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Sheki azerbaijan how to call the traffic police stop the service. I got into an accident: where to call, what to do and how to call the traffic police to the scene of the accident

Road traffic accidents, unfortunately, have long become commonplace on our roads. No matter how you follow the rules and adhere to the established ones, sooner or later you will have to face the problem of calling the traffic police inspector and registering an accident.

Many drivers experience shock in such situations and behave inappropriately, trying to quickly hush everything up or even hide from the scene of an accident. It is worth noting that the traffic rules have clearly developed instructions on when you can leave the scene of an accident (European protocol), and when you need to wait for a patrol car.

Recall the article Code of Administrative Offenses 12.27 part 2, according to which leaving the scene of an accident is punishable by deprivation of rights for a year and a half or arrest for 15 days . Thus, away from sin, you need to clearly remember the following points:

  • how to call the traffic police and where to call in case of an accident;
  • what to do if there are victims;
  • in what cases it is not necessary to call the traffic police;
  • What should a driver do in an accident?

Let's try to answer these questions.

Call the traffic police immediately after the incident. To do this, dial from your mobile:

  • 112 - the number of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the operator will switch you to the traffic police unit;
  • 102 (02) - police.

These numbers are the same for all mobile operators in Russia, and they are absolutely free. In principle, you can call 112 in any other country, 102 is the police number in Ukraine. In the US, you can dial 911.

There are also separate toll-free numbers for different operators:

  • 020 (030) - MTS and Megafon, Tele2;
  • 002 (003) - Beeline;
  • 902 (903) - Skylink and Motive (in parentheses are the rules for dialing an ambulance).

In order not to get confused, save these contacts in the phone book, and let them always be at your fingertips. Do not forget also that many phone models have quick call functions - assign the numbers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations to one of the keys so as not to waste time when every second is precious.

If there are victims, it is best to immediately dial 112, since it can also call an ambulance.

It is worth noting that in any city in Russia there are regional traffic police departments, and each of them has its own telephone number. You can also call them and you will find this information in any telephone directory. Do not forget only that such numbers are landline, and the conversation will be charged more when calling from a mobile phone.

What to say when calling the traffic police?

If you call the police directly, it is very important to give the correct coordinates of the scene of the incident:

  • the name of the highway, kilometer, settlement (accident occurred outside the city);
  • address - street, number of buildings located nearby;
  • a well-known object in the city (railway crossing, station, monument, etc.);
  • the number of damaged cars.

When calling an ambulance, it is necessary to clarify the number of persons injured as a result of an accident, the nature of the injuries. This is necessary so that doctors know in advance what medicines to take with them and what assistance to provide. Before the arrival of the brigade, you are obliged to provide all possible first aid: bandage wounds, stop bleeding, perform artificial respiration, after cleaning the mouth from vomit.

Do not forget call your insurance agent for OSAGO and CASCO . The insurance number is on the policy. This will depend on the timely payment of insurance.

In what cases can you not call the traffic police?

As you know, European standards are being widely introduced in Russia and it is possible to issue an accident without the involvement of traffic police officers. This practice is called europrotocol .

Drivers can now amicably resolve all issues on the spot with the clarification of the culprit and payment of damages. To do this, you need to fill out the insert that goes to the OSAGO policy. You can take advantage of this benefit in the following cases:

  • only two cars were involved in the accident;
  • each driver has an OSAGO policy or a green card if one of them is a foreigner;
  • no one was physically injured as a result of the accident;
  • drivers agree on the culprit;
  • the amount of damage does not exceed 250 thousand (400 thousand for Moscow and St. Petersburg).

You need to fill it out correctly and take it to the insurance company.

In what cases it is necessary to call the traffic police?

You need to call the traffic police patrol car in such cases:

  • 3 or more cars damaged;
  • damage is caused not only to property, but also to the health of the driver or passengers;
  • the damage exceeds the specified amounts;
  • damage was caused to municipal property - lampposts, fences, bridge pillars, transport stops, etc.;
  • one of the drivers is inadequate - drunk, behaves aggressively, is under the influence of drugs, threatens to use physical force;
  • done .

In the above cases, all participants in the accident are required to wait for the traffic police. Even if the driver is not guilty, his concealment from the scene of the accident will be regarded under article 12.27 part 2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses.

What to do if you get into an accident?

Regardless of the nature of the accident - a head-on collision of two foreign cars or a collision with a drunk cyclist, you need to act according to the approved algorithm.

First of all, you need to calm down, turn off the engine, put the car on the handbrake, turn on the emergency gang. Assess the situation: damage, whether there are victims. Set up warning signs.

After assessing the situation, call the traffic police, an ambulance, call the insurance company. While waiting for the arrival, fix the evidence: dents, brake marks, scattered debris. Talk to witnesses and write down their information.

You need to behave calmly, in no case should you take alcohol or drugs, this will be regarded as a gross violation (12.27 part 3: a fine of 30 thousand or deprivation for one and a half to two years).

When traffic cops arrive, carefully check the correctness of filling in all the necessary documents and protocols. Make sure that all damages are indicated in the documents, since the amount of payments will depend on this.


From the above we come to the following conclusions:

  • in the phone’s memory or in a notebook, there must be the numbers of the police, ambulance, Ministry of Emergency Situations;
  • it is not worth hiding from the scene of an accident;
  • clearly indicate the coordinates of the accident site;
  • make sure that all protocols are filled out correctly, and that all damage to the car is listed in detail.

And most importantly - try to follow the traffic rules.

Although a road traffic accident (RTA) is not a mandatory fact in the fate of a motorist, every driver should know the procedure after an accident. This material will help you figure out who to call in case of an accident and when you can, as well as whether you need to notify the insurance company in which motor third party liability is insured.

How to call the traffic police to the scene of an accident from a mobile phone

The fastest way to notify the traffic police about an accident is to make a phone call. You can call the traffic police from a mobile phone using several phone numbers, depending on the connected mobile operator. Please note that all calls to the numbers below are free of charge.

Table of emergency numbers for calling traffic police:

But the most efficient and effective way to immediately call all the rescue services necessary in a particular case is to call the single number of the rescue service "112". When accepting an application, the operator will clarify all the details of the accident and, based on the current situation, will call representatives of the traffic police, an ambulance, and firefighters to the accident site.

Who exactly calls the traffic police, if he got into an accident on the road, does not matter. This should be done by someone who has the technical ability to do this: a participant in the accident, a witness, a passer-by, any caring person.

First steps in an accident

On how correct the actions of the participants in the traffic accident (or witnesses) immediately after the accident, sometimes depends not only correctness, but also. Therefore, the algorithm of actions to be taken should be known to every motorist. These actions are regulated in the Rules of the Road (SDA) in parts 2.5 and 2.6. Here are the main points of the algorithm for the necessary actions of a participant in an accident (regardless of the degree of his guilt).

After an accident, the driver must:

  • stop the vehicle (TC);
  • turn on emergency lamps on the vehicle, put an emergency stop sign on the road;
  • provide first aid to those who have suffered (if necessary);
  • call the traffic police, ambulance and fire (if necessary). Recall that you can call the listed services by a single telephone number of the Ministry of Emergency Situations "112".

vacate the roadway if the movement of other vehicles is impossible, having previously recorded, including by means of photography or video recording, the position of vehicles in relation to each other and road infrastructure facilities, traces and objects related to the incident, and take all possible measures to preservation and organization of a detour of the scene; write down the names and addresses of eyewitnesses and wait for the police to arrive.

Actions in the event of an accident related to the preparation of an accident report are possible without the participation of representatives of the traffic police. Let's take a closer look at this moment.

How to file an accident without calling the traffic police

It is possible that the traffic police may not be called to the scene of the accident. This moment is regulated clause 2.6.1. SDA:

If the circumstances of causing harm in connection with damage to property as a result of a traffic accident, the nature and list of visible damage to vehicles do not cause disagreement between the participants in the traffic accident, the drivers involved in it are not required to report the incident to the police.

This means that the participants in the traffic accident, by mutual agreement, come to a common opinion that:

  • The vehicle was not damaged or only slightly damaged, and the insurance company will not be sued for damages;
  • the parties have no claims against each other.

In this case, drivers have the right not to record the fact of an accident in the traffic police.

Important: an accident without calling the traffic police is possible only in a situation where no people were injured in the accident.

Citizens in this case have the right to do the following:

  • disperse without official paperwork, i.e.

    not to draw up documents on a traffic accident - if vehicles or other property of only participants in a traffic accident are damaged in a traffic accident and each of these participants does not need to draw up these documents

    (Art. 2.6.1 SDA). In the described situation, the participants in the accident should write oncoming ones. This is necessary so that subsequently the second participant in the accident could not file an application that there was an accident, but;

  • leave the scene of the accident and document the fact of the accident at the police station or at the traffic police post. It must be remembered that before leaving the scene of the accident, you need to fix the location of the vehicle after the accident and the damage caused to the cars on a photo or videotape;
  • draw up documents on a traffic accident without the participation of authorized police officers by filling out a form in accordance with the rules of compulsory insurance

    (Art. 2.6.1. SDA). The legislation allows not to involve traffic police officers in the registration of an accident only if the following conditions are met:

    • no more than 2 vehicles were involved in the accident;
    • the parties to the accident have OSAGO policies;
    • the damage was caused only by this vehicle;
    • drivers have no disagreements about the accident;
    • the damage caused is not more than 50 thousand rubles (Federal Law (FZ) No. 40-FZ of April 24, 2002, article 11.1, clause 4). From 06/01/2018, this amount is limited to 100 thousand rubles. (FZ No. 448-FZ of December 29, 2017, art. 1, part 1, p. “d”).

Fixing the fact of a traffic accident without representatives of the traffic police is a very important event. The layout comes down to . This is a form issued by insurers when concluding an OSAGO agreement, known to motorists as a “Notice of a traffic accident”.

All actions related to the registration of an accident without authorized persons of the traffic police are regulated by Federal Law No. 40-FZ of April 24, 2002 in article 11.1. In particular, the following algorithm is indicated there for participants in the accident:

  • filling out the notification form in 2 copies;
  • sending these forms within 5 days from the moment of the accident by both parties of the accident to their insurance companies. The victim must attach to his copy of the notice a written demand for direct compensation for damage;
  • provision by the participants of the accident of their vehicles for examination at the request of insurers within 5 days from the date of receipt of the notification of this.

How long to wait for traffic police according to the regulations

The new Administrative Regulations on the functions of the bodies of supervision over the observance of traffic rules by traffic participants, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs No. 664 of August 23, 2017, do not contain a specific numerical indicator of the waiting time for traffic police officers after they are called to the scene of an accident. This is due to the fact that the police go to the scene of accidents as the sequence of calls received. And it is not possible to predict their number.

The only thing that can be done is to clarify when calling, during what time the traffic police should arrive. However, this only depends on the traffic situation in a particular region at a particular time, and circumstances may change at any time. The exact same list of actions of responsible persons is given in Ch. 3 "Departure to the scene of a traffic accident" of the said Regulations.

Do I need to call the insurance company

In the main legislative documents on road traffic and compulsory auto insurance, namely, in the SDA and Federal Law No. 40-FZ, there is no specific clause on whether it is necessary to call the insurance company for OSAGO, and when this must be done. There is only a mention that insurers must be notified within 5 days from the date of the accident. There is no mention of a notification method. IN Art. 11, part 2 of Federal Law No. 40 said.

Road accidents are a common occurrence in our reality. Before calling the traffic police in case of an accident, the participant in the accident must know the correct procedure. In order to avoid unpleasant situations with the traffic police, the driver should be guided by a clear plan.

The first rule of a motorist when getting into an emergency is not to hide from the scene. Regardless of which of the participants in the movement became the culprit of the accident, the driver must report the excess to the traffic police.

Mobile operators have their own digital combinations for connecting with the traffic police.

It depends on which network the participant in the accident is connected to, by which number to call the representatives of the traffic police:

  • Tele2, MTS, Megafon and U-tel - 020;
  • Beeline - 002;
  • Motive, Skylink - 902.

You can call the traffic police to the place from your mobile phone from the universal number that unites the traffic police, firefighters, rescuers and ambulance services - 112.

Important: in the Beeline network, a single number 112 corresponds to a subscriber 911. These numbers are available even if there is no signal, the service is turned off for non-payment, or if there is no SIM card.

All territorial divisions of the traffic police have their own city phones, by which you should report the incident.

If the driver got into an accident - where to call in Moscow districts:

  • Central District - 246-66-44;
  • Northern district - 452-30-86;
  • Northwestern District - 499-39-44;
  • Southern District - 111-14-74;
  • Eastern District - 166-78-77
  • Southwestern District - 333-03-61;
  • Western District - 439-35-11;
  • South-Eastern District - 178-63-55;
  • Zelenogradsky district - 533-03-44.

Rules for the actions of the driver in an accident

A call to the traffic police is far from the only, and not even the primary duty of a participant in a road accident.

According to the current DD Rules, the driver must act according to the following algorithm:

  • in the event of a collision, the alarm must be activated immediately;
  • put an emergency stop sign - in the city 15 m from the car, on the highway - 30 m;
  • call an emergency medical team if there are victims by calling 030 for the main operators (Tele2, Megafon, MTS) or 003 for Beeline subscribers;
  • call the traffic police;
  • notify the insurance company of the accident.

Remember: to reduce the time for phone calls, it is advisable to use a single number 112 to notify both the Ambulance and the traffic police.

When the traffic police call is not needed

In case of minor accidents, it is allowed to register an accident according to the European protocol, i.e. without the involvement of traffic police officers.

This right of the participants in the incident has been fixed in the traffic rules since 2015 and applies in the following cases:

  • only two vehicles are involved in the collision;
  • participants in the accident and passengers do not have physical injuries;
  • both parties have valid OSAGO policies;
  • the drivers of both cars have no claims against each other regarding guilt in the accident;
  • the amount of material damage caused does not exceed 400 thousand rubles (in Moscow and St. Petersburg) or 250 thousand rubles (in the regions).

When registering an accident according to European rules, both parties fill out a notice of an accident and transfer it to the insurance company.

Know: if an accident does not meet the criteria for registration under a simplified scheme, a traffic police call is required. None of the participants in the accident has the right to leave the scene - this is fraught with punishment under Article 12.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Mandatory presence of representatives of the traffic police in the event of an accident

The patrol car of the traffic police is called without fail in the following circumstances of an accident:

  • more than two cars are involved in the accident - while a car with a trailer is regarded as two vehicles;
  • there are victims among the participants in the accident, passengers and pedestrians;
  • the amount of material damage is more than 250 thousand rubles (400 thousand - for both capitals);
  • damaged property belonging to the city - lampposts, fences, buildings;
  • there are suspicions that any of the participants in the accident is in an inadequate state (aggression, alcohol or drug intoxication).

What to say when calling the traffic police in an accident

For representatives of the traffic police, the accuracy of the coordinates of the place where the traffic accident was committed is extremely important.

Therefore, when calling the police, you should clearly indicate the place of the accident:

  • in case of an accident on the highway - the number of the kilometer and the name of the highway (road number), the name of the nearby settlement;
  • in the city - the name of the street (if possible - the exact address), numbers of nearby houses, well-known objects in this settlement - a station, a railway crossing, a large shopping center;
  • the number of vehicles involved in the accident;
  • the presence of victims, the approximate nature of traumatic injuries.

Tip: in order to expedite the arrival of the traffic police crew, when calling, it is recommended to describe the accident with all the details and insist that urgent intervention is required to resolve the traffic situation (large traffic jams, the impossibility of bypassing the accident scene).

What to do before the traffic police arrive

Drivers until the arrival of the traffic police have no right to leave the scene of the accident. If there are casualties, first aid should be provided (if possible).

After calling the police, you should record the picture of the accident as much as possible, take a picture of the existing damage to the car. In this case, you should be especially attentive to the presence of a brake track on the road, scattered debris and car parts. It is advisable to film the general location of the affected vehicles after the accident.

While waiting for traffic police officers, it is necessary to record data on witnesses and other participants in the accident, find out if there are accident records on the DVRs of cars passing by.

Despite the possible shock and emotional state, in no case should the participants in the accident use any sedatives containing alcohol - this can be interpreted as being in a state of intoxication.

Almost every driver knows what to do in case of an accident on the road. It is necessary to call an ambulance or rescue service if there are victims, take photos of the scene for the insurance company, contact the insurer and secure the road section by putting up an emergency stop sign. And of course, call the traffic police at the scene of an accident. However, is it necessary to call the traffic police inspector to the scene of an accident?

No. Some situations do not require the intervention of representatives of the traffic safety inspectorate. Such cases include:

Peaceful agreement between the participants in the accident. If one of them pleaded guilty and paid compensation on the spot, then it is not necessary to call the traffic police or contact the insurance company.
The damage is not too big, and both cars are insured. In this case, simplified rules for registration of an accident apply. If both cars are insured, then you can draw up a protocol. At the same time, it is not necessary to indicate who exactly is to blame for the incident - this issue may remain unresolved between the drivers. After filling out the form, each of the drivers sends his report to the insurance organization, of which he is a client.

All these cases have three exceptions: if more than two cars were involved in the accident, if there were victims in the accident, or if the damage from the accident exceeded 50,000 rubles. If one of these conditions occurs in an accident, then you will need to call the traffic police even if the conflict is settled by the participants on the spot.

How to call an inspector from a mobile phone?

A feature of the traffic police call in this case is that each telecom operator has its own call number. So, subscribers of the Beeline network will have to dial the number "911", subscribers of "MegaFon" and "MTS" - the number "112".

A participant in a traffic accident is obliged to call the traffic police at the place of its occurrence. The norm is established by an act that provides for the rules of the road. The legislator did not impose restrictions on the methods of notification, so you can use mobile communications. Basically, many citizens in the city of Moscow use it, which provides them with some benefit because of the convenience and mobility.

Basic moments

The term "road" in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Law means an engineering structure. It adapts to the movement of vehicles, regardless of their category.

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The road is equipped with various signs, special lanes are applied to it, dividing it into certain carriageways and tramways, sidewalks intended for pedestrians.

What it is

The abbreviation "accident" means an event that occurs as a result of the operation of the vehicle with its direct participation.

In accordance with the norms of Federal Law No. 196-FZ, the consequences are expressed in the infliction of various kinds of material damage.

Road traffic accidents are divided into 2 types:

Any road accident is accompanied by a threat to the health and life of not only the participants themselves, but also third parties, non-observance of their legal rights and property interests.

It can result in death or injury to people, breakdown of vehicles, damage to structures or damage to the cargo being transported.

To whom does it apply

Any driver involved in traffic on the highway can become the culprit of a traffic accident.

Persons with deviations in the state of health and mentality are not allowed to drive a vehicle.

The norm is established by the provisions of Federal Law No. 196-FZ. The legislator introduced restrictions on persons wishing to drive vehicles.

These include:

Indicators Description
coming of age in some cases, persons over the age of 16 are allowed to drive. In accordance with the instructions of regulatory legal acts, they have the right to drive a vehicle of category "M", subcategory "A1"
Recognition of legal capacity each driver must be held civilly liable for the actions or omissions committed by him that caused the accident
Passing a medical examination in order to determine fitness to drive a vehicle
Presence of registration at the place of residence

For the admission of 3 violations of traffic rules or other types of administrative offenses leading to the formation of a DPT, the driver has the right to drive.

At the same time, his driver's license is subject to seizure in court.

At the expiration of the term of the administrative penalty, it is returned if the driver passes the exam on traffic rules.

Where to go

For individual citizens, the question remains how to call the traffic police to the scene of an accident in Moscow, where to turn in unforeseen situations?

The city has organized services to assist citizens, operating around the clock. They are endowed with the possibility of applying to the traffic police body, which is part of the traffic police.

He is authorized by the state to perform his functions in the event of unforeseen situations on the road that can lead to a violation of road safety.

The sequence of actions of the traffic police at the scene of an accident:

In accordance with the norms of legislative acts, the document remains with the driver in his hands until the decision of the judicial authority is made.

He can use the driver's license until it comes into force.

How to call in case of an accident

In most cases, the consequences of a traffic accident depend on the behavior of its participants.

They must soberly assess the situation in order to act competently and smoothly in the first minutes after the occurrence of an accident.

Its participants and those who want to help eyewitnesses should not lose self-control, organize quickly and clearly the measures provided for by the regulatory act -.

When the need arises

At its core, civil liability is a measure of state coercion, which is mandatory.

Its main goal and task is to restore the legal rights of the injured person.

As a rule, his claims are satisfied at the expense of his person, who turned out to be the culprit of the insured event - a traffic accident.

The driver is responsible for:

Participants in a traffic accident are required to report the fact of its occurrence to the traffic police.

In accordance with the norms of legislative acts, he is subject to a call if people were injured as a result of an accident, regardless of the degree of injury caused to them.

Necessary actions

The traffic police sends a protocol on the committed administrative offense to the judicial authority or to the justice of the peace within 3 days after its registration.

On its basis, a case is initiated on the deprivation of a driver's license. Its deprivation is possible only by a decision made by a judicial authority.

What should road accident participants do?

  • stop the vehicle quickly;
  • turn on the alarm;
  • protect the scene of the incident in any way possible;
  • put up emergency signs;
  • call the traffic police patrol service;
  • analyze the health status of affected persons;
  • establish the amount of damage caused to vehicles;
  • record the scene of the incident, the location of vehicles on a video camera, take photographs;
  • find out the personal data of the witnesses of the accident, their contact details;
  • notify the insurance company about the occurrence of the insured event.

In no case should participants in an accident change the location of vehicles, remove them from the scene before the arrival of the traffic police.

Where to call

In the city of Moscow, general emergency numbers 102 have been introduced together with the old numbers, which continue to operate.

Citizens, if necessary, can contact the traffic police, including the police at the specified number.

To resolve issues related to a traffic accident, citizens have the right to contact the information desk of the traffic police department at the phone number - 623-33-90.

In the city of Moscow, the GAI STSI accepts calls made through:

In addition, there is a single emergency telephone number - 112. It should be noted that a long wait is expected at the specified number.

In each administrative district of the city, the traffic police can be called to the scene of an accident using the city telephone numbers listed below.

These include:

These numbers keep in touch with the residents of the capital and its guests around the clock free of charge, which undoubtedly brings convenience to them.

What to say

Most drivers behave inappropriately in the event of an accident. Some of them seek to leave the scene as quickly as possible, to hide the fact of the event.

Drivers should not take rash steps so as not to get into a difficult situation in the future.

One of the mandatory rules is to notify the traffic police about the incident in any way possible. In this case, it is necessary to indicate the exact coordinates of the place where the accident occurred.

Most often, it occurs due to violation of the rules of DD, driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

These include:

To call an ambulance, it is necessary to establish the exact number of persons injured as a result of an accident, the nature of their injuries and injuries.

They must be indicated during the call, which will allow medical workers to take the necessary medicines and devices with them to the scene.

If there are victims

Each participant in a road accident is responsible for providing first aid.

In accordance with the traffic rules, he must call an ambulance or take the victim in his vehicle or evacuate him in another vehicle.

If people were injured as a result of an accident, then you need to call the city number:

When not to call the traffic police

Participants in a traffic accident limited to insignificant dimensions may not be called to the place of its occurrence. This rule was introduced by the provisions of the Federal Law.

The measure is feasible in certain situations that meet the requirements of the legislator.

These include:

  1. Only 2 vehicles were involved in the accident.
  2. The absence of persons injured as a result of a road accident.
  3. The presence of a policy for persons who unwittingly became participants in the incident.
  4. The absence of disagreements among the participants in the accident about the event.
  5. Infliction of damage, the amount of which does not exceed 50,000 rubles.

If only two persons are involved in a traffic accident, then it can be drawn up if they have a valid OSAGO policy.

A prerequisite is the absence of injured persons and the amount of damage up to 50,000 rubles, if the participants in the incident do not disagree on the amount established during the damage assessment.

Video: traffic police officers no longer go to road accidents without victims

Important nuances

The issuance of a driver's license is carried out on the basis of the results of the driver's qualification exam of the state road safety authority - GAI.

The document is considered valid for 10 years, after which it is subject to mandatory replacement. It can be replaced earlier on the grounds provided by the legislator.

Features of the procedure for obtaining a driver's license:

  • payment of existing penalties. Their presence may delay the issuance of a certificate for an indefinite time;
  • passing a medical examination;
  • passing exams for the right to drive vehicles;

In accordance with the guidelines of the Code of Administrative Offenses, a fine is imposed if the driver's license has expired and the driver continues to drive the vehicle.

Its amount is 5,000-15,000 rubles, depending on the severity of the administrative offense.

If the driver has a driver's license, but he did not present it on demand, then a fine of 800 rubles is imposed on him.

For driving a vehicle while intoxicated or transferring it to a person who drove it while intoxicated, its owner is deprived of a driver's license for a period of 1.5-2.0 years.

In case of repeated arrest while driving while intoxicated, the driver loses his license for 3 years.

The legislative framework

Questions regarding the regulation of the movement of vehicles on roads within the Russian state are carried out by a number of legislative and by-laws.