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Buy an electronic OSAGO policy (e-OSAGO). How to issue an electronic OSAGO policy What to show the traffic police inspector

The OSAGO policy is a compulsory third party liability insurance contract that will help the car owner financially secure himself in the event of an accident through his fault.

Compensation will work in case of civil liability as a result of harm to life, health or property of third parties while driving. The maximum limit of liability of the insurer for each case is:

  1. for damage to life and health - four hundred thousand rubles;
  2. for damage to property - five hundred thousand rubles.

In case of an accident with three or more drivers, each victim can claim insurance compensation in the amount of the above limits. It is important to remember that this type of insurance does not cover the cost of restoring the vehicle at fault. This type of protection is provided by Casco. Insurance can be purchased on paper or electronically.

Federal Law No. 40 establishes a ban on driving a car without a contract. The penalty for failure to comply with this requirement is:

  1. if the driver does not have auto insurance with him - five hundred rubles;
  2. driving during the period not provided for by the contract - five hundred rubles;
  3. driving a vehicle by a driver not included in the insurance - five hundred rubles;
  4. lack of a valid policy for a vehicle - eight hundred rubles.

The price of the policy is calculated using the base rate and additional adjustment factors. This tariff is set by each IC at its own discretion within the interval approved by the Central Bank. Correction coefficients are also developed and approved by the Central Bank, but, unlike the main tariff, they are the same for everyone. The parameters that affect the calculation of the cost of insurance include:

  1. the territory of use of the car or the region of registration of the owner of the vehicle;
  2. presence/absence of accidents in history;
  3. presence/absence of restrictions;
  4. the number of full years and experience of car drivers;
  5. the amount of horsepower;
  6. using a car with a trailer;
  7. the period of operation of the car;
  8. contract time.

What documents are needed for registration?

To purchase this type of compensation, you may need:

  1. identity document of the insured;
  2. PTS or STS;
  3. in / at all admitted to driving (if the contract is drawn up with a list of names of drivers);
  4. a valid diagnostic card (if the technical inspection is required by law).

To date, it is not necessary to go to the office of the insurer and draw up on a paper form. Applying for an insurance policy in electronic form has a number of significant advantages:

  1. Simplicity in design. To issue a policy, you do not need to visit the insurance office - just fill out the proposed form. The data specified in the application will be sent for verification to the PCA database, and after verification it will be generated automatically.
  2. Delivery. You will not need to adjust your schedule for a meeting with a courier or an insurance agent. The agreement will be emailed to you electronically. It will be enough to print it and always have it with you.
  3. Less risk of fraud. One of the main problems with paper policies is the likelihood that an unscrupulous seller will issue you insurance on a fake form. Unlike the usual form, you buy an electronic policy through the website, and it almost immediately appears in the PCA database.
  4. The policy is always at hand. In case of loss or damage, it will be enough for you to re-print it.

Despite all these advantages, the type of policy - paper or electronic - does not affect the cost of insurance in any way.

How to insure a car cheaply?

Since the insurance company can set the base rate at its discretion, the cost of insurance in different companies may vary. Using our calculator, you can not only choose the best offer at the lowest price, but also save time - apply through our website.

Advantages of registration through our website

  1. The opportunity to find out the cost in the largest companies at competitive prices. You can save a lot.
  2. You do not need to go anywhere to buy insurance - just fill out an application for the selected offer. Delivery is free in some regions.
  3. On our website you can purchase an electronic policy. In this case, you will not need to fill out the same type of forms several times on the websites of different insurers. An application filled out on our website will be sent simultaneously to several companies, you just have to choose the offer you like.
  4. We guarantee the authenticity of the insurance purchased through our service.

How to apply for a policy on our website?

  1. brand, model, year of manufacture and modification of the vehicle;
  2. period and date of commencement of insurance;
  3. region of registration and actual residence of the owner;
  4. information about the owners.

When calculating the cost, you may not fill in all the fields, but in this case, the calculation will not be accurate, without taking into account the bonus-malus coefficient, which, depending on the driver's insurance history, can range from 0.5 to 2.45. If you want to make insurance without limiting the number of persons allowed to drive the vehicle, then to calculate the CBM, you must specify the passport data of the owner and the VIN of the vehicle.

We work only with trusted partners, so no matter which company you choose, we guarantee its authenticity.

22.03.17 98 561 0

From home, without queues and overpayments

The future has arrived.

Previously, to obtain OSAGO, you had to go to the office of the insurance company and draw up a paper policy. Since January 1, 2017, the government has obliged insurers to sell OSAGO via the Internet. The new electronic policy is called e-OSAGO, and it completely replaces the paper one. With electronic it is more convenient, but there is also a risk.

Evgeny Popkov


In this article, we will figure out how to buy e-OSAGO correctly, not fall for scammers and not overpay.

What is OSAGO

OSAGO is a compulsory insurance of civil liability of vehicle owners. Enacted by Federal Law No. 40-FZ of July 1, 2003 "On Compulsory Insurance of Civil Liability of Vehicle Owners".

OSAGO protects those injured in road accidents. The insurance company compensates for the damage that the culprit caused to other participants in the accident. Compensation is paid for harm to the life and health of the victims, as well as for damage to property - most often this is damage to cars.

OSAGO in Russia is mandatory for all car owners.

Who sells e-OSAGO

CMTPL policies in electronic form must be issued by all insurance companies that have a license for compulsory civil liability insurance. If a company can sell OSAGO, it is obliged to sell its electronic version.

As of January 31, 2017, 70 companies in Russia are licensed for OSAGO. All of them are obliged to sell e-OSAGO. The current register is published on the website of the Russian Union of Motor Insurers.

The register of insurers changes over time: some companies may get the right to sell OSAGO or lose it. Before buying a policy, check if your insurer is on the register

What documents are needed

To issue an electronic OSAGO policy, you will need standard documents:

Why do you need a diagnostic card? She confirms that the car has passed a technical inspection and can be driven on the roads of the country.

You need to go through an inspection and receive a diagnostic card from the OTO - the technical inspection operator. You can view the register of accredited technical inspection operators on the PCA website.

How to apply for e-OSAGO

An electronic OSAGO policy is issued on the website of the insurance company. It is best to access these sites from a single registry published on the site autoins.ru: there links lead directly to the necessary sections of insurers' sites.

Fraudsters spoof insurance company websites to sell fake e-OSAGO policies. Fake sites completely copy the appearance of the official sites of insurers and are located on domains that are very similar in name to the original ones.

To avoid getting to a fake site:

Sign up. To apply for e-OSAGO, you need to register on the insurer's website. When registering, you must provide an email address and mobile phone number.

If you are used to hiding your personal data on the Internet and enter the wrong mail and phone number, you will not be able to register a personal account on the website of the insurance company. And without it, you won’t be able to issue an e-OSAGO.

After you have confirmed your email address and phone number, you will get access to your personal account.

The personal account stores information on the car, owner and drivers. Your e-OSAGO policy will also be there. If necessary, you can always download it from your personal account and print it.

Fill out an application. The next step is to fill out an application for insurance in your personal account. It will be necessary to indicate the necessary information about the car, the owner and the drivers allowed to drive.

Provide only valid information. Enter the information strictly as indicated in the documents: passport, driver's license, vehicle registration certificate, vehicle registration certificate and diagnostic card.

All the information that you provide in the application will be checked against the PCA database with what was indicated in the previous OSAGO policy. If the check reveals a discrepancy, then you will not be able to calculate the cost of insurance and issue an e-OSAGO policy.

Here is an example of a completed application:

It is better to choose the make and model of the car from the catalog, and not to drive it in manually

A common mistake in VIN e - instead of 0 (zero) indicate the letter O

If you have a limited list of drivers, then you need to provide data for each of them

Disable checkboxes to deselect options

Wait for the test results. When you fill out the application, the insurance company will check through the PCA database the data that you entered about the owner, car and drivers. This is necessary to find out the history of accidents that occurred through your fault, and to correctly determine the bonus-malus coefficient. Upon successful verification through the PCA database, the calculator will automatically calculate the cost of the OSAGO policy.

Bonus-Malus Ratio (BMF)

KBM is a coefficient that adjusts the cost of an OSAGO policy depending on whether the driver had an accident due to his fault. If there were no accidents, a discount is given for KBM. If there were accidents, then a surcharge is set for the KBM.

KBM is needed so that drivers strive for careful driving.

If the check through the PCA database did not pass, you will need to provide scanned documents to the insurance company:

  1. Passports of the insured - spreads with a photo and registration.
  2. Title or vehicle registration certificate.
  3. Driver's licenses of all drivers who will be included in the policy.
  4. diagnostic card.

Some companies ask you to send copies by e-mail, others offer to download them in your account on the site.

Verification of documents can take from 30 minutes to several days. After verification, the company will send you an e-OSAGO cost estimate and a link to the policy payment page by e-mail.

How much does e-OSAGO cost. The cost of an electronic OSAGO policy does not differ from a policy issued in paper form. In both cases, companies use the same tariffs and adjustment factors established by law.

Some companies will aggressively offer options to the policy. You are not legally required to buy them. Refusal of options will not affect the execution of the e-OSAGO policy in any way.

To refuse the imposed options, simply turn off the checkboxes in the required fields and continue with e-OSAGO registration.


To pay for the e-OSAGO policy in your personal account, you go to a secure page. You can pay with a bank card, in some companies - with electronic money.

Before entering card details, make sure that the page is secure and that there is a lock sign in the address bar. Never enter payment information on sites that are not protected by a security protocol.


After payment, you will receive an electronic OSAGO policy in PDF format to the mail specified during registration. The policy is also saved in your personal account on the website of the insurance company, you can download it from there at any time.

An e-OSAGO policy with an electronic signature is equivalent to a paper policy

The electronic OSAGO policy must be printed out and put in the car. This is required by the rules of the road. Otherwise, for driving without an OSAGO policy, you may be fined 500 rubles.

What to show the traffic police inspector

The traffic police inspector must check the fact that your liability is insured through a special resource in the IMTS network of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia or the PCA service. To do this, you need a VIN number or registration plate of the car.

However, the inspector may still ask you to present a printed policy. In this case, keep the printout in the glove compartment. It is also helpful to have a copy of the policy on your phone or tablet.

How to file an accident under the e-OSAGO policy

The electronic OSAGO policy from the point of view of the law is no different from the paper version. It has a number, a series, and it contains all the necessary information for registering an accident.

If you have e-OSAGO, but you have not printed out and do not carry a policy with you, then in order to file an accident, you will need access to your personal account on the website of the insurance company. Make sure you always have a smartphone or tablet with Internet access at hand.

How to check the validity of a policy

After you have issued and paid for the e-OSAGO policy, it is recommended to check its validity against the PCA database.

To check, go to the page of the service for viewing information about the OSAGO agreement. Enter the vehicle VIN and registration number. The result of a successful check is a report containing the policy number and company name.

If the data matched those indicated in your e-OSAGO policy, then everything is in order. Your policy is real

If the policy data on the PCA database did not match yours or the check did not pass at all, then most likely you were sold a fake policy. Contact the insurance company on behalf of which the policy was issued to you.

You most likely will not be able to return the money for a fake policy. Write an application to the PCA with all the details of issuing a fake policy. At the very least, this will help block the scam site and save other motorists money.

And remember that you cannot drive with a fake policy. Therefore, first of all, issue a real OSAGO policy.


  1. e-OSAGO is required to issue all insurance companies licensed for compulsory civil liability insurance.
  2. To issue an electronic policy, a motorist needs to register in a personal account on the insurer's website and fill out an application for insurance.
  3. You can pay for e-OSAGO with a bank card on the website of the insurance company.
  4. The electronic policy must be printed and carried with you.
  5. Check the authenticity of the site through the list on autoins.ru, and the authenticity of the policy - in the PCA service for checking information about the OSAGO agreement.

To apply for an electronic OSAGO, fill out a special online form. The registration procedure consists of several simple steps:

  1. Do the calculation. To buy OSAGO via the Internet, fill out the calculator form. Enter information about the vehicle, its owner, and any drivers that are allowed to drive. Information must be entered in strict accordance with the documents.

  2. Wait for data verification. The specified information will be sent for a quick online check against the PCA database. After its successful completion, you will be able to proceed with car insurance.

  3. Pay for insurance. If the cost of the policy suits you, make payment using any of the proposed methods. After the funds are credited, the electronic OSAGO insurance policy will be sent to your e-mail in *pdf format.

  4. Get a policy. Print the received document on A4 sheet and always take it with you. Additionally, you can save the file with the OSAGO electronic insurance on your smartphone. At the request of traffic police officers, it is necessary to present a paper printout of the policy.

Those wishing to issue an electronic OSAGO policy on the website will need:

  1. Passport of the owner of the car and the insured (if they are different people).

  2. Vehicle passport (PTS) and certificate of state registration of a car (STS).

  3. Driving licenses of all persons who are allowed to drive.

  4. Diagnostic card of the vehicle (except for the cases provided for by law when the provision of a diagnostic card is not required).

Payment for an electronic OSAGO policy is carried out using standard calculation systems presented on the website:

  1. bank cards (VISA, MasterCard);
  2. AlfaClick internet bank.

Important! Having decided to buy and pay for insurance via the Internet, do not use the AlfaStrakhovanie current account. In this case, the payment for the electronic OSAGO policy will not be counted and the conclusion of the contract will not occur.

The validity period for a new insurance contract must start no later than 60 days after the date of purchase of the new insurance online. Renewal can be done before the termination of the existing policy. By deciding to buy an electronic OSAGO policy online in advance, you will eliminate the possibility of interruptions during which you can get into an accident.

According to the terms of auto insurance, for each year of break-even driving, the driver receives a 5% KBM discount. At the same time, it can be summed up for several accident-free years of insurance in a row (but not more than 50% for 10 years). When concluding a compulsory third party liability insurance contract, the discount is determined upon request to the PCA automated system.

What does OSAGO insure against?

  • The abbreviation OSAGO briefly stands for compulsory motor third party liability insurance.
  • This type of insurance is considered mandatory from July 1, 2003 on the basis of Federal Law No. 40-FZ.
  • Such a policy helps out if the health or property of a third party has been damaged in an accident due to the fault of the owner of the insurance. In such a situation, the company that issued the insurance, within the sum insured, compensates the damage to the injured party

What affects the cost of OSAGO?

  • To calculate the cost, insurance companies take into account the coefficients for each individual driver, where all the coefficients taken into account are multiplied by the base rate rate.
  • The main coefficients affecting the cost
    • Tb - basic tariff rate.
    • Kt - territorial.
    • Km is the power of the car.
    • Kvs - age.
    • Kbm is a bonus-malus, which can both provide a discount and increase the cost of the policy.
      Your MBM will be calculated based on the number of years of accident-free driving.
    • Kn - increasing coefficient in the presence of gross violations of OSAGO rules.

How to distinguish a fake OSAGO policy?

The main features that you should pay attention to.

Seal of the insurance company
Each CMTPL form must bear the seal and stamp of the insurance company. The information about the region indicated on the seal and stamp must match the region of your residence.

  • If the form is stamped by another region, for example, in Moscow you see the stamp of the Ulyanovsk region, this is a significant reason to refuse such OSAGO.

Checking the diagnostic card
When applying for an OSAGO policy, the car owner is required to have a diagnostic card, which the insurance representative immediately checks through the base of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for its validity. For most companies, this verification procedure is built into the automated system for issuing insurance contracts.

  • If you have not been asked to present a diagnostic card and have not checked its validity, then it is likely that you may
    sell a fake policy.

Bonus-malus ratio
When calculating the final cost of the OSAGO policy, the insurance agent must check your KBM against a special database of the AIS PCA.
It is recommended that you check the CBM yourself in advance before meeting with the agent. Your BMF and the BMF calculated by the agent must match.

When checking the bonus-malus coefficient in the PCA database, each request receives a unique identification number. This number must be indicated in the "Special Notes" of the policy (provided that the policy is printed through an electronic system and not written by hand).

Policy payment receipt
When paying for the OSAGO policy, a receipt is issued without fail. It confirms the fact of payment by the car owner of his policy and is a numbered form of strict accountability.

  • The receipt must be issued to the car owner in any case, regardless of the form of payment for the policy - cash or non-cash.

Why choose your service?

  • Instant result
    obtaining a issued OSAGO policy immediately after payment for the service. Ready policy on your e-mail
  • Policy authenticity
    official registration through an insurance company included in the top 7 different ratings
  • Security Guarantees
    all data entered into the online service is not subject to distribution to third parties
  • Saving you time
    no need to delve into the calculation of insurance, the OSAGO calculator will perform the operation for you

More about us

  • Electronic insurance center KBM-OSAGO is a unique service that allows you to buy OSAGO online and receive an electronic policy by mail.
  • The experience of our center is 12 years, 3 of which we work online. Therefore, you trust professionals.
  • The technologies we introduce to calculate the cost of OSAGO policies are actively used by both individuals and legal entities (we cooperate with a wide range of consumers), up to large companies.
  • We provide an integrated approach, starting from the calculation and verification of the policy and ending with its acquisition.

Epifanov E.S.,
founder of the KBM-OSAGO project and creator of the website's online services website
Briefly about the idea of ​​​​creating a service
“I'm a software engineer, but sometimes I have to drive a lot. Of course, without OSAGO nowhere. Therefore, I would like to simplify and speed up the acquisition of a policy.
From time to time I was forced to quit business and go to the offices of insurers to find where to buy OSAGO at an affordable price. I did not find a decent online service that would allow me to calculate and purchase a policy in one place. It's hard to imagine, you have to flip through dozens of sites in search of that one.

And I decided - if there is no such simple tool - you need to create it!

The main feature of our project is that you buy an OSAGO policy online without browsing through dozens of websites in search of a decent insurance company where you can save money. Now everything is in one place!

The site service has long been available for registration on the network. However, many drivers still do not know that it is possible to buy a site.

What are the features and benefits of e-policy holders?

There are only two main differences between such a document and its paper version.

  1. Such a document is registered only online, from which this procedure actually got its name. To this end, you need to create a virtual application for registration of the policy on our website.
  2. The form of the contract between the client and the insurer is also provided in electronic form and comes to the client's mail. At any convenient time, you can simply print it out and it will be considered a full-fledged document due to the presence of a unique customer number.

If you want to buy an electronic OSAGO policy, you should remember that the same rules apply to it as to the paper version. It must always be with the driver and issued on time, otherwise large penalties may be imposed on the driver, and in the worst case, deprivation of a driver's license.

Therefore, if you are going to buy insurance on the site, you must take the appropriate responsibility and understand that the document is just as important.


Buying e-insurance has a lot of undeniable advantages:

  • saving time. To buy a site, you need to spend only twenty minutes;
  • opportunity to know the price of the policy in advance. Due to the fact that insurance is mandatory, its cost must be taken into account even when choosing a car. On the Internet, you can calculate the cost of the contract for a particular brand of car in advance;
  • the shortest terms for the issuance of the policy. If you correctly fill out the questionnaire and calculate the cost of insurance, and then make the payment on time, then you can get a finished contract in the shortest possible time;
  • informative. It is no secret that the offices of insurance companies are often overloaded. A large influx of clients does not allow specialists to pay due attention to everyone. For this reason, not all novice drivers can learn about the benefits and possibilities of insurance in full. On the Internet, there are no queues and no hurry. On the net you can find a lot of useful information on the topic of auto insurance, which will be useful to every driver;
  • ease of design. Applying for a policy online is very easy. It is enough to open the website of our portal, choose a suitable insurance company, calculate the cost of the contract and send an application;
  • the ability to make a policy even at night. If during the day you do not have the opportunity to pay some attention to the issue of insurance, then do not despair. Thanks to us, you can make a policy even at night. The site works around the clock, and the place of registration does not play any role. It could be a home, an office, or even a restaurant.

Why choose our portal?

The Internet market is not much different from the regular market in real life. Here, too, there are scammers who use various tricks. In order not to become a victim of fraudsters and not lose money, you need to carefully choose an intermediary and insurer. You can safely buy site insurance on the website of our portal. We have rich practical experience and hundreds of regular customers. We can be trusted, as evidenced by numerous testimonials from former customers. In addition, we have many partners in the face of the largest insurers of the Russian Federation. The site daily presents dozens of the most profitable offers in the field of auto insurance.