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Is it possible to fry white mushroom? Fried porcini mushrooms

Of all mushroom dishes, I prefer fried mushrooms. Moreover, without preliminary boiling. It's no secret that boiled mushrooms become soft, slippery and lose their taste, or rather, they give it away to the broth, which is good for soup, but, alas, spoils the taste of the mushrooms themselves

Of all mushroom dishes, I prefer fried mushrooms. Moreover, without preliminary boiling. It is no secret that boiled mushrooms become soft, slippery and lose their taste, or rather, they give it away to the broth, which is good for the soup, but, alas, spoils the taste of the mushrooms themselves.

Let me make a reservation right away that we are talking about mushrooms collected with my own hands and obviously far from highways, in the depths of the forests near Moscow. Of course, one can rightly note that in the Moscow region there are no absolutely clean places: the wind rose, factories... But in general there is nothing perfect in the world except our ideas. And we breathe the same air that the wind rose blows on us from the nearest smoker... However, I am not insisting in any way, I’m just talking about how I live and what I eat. And what I don’t eat...

So, for many decades now I have been frying without pre-boiling and eating:

  • White mushrooms
  • boletus
  • boletus
  • boletus
  • chanterelles and hedgehogs
  • Champignon
  • umbrella mushroom
  • honey mushrooms
  • russula

The same goes for its relative, the umbrella mushroom. But here even one hat is enough for a frying pan. True, both champignons and umbrellas fry very much. So it will not be possible to feed the whole family with one mushroom, even a very large one.

Honey mushrooms

With honey mushrooms everything is simple. The main thing is to learn to distinguish their grebes and not miss the wave. Honey mushrooms, especially small ones, do not need to be cleaned. Although we traditionally prepare honey mushrooms for the winter (pickle them), they are also good for frying, because they are aromatic, strong and do not fry too much.


In recent years, I have given up frying raw russula. Because among them there are often caustic-burning ones. The pungent russula is not poisonous, but it can ruin a frying pan of mushrooms. You can distinguish the pungent russula from the decent one only by biting into each mushroom in its raw form. Laziness. But if you boil them (for a short time), add raw onions, salt and sunflower oil, you will get an unforgettable russula salad. And it is not true that russula is tasteless and is used only for mass. Try not to mix them with other mushrooms!

Who remains behind the scenes, which mushrooms need to be boiled beforehand?

Of course, morels and lines, pigs. It is also better to boil oak mushrooms (that turn blue), although they are not lethal even without cooking. In principle, moss mushrooms and goats don’t need to be cooked, but they are easily confused with oak mushrooms.

Behind the scenes there were also mushrooms that require soaking: trumpet mushrooms, nigella, milk mushrooms, etc. But that’s a completely different story.

I also tried to eat uncooked fried oakberries (which turned blue). I don’t recommend it - it will blow away. Yes, and in smart books they are marked as requiring preliminary boiling.

Individual features

White mushrooms

Porcini mushrooms are good in any form, that’s why they are white. When fried, they do not spread, the leg acquires a beautiful golden color. For old mushrooms, you can remove the tubular layer of the cap. It’s a shame to throw away a wormy porcini mushroom; I dry such a mushroom in the sun - in this case the worms leave it on their own within a few days.


Loose, wet marsh boletus, which is on a thin stalk, is completely harmless, but can spoil the consistency of the mushroom roast. Well, worms will not decorate your dish. If you are looking for mushrooms, you can temporarily remove the tubular layer of the cap from such a boletus.

Boletus, boletus and white boletus should not be confused with pink boletus (gall mushroom).


It is also not necessary to cook butter for frying. But you need patience with them - there is no escape from cleaning. I repeat: it is better to clean the boletus before washing, while the cap is dry and not slippery. During the season it is difficult to resist and stop on time. But it’s worth it, because boletus does not tolerate transportation and storage well.


Chanterelle is one of my favorite mushrooms. Because of its unique taste, color, consistency and non-worminess. Although, I’ll make a reservation. This year, when I cut open a chanterelle, I unexpectedly discovered a large earthworm in it - an earthworm! What was he doing there? I had to release it into the pompas. Chanterelles fry quickly, so I put them in a common frying pan with a delay. And I cut the larger ones, and cook the small ones whole.


Real wild champignon tastes nothing like the one you can buy in the store. It is recommended to season dishes made from store-bought champignons with crushed dried wild mushrooms. Wild champignon will season anyone themselves. If there are more than two champignons in the catch, I prefer to fry them separately so that the unique taste is not lost. published

This species is the king of mushrooms due to its nutrients, and it also reaches colossal sizes compared to other relatives. And the present taste and aroma make it an invaluable delicacy in frying, boiling various soups and preparing side dishes.

If you come across wormy porcini mushrooms when harvesting, do not avoid them. When you arrive home, fill a container with cold water, add salt per kilogram, one tablespoon, mix thoroughly and place your harvest in this solution.

This way the worms will come out on their own. This processing method is also suitable for other mushrooms. And in this recipe we will look at how to fry them.


  • Porcini mushrooms – 350 grams.
  • Butter – 50 grams.
  • Iodized salt – 1/3 teaspoon.
  • Celery - one small bunch.
  • Fresh dill - a small bunch.
  • Ground black pepper - to taste.

Frying recipe:

1. Freshly harvested young porcini mushrooms are pre-processed. First, remove stuck leaves and branches, then rinse them under running warm water. Let the liquid drain for a while so that the frying process is not long and laborious.

2. Place porcini mushrooms on a cutting surface and cut into slices with a sharp knife. 5 mm thick, see how it looks in the photo. Try to cut into uniform sizes for a presentable look.

3. Wash fresh dill and celery under warm running water, then dry with a rag towel. Chop the dill on a cutting surface, see photo, and set aside for a while.

4. Place a dry frying pan on the burner, turn on high, then add butter. Melt the butter and add the prepared porcini mushrooms, sprinkle with iodized salt.

5. Fry at high power until the contents of the pan boil, stir and cover with a lid. Reduce the power by one and cook in this state for 10 minutes.

After the specified time has passed, open the lid and stir with a silicone or wooden spatula so as not to spoil the non-stick coating. Sprinkle with ground pepper to taste and mix again.

6. Now take the chopped dill and sprinkle the porcini mushrooms with it. Mix thoroughly and fry for another 5 minutes until a golden brown crust appears. The total frying time for porcini mushrooms is 15 minutes until fully cooked.

If you fry in larger quantities than indicated above, the cooking time will be longer. A dish fried in butter will have a soft, rich taste and aroma, and even with dill, it simply cannot be described in words.

So cook and try this dish yourself. When serving, place a bunch of celery on a plate for decoration.



Do you want to know how to fry delicious porcini mushrooms in a frying pan? We offer you a wonderful recipe for fried porcini mushrooms. You will learn how to properly fry porcini mushrooms and how long it will take to cook.

Ingredients for preparing the dish “Fried Porcini Mushrooms”:

200 grams of porcini mushrooms;

Small onion;

Green onions;

High smoke point. This is the temperature at which heated fat begins to break down and loses its nutritional properties. There is a fashion for self-cooking. We experiment more and more in the kitchen, we show off the effects of our cooking ideas on the Internet, we visit websites for inspiration. But there is one thing that even the greediest chefs don't suffer from when it comes to cooking: Cleaning up after! How does cooking not involve unpleasant responsibilities?

We all know each other in medicine, football and cooking, or at least we like to think so. Do Polish products have any secrets from you? Getting a modern non-stick coating is half the battle. Thanks to this, a minimum amount of fat is used for frying. In addition, it is worth knowing a few rules, thanks to which the dishes will be low in calories, and at the same time retain excellent taste and aroma. Fry the pans to the desired temperature. This can be checked by pouring a drop of water into the bottom of the vessel.

Vegetable oil.

How to fry porcini mushrooms deliciously:

First, rinse the mushrooms thoroughly in cold water. Remove all forest debris and check for worms. Clean the stems and caps.

If the water evaporates immediately, the pan has reached the correct temperature. However, we don't like wasting time in the kitchen washing dishes, cleaning pots, wiping up sauce splatters. Here are the stories from people who don't have to spend as much time in the kitchen as they used to.

How to fry dried porcini mushrooms

This allows you to create dishes through the choice of ingredients and the combination of flavors with the accompaniment of the appropriate instruments. One of them is free alcoholic drinks, which allow you to prepare dishes with a unique taste and aroma. This type of device also has a number of other important advantages, so that even dishes we are familiar with will provide us with new culinary experiences and nutritional values.

1 pinch of salt;

1 pinch of spices;

100 g cheese;

100 ml cream;

1 pinch of black pepper.

Cooking method

1. Wash the mushrooms thoroughly and place in a colander. When all the moisture has gone, cut into thin slices. Melt the butter in a frying pan and add the mushrooms to it. If desired, you can add onions and garlic.

2. In a deep bowl, combine the cream with salt, spices and pepper. Mix everything well.

3. As soon as the mushrooms are browned, pour the creamy sauce into the pan and add the bay leaf. Stir and simmer over moderate heat until fully cooked. After five minutes, remove the bay leaf.

4. Grind the cheese into small chips. You can use soft curd or cream cheeses if you wish. Place a handful of cheese in the pan, stir, then add the next handful. This is done so that the cheese does not stick together into a lump, but melts evenly. Turn off the heat and serve with a side dish of potatoes.

How to fry mushrooms in a frying pan - recipe 3. Mushroom frying


50 ml sunflower oil;


400 g mushrooms;

1 bouillon cube;

80 ml sour cream.

Cooking method

1. Finely chop the peeled onion and fry in oil, preheating it, until golden brown.

2. Peel and dry the mushrooms with a damp towel. Cut them into random small pieces. Add them to the onion, mix, season with a mixture of Provençal herbs, salt, oregano and allspice. Fry until the mushrooms are browned.

3. Dilute the bouillon cube in water. Pour the resulting broth over the mushrooms, lower the heat under the pan and simmer for five minutes.

4. Dilute the flour in a partial glass of water, add sour cream and whisk everything until smooth. Pour the creamy sauce into the mushrooms, boil and cook, stirring continuously, for another five minutes. At the end add chopped herbs. Serve as an addition to spaghetti or other side dish.

Recipe 4. Fried dried mushrooms


half a bunch of fresh herbs;

onion head;

a pinch of black pepper;

three cloves of garlic;

a pinch of salt;

50 ml vegetable oil;

dried mushrooms – 150 g.

Cooking method

1. You can use any mushrooms; it is best to use assorted mushrooms for this dish. Place the mushrooms in a bowl and cover with warm water. Soak them for about seven minutes.

2. Place the mushrooms in a sieve. Strain the resulting mushroom infusion through cheesecloth.

3. Pour some oil into the pan and heat it well. Place the onion, quartered into rings, into the frying pan and fry until soft. Add the soaked mushrooms to the onion and continue to fry, stirring constantly, for about five minutes.

4. Add peeled and chopped garlic and fry for just another minute.

5. Pour the mushroom infusion into the frying pan, add salt and pepper and simmer over low heat until fully cooked. When all the liquid has evaporated, the mushrooms are ready. Crush them with chopped herbs and serve with a side dish of potatoes.

Recipe 5. Fried mushrooms with nuts


half a kilogram of fresh porcini mushrooms;

kitchen salt;

three quarters of a glass of peeled walnut kernels;

ground black pepper;

two onions;

80 g butter;

Apple vinegar;

parsley and cilantro.

Cooking method

1. Peel the porcini mushrooms, wash them well and boil in water, lightly salting it, for a quarter of an hour. Place them on a sieve to remove all moisture. Then cut the mushrooms into thin slices and place in a frying pan with heated oil. Drain off the released juice. Fry until golden brown, remembering to stir constantly.

2. Combine mushroom juice with apple cider vinegar, pepper and mix. Pour this mixture over the mushrooms. Peel the onion and finely chop it. Rinse and chop the parsley and cilantro. Pass the nuts through a meat grinder.

3. Add greens, onions and nuts to the mushrooms, stir, heat for two minutes and turn off the heat. Cool completely, place in a mound on a serving platter and garnish with herbs.

  • If possible, wash mushrooms before frying, especially champignons. Simply wipe them with a damp towel. Otherwise they will absorb a lot of moisture.
  • Try to use young mushrooms for frying; they are much more tender and tastier.
  • Salt the mushrooms at the end of frying so that excess moisture does not release during the cooking process.
  • Stir the mushrooms with a wooden spatula so that they do not change their taste and smell.

If you try properly cooked fried fresh porcini mushrooms at least once in your life, other mushroom dishes will simply fade in the light of this delicious delicacy. Mushroom season is in full swing, friends, and today I want to tell you how to properly fry porcini mushrooms so that they turn out incredibly tasty, aromatic and juicy. Cooking porcini mushrooms is not at all a complicated process, as it might seem at first glance.

And I have prepared for you a detailed excursion on this topic so that you can easily fry porcini mushrooms yourself in your kitchen. My grandmother taught me how to cook mushrooms this way; she also told me how long it takes to fry the porcini mushroom and whether it is necessary to boil the porcini mushrooms before frying.

Recipe Ingredients

  • 1 kg. porcini mushrooms
  • 1 small onion
  • 2-3 tbsp. vegetable oil
  • 1 tbsp. butter
  • ½ bunch of parsley
  • salt and black ground pepper

Cooking instructions

For frying, we will need any porcini mushroom, including substandard ones with a green cap on the inside, which is not suitable for preservation.

Fill the porcini mushrooms with cold water, clean them of dirt, cut off the rotten areas, and inspect them for the presence of worms. We cut porcini mushrooms for frying into large pieces, approximately like in my photo.

Boil or not?

Next, you're probably wondering, do you need to boil porcini mushrooms before frying? I think that the porcini mushroom should be boiled, and my grandmother thinks the same way. In 90% of cases, porcini mushrooms contain worms. Even if you don't see them, they are still there. Therefore, in order not to fry porcini mushrooms with “meat”, we boil the porcini mushrooms in salted water for 20 minutes. Bring the water to a boil, add salt, add porcini mushrooms to boiling water, bring to a boil, and cook for 20 minutes.

How to fry in a frying pan

Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan (preferably with a non-stick coating) and add butter.

Fry the chopped onion in melted butter until translucent. Porcini mushrooms fried with onions turn out tender and juicy, just like if you fry porcini mushrooms without onions.

Add boiled porcini mushrooms to the fried onions and mix thoroughly. Further attention: set the stove temperature to maximum, and fry the porcini mushrooms in a frying pan, constantly stirring with a spatula.

The answer to the question: how long to fry porcini mushrooms in time will look like this: all the liquid should evaporate from the mushrooms, a golden crust should appear and the oil will begin to “sizzle” in the pan. 1 kg of fresh boiled porcini mushrooms will take approximately 15 minutes.

At this stage, add salt, black pepper and chopped parsley to the fried porcini mushrooms.

Stir the contents of the frying pan, taste the fried porcini mushrooms, and remove from the stove.

Before, how to fry porcini mushrooms, It is recommended to sort them out and soak them in water for 1-2 hours. Then you should clean the caps and legs from debris and cut out the damaged parts.

Cut the prepared mushrooms into small pieces and cook in water until half cooked, about 10 minutes. Experienced mushroom pickers advise boiling the mushrooms first 2- 3 minutes, and then drain the first water so that all harmful substances come out during cooking. Now you might think how to fry porcini mushrooms tastier. We offer 3 simple ways.

Fried porcini mushrooms with sour cream and onions

You will need:

  • fresh porcini mushrooms - 0.5 kg;
  • onion - 1 onion;
  • sour cream - 0.5 tbsp;
  • flour - 0.5 tbsp;
  • salt to taste;
  • ground black pepper;
  • sunflower oil for frying.

Place the porcini mushrooms, chopped and boiled until half cooked, in a colander and allow the water to drain. Bread each piece in flour and fry until golden brown.

Cut the onion into rings and fry in a separate pan until golden brown. Place the fried onions in a frying pan with mushrooms, add sour cream, pepper to taste and fry until tender. Before serving, sprinkle the dish with finely chopped dill and parsley.

Fried porcini mushrooms with garlic and onions

For lovers of savory dishes, we will tell you: how to fry porcini mushrooms with garlic and onions.

You will need:

  • fresh porcini mushrooms - 1 kg;
  • onion - 1 onion;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • butter - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • lemon - 2 pcs.;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt to taste;
  • dill and parsley.

For this dish, the porcini mushrooms do not need to be boiled first, just soak and rinse well. Cut the mushrooms into thin slices, and finely chop the onion and garlic. Heat the butter in a frying pan and fry the garlic and onion until golden brown. Add chopped fresh mushrooms. Pour the juice of two lemons over the dish, add salt to taste and periodically stirring until the mushrooms are ready. Porcini mushrooms prepared according to this recipesprinkle with dill and parsley and servehot to the table.

Fried porcini mushrooms with potatoes

You will need:

  • fresh porcini mushrooms - 500 g;
  • onion - 1 onion;
  • potatoes - 500 g;
  • vegetable oil for frying.

Fry porcini mushrooms boiled until half cooked in a frying pan with vegetable oil without breading for 10 minutes. Cut the onion into half rings and add to the pan with the mushrooms, fry until golden brown.

Cut the potatoes into cubes and fry in a separate pan. Mix the half-cooked potatoes with mushrooms, add salt and pepper and fry until fully cooked. Sprinkle the dish with finely chopped herbs.

Fried porcini mushrooms for future use

Canned fried porcini mushrooms will come in handy in winter. They can always be heated in a frying pan, adding onions, sour cream or potatoes if desired.

To prepare you will need:

  • 1 kg of fresh porcini mushrooms;
  • 350-400 g melted butter;
  • 2-3 tsp. salt;
  • citric acid to taste.

Pour clean porcini mushrooms with salted water and leave for 2 hours. Drain the water and rinse each fungus again. Place the mushrooms in a saucepan, cover with water and boil for 15 minutes, adding citric acid (3 g/l). Drain the broth, rinse the mushrooms again, add water again and cook for another 15 minutes. Wash the mushrooms again, dry them well and cut into slices.

To completely evaporate the water, fry the mushrooms in a dry frying pan. Then add melted butter, add salt and, stirring, fry for half an hour. Place fried mushrooms in sterilized jars, leaving 1- 1.5 cm for butter. Fill the jars up to the neck with the oil in which the mushrooms were fried. Cover the jars with sterilization clips and sterilize for another half hour, adding a large handful of salt to the sterilization water. Roll up the jars with lids, wrap them up and store them in a cool, dark place.