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Barley with mushrooms and onions. Barley porridge with mushrooms: a unique and easy recipe Barley with mushrooms recipe

Step 1: Prepare pearl barley porridge correctly.

The barley needs to be sorted out, removing large debris and spoiled grains from the grain. Next, rinse it well under running water. This can be done using a fine sieve. Now you need to transfer the pearl barley into a bowl and fill it with completely boiled water at room temperature or filtered. The cereal should remain soaked for about half an hour. Then drain the liquid through a sieve. Thus, the grains were again in the mesh. We put some water into the pan again and put it on medium heat. Place the sieve with pearl barley in the pan so that it does not touch the water and cover with a lid. This is one of the ways to steam porridge. If you have a double boiler, then you can do this action with its help. The porridge simmers in this way for 20 minutes. And only now we begin to cook it. This is done in the following way: put 4 glasses of water in a saucepan (at a ratio of 1:2). Place it on medium heat, add a little salt and add one tablespoon of vegetable oil. When the water boils, add steamed barley to it and reduce the heat to low. In 20 minutes, the rich and aromatic porridge will be ready. After this, remove it from the heat and add a few small pieces of butter, which will flavor our barley.

Step 2: Prepare mushroom dressing.

Peel the onions and carrots and rinse thoroughly in water. Cut the onion into half rings and chop the carrots on a fine grater. The champignons need to be thoroughly washed in water and cut into small slices or thin slices. Pour a little vegetable oil into a hot frying pan and heat it up. Add the onion and fry it over low heat for 2-3 minutes, stirring occasionally. Next, add the chopped carrots and fry for a few more minutes. Add champignons to the browned vegetables, add a little salt and pepper to the dressing. Mushrooms are stewed in their own juice for about 7 minutes. When the liquid from the pan has completely evaporated, add the prepared pearl barley to the mushrooms and vegetables and thoroughly mix all the ingredients. Cover with a lid and simmer the contents over moderate heat for several minutes.

Step 3: Serve barley with mushrooms.

Pearl barley porridge with mushroom dressing can be consumed at any time of the day, be it breakfast, afternoon snack or dinner. As a side dish for meat and fish or as a separate dish, with a variety of sauces or simply with a piece of butter. It all depends on your personal preferences and culinary preferences. Decorate the plate with fresh sprigs of herbs and enjoy the delicate taste and piquant aroma of pearl barley. Enjoy your meal!

Champignons are the most delicate of mushrooms, although you can use any type of edible mushroom in this recipe. You can also use frozen mixed mushroom mixtures.

In order to reduce the cooking time, you can soak and steam the porridge first, and then, while the pearl barley is cooking, prepare the mushroom dressing and mix everything at the end. In this case, the cooking time is reduced to 30 minutes.

This dish can be used as a base dressing for soup. This is done like this: several chopped potatoes are boiled in meat broth, pearl barley with mushrooms and chopped meat are added. Add herbs and seasonings. A very quick and easy soup from leftover porridge is ready.

Fresh - 700 gr. or dried – 120 gr.,

  • onion onion – 1 pc. (big),
  • melted oil– 2 tbsp.,
  • white pepper ground,
  • salt,
  • Prepare pearl barley with mushrooms like this:

    1. I literally wash the cereal in 5 waters; during the last rinse, the water should come out clean. Then pour the pearl barley into a large amount of boiling water and immediately drain the water through a metal sieve and pour the cereal onto it, letting the barley drain.
    2. Bring the same boiling water in which we scalded the barley to a boil again and place a sieve with cereal over the pan, cover with a lid or foil and steam the barley for about 20 minutes.
    3. Bring 4 cups of water (preferably purified) to a boil in a wide saucepan, add a pinch of salt, 1 tbsp. butter and steamed pearl barley. Bring the contents of the pan to a boil, then reduce the heat and simmer for about 20 minutes. Then we put the pearl barley back into the sieve and let any excess water drain out, if there is any.
    4. If the mushrooms are fresh, then chop them coarsely and cook in a small amount of salted water for about 10 minutes. If the mushrooms are dried, then they must first be soaked for a couple of hours, and then boiled in the same water for about 40 minutes.
    5. We remove the cooked mushrooms with a slotted spoon, and strain the mushroom broth through a very fine sieve or cheesecloth, since it will contain sand.
    6. Peel the onion, chop it randomly and fry it in 1 tbsp. remaining oil according to recipe (about 5 minutes over medium heat).
    7. Then add the boiled mushrooms to the onions, increase the heat to maximum and continue frying for another 5 minutes.
    8. Add pearl barley to the onions and mushrooms, mix well and immediately remove from heat.
    9. Boil the broth left from the mushrooms, pour the contents into it frying pans(barley with mushrooms and onions), and cover with a tight lid, cook for 60 minutes (if the lid is not tight, then wrap the area where the lid meets the pan with foil). We cook on the lowest heat, or even better if you use a flame divider on the burner and it is advisable to have a pan with a double bottom (so that the porridge does not burn).
    10. Barley porridge with mushrooms ready.

    It is advisable to use wild mushrooms with a pronounced mushroom smell in this recipe, because of this pearl barley with mushrooms will acquire an unforgettable taste :).

    Bon appetit!

    The basis of a healthy human diet is a variety of cereals. They are used as a tasty side dish and a hearty main dish. If you learn how to cook them correctly and experiment with the original recipe, you will understand that porridge is the healthiest, tastiest and fastest dish to prepare. One of these is pearl barley, which few people like and know how to cook.

    Many people associate pearl barley with a dry taste and lack of any special features. As a rule, it is cooked without any additional ingredients and in water. It is important to remember that pearl barley is very beneficial for the health of the human body. And if you cook it correctly, according to a good recipe, you will find that it is incredibly tasty and nutritious. It is best to cook it with additives. It can be: vegetable sauté, mushrooms, meat, fish. Barley with mushrooms is a special dish that deserves a place on your dinner table.

    An important step in preparation is the choice of pearl barley (find more here). It is sold packaged or by weight. Pay attention to its color. The cereal should have a golden hue. The main thing is that there are no black spots or inclusions. Look at its general condition; the grains should not stick together. Now you can find a huge number of recipes for its preparation. You will be presented with a recipe that has been proven over the years. Namely, pearl barley porridge with mushrooms. Divine taste, smell, appearance - that's what you get from this recipe.


    1. The most important step is to choose good, high-quality cereals. You pour it onto the table, sort through it, and get rid of spoiled grains and debris.

    2. The next important step is to rinse it under running water using a sieve.

    3. Transfer the pearl barley into a bowl and fill it with purified water at room temperature. Leave for 40 minutes, according to the recipe. Then drain the liquid using a sieve. After this, pour 4 glasses of water into the pan (ratio 1:2). Place on the stove, turn the heat to medium, add salt and vegetable oil. When the water boils, add the cereal. Turn down the heat. After 20 minutes, the fragrant pearl barley is ready. Remove from heat and add butter, which will enrich the porridge.

    4. Start refueling. Peel the carrots and rinse in water. Rub on a fine grater.

    5. Peel the onion. Cut into half rings. Transfer to a plate and scald with boiling water.

    6. Wash the mushrooms well in water. Cut them into slices and slices.

    7. Pour vegetable oil into a hot frying pan and heat it up. Fry the onion for 2 minutes, stirring constantly. Add carrots and fry for five minutes. Take the mushrooms, add them to the vegetables, add salt and pepper. Fry until all the liquid has evaporated. It will take 8 minutes. Then add pearl barley to the vegetables and mix. Close the lid and simmer for 10 minutes.

    8. Porridge with mushrooms is ready. You can serve this dish for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Place on plates. Garnish with fresh herbs, vegetables and enjoy the spicy aroma and taste of porridge. Barley with mushrooms will become an indispensable dish in your family’s diet. A healthy, satisfying, tasty dish - what could be better!

    Follow the cooking technology described in the recipe, and detailed photos will help you with this. Your household will appreciate this porridge.

    Barley is rich in vitamins, minerals, and beneficial substances that play an important role in the health of the human body.

    • Cereals are rich in vitamins: A, E, B, PP, D. Contains carbohydrates, fiber, proteins, essential amino acids. It contains: iodine, bromine, nickel, calcium, iron, potassium.
    • It is a valuable dietary product. Effectively helps in the fight against excess weight. Barley is useful for obesity and diabetes. Calorie content is 320 kilocalories per 100 grams of finished product.
    • Helps improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, cleanses the body, enriches the blood with oxygen and relieves it of cholesterol plaques.
    • Strengthens the immune system, improves complexion and skin, and rejuvenates. Strengthens nails and hair, making them smooth and silky.

    There are contraindications to eating pearl barley porridge. This product should not be abused. It is not recommended to introduce it into the diet more than 2-3 times a week.

    • This cereal is considered difficult for digestion, so you should know when to stop and not overuse it, as complications may arise.
    • Introduce it into the diet of children no earlier than they reach the age of three.
    • Contraindicated for use during pregnancy.

    I really liked the recipe! Thank you

    Insanely delicious...and very, very satisfying. For those who are cooking for one and do not plan to eat this wonderful porridge for a week, I advise you to reduce the proportions =)

    Time: 80 min.

    Servings: 4

    Difficulty: 3 out of 5

    Let's bring back a forgotten recipe - pearl barley with mushrooms and onions in a slow cooker

    Barley porridge? Ugh! This is the first reaction of a modern person to the traditional cereal for our country. Today pearl barley is neither considered tasty nor appropriate in our words. But she is very useful!

    Take, for example, its remarkable ability to cleanse the body of toxins, remove all excess, and at the same time not linger on the sides.

    An ideal option for anyone working on their figure. At the same time, it also saturates. We won’t argue, porridge cooked in the usual way is really not a particularly interesting dish.

    But cook pearl barley with mushrooms and onions in a slow cooker - and it will be difficult to refuse such a treat.

    Our recipe is ideal for those who fast or do not eat animal products, because we will use only plant ingredients.

    Mushrooms are an inexhaustible source of protein, and in tandem with crumbly porridge you get a hearty dish, just right for lunch or dinner.

    Just a few decades ago, pearl barley was highly respected. They cooked it in the oven in a pot - there the cereal languished, gradually absorbing liquid and swelling.

    This porridge was a favorite food. And not because it was relatively inexpensive (although this is also an important factor, especially these days), but because it was really tasty.

    No matter how you cook pearl barley in a pan on the stove, you cannot achieve such a result. But the multicooker gives the modern city dweller the opportunity to experience that same taste of pearl barley porridge stewed in a pot. The cereal languishes in this electrical appliance.

    Plus, it won’t burn or boil over, which often happens with cereals if you cook them on the stove. So, let's go back in time and enjoy the long-forgotten taste that pearl barley with mushrooms in a slow cooker will give us.

    Step 1

    Since our main component, which links all other products into one whole, is porridge, we will start directly with its preparation.

    You've probably heard that in order for cereal to cook well, it needs to be soaked for several hours. We'll skip this shamanism, because a slow cooker will do a wonderful job with cereal.

    But it’s worth pouring water over the pearl barley and letting it brew. Measure out the required amount of cereal and fill with cold water. While we are busy with vegetables, the porridge will rest.

    Step 2

    Peel the onion and cut it in any convenient way. Wash the champignons and place on a napkin. Caps and legs should be cleaned of dark spots. Cut as desired.

    Step 3

    Grease the multicooker bowl with sunflower oil. Set the “Fry” mode and add the onion. Fry it for 10 minutes until it turns golden. Teach that as soon as you add the mushrooms, the onions will no longer be fried, but stewed.

    Add the mushrooms to the multicooker container. You may think there are too many mushrooms. But here it should be taken into account that during the heat treatment they will release juice and decrease in size at least three times.

    Option: Instead of fresh champignons, you can use frozen mushrooms. This is especially useful for those who love the rich aroma and taste of wild mushrooms.

    If you decide to use a package of frozen mushrooms, you will have to defrost them first. This is done so that liquid comes out of them, which will not allow them to fry properly (instead, they will rather stew in their own juice).

    Step 4

    After adding the mushrooms, fry them with the onions for another 10 minutes. After this time, your vegetable base should have acquired an attractive dark shade.

    Drain the water in which the cereal was soaked. Rinse the pearl barley several times with cold water until the porridge no longer turns the water cloudy.

    After draining the liquid, add the pearl barley to the mushrooms. Salt and pepper the dish. Chop the garlic and add it there. Using a multi-cup, measure out two and a half cups of warm water and pour into the bowl.

    Step 5

    It's time to select the multicooker mode. This is a very important stage, because only the right program will help you prepare perfectly crumbly porridge.

    The following modes are suitable: “Pilaf”, “Porridge”, “Rice” or even “Buckwheat”. Any of these courses is designed for a specific time, which the multicooker itself sets automatically. On average, the regime can last from 35 to 60 minutes.

    To make the taste of the dish more rich, you can add vegetable or meat broth instead of water. But even pearl barley porridge with mushrooms cooked in water will earn you the gratitude of your family.

    Watch another version of this dish in the video below:

    Hello to all readers of the blog “Cook simply and deliciously”! My recipe today can hardly be considered quick, but almost certainly tasty, satisfying and healthy. 😉 Because we will talk about pearl barley porridge with mushrooms.

    In fact, I admit that I cook pearl barley porridge extremely rarely, despite the fact that I have heard a lot about the beneficial properties of this cereal. The whole point, apparently, is in stereotypes, which sometimes consistently influence the choice of products for my life.

    At one time, we prepared pearl barley porridge only with a large amount of meat or stew - it was in this form that my father could still bear it, who, after serving in the army, told his mother that “the spirit of this porridge should not be in the kitchen.” But, given that I had long given up eating meat, I couldn’t decide to cook pearl barley porridge any other way. But one winter I had an “epiphany”: after all, mushrooms are considered a meat substitute, which means pearl barley porridge with mushrooms should work! Anyway, enough preamble, it’s time to roll up your sleeves and get down to business.

    Let's take:

    • two bags of pearl barley,
    • approximately 300 grams of fresh champignons (you can also take oyster mushrooms, or any other fresh mushrooms),
    • a couple of onions,
    • vegetable oil for frying,
    • more patience. 😉

    The first thing you need to do is fill the bags with pearl barley with water and let them cook - pearl barley usually takes 40-50 minutes to cook until fully cooked. We'll need about 30 minutes to get started. 😉

    The cereal is cooked over medium heat, so for now we can start cooking or. Well, or just go read or lie down. 😛

    About twenty minutes after the cereal boils, you should attend to the main process of preparing pearl barley porridge. Peel the onions and mushrooms. Cut them into quarter rings and start frying.

    First of all, pour vegetable oil into a frying pan and fry the onions until golden...

    Then add the champignons (or any other mushrooms you have on hand).

    By the way, if you are not preparing this dish during Lent, you can add butter for flavor. If you follow, then you will have to make do with only vegetable ones.

    Simmer the mushrooms until done...

    Then transfer them to a saucepan. By that time, most likely, the pearl barley will be cooked until almost completely cooked.

    We take the cereal out of the water, carefully - the hot steam from the bag can burn your hands - open the bags and pour the cereal into the champignons.

    Add about two-thirds of a glass of water and place on low heat, adding salt to the dish.

    Published: 2017-03-24
    Total time: 1H
    Calories per serving:
    Fat per serving:

    Ingredients: Thinly-sliced pearl barley, onion, champignons


    A recipe for making delicious and aromatic pearl barley porridge with fresh champignons...