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How to find out for what the traffic police fine by the number of the decision? How to pay a traffic police fine by order without a commission via the Internet? Pay the fine of the traffic police according to the decision.

How to pay traffic fines? - a question that every motorist asks at least once. And even if you know the answer to it, we recommend that you read this article anyway - perhaps you will discover something new for yourself, because all possible methods will be described in detail here, including the innovations that 2016 brought with it.

So, let's begin.

Method number 1 - the standard procedure for paying at the bank.

Payment in the bank is carried out according to the receipt of form No. PD-4.

You just come to the bank, fill out the named receipt according to the model (in order to save time, you can pre-form it on the traffic police website, here - http://www.gibdd.ru/gosuslugi/reg/iaz/ (choose your branch, and then follow the instructions), and just print before going to the bank) and pay the required amount.

This payment option is the most popular (some just don’t know others, so they act according to the familiar “scheme”), but not the most convenient, because no one has yet canceled queues at banks, the commission there for accepting a fine is rather big, and not every financial institution is ready provide such a service (today you can be absolutely sure only in Sberbank - it accepts any payments, including fines). The advantages of this method include only the possibility of paying your fine by an outsider (for example, a friend or relative) and the fact that after payment you will have documentary evidence that the fine was actually paid, certified by the seal of the bank.

Method number 2 - at the Russian Post.

The essence of this option is similar to that described above, only you are sent to pay your fine not to the bank, but to the post office. And so everything is identical: procedure, pluses, minuses.

Method number 3 - through mobile or Internet banking.

It is all the same payment at the bank, but does not require you to visit it. Payment is made through a special application/website on a phone, tablet/PC. You only need to register and link your personal account to your account, and then a couple of simple steps and the fine has been paid. You will be immediately notified of this by an electronic receipt, which you can save to your e-mail or print immediately.

The only thing: before you pay traffic police fines through your personal account, make sure that your bank provides this service.

Method number 4 - using electronic payment systems.

Today, when payments with electronic money are only gaining momentum every day, the possibility of paying a fine with these means of payment is quite logical. So, if none of the 3 methods above suits you and you have the required amount of funds on your e-wallet, you can pay the fine using Yandex.Money, WebMoney or Qiwi.

In this case, your actions will look like this (for example, let's take the WebMoney service):

  1. go to the website of the service you need and authorize your wallet there;
  2. click on the "Payments" section, and then in it the subsection "Traffic Police Penalties";
  3. choose a convenient way to search for a fine (by the number of the VU and the certificate of state registration of the vehicle; by UIN; by the number, date of the decision to impose a fine);
  4. when the fine is displayed on the screen, click the "pay" button;
  5. double-check the payment details, check the box next to "I agree to the terms of the agreement" and click "forward";
  6. after the service checks your operation, you will be billed by clicking on the word "pay" in which you will pay off the existing debt.

When choosing this method, be careful about the “commission” column, because. for many systems, it can be quite a significant amount.

Method number 5 - pay the debt online through the traffic police website.

The only disadvantages of this option are:

  • the impossibility of checking the imposed fines by the VU number - the system requires only information about the certificate of registration of the vehicle, which is not always at hand;
  • a limited number of payment systems - WebMoney, for example, it is impossible to make a payment here.

Method number 6 - through the Qiwi terminal.

In this option, payment is made in just a couple of steps:

As you can see, a very convenient way: no receipts are needed, it is enough to have only a resolution on hand; there is no need to enter card/electronic wallet data anywhere, payment is made in cash and, most importantly, information about it is instantly sent to the Federal Treasury database. Among the shortcomings, one can single out only the need to carry a resolution with you and the inability to check for other debts.

Method number 7 - how to pay traffic police fines through the website of the State Service.

How to implement this method, you can read on the named site by following the link https://www.gosuslugi.ru/pgu/news/view/927. At the same time, you must understand that all these actions are preceded by mandatory registration and activation on the site, the code of which can only be received by mail, at the Rostelecom office or by e-mail (in this case, the use of an electronic signature is a mandatory requirement), which is quite long and not always comfortable. Otherwise, there are only pluses: the site contains information about all fines at once; you can look for fines by WU, which greatly simplifies the life of owners of several cars; In addition to fines, here you can perform a number of useful operations.

Method number 8 - through third-party services.

For many, it may seem the simplest and most convenient, because, as a rule, only 1-2 actions are required, but we would not recommend that you resort to the services of private companies, since:

  • fraud is possible on their part;
  • the information they possess is not always "fresh";
  • fees for their services are quite high.

Almost every driver has faced traffic fines in one way or another. And if earlier the fine could be paid in the regiment or through the bank, now you can easily and quickly pay the traffic police fine via the Internet. If you have a Sberbank card, you can quickly pay off the debt through the Sberbank service online.

To pay a fine through Sberbank Online:

If there is no receipt, you can use the fine search function. In this case, you need to enter the number of the driver's license or the number of the vehicle registration certificate. An automatic search will give you information about existing fines and debts on them. If there are several fines, you need to pay one by one.

The Sberbank Online service displays only those fines that are entered in the State Information System on State and Municipal Payments of the Federal Treasury.

If you know for sure that you have a fine, but you cannot find it in your account, you will have to choose another payment method.

Sberbank of Russia also offers customers, which allows you to track the presence of fines in time and pay the resulting debt. A search in all traffic police databases is performed once a week or once a month (you set it in the settings when you connect the service).

As soon as a fine is found, a notification will be sent to your phone number. And if there are enough funds on your account, you can pay the traffic police fine without a commission by sending an SMS confirmation for the operation.

Poll: Are you satisfied with the quality of services provided by Sberbank in general?


How to pay a fine with a 50% discount

Under the new legislation, a fine can be paid at a 50% discount if it is paid within 20 days from the date of issue of the decision. Exactly at midnight on the 20th day - such an opportunity disappears.

The receipt for payment of the fine indicates the full amount, but there is a note that it is possible to pay only 50%. Such data is transferred to the state treasury. On the 21st day, the data changes.

There is a list of violations for which the fine cannot be paid with a 50% discount. These are violations related to the use of alcoholic or narcotic substances, refusal of a medical examination, repeated speeding, repeated exit into the oncoming lane or repeated passage through a red light of a traffic light, as well as violations in which harm was caused to human health of mild or moderate severity . In these cases, the violator does not have the right to pay a fine with a 50% discount.

If something goes wrong and you get a fine, try not to delay paying it, because in two months the amount of the fine will double. Modern technologies make it possible to pay a traffic police fine via the Internet at any time quickly and easily. And by connecting the service, you can avoid delays and unnecessary unpleasant consequences.

Over time, information technology is increasingly being introduced into people's lives. Now absolutely every resident of Russia can pay for any services online, if the peculiarities of his case allow it. As for the payment of traffic police fines, such a practice is possible in this area.

Many resources offer to pay a sanction for a misdemeanor on the road via the Internet in just a few minutes using the fine resolution number. Why not save your time this way? For more information on how the traffic police fines are paid by the number of the decision, read the material below.

Why is it important to pay sanctions on time?

Every year in Russia, road inspectors issue a huge number of fines. Most of the motorists pay for misconduct on the road in a timely manner, without delaying receipts. However, every fifth driver forgets about the need to pay the sanction, as a result of which there is a delay. Motorists are justified in different ways, but in any case, they must bear some responsibility for an overdue fine.

In accordance with the 1st part of 20.25 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, a certain administrative responsibility should be imposed on a person who has overdue or systematically fails to pay the fines of the traffic police or other authorized state bodies. At the moment it is:

  • or doubling the size of the sanction;
  • or arrest for 15 days.

Whether it is worth delaying a payment receipt, given such an unpleasant prospect, everyone will decide for himself. We can definitely say that with all the conveniences that exist today in terms of paying sanctions, any driver will be able to pay off the debt in a matter of minutes without any difficulties for himself.

Checking for fines online

You can check whether you specifically have unpaid traffic police fines online. A variety of information can be used for such a practice, from driver's data to a potential location of the offense. If you want to check for sanctions for misconduct on the road, you first need to find a resource that will allow you to do this.

The general verification algorithm is as follows:

  1. Go to the site (for example, the official website of the traffic police).
  2. Sign up.
  3. Find the tab where you can check for sanctions. Follow it.
  4. Enter all the required information in the appropriate fields (often driver and vehicle details).
  5. Confirm the correctness of the entered data and get all the information about whether there are unpaid fines in your name or not.

As a rule, such resources also provide information about what sanctions were previously imposed on the driver and when they were paid.

Important! Information in the traffic police databases is updated over time (from several hours to several days). Therefore, do not panic if the paid fine is displayed as unpaid. You just need to wait.

How to pay your debt online

Payment of traffic police fines via the Internet can be carried out in several ways. In any of them, you will have to use confidential information that is available only to the motorist who committed the violation and authorized government agencies. The most convenient and common way is to pay a fine by the order number.

This option of paying off the sanction is based on the fact that, in accordance with the traffic police databases, certain organizations cooperating with the road inspectorate pay fines from drivers in a convenient way for the latter. Depending on how and in what way the online resource cooperates with the traffic police, it can provide its users with some discounts and similar pleasant things for motorists.

The general algorithm for payment via the Internet is as follows:

  1. Go to the site.
  2. Sign up.
  3. Find the tab on which you can pay the traffic police fine. Follow it.
  4. Enter all the required information in the appropriate fields (often the order number or driver/vehicle details).
  5. Confirm the correctness of the entered data and pay the fine in a way convenient for you (on most sites you can choose the payment system at your discretion).

You can pay a fine by the order number on a huge number of online resources, but before choosing, it is important to make sure that the site is not an attacker, but really cooperates with the traffic police. The largest services for paying road sanctions are Sberbank, Yandex and Gosuslugi.

Important! Despite the simple process of paying for traffic police sanctions via the Internet, you should carefully study this system. Otherwise, some problems may arise during the repayment of debts.

Decree number - transcript

Many drivers who are faced with the need to pay a fine for the first time may wonder - "What is the decision number?". Let's figure it out in order to avoid any problems in the future.

In general, the decision number is a certain set of numbers that determines the basic information about the offense committed. The length of the number varies from 10 to 25 characters. As an example of what the specific parts of the resolution number mean, let's take the following set of numbers - "234 - 1 - 0 - 1 - 30 - 17 - 04 - 23 - 86594 - 3":

  • 234 - the location where the fine will go;
  • 1 - traffic police code;
  • 0 - definition of a fine as an administrative sanction;
  • 1 - definition of a misdemeanor as an administrative violation;
  • 30 - the region in which the administrative violation was committed;
  • 17 - year of issue of the sanction;
  • 04 - month of issue of the sanction;
  • 23 - the number of issuing the sanction;
  • 86594 - the serial number of the decision among all motorists;
  • 3 - determinant of the check digit of the resolution number (otherwise - UIN).

In general, “reading” the number of the decision is not so difficult. However, it should be understood that such identification of fines was introduced to control all sanctions on drivers in the Russian Federation using electronic systems. Using the number of the fine resolution, you can find out what exactly it was imposed for. To do this, do the following:

  1. Go to the official website of the traffic police.
  2. Open the "Services" tab and select "Check fines".
  3. Enter all required information in the appropriate fields.
  4. Confirm the correctness of the entered data and check the presence of fines on you. The site will present a complete list of those sanctions that have not been paid on your part.

Payment via Sberbank

Having considered the main provisions on the essence and principles of operation of the electronic system for paying fines in the Russian Federation, we can begin to consider specific resources. As noted earlier, the best organizations working with the traffic police are Sberbank, Yandex and Gosuslugi. By going to the official website of any of them, you can pay the traffic police fine online by the number of the decision.

As for repayment through Sberbank, the algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. First of all, you need to connect yourself and your valid card to the Sberbank-Online and Mobile Bank systems. This is done by registering with the system.
  2. After registering and gaining access to the Sberbank-Online service, you must enter the Personal Account using the official website of Sberbank (entry is carried out through the identifier and password received during registration).
  3. After entering the "Personal Account", go to the "Payments and transfers" tab.
  4. Next, find the tab "traffic police, taxes, duties, etc." and go through it.
  5. In the fields that open, enter the required information and make the payment with the amount of funds that are necessary to pay off the fine of the traffic police.

Important! In the process of paying through Sberbank-Online, it is important to have access to a valid card, funds on it, and access to a phone that is “tied” to this card. Otherwise, the payment of the sanction will not work.

Payment via Yandex

Payment of a fine by the order number through Yandex is carried out through the Yandex.Money service. To pay off the debt under the sanction, the driver must have:

  • a valid Yandex account;
  • a valid wallet in the Yandex.Money service;
  • this wallet has enough funds to pay the fine;
  • access to the phone to which the wallet is “linked” in the Yandex.Money service.

The general payment algorithm looks like this:

  1. Log in to your Yandex.
  2. Go to the Yandex.Money service.
  3. Click on the "Penalties" tab and find the payment option by the resolution number (UIN).
  4. Enter the number of the resolution of your fine, check it.
  5. Make payment with the amount of funds that will allow you to fully pay off the fine of the traffic police.

Important! When entering the amount to be paid, do not forget that the Yandex system has a commission equal to 1% of the total amount.

Payment through public services

The most "fresh" option to pay traffic police fines online is to use the State Services website. This resource was created at the state level and is designed to simplify the life of citizens of the Russian Federation. Already now, through the State Services, it is possible to carry out a number of procedures that previously required visits to any government agencies.

With regards to traffic police fines, the use of this service will help:

  • set up a notification about the presence of sanctions from the traffic police in the future;
  • get real information about the presence of fines at the moment;
  • pay all outstanding sanctions;
  • receive a discount equal to 50% (if redeemed within 20 days after the administrative violation was committed);
  • choose the most convenient payment option (the resource works with many payment systems).

In order to pay a fine by the order number through the State Services, you must do the following:

  1. Go to the official website of "Gosuslugi" and register, indicating all the real information.
  2. Go to Citizen Service Catalog and select Service Categories.
  3. Select the "Transport and driving" tab, and then - "Traffic fines".
  4. Following the online assistant's instructions, enter the required information (either the decision number or the driver/car details).
  5. After receiving information about the fines, pay the ones you want. For payment, you can use the payment system convenient for you.

Important! The size of the commission will depend on which payment system you choose for payment. Don't forget about it.

Alternative ways to pay for traffic police sanctions via the Internet

The previously presented options for paying traffic police fines online are the most used and convenient. However, in addition to them, agreements with law enforcement agencies have other resources. You can choose any, but you should consider the following points:

  • whether the site has permission to work as an intermediary in paying traffic police fines (checked on the site itself or the official website of the traffic police);
  • the presence of positive feedback about the work of the resource from past customers;
  • variety of payment methods.

If at least one of the points of the service you have chosen "does not work", then it is better to refuse to cooperate with it. Otherwise, there is a risk of being deceived in the payment process.

Where does the fee-free payment work?

Many drivers, when paying fines, wish save on the commission charged by intermediaries for their work. It should be understood that this practice is possible only when working through some Internet resources. More precisely, it is:

  • Sberbank - works completely without commission;
  • Public services - works without a commission when using some payment systems, and also provides a 50% discount on the payment of a traffic police fine (upon repayment within 20 days after an administrative violation).

The rest of the resources operating on the network charge some commission for their services. So, when paying a fine through the Yandex.Money service, the commission will be 1% of the total amount, and when working through the Qiwi service - 3%.

Important! You can check the availability of a commission when paying for a traffic police sanction online on a specific service if you carefully read the terms of their services. As a rule, the commission is indicated under the field where the amount to be paid is entered.

Pros and cons of paying online

Having covered in detail the whole essence and principles of the network system for paying fines in the Russian Federation, we can draw some conclusions. Our resource decided to provide its readers with information about the advantages and benefits of the online method of repaying the sanction.

Let's start with the advantages of such a system:

  • speed of payment of the sanction - all procedures can be carried out in less than 5 minutes;
  • no need to visit banks - working through a computer or other gadget, any person saves himself from the need to stand in line and wait;
  • simplicity of the event - paying fines via the Internet is not time-consuming and can be done by any motorist;
  • a greater chance of receiving a discount equal to 50% of the total amount of the fine due to the speed of payment - such a practice is possible when repaid within 20 days after the commission of an administrative violation;
  • accessibility of the procedure - for payment you need only access to the Internet and funds in a certain payment system.

Despite such a positive tone, it is worth interrupting. In addition to a number of advantages, the network system for paying fines has some disadvantages. Namely this:

  • the need to select only a high-quality and conscientious intermediary to pay a fine - not everyone has the opportunity to work through Sberbank, Yandex or State Services, and in addition to them, truly reliable resources still need to be found, which is not always possible;
  • the presence of some risk of being deceived - when working through an unscrupulous intermediary.

In general, paying traffic police fines by order number online is a fairly convenient practice that any driver can do. It is important to note that this event does not exclude risks, however, with a competent approach to business, problems should not arise. We hope that the above material was useful to you. Good luck on the roads!

Any fine must be paid on time. A certain time is allotted for this operation, after which the defaulter is brought to this or that responsibility. In Russia, there are many ways to pay off debts. And in front of the traffic police as well. Today we will find out how the fine is paid according to the decree. This procedure is very common. It allows you to use a minimum of payment data to search for it in existing databases. What should a citizen know about such a procedure?

About the decision

Payment of traffic police fines according to the decision can be made in different ways. First of all, we will find out what we have to deal with.

The resolution number is a special combination that characterizes the fine. It consists of 20-25 digits. By the order code, you can find out some information about the payment. In addition, this combination is used to search for a receipt in the traffic police databases.

Where can I get a number?

Where can I get a decision number? There are several options for the development of events. And everyone should remember them.

Firstly, in order to pay the fine according to the decision, you can examine the payment document on hand. It will contain the order code, as well as the amount payable.

Secondly, it is permissible to ask for information of interest to the traffic police, which issued the fine.

Thirdly, if the amount of debt is already large, you can turn to bailiffs for help. They will report the code we are interested in.

In the end, it will be possible to find the appropriate combination using Internet services. It is best to use the website of the traffic police of the Russian Federation.

Payment period

Payment of a fine by the number of the decision has a certain time frame. More precisely, there is a time that is given to each citizen to pay off the debt.

In Russia, administrative fines must be paid within 70 days of receiving them. At the same time, 10 days are allotted to appeal the violation committed. After the specified period, you will have to face additional expenses and liability of one type or another.

About discounts

If you do not hesitate to pay the fine (by the order number or according to other data), then under certain circumstances you can get a significant discount. It is offered to citizens working with the service "Gosuslugi".

When paying fines no later than 20 days from the date of issue of the payment, a person is entitled to a discount. It allows you to reduce the payment by 30 percent. The promotion is valid until 2019 (until January 1).

There is a payment

If a person has receipts for paying traffic police fines (by decree and not only), then the task can be solved quite easily. It is enough to contact the bank with a payment card, money and an identity card.

In fact, the resolution code will not be involved - the person simply presents the receipt to the bank employee, after which, according to the written information, the debt is paid. You can contact any cash desk of banks in the Russian Federation.

Payment Methods

Now consider other options for the development of events. Payment of traffic police fines by the number of the decision may be made differently. Even under the condition that the offender still has the receipt of the established form.

How can you pay off debt? For example:

  • using bank terminals and ATMs;
  • using special terminals in the traffic police;
  • through Internet banking;
  • by working with the websites "Gosuslugi" and "Payment for public services";
  • using the website of the traffic police of the Russian Federation;
  • using virtual wallets.

Also, citizens can find and pay fines by TIN and by regulations using various third-party sites. There are a lot of them. Nevertheless, such offers should be treated with caution - the network is full of scammers.

About props

Where can I get the details for paying the fine under the decree? If you have a payment document on hand, then all the necessary information will be in it.

No payment? Do not despair! You can always ask for details at the regional traffic police department. They are issued at the request of citizens. Some data can generally be seen on the stands located in the traffic police.

In the end, when searching for a fine by decree, the details for payment will be found automatically. The payer will only need to indicate the data on the account from which the money needs to be debited.

Terminals and ATMs

Payment of traffic police fines by decree is the simplest operation that has many solutions. Even a citizen who is poorly versed in technology will cope with it.

Most often, people pay bills through terminals and ATMs. In this case, you can do the following:

  1. Get started with a terminal or ATM.
  2. In the main menu of the device, select "Payments in my region" - "Penalties".
  3. Select a payment search method. For example, by decree.
  4. Enter the requested details.
  5. Click on "Find", then on "Pay".
  6. Enter information about the payer, if required by the system.
  7. Deposit funds into the terminal. In the case of working with an ATM, this step is skipped.
  8. Perform payment confirmation.

You can find the penalty we are interested in differently. Do you have a receipt for paying the fine? In this case, there is no need to make a payment according to the order number. A barcode written on the document is sufficient.


How to implement the idea? It is enough to follow the instructions of this type:

  1. Go to any working ATM or terminal.
  2. Click on "Payments in my city" - "Search for a recipient".
  3. Click on the "Barcode" button.
  4. Present the payment receipt to a special validator. An illustrative example of actions will appear on the terminal display.
  5. Confirm the payment and repeat the steps in paragraphs 6-8 of the previous instructions.

Ready! Despite the fact that the search for payments by barcodes is the simplest, it still does not attract the population. In particular, due to the fact that ATMs do not always read the necessary combinations.


Even if the receipt is lost, payment of the traffic police fine by the decision number still remains available. For example, by working with electronic payment systems. From year to year they are used by a huge number of citizens.

Want to use an e-wallet to pay a fine? In this case, instructions of the following type will help:

  1. Open a wallet in a particular payment system. We will consider the procedure using Yandex.Money as an example.
  2. Top up your account in any convenient way.
  3. Go to the section "Goods and services" - "Penalties".
  4. In the upper right corner, click on the line "Is there a decision?" In some wallets, you just need to check the box next to "By regulation".
  5. Type the requested code on the keyboard and search for data.
  6. Click on the given result.
  7. Press the "Pay" button.

Usually this is enough. After confirming the operation, the amount due for payment will be debited from the wallet account. In return, the user will receive an electronic receipt. It can be saved on a PC or printed on a printer.

Important: in different wallets, the signatures of menus and buttons may vary, but their purpose will remain the same.

"Public services" to help

Need to pay a fine? Quite an interesting solution is to work with "Gosuslugi". This service is actively used by the modern population to order public services. But paying bills through this site is not yet in great demand.

This is due to the fact that you need to register in advance at the State Services and go through the profile verification procedure. Unverified accounts are not allowed to make payments. It is necessary to start a questionnaire on the service no later than 14-15 days before working with the site.

The rest of the steps will be simple. They boil down to:

  1. I go to the address gosuslugi.ru in the browser.
  2. Authorization under your profile.
  3. Visiting the section "Public services" - "Penalties of traffic police".
  4. Selecting the item "By resolution number".
  5. Enter the requested combination.
  6. Finding payment information.
  7. Selecting and confirming a payment method. Usually bank plastic is used for this task. You need to click on the bank icon and enter the details from the card.

Once all this is done, the invoice can be considered paid. Only information about this will not appear immediately. Usually, it takes about 2-3 days to update information on the State Services portal.

Our service allows you to find a fine by the order number and immediately pay them.

Photos and videos of violations of the rules

Together with the fine, you will get access to photos taken by means of automatic fixing of violations. Unfortunately, sometimes there are cases when there is no photo in the database of fines. In this case, you need to contact the traffic police department that issued the fine, the name of the department is indicated in the detailed information, on the page your unpaid traffic police fines.

Video of the violation does not exist in principle, instead of a video there will be a series of photographs.

Traffic police fines - payment guarantee

After payment, in case of an error in the traffic police database, we will refund you the full amount of the fine and the amount of the commission.

Pay the traffic police fine online

Payment is made online in real time.

  • payment takes less than 5 minutes
  • 50% discount is reserved for you
  • you will receive notifications of new fines

Ways to pay fines

  • Baknov cards: VISA, MasterCard, MIR
  • Electronic money: Yandex Money, Qiwi, Moneta.ru
  • Banking systems: Sberbank online, Alfa-Click, Promsvyazbank, Faktura.ru, Russian Standard

Upon payment, you will receive a payment receipt.

All payments are made by the Non-Banking Credit Organization "Moneta.ru" (limited liability company) - NPO "MONETA.RU" (LLC) is registered under Federal Law No. 161-FZ "On the National Payment System".

NCO "MONETA.RU" (LLC) operates on the basis of the license of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation for banking operations No. 3508-K dated July 02, 2012.

Payment of a traffic police fine with a 50% discount

In accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 22, 2014 N 437-FZ, amendments were made to the Code of Administrative Offenses, which allow, from January 1, 2016, to pay a fine for violating the Rules of the Road in the amount of half the amount of the fine imposed.

Part 1.3 has been added to Article 32.2 with the following text:

1.3. When paying an administrative fine by a person brought to administrative responsibility for committing an administrative offense under Chapter 12 of this Code, with the exception of administrative offenses under Part 1.1 of Article 12.1, Article 12.8, Parts 6 and 7 of Article 12.9, Part 3 of Article 12.12, Part 5 of Article 12.15, part 3.1 of article 12.16, articles 12.24, 12.26, part 3 of article 12.27 of this Code, no later than twenty days from the date of issuance of the decision to impose an administrative fine, an administrative fine may be paid in the amount of half the amount of the imposed administrative fine. If the execution of the decision on the imposition of an administrative fine was delayed or spread over time by the judge, body, official who issued the decision, the administrative fine shall be paid in full.

Penalties to which the discount does not apply

  • The car is not registered (in case of repeated violation) fine - 5000 rubles
  • 12.8 Driving while intoxicated, transferring control to a drunk driver fine - 30,000 rubles
  • 12.9.6, 12.9.7 Exceeding the speed limit by more than 40 km/h (in case of repeated violation) fine - 2000-5000 rubles
  • 12.12.3 Driving on a prohibitory signal (in case of repeated violation) fine - 5000 rubles
  • 12.15.5 Meeting (in case of repeated violation) fine - 5000 rubles
  • 12.24 Causing harm to health fine - 2500-25000 rubles
  • 12.26 Refusal to test for alcohol fine - 30,000 rubles
  • 12.27.3 Drinking alcohol after an accident fine - 30,000 rubles
  • Violation of parking rules and non-payment for parking in Moscow fine - 5000 rubles