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Recipe: Meatballs for a nursing mother - with semolina and vegetables. Recipes for delicious dishes for nursing mothers

A nursing mother should carefully monitor her diet, because food enters the baby’s body along with breast milk. A fragile body often does not accept new foods. As a result, an allergy appears and is disrupted.

Principles of nutrition for a nursing mother


The diet should not interfere with proper nutrition. A nursing mother needs basic food groups. These include dairy and fermented milk products, vegetables and fruits, meat and fish, eggs and even confectionery.

It is important that the woman receives the necessary dose of vitamins and other useful elements. But at the same time it is necessary to abandon harmful products. For example, from fried and spicy foods, fatty and highly salty foods.

To ensure your baby's safety, watch the dosage! Even the safest food, if consumed in large quantities, will cause bloating, colic and other disorders in the baby.

Drinking regime

When breastfeeding, you need to drink more fluids. Liquid has a positive effect on lactation and is an effective method. The average daily dose is three liters.

A nursing mother can drink purified water, natural juices and compotes, tea. In addition, you need to eat broths and soups.

But doctors warn that large amounts of fluid should not be administered immediately after childbirth! Increase the dosage gradually. In the first four days, when lactation is just establishing, excess water will lead to excess milk. This may cause.

What can a nursing mother do?

  • Lean beef and veal, chicken and turkey, boiled rabbit, in the form of meatballs and meatballs;
  • Low-fat fish (carp, pike perch, cod) boiled up to twice a week;
  • Cottage cheese and heat-treated cheese. It could be cheesecakes;
  • in small quantities. Milk is known to contain a strong allergen. Therefore, if the baby has a severe allergy, then it is better to refuse milk and in this case consume more fermented milk products;
  • Low fat fermented milk products. This is yogurt, kefir, fermented baked milk without additives;
  • fresh and stewed. The daily portion should be at least 400 grams.
  • Fruits and berries - at least 300 grams per day. In addition, do not forget about freshly squeezed juices and natural compotes;
  • Wheat, buckwheat, rice, corn and oatmeal. But it is better to avoid semolina while breastfeeding until the baby is at least six months old;
  • Rye bread, with bran, coarsely ground;
  • Dried fruits are an excellent substitute for sweets and desserts during lactation. Prunes and are especially useful. Dried fruits make a rich compote;
  • Butter in daily dosage – 25 grams.
  • Vegetable oil – 15 grams. You can eat sunflower, olive, corn and soybeans;
  • The amount of flour must be limited. However, some sweets are allowed for a nursing mother. Marshmallows, marshmallows, homemade cakes and low-fat cake in small quantities will not harm.

Recipes for breastfeeding

One of the principles of nutrition for a nursing mother is that it should be varied. However, how to diversify the menu if the list of permitted products is so limited? We offer recipes for dishes that are not only healthy, but also delicious.

Dishes for nursing mothers represent a balanced diet, taking into account the compatibility of foods, as well as vitamins and minerals. Useful elements will help a woman recover faster after childbirth and contribute to the proper development and growth of the baby.

In addition, the dishes exclude foods that can cause allergies in the baby. Therefore, this food is safe.


To prepare soups, it is better to use vegetable, chicken or secondary meat broth, as it should not be fatty.

Zucchini and fennel soup

  • Fennel – 2 fresh roots;
  • Medium zucchini - 1 piece;
  • Chicken broth – 1 liter;
  • Parsley and dill;
  • A little salt and pepper (optional);

Chop the squash and fennel roots into small pieces. Fry the fennel in the melted butter for five minutes, then add the courgettes. Simmer for 5-10 minutes. Chop the boiled chicken and add it to the broth along with the stewed vegetables. Cook for 5-7 minutes and sprinkle with fresh herbs.

Spinach soup

  • Frozen spinach - half a pack;
  • Water – 1.5 liters;
  • Small carrots - 1 piece;
  • Medium potatoes - 3 pieces;
  • Chicken egg – 1 piece;
  • Butter – 1 tbsp. spoon.

Melt butter in a frying pan and add frozen spinach. Fry until completely defrosted (about five minutes). Finely chop the carrots and potatoes and add to boiling water. Vegetables can be lightly fried or stewed in butter before cooking.

When the water boils, add the spinach. Beat the egg, pour into the broth and stir quickly. Let the water boil again.

Second courses

When preparing meat dishes, use buckwheat, pasta and mashed potatoes as a side dish. Don't forget about such a simple dish as stewed potatoes with meat. It is convenient to cook such food in a slow cooker.

Lean meat and peeled potatoes are cut into small pieces, you can add finely chopped carrots. The ingredients are mixed and simmered in a frying pan with water added, or cooked in a slow cooker without water.

Another light dish is boiled rice with goulash. For goulash, choose lean beef or veal. Squeeze together with carrots.

Beef in a pot

This is a very light and tasty dish, the preparation of which requires only beef fillet and low-fat sour cream. Cut the fillet across the grain into thin layers. Each piece can be sprinkled with a little salt and olive oil. Let the meat marinate in its own juices for 20 minutes.

Fry the pieces on each side for 1-2 minutes in hot olive oil and layer them in a pot. Coat each layer with sour cream, you can sprinkle with grated low-fat cheese. Place the pot in the oven for one hour. Before serving, you can add fresh dill or parsley.

Stewed hedgehogs

  • Beef – 500 grams;
  • Chicken egg - one piece;
  • Boiled rice - half a glass;
  • Small carrots - 1 piece;
  • Loaf slices soaked in milk – 2 pieces;
  • Sour cream – 1 glass.

Mince the beef (you can buy ready-made), mix with soaked slices of loaf, raw egg and boiled rice. You can add a little salt. Cut the carrots into small pieces and fry in olive oil. Add one tablespoon of roasting mixture to the minced meat. Pour sour cream over the remaining carrots and simmer.

We form hedgehogs from the minced meat in the form of small round cutlets, fill them with sour cream and carrot sauce and simmer in the oven for one hour.

Potato zrazy with beef

  • Beef – 300 grams;
  • Chicken egg - 2 pieces;
  • Potatoes – 7 pieces;
  • Vegetable oil.

This amount of ingredients is enough for 8 large meals. Boil the potatoes in their skins, peel and mash to a puree consistency. Add a raw egg and stir. You can add a little salt. Boil the second egg. Grind the beef along with the boiled egg in a blender or pass through a meat grinder.

Place one tablespoon of puree on the film and knead, and place a tablespoon of cooked beef in the center. Using film, seal the edges of the potato “pie” and form a cutlet.

Then fry the zrazy in vegetable oil (olive or sunflower). Don't fry until crusty! Since too fried and fatty zrazy can harm the baby. It is fashionable for a nursing mother to eat zrazy with a small amount of sour cream.

Rolls with cottage cheese

  • Chicken or turkey breast – 1 piece;
  • Low-fat cottage cheese – 100 grams;
  • Low-fat cheese – 50 grams;
  • Cream 10%; Dill.

For the filling, beat grated cheese, cottage cheese and dill in a blender until smooth. Cut the fillet in half, spread the inside of the halves with this mixture and roll into rolls. You can also sprinkle grated cheese on top. Bake chicken roll in the oven for 30 minutes, turkey roll – 40.


Store-bought baked goods with dyes and preservatives should not be included in the menu of a nursing mother. Flour and sweet foods can be eaten in small portions. Start with dried fruits and light pastries made from flour and cottage cheese. Add a minimum of sugar, or better yet, avoid it altogether.

  • Flour – 250 grams;
  • Baking powder – 1 teaspoon;
  • Butter – 100 grams;
  • Sugar – 200 grams; Egg – 2 pieces;
  • Green apples – 3 pieces;
  • Cinnamon – 0.5 teaspoon;
  • Sour cream – 3 tablespoons;
  • Salt on the tip of a knife.

To prepare the dough, beat 100 grams of sugar with butter, add one yolk and mix. Beat the egg white and add it to the mixture. Mix the sifted flour with salt and baking powder. Gradually add to the resulting mixture. Knead the dough until smooth.

Peel the apples, remove the core and cut into slices. The dough is laid out in a mold, and apple slices are placed on top. The remaining sugar (you can do without it) is mixed with cinnamon and sprinkled on the pie. Place the crust in the oven for 20 minutes.

Meanwhile, beat the second egg and mix with sour cream. Take out the half-finished cake and brush with this mixture. Place in the oven for another half hour.

Using the same principle, you can prepare cottage cheese pie. To do this, instead of apples, take 250 grams of low-fat cottage cheese or curd mass. Baking lovers can also experiment with yeast-free puff pastry. This dough is used to make puff pastries and cheesecakes with cottage cheese. Such baked goods in small quantities are very harmless during breastfeeding.

In conclusion, I would like to give some advice to nursing mothers. When preparing porridge, soak the cereal in cold water for several hours. It is better to cook minced meat yourself. Many recipes contain cottage cheese, which is also best prepared at home. How to do this, read the article “. Bon appetit!

Meatballs in sour cream sauce


Minced meat -500 gr.
Rice (boil) -1 cup.
Onions - 2 pcs (fry in advance),
Garlic (chopped)
Salt pepper.
Flour - 3 tablespoons (for breading).


Add rice, onion, garlic, salt, pepper, egg to the minced meat, mix well.
Form meatballs, bread them in flour, place in a greased pan and place in the oven for 20 minutes.
Then pour in the sauce and cook for another 15 minutes.
For the sauce, fry carrots + 1 table. a spoonful of sour cream (diluted in 0.5 cups of water) + salt, pepper, herbs, a little garlic. Boil.

Simple and amazingly delicious meatballs


300 gr. minced meat
5 medium raw potatoes
1 large raw carrot
1 egg
1 small onion salt
pepper to taste


Grate potatoes and carrots on a coarse grater, add minced meat, egg, salt, pepper and onion, make meatballs, roll in flour and fry. Place in a saucepan, pour in gravy (who makes which one) and simmer for 15 minutes. The meatballs come out very tasty, and the inside is also colorful.

My gravy recipe:

Sour cream + water + a little mustard + half a spoon of tomato sauce + basil + salt + pepper + mushrooms = AMAZING!

Meatballs in tomato-mushroom sauce

Minced meat-400 gr.
Onion - 2 pcs.
Garlic-2 cloves.
Bun_2 pieces (soak in cold milk).
Protein - 1 piece (raw).
Flour - 2 tablespoons (for breading).


Prepare minced meat + egg white (beat) + spices, form meatballs, bread in flour. Place in grease. form, put in warm-up. oven for 15 minutes at 200*.


50 g sushi. mushrooms (soak)
1 onion,
1 tsp volume. pastes,
0.5 cups mushroom broth,
2 tbsp. cream.

Fry mushrooms with onion + tomato. pasta, fry a little + broth with cream + spices.
Pour the sauce over the meatballs.
Bake for 20 minutes.

Meatballs with buckwheat and vegetables in sour cream and tomato sauce


Minced chicken - 200 gr.
Minced pork - 200 gr.
Boiled buckwheat-100 gr
Carrots - 1 pc.
Onions - 2 pcs.
Salt pepper.


Mix minced meat + buckwheat + fried. vegetables (carrots and onions) + raw yolk + change. garlic + spices. Mix well, form. balls, roll in flour, lightly fry. Then pour in the sauce, cover and simmer over low heat for 30 minutes.
For the sauce, mix 1 tsp. tomato. pasta + 2 tablespoons of sour cream + 1 glass of water (broth), spices.
When serving, sprinkle with herbs.
Garnish with fresh vegetables.

Chicken balls in cream cheese sauce

Very delicate balls, I think everyone will like them, both adults and children.

500 gr. chicken fillet
1 onion
1 egg
3 cloves garlic
200 ml cream
150 gr. hard cheese.


Pass the chicken fillet through a meat grinder (ready minced chicken will also work), add onion and egg.
Mix everything and form balls (they will stick to your hands, wet your hands with water) and place in a heat-resistant bowl.
Place our balls in the oven at 200-250 degrees for 15-20 minutes.
Mix the cream with garlic (pass the garlic through a press).
Grate the cheese on a coarse grater. We take out our balls, fill them with cream and sprinkle them with cheese, and set them for another 15 minutes. The cheese will brown, our dish is ready.

Juicy meatballs

1 kg of meat,
1 large onion,
1 large carrot
1 glass of rice,
2 eggs.


Pass the meat through a meat grinder, saute the onions and carrots and also through a meat grinder, boil the rice and add to the minced meat, beat in the eggs, add salt and pepper, mix well and leave the minced meat for 30 minutes. We form the meatballs and place them on a baking sheet, pour in the sauce and bake until done.


1 can of tomato sauce,
1 glass of boiled water and
1 glass of sour cream.

Chicken meatballs in creamy sauce


We make regular meatballs from minced chicken, rice, and onions. Fry them on both sides, with onions and carrots, pour boiling water over them and add melted cheese. Then you can bake in the oven or simmer on the stove, covered. Stir the sauce several times to dissolve the cheese. That's it - you get a thick, creamy sauce - a minimum of time and money.
Unusually delicious meatballs

Ground meat
- 1 glass of rice
-2 chicken breasts (with skin for juiciness)
- 2 large onions
- 2 eggs
- 4 cloves of garlic
- 2-3 tablespoons flour
- Pepper (I have assorted), salt to taste

- 2 tablespoons soy sauce
- 2 tablespoons sour cream
- 2 teaspoons mustard
- 4 tablespoons boiled water
- 100-150 gr. hard cheese
- greens for decoration


Boil the rice until cooked, do not rinse, let it cool. Fry the onion and garlic in a small amount of sunflower oil until golden brown. Grind the meat and onions on a medium attachment, mix with rice, add eggs, flour, salt and pepper. We make a cutlet shape or round (at your discretion) and fry on both sides until half cooked, transfer to a baking sheet (two-layer ones are possible).
For the sauce, mix all the ingredients and pour it over our meatballs, sprinkling grated cheese on top, put in the oven for 15-20 minutes on medium heat!
Before serving, shake the greens.

Meatballs baked in the oven

ground meat,


Mix the minced meat, beat it, form balls the size of a medium egg. Throw the balls into boiling, salted water and cook for 5-7 minutes, I got three batches. Don't pour out the broth, we'll need it later. Place the meatballs on a plate.

Next we make the sauce for the meatballs:
fry onions, carrots, not very finely chopped mushrooms, one jar of already chopped tomatoes, salt, pepper, add bay leaf, simmer everything well.
We put our meatballs in the form, pour in the prepared sauce diluted with broth. Sprinkle with chopped herbs and place in the oven at 180 degrees for 30-40 minutes.

Bon appetit!

When becoming a mother, a woman takes care of her baby from the first days, giving him everything he needs. During the period of breastfeeding, she needs to be very careful about her diet. Some foods, when consumed by a nursing mother, can negatively affect the health of the newborn.

There are many opinions regarding what a young mother can and cannot eat, what dishes should be prepared and which recipe is best. This article is devoted to the question of whether a woman who is breastfeeding can eat minced meat.

Minced meat is meat (or fish) thoroughly minced using a meat grinder. Sometimes a number of spices are added during production. It has long become a familiar product in every family.

Typically, the following types of meat are used to prepare minced meat:

    • Chicken;
    • Beef;
    • Pork;
    • Lamb.

You can also buy minced fish. The meat is cooked raw or lightly fried, with the addition of salt and pepper. Sometimes, in order to improve the taste of a product, manufacturers may include some vegetables in its composition. At the market and in the store you can find minced meat from several types of meat. Only lamb and rabbit meat cannot be combined with anything, due to the fact that they interrupt other products with their taste and smell.

A few words about the composition and beneficial properties of minced meat

The beneficial properties of minced meat directly depend on the meat from which it is made.

The first place in terms of the number of beneficial properties is taken by minced chicken or turkey. It rightfully takes its place in the diet of even those people who have problems with the digestive system or are on a diet. The meat of these birds is very nutritious, despite its very low calorie content.

Minced chicken retains all the beneficial components found in chicken meat:

    • Protein;
    • B vitamins;
    • Vitamin K;
    • Vitamin E;
    • Potassium;
    • Phosphorus;
    • Magnesium;
    • Iron.

Ground turkey is considered hypoallergenic. That is why it is recommended to use it in preparing dishes for small children and nursing mothers. It contains folic acid, which means it is not only possible, but also should be consumed by pregnant women. In addition, ground turkey contains:

    • Zinc;
    • Iron;
    • Protein;
    • Tryptophan.

It has a strengthening effect on the immune system of a nursing mother and fills the body with new strength.

Minced lamb contains:

    • B vitamins;
    • Magnesium;
    • Potassium;
    • Phosphorus;

Dishes that can be prepared from this minced meat will not only be perfectly digested, but will also help improve digestion.

Galileo - minced meat

Harm and contraindications

Ground beef and pork contain a huge amount of cholesterol, which means they are contraindicated for people with the following problems:

    • Obesity;
    • Intestinal disorder;
    • Oncology;
    • Cardiovascular diseases;
    • Joint diseases.

Is it possible to eat minced meat while breastfeeding?

A nursing mother can and should eat meat. Minced meat can also be consumed, however, it is better to choose good meat yourself and cook it at home. Meat should be chosen lean and fresh, cooked without spices, choosing the simplest dishes and recipes.

If a child is allergic to cow's milk, the mother should limit her consumption of beef. The most useful meat during this period, as already noted, is turkey.

What minced meat dishes can be prepared for a nursing mother?

We bring to your attention dishes using minced meat that will fit perfectly into the diet of a young mother during breastfeeding:

Recipe 1. “Stewed hedgehogs”


    • Beef (0.5 kg);
    • Chicken egg (1);
    • Cooked rice (0.5 cup);
    • Carrots (small, 1);
    • Slices of bread (loaf), soaked in milk (2);
    • Sour cream (1 glass).

Preparation of the dish: make minced beef, add loaf, egg and rice, add salt (a little). Finely chopped carrots need to be fried in olive oil. Add a tablespoon of fried carrots to the minced meat, and pour the rest with a glass of sour cream and simmer. Make small round cutlets from the minced meat, pour the resulting sauce in the pan and simmer in the oven for an hour.

Meat hedgehogs with rice

Recipe 2. Cutlets for nursing mothers


    • Pork (0.5 kg);
    • Beef (0.5 kg);
    • Carrots (2 small);
    • Chicken eggs (2);
    • Salt;
    • Ground black pepper;
    • Vegetable oil.

Preparation of the dish: mince the meat, add eggs, salt and pepper. Grate the carrots and mix with the minced meat. Form into cutlets, fry over low heat, and then simmer in a frying pan for no more than 15 minutes. You can also add finely chopped onion to the minced meat during cooking and it will turn out much tastier. The recipe can be changed a little, but the cooking principle remains the same.

How to cook minced meat cutlets

Recipe 3. Zrazy with beef


    • Beef (300 g);
    • Chicken egg (2);
    • Potatoes (7);
    • Vegetable oil.

Preparation of the dish: boil the potatoes, add salt and mash. Add one egg to the potatoes, and boil the second one and twist it together with the beef. It is most convenient to make zrazy using ordinary cling film, on which a small ball of puree is laid out, a tablespoon of minced meat is placed in the center and covered. It turns out to be a kind of potato cutlet with meat filling. You need to fry the zrazy in sunflower oil, without frying it until a crust appears. This recipe applies to Lithuanian, Belarusian, Polish and Ukrainian cuisines. It is customary to serve and eat it with sour cream.

Potato zrazy with meat

Recipe 4. Lazy cabbage rolls with rolled oats


    • White cabbage (300 g);
    • Onion (1 onion);
    • Chicken fillet (600 g);
    • Hercules (one third of a glass);
    • Chicken egg (1);
    • Tomato juice (200 ml.);
    • Vegetable oil;
    • Flour.

Preparation of the dish: cook finely chopped cabbage in boiling water for five to seven minutes, and then pass through a meat grinder along with onions and chicken fillet. Grind the oatmeal in a blender and add to the minced meat. Salt and pepper. Form cutlets from the resulting minced meat, roll in flour, fry and simmer over low heat in tomato juice for 15 minutes. You can serve it with the sauce in which the cabbage rolls were stewed.

Recipe 5. Meatballs with vegetables


    • Minced pork (600 g);
    • Rice (round, half a glass);
    • Water (1 glass);
    • Zucchini (200 g);
    • Salt (to taste);
    • Pepper (to taste);
    • Chicken egg (1);
    • Carrots (one, medium size);
    • Onions (1 onion);
    • Garlic (two cloves);
    • Tomatoes (500 g);
    • Vegetable oil;
    • Flour.

Preparation of the dish: boil the rice, peel and chop the onion and carrots, grate the zucchini, squeeze out the juice and pour it all into the minced meat. Add crushed garlic, salt, egg and pepper. Form meatballs from the minced meat and place on a baking sheet greased with vegetable oil. Wash the tomatoes, chop them and cook for five minutes. Place the tomatoes in a colander and rub through a sieve, add salt, sugar and pepper and pour this over the meatballs. Cover everything with foil and place in an oven preheated to one hundred and eighty degrees for 50 minutes. You can serve it with vegetables and sour cream.

Each recipe given above can be used both for feeding a young mother and for organizing the nutrition of a child.

Video: Delicious meatballs with vegetables

Nutrition for nursing mothers should be focused not only on restoring the female body after childbirth, but also on saturating milk with substances necessary for the development of the child. That is why recipes for healthy dishes are distinguished by a large number of components and special heat treatment. As practice shows, it takes a lot of time and effort to create them. You can simplify the cooking process and significantly diversify your menu using a multicooker. This approach will allow you to stop eating easy-to-prepare and very harmful semi-finished products. Modern household appliances combine several functions at once; they can not only prepare main courses, but also cook soups, bake bread, and create delicious desserts.

Advantages of a multicooker

In just a few years of its existence, multicookers have gained universal recognition. If we consider the benefits of the device for a nursing mother, we can highlight the following positive factors.

  • You don't have to constantly be at the stove. You just need to load all the necessary ingredients into the bowl of the device, set the desired modes and go about your business. There is no need to constantly adjust temperatures.
  • Devices that have a delayed start function are especially convenient. They allow you to prepare all the ingredients when you have free time, and the start of the cooking process is set according to the daily routine.
  • The recipes are as simple as possible. You can even take as a basis the method of preparing your favorite delicacy, which during the feeding period is on the list of prohibited foods. Thanks to gentle heat treatment, the product will be included in the permitted group.
  • The multicooker can keep the product fresh and hot for up to several hours.
  • Protecting kitchen utensils from splashes reduces the time a woman spends in the kitchen.
  • Multicookers are multifunctional, and any mode ensures gentle processing of products and maximum preservation of nutrients. The device allows nursing mothers to significantly diversify their diet.

The main advantage of the devices is that they make any food healthy, tasty and nutritious. A uniform effect on dietary fiber prevents the appearance of harmful crusts and does not lead to the evaporation of beneficial liquid.

Options for meat dishes prepared using a slow cooker

During lactation, meat must be included in a woman’s diet. It is the multicooker that will help keep the products juicy and aromatic and provide them with the most gentle processing possible. Recipes for preparing meat dishes are varied; most often chicken, veal or turkey are used as the basis.

Steamed turkey meatballs with sweet peppers

  • To prepare the dish you will need turkey (or chicken) fillet, a couple of sweet red or orange peppers, a bunch of dill, salt and ground black pepper.
  • All fat is cut off from the poultry fillet and passed through a meat grinder. The peppers are washed, peeled and chopped very finely. Dill needs to be washed well, dried and chopped. Sweet peppers, herbs, spices are added to the minced meat and mixed thoroughly. Meatballs are formed from the resulting mass and placed in a container intended for steaming. Water is poured into the bowl, a container with meatballs is placed, and the steam mode is turned on.

You can cook meat dishes in a slow cooker not only by steaming; it is recommended to try all possible modes and choose the best option. It is important to remember that recipes should be based on the simplest ingredients that do not cause allergic reactions or digestive upsets in mother and baby.

Vegetarian treats for nursing mothers

Dishes made from vegetables are especially popular during feeding periods. They allow you to cleanse the body and begin the process of restoring your figure after pregnancy and childbirth, saturating both bodies with everything necessary. Typically, recipes recommend steaming or stewing the ingredients.

Rice stewed with prunes and carrots

  • To prepare the dish, you need to prepare several sweet carrots, half a glass of rice, half a glass of prunes (pitted), half a glass of sour cream, 2 teaspoons of sugar, a little salt, 2 tablespoons of butter.
  • Carrots are washed, peeled and cut into cubes. The rice is washed (it is better to take the unpolished variety, it contains more nutrients). The washed prunes are steamed with boiling water for a quarter of an hour and cut into 4-6 pieces. The multicooker is set to frying mode, oil is placed in it, and the carrots are fried for 10 minutes. After this, rice, salt, sugar, 1 or 2 multi-glasses of water are added to the frying. The dish is prepared in the “Rice” program. The product is served with sour cream.

No less popular are recipes for cooking vegetables in various sauces. The products retain all their useful components, and the sauces provide the dishes with a rich and unusual taste.

Zucchini stewed in sour cream sauce

  • To prepare you will need 2-3 medium zucchini, half a glass of thick sour cream, a tablespoon of flour, salt, sugar, vegetable oil.
  • The zucchini is peeled and washed under running water. Many people prefer to remove the seeds, but this varies from person to person. Vegetables are cut into large pieces and fried in frying mode in vegetable oil for at least 10 minutes. A couple of minutes before the end of the program, add flour, mix and wait for the end of the program. Sour cream, salt and a pinch of sugar are added to the bowl, and the stewing mode is set. After 20 minutes you need to force stop the program. The dish is served with finely chopped dill.

You can cook all your favorite vegetables in this way; not only sour cream, but also tomato sauces are allowed. The only recommendation is not to overdo it with spices. If you really want to make the taste more intense, it is better to use aromatic herbs.

How to prepare a delicious and healthy dessert?

Nursing mothers often want something sweet, but baking and chocolate lead to rapid weight gain and often lead to diathesis in babies. It is for this case that there are recipes for desserts made in a slow cooker.

Curd apples

  • To prepare the dessert you need apples, half a glass of medium-fat cottage cheese, an egg, a tablespoon of sugar, a little cinnamon or vanilla, and powdered sugar for decoration.
  • Apples need to be washed and cored. In a separate bowl, beat the egg until smooth. Knead the cottage cheese, add half the egg mass and sugar, mix everything thoroughly. The apples are stuffed with the curd mixture, and the fruits are brushed with the remaining egg. Add a glass of water to the container, lay out the prepared apples and bake in the baking mode for at least a quarter of an hour. Before serving, the dish can be sprinkled with powdered sugar, vanilla or cinnamon. It is worth considering that if the baby is prone to allergic reactions, it is better to refuse powder.

Desserts prepared in a slow cooker should be consumed immediately. This not only affects their taste, but also reduces the risk of allergies, indigestion, and deterioration of intestinal function.

You can even come up with interesting and simple recipes yourself. You just need to know which products go well with each other, maximizing their positive taste qualities.

Proper nutrition of a woman while breastfeeding is a guarantee of the health and full development of the child. Even with the arrival of the baby, it is necessary to adhere to a diet that allows you to rid your child of problems with the digestive system and saturate his body with nutrients.

In addition, it is necessary to exclude some products. In the first month, it is forbidden to eat unhealthy foods, and in the remaining months you should give up:

  • smoked, fried, salted;
  • alcoholic, carbonated drinks, coffee, kvass, cocoa;
  • exotic, citrus fruits, grapes;
  • cakes, pastries, chocolate;
  • mushrooms, seafood, sauerkraut and fresh cabbage, tomatoes;
  • milk, honey, nuts, sausages;
  • mayonnaise, ketchup, crackers, chips.

Menu for a nursing mother by month: what can you eat?

The diet for a woman during breastfeeding differs from her usual diet. It includes all the necessary microelements, saturating the body with essential substances.

Month 1

After the birth of the baby, the mother can:

In the first month, a woman should avoid dishes with ingredients such as nuts, honey, white cabbage, grapes, chocolate, smoked foods, pickles, sausages, canned food, whole cow's milk, and spicy seasonings. Such food provokes digestive tract disorders in the baby, causing allergic reactions and colic.

You should also give up wine, coffee, sweet soda, and condensed milk. But this does not mean that delicious food is not possible at all.

In small quantities you can eat marshmallows, marshmallows, bagels, cottage cheese casseroles, biscuits.

Month 2-3

Lenten borscht is added to the mother’s diet, which must be seasoned with tomato juice. All types of nuts are also allowed, except peanuts and pistachios within the normal limits, cherry and apple jam without seeds, prepared at home.

Month 3-6

During this time, the child has already grown up and is now allowed to include several new products:

  • pearl barley, wheat porridge;
  • fresh white cabbage;
  • soaked beans;
  • freshly squeezed homemade juices.

The main thing is to adhere to the rule - do not consume more than 1 new product per day. If mom ate a little wheat porridge in the morning, then honey is no longer allowed during the day. Otherwise, if the baby develops an allergy, it will not be clear to which ingredient.

Month 6-12

Six-month-old children begin to try new foods, so mothers can also expand the allowed foods:

When the child turns one year old, the mother’s diet becomes familiar. The main thing is that all food is healthy. It is allowed to eat fried, but not fatty foods. Of course, the diet for months is selected individually and does not require strict adherence.

First course recipes for nursing mothers

Healthy soup recipes for a woman during breastfeeding will become an additional source of vitamins and nutrients for her and her baby.


  • water – 2.5 l;
  • buckwheat – 1 glass;
  • potatoes – 3 pcs.;
  • greens, salt - to taste;
  • onions – ½ pcs.;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • bay leaf – 3 pcs.;
  • Sunflower oil – 30 ml.

Calorie content: 43 kcal.

Water is poured into the pan, finely chopped young carrots and potatoes are added. Vegetables are boiled for 15 minutes. Fried onions in vegetable oil and washed buckwheat are thrown into the pan.

After boiling, the contents are boiled for another 10 minutes, after which you need to add salt and add a bay leaf. The vegetable soup is ready; you can decorate it with finely chopped herbs.

Chicken liver soup with meatballs


  • clean water – 1.7 l;
  • egg – 2 pcs.;
  • breadcrumbs - ½ cup;
  • onions – ½ pcs.;
  • potatoes – 4 pcs.;
  • chicken liver – 250 g;
  • greens, butter, sour cream, salt - to taste.

Cooking time: 35 minutes.

Calorie content: 60 kcal.

Boil finely chopped potatoes in a small saucepan for 5 minutes. In another container, mix butter, breadcrumbs, eggs, salt and liver and onions, previously crushed in a blender.

Liver meatballs are thrown into the pan with the potatoes. The ingredients should be boiled for 15 minutes, after which herbs and sour cream are added to the dish.

Recipes for main courses for nursing mothers of newborns

Main courses for a nursing mother should include healthy foods that will not cause colic in the baby and will saturate the body with essential microelements and minerals.

Stewed turkey with rice


  • cooked and diced turkey - 2 cups;
  • onions – 2-3 pcs.;
  • rice cereal – 1 cup;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • butter – 45 ml;
  • canned tomato – 3 pcs.;
  • frozen peas – 1 cup;
  • bay leaf – 1 pc.;
  • dill, salt, seasonings - to taste.

Calorie content: 79 kcal.

Carrots and onions are thoroughly peeled and crumbled into cubes. Place butter, onion, carrots and rice in a frying pan.

All ingredients are heated, 2 tbsp is added to them. boiling water, green peas and simmer everything for 20 minutes over low heat. Then tomatoes, meat and seasonings are placed in the pan and simmered for 10 minutes. The prepared dish is sprinkled with chopped herbs.

Meat casserole


  • beef pulp – 300 g;
  • egg – 3 pcs.;
  • potatoes – ½ kg;
  • milk – ¼ cup;
  • onions – 2 pcs.;
  • tomato puree – 15 ml;
  • butter – 30 g;
  • dill, salt - to taste.

Calorie content: 132 kcal.

The onion is peeled and cut into small pieces; you can fry it until golden brown. The beef is washed well, boiled and minced using a meat grinder.

15 ml of broth, tomato puree and onion are added to the meat. The potatoes are peeled, chopped into cubes and lightly fried or boiled. A baking sheet is greased with oil, potatoes and a layer of minced beef are laid out on it.

In a separate container, beat the eggs, add milk to them and mix everything thoroughly. The eggs are poured onto the minced meat. The oven must first be turned on at a temperature of 180 degrees.

Place the baking tray with the casserole in the oven for 20 minutes. This dish is served hot, sprinkled with herbs on top.


  • clean water – 1 glass;
  • butter – 30 ml;
  • corn grits – 1 cup;
  • milk – 500 ml;
  • sugar – 15 g;
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking time: 45 minutes.

Calorie content: 330 kcal.

Pour water into a small saucepan and bring to a boil. The sifted cereal is boiled for 15 minutes over low heat. In another container, bring the milk to a boil, add to the porridge and mix thoroughly. The porridge should boil for another 20 minutes. You need to add sugar and butter to the prepared dish.

Salads for nursing mothers

Salads are a real storehouse of minerals and vitamins, because they contain the most healthy products. The ingredients can always be found in the refrigerator.

Vitamin boost


  • lettuce leaves – 2 pcs.;
  • kiwi – 1 pc.;
  • young zucchini – 1 piece;
  • curd cheese – 30 g;
  • lemon juice – 15 ml;
  • olive oil – 15 ml;
  • parmesan – 2-3 pieces;
  • pepper, salt - to taste.

Cooking time: 10 minutes.

Calorie content: 23 kcal.

Lettuce leaves are thoroughly washed, dried and torn into pieces. The zucchini must be thinly sliced; for this it is better to use a knife for slicing vegetables. The kiwi is cut into half rings after peeling.

Vegetable oil is mixed with lemon juice, whipped and used to season the dish. You can also add a few drops of soy sauce and crushed nuts to the dressing. Vegetables are mixed with cheese and dressing.

Nutritious salad


  • tuna in its own juice – 1 can;
  • boiled beans – 30 g;
  • olives – 6 pcs.;
  • mixture of lettuce, arugula, ridiccio;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • olive oil, lemon juice;
  • spices - to taste.

Cooking time: 15 minutes.

Calorie content: 30 kcal.

To prepare the salad, you will need to grind the tuna until almost smooth. Ridicchio, lettuce and arugula leaves are torn by hand, and the egg is cut into large cubes. All ingredients are mixed and seasoned with a mixture of olive oil, lemon juice and seasonings.

Fish salad


  • bell pepper – 2 pcs.;
  • lettuce leaf – 3 pcs.;
  • lemon juice – 30 ml;
  • cherry tomatoes – 6 pcs.;
  • boiled fish – 250 g;
  • vegetable oil – 30 ml;
  • salt - to taste.

Cooking time: 25 minutes.

Calorie content: 150 kcal.

Red, yellow or green bell peppers are cut into strips. The tomatoes must be cut in half, and the lettuce must be torn into large pieces with your hands. The cooked fish is twisted through a meat grinder. All components are placed in a salad bowl, seasoned with salt, lemon juice and vegetable oil.

Oatmeal cookie recipe for nursing mothers

Women who have recently given birth need to change their diet, especially when it comes to eating sweets. Oatmeal cookies are an exception, because they can be eaten from the first months after the birth of a child.

It contains vitamin A, B1, selenium, magnesium and sodium. A huge amount of dietary fiber normalizes the functioning of the digestive tract and removes toxins from the body.

Oatmeal fruit cookies


  • Hercules cereal - 1.5 cups;
  • banana – 2 pcs.;
  • raisins – ¼ tbsp.;
  • flaxseeds – 45 g;
  • clean water - ½ tbsp.;
  • almonds or walnuts – ¼ cup;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • soda slaked with lemon juice;
  • cinnamon - to taste.

Cooking time: 55 minutes.

Calorie content: 400 kcal.

The almonds must be crushed, but not too finely. You can use almond milk in the recipe to replace water and almonds. A glass of cereal needs to be ground into flour using a blender.

In a small container, the banana is crushed with a fork to a puree, raisins, flax seeds, other cereals, flour, almonds, water, slaked soda and spices are added. The resulting mixture should sit for an hour.

You need to make round cookies from the mixture and place them on foil and a baking sheet. The delicacy is baked for 25 minutes in the oven, preheated to 120 degrees.


  • oatmeal - 3 cups;
  • milk – ¾ cup;
  • oatmeal – 60 g;
  • egg – 3 pcs.;
  • sugar or honey – 60 g;
  • cinnamon – 5 g;
  • olive oil – 45 ml;
  • dried fruits, nuts - to taste.

Cooking time: 40 minutes.

Calorie content: 350 kcal.

Milk is poured into the pan and heated a little, after which it is removed from the stove. Cereals and flour are added to it.

You need to wait until the milk is absorbed into the cereal and flour. At this stage, the remaining ingredients are added and the whole mass is thoroughly mixed until smooth. The cookies are placed on a baking sheet, the oven temperature is set to 180 degrees and baked for 20 minutes.

Cottage cheese casserole for nursing mothers

The casserole with the addition of cottage cheese not only tastes good, but is also rich in calcium. The main ingredient is cottage cheese, but the classic recipe can be modified by adding candied fruits, fruits, and berries.

The product is rich in nutrients and vitamins, allowing it to be consumed both during pregnancy and breastfeeding. The casserole contains amino acids, phosphorus, B vitamins and easily digestible proteins.

Cottage cheese casserole in the oven


  • cottage cheese – 1.5 kg;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • semolina or flour – 45 g;
  • sour cream – 45 ml;
  • sugar – 45 g.

Cooking time: 60 minutes.

Calorie content: 168 kcal.

To prepare a low-calorie dish, you need to buy medium-fat cottage cheese. The fermented milk product is placed in a container, an egg, sugar and flour are added. It is better to add sugar to taste, because its amount depends on the acidity of the cottage cheese.

All components are thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained. At this stage of cooking, additional ingredients such as apples, raisins, etc. are added to the mixture.

The baking dish is greased with oil, after which the curd mass is poured into it. To give the dish a beautiful golden hue on top, non-fat sour cream is applied to its surface. Baking time is 30-35 minutes at 180 degrees. Before using the casserole, it should be cooled.

Casserole with cottage cheese in a slow cooker


  • cottage cheese – 1/2 kg;
  • semolina – 45 g;
  • banana – 1 pc.;
  • butter – 30 g;
  • granulated sugar – 45 g.

Cooking time: 50 minutes.

Calorie content: 145 kcal.

In a bowl, mix cottage cheese, sugar and semolina thoroughly. After peeling the banana, you need to mash it to a puree. The banana is added to the total mass and stirred.

The multicooker bowl must be greased with butter, after which the mixture is poured into it. Preparing the casserole takes approximately 40 minutes in the baking mode. The delicacy turns out airy, tasty and tender.

In order for the baby to receive the required amount of milk, a woman needs to eat properly and on time. Here are some tips to help a nursing mother plan her daily diet:

A nursing mother should take the selection of products seriously, creating a menu and selecting recipes for dishes.

After some time, a woman will be able to eat almost everything she ate before pregnancy. However, at this stage of his life, the child’s health completely depends on the nutritious and proper nutrition of his mother.

Additional expert advice on the diet of a nursing mother can be seen in the following video.