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On the golden porch sat: the tsar, the prince, the king, the prince, the shoemaker, the tailor. Who will you be? Children's rhymes Who hasn't sat on the golden porch

Old folk Counting rhymes for children in Russian. Everyone knew various rhymes in childhood, let's remember and tell them to our children. We have a fairly large collection of children's rhymes.

Nursery rhymes


Sitting on the golden porch:

  • -tsar,
  • - Tsarevich,
  • -king,
  • - the prince,
  • -shoemaker,
  • -tailor.

Who will you be?

Speak quickly

Don't detain honest and kind people!


The counting begins!
There was a jackdaw sitting on a post,
and on the wire from 2 sides
6 crows sat down next to each other.
6 crows 7 jackdaws
counting continues
counting continues
6 crows 7 jackdaws.

Gophers whistled in the field
and the corncrakes creaked
in ripening oats.
Suddenly everyone fell silent at once
and rushed off in all directions,
empty wires -
6 crows flew away
to the crows in the thick of the crowns.

And the jackdaw has wits -
The jackdaw understood the danger.
The jackdaw realized the danger,
and the jackdaw has wits.
The kite rushed from above,
the jackdaw hid in the bushes,
the jackdaw hid in the bushes.
Who's left? Only you!


One two three four five
Bunny went out for a walk.
Suddenly the hunter runs out -
Shoots straight at Bunny:
Bang Bang!
Oh oh oh!
My Bunny is dying...
They brought him home -
He turned out to be alive!


The month has emerged from the fog,
He took a knife out of his pocket:
"I will cut, I will beat!
Who will you remain friends with?


Aty-baty, the soldiers were walking,

Aty-baty, to the market.

Atty-batty, what did you buy?

Aty-baty, samovar.

How much does it cost?

Aty-baty, three rubles.

Aty-baty, who's coming out?

Aty-baty, it's me!


One two three four five,

The bunny went out for a walk.

Suddenly the hunter runs out,

He shoots straight at the bunny.

Bang Bang!

Oh oh oh!

My little bunny is dying.

They brought him to the hospital

He stole a mitten there,

They brought him to the ward,

He stole some chocolate there.

They brought him home

He turned out to be alive.



Sat on the roof.



One two three four five!

I'm going to look!

Who didn't hide -

I am not guilty!


Hush, mice!

Cat on the roof


The cat went

For milk,

And the kittens:


The cat has come

Without milk,

And the kittens:

Ha ha ha!


The car was driving through a dark forest

For some interest,


Come out with the letter "es".

The letter "es" didn't fit -

Come out with the letter "a".

The letter "a" is not good -

Come out with the letter "sha"!

Or like this:

Exit with the letter C,

and on the letter there is a star,

where the trains go.

If the train doesn't go,

the driver will go crazy.

Magpie Crow

The magpie-crow was cooking porridge and feeding the children.

Gave to this, gave to this, gave to this, gave to this.

But she didn’t give it to this.

Because I didn’t chop wood,

I didn’t carry water, I didn’t cook porridge.

A crocodile was walking

smoked a pipe

The phone fell and wrote:


This one came out.

The orange rolled to the city of Berlin,

Didn't study my lessons

And I got a two.

There are cars in the garage - Volga, Chaika, Zhiguli,

Which one do you get the keys from?

They sat on the golden porch

Gummi Bears, Tom and Jerry,

Scrooge McDuck and the three ducklings

Come out, you'll be Ponca!

If Ponochka leaves,

Scrooge McDuck will go crazy!

The counting begins

There was a jackdaw sitting on the shore,

Two crows, a sparrow,

Three magpies, a nightingale.

One two three four five,

We'll play hide and seek.

Sky, stars, meadow, flowers - Get out of the circle.

One, two, three, four, five - Let's start the games.

The bees flew into the field.

They buzzed and buzzed.

The bees sat on the flowers.

We play - you drive.

In the morning the butterfly woke up

Smiled, stretched,

Once she washed herself with dew,

Two - she spun gracefully,

Three - bent down and sat down,

And four - flew away.

A hare was running through the swamp,

He was looking for a job

Yes, I didn’t find a job,

He cried and left.

Stork is a stork, stork is a bird,

What do you dream about at night?

I want the swamp edges,

More frogs.

You can't catch them, you can't catch them.

That's it, you drive!

A cuckoo walked past the net,

And behind her are small children,

The cuckoos are asked to drink.

Come out - you can drive.

Jump and jump, jump and jump,

A bunny jumps - gray side.

Jump, jump, jump along the woods,

On a snowball - poke, poke, poke.

I sat down under a bush,

I wanted to hide.

Whoever catches it drives it.

One, two, one, two,

Here is a birch tree, here is grass,

Here is a clearing, here is a meadow

Come out, my friend.

One two three four,

Five, six, seven,

Eight nine ten.

The white moon floats out.

Who will reach the month?

He will go and hide.

We shared an orange

There are many of us, but he is alone.

This slice is for the hedgehog,

This slice is for the swift,

This slice is for ducklings,

This slice is for kittens,

This slice is for the beaver,

And for the wolf - the peel.

He is angry with us - trouble!

Run away somewhere!

Bells, bells,

The little pigeons were flying

By the morning dew,

Along the green line

We sat down on the barn.

Run, catch up.

We had kittens

One two three four five,

Come join us guys

Once the kitten is the whitest

Two kittens - the bravest

Three kittens - the smartest

And four is the noisiest

Five is like three and two

Same tail and head

Also a spot on the back

Also sleeps all day in a basket.

Our kittens are nice

One two three four five

Come join us guys

High, very high

I threw my ball easily.

But my ball fell from heaven

Rolled into the dark forest.

One two three four five,

I'm going to look for him.

One two three four five.

We decided to play

But we don’t know what to do

Nobody wanted to drive!

We will point you to:

That's right it will be you!

Masha ate porridge,

I didn’t finish the porridge.

“One, two, three,” she said

And I ate the potatoes.

Who will take three spoons?

That one will go too.

One two Three.

Come out into the clearing

Round dances of the backwaters,

Who's left

That one drives.

One two three four five,

We go out to play.

We need to choose water

Stomp, stomp, stomp,

You will definitely be water.

One two three four five,

There is no place for a bunny to jump;

There's a wolf walking everywhere, a wolf,

He uses his teeth - click, click!

And we'll hide in the bushes,

Hide, little bunny, and you too.

You wolf, wait!

The forest river runs into the distance,

Bushes grow along it.

I invite everyone to the game,

We play - you drive!

We gathered in the yard

It was in September.

One two three four five,

We decided to play.

How much is two plus three?

If you know, then drive!

Counting tables are a deeply pagan invention. Our ancient ancestors believed that if we simply counted the trophies obtained during the hunt, then the next game hunt would not be successful. Therefore, all sorts of linguistic tricks were used: for example, words like “Eni-beni-slave” were considered non-existent.
In general, counting rhymes have been studied quite deeply by philologists and linguists. A detailed classification has been applied: what, where, why, for what reason, etc. I won't go into such details. But all this is not without reason and carries a deep meaning, just like Russian folk tales, for example.
In addition to the purely utilitarian role of choosing a leader in the game, counting rhymes also have a lot of advantages of a purely psychological nature. At a minimum, they train their memory.
The youngest children learn to speak and count using counting rhymes.
Counting books give a child a correct understanding of justice: you got it, everything is fair, you have to drive, but arguing with this is stupid and not comradely. They teach reasonable obedience to rules for the sake of a common cause.
In addition, a simple touch to the chest, taken during the “calculation”, carries a deep psychotherapeutic meaning: it is like a sign of trust, a symbol of friendship, involvement in a small society.

I’m writing a post, my daughter (4 years old) comes up to me and tells me a little rhyme that I’m hearing for the first time:

The puppy was sitting on a bench
Counted my pins:
One two Three -
You will be the queen!

Come on, if anyone remembers anything or hears anything from the children, write here if you’re not too lazy!
It will be cool to see how different the rhymes from different times are.

Well, I’ll write rhymes from the 80s and 90s (although maybe they existed before? Most likely):

On the golden porch sat:
Who will you be?

Come out (speak)—quickly—don’t delay
Good—and honest (wise)—people!

A version of this rhyme from the 90s:

They sat on the golden porch,
Gummi bears, Tom and Jerry,
Scrooge McDuck and 3 ducklings,
come out you will be Ponca!

Sitting on the golden porch:
Winnie the Pooh and Tom and Jerry,
Mickey Mouse, three ducklings.
Come out, you'll be Ponca!
If Ponca doesn't come,
Scrooge McDuck will go crazy.

Another topic:

Did you—baht—bought what?
How much does it cost?
What are you-bats-he-what?

a hedgehog came out of the fog
drank half a glass of juice
looked—into an empty—glass
and—again—went—into the fog

A Soviet sailor came out.

A cheerful sailor came out.


Here are some of my favorites:

The carriage drove through the dark forest
For some interest
Inte inte interest
Come out with the letter "es".


A cuckoo walked past the forest
For some interest.
Choose the letter "s".
The letter "s" didn't fit
Choose the letter "a".

You remember such rhymes for the rest of your life)):

The month has emerged from the fog,
He took a knife out of his pocket:
I will cut, I will beat -
You won't live anyway!

(Or a softer version of “You still have to drive!”)

And by the way, it was invented quite recently and the meaning is most direct. This poem goes back to the real story of a certain Bandera member named Mesyats, who was fierce in Western Ukraine during the Great Patriotic War. The children reflected on historical events in their own way and preserved them in the people’s memory in such an original way...

Well, in this counting rhyme you need to know the rhythm (tempo) with which to tell it. If you haven't heard it, it's hard to repeat it properly. It's not even clear how to place punctuation marks.

on balcony number 8 oh her we sat with my brother bones
ugh, you're a sin, what fun it was for us paririrors, they divided everything in half, really, yes, yes

we flew off the balcony oh she hit the young lady with her elbow

we got to the police, oh, they broke all the bars

we ended up in the hospital and they pressed the nurse at the door

we ended up at the cemetery and counted the dead
repeat paririroma everyone was divided in half the truth NO NO ahaaaaah

This is how I found it on the Internet, but this is how I remember it, my older sister told me about it:

on balcony number 8 - oh to her - we sat with my brother bones,

We flew off the balcony - oh her, we hit the young lady with our elbow
Ugh, what a sin you are. We had fun tumba-oriram. They divided everything in half right? - yeah

We ended up in the police - oh my gosh - they broke all the bars
Ugh, what a sin you are. We had fun tumba-oriram. They divided everything in half right? - yeah

We ended up in the hospital - oh my gosh - the nurse was pressed at the door
Ugh, what a sin you are. We had fun tumba-oriram. They divided everything in half right? - yeah

We ended up at the cemetery - oh well - and we counted the dead
Ugh, what a sin you are. We had fun tumba-oriram. They divided everything in half right? - NO NO

although I still don’t remember all the words exactly...

One two three four five,
The bunny went out for a walk,
Suddenly—the hunter—runs out,
Shoots straight at the hare
My little bunny is dying.
They brought—him—to the hospital,
He refused to undergo treatment,
It turned out that he was alive.

Got up early
All dolls
Two matryoshka dolls
On the window,
On the feather bed,
On—the pillow,
On oak

The month has emerged from the fog,
He took the knife out of his pocket
I will cut, I will beat,
You still have to bare.
And behind the month is the moon.
The devil hanged the sorcerer.
And the sorcerer hung, hung
And flew into the trash heap.
And Boris lived in a trash heap -
Chairman of dead rats.
And his wife - Larisa -
Wonderful rat.
He fell in love with someone else
He took an ax and hacked him to death.
But the wife did not die,
She took the money and left.
He fell in love with someone else
He took the perfume and gave it to her.

The ending is really kind of incoherent...

And a few more:

The cat got into a taxi.
And the kittens clung
And we had a free ride.

Tsikal-tsikal, motorcycle,
All tracks were recycled
And he came to Leningrad,
Choose your outfit:
Red, blue, light blue -
Choose any one for yourself.

Helicopter, helicopter,
Take me on a flight.
And in flight it’s empty,
Cabbage has grown.
And there's a worm in the cabbage,
Vanya the Fool came out.

Aye, zwein,
Chukate me,
Abel - fabel,
De me ne.
X, pix,
Bullet - punch,

I know in another version:

Ecota Pekota Chukota Ma
Abul fabul del mana
Ex pex bullet pux naus
- My daughter learned this with pleasure)) and taught others

Monkey Chi-chi-chi
sold bricks
didn't have time to sell
flew under the bed.
It's empty under the bed -
cabbage has grown
grapes on cabbage
it turned out to be an automatic machine
(there is still a not quite decent option)

Eniki-beniki ate dumplings...
Draniki, dates, muffins and gingerbreads,
Donuts and buns, and all sorts of donuts,
Dumplings, cakes, marshmallows and bars,
Peppers, salads, tomatoes, potatoes,
Cabbage, mustard, mushrooms and okroshka.
Radish, matzo, mayonnaise and cutlets,
Eggs, beets, bishbarmak and rolls.
Lard, peas, dill and cheesecakes,
Bananas, coconuts, carrots and parsley,
Butter, shish kebab, artichokes, brisket,
Onions, tomatoes, beans and tartines.
Pancakes, marmalade, cottage cheese, beer, stewed meat,
Coffee, cookies, sour cream, condensed milk,
Apples, fish, cocoa, solyanka,
Jelly, wild garlic, sausage, casserole.
Shrimp, lemons, nuts and plums,
Jam, black bread, white bread, gravy,
Sugar, lobster, liver, candy,
Cheese, vinegar, lobsters, wine, tea, pates,
Salt, chips, cakes, rice, chops,
Straws, cognac, jellied tongues,
Melons, fillets, pasties, splints,
Semolina, pearl barley, caviar, vinaigrettes,
Zrazy, sausages, garlic, entrecotes,
Horseradish, chocolate, pasta and sprats.
brawn, whiting, zucchini, zeppelin,
Peaches, sorrel, chickens and olives.
Kiwi, herring, pork, gooseberries,
Oysters, pumpkins, pomegranates, rose hips,
Cream, truffles, waffles, drying and rutabaga,
Lamb, croutons, currants, cranberries.
Crabs, compote, ham, cabbage rolls,
Kefir, mineral water and cucumbers,
Blueberries, puree, squash, strawberries,
Molasses, cracklings and strawberries,
Rhubarb, raisins, meatballs, halva,
Pilaf, chakhokhbili, spinach and quince,
Spaghetti, almonds, honey, dumplings, rump steaks,
Toasts, roast beef, beans and steaks...
We took a light bite and poured it again!

(With such a counting rhyme you will definitely train your memory))

Well, this is true, it’s not a counting rhyme, but it’s very popular among children, which is interesting for my generation and my daughter too:

Make up, make up, make up,
and don't fight anymore.
And if you fight -

In modern society, children use counting rhymes to distribute roles and priorities in the game and often become their authors themselves. However, educators and teachers can use counting rhymes not only to entertain children, but also to develop useful skills in them: mental counting, clear diction and correct articulation, as well as to develop a sense of rhythm and improve memory, developing in children such qualities as honesty and camaraderie. Well-known rhymes, such as “We sat on the golden porch,” have many options and possibilities for use.

A brief history of the rhyme “We sat on the golden porch”

Researchers attribute the appearance of the rhyme to the 20th century, but not earlier than the mid-1930s. Over almost a century, it has undergone many changes. Generations who were children in the second half of the last century remember how counting was woven into the essence of the street game with a jump rope, which had different variations. Most often, the leader stood in the center, twirled the rope (one end in his hand, the other on the ground) and slowly but clearly pronounced the counting rhyme, the rest of the children stood in a circle and jumped over it. The one who was touched by the jump rope left the game.

Instead of a jump rope, you can use a rope with a small weight tied at the end

Over time, the counting rhyme separated from the game of jumping rope, and its heroes changed from ancient rulers and their subjects to the heroes of the Walt Disney cartoon studio. But the development of the rhyme did not stop there; more and more modern adults and even children themselves are coming up with new variations on such a favorite theme.

A selection of counting rhyme options

Classic (short version):

  • Sitting on the golden porch:
    Tsar, prince, king, prince,
    Shoemaker, tailor -
    Who/ you/ will/ be?

When writing text for children on the board or on a slide, you can use the “/” sign to indicate the transition to a new participant

Another version of the short classic version involves saying “on gold” instead of “on gold”, as well as a shortened last line:

  • They sat on the golden porch -
    Tsar, prince,
    King, prince,
    Shoemaker, tailor;
    And who are you?

The extended version assumes additional lines that appeared later:

  • Speak quickly
    Don't delay
    Kind and honest people!

You can ask the children if they know who the heroes of the counting rhymes are and what they do

Both forms of the classical version involve not just a one-time recitation of the counting rhyme, but a multi-level game that requires an answer to the question (who will you be?) and further repetition of the text of the counting rhyme. The one pointed to by the presenter names the character (for example, “shoemaker” or “tailor”). The counting card is spoken again until the named word, and the one on whom it fell leaves the game; This is repeated until there is only one player left, who will be the driver. In this case, the counting table does not distribute roles for the next game, but chooses the one who will lead in the next game, i.e. the participant who will be the last to remain.

Modern version with Disney characters:

The augmented modern version often has two additional lines, but can be used without them:

  • “And Ponochka has a star -
    She chose you!

Even the popular version of the rhyme in the 2000s has changed more than once:

  • Sitting on the golden porch:
    Mickey Mouse, Tom and Jerry,
    Uncle Scrooge and three ducklings.
    Come out, you will be Ponca.
    Ponka learns to count:
    One two three four five.

Here is another version of the modernized rhyme, but with the hero of Alan Milne's fairy tale.

A variant used in the game in the second half of the 20th century, considered the predecessor of the “golden ring”.

  • Foam floated from across the sea.
    They started beating, stabbing,
    They began to ask:
    “Who do you have more?
    Who do you have the least?” -
    "King, queen,
    King, queen,
    Red maiden."

The counting book can be used not only to select a leader, but also during the entire game, which is especially suitable for outdoor games: the leader pronounces the text of the counting book, and children jump over a rope. Whoever hesitates is out of the game

Video: counting rhyme “We sat on the golden porch”

This creative performance of a rhyme by a student of MBOU school No. 32 in Tolyatti shows how rhymes can be used to develop a child’s acting abilities, and not just for the distribution of roles or directly in the game.

The counting book “They sat on the golden porch” has a long history and many variations that have changed over time. Modern counting rhymes are closer and more understandable to children, but the classic version is very useful for introducing children to the traditions and culture of their people, and is no less interesting for games and creativity.

They sat on the golden porch: Tsar, Tsarevich, King, Korolevich,
Shoemaker, tailor... Who are you?
Speak quickly, don't lie kind and honest people!

The original, on which the Princess from the Golden Porch
wrote a parody:

“The sky above me is a bottomless blue.
Tell me, O heavens, who is the true poet?
The merry wind laughs, merry without wine:
« In their souls is my frivolity, and the depth of the sky!»

Daisies grow in the wind. Tell me the answer
Tell me, flowers of the fields, who is the true poet?
Petals babble sweetly in the embrace of weed darkness:
« The poet is a mysterious flower, the poet is simple, like us».

God's light streams among the spreading branches.
Tell me, O tree, who is the true poet?
The young alder whispers to me, the old maple mutters:
« Only one who is in love with his homeland can be a poet!»

I cry thinking about you lying in coffins,
Poets of my Motherland! Your ashes have found peace.
You always left for another world in the prime of your life.
The Russian dispute over who the true poet is is cruel and bitter!»

"Parody" of the Princess-in-the-Tower
Violetta Basha

“The sky above me is a bottomless blue. .." -
Tell me, damn, would a poet write such crap?
Pegasus Rygulkina - m.. eccentric, forever since Budun
Everyone laughs that this wild nonsense is as deep as hell.

Crouching “in the wind,” Ilya moos in response,
That he is not a Pindos mukhovon, but a true poet!
Old men babble from Gey.ru in the arms of sticky darkness:
“Ragulkin, if you’re “sold”, then Volochkova is us.”

It is not from the spreading branches that God’s light streams.
Then from the oak tree graphomaniacally crazed "paet" shits.
And the young alder screams to him, and the old maple.
“Rygulkin, you fucking asshole are at least “in love with your homeland.”

And the homeland groans in response, and sees, as if in coffins,
BalmOnta's sleepy ashes rise from indignation.
And beats Rygulkin with bones for her drunken delirium.
And he says: “You are a fly ringer, Rygulkin is not a poet!”*

09/12/2012 Violetta Basha
PARODY of works Princess Violetta Basha
And Tsarevich Roman Essa

«« High above me the sky is bottomlessly blue. ..» -
Tell me, damn, would a poet write such crap?»
“It is not from spreading branches that God’s light streams.
Then from the oak tree graphomaniacally crazed "paet" shits

One of the best POETESS became very concerned:
She doesn't like God's light - she lied to him!
And she didn’t like the sky - she shot right away a couple of times...
It's brown already! And everyone needs a gas mask.

It seems unbecoming for such famous important ladies(s) to swear...
But the (s)word sticks for the sake of arrogance, having paved the road to the “Porch”.
With one movement of her hands she suddenly dragged tons of dirt,
She lifted the dregs from the bottom, cursed the poets...

Seated tightly and comfortably on the golden porch itself,
The Princess-in-the-Tower publicly, with a sweet smile on her face,
He distributes “gifts” to servants, pleases his pride -
The stinking river flows, but she doesn’t stink in the tank.

“Illiterate, stupid, arrogant,
But who, who is this diva?

The candies are deliciously wrapped, an elegant bright phantom shines...
But you turned only one... You will immediately retreat back!
Around extremely caustic stream goodness poured out of the forfeit
To the poet’s neighbor, to everyone in the area at the same time:

“And the young alder screams to him, and the old maple.
“Rygulkin, you fucking asshole are at least “in love with your homeland.”

The wave murmurs and splashes kindly, spreading the aroma,
The Princess clearly shines with beauty, everyone is happy to fall in love with her!
Candidates gallop in a crowd, suitors to the Princess-in-the-Tower;
Cool brave guys - the line flows by itself)C(hands:

“The saxophone burns them) With (Odessa pimple.
)With (a European-quality renovation of the beasts ten thousand
I’ve been reading for an hour and it’s taking me by surprise!
)C(cold lines, like a cancer patient
Everything stinks! I really want to get into a fight -
Kicking away such youth.
)С(another patronymic from Madrid.
One Turk defeated all) With (the madam..."**

“Here are young poems. Like old men's verses
Boring, stuffy, )Frail valerian"**

“No, if you are heaven's chosen one,
Your gift divine messenger,
For our benefit, use:
Correct the hearts of your brothers.”**

The poor Internet will endure everything!
Any the one who lied in him is a POET!
« Hundreds of sites here. LIKE from rotten coffins"**
That dirt is arrogance, full of BUGS...
They won’t suffer for long here,
Wrinkling his thick forehead -
They'll get the firebird's feather,
With a flatbread of words on top - CLAP!
You know, they won’t get tired of poisoning bedbugs -
They'll drown you in hell... Poor BUG!

“There is no better dope in the world,
What is the Internet system!:)))”***

In him will be elevated to the kingdom
Those who publicly...lie.
Turned into a toilet
Nationwide Internet!)))

« Here is our hooting Olympus:
With the circle of muses, writers are clumsy -

The saxophone burns them with a pimple from Odessa.
)With (a European-quality renovation of the beasts ten thousand
Russian glory howls on the pedestal.”**


The poor horse got tired and also got dirty next to him...
You know, )S(valerian was lame, but the land mine was very successful!
The Tsarevich urges him on with a bast shoe - they’ll hurry after their sins -
After all, his path to glory stinks not of almonds or perfume:
D.. waters the pool of poets, betraying his brothers with his guts,
He covers his path to the Princess with his proud “poems”.

“In the village they would forget about POEMS,
Digging potatoes like their grandfathers, right!
Yes, to the accordion and virgins HI-HI
Raise a power without institutions!”*


Sparkling with a golden rhyme, overtaking flies in flight,
A flock flies after the Lady of Eternals- HEE-HEE, adding “HOW CAN I!” »
The porch is covered with poets, the steps are hidden in the valley,
The Princess's face is not washed, and there are puddles of mud in the yard...

Three-legged horse or five-legged one - Our poet doesn’t care,
He impudently rushes on his way - to occupy a holy place.
Wherever you go - everywhere Land mines will point to the starry path to laurels,
And it’s immediately clear that Pegasus will not be allowed to eat or take a nap...

It’s not from the spreading branches that the nightingale sings songs to us,
The Princess-in-the-Tower is the light of the eyes, proud of her glory:
There is no “paetav” around her, only she can be the POET.
It can pollute the whole planet - God forbid I fall in love with a lady!

“I came in yesterday - in the compost pit,
Other upstarts are also swarming around.” ***
And the Princess, rattling her chains,
It pours goodness out through the holes.

No need for Pegasus regal pavé,
The tank of pride has destroyed the road to heaven.
Satan forever burning gift
I personally branded her: 18+

On the golden porch sat: Tsar, Tsarevich, King, Royal...
Shoemaker, tailor... Who are you? Reveal your face to us:

“That he is not a Pindos mukhovon, but a true poet!”
“Old men babble from Gey.ru in the arms of sticky darkness:”
“Then a crazy “paet” graphomaniacally shits from an oak tree.”
“Everyone laughs that this wild nonsense is as deep as hell.”
“The crisis is rushing toward us like a boar,”
Hello, ass, New Year!
“Like a laxative for vodka:
A thing not superfluous for the kingdom!”***
“Yes, Roman. What squalor has filled the TV and book market,
Internet and radio broadcast.
and journalism is illegal.
All around are Posners and Dulgers.”

Violetta Basha 03/03/2012 03:50:03
“What can we say about the media, television or publishing houses, where vulgarity and cheap market “products” reign, which cannot be called literature.”
Roman Ess

The prince thinks backwards Great, you know - I’m strong in hindsight!
He beats everyone poetically with his hoof, he is in love with the noble princess,
Sharing the glory of the great, he has already climbed onto the pedestal,
And he screeches there, flooding the whole world and the monument:

"The purpose of the poet, Pushkin. what everyone forgot about"
« Poet of inspired lyre
He rattled his absent-minded hand.

The Princess-in-the-Tower knows better, PRIDE looks through the slot,
Who lays claim to the Kings and sits next to HER.
She boldly attacks the “rednecks”, and has already doused many from the porch.
The hoof was skillfully sharpened, but in the tank’s turret it lied.

The Princess's white face revealed: (c) catching the pure -) C (f..abu depth.
The Princess's star has dimmed - bottomless, but not blue...
She dumped her wealth in a row - under her mask to the bottom...
Full of the same thing as the ass, in Russian simply - crap.

* Violetta Basha - poisonous spitting on neighbors from the “Porch” of the Reading Hut.
**Roman Ess
Legend: )С( - insect, bug.

ROMAN Ess - "The purpose of the poet, Pushkin. What everyone forgot about"

***Violetta Basha-Humor

A detailed picture from the exhibition can be seen here: