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How to prepare pickled garlic at home: recipes and storage methods in winter. Salted garlic: useful tips for preparations How to pickle field garlic

Now is the time to salt the garlic while it is still very young. Many people know that garlic is simply irreplaceable as a seasoning, because it has a wonderful, unique taste and aroma. In addition, garlic is very healthy, because this vegetable has antifungal and antimicrobial properties. It’s a pity that in an apartment, without, for example, a cellar at hand, it is almost impossible to preserve garlic for a long time. The solution is simple - you need to salt it.

How to pickle heads of garlic?

You can salt garlic in different ways; there are several ways, each of which deserves your attention. Surprisingly, salting allows garlic not only not to spoil, but also to retain all its beneficial properties for eight months. This cannot please those who monitor their health and immunity, as well as those who are not indifferent to spicy, mouth-watering dishes with the addition of garlic.

To pickle whole garlic heads you will need:

If you decide to use this method, keep in mind that the heads of garlic are not peeled. All you need to do is simply remove all the roots and excess damaged scales with a knife. Prepare a jar of suitable size in advance; its volume will depend on the amount of garlic you would like to cook.

You need to pour a small layer of salt on the bottom of your container, and place the heads of garlic on top of it. Now you will need to fill all the spaces between the laid out heads with salt, and then make the next layer. As a result, it turns out that all the garlic heads are completely covered in salt, while the last layer of garlic should be completely covered. When everything is ready, simply close the jar with a tight lid.

Garlic heads that have been pickled should be stored in some cool place. When you eat it, you will hardly feel the difference between salted and fresh garlic, because it will remain just as dense and crunchy.

How to pickle garlic royally

Pickling garlic pieces

To pickle garlic pieces you will need:

To use this pickling method, you need to peel the garlic, that is, separate it into individual cloves. Peeled garlic cloves must be cut into slices.

Add salt to the resulting plastics and mix thoroughly; the grains should be distributed as evenly as possible throughout the garlic so that there are no lumps. The entire resulting mixture must be placed in jars of suitable volume so that the containers are filled as tightly as possible.

After this, all that remains is to close the jars with lids and store them in the refrigerator.

This method is suitable not only for pickling mature garlic; in the same way you can preserve young garlic and even its feathers. Just cut everything into pieces and salt in the same way. This seasoning can be added directly to food, but keep in mind that there is no need to add additional salt to the dish.

Salted garlic pieces are good both in salads and in preparing soups and main courses.

Garlic in brine

To prepare garlic in brine you will need:

You don't need to separate the garlic into cloves; you should leave the heads whole. However, before salting, remove all roots, damaged scales and leaves, and then rinse the garlic thoroughly under running water, making sure that there is no soil or dust left on the heads. After this, place the garlic in large, preferably three-liter jars and fill with cold water.

For the next three days, you should regularly change the water in the jars, about twice a day. After this, the water from the containers must be drained. Now all the preparatory procedures are completed, and you can immediately begin pickling the garlic.

A jar of garlic filled with brine should be sterilized by bringing it to a boil in a pan of water.

Prepare a brine from water and salt, bring the liquid to a boil and cool, then pour the brine over the garlic. Now all you have to do is roll up the jars with special lids and send them for storage.

Pickled garlic “Tsarskiy” – a recipe for preparing a dish from Georgian cuisine, this recipe for pickled garlic requires attention and time, but it’s worth it.

Ingredients for Tsarskoye pickled garlic:

Garlic for the winter: how to pickle it correctly

Many people know that garlic is simply irreplaceable as a seasoning, because it has a wonderful, unique taste and aroma. In addition, garlic is very healthy

How to pickle garlic

There is nothing better than pickled young garlic in winter, and even with aromatic boiled pork with potatoes. But pickling garlic is very simple and there are many recipes for such a dish. Garlic is salted with or without marinade, various ingredients are added for a rich taste and spicy aroma. This garlic will be an excellent appetizer for meat and smoked meats, goes well with aromatic borscht and will decorate any holiday table with an aesthetically pleasing presentation.

Before you start preparing garlic pickles, you should clean it properly, which depends on the type of pickling you use. You can salt garlic either with whole heads or with cloves and, depending on the method, you need to adhere to some guidelines. When salting whole heads:

  • for pickles you need to use only young garlic;
  • Garlic should be peeled only from the top rough peel, leaving soft young skin;
  • the garlic needs to be washed thoroughly;
  • Do not cut off the edge and tail of the garlic;
  • Place the garlic whole in large, dense containers, jars or barrels.

To pickle garlic cloves:

  • You can use any type of garlic, but young garlic is easier to peel;
  • you need to completely peel the garlic and rinse it thoroughly, but when using young garlic, you can leave the soft shell around the clove;
  • It is recommended to pack the cloves tightly into small jars, as they do not take up much space;
  • you can salt the cloves with meat products - lard or pork belly;
  • It is best to salt garlic cloves using marinade.

This garlic looks beautiful when served and is extremely easy to prepare, since a minimum of time is spent on peeling and cooking.

  • heads of garlic - 1 kg
  • coarse salt - 350 g
  1. Peel the garlic heads from the top layer of husk, cut off most of the stem, leaving only a small tail.
  2. Cover the bottom of the jar or barrel with a layer of salt.
  3. Place the garlic cloves tightly on top of the salt, leaving small gaps.
  4. Thoroughly compact all the cracks between the heads and the entire garlic layer with salt.
  5. Thus fill the container to the top. You can add dill inflorescences or currant leaves between the layers.
  6. Close the jar or keg tightly and place in a cool place. The ideal option for storing pickles would be a cellar.

This version of pickles perfectly preserves the elasticity of the cloves; the marinade makes the garlic crispy and very aromatic. Ideal for small jars.

  • garlic cloves - 1 kg
  • salt - 4 tbsp.
  • water - 650 ml.
  • vinegar - 3 tbsp.
  • sugar - 4 tbsp.
  • cloves - 10 pcs.
  • peppercorns - 8 pcs.
  1. Boil all components of the marinade, except vinegar, until boiling. Add vinegar to the marinade, removed from heat.
  2. Peel the garlic and wash thoroughly.
  3. Place the garlic cloves in jars and fill with marinade.
  4. Close the jars and refrigerate.

This is a snack version of garlic, which can be served with ready-made salted aromatic lard. Also, this is an excellent solution for those who do not know how to use lard deliciously so that it does not take up extra space in the freezer.

  1. Mix salt with spices, bay leaf, ground pepper and peppercorns.
  2. Cut the lard into pieces of medium thickness, stuff some of them with garlic cloves. Choose lard with small layers of meat - it tastes better.
  3. Rub the lard well with coarse salt and spices.
  4. Place the lard tightly in a large container, covering it with salt, a layer of peeled garlic and salt again. Fill the barrel to the top.
  5. Store lard in the cold for about four months.

Spicy, piquant, moderately hot - that’s how it is, Armenian garlic. It is best to pickle such garlic in deep oak barrels, so the garlic heads will acquire the characteristic taste and smell of a traditional Armenian dish.

  • young garlic - 1 kg
  • grape juice - 50 ml.
  • water - 950 ml.
  • grape vinegar - 5 tbsp.
  • sugar - 50 g
  • black and allspice pepper - 4 pcs.
  • walnut partitions - 5 pcs.
  • salt - 50 g
  • cloves - 2 pcs.
  1. Soak the garlic heads in cold water in oak barrels and leave for 24 hours.
  2. Drain the water and peel the outer hard skin from the garlic. Rinse the garlic thoroughly.
  3. Place the garlic in jars or barrels tightly, head to head.
  4. Pour a solution of the required amount of water and salt over the garlic. Leave the garlic heads for another day.
  5. In this way, pickle the garlic for 21 days, changing the brine solution daily.
  6. After three weeks, pour the garlic heads with a marinade of water, salt, vinegar and sugar. Leave in the cold for 15 days.
  7. Drain the marinade and leave separately in the refrigerator for a week. Meanwhile, soak the garlic in white grape juice for seven days.
  8. Drain the juice and pour the previously stored marinade over the garlic.
  9. After a week, the spicy garlic can be served.

Beautiful in color and very bright in presentation - garlic with beets. It looks delicious and tastes even better.

  • garlic - 2 kg
  • salt - 5 g
  • beet juice - 300 ml.
  • sugar - 50 g
  • water - 800 ml.
  1. Peel the garlic and rinse thoroughly.
  2. Cover the garlic heads with water and leave for a day. After the time has passed, rinse the garlic with water.
  3. Place the heads of garlic in a thick layer in jars.
  4. Dissolve sugar and salt in boiled warm water, after the marinade has cooled, add beet juice.
  5. Fill the garlic completely with the solution, cover with clean gauze, applying pressure.
  6. Leave the garlic for two weeks in a cold place, after which the garlic can be served.
  7. Store the finished jars in the cellar or refrigerator.

You can pickle not only the heads or cloves of garlic, but also the garlic arrows. The dish turns out to be tasty and very spicy.

  • peppercorns - 5 pcs.
  • garlic arrows - 800 g
  • cloves - 3 pcs.
  • water - 800 ml.
  • salt - 100 g
  • chili - 4 slices
  • garlic cloves - 1 head
  1. Rinse the arrows thoroughly and remove the tops.
  2. Chop into large pieces and place in jars in a thick layer.
  3. Place the spices and cloves of one head of garlic on top of the arrows.
  4. Fill the garlic arrows with a solution of water and salt.
  5. Send to a cool place, preferably dark.

Pickled garlic is a tasty, simple and very aromatic dish. This snack is perfect for any occasion. The garlic comes out flavorful, spicy and really crunchy. Try different pickling options - and find your own, special version of salted garlic.

How to pickle garlic

How to pickle garlic There is nothing better than pickled young garlic in winter, and even with aromatic boiled pork with potatoes. But pickling garlic is very simple and there are recipes for such a dish -

How to pickle garlic for the winter - preserve the freshness, aroma and benefits of a healing vegetable

The benefits of garlic are well known and it is also a tasty seasoning for food. Some lovers of this vegetable cannot live a day without it and even eat it fresh. Unfortunately, it is impossible to store garlic at home for a long time (it becomes moldy in the refrigerator and dries out in the room), so it is best to salt it for the winter - this will preserve more vitamins and nutrients.

1 Briefly about the benefits of salted garlic and how to prepare it

Once upon a time, people simply knew about the benefits of garlic and actively used it to treat and prevent various diseases. Currently, scientists have already thoroughly studied this vegetable and have apparently discovered almost all the secrets of its miraculous effect on the body. About 400 active biological components have been found in garlic. These are not only vitamins, microelements, mineral salts, but also various organic substances, as well as essential oils. Garlic brings benefits, among other things, due to their unique proportion, which ensures the complementary and mutually reinforcing effect of all components.

Vegetable for the treatment and prevention of various diseases

When storing garlic for the winter, of course, some vitamins and other substances are lost. But it is the salting of this vegetable that allows it to preserve its healing components in almost the same volume as they are present in fresh ones. The aroma is not even lost. So salted garlic is almost no less healthy than fresh garlic.

Pickling garlic for the winter

Salting is often confused with fermentation or pickling of foods. It's not the same thing. Fermentation recipes differ in that the product is allowed to ferment along with the brine and is not covered with tight lids throughout the entire storage period. When marinating, vinegar is added and little salt is added. There are two ways to pickle garlic: dry and in brine.

2 Rules and nuances of pickling garlic

Only fresh, not wilted, not frozen, without signs of spoilage and in no case sprouted, or better yet slightly unripe, heads of garlic are suitable for pickling. Before you add salt or brine to a vegetable, it must be properly prepared. If garlic needs to be salted with peeled cloves, chopped or crushed, then everything is clear. The head must be disassembled into cloves, which we then clean from the husks, throwing away the spoiled ones or cutting off the rotten and damaged areas of the almost good ones.

If the recipe calls for salting the garlic whole or with unpeeled cloves, then there is much less prep work. The vegetable heads must be freed from soil and dirt, if any, their roots and upper tail must be cut off, then the top and damaged husks must be removed, while opening the cloves, but without peeling them. After this, if the garlic needs to be salted whole, carefully inspect it. We carefully remove any damaged teeth that are identified, without violating the integrity of the head. Then, if necessary, rinse the garlic under running cold water and let it dry.

Cleaning the vegetable heads from the top husk

When you need to salt with cloves, after removing the top husk from the head, we disassemble it into slices. Then we do an “audit” of the latter. We discard spoiled and damaged teeth. If they are not completely “hopeless,” we clean, trim them and use them for food, cooking, or hide them in the refrigerator. If necessary, rinse the remaining unpeeled cloves suitable for pickling under running cold water and then leave to dry.

When pickling garlic, regardless of the recipe, it is recommended to use jars of the following containers:

  • 2 or 3 liters – when harvesting whole heads;
  • 1 l – for cloves;
  • up to 0.5 l - for chopped and minced garlic.

Salting crushed garlic in jars

Some recommend pouring hot brine over the vegetable or sterilizing it. You shouldn’t do this, because In the first case, you will get half-cooked garlic, and in the second, boiled garlic. Of course, it will no longer retain the same freshness, taste and aroma; it will contain much less vitamins and nutrients, and the shelf life will be much shorter.

After salting is completed, the jar of garlic must be immediately closed with a tight plastic lid. Vegetables prepared using the dry method are stored for a long time, even at room temperature. But you should not leave it in open light, in direct sunlight on the window. It will last the longest in a dark, cool place, such as a refrigerator or cellar. Garlic cooked in brine should only be stored there.

3 Dry pickling is a simple and effective way to preserve freshness and vitamins

Dry pickling of garlic, leaving it almost fresh, allows you to preserve more vitamins, nutrients and active substances in it than when preparing this vegetable for the winter in brine or in some other way. However, depending on the recipe used, such salted garlic can not always be used in food as desired. Eating it in its pure form, as a bite, as lovers of this vegetable like, will only be possible if it is prepared with whole heads or unpeeled cloves and is not heavily saturated with salt. Dry-salted garlic can be stored for up to 8–9 months without losing its taste and properties.

There are only a few recipes for dry salting, because this method of preparation invariably involves the use of only 2 ingredients - garlic itself and salt, and in a constant ratio: about three parts of the first should be about one of the second. Typically, 300–350 g of salt are taken per 1 kg of garlic. The only difference between the recipes is how the vegetable is salted: heads, cloves or chopped. The salt must be non-iodized and, preferably, coarse.

As a rule, garlic salted in this way is used as an aromatic seasoning. Added to dishes that require both ingredients – salt and this vegetable. This could be borscht, salad, main courses or sauces. Moreover, it is necessary to monitor the degree of salinity of both the prepared food and the added garlic. Otherwise, the food can be over-salted, and too much. The most saturated preparations are chopped and crushed (twisted) garlic. The latter can be safely used when salting lard without additional addition of salt. If the aroma of fresh garlic should predominate in a dish, then the food should be lightly salted during the cooking process, and shortly before serving, season with the pickled vegetable.

Dry pickling of garlic heads

Recipe for pickling whole heads. Pour salt into the bottom of the jars and level it with a thin layer. The amount should be sufficient to prevent the heads from coming into contact with the glass. Place the first layer of garlic, trying to leave a small space between it and the walls of the jars, as well as adjacent heads. Sprinkle it with salt, filling the gaps and covering it a little on top. Then add the next layers of garlic in the same way. The last heads at the neck of the jar should be sprinkled on top with a little more salt than those placed in the previous rows.

Salting with cloves (unpeeled and peeled). Similar to the previous recipe, only you will need to leave a space between the cloves, which will have to be sprinkled with salt more often than the heads. That is, there will be more layers. But this is if you do everything correctly so that the garlic can be stored longer. You can simplify the task: pour salt and cloves alternately into the eye, and then mix them. After stirring, the last such portion should be sprinkled with salt on top and not touched.

Recipe for preparing chopped or twisted garlic. We cut the peeled cloves into pieces, slices, or pass them through a meat grinder. Then mix the chopped garlic with salt, and place the resulting mass tightly, pressing down, into the jars, leaving a little space in the neck area. Sprinkle a thin layer of just salt on top.

4 How to salt in brine - both tasty and healthy

If you salt garlic in brine for the winter, you will get a tasty preparation that can be eaten as an independent dish. During storage, the bitterness will be “washed out” of the vegetable, and only a slight pleasant pungency and characteristic taste will remain. True, the vitamins in such garlic and the benefits from it will be somewhat less compared to the salted dry method. And it can’t be stored for as long as the last one. Garlic salted in this way for the winter can also be used instead of fresh garlic to flavor and fortify various dishes.

Recipe for pickling whole heads. You will need:

  • vegetable (heads) – as needed;
  • non-iodized salt – 100 g;
  • water – 1l.

Non-iodized salt for pickling whole heads

Fill the heads with cool water in a suitable container. Leave for three days. At the same time, change the water 1-2 times a day. After the allotted time has passed, prepare the brine in the volume necessary to pickle the prepared amount of garlic. Bring the water to a boil, add salt to it, which should completely dissolve. We filter the resulting brine and then cool it. We remove the heads from the water, place them in jars and fill them with cooled brine.

Lightly salted garlic in brine with fruit herbs. You will need:

  • vegetable (heads or cloves) - as much as needed;
  • non-iodized salt – 80 g;
  • fresh herbs and leaves of fruit trees - to taste;
  • water – 1 l.

Lightly salted garlic in brine with fruit herbs

Dissolve the salt in boiling water, and then cook the fruit herbs and leaves for 5-10 minutes. Then remove the brine from the heat and let it cool. Place the garlic in jars, fill with cooled solution and seal. Let the vegetables stand for 5 days in the room, after which we put them away for storage.

Recipe with spices. You will need:

  • vegetable (heads or cloves) – 2 kg;
  • non-iodized salt – 150 g;
  • pepper (peas) – 15 pcs.;
  • bay leaf – 3 pcs.;
  • water – 1.2 l.

Dissolve the salt in boiling water, and then cook the pepper and bay leaves for 2-3 minutes. Remove the brine from the heat and let it cool. Place the garlic in jars and fill with the cooled solution.

How to pickle garlic for the winter - recipes and ways to preserve the aroma and benefits Video

Let's look at 2 ways to pickle garlic for the winter - dry and in brine. Let's study all possible recipes for pickling garlic using both methods. Video on how to salt in brine

Pickled garlic
Separate the garlic heads into individual cloves and peel. Scald the garlic prepared in this way in a colander with boiling salted water and cool quickly, rinsing with cold water. You can also marinate whole heads.
Place the garlic in two-thirds of the jar, sprinkle with coarse salt (1 cup per kilogram of garlic), add water and put in the refrigerator. After a day, drain the brine, rinse off the undissolved salt, and add marinade. Well, I don’t want to take any offense here, everyone puts about 2 tablespoons of salt, 2 tablespoons of vinegar 9% and 1 tablespoon of sugar per kilogram of garlic. It is better to store in the refrigerator, mainly so that the appearance does not deteriorate.
1000 g garlic, 3 tsp. salt, 3 tsp. vinegar 9%, 1 tsp. Sahara
Many people pickle garlic in beet kvass. To do this, grate one small beet, pour in 1000 ml of water, 3 tbsp. salt, 3 tsp. vinegar 9%, 1 tsp. Sahara. Bring to a boil, cover and leave for half an hour. Then strain the beet kvass and marinate the garlic in it.

Angela Akhmedova

    There is this option: 1 recipe.
    For 1 kg of strong, not too large garlic, take 200 g of 9% vinegar and 200 g of water, 20 g of salt, 50 g of sugar, several grains of black pepper, bay leaf.
    The garlic is scalded with boiling water, placed in a colander or sieve and cooled with water. Then it is cleared of dry leaves, the roots are trimmed with a sharp knife and the heads of garlic are placed in a jar. Black pepper is also added there. The marinade should cover the garlic completely. After the jar, covered with gauze, has been kept warm for 2-3 weeks, it can be moved to a storage place, but it is better not to the refrigerator or cellar, but to the pantry,
    where it's not so cold.

    2 recipe.
    Filling: for 1 liter of apple cider vinegar - 30g salt, 30g sugar.
    Peel the young garlic, cut off the roots, put it in jars, cover with cold water, changing it every day. After a week, drain and add marinade. Ready - in 2 months.
    Ripe garlic is marinated peeled. It tastes a little worse. Getting ready too.

    3 recipe.
    We clean the heads from the general scales, but leave them on the teeth. Wash them and, without tearing them into slices, put the heads in a jar, fill them with boiled, cooled salt water above the filling level (6 tablespoons of salt per 1 liter). We will keep the jars under plastic lids for a month in a dark place so that vitamin C is not destroyed. After this, salt the brine and fill the jars with marinade (for 2.5 cups of water - 1.5 cups of 9% marinade, sold in bulk).
    gazins of vinegar, 1 tbsp. spoon of salt and sugar). After three weeks, the marinating will end and the garlic will be ready for use. Store in the marinade in a cool place. We will remove it from the marinade as needed. If the jars are on the balcony in winter and the marinade freezes, this is not scary; when thawed, the garlic does not lose its taste.

    Maybe you are right: Peel the garlic, grate it, mix with salt, place tightly in a jar and close. Store in a cool place. For 1 kg. garlic will require 300 grams of salt.

    So: To prepare garlic (onion) with salt, finely chop the peeled garlic with a knife (you can, of course, pass it through a garlic press, but this will lose a lot of useful stuff), and cut the onion into thin half rings. Then generously sprinkle them with coarse salt (200 g of salt per 1 kg of garlic or onion), place tightly in small jars and tamp lightly. Pour 1-2 tsp of garlic. vegetable oil, and add salt on top of the onion, close the jars with lids and put them in the refrigerator. Use this garlic seasoning where you would normally use fresh garlic, but be aware that it is very salty. And add onions to salads.

    Pickled garlic

    * for every 100 g of garlic
    * 30 g (and a little more) salt

    Method of preparation: Separate the garlic into cloves, peel it, weigh it on a scale and cut it into small cubes. Mix with salt (30 g per 100 g) and fill the jars by pressing. Cover with a thin layer of salt. Close the jars and set aside. Use pickled garlic in all cases where both components are required. If the fresh smell of garlic should predominate in the food, then lightly salt the food at first, and shortly before serving, season it with pickled garlic. For the first time, open the jars again and store them in the refrigerator.

    Pickled young garlic

    Wash the heads of young garlic and remove the skins. Scald with boiling water and cool immediately. Place in jars, pour hot marinade. Pasteurize liter jars for 5 minutes. Cork. Marinade: for 1 liter of water - 50 g of salt, 50 g of sugar, 100 g of 9% table vinegar.

    Ukrainian pickled garlic

    * for 1 liter of water
    * 30 ml vinegar essence
    * 120 g sugar
    * 55 g salt
    * 6-8 peas of allspice
    * 4-6 clove buds
    * Bay leaf
    * piece of cinnamon

    Method of preparation: Pre-soak the garlic in warm (40-50°) water for 1.5-2 hours to make it easier to remove the covering scales. Wash and dry the peeled garlic. Place spices in prepared jars at the bottom. Place the garlic tightly and pour in the hot marinade. Sterilize in boiling water: half-liter jars - 5 minutes, liter jars - 8.

    Garlic, pickled heads

    * 10 kg heads of garlic
    * 100 g dill
    * 6.6 liters of marinade filling

    Method of preparation: Fresh, well-formed heads of garlic in the milky stage of maturity, winter planting, are suitable for fermentation. They need to be sorted out, the root lobe removed, kept in cold water for about an hour, drained in a colander, allowed to drain, remove the outer skin, and rinsed. Sort the dill, wash, remove the thickened root stems, cut into pieces up to 15 cm long and place together with the inflorescences on the bottom of the curing container, place the heads of garlic on top as tightly as possible, cover their top row with a layer of dill, pour in the cooled marinade (910 ml of water, 45 g salt, 45 ml 9% vinegar). To carry out the fermentation process, keep at room temperature for 10-14 days. If necessary, add brine (960 ml water, 20 g salt, 20 ml 9% vinegar). Store in a cool place at a constant temperature.

    Here's some advice: Peel the garlic from the top husk, but so that the head is intact, put it in jars, add green dill. fill with brine: for 10 liters of water (not boiled) 250 grams of salt. Stir thoroughly until all the salt dissolves. and you will get garlic that tastes the same as what is sold in the markets. Store under a plastic cover, it can be stored without a refrigerator, it will last 2-3 years.

Special connoisseurs of garlic and other savory recipes with it understand the value pickling garlic, its benefits and necessity. Of course, pickled garlic retains its taste and all its beneficial properties - it is impossible to overestimate it. It can be added to salads and first courses; in addition, for preventive purposes it is recommended to swallow it whole, and processing in a marinade makes the sharp teeth “softer” for delicate stomachs.

Option 1. Salted garlic.
. Garlic - as much as needed;
. Water - 1 liter;
. Rock salt - 100 gr.

Cooking method:
As in the first version of dry pickling, peel the garlic from the “top jacket”, remove the roots and tops, wash, put in a jar, cover with cold water for three days (change the water once or twice a day). Prepare the brine (for a large number of heads of garlic, the amount of brine increases proportionally): boil water, add salt, strain, cool. Place the prepared heads of garlic into jars, fill with chilled brine, cover with a lid, and put in a cool place.

Option 2. - Lightly salted garlic:
. Water - 1l;
. Salt - 80 gr.;
. Greens and leaves of fruit trees - to taste.

Cooking method homemade pickling:
Prepare a brine - from water, herbs and fruit leaves, cool. Place garlic in a bottle, pour cold brine on top (garlic should be completely covered), store at room temperature for five days, then put in a cool place.
Bon appetit!


The benefits of garlic are well known and it is also a tasty seasoning for food. Some lovers of this vegetable cannot live a day without it and even eat it fresh. Unfortunately, it is impossible to store garlic at home for a long time (it becomes moldy in the refrigerator and dries out in the room), so it is best to salt it for the winter - this will preserve more vitamins and nutrients.

Briefly about the benefits of salted garlic and how to prepare it

Once upon a time, a person simply knew and actively used it to treat and prevent various diseases. Currently, scientists have already thoroughly studied this vegetable and have apparently discovered almost all the secrets of its miraculous effect on the body. About 400 active biological components have been found in garlic. These are not only vitamins, microelements, mineral salts, but also various organic substances, as well as essential oils. Garlic brings benefits, among other things, due to their unique proportion, which ensures the complementary and mutually reinforcing effect of all components.

With, of course, some vitamins and other substances are lost. But it is the salting of this vegetable that allows it to preserve its healing components in almost the same volume as they are present in fresh ones. The aroma is not even lost. So salted garlic is almost no less healthy than fresh garlic.

Salting is often confused with fermentation or pickling of foods. It's not the same thing. Fermentation recipes differ in that the product is allowed to ferment along with the brine and is not covered with tight lids throughout the entire storage period. When marinating, vinegar is added and little salt is added. There are two ways to pickle garlic: dry and in brine.

Rules and nuances of salting garlic

Only fresh, not wilted, not frozen, without signs of spoilage and in no case sprouted, or better yet slightly unripe, heads of garlic are suitable for pickling. Before you add salt or brine to a vegetable, it must be properly prepared. If garlic needs to be salted with peeled cloves, chopped or crushed, then everything is clear. The head must be disassembled into cloves, which we then clean from the husks, throwing away the spoiled ones or cutting off the rotten and damaged areas of the almost good ones.

If the recipe calls for salting the garlic whole or with unpeeled cloves, then there is much less prep work. The vegetable heads must be freed from soil and dirt, if any, their roots and upper tail must be cut off, then the top and damaged husks must be removed, while opening the cloves, but without peeling them. After this, if the garlic needs to be salted whole, carefully inspect it. We carefully remove any damaged teeth that are identified, without violating the integrity of the head. Then, if necessary, rinse the garlic under running cold water and let it dry.

When you need to salt with cloves, after removing the top husk from the head, we disassemble it into slices. Then we do an “audit” of the latter. We discard spoiled and damaged teeth. If they are not completely “hopeless,” we clean, trim them and use them for food, cooking, or hide them in the refrigerator. If necessary, rinse the remaining unpeeled cloves suitable for pickling under running cold water and then leave to dry.

When pickling garlic, regardless of the recipe, it is recommended to use jars of the following containers:

  • 2 or 3 liters – when harvesting whole heads;
  • 1 l – for cloves;
  • up to 0.5 l - for chopped and minced garlic.

Some recommend pouring hot brine over the vegetable or sterilizing it. You shouldn’t do this, because In the first case, you will get half-cooked garlic, and in the second, boiled garlic. Of course, it will no longer retain the same freshness, taste and aroma; it will contain much less vitamins and nutrients, and the shelf life will be much shorter.

After salting is completed, the jar of garlic must be immediately closed with a tight plastic lid. Vegetables prepared using the dry method are stored for a long time, even at room temperature. But you should not leave it in open light, in direct sunlight on the window. It will last the longest in a dark, cool place, such as a refrigerator or cellar. Garlic cooked in brine should only be stored there.

Dry pickling is a simple and effective way to preserve freshness and vitamins

Dry pickling of garlic, leaving it almost fresh, allows you to preserve more vitamins, nutrients and active substances in it than when preparing this vegetable for the winter in brine or in some other way. However, depending on the recipe used, such salted garlic can not always be used in food as desired. Eating it in its pure form, as a bite, as lovers of this vegetable like, will only be possible if it is prepared with whole heads or unpeeled cloves and is not heavily saturated with salt. Dry-salted garlic can be stored for up to 8–9 months without losing its taste and properties.

There are only a few recipes for dry salting, because this method of preparation invariably involves the use of only 2 ingredients - garlic itself and salt, and in a constant ratio: about three parts of the first should be about one of the second. Typically, 300–350 g of salt are taken per 1 kg of garlic. The only difference between the recipes is how the vegetable is salted: heads, cloves or chopped. The salt must be non-iodized and, preferably, coarse.

As a rule, garlic salted in this way is used as an aromatic seasoning. Added to dishes that require both ingredients – salt and this vegetable. This could be borscht, salad, main courses or sauces. Moreover, it is necessary to monitor the degree of salinity of both the prepared food and the added garlic. Otherwise, the food can be over-salted, and too much. The most saturated preparations are chopped and crushed (twisted) garlic. The latter can be safely used when salting lard without additional addition of salt. If the aroma of fresh garlic should predominate in a dish, then the food should be lightly salted during the cooking process, and shortly before serving, season with the pickled vegetable.

Recipe for pickling whole heads. Pour salt into the bottom of the jars and level it with a thin layer. The amount should be sufficient to prevent the heads from coming into contact with the glass. Place the first layer of garlic, trying to leave a small space between it and the walls of the jars, as well as adjacent heads. Sprinkle it with salt, filling the gaps and covering it a little on top. Then add the next layers of garlic in the same way. The last heads at the neck of the jar should be sprinkled on top with a little more salt than those placed in the previous rows.

Salting with cloves (unpeeled and peeled). Similar to the previous recipe, only you will need to leave a space between the cloves, which will have to be sprinkled with salt more often than the heads. That is, there will be more layers. But this is if you do everything correctly so that the garlic can be stored longer. You can simplify the task: pour salt and cloves alternately into the eye, and then mix them. After stirring, the last such portion should be sprinkled with salt on top and not touched.

Recipe for preparing chopped or twisted garlic. We cut the peeled cloves into pieces, slices, or pass them through a meat grinder. Then mix the chopped garlic with salt, and place the resulting mass tightly, pressing down, into the jars, leaving a little space in the neck area. Sprinkle a thin layer of just salt on top.

How to salt in brine - both tasty and healthy

If you salt garlic in brine for the winter, you will get a tasty preparation that can be eaten as an independent dish. During storage, the bitterness will be “washed out” of the vegetable, and only a slight pleasant pungency and characteristic taste will remain. True, the vitamins in such garlic and the benefits from it will be somewhat less compared to the salted dry method. And it can’t be stored for as long as the last one. Garlic salted in this way for the winter can also be used instead of fresh garlic to flavor and fortify various dishes.

Recipe for pickling whole heads. You will need:

  • vegetable (heads) – as needed;
  • non-iodized salt – 100 g;
  • water – 1l.

Fill the heads with cool water in a suitable container. Leave for three days. At the same time, change the water 1-2 times a day. After the allotted time has passed, prepare the brine in the volume necessary to pickle the prepared amount of garlic. Bring the water to a boil, add salt to it, which should completely dissolve. We filter the resulting brine and then cool it. We remove the heads from the water, place them in jars and fill them with cooled brine.

Lightly salted garlic in brine with fruit herbs. You will need:

  • vegetable (heads or cloves) - as much as needed;
  • non-iodized salt – 80 g;
  • fresh herbs and leaves of fruit trees - to taste;
  • water – 1 l.

Dissolve the salt in boiling water, and then cook the fruit herbs and leaves for 5-10 minutes. Then remove the brine from the heat and let it cool. Place the garlic in jars, fill with cooled solution and seal. Let the vegetables stand for 5 days in the room, after which we put them away for storage.

Recipe with spices. You will need:

  • vegetable (heads or cloves) – 2 kg;
  • non-iodized salt – 150 g;
  • pepper (peas) – 15 pcs.;
  • bay leaf – 3 pcs.;
  • water – 1.2 l.

Dissolve the salt in boiling water, and then cook the pepper and bay leaves for 2-3 minutes. Remove the brine from the heat and let it cool. Place the garlic in jars and fill with the cooled solution.

There are many options for preparing salted garlic. Garlic heads and cloves are marinated and salted with your favorite spices, herbs, horseradish, and beet juice.

Housewives make something like pickling garlic heads at home when they really want to add their favorite garlic to a dish, but it’s difficult to keep it fresh at home.

How to salt garlic at home

We offer a simple and convenient pickling recipe. Its advantage is that garlic undergoes minimal preliminary preparation. There is no need to clean or scrape it.


  • garlic - 1 kg;
  • salt - 300 g.

Containers - three-liter glass cylinders, any suitable ceramic or earthenware. The main condition is that it must close tightly to prevent moisture from entering.

Let's start bookmarking:

  1. Sprinkle the bottom of the dish with salt, you should get a continuous layer.
  2. Place the heads of garlic. There must be space between them
  3. Sprinkle with salt to fill any voids and completely cover the garlic.
  4. Fill all the dishes in this manner. There should be a layer of salt 1.5 - 2 cm thick at the top.
  5. Cover tightly with a lid.

This preparation is perfectly stored in a cool place. Having taken out garlic in winter or spring, we get a perfectly preserved product - dense, elastic and vigorous, with a full set of useful substances.

garlic for pickling should be dense and elastic, ideally young, so that the garlic preparation gets the desired crunchiness.

How else can you salt garlic heads for the winter?

No less interesting is the recipe for salted garlic heads, just like at the market. A tasty and healthy preparation; even a child will be happy to feast on the crispy cloves.


  • garlic - 1 kg
  • vinegar 9% - 200 ml
  • salt - 30 g
  • sugar - 30 g
  • black pepper - 20 peas
  • allspice - 3-4 peas
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs. average
  • water - 200 ml.

Let's start cooking:

  1. Pre-prepare the brine. Place all ingredients in a saucepan, boil, simmer for 15 minutes and cool to 80˚C.
  2. Pour boiling water over the garlic, then cool under running water.
  3. Peel the top flakes from the garlic. The head should remain intact.
  4. Place a dry dill inflorescence on the bottom of a sterilized jar.
  5. Add garlic.
  6. Pour in the marinade and close the lid tightly.

Almost ready. When the fermentation process is over, and it will take 2 - 3 weeks, the workpiece must be placed in a cold place. Now the garlic must be marinated, and this period sometimes lasts up to three months - it all depends on the variety and size of the garlic.


Of course, pickling garlic at home takes time, but it turns out great. And you always know what's in your jar!