreement, the previous "accident-free" has already been completed.

How to calculate what should be K bm?

There are times when the PCA database contains inaccurate information and the KBM will be indicated more than the person actually needs. As a rule, this happens due to the fault of the employees of the previous insurance company, who enter the wrong “bonus-malus” values ​​​​into the database when applying for auto citizenship.

Please note that the "class" and "KBM" of the driver are practically the same thing. Therefore, it is now possible to find out the coefficient from the class, as well as perform the reverse operation.

You can check your KBM using the table below. Here the initial class is 3.

Table Kbm - definition of discounts for OSAGO:

Suppose the user insured his car on 11/15/2016. During the insurance year, it has a certain coefficient and class (these values ​​do not change throughout the year). These indicators will be when checking Cbm OSAGO online. If, for example, now the driver has class 7 and KBM = 0.8, then in order to find out these parameters for the future autocitizen policy, you need to:

1. Watch the 7th line (class 7 and K bm = 0.8). Then, depending on the number of insured events (see the last five columns) in this insurance year, you can find out your class in the future. For a specific example (current class 7) for the next year the class is set:

  • 8 - if there were no insured events;
  • 4 - if there was one insured event;
  • 2 - in the presence of 2 insured events during the year;
  • "M" (lower class) - in 3 or more cases.

2. Return to the first two columns, where, in accordance with the new class, the MSC for the next year is determined.

In order not to look for indicators in the table each time, you can use a simple rule: with accident-free control of the vehicle, the bonus-malus coefficient for the driver will annually decrease by 0.05, lowering accordingly.

In conclusion, we additionally draw the attention of all car owners to the fact that representatives of insurance companies quite often make mistakes in the process of entering KBM into a single PCA database. It is advisable to independently check this indicator and, if necessary, contact the insurance company for.

When calculating OSAGO insurance, an important role is played by the correct definition and application of the Bonus-Malus class (KBM). Its definition is always required when calculating, regardless of whether a limited list of drivers or a policy is concluded on terms without restrictions on persons admitted to driving. This coefficient is one of the most important and significantly affects the amount of the final insurance premium. It can both reduce the amount of insurance up to 50%, and increase it by almost 2.5 times. What is KBM, what does it depend on, how is it checked and is it possible to find out the driver’s class for OSAGO online - the answers to these and other questions will be analyzed in this article.

What is CBM and what affects its size?

The "Bonus-malus" class is a kind of system of discounts within the framework of compulsory insurance. In this case, in contrast to the discount, in certain cases, instead of a discount, a multiplying factor is applied.

The following factors influence the size of the CBM:

  • availability of previous OSAGO insurances and the class applied on them;
  • the presence of losses on previous policies and their number;
  • the number of years of continuous insurance, the term of which was at least 1 year. Insurances that have been terminated ahead of schedule are not taken into account.

The system involves assigning a driver or vehicle owner a certain class, which corresponds to a specific coefficient. At the time of initial insurance, class 3 is automatically set, which corresponds to a coefficient of 1. For each subsequent year of insurance during which there was no accident, a 5% discount is assigned, and the CBM itself increases by one position. Thus, if you drive without accidents for 10 years, you can get the maximum discount - 50%, and if there are 2 or more accidents in the first year of insurance due to the fault of the driver, a minimum class of M is assigned, which corresponds to the application for the next year of insurance of a multiplying coefficient in the amount of 2.45. The procedure for applying coefficients can be found on the page of the official website of the PCA at: autoins.ru/ru/help/bonusmalus.wbp.

When saving previously received discounts, an important role is played by the correct entry of information into the unified PCA system by employees of insurance companies at the time of filling out the form. Any technical error will lead to incorrect saving of information in the database and zeroing of the received discounts, and hence the assignment of the original class. That is why it is important to be able to independently check the OSAGO KBM on the PCA database online and control its correct application by insurers.

How to check for each driver?

Only individuals can conclude an OSAGO with a limited list of drivers - this allows you to save a lot, provided that all drivers have more than 3 years of experience. In such cases, the KBM is checked for each driver individually, the class of the driver to which the smallest discount corresponds is subject to application under the contract. So, if 2 people are admitted, one is assigned class 5 (coefficient 0.9), and the second is class 9 (coefficient 0.7), then the class of the first driver is subject to application under the policy.

In order to find out the driver class for OSAGO online, you should open the appropriate tab on the official website: dkbm-web.autoins.ru/dkbm-web-1.0/kbm.htm To determine, you must proceed in the following sequence:

  • choose as the owner - an individual, since the owners - legal entities cannot conclude a limited OSAGO;
  • mark the item "With restriction" for persons admitted to management;
  • fill in the details of the driver in accordance with the request form, which include:
  • last name, first name and patronymic of the driver;
  • date of birth;
  • series and number of the driver's license - it is necessary to fill in strictly in the provided columns in Cyrillic;
  • indicate the date for which the MSC is requested (for example, the beginning of the insurance period or the inclusion of the driver in the contract).

Next, enter the confirmation code and click "Search". If all the data was entered correctly, then the result will be the current KBM, as well as data on the expired policy on the basis of which it was assigned, including the number, insurance period, the name of the insurer and the previous class.

It should be noted that it is possible to check the OSAGO bonus-malus on the PCA database online only under contracts, after the end of which no more than a year has passed. After the specified period, the data is canceled and class 3 is assigned.

If the information was not found during the check in the AIS RSA, then it is necessary to carefully check all the information. If an error persists in class definition, contact the insurer with whom the contract has terminated. It is he who is entrusted with the duty to correctly enter and save data in the AIS RSA. If the insurance company performs its duties improperly, it is necessary to notify the PCA.

Verification of KBM for legal entities and under contracts without restrictions

When concluding OSAGO without restrictions on the circle of persons, the KBM is determined by the owner and is tied to a specific vehicle. So, if one owner has several cars insured on the condition of an unlimited number of drivers, the KBM for them may differ from others. To find out online KBM OSAGO on the PCA database for policies without restrictions, you need to enter more information, in particular, regarding the owner and the car.

Checking KBM without restrictions for individuals

When checking in the form, you should select an individual as the owner of the vehicle and mark “No restrictions” according to the conditions.
In the form that opens, enter the following information:

By owner:

  • full name of the citizen;
  • date of birth;
  • indicate the document on the basis of which it acts (for example, a passport);
  • enter the series and number of the document;

By vehicle:

  • identification number (VIN);
  • register sign;
  • chassis number and body if necessary (for example, no VIN).

After filling in all the data, the date on which the request is made is indicated, and the confirmation code from the picture is entered. Next, click "Search" and, if all the information is entered correctly, the AIS RSA response to the request will contain data on the current Bonus-Malus class, as well as information on the insurance on the basis of which it was assigned.

Checking KBM for legal entities

A policy for legal entities is always issued without restrictions, therefore, it is possible to find out online KBM OSAGO on the PCA database only on the basis of information about the owner and the car. To determine, open the form on the official website and select a legal entity as the owner, then enter the following information:

  • TIN of a legal entity;
  • vehicle details:
  • VIN number;
  • registration number of the state sample (all letters are entered in Cyrillic);
  • body number;
  • chassis number.

The body and chassis number are indicated additionally if the system did not immediately find information about the car. It is also necessary to indicate the date on which information is requested, since the class is assigned only on the basis of policies that ended at the time of insurance.

The request response form, if information is found, will contain the current class and information on the previous insurance policy. For newly purchased vehicles and for the first time insured, the system will report the absence of data and automatically assign 3rd class.

In conclusion, we note that only citizens of the Russian Federation or resident organizations that are duly registered in Russia can check the OSAGO KBM using the PCA database online. When determining the CBM, it should be remembered that for insurances that were originally concluded without limitation, and subsequently transferred to a limited list of drivers, the data on the previous contract will be stored only for the owner of the vehicle. If the policy was concluded with a restriction on the list of persons, then when applying in the future without restrictions, all discounts received will be canceled - the legislator equates such a case with newly concluded OSAGO. The control and correct application of the KBM should be carried out constantly, since a minor technical error when entering information into the AIS RSA can nullify all discounts received for several years of accident-free driving. In addition, the insurer should be notified in a timely manner of changes in the information specified at the time of insurance, for example, a change in full name or registration mark, since the calculation of the KBM is made on the basis of the data stored in the AIS by the insurer.

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