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Hydraulic lifters knocking on cold and hot? Why do hydraulic lifters knock on a cold one?

For the long-term operation of the car, it is important not only to visually inspect the mechanisms, but also to listen to the sounds that it makes. For example, by ear, you can diagnose a case when hydraulic lifters knock. To facilitate the operation of the car and eliminate the need to regularly adjust the valve clearance, manufacturers have developed and began to use hydraulic lifters in series. However, their use not only makes life easier for the car owner, but can cause concern about what to do if there are extraneous sounds from the engine compartment.

Article author: mudriy_lev
Specialization: repair of autogenerators and servo drives in the car.
Place of work: service center. Experience: 2 years.
Education: higher - electrical engineer, secondary special - mechanical assembly work mechanic.

The most common reason why hydraulic lifters knock is oil. The car owner needs to pay attention to the following factors that can cause the knock of hydraulic lifters:

  • oil must comply with the manufacturer's recommendations
  • oil change should be on time
  • The oil filter is changed at the same time as the oil is changed.
  • oil must be suitable for climatic conditions

The most important thing when choosing an oil is that its viscosity matches the manufacturer's recommendations. Hydraulic lifters will knock if:

  • oil is too viscous
  • oil is too thin

In the case of too viscous oil, hydraulic lifters usually knock on a cold one, since insufficient oil is supplied through the channels. In the process of heating the oil, it becomes more liquid and is able to freely fill the entire system. Therefore, a knock on a hot one usually goes away.

If the oil is too thin, then on some vehicles there is a situation that the oil pump is not able to create optimal pressure in the system. As a result, oil starvation occurs, and the knock of hydraulic lifters, which is more clearly audible on a warm engine. In the event of a breakdown of the oil pump, a similar situation occurs.

The same situation can arise if the oil does not meet climatic conditions.

To eliminate the knock of hydraulic lifters in this case, it is necessary to change the oil. If the oil is changed in garage conditions, then it is necessary to check the full compliance of the oil with the requirements of the automaker.

Oil during maintenance is changed for a reason

In the case of prolonged operation of the car without changing the oil, the following situations may occur that cause the knock of hydraulic lifters:

  • canal pollution
  • oil loss of its qualities

In the first case, the knock will appear when the engine is cold. The oil supply channels are clogged and therefore it is impossible to create the required pressure in the hydraulic compensators. In the process of warming up the oil, deposits exfoliate and oil flows throughout the system. After cooling, all the dirt will sit on the walls and re-clog the channels. This will cause knocking every time the engine warms up again.

If the oil has lost its qualities due to old age, it may begin to foam. Such oil is not able to create the necessary pressure and its prolonged presence in the engine will lead to significant damage.

If the oil is old, it must be replaced. Do not immediately fill in expensive oil. It contains high-quality detergent additives that can remove dirt from the walls. This will lead to even more clogging of the channels of the oil system. Therefore, before pouring good oil, after prolonged operation with old oil, it is necessary to flush the system with a special agent.

Knock of hydraulic lifters due to engine overheating

Engine overheating can cause oil to lose its qualities. After the engine boils, it is imperative to eliminate the cause of its overheating and change the oil.

The use of overheated oil not only causes the knock of hydraulic lifters, but also leads to increased wear of all internal combustion engine elements.

An oil change should only be carried out together with an oil filter, which can also cause knocking.

If the filter is clogged, then the oil is difficult to pass through it. This leads to a decrease in pressure in the system. In this case, the knock of hydraulic lifters from the engine compartment will be heard both on cold and hot.

A comprehensive oil and filter change can correct this situation.

Strong mechanical wear

In the event that a car with high mileage and hydraulic lifters have not changed for a long time, a knock on their part may be due to excessive wear.

A visual inspection will allow you to understand how to identify a knocking hydraulic lifter. In the event of wear on the impact surface, the knocking hydraulic compensator will be immediately visible from the dents from the camshaft. If outwardly all the hydraulic lifters look normal, it is necessary to press them one by one with a piece of wood or a screwdriver. The effort should be the same. In this way, it is possible to identify both a stuck and a hydraulic compensator that does not hold pressure.

When knocking is normal

After changing the oil, the hydraulic lifters are empty. After the engine starts to work, oil will begin to flow into them. But until normal pressure is created, knocking from the hydraulic lifters is considered the norm. During subsequent warm-ups of the engine, extraneous sounds should be absent.

The case when the hydraulic lifters knock on cold or hot is not a critical breakdown, as this allows you to continue to operate the car, but in order to prevent damage to the timing elements, it is advisable not to delay the elimination of this breakdown.

(another name for a hydraulic pusher) performs the functions of automatically adjusting the thermal clearances of the car engine valves. However, as many motorists know, for some reason it starts to tap. And in different conditions - both cold and hot. This article describes why hydraulic lifters knock and.

How it works and why the hydraulic compensator knocks

Why do hydraulic lifters knock?

Hydraulic lifters can tap for a variety of reasons. As a rule, this is due to problems with the oil or oil system, engine hydraulics, and so on. Moreover, the reasons differ significantly depending on the state of the engine - hot or cold.

Hydraulic lifters knock on hot

We list briefly the most common causes of hydraulic lifters knocking on a hot engine and what to do about it:

  • Haven't had an oil change in a while or it is of poor quality.
    What to do- to avoid such problems, it is necessary.
  • Valves clogged. At the same time, the uniqueness of the situation lies in the fact that this problem can only be detected with a hot engine. That is, with a cold engine, there may or may not be a knock.
    What to do - flush the system, and also replace the lubricant, preferably with a more viscous one.
  • Clogged oil filter. As a result, the oil does not reach the hydraulic lifters under the required pressure. Therefore, an air lock is formed, which is the cause of the problem.
    What to do - replace oil filter.
  • Oil level mismatch. It can be either its lowered or elevated level. The result is excessive saturation of the oil with air. And when the oil is supersaturated with the air mixture, a corresponding knock occurs.

    How to check the hydraulic lifter

    What to do- the solution to this problem is oil level normalization.
  • Oil pump malfunction. If it does not work at full capacity, then this may be the natural cause of the indicated problem.
    What to do- check and adjust oil pump.
  • Increased hydraulic compensator landing site. In the process of heating the engine, its volume increases even more, which is the cause of the knock.
    What to do- for help contact a mechanic.
  • Problems with mechanics and hydraulics.
    What to do- there can be many reasons, therefore we recommend contacting a specialist.
  • Hydraulic lifters knock on cold

    Now we list a list of possible causes that cause the knock of hydraulic lifters on a cold engine and what to do about it.

Hello dear friends! Today we have an important topic, since we are talking with you about why hydraulic lifters (HA) knock and what to do in such cases.

Let's start with what kind of animal it is. A hydraulic compensator is a name for parts that are designed to regulate the correct thermal gaps in your motor. And it happens automatically.

Engines on the VAZ 2112, 2110, Chevrolet Niva, Volkswagen Polo Sedan, Priora and even Daewoo Nexia are equipped with similar GCs. By the way, we also do not forget about the Gazelle and its 405 engine. The bottom line is that these devices are present in the engine and they can knock. An experienced car owner will immediately notice that the car makes extraneous noise.


Let's look at the reasons why hydraulic lifters start knocking. This is a clear sign that not everything is fine with the car, there is a malfunction.

The key reasons are:

  • pollution of the GC itself;
  • on the plunger pair formed a mechanical development;
  • the valve responsible for the oil supply does not work correctly;
  • bad or inappropriate engine oil was filled;
  • clogged oil filter;
  • oil channels clogged;
  • the engine heats up too quickly;
  • air bubbles appeared in the oil, negatively affecting the compressibility of the liquid;
  • air has entered the hydraulic lifters.

You should not think that in the event of a breakdown in an engine with 8 or 16 valves, all compensators will start ringing at the same time. No. Only one detail is affected. But it is important in the course of the proceedings to find out which one specifically. This requires diagnostics.

Advice from me personally. If you hear a knock, it is better to stop by the service station. At least for a professional diagnosis. Having modern equipment works wonders.

The check is carried out on hot and, let's say, on cold. That is, when the power unit is cooled down and warmed up. And the reasons for knocking are different:

  1. If the knock is cold, the problem is more likely the viscosity of the oil (if the oil has not been changed for a long time, I advise you to do this). Also, cold compensators knock due to poor operation of the element valve. This causes oil to leak out when the engine is not running. It may be at the wrong temperature, poor quality, or a formulation that does not match the machine.
  2. A hot test also shows that the cause of the malfunction may be oil, a dirty filter, and clogged channels. At the same time, there are several other reasons that can only be detected with such diagnostics by the hot method. We are talking about a faulty pump (oil), the hydraulic component of the HA, or an increase in the landing site of these parts.

Only in some cases can you independently identify the cause. Therefore, it is better to contact a good car service.

The main task of diagnostics is to find a hydraulic compensator that makes extraneous noise. To do this, use the method of acoustic diagnostics. In garage conditions, the chances of achieving a result, alas, are minimal.

Knock elimination

Sometimes car owners make attempts to solve the problem of knocking hydraulic lifters on their own. I have nothing against it, since it is quite possible to wash or repair the element with your own hands.

Get ready for a lot of time and effort. Don't go there if you don't have car repair experience. Relying completely on flushing is not worth it, since it does not always allow you to restore the normal operation of the compensator. This is due to the fact that knocking may be caused by oil or malfunctions in other engine systems.

Do not forget about situations when a cold knock is heard, but it disappears when it is hot. It's definitely not the low oil temperature. Such a phenomenon is frequent. Therefore, car owners often ignore this symptomatology, since the knock soon disappears.

When tapping one hydraulic compensator, you can try this repair method:

  • rotate the crankshaft so that the valve suitable for the problematic main valve opens;
  • turn the valve with a spring at an angle so that it is possible to move elements that are not properly positioned;
  • start the motor.

If after that the knocking has not disappeared, you cannot do without a full-fledged professional diagnosis. A similar repair technique is relevant for VAZs and Priors, for example.

When an unheated engine knocks, there is nothing terrible here. Most likely, the lubricant is still thick and has not had time to warm up. That is, cold knocks are acceptable and you can safely drive on with them. If the sound does not disappear after warming up, then leave the car alone until the troubleshooting.

Replacement procedure

If you decide to install new expansion joints, you should not be afraid to take on the job. The procedure is not the most complicated and typical for almost all engines. That is, the presented instructions will help you, regardless of what car you have.

But still, it’s worth having an official repair and maintenance manual on hand. And then you will say that I am to blame for everything.

Please note that when replacing parts on some machines, it is necessary to additionally change the cover gaskets. Otherwise, the principle of replacement is identical. Act according to the plan and do not deviate from the sequence of stages:

  • remove the valve cover;
  • remove the sprocket from the camshaft (use the wire, carefully picking up the desired part and pulling it up);
  • check the tensioners and dampers for wear (if these elements are already well worn out, it is better to change them immediately);
  • remove the bed, after removing the fasteners from the crankshaft;

That's all. At this work on the replacement of hydraulic lifters can be considered completed.

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Starting your car from under the hood, suddenly began to hear an incomprehensible knock. Do not panic. Most likely the car rattling hydraulic lifters. This problem is common in both domestic cars and foreign cars. Let's analyze why hydraulic lifters knock on cold and hot, and what should we do in this case?

Hydraulic lifters knock on cold and hot. This malfunction occurs not only in supported cars with high mileage, but also in cars that left the assembly line.

When an annoying sound appears, do not rush to the car shop to buy new parts. In the article, we will consider ways that can help get rid of this annoying knock. To begin with, let's figure out what hydraulic lifters are, where they are located and why they make a knock.

Hydraulic compensators, in plain language, a device whose main purpose is to valve clearance adjustment engine. It is located between the camshaft cam and the valve. The knock of the hydraulic compensator indicates its malfunction. This happens due to the fact that the compensator does not have time to choose the gap, thus, it does not cope with its work.

Malfunctions may be in the hydraulic compensator mechanism itself or in the oil supply system.

The first one is:

  1. The shock surface of the spring pair is worn out.
  2. Having a marriage.
  3. The oil supply valve may become clogged, resulting in sticking.
  4. The presence of air in the hydraulic compensator device. This problem sometimes appears due to a lack of oil.
  5. Nagar on the details of the hydraulic compensator.

Secondary reasons include:

  1. Air in the system, or the oil level is too low or too high.
  2. The oil supply system is clogged with soot.
  3. The oil filter has failed.
  4. The viscosity of the oil does not correspond to climatic conditions.
  5. Due to engine overheating.

Mainly due to poor quality or used engine oil. It is solved simply. Fill in new. There may also be a problem with a worn oil filter. Check it, and if so, it's best to replace it. If the problem persists, then there is a malfunction in the engine components.

Hydraulic lifters knock on cold too. But the peculiarity lies in the viscosity of the oil. Because when heated, it changes its viscosity, into a more liquid state. This is the knock of the hydraulic compensator. Therefore, you should not pay attention to the rougher operation of the engine, which has just started.

What causes the knock of hydraulic lifters

  • Timing drive wear.
  • Wear of the cylinder head.


If the problem is in the engine oil, then fixing it yourself is not difficult. If in the hydraulic lifters themselves, then it is best to contact the specialists at the service station, who will conduct high-quality diagnostics and perform repairs. If it will be necessary flushing of hydraulic compensators, then again, you can handle it yourself.

Maintain your car, change engine oil and filters on time, and you will not have hydraulic lifters knocking.

Knock of hydraulic compensators (hydroshtovkhachіv, hydrikіv): how to designate?

Navit with a turbocharged car driver, you can almost knock in the engine. Often dzherelo tsyogo engine knock (cold to hot) - hydraulic compensators(more seem: gidriki, gidroshtovkhachі).

Knock (skregit) under the hood builds step by step. The back of the head is less noisy at a cold start of the engine. If you continue to ignore it, then you will knock and then, if the engine is already running.

If you heard a similar noise - you should tell about the incorrect operation of hydraulic compensators and timing valves.

What is an unsafe knock and what can be the traces?

  • Decline in running characteristics
  • Blue (gray) smoke from the exhaust pipe. On the back when the engine wraps are thrown off, and then it’s fast.
  • Changed the term of service to the timing drive, increased the wear of the cylinder head.
  • In the worst fall: Jammed hydraulic => Broken valve => Falling at the cylinder. Dali - more painful ...

How to get rid of the sound of hydraulic lifters?

Hydraulic compensators are the first to "give to the nobility" about those, like a dvigun, it takes a flooded olive

The main reason for knocking in hydroshutters is lack of grip olives in a plunger pair. In this time, the hydraulic compensator does not reach again, clean up the space between the valve and the cam of the rozpodilny shaft. When wrapping the rest of the beginning, they hit the krishtsi of the hydraulic compensator, which will cause “squeal” to a knock.

Why do you need "yazane"?

hour because of the strong wear of the engine, the filthy operation of the olive pump, the heavy olive channels, and the failure of the hydraulic compensator.

The most common reason is in the olive(Whikoristanya neakіsnoї, podrobnoї chi not suitable for your dvigun olivi). The first thing that needs to be done is to pour the olive, as it cleans the engine, add additives against the knock of hydraulics and fit your transport (healthy run).

All olives under the hour of operation can build up "vigorati"(according to science - aeration). Surplus of visible soot and other non-receiving seals settle on the details of the engine, including in the middle of the hydraulic compensators, on the plunger pair and the sump valve.

Such actions lead to the fact that hydroshtovkhach ceases to work correctly, you can ask and I will not lift the lid. At this time valve closes tightly, which can lead to a breakdown of the engine.

To prevent the knock of hydraulic compensators, the best option would be to use olive oil, which is necessary for your car in "viscosity," with the presence of mild and anti-aeration additives.

The same is the Canadian olive Petro-Canada. Its uniqueness lies in the patented HT Purity Process olive harvesting technology. Vaughn maє principle vіdmіnnostі vіd traditіynoy method "purification by selective growers" (which vikoristovuetsya more virobnіv olives). The main power is the value of aromatic molecules, which reduce the operational power.

In this order, instead of aromatic content of aromatic z "ednan in olives:

(chim less - tim more beautiful)

  • Natural (from selective purification method = 10-35%
  • Petro-Canada (HT Purity Process) = less than 0.1%.


  • Petro-Canada is fine in the middle of the engine
  • Better protection of parts against corrosion and oxidation
  • Rozkhid olivi lesser ;-)

What is especially important- a stable medium for additives comes out
(the middle of which is a rubbing modifier based on 3-nuclear molybdenum)!

Warehouse price olives included additive package, yakі allow you to put in a knock and get ahead of the front exit from the system of hydraulic compensators.

Vikoristovuyuchi olivi Petro-Canada, you can be assured that your engine will serve you for a long time, and your hydraulics will stop rattling.

To confirm the above, we suggest VIDGUKI about the results of the selection of olives Petro-Canada in the official online store shop.petro-canada.com.ua :

After reading positive reviews about the oil, I decided to try the RS supreme 5w30 in Kia cerate, while I like it, the knock of the hydraulic lifters on the cold went away, I thought it was already impossible to defeat them)))

PC Supreme 5w-30

I have been filling this oil for the 3rd year already, the Hyundai Accent MC 1.4 gasoline car, I change it 2 times a year before autumn and spring, the average mileage from replacement to replacement is 6-9k km, which I can say I really like the oil, the engine runs quietly, the oil does not eats, gasoline consumption with a quiet ride 6.8-7.5 l / 100km. When draining, it has a characteristic dark color - it does its job of caring for the engine at 100%. Thanks for a good product, I would like to buy it a little cheaper;) PC Supreme Synthetic 5w-30

I have been using it for many years on the FSI W8 engine. Everything is fine, the oil washes well and does not burn like Castrol recommends WAG PC Synthetic 5w-40

I have already filled in PC Supreme semi-synthetics several times (5W-30 for winter and 10W-40 for summer). Car - Chrysler Voyager 1992, 3.3 l, mileage -350,000 km, car - on gas. The oil is excellent. The sound of the engine is a satisfied purr. Stopped knocking "gidriki". Starts up in winter with no problems. I change it after 10,000 runs, of course, the oil already darkens seriously, but in principle it still looks very good (looked at the light). No burning smell, etc.
I also doubted at first if it was original. I read personal studies of car owners on various oil manufacturers (there is such a site. I don’t know if I can mention it here, so I don’t write) and chose a PC. I relied on the decency of the store.
In general, I was satisfied with the oil and the store. Buying is convenient. Arrived quickly. Works good. PC Supreme 10w-40