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Who is a reading person? How to read people and understand them in communication and cooperation

Information Day

Books accompany a person throughout his life, helping him in difficult situations, in solving many problems, and simply in organizing interesting leisure time. It is books that are the material for transmitting knowledge from generation to generation, the basis of education, the development of culture and history. At different periods of life, a person turns to a wide variety of literature - in childhood to fairy tales and fables, in school years - to educational and fiction literature, at university - to scientific, highly specialized literature, and with each subsequent year of life the list of literature that interests a person is constantly expanding. And today libraries are the most accessible source of concentration of diverse literature.
The intersettlement central library annually acquires a lot of literature of different genres, specifics and content. To convey information about new products to the reader, Information Days are traditionally organized for all categories of readers.
On December 5, 2013, the Information Day “A person who reads is a successful person” was held at the ICB. The purpose of the event is to introduce people to reading, get acquainted with new literature, and promote books. During the day, users got acquainted with new book releases on various topics; they were given a detailed review of the presented publications. Fiction, scientific-educational, and reference literature were presented to the readers' attention.

All publications are grouped by topic: economics, history, psychology, medicine, agriculture, local history, fiction. Particular attention was drawn to the textbooks in the series “Higher Professional Education” in various branches of science.

Students of the 10th grade of secondary school No. 1 (class leader L. G. Stepanyan) were invited to the event. The children learned about new products: literature in various fields of knowledge, about the works of modern writers and poets, and got acquainted with new encyclopedias, reference books, and educational literature.

Bibliographer A.K. Bzezyan reviewed the books in the “Your Horizon” series, which included the best publications on humanities and natural sciences, written by Russian and foreign authors. The books in the series not only broaden your horizons, improve your educational level, and help you become experts in various fields of knowledge.

The children's attention was drawn to the books in the series "The Most Essential Knowledge", which contains information from various fields of knowledge and spheres of human activity - geography, biology, history, philology, other sciences, interesting facts about sports and athletes, about famous and famous people.
With interest, the children listened to excerpts from the book “All the Greatest Mysteries of History” about the fate of many legendary figures of the past: the Queen of Sheba and King Macbeth, Joan of Arc and Alexander I, Catherine de Medici and Napoleon, Ivan the Terrible and Shakespeare.
The guys were especially interested in the publication about people who lived at different times in different countries, who were obsessed with the daring desire to go forward, beyond the horizon. This is the book “All the Greatest Travelers” about enthusiasts, thanks to whom new seas, continents, straits, islands appeared on the map...
Librarian K. V. Khaspekyan presented publications on psychology, which discuss almost all aspects of modern interpersonal communication - business etiquette, public speaking techniques, verbal and non-verbal techniques of influence, spoke about some of the author’s methods of professional self-determination - the games “Sir-Sovereign”, “ Blockhead."

The librarian of the reading room, M. S. Arzumanyan, introduced publications on cooking, handicrafts and home economics, which is especially important on the eve of the New Year, for preparing delicious salads, gourmet dishes, and original cakes. The books “Soft Toy”, “Crafts from Natural Materials”, “Embroidery, Knitting, Weaving from Threads and Beads” will teach you how to cut and sew and help you create beautiful products from the most common materials at hand.
The children looked at the new books with pleasure and took the ones they liked home.

At the end of the event, during a discussion of what they heard and saw, the guys came to a conclusion that can be expressed in the words of the famous teacher and scientist John Amos Comenius: “He who strives for wisdom should love books more than gold and silver. After all, it is books, and not gold and silver, that can lead such a person to the fulfillment of desires... The mind is in vain if there is no food for wisdom, which good books provide, full of good instructions, examples, moral precepts, laws and pious rules.”
This day was also marked by the fact that visiting the library were members of the Nakhichevan-on-Don Armenian community, led by Sergei Mikhailovich Sayadov, executive director, historian, project manager of the Armenian Internet encyclopedia of the Hayazg Foundation.

They presented publications about the history of the Armenian people and outstanding figures of Armenian origin. Among the donated books, specialists were particularly interested in the series “Life of Remarkable Nakhichevan Residents” about our fellow countrymen, famous writers, artists, and athletes. Sergei Mikhailovich presented the book of Rostov art critic Valery Ryazanov “From the First Shelter to the Present Day,” which is the first scientific experience in studying and summarizing the original cultural heritage of the Don Armenians. The publication of “Four Years Under the Crescent” on the 95th anniversary of the memory of the victims of the Armenian genocide in the Ottoman Empire in 1915 did not leave anyone indifferent.

Understanding other people, their feelings and emotions is an important prerequisite for effective communication and the ability to find Therefore, most would like to know how to read people, whether it is possible to guess from facial expressions and gestures what a person is thinking about, and how to use this information in communication and cooperation. Such mutual understanding of each other could significantly reduce the time spent searching for sincere interlocutors and weeding out unsuitable people in life.

Why do you need the ability to understand people?

One could say that it is not necessary to understand the people around you, there is no need to learn to read them like books, because you can communicate without this knowledge. But modern society requires communicative skills in almost any field of activity. Therefore, you need to increase your emotional intelligence, learn to understand other people and apply this knowledge in practice.

The ability to read people like open books will help you build a dialogue more easily, quickly come to a common opinion, and achieve your goals. This is especially important when working with people; this skill is useful to every leader. When it is necessary to achieve a certain return from subordinates, you need to understand how to get it with the least amount of effort.

Basic rules for understanding your interlocutor

Before trying to read a person like a book, it is important to understand that we learn most of the information about the interlocutor from non-verbal signals, facial expressions, and gestures. And when a person says one thing, but the position of his body and facial expression say something else, the interlocutor develops a double understanding of the situation. And often non-verbal signals inspire more trust.

Another factor to keep in mind to understand how to read a person like a book is to understand their needs and wants. Every conversation has a purpose, every collaboration and communication leads to certain results. Understanding these goals and desires of your interlocutor will make it possible to correctly interpret all his words and emotions.

It’s not for nothing that they say: “People are like books, and we read them.” Any gesture, look, sigh, change can say much more than a spoken phrase or voiced thought.

The meaning of facial expressions

Many would like to know how to learn to read people like a book, and the first clear page in this “book” may be the ability to understand facial expressions. And not just one part of the face, but a complex. After all, it often happens that the lips smile, but there is anger or hatred in the eyes. The main points of understanding facial expressions include the following:

  1. When a person is truly happy, he smiles not only with the corners of his lips, his cheeks also rise, and the muscles around the eyes are activated.
  2. When experiencing disgust or dislike for something, a person’s upper lip rises, and the skin on the forehead near the bridge of the nose wrinkles.
  3. If anger is growing in a person’s soul, his lips will be tightly compressed and his eyebrows will be drawn together in the center of the bridge of his nose.
  4. When a person is sad or sad, the outer corners of their eyes droop, as do their lips. The gaze becomes distracted.
  5. A person who is afraid of something involuntarily widens his eyes and opens his mouth slightly. Horizontal folds appear on the forehead.

By remembering these simple signs, you can quickly figure out how to read people, and eventually succeed in this.

Related factors for understanding interlocutors

When trying to understand and “read” another person, it is important to take into account his life circumstances, hobbies, marital status, health, mood and other important factors. For example, you can often hear complaints from friends about lack of money. But when these words come from an unemployed, lonely person, there is more sympathy for him and a desire to help than from a hard worker who simply does not know how to allocate expenses.

It is important not only what circumstances have developed in the life of a particular person, but also how he relates to them. Understanding this will give a direct answer to the question of how to read people. After all, one person treats even lack of money with ease and confidence that he can cope, while the other falls into despair and seeks help and support from others. Therefore, it is pointless to draw conclusions from facts alone; one must also take into account various accompanying factors in the life of the interlocutor.

Eyes are the mirror of the soul

A person’s eyes, like no other part of the body or face, can help to understand the interlocutor and find a common language with him. By the eyes you can understand a person’s mood, well-being, and even recognize when he is telling the truth and when he is lying. It is much easier to read the eyes of close and familiar people than with strangers. The eyes of a loved one are familiar and understandable, their reaction to certain words is remembered over time, and even reading thoughts from their eyes becomes possible.

To understand the eyes of a stranger, you can remember several basic signs:

  1. If the eyes are wide open and shining, this most likely means the interlocutor is interested and enthusiastic.
  2. By how often a person averts his eyes, interested in his surroundings, we can conclude how involved he is in the conversation.
  3. If the interlocutor averts his eyes, most likely he does not want to talk or assumes deception.
  4. A dull look and constricted pupils indicate a negative attitude towards the interlocutor or the topic of conversation.

The eyes can say a lot, and an observant interlocutor can understand much more than the lips say.

Ability to ask questions correctly

To understand how to read people and connect with them, it is important to be able to ask the right questions. Sometimes what matters more is not what to ask, but how to ask it. After all, the same question can be asked in different ways.

To understand a person, you need to be interested in his opinion and attitude to the situation, and not just listen to a dry presentation of facts. The following questions will help with this:

  1. Why did you do this?
  2. How did you feel at that moment?
  3. What are you going to do next?
  4. What help do you need?

In order for a person to open up and become understandable, it is important to earn his trust. And this can only be done by being sincerely interested in the life and well-being of your interlocutor.

Recently, the fashion for reading, fortunately, is gaining momentum. A person who does not read books is perceived by most young people as limited and not having a sufficient level of intelligence. No matter how rude it may sound, it’s really worth thinking about the horizons of a person, which is limited to glossy magazines/imageboards/news feeds on social networks - emphasize what is necessary.

But I will not be ironic about those who neglect literature. A friend of mine (who, of course, doesn’t read) once said the phrase: “What’s the point of reading, it doesn’t bring any benefit.” At that moment, I completely lost all words from indignation. After all, a person who loves books knows very well about the benefits of reading.

Therefore, in this article I want to take revenge from my friend and talk to you about the benefits of reading.

1. A person who reads always has an advantage over those who neglect reading.

First of all, a well-read person is always one step higher than someone who can count the books he has read in his life on his fingers. And here we mean the attractiveness of the reading person to the opposite sex. Remember the slogan of the series “The Big Bang Theory”, which read “Smart is the new sexy”? When a person comes out of that age when a partner’s appearance meant literally everything, there is a desire to see in his partner not only a beautiful picture, but also an interesting interlocutor. What can you talk about with a person who doesn’t read?

2. When you read, your imagination works to its fullest.

Isn't this a reason for a creative person to read a lot? Only a book lover knows this feeling of disappointment while watching another film adaptation of another book. After all, while reading the filmed book, you imagined everything completely differently, brighter, richer, more beautiful. And then a significant part of the work was thrown out, the event was depicted differently from how it was described in the book, and the main character is generally strange...

3. You have something to keep yourself busy.

Imagine the situation: you just woke up, it’s wildly cold outside, so neither you nor your friends have any desire to leave the house. Your day turned out to be completely free, and you planned to spend it watching movies, TV series or a computer game. And then, because of an accident, the power at the station is turned off for the whole day. What to do? Horrible! But you have an excellent way out of the situation - a book. And for the whole day you are immersed in another world, watching your own movie in your imagination, which is much better than the films you wanted to watch. What would a person who doesn’t read books do in such a situation?

4. The book allows you to escape from your problems for a while.

And you won't need a large amount of alcohol or anything else to forget. Just pick up a good book and start reading it. After a couple of dozen pages, you won’t notice how you stop thinking about your problems. You will simply escape to another world for a while. And who knows, perhaps in this book you will find a solution to your problems.

5. Books give you a deeper view of the world.

As you read, you become calmer, make more informed decisions, and choose your social circle more carefully. And this is not due to the fact that after reading a dozen books you gained a lot of knowledge. It’s just that any book requires the reader to think about what is happening in it. And this habit of thinking about a work carries over to events in real life.

6. Reading brings variety to life.

If you don’t have the opportunity to go on a trip around the world right now, read a book about a country or about such a trip. When you and the main character return home from long wanderings, you will notice that your desire for a change of scenery has been slightly satisfied. Of course, books cannot replace a real trip, but an adventure novel will act on you like a vitamin against the blues.

7. You will make new acquaintances and friends.

Books bring people together. Every person who reads knows those moments when it turns out that someone you know also read the book you recently read, and it also changed his mind. There is nothing more pleasant than sharing your impressions of what you read and finding support in the words of your interlocutor. And, of course, in the age of the Internet, you can discuss books on forums or somewhere else and find new like-minded people.

8. You will have something to pass on to your children.

And here the books themselves fade into the background. The important thing is that you will have enough information and knowledge to give your child practical and wise advice. A developed imagination will allow you to come up with your own fairy tales, and a parent who tells a fairy tale rather than reads it is much more admired by the child. Well, you can come up with a more interesting story.

9. It is easier for people who read to learn.

This pattern has been noticed for a long time - a person who reads books is easier to learn than one who neglects literature. It is not known what exactly gives such a result - more developed thinking or already acquired perseverance - but the fact remains a fact.

10. Beautiful speech.

A book lover will outshine a person who prefers to avoid reading. And there is absolutely no pleasure in communicating with someone who has a meager vocabulary. Who wants to wait until the interlocutor remembers the right word, replacing the gap in speech with a moo like: “Uh... well... that's... sort of... in short.”

In conclusion of the article, I want to say that you should not go to extremes and replace all types of activities with reading. There are many worthwhile films, the Internet is full of useful information, and computer games can also develop some skills. So, keep a balance in your hobbies and develop yourself.

Of course, everyone knows the letters. And everyone reads the literature necessary for study and work, various instructions, TV programs or newspapers. Does the younger generation remember the classics? Recently, on Ordzhonikidze Square, young librarians from the Central City Hospital named after. V. G. Belinsky conducted an experiment - they conducted a survey of townspeople on the topic of plots of immortal works. Many, it must be said, got into trouble even on the easiest questions. Deputy Director of the V. G. Belinsky Library Galina Ivanova is sure: without classical literature, humanity is on the road to a loss of morality. This and not only our conversation.


– Unfortunately, young people today are not reading classical literature...

– This is so, this is evidenced by the results of our experiment. The survey demonstrated the blatant illiteracy and ignorance of modern youth and provided some food for thought. If a person graduates from school and enters a university, he must have certain knowledge in all areas, because not only the quality of work, but also the people subordinate to him will depend on his horizons. I remember the bravado of one of our officials who said: “I didn’t read anything, but I became a successful person. I am a politician."

- Well, here... Many people think so. They say, why does modern man need classical literature?

– I can answer with the words of Dostoevsky: “Man is a mystery. I am engaged in this mystery because I want to be a man.” In order to remain human, to be moral, to be able to sympathize, it is necessary to read classical literature. After all, all the postulates of the Bible are laid down in the classics and unfold through artistic images. Today, many of those on whom something depends (including officials) say: “You can’t feed everyone,” “You can’t give everyone shelter,” “It’s your problem.” So if you were elected by the people or you were appointed specifically to solve problems, then the problems of the people are your problems, no one will solve them except you. Therefore, I believe the reasons for such immorality are that at one time these people did not bother their souls, their hearts with moral suffering, which are contained in many classical works. The poet Nikolai Zabolotsky wrote that “the soul must work.” But it is not history, social studies or philosophy that can make the soul work. Only classical literature can create moral work for the soul. For example, I consider The Brothers Karamazov a very relevant work. Namely, the idea expressed in it that if there is no God, then everything is allowed: a politician is allowed to destroy a people, an entrepreneur is allowed to drain some area to increase profits. Or another example. One guy was withdrawing money from an ATM. An elderly woman stood behind him. After taking the money, this guy turned around and punched this woman in the face. Can this guy be called a human? Classical literature is necessary for a person to remain human.


– Morality is formed from childhood. How to teach a child to read?

– Of course, from an early age. But under no circumstances should you be forced to read. After all, when such a child grows up, he will be disgusted by everything that was associated with violence in his childhood. Every child is an imitator of his parents. If adults want their child to make reading a habit, they need to set an example for him - to read himself. Looking at how mom and dad read, the child will pick up the book himself.

– In our life, rich in various events, we need to form the habit of “Not a day without a line,” as Olesha said. But he said this about writers, and we will talk about readers. Whatever state you arrive in, whatever impression you are under, you need to make it a rule to read at least a few pages a day. In my vocabulary there is the concept of “bed book”. This is the book that lies in my bed next to my pillow. I read it every day before going to bed. It happens that a person comes home tired, has dinner and goes to bed. It would seem that there is no time for reading at all. That's why you need some kind of book to read before bed. A few lines every night will become a habit, and the person, albeit little by little, will begin to read regularly.


– What do you think is the benefit of poetry?

– I believe that poetry is the destiny of the chosen few. If everyone can read literary prose, even if not everyone understands it, then poetry is for people of fine mental organization, literary gifted readers.

How do you understand that you are able to understand and feel poetry? You think in poetry, in lines from poetic works that you read without even remembering where they came from.

Poetry is a form of thinking, poeticized existence. You endow the entire world around you with poetry. Besides, if you love poetry, you don’t need to memorize it; some fragments that have sunk into your soul will remain in your memory, because this is the form of your thinking. Fragments of lines come on their own while washing dishes, when you walk down the street, look out the window...

People who don't understand poetry shouldn't be judged. It's like not having an ear for music. Such people are not made for poetry.


- I think yes. For example, there are such people - “book swallowers”. They “swallow” many books, but then they cannot say anything. Can we call this a reading talent? I think the talent of reading is when you extract something from a book for yourself, while noticing the artistic features of the work: language, compositional structure, features of images. For example, I love the good, rich, folk language of Sholokhov, Shukshin, Rasputin.

In general, librarians, as a rule, notice talented, interesting readers. Sometimes we give a book that the reader read two years ago. Then he comes and says: “I started reading and I feel that this is something familiar. Only later did I remember that I had read this book.” This cannot happen with a talented reader. He clearly knows what he read and clearly remembers the state that possessed him while reading.

– What is your favorite book?

– I think that a true connoisseur of literature does not have one favorite author or favorite book throughout his life. It’s just that at a certain point in life, one writer or one work dominates.

I can tell you which books I would never read - Juliette Benzoni and her never-ending saga like Santa Barbara. I feel sorry for my life for such reading. It will not bring me any knowledge about the human soul. I don’t read fantasy, but not because it’s a bad genre (by the way, it’s very popular, especially among young people), but because it’s not my thing. In general, I believe that a talented reader is not omnivorous; he has his own taste preferences.

– What would you like to say as a conclusion to our reflection on reading?

– One person, two, a hundred, even a thousand could live without a book, but all of humanity cannot live without books. Good books contain a colossal charge of morality, and without morality we will cease to be human. No wonder the ancients said that homo sapiens is homo legens (a reasonable person is a reading person).

Reviews about the book:

Well... I bought this excellent collection from 1983, of fantastic quality, on excellent paper, with beautiful illustrations, the other day for 10 rubles at the Olympic Fair. In the same “heap” for the same 10 rubles there were quite a few good publications, incl. classical literature. The seller generally seemed to have no idea who she had laying around there and what the selection criteria were. But the deepest impression on me was that 50% of second-hand book sellers to whom I asked with the question “do you have Celine”, scratching their turnips, answered that “Celine is probably not there, but there is Selinger. Will you take it?” Indeed, what is the difference in essence... The surnames are almost the same root :)

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