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Star mansions. Mud, Rublevo-Uspenskoe Highway

© "Komsomolskaya Pravda", 11/14/2005, Pugacheva keeps her nude portrait, and Makarevich collects bells

Where the stars found their summer happiness

Maria Remizova

In one of the previous issues of "KP" we talked about how in which apartments and areas live Moscow stars. But most of the celebrities have long fallen in love with outdoor recreation. That is outside the city. Where and how much the stars bought dachas, our correspondent scouted.

More than 1 million dollars

Alla Pugacheva. Small Berezhki village

Alla Borisovna started the construction of the villa back in the mid-90s, when the fashion for country houses had just begun. Primadonna categorically did not like the first rebuilt house. Workers had to destroy the old and create a new one. This time Alla Borisovna developed the design herself.

The dacha of the first Russian pop star is considered the most pretentious and luxurious. Only the living area of ​​the house is about 1000 square meters! And behind a deaf two-meter fence hides more than 50 acres.

On the facade shines the name coat of arms "A.B.P.". On summer evenings, the hostess retires to a cozy fireplace room. The house has three floors in total. Of course, and an elevator is included. Upstairs, Pugacheva likes to receive friends. There are many portraits of the Primadonna hanging on the walls of the living room. In particular, an erotic picture, where Pugacheva is depicted with naked Persians. In a small room on the second floor, the singer made something like a chapel. There, the Primadonna usually retires with holy images.

For a large fleet of vehicles, the singer has an underground garage.

Also on the summer cottage of Alla Borisovna there is a small bathhouse. The one that officials wanted to demolish earlier this year. Say, the Primadonna is soaring in the wrong place. Fortunately, Pugacheva concluded a truce with the authorities. And the ill-fated bathhouse, according to the star hostess, is not a bathhouse, but just an old outbuilding.

The approximate cost of a country house is $ 8 million.

Oleg Gazmanov. Serebryany Bor

After the birth of his daughter, "esaul" moved from the center of Moscow closer to the forest. It is in this country house, lying by the fireplace, that the singer composes his patriotic hits. In the forest, Gazmanov takes an hour-long jog every morning to keep fit. Oleg built his house according to an individual project, which was developed specifically for Gazmanov.

There is also a working area on the ground floor. The singer can work in an audio studio and a rehearsal room. The wife of the artist Marina in the side wing made a chic greenhouse under a glass roof. And on the second floor of the Gazmanovs' house there are exclusively living rooms.

The approximate cost of a country house is $1 million 200 thousand.

Valery Leontiev. The village of Valentinovka (near the city of Korolev near Moscow)

"Casanova" one of the first entertainers built a country house.

By the way, it was the example of Valery Yakovlevich that inspired the construction of Prima Donna. Until that time, Pugacheva used to visit Leontiev to take a steam bath. By the way, the steam room is located in a separate annex building. In 1995, Alla Borisovna asked Leontiev to hold "Christmas Meetings" in his big house. The good-natured singer agreed. As a result, tipsy colleagues split Leontiev in the kitchen all the dishes. And on the green lawn near the singer's house there is a circle with a diameter of about three meters. Grass hasn't grown there in ten years. This disgrace was burned by fireworks during the recording of Pugachev's "meetings" by the soloists of the "Na-Na" group.

Leontiev's house has a gym and an underground garage. In spring and summer, the singer is happy to operate a lawn mower on the site and grow purple roses.

The approximate cost of a country house is $ 3 million.

Over 500 thousand dollars

Lev Leshchenko. Elite village Krekshino

Lev Valeryanovich first of all bought a spacious two-story house for a meeting with friends. As you know, the singer's closest neighbor is his friend Vladimir Vinokur. Bosom friends Leshchenko and Vinokur often visit each other for barbecues. On the ground floor of his country residence, Lev Valeryanovich plays billiards. And on the second, the singer is engaged in the gym.

The approximate cost of a country house is $900 thousand.

Andrei Makarevich. Village Podushkino

The country villa went to the driver from a friend of the actor Leonid Yarmolnik. The latter sold Makarevich a summer cottage with an old house.

Andrei Vadimovich turned most of the rooms into a museum. Paintings painted by the musician himself hang in the living room. In other rooms

Gizmos brought from travels around the world are kept: a collection of bells, Orthodox icons, monastery keys and musical instruments.

Varum and Agutin. Elite village Krekshino

The couple has long moved to a permanent place of residence outside the city.

Even their daughter Lisa Anzhelika and Leonid were recently sent to study at a local school near Moscow. Each member of the Agutin family has its own private room. Angelica and her husband from the first day of their life together agreed that they would have a territory where they could relax from each other. The country three-storey residence of artists stands on the bank of an artificial lake. Last spring, due to the fact that the water level in the lake rose very high, the celebrity site was flooded. The first floor, where the guest room and living room were located, was completely flooded.

Water was pumped out for several days. And then I had to make a major overhaul on the first floor.

The approximate cost of a country house is $800,000.

Up to 500 thousand dollars

Irina Allegrova. The village of Vatutinki

The empress of the Russian stage bought her country house from the composer Oscar Feltsman. Allegrova always dreamed of living in the forest.

Naturally, the singer completely rebuilt the old house. All the walls were upholstered with wood. The living room, as planned by the hostess, was supposed to be bright. Therefore, Irina laid two large windows in the room on the sunny side of the street. On the stone veranda in summer, the singer arranges wicker furniture and has tea with guests, enjoying the singing of forest birds. Allegrova's bedroom is made in the Roman style. The star's bed is located, as it were, on a podium, which is illuminated from four sides by multi-colored electric lighting. In the corner of the bedroom is a sculpture of a Roman goddess. Favorite place in Allegrova's house is the kitchen. An artist can stand at the stove for hours. The kitchen and dining room of the singer are upholstered in dark wood.

The approximate cost of a country house is $400 thousand.

By the way

One of the brightest stars settled in the village of Krekshino.
A standard dacha in Krekshino can cost from $600,000 to $2,000,500.
For the summer rent of a three-story house, you will have to pay about $10,000 a month.

For a creative person, building their own home is another opportunity to realize themselves. Therefore, it is not surprising that in the design of their homes, popular favorites demonstrate the same non-trivial approach as in creating a stage image. In a nutshell, it's a must see...
When a few years ago Alexander Buinov said goodbye to the hustle and bustle of city life, moving into a spacious country house, he called it downright in the spirit of Sots Art - "The House of Friendship and Creativity." "For me, a house is, first of all, a place where you can work, create, rehearse with ballet, with musicians. You know, there used to be writers' houses of creativity? Probably, there are now. So we built, built and finally built our House of Friendship.
"We" are Alexander and his wife Alena, who during the construction process "argued, argued, but did not listen to anyone's advice": they themselves developed the project of the house and came up with all sorts of design "chips".

Family legend says that the idea of ​​the house is rooted in the history of the distant 1990s. Then, driving past a new building in Kuntsevo, Alexander saw a structure that struck him.
"Splits between floors - like in a temple. And the windows! Huge, bizarre shapes - rectangular, oval. I didn't even suspect then that we could build such a house." We do not know if they were able to complete the construction of that wonderful object, but Buinov did. Impressed by what he saw, he came home and drew a sketch himself. There were some mystical coincidences: when the Buinovs were choosing a place for their future home, Alexander remembered a childhood story about how, once upon a time, he and his brother and childhood friend skied twenty-five kilometers from Moscow and reached an unfamiliar village with an old church. So, many years later, he built his "white house" next to that village.

In fact, in Buinov's "modern" house, perhaps only old family photographs and a few pieces of furniture remind of tradition.
Therefore, Alexander’s confession sounds unexpected: “I always had nostalgia for such a house as Darya Ivanovna Kosova, my grandmother, who lived in the city of Efremov, had. the smell of a kerosene stove. My grandmother was very pious: old icons in the corner, lampadas ... A special Russian spirit was created in the house. At-mo-sphere! I always thought that the house should be just like that. So Alena and I moved over city. There is no earthen floor in our house, but ... I still love porridge - in the morning the hostess regales me with it. " After these words, you notice how naturally patinated chairs or an intricate chest of drawers with gilded overlays fit into the nostalgic picture of traditional life.

Of course, the "white house" - the second, also unbanal name of the mansion - did not appear immediately: constant concerts and tours often made us forget about the construction site.
In today's version, this is a two-story mansion with an attic, on the first, "palace" floor of which there are two living rooms. One - furnished with more traditional style furniture, with the so-called "eastern corner"; the other one, decorated in a modern spirit and combining the functions of a living room and a rehearsal and concert hall, is also a "white living room". Guests are received either in one living room or in another - depending on the mood.

On the second floor and in the attic, where private rooms are located, there is wicker furniture, and the floors are lined with shipboard - according to Alexander, it is "very fresh, as if you can feel the sea breeze" there. There is also a special room in which all the famous concert costumes of Buinov are stored. "This is a tradition, a relic", so Alexander does not put them up for auction, as many artists do, but saves them "maybe for some museum or program..."
The construction site of the future home was regularly visited by the entire bohemian party, while giving inspirational advice. However, the only person whose opinion turned out to be as authoritative for the Buinovs as the arguments of the Pope for Catholics was couturier Valentin Yudashkin. "It was with his light hand that an extension appeared near the house, which eventually housed a whole relaxation complex - a Turkish bath and a spacious toilet room. We call it that: the Yudashkin wing."
By the way, this is considered relaxation according to a shortened program, but the full one includes a trip to the bathhouse (in winter - an additional option: jumping from the bathhouse directly into the snowdrifts), after which guests are invited to "go on to libations and a hearty dinner. A must - an impromptu concert." The principle of Buinov's selection of performers pleasantly surprises with its democratic nature: "All my guests perform, even those who are not related to art. Businessmen and politicians begin to sing and read poetry. Unexpectedly for everyone and most of all - for themselves."

The energy of Alena and Alexander leaves no doubt that some changes must constantly take place in the house. Sasha believes that he is a conservative: “I get very used to things: a sofa, a carpet, cups. Alena, on the contrary, loves changes. She can change everything in the house once a month or three months. new. After that, I go dissatisfied, well, for a week, probably. Then I get used to it, I get used to it. "
But by and large, the tastes of Alena and Sasha still coincide, and there was no case when he would not like the choice of his wife in the end. And as far as oriental things are concerned, they have, as they say, a complete consensus. The living room even has an "eastern corner": a stunningly beautiful dark wooden screen, painstakingly decorated in an oriental style with a geometric pattern of round and oblong shells, encloses a small kitchen.
Both the screen and the mirror hanging nearby on the wall with the same shell ornament on the frame, and the floor lamp were found in Italy, although there is a suspicion that their homeland is one of the Far Eastern countries. The craftsmanship of these things is simply breathtaking, and it is not surprising that, as Alena says, "we are dying from this corner": if she had the opportunity to devote time to this, she would pick up all the furniture in the interior in this style. There are many books with haiku and tanka in the house - Alexander collects them: "I really like haiku - this is an artistic image, certainly addressed to the season, plus the mood:" I look, a fallen leaf has again taken off on a branch ... That was a butterfly "...

Skillful spraying of paint makes the wooden bowls and dishes standing on the visor of kitchen cabinets look like stone ones - these rarities brought from Southeast Asia are used during tea ceremonies taking place in the "eastern corner" with long conversations and unhurried tasting of real tea. And Alena knows a lot about it and skillfully prepares fragrant mixtures from different varieties.
However, in the Buinovs' house, each item is in a certain sense a rarity, because it must necessarily "carry creative energy." Alena's credo when buying things is the following: "I always remember that this is the artist's house." In practice, this means - there must be things, the purpose of which is not clear to the "ordinary person".
It must be said that the Buinovs achieved amazing success in this direction: if the function of a lamp with a lampshade made of "big-eyed" glass plates is, in principle, clear, then one can guess that a bucket with a nickel-plated tap elevated on a mysterious transparent tube is an "author's air conditioner "- beyond the power of even a narrow specialist.

As for furniture, Alyona and Sasha do not buy consumer goods or just very expensive items - it's not interesting - they are always looking for something original: "You need to see a thing in a store and fall in love." It can turn out to be both antiques and modern models - in any case, they will not be covered with covers, they will lie on sofas for their pleasure, and put cups on the table. "The house should not turn into a museum, it should be comfortable for both those who live there and those who come." Naturally, there are no problems with premature wear of things (and with a sense of humor): "The guests are all decent and famous, until they spilled and scratched nothing."
A huge white living room with a concert hall, where "a lot of light and air" - a phenomenon from the series "you never dreamed of." The idea of ​​a concert hall located in a small bay window, by the way, also belonged to Yudashkin. His sacramental phrase: "Buinov, you are an artist, you must have a stage!", entered the annals of family history, and in a bay window with three-meter windows, instead of walls, a piano, a drum kit and a bunch of some other equipment inaccessible to the understanding of a mere mortal appeared. "It's like in a church," says Buinov.
Previously, Buinov's ballet was rehearsed in the central part of the living room, and the rest of the time they played billiards or ping-pong here. The last occupation, as a rule, caused a surge of enthusiasm in the third inhabitant of the house - a cat with a natural name Kotik, the owner of a breathtaking aristocratic pedigree and almost human intelligence. The cat completely controls everything that happens in the house, somehow managing to be in several places at the same time.

And the house of Alexander and Alena is famous for its hospitality and hospitality. Behind the spectacular external gloss, real homely warmth and comfort are felt - sensations reminiscent of Buinov's statement about clothes: "I can wear a tailcoat to go out, but some black T-shirt and leather pants, for example. From above, it seems, like during a parade, but you feel imposing, not clamped, not a "man in a case."

Alexander Tsekalo suffers from gigantomania, and Vladimir Solovyov is surrounded by many enemies

Building a dream house, the owner is trying to embody all his ideas in it and make it as convenient as possible for himself and his family. Our stars are no exception. Sometimes dachas of celebrities are distinguished by the most daring fantasies. With the help of a well-known private realtor, Maxim CHEPURA, we have compiled a rating of celebrity mansions, calculating how much the artists would earn approximately if they put their buildings up for sale right now. Psychologist Natalya VARSKA tried to characterize the personalities of their owners by looking at the facades of the houses. For the purity of the experiment, we did not tell our experts who exactly what house belongs to.

Maksim Galkin

Realtor: I recognize Galkin's "chambers" spread over a hectare of land. True, it is not clear why Maxim needed such a castle, but even if he ever decides to sell it, he will not be able to find a buyer. Unless it's your devoted billionaire fan. Such a house will always be associated with the first owner. In the future, such a building can only be converted into a hotel or a holiday home. According to the most conservative estimates, the interior decoration and decoration of the house can cost three times more than the object itself.
Psychologist: Everything is simple to the point of banality: the owner likes to impress people and be the center of attention. In certain circles, he enjoys great authority. And Vladimir Solovyov is surrounded by many enemies

Yuri Bashmet

Psychologist: Probably, the owner of this house had a poor childhood. Pronounced ambition and desire to manage. He does not like to let strangers into his life. Maybe even has some secret of Bluebeard.
Realtor: It will be almost impossible to sell such a huge territory. Most likely, the owner will not do this - the house will be inherited. Big minus - the mansion is located next to the highway. The noise from cars makes the life of the household unbearable.

Andrey Konchalovsky

Psychologist: A person who lives here is distrustful and not very positive. For him, the main thing is that others obey and obey. It is cruel at times. Perhaps this is due to the fact that, as he believes, goals are more important than people.

Nikita Mikhalkov

Psychologist: Barin at heart. It happens in different ways, but more often - a kind man with an open heart. Vulnerable, but quick-witted, although he never forgives major insults.
Realtor: The place is legendary and prestigious, besides, the prices here are among the highest. Weaving here costs about $110 thousand. Such estates are like real family estates, which, in fact, have no price. On the one hand, it is strange and unusual for a modern person that on a vast territory (about a hectare) there are almost no additional buildings. On the other hand, I know from experience that every resident of the city dreams of such space and silence.

Yuri Antonov

Psychologist: Greed in the owner is definitely present. A man of the "kurkul" type, as the people say.
Realtor: This three-story mansion looks like a real Russian noble estate and the Soviet Palace of Culture at the same time. Apparently intended for a large family. Cozy and tasteful. A similar house for sale will go flying.

Joseph Kobzon

Psychologist: Either the ancestors of the owner of this house knew what a good life is, or a person from childhood dreamed of being like such people.
Realtor: The estate consists of several houses, all of them made of high quality building materials. The interior decoration is also certainly not cheap, so the cost of finishing can be as much as the mansion itself with a plot in addition.

Alla Pugacheva

Psychologist: It seems that the house was built as a mini-hotel. Either the owner planned to rent out the premises, or he likes to invite relatives and friends. But he's certainly not devoid of an entrepreneurial streak.
Realtor: A big plus - the house is away from others. In addition, the forest is all around, and the pond nearby automatically equates this place to a dream cottage. The mansion was built using high quality building materials in a classic style. This will last 100 years and will always be in price. In my understanding, this is exactly what a country house should be like: quiet, green, fresh and no one around.

Valentin Yudashkin

Psychologist: For a person who built such a house, punctuality is most important. He is used to a certain routine. Likes to lead people and process.
Realtor: Minskoe Highway occupies the third position in the list of priority suburban areas, and Bakovka is one of the most expensive places. But today it is unfashionable and unprofitable to buy real estate here. Difficult transport accessibility and too high prices can scare away buyers. The mansion is very archaic. On such it is possible to search for buyers for a long time.

Alexander Tsekalo

Psychologist: Strange house. You don't need to be a psychologist to understand: his owner is trying to realize in him all his hidden fantasies. Gigantomania is clearly visible here. Perhaps the cause is some serious complex. And, most likely, coming from childhood.
Realtor: If we take into account the cost of finishing, then the price can reach more than half a billion rubles. Now the house is under construction, and it is still difficult to imagine what else the owner will think of building on the site. The house, made in high-tech style, will certainly be the most noticeable in the village. Unusual facade, exclusive design, elite building materials - it will be problematic to sell the object.

Alexander Malinin

Psychologist: This person is different: for some he is soft and faithful, for others - cruel and narcissistic. His goal in life is the desire to embrace the immensity.
Realtor: A very nice house both in terms of architectural design and color scheme, which is important. All existing buildings are made with excessive accuracy and in the same style, successfully harmonizing. Made with taste and love. The perfect home for a happy extended family.

Masha Rasputina

Psychologist: A person from his youth tries to prove to others that he is no worse than others, and sometimes even much better. Infantile and slightly insecure.
Realtor: The house is fabulous, even a toy. It is immediately obvious: the hostess is a woman, a man, I think, would not allow himself such an abundance of pink shades. Good landscape design. But the project is too individual and therefore not attractive for sale.

Ivan Urgant

Psychologist: Perceives only himself and his point of view. Clearly egocentric. He strives by any means to occupy the attention of people with himself.
Realtor: Extremely unusual shape of the mansion. Against the backdrop of classic dachas, it looks like something cosmic. There are too many outbuildings: one gets the impression that before one's eyes is a factory, and not a house for a family. The owner obviously builds for the ages! Subsequently, few buyers will be interested in such a domino.

Tigran Keosayan and Alena Khmelnitskaya

Psychologist: Adherent to everything Western. He wants to be appreciated not in the narrow context of the family, but far beyond it.

Alexander Lazarev

Psychologist: I think he is a very open and sociable person. There are no people who would not like it. Honest, trusting, compassionate.
Realtor: Both houses look very modern - classic and Mediterranean style. But they need cosmetic repairs. This may reduce the price somewhat, but not significantly. Moreover, I am sure that the new owners will not rush with restructuring.

Vladimir Pozner

Psychologist: Definitely a very creative person. For him, the traditions of the ancestors are overly important.
Realtor: The house was built long ago and without frills. The latter is a big selling point. But, even despite the proximity of the airport, this place is considered an elite one, which is why cottages here are not cheap.

Alexander Gradsky

Psychologist: The owner of the house is a pedant, appreciates stability. He is surrounded by many people, he is constantly in contact with someone. But he often gets tired of communication, so he often needs personal space, to which outsiders are denied entry.
Realtor: This is one of the oldest summer cottages, houses have always been valued here. The proximity of the airport does not bother buyers. Even in the "hot" season, several super-expensive mansions go here. The house with columns and spacious balconies was built in a classical style, I would even say - in the Soviet one. In my opinion, such an object may be of interest to older people, young people today prefer something more bizarre.

Leonid Yarmolnik

Psychologist: The owner is a great dreamer, dreamer and owner of an artistic gift. As a child, he probably loved fairy tales, adventure stories and mischief.
Realtor: Simplicity and nothing more. The pool area is always popular. But there is a feeling that the house was built a long time ago, and it is clear that it needs renovation. Do not sell expensive! A good option for those who want to buy a cottage in a prestigious place for a reasonable price. I'm just afraid that the repair would not cost more.

Mikhail Shats and Tatyana Lazareva

Psychologist: It is felt that the owner experienced little real happiness and joy in his life. Often feels misunderstood. He treats his own appearance without fanaticism.
Realtor: Classic country house, nothing remarkable and interesting. It has no individuality. There are a lot of them on the market. The picture is spoiled by a dubious wooden shed in the corner and a building materials dump. If I were the owners, I would at least paint the house in some cheerful colors. It will not hurt him to bring a marafet. Boring option.

Vladimir Solovyov

Psychologist: Nervous person, sometimes it comes to acrimony. Has many enemies. Maybe that's where the irritation comes from. Open only with the closest.
Realtor: Two pretty good houses - a three-story mansion and a house with a veranda. A very modest lot by today's standards. In my opinion, there is not enough space for a large family or friendly gatherings.

Alexander Domogarov

Psychologist: It is clearly an inquisitive and sociable person. I would say that the owner of this house has an easy, flexible character. A huge number of ideas swarm in his head, but not global ones.
Realtor: In this elite gated community, there are about
20 housing constructions located in the forest area. The dwelling in the photo looks quite simple, but thanks to the rather large area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe land plot and the convenient location for communications, it looks quite cozy. The territory is spacious, there are no unnecessary objects and pretentious buildings. As they say, everything you need for quiet happiness. I think the house would attract many buyers.

Today, most suburban houses near Moscow are built in the classical style. The average area of ​​land is 10 - 12 acres, and the average area of ​​cottages - from 500 to two thousand square meters. meters. But there are objects and six - eight thousand square meters. meters. The average price level for such mansions in elite places is $8 million. For comparison, a similar building in Marbella (Spain) will cost a maximum of 1.5 million euros.

By the way
The most expensive house in the world is the mansion of Briton Stuart Hughes in Switzerland. The cost of the object with an area of ​​725 sq. m is estimated at 7.5 billion euros. During the construction, 200 tons of gold and platinum were used.

Alexander Buynov - People's Artist, singer, musician, actor, showman and composer. Born in March 1950 in a military town on the border with Moscow. After his birth, the family moved to a communal apartment in Bolshoy Tishinsky Lane.

At the insistence of his mother, he received an elementary musical education, and during his school years he met Gradsky and became a keyboard player in the Skomorokh group he created. He left the group due to being drafted into the army. After the demobilization, he worked in different teams until he tripled in the Cheerful Guys group, popular in those years, in which he worked for sixteen years. In the early 1990s, he pursued a solo career.

Personal life

There were three more brothers in the family, the eldest died in an accident, and the youngest died in 2017, the third brother is retired. All three received an elementary musical education and were directly related to creative activity.

He first married in 1970 to Lyubov Vdovina, but they divorced two years later. The second wife was Lyudmila, from whom a daughter, Yulia, was born in 1972. This marriage broke up after thirteen years. The third wife in 1985 was Alena (nee Elena Gutman). He considers this marriage the most successful. Alexander also has three grandchildren from his daughter Yulia and an illegitimate son, Alexei, born in 1987 from a short holiday romance.

House of Alexander Buinov

The singer has been building his country mansion in the village of Krekshino for more than six years. The project and design of the house was developed independently. As a result, according to Buiny and his wife, they got a unique building, which they called the "House of Friendship and Creativity."

On the ground floor of the two-story building with an attic, there are two living rooms, one of which is decorated in white and modern style, perfectly combining the rehearsal and soft areas. The second is furnished in a traditional style with oriental motifs. There are patinated chairs and an interestingly shaped chest of drawers with gilded overlays.

The owners are big fans of oriental furniture and figurines, which is why they have formed a special corner in oriental style, in which there are gizmos brought from Italy, but definitely made in an eastern country. This is a mirror with a shell ornament, and an intricately shaped lamp, and a screen that separates the living room from the miniature kitchen. On the shelves of the “oriental living room” there are also many books from tanka and haiku, the owner collects them.

Rare crockery with a special coating of paint attracts attention on kitchen cabinets. Wooden saucers, plates and a teapot look like stone ones and are used by Alena directly for their intended purpose. She is a great lover of green tea and tries to fulfill the brewing ceremony according to all the requirements of this art.

It is worth noting that Buinov and his wife are not chasing rare or especially expensive pieces of furniture. Following their ideas, the owners added a floor lamp with an intricate lampshade made of glass plates into the interior, as well as a “bucket with a tap” that puzzles all guests. Not every specialist will guess that this is an air conditioner.

On the second floor there are bedrooms and guest rooms, which lead to open balconies. One of them has a small seating area. The floors here are lined with ship boards, and instead of massive furniture there is wicker furniture. There is also one of the collections of edged weapons, which are given by friends and fans of creativity.

In addition to the bedrooms on the top floor there is a storage room for concert costumes. The artist does not put them up for auction, but carefully puts them away for storage, intending to donate them to the museum or use them in some program in the future.

On the advice of one of his friends, a low building was attached to the house, in which a spa center with a swimming pool, a sauna, a hammam, exercise equipment was placed and named after a friend - an outbuilding named after Yudashkin.

More than ten years ago, a huge tent also appeared on the territory, accommodating more than two hundred guests. Alena ordered it to celebrate her birthday, which they decided to combine with the name day of Maxim Galkin.

The territory was cleared of unnecessary plants and trees, and the foundation was also poured. The interior was decorated by the hostess in black, with snow-white elements in textiles. After the celebration, they decided to leave the tent, and now all significant events are celebrated in it. A few years ago, it also celebrated the anniversary of Buinov.

According to CIAN, cottages in the village of Krekshino cost from 10 to 120 million rubles and more.

Most city dwellers prefer to spend their weekends in the country. Celebrities are no exception. They also try to live away from the noise of the city and other people's eyes. Where exactly?

Photo archive "Antennas"

Alla Pugacheva and Maxim Galkin

Mud, Rublevo-Uspenskoe Highway

The six-story castle, finished with marble, Maxim Galkin built more than five years. For 3000 sq. m housed a gym, a swimming pool, a sauna, a cinema hall, an office, a library, a billiard room, several bedrooms and living rooms. In the neighbors - Larisa Dolina.

Photo by Sergey Dzhevakhashvili

Andrei Konchalovsky and Yulia Vysotskaya

Nikolina Gora, Rublevo-Uspenskoe Highway

The house is over 50 years old. It was built by Natalia Petrovna Konchalovsky, mother of Andrei Konchalovsky. Then this place was not considered fashionable, and there was an ordinary village nearby.

Also live on Nikolina Gora Vera Glagoleva, Lolita, Alexander Malinin, Nikita Mikhalkov.

Photo by Sergey Dzhevakhashvili, Igor Piskarev, PersonaStars, PhotoXPress

Darya Dontsova, a plot (80 acres) 30 km from Moscow along the Novorizhskoye highway was bought 10 years ago.

“I live outside the city all the time. It is much calmer here than in Moscow, and the road to the city takes a little time. I don’t run a special household, except that I walk with dogs, and my husband takes care of flowers. As soon as it gets warmer, we hang a hammock between the trees, arrange folding beds. On one of them I am lying, on the other - dogs or visiting cats. Mushrooms grow in large numbers on the site. The guests try to collect them, but I do not give them: they will suddenly get poisoned. Two crazy squirrels rush through the trees, an owl flies. To relax in the country, you need ... to understand that it exists for recreation.

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Boris Moiseev: Barvikha, Rublevo-Uspenskoe Highway

I really like living outside the city, - says Boris. - This is my dream house! I really love the color red, so there is something red in the design of every room.

Also in Barvikha: Alena Khmelnitskaya, Dmitry Malikov.

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Alexander Belyaev, weather forecaster,NTV.

Meshkovo, Kiev highway.

It’s closer and easier for me to travel from my dacha to work than from a city apartment,” says Alexander Belyaev. - I live here almost all year round. I take care of the lawn myself - I mow and water it. I also listen to birdsong in the morning. Favorite hobby.

Also on the Kiev highway live in Krekshino: Leonid Agutin And Angelica Varum,Vladimir Vinokur, Lev Leshchenko, Natasha Koroleva And Sergei Glushko.

IN Peredelkino: Evgeny Yevtushenko, Vladimir Solovyov.

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Olga Prokofieva, actress, (“My Fair Nanny”, STS). The plot was bought in the village. Zhavoronki (Belarusian direction). At first it was 10 acres, now it is 21.

- The house was built in Soviet times. Brick was not available, built from the old. The women (I, my mother and sister Larisa) sat in a circle, sang a song and ... cleaned the remains of cement from the bricks. Then we completed the third floor and made a billiard room there. I don’t have a garden cult, but what can compare with the first radish grown with your own hands? To relax in the country, you need ... to get together with the whole big family.

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Ekaterina Semenova, actress

Plot (6 acres) 2 km from the station. Monino (Yaroslavl road) was inherited from grandparents.

For me, a dacha is an absolute shutdown from life, - Ekaterina admits. - I don't do anything there. I just breathe fresh air and, lying on the grass under the trees, I read books that I don’t have time for in the city. Sometimes friends come, then we fry kebabs and have philosophical conversations. I do not do gardening - maybe it will come with age? To relax in the country, you need ... the sun, a hammock and a good book.

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Oleg Gazmanov, singerPlot (18 acres) in Serebryany Bor,built the house myself.

I don’t have vegetable gardens in my dacha, I don’t grow potatoes there. But I plant trees. There are already about 600 of them. Pine, arborvitae, spruce and cedar. 7 years ago, my colleagues - TV presenters, musicians - carried out the campaign "Plant a tree of Victory in Serebryany Bor". And in order to relax in the country, you need to ... take a shovel and work hard.

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Alla Dovlatova, actress("Secrecy of the investigation").I bought a plot (20 acres) in the village of Krekshino (Kyiv direction) 9 years ago from the singer Valeria.

After buying the house, the second floor was demolished and rebuilt. The former owners looked after the site well, and we got well-groomed trees, around which I planted tulips. We also built playgrounds with slides and swings for our eldest daughter. Now the son plays there, and soon the youngest daughter will join him. If it weren’t for traffic jams, I would live in the country all year round! To relax in the country, you need the sun to shine and everyone had a day off.

Photo by Vladimir Bertov

Lyudmila Senchina, singer Pos. Gruzino near St. Petersburg.

I bought this house in the town of Gruzino, where there are many dachas of actors and musicians, almost 25 years ago. I then suddenly wanted silence and fresh air. Gradually, the building was insulated, water and heating were installed. Still, life in nature should be comfortable. My dacha is for relaxation. I don't grow anything here. Although I have an assistant who does all the work on the site.

Photo by Sergey Dzhevakhashvili

Arina Sharapova ("Good morning", "Channel One")

I bought a dacha on Kashirskoye Highway 30 km from Moscow myself.

- I used to stay overnight at the dacha even on weekdays. And at 5 in the morning I left for work. But now there are such traffic jams ... I don’t like to plant on the site, but I like to take care of the plants. I also love it when friends come to the country. It happened more often before. To relax in the country, you need a lot of people - to sit at the table, drink tea and tell interesting stories.

Photo by Sergey Dzhevakhashvili

Nikolai Lukinskiy, humorist. The dacha was bought 11 years ago in Malakhovka outside Lyubertsy

I didn’t even imagine that I could live outside the city, - says Nikolai. - 16 years ago we rented a dacha here, in Malakhovka beyond Lyubertsy. Then we bought a small cottage. And when a village began to be built nearby, they purchased this site with a foundation. Three years later, the brick house was built, my wife and I spent the first night in it, and in the morning I said that I would not leave here again. Lovely air, silence and a place that we have already come to love.

Our house is 200 square meters, it has two floors, three bedrooms, two offices, a dining room, a living room, a kitchen and a basement-gym. We live together with my wife, our daughters are already adults. The eldest, Olga, is getting her third higher education in pharmacology, lives and studies in Spain. And the youngest, Dasha, graduated from the Institute of Management, got married, her grandson Lesha will be three years old in September. We are happy when they come to visit us. Next year, by the way, it will be 35 years since my wife Irina and I. Plot - 10 acres, there is where to roam. In one part of the property, we have created a relaxation area where you can sit, look at the water, read a book. But you can't rest in the country all the time. Once a week I mow the lawn - this is not a woman's business. If you need to dig something serious, I also do it myself. When we planted Christmas trees, we gave them names: Arsyusha, Sonya, Henrietta - in honor of the children of our friends.

In another part of the site there is a gazebo with barbecue facilities. I put the gazebo, as it turned out later, in the sunniest place. She was so hot that it was impossible to be in her. Then we planted grapes, he wrapped around the gazebo, and it became comfortable. In the heat - cool, in windy weather - warm. In the summer we dine there.