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Advanced training of employees: training at the expense of the employer. Improving the qualifications of employees What is qualification and how does it manifest itself?

Qualification is the employee’s preparedness for professional activities to perform work of a certain complexity within the framework of a profession, specialty, specialization.

In TK, the concept of “qualification” is defined as the level of general and special training of an employee, confirmed by the types of documents established by law (certificate, diploma, certificate, etc.).

Qualification is a component of the standard of professional education and is characterized by stage and level.

The qualification level is a stage in the training of professional personnel in the system of continuous education, reflecting the volume and ratio of general and vocational education and culminating in the receipt of the appropriate document (certificate, certificate, diploma).

Qualification level is the degree of professional skill within a specific qualification level. The essential characteristics of the qualification level are: the amount of knowledge and skills; quality of knowledge and skills; ability to rationally organize and plan work; the ability to quickly adapt to changes in equipment, technology, organization and working conditions.

Requirements for various skill levels in relation to specific professions and specialties are established by the corresponding local documents in the tariff and certification system.

Determination of personnel qualifications is regulated by administrative, agricultural and labor legislation. With the help of administrative law, the qualifications of graduates of special educational institutions and a number of other persons are established. Agrarian law establishes the rules for determining the qualifications of members of agricultural organizations. Labor law regulates the rules for determining the qualifications of workers and the conditions for the emergence of labor relations.

When determining the qualifications of employees, they are guided by a system of generalized indicators, the most important of which are ranks, classes and categories.

Using tariff categories, the qualifications of most workers in industrial, construction and other organizations are determined. Class titles are assigned to transport drivers, agricultural specialists, etc. The qualification level of specialists in a number of industries is recorded using categories. Quantitative and qualitative results of labor activity, the level of professional preparedness of workers are reflected by the following indicators:

Length of experience in this job (special-

TI); availability of general and special education:

The measure of responsibility for the assigned task and so on.

These indicators have great theoretical and practical

First importance when agreeing on the content of an employment contract, resolving issues about the workplace, adapted measures, |1 certification and others. Thus, the labor function is established in accordance with the qualifications of the employee, which, in turn, is expressed in ranks, classes, categories. Legal rights the norms establish the legal obligation of the employer to timely and objectively record such indicators, i.e. pra- :i; correctly determine the qualifications of workers, guaranteeing them work in accordance with their vocation, abilities, education and taking into account social needs.

J„" Determining qualifications is establishing the level of knowledge

The level and skill of the worker, the compliance of this level with certain requirements determined by one or another complexity $? 1Pyfla of the relevant specialty.. The qualifications of the employee are determined on the basis of certain

New qualification characteristics derived from the content of the concept of qualification components of complexity pas "bots, body of knowledge, production experience, degree %) of the worker's abilities and skills. Such characteristics may include: the volume of special and general education, work experience in a given profession, the ability to perform certain jobs. A qualitative determination of qualifications includes the content of a written employment contract, civil function, labor rights and responsibilities, size wages and others

elements of the labor relationship. Determining qualifications when hiring shows the possibility or impossibility of allowing an employee to perform a certain job. On the contrary, untimely identification of inconsistency with future work increases the likelihood of disappointment in it or other undesirable phenomena.

Labor law establishes the employer’s obligation to establish the qualifications of employees hired. However, this obligation does not apply to all cases of employment. For example, persons accepted as apprentices do not have professional training, and therefore their qualifications are not established.

Labor law provides for the following forms of establishing qualifications when hiring: documentary determination, testing, medical examination, internship, interview, tests and passing a special exam.

Documentary establishment of qualifications when applying for a job is carried out on the basis of various documents that have legal force.

The qualifications of graduates of special educational institutions are determined by a diploma, certificate, certificate, certificate.

The qualifications of workers can be established by entry in the work book based on the qualification rank or class assigned to them.

The study of documents helps to establish the business, moral and other characteristics of employees, and the level of their professional preparedness. A certain list of documents presented by applicants when concluding an employment contract is established in the TK. Hiring without the specified documents is not permitted. It is prohibited to require documents not provided for by law when concluding an employment contract. The significance of the documents is that they confirm age and level of professional preparedness, which are necessary to coordinate the job function and other terms of the employment contract, and clarify job responsibilities.

The legislation also provides for other forms of familiarization with the data of an applicant. When hiring, with the agreement of the parties, a test may be imposed to verify the employee’s suitability for the assigned work. This condition is provided by TK. but its inclusion in a written employment contract is permitted only by mutual agreement of the parties. If the employee objects, the contract is either rejected. or is concluded without this condition.

The testing period is determined by TK. Moreover, only the maximum duration is regulated (no more than three months). By mutual agreement of the parties, a probationary period can be assigned, for example, for one or two months. The establishment of a probationary period is not a mandatory condition of the employment contract, but if an agreement is reached on it, it must be indicated in the text of the employment contract and the order (instruction) on when applying for a job, the probationary period is calculated only in working days. Thus, the probationary period does not include the period of temporary unemployment and other periods when the employee was absent from work for valid reasons.

The test is not established when hiring employees under 18 years of age; young workers after graduating from vocational schools; young specialists after graduating from higher and secondary specialized educational institutions; disabled people; temporary and seasonal workers; when transferred to work in another area or to another employer; when applying for a job through a competition; in other cases provided for by law (for example, when transferring an employee who is in an employment relationship with the employer from one position to another or from one unit to another).

Each party has the right to terminate the employment contract subject to preliminary testing:

Before the expiration of the preliminary test period, having notified the other party about this in writing three days in advance;

On the day of expiration of the preliminary test.

An unsatisfactory test result gives the employer the right to terminate the employment contract with the employee. In this case, the employer is obliged to indicate the reasons that served as the basis for recognizing the employee as having failed the test.

The employee has the right to appeal the employer's decision in court. If, before the expiration of the preliminary test period, the employment contract with the employee is not terminated in accordance with part one of Art. 29 TK, then the employee is considered to have passed the test and termination of the employment contract with him is allowed only on a general basis.

A test when hiring is an optional condition of an employment contract, a test of professional preparedness when completing tasks related to the labor function of the incoming employee within the established time frame. The test helps determine the level of his qualifications, suitability for the work performed and change adaptation and labor protection measures.

The employee has the right to appeal the test results in the general manner: in the labor dispute commission (LCC), or in court. If unsatisfactory test results are accompanied by his release from work, then the complaint is filed with the district court

In some cases, labor legislation establishes a mandatory medical examination upon hiring.

For example, minors under 18 years of age, workers engaged in heavy work, work with hazardous working conditions, as well as servicing vehicles, employees of food industry enterprises, public catering and trade, medical treatment are subject to a preliminary medical examination. preventive institutions and some other organizations. These measures are aimed exclusively at protecting the life and health of both the workers themselves and those in contact with their work activities.

The results of the medical examination are documented in a special document.

Internship is one of the forms of establishing qualifications when hiring young specialists. The internship has a multi-purpose purpose. It helps to clarify the qualifications of personnel, quickly develop adaptation measures, increase the level of professional preparedness of workers, and as such is a guarantee of the right to work. The internship is used for transport drivers, law enforcement officers and other categories of workers.

The regulations on the distribution of graduates of state higher and secondary specialized educational institutions of the Republic of Belarus, approved by the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Economy, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Labor and the Ministry of Finance, do not provide for mandatory internship for young specialists during the first year of work.

In practice, internships for young specialists are usually provided for in local regulations of enterprises (organizations).

During the internship period, young specialists acquire the appropriate qualifications. Therefore, employees who have received higher education in the evening or correspondence education system, who have worked in the relevant specialty for at least one year, during which they have already acquired initial qualifications, are exempt from internship.

The qualifications obtained during the internship are established by a collegial body (commission) in the appropriate manner

Coordination of the labor function and other terms of the employment contract begins with an interview with the incoming employee

Conducting an interview is one of the most important forms of determining qualifications when hiring. Appointment to a position after preliminary selection and interview is a situation when an organization, represented by a personnel service employee, and a candidate for this position are trying to determine to what extent their own interests can be satisfied. ~renas as a result of this appointment.

A preliminary job interview is aimed at finding out the applicant’s education, assessing his personal qualities, etc.

At this stage of determining qualifications, before the employment contract comes into force, the employee may change his initial intention to enter the job. The organization also has the right to refuse the services of an employee, but in cases and on the grounds specified in the legislation

There is a difference in the position of the parties. An employee, changing the original intention, may not indicate the reasons for his decision; in any case, the law does not oblige him to do so. The organization is obliged to explain the reason for the refusal, which is permissible only for business reasons, with a valid reason.

Qualification is understood in different senses.
  1. Qualification – application of the norms of the criminal code.
  2. Qualification – assessment of a criminal act.
  3. Qualification is a process of mental activity of a person applying a rule of law.
Qualification– this is the establishment and procedural consolidation of the exact correspondence of the signs of a socially dangerous act committed by a person to all the signs of a crime provided for by a specific norm (article) of the criminal law (as well as other legal acts).
It is common to view qualification as both a process and a result.
Qualification as a process:
  1. identifying signs of an act;
  2. choice of criminal law;
  3. mental operations of the subject of qualification;
  4. the process is formalized in the form of procedural documents.
Qualification as a result: conclusion about the correspondence of the signs of the act to the elements of the crime.
As a general rule, qualification consists of establishing the identity of the signs of a fact of life reality and a legal norm. Schematically it will look like this:

A double-edged arrow indicates such a correspondence or identity. At the same time, we are saying that the qualification was carried out correctly and there was no judicial error in the assessment.
In order to more fully understand the content of the qualification process, it is necessary to determine its final result (goal), which the person qualifying the fact of life reality strives for. Only in this case, we will be able to see the main and secondary in the qualification process.
There are two mutually exclusive positions regarding determining the purpose of qualification: 1) determines the purpose of qualification in finding a legal norm; 2) in assessing the fact of life reality. It is important to determine what is the final result and what exactly is the intermediate result.
The purpose of qualification is a legal assessment of the fact of life reality, while establishing a rule of law corresponding to it. This conclusion is due to the fact that a legal norm is sought only in order to subsequently, on its basis, evaluate the fact of life reality, since it is dominant, its assessment is the final stage, the goal of qualification.
As a general rule, qualification is carried out by authorized persons in whose proceedings the criminal case is located: an investigator, an inquiry officer, a prosecutor, a court (judge). Only they have the right to draw up procedural documents that have legal force and entail legal consequences.
At the same time, it should be remembered that in the theory of criminal proceedings there is another position. It expands the circle of persons assessing evidence. For example, a defense lawyer, a victim, an accused, etc., can also influence qualifications by filing petitions to carry out any investigative or other actions, as a result of which the qualifications may change. Such actions indirectly affect qualifications, since legal consequences occur after the request is granted by the person conducting the proceedings.
Meaning of qualification:

  1. in a general social sense:
  • correct qualification is associated with strengthening law and order, ensuring the rights and interests of the individual, and restoring social justice;
  • occupies a certain place in the formation of the rule of law;
  • this is the result of the implementation of the state’s criminal policy.
  • criminal legal meaning:
    • correct qualification is a guarantee of compliance with the rule of law in the administration of justice;
    • expresses the legal nature of the act;
    • provides a guarantee of respect for the rights and interests of the individual, society, and state;
    • ensures the correct application of criminal law;
    • this is a condition for the correct application of the norms of the criminal procedure code;
    • allows you to correctly characterize the state of the fight against crime, establish trends in crime as a social phenomenon, and determine effective ways to combat crime.
    Qualification stages.
    There are 3-link and 5-link classification of qualification stages.
    The 3-link includes the following stages:
    1. establishment of legally significant signs in a fact of life reality;
    2. determination of the maximum possible set of articles of the Criminal Code;
    3. From the maximum possible totality, one norm of the Criminal Code is selected, according to which the person is qualified.
    5-link includes:
    1. determination of the fact of violation of law or morality;
    2. in case of violation of a rule of law, one of 4 types of offense is determined (disciplinary, administrative, civil or criminal violation, that is, a crime);
    3. further qualification continues through the stages of a 3-tier classification.
    With proper qualifications, the principle of individualization of responsibility is realized. In this case you should install:
    1. the nature and extent of the act;
    2. circumstances of the act;
    3. the identity of the culprit.
    If the qualification is incorrect, it is customary to talk about the presence of a miscarriage of justice. Any miscarriage of justice entails a significant restriction of the rights and legitimate interests of the individual, the interests of society and the state, since the erroneous application of criminal law norms is associated with the application of criminal legal sanctions - the most stringent in the list of types of legal liability.
    Types of misqualification:
    1. bringing an innocent person to justice (for example, a person’s actions contain the necessary defense, but his actions are erroneously classified as exceeding these limits under Article 108 of the Criminal Code);
    2. the perpetrator is exempted from criminal liability (the opposite situation is that the person’s actions contain elements of exceeding the limits of necessary defense (Article 108 of the Criminal Code), but his actions are qualified under Article 37 of the Criminal Code, as a result of which he is illegally exempted from criminal liability and punishment);
    3. the guilty person is given a more lenient punishment (for example, a person whose actions constitute a crime under Article 105 of the Criminal Code is accused of murder when exceeding the limits of necessary defense under Article 108 of the Criminal Code);
    4. the guilty person is given a more severe punishment (the opposite situation is that in the actions of a person there is an element of murder when the limits of necessary defense are exceeded, but his actions are erroneously classified under Article 105 of the Criminal Code).
    Prerequisites for correct qualification:
    1. establishing all the maximum possible factual circumstances of the case;
    2. clarification of the elements of a crime, a specific point, part, article (articles) of a special part of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
    Some existing differences in the approach to defining the essence of the term “qualification of a crime” boil down to the following.
    1. Qualification is considered as a set of its stages in relation to the stages (stages) of the criminal process. A). initiation of a criminal case under one or another article of the Criminal Code; b). bringing a person to criminal liability as an accused; c).drawing up an indictment; G). bringing the case to trial (the stage of scheduling the case for hearing); d).sentencing; e). changing the sentence by a higher court in cassation or supervisory proceedings.
    Flaws: These are not qualification stages, but process stages. These are types of qualifications carried out by various entities: preliminary investigation bodies and the court.
    2. Establishment: a). Factual circumstances of the case; b). A criminal law providing for liability for actions; V). Identity of signs of an act and a certain corpus delicti.
    Flaws: these are essentially not stages of qualification, but stages of application of a legal norm.
    3. a). At the first stage, the presence of signs of a crime or misdemeanor is established b). On the second - which chapter of the Criminal Code covers this act (the generic characteristics of the object of the attack are highlighted); V). At the third stage, the presence of specific and immediate signs of the crime is clarified and compared.
    Flaws: At the first stage, it is impossible to distinguish a crime from an offense without precise qualifications.
    4. a). First, it is recommended to establish the correspondence between the signs of the act and the signs of a crime related to the object of the crime; b). Then - to the objective side; V). Next - to the subject; d).And finally - to the subjective side of the crime.
    Flaws: it is impossible to establish the signs of a crime object without taking into account the signs of othersathy elements of the crime.
    In our opinion, the following position seems to be the most appropriate and justified from a practical point of view.

    Qualification (from Latin qualis - what quality and facio - I do)

    1) the degree and type of professional training of the employee, his knowledge, skills and abilities necessary to perform certain work. The wages of employees are reflected in their tariffs (assigning a particular tariff category to an employee depending on his wages). The assignment of a tariff category indicates the employee’s suitability for performing a given range of work. In the USSR, the qualifications of workers are, as a rule, established by a special qualification commission in accordance with the requirements of the tariff and qualification reference book. In addition to rank, an employee’s qualification indicator can also be a category or diploma, the presence of a title and an academic degree. Occupation of some positions is allowed only if you have a diploma (the position of a doctor, teacher). In the USSR, at enterprises, institutions and organizations, a system for training and advanced training of workers and employees has been created, where workers and employees are trained in new professions and specialties and undergo training to improve their skills (see Balance of labor resources, Labor resources). 2) Characteristics of a certain type of work, established depending on its complexity, accuracy and responsibility. In the USSR, the classification of work is usually determined by the category to which a given type of work is classified in the tariff and qualification reference book. Determining the quality of work is important when establishing tariff rates and official salaries of workers. The scope of engineering and technical work and work performed by employees and other persons not directly involved in production is determined by the requirements for the position held. 3) Characteristics of an object, phenomenon, assigning it to any category or group, for example, Qualification of a crime.

    L. F. Bibik.

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .


    See what “Qualification” is in other dictionaries:

      - (new lat., see previous word). Designation of the qualities of any objects. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. QUALIFICATION [cf. lat. qualificatio Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

      qualification- QUALIFICATION, QUALIFICATION and, g. qualification f., German Qualification lat. 1. Definition of an object, thing, attributing it to what type. group. While the Academy does not understand what is proven by comparing the skulls of migratory birds and others...,... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

      In labor law, a distinction is made between the QUALIFICATIONS of a job and the QUALIFICATIONS of individual workers. QUALIFICATION of work is a characteristic of this type of work, established by the degree of its complexity, accuracy and responsibility. Usually determined by the category, to... ... Financial Dictionary

      Rank, experience, skill, ability, skill, skill, art, technique, dexterity; mastery, skill, high qualification, profession, specialty Dictionary of Russian synonyms. qualification 1. see skill 2. 2. see ... Synonym dictionary

      - (English quality quality, in the sense of the degree of manifestation of merits) in some areas this term refers to either the process of assessing the quality level, or the provided levels themselves. Qualification (education) level of training... ... Wikipedia

      QUALIFICATIONS, qualifications, women. (specialist.). 1. units only Action under Ch. qualify. Deal with labor qualifications. 2. Evaluation and designation of varieties and qualities of goods (trading). 3. The degree of suitability for any craft, type of work,... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

      - (from the Latin qualis, which in quality and...fication), 1) characteristic of an object, phenomenon, assigning it to any category, group. 2) Level of preparedness, degree of suitability for any type of work. 3) Profession, specialty... ... Modern encyclopedia

      - (from the Latin qualis, which is in quality and...fication) 1) determination of the quality of something, assessment of something. 2) Level of preparedness, degree of suitability for some type of work. 3) Profession, specialty (for example, qualification of a turner ) ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

      Qualification- - level of preparedness, degree of suitability for any type of work. [Terminological dictionary of concrete and reinforced concrete. FSUE "Research Center "Construction" NIIZHB named after. A. A. Gvozdeva, Moscow, 2007, 110 pp.] Qualification –… … Encyclopedia of terms, definitions and explanations of building materials

      The degree of professional preparedness of an employee to perform a specific type of work, including theoretical knowledge and practical skills, which must comply with the standards of the Unified Tariff Qualification Handbook. Dictionary business... ... Dictionary of business terms

      - (from Latin qualis quality) professional maturity of workers, their preparedness for high-quality performance of specific types of work, determined by the presence of knowledge, skills, professional skills, experience. Raizberg B.A., Lozovsky L.Sh., ... ... Economic dictionary


    • Qualification and investigation of crimes in the field of drug trafficking, M. Kh. Geldibaev. Qualification and investigation of drug trafficking crimes...
    • Qualification of crimes against public safety. Study guide, Ustinova T.. Study guide was prepared in accordance with the federal general educational standard of higher professional education in the direction of training 03090 (171; Jurisprudence 187;…

    How does the Labor Code define the concept of “qualification”

    The concept of qualification is used in labor legislation as a criterion by which to assess whether an employee has the necessary:

    • knowledge and skills;
    • professional skills;
    • experience in the specialty.

    The qualifications of workers are a combination of the listed qualities, which allows us to objectively evaluate professionalism, that is, the ability to perform a labor function in a specific profession or specialty. A characteristic of qualifications is a professional standard, which sets specific requirements for the presence and level of professional qualities (Article 195.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

    Qualification levels established by professional standards

    Currently, more than 1,200 professional standards have been developed and approved, each of which uses qualification level to determine an employee’s ability to work in a given profession.

    Today there is 9 skill levels(Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated April 12, 2013 No. 148n (hereinafter referred to as Order No. 148n)). Each of them is a description of indicators such as:

    • Authority and responsibility. They determine the employee’s ability for independent professional activity and the ability to make management decisions, as well as his area of ​​responsibility.
    • Nature of skills. Determining the level of complexity of the tasks performed - from standard ones associated with physical labor to solving design and research problems related to increasing productivity and efficiency there.
    • The nature of knowledge. Determines the presence and level of special education.
    • Main ways to achieve qualification level. Recommended experience, training and instruction programs, basic and additional professional training programs to achieve a specific qualification level.

    Table. Worker skill levels

    How to check an applicant's qualifications

    An employee's qualifications are one of the most important indicators that must be taken into account when planning personnel. Competent planning of personnel requirements allows you to get clear answers to the questions of how many and what qualifications of workers the company will need at a certain point in time and how to select the necessary and most qualified specialists who meet all the requirements of the vacancies.

    When selecting for a vacancy that has professional requirements, use a description of the qualifications established by the relevant professional standard. To adapt these requirements to specific production conditions, the enterprise develops job descriptions. This significantly simplifies the task facing the selection manager - his main function is to check whether the potential employee’s qualifications meet the requirements of the instructions.

    Job description of an accountant taking into account the requirements of the professional standard “Accountant”

    Experts advise: for positions for which a low level of qualification is established, it is advisable to attract young people who are ready for further training, but for positions of managers - candidates with the necessary qualifications.

    Questions to assess the qualification level of a sales specialist

    How to improve the qualifications of company employees

    In the conditions of competition existing in the labor market, workers themselves are interested in selling their labor as profitably as possible. This also applies to those specialists who are already employed. If an enterprise with an internal labor market has developed an effective motivation system, employees will not refuse to improve their skills. They see a direct relationship between wages and the level of professionalism. By improving their skills, they thereby increase labor productivity and profitability of the enterprise.

    Advanced training for new employees

    Newcomers are that part of the team for whom advanced training is an urgent need, especially if they are young specialists. And those recruits who already have practical experience in their profession must adapt and bring their existing knowledge and skills into line with the requirements established at the enterprise.

    The company can provide advanced training for this category of workers on its own, with the help of mentors or industrial training masters.

    Upgrading the qualifications of existing employees

    At an enterprise where an employee’s qualifications corresponding to the professional standard are a guarantee of decent pay and receipt of other intangible benefits, the main task of the HR service becomes the correct selection of training programs. To do this, you need to conduct certification of employees and determine their current level of qualifications.

    When choosing training and professional development programs for employees, you should consider:

    • strategic goals of the company;
    • development of equipment and technology;
    • the company's future need for specialists of certain qualifications;
    • the current level of professionalism of employees;
    • financial capabilities of the enterprise.

    Most Russian organizations still invest in staff training. According to the study, the chances of undergoing vocational training, advanced training courses or getting an internship are higher among employees of industrial enterprises (74%), transport and communications companies (65%), and construction firms (64%). Trade organizations are the least willing to engage in staff training (49%).

    In 40 percent of cases in Russia, employees are trained with the help of external organizations, for example, training organizations. Companies spend up to 30 percent of their entire training budget on them, and another 17 percent goes to in-house training courses.

    Additional agreement on advanced training

    In the article, read how the qualification levels of employees are determined, why an independent assessment is carried out, and how to organize this procedure. Download samples of the required documents.

    From this article you will learn:

    Worker qualifications

    An employee’s qualification is a confirmed level of knowledge, skills, and work experience in their specialty. This definition is given in the Labor Code, in article 195.1. A professional standard is a characteristic of the competence required for a particular work activity, a set of requirements for various professions, positions and specialties. Nowadays in the Russian Federation professional standards are being actively developed and introduced, which will gradually replace the Unified Qualification Directories (USC, ECTS).

    The need to assess qualifications arises already when hiring a candidate. In the future, when an employment contract is concluded, this is important when deciding whether to successfully pass a test or certification, to determine the possibility of transferring an employee to another job, and when deciding on dismissal for certain reasons.

    Skill level: how is it determined?

    Specialists are assigned a qualification category, but here the ranking is in reverse order. For example, an engineer of the first category will be more qualified than the second. Of course, the rank or category received by an employee directly affects his income.

    Criteria for assessing employee qualifications

    The assessment must be assessed from several angles simultaneously to avoid subjectivity. Experienced HR specialists know well: for the team to work effectively, it is not enough that all employees individually know their profession; other qualities are also important.

    Of course, the main criteria will be professional competencies: level of education, including additional education, work experience in the specialty, achievements. In addition, administrative and business qualities are extremely important: understanding the responsibility of one’s position, general organization, punctuality, thoroughness, the ability to follow management’s instructions, put forward one’s own initiatives and proposals. Moral and psychological criteria include the employee’s general state of mind, his ethics, and self-analysis skills. A specific assessment factor is the personal characteristics of a person. This is his state of health, ability to work in a team, etc.

    It is not true that the excitement about professional standards has subsided. He changed the vector: the concern of two years ago “they will force us to apply professional standards” was replaced by reasonable curiosity “is it possible...”. Professional standards apply, that’s a fact. And since they exist, companies are thinking about how to use them for their own purposes. Is it possible - that is the question. You will find the answers to this in the article in the magazine “Human Resources Director’s Handbook”.

    Independent assessment of employee qualifications

    Since January 2017, the Federal Law of July 3, 2016 No. 238-FZ “On independent assessment of qualifications” came into force. The creation of independent assessment centers (ACC) will improve control over the level of competence of specialists. At the same time, unification of training and knowledge testing processes will help to reach more personnel. The examination at the CSC is a procedure for identifying the compliance of the applicant’s professional level with the professional standard or other established requirements. The procedure for passing the exam is established in Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 16, 2016 No. 1204. We will tell you more about the procedure.

    The register of all CSCs is posted on the portal https://nok-nark.ru/. The website allows you to search by territorial criterion, center registration number, qualification name, etc. You can familiarize yourself with the assessment rules, sample questions, and the appeal scheme. The portal also provides the opportunity to check the authenticity of a previously issued qualification certificate.

    • How to safely solve seven eternal problems of personnel officers. Answers from Valentina Andreeva

    Is it necessary to conduct an independent assessment of employee qualifications? The Ministry of Labor explains in information dated April 21, 2017 that this procedure is voluntary for both staff and the employer, and refusal has no consequences.

    If a decision is made to conduct a qualification assessment, the employer must first record in the enterprise documents the conditions and procedure for carrying out the procedure. To do this, appropriate changes are made to the collective (or individual) agreement. Then a list of positions and specialties that will be sent for the exam is compiled and approved.

    The employee must give consent in writing, in any form. After this, agreements are concluded with the CSC and the employee himself, and an order is issued to send him to the exam. The time spent on the assessment procedure is paid as working time, and travel expenses are additionally compensated (Article 187 of the Labor Code).

    The employer has the right to take the results of the exam into account when making personnel decisions and to reward a qualified employee financially. It is impossible to fire an already working person for failing to pass the test, but if a candidate for a position was sent to the CSC and he could not confirm his competence, it is legal to refuse to hire him.

    • How to protect yourself from an undesirable candidate: arguments for refusal and trial

    Frequency of advanced training of personnel

    A qualification is not an immutable characteristic once acquired. In some professional fields, employees are required to undergo regular promotions. This is for example:

    • employees of internal affairs bodies,
    • doctors, pharmacists,
    • state civil servants,
    • teachers,
    • railway transport workers whose activities are related to the movement of trains,
    • drivers, other employees of automobile and ground urban electric transport, ensuring road safety. In this case, the frequency will be determined by the area of ​​activity.

    According to Article 196 According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer has the right to determine the need for such a procedure and its schedule. Also, often the employees themselves are interested in training, since as the level increases, the salary also changes. The general rule is that the frequency of advanced training is at least once every 5 years.

    Depending on the duration, training can be short-, medium- and long-term. Confirmation of training and successfully completed knowledge testing - a certificate of qualification level.