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Smoking in the car is fine. Can you smoke while driving in Russia? Is there a penalty for smoking while driving? When will the smoking ban be passed?

In Russia, for several years now, the so-called anti-smoking law has been in effect, prohibiting smoking in public places. Some State Duma deputies and activists of various public organizations are taking the initiative to ban drivers from smoking while driving.

This rule applies in many countries. In our publication, we examined who can be fined for smoking while driving various types of transport.

The current legislation does not prohibit smoking while driving your own vehicles, which are not used for commercial purposes for the transport of passengers. A motorist can be punished for throwing a cigarette butt out of a car.

Smoking ban under the anti-tobacco law.

It can get into the passenger compartment of a passing car and provoke a fire or dry grass on the side of the road. In addition, cigarette butts pollute the environment.

Despite the absence of prohibitory regulations, smoking motorists should remember that when they puff on a cigarette, they are distracted from the traffic situation for a few seconds. While smoking, the driver has one hand occupied and therefore, only one hand holds the steering wheel.

Some motorists hold the steering wheel with two or one finger of the hand occupied with a cigarette. However, driving safety is declining.

In what cases will a driver smoking a cigarette be fined?

Expert opinion

Natalya Alekseevna

When a child is in the car, a smoking motorist may be fined for involving a minor in the process of tobacco consumption under Art. 6.23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses.

For violation varies from 1 to 3 thousand rubles. The protocol on the offense is compiled by traffic police officers.

Drivers of intercity and suburban buses or minibuses do not have the right to smoke while driving, regardless of whether there are passengers in the cabin. After all, vehicles carrying passengers belong to public places of citizens, and it is forbidden by law to smoke a cigarette in them.

For violating the ban, drivers are punished - the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of 1-1.5 thousand rubles.

Smoking in public places.

Any passenger has the right to film the violation on the phone and complain to the traffic police inspectors or write a claim addressed to the head of the carrier company. Not wanting to get involved in passive smoking, passengers have recently been actively complaining about smoking drivers of minibuses.

The management of carrier companies fires drivers who receive a lot of complaints.

Motorists should not smoke in areas with a high fire hazard. These places include all gas stations, regardless of the type of fuel. The restriction on cigarettes was introduced for drivers carrying explosive and flammable substances. Often, bans are introduced by organizations carrying out the transportation of designated goods.

Other penalties:

Does the ban on vapes and hookah apply?

Electronic cigarettes, called vapes, are gaining more and more popularity. Despite numerous studies about their harm, they remain illegal. Therefore, you can vape vapes not only in the cabin of a personal car, but in public transport.

Since the safety of steam remains a big question, the health of children should not be endangered.

The appearance of vapes is very similar to traditional tobacco products. It will not be easy for the driver of a minibus or bus to prove that in the photo taken by a vigilant passerby, he is holding vapes legally allowed, and not a banned cigarette.

Driver smoking fine.

It is unlikely that someone will start smoking a hookah while driving. Still, both processes require a certain focus on them. From enjoying a hookah, blood vessels expand significantly.

As a result, a person has a feeling of lightness and carelessness, the speed of reactions decreases. After hookah, it is very difficult for motorists to focus their attention on the process of driving and controlling the traffic situation.

Experts advise, after relaxing with a hookah, do not drive for several hours, so as not to risk your safety and not endanger other road users. If the traffic police inspector discovers the strange behavior of a motorist, he will send him for a medical examination.

It is impossible to be 100% sure that hookah smoke does not contain substances belonging to the psychotropic group. For the detection of such substances in the blood of a motorist, they will not only be fined, but will be deprived of their license for a while.


Penalty for smoking in a car under the current legislation threatens drivers of buses and minibuses. After all, such transport belongs to the public category, and the anti-tobacco law applies to it.

A motorist with a cigarette driving a personal car will be fined if there are minors in the cabin. The Civil Code prohibits making children passive smokers.

A separate law prohibiting motorists from carrying a cigarette while driving has not yet been passed. Electronic cigarettes and hookah are not banned by law. However, you should not vape in front of children and pregnant women, so as not to harm their health.

After a hookah, it is better not to drive a car for a couple of hours. Hookah smoke significantly relaxes the human body. Good luck on the roads!

Most Russian drivers, as well as pedestrians of the same country, are concerned about the question: is it possible to smoke while driving in Russia? And if not, what are the penalties for smoking while driving? This is due to the fact that the rules of the road from year to year are only getting tougher. Hence the interest in the legality of the process of smoking while driving.

Is it possible to smoke while driving in Russia according to the letter of the law?

Some countries actually ban smoking while on the road. Somewhere, in principle, this is not considered legal, and in some states, restrictions come into force only in the presence of children in the vehicle. What do the Russian servants of Themis say about this?

Yes, indeed, there are a number of actions that the driver or passengers of transport are strictly forbidden to do, but smoking is not yet included in this list. That is, the law does not restrict drivers from smoking while driving. At the same time, such a luxury as talking on a mobile phone is prohibited by law, and a violation can result in a fairly large fine.

Smoking while driving, like a phone, involves the employment of one hand. Yes, the driver can control the steering wheel with a few fingers, occupied by a cigarette, but this will not add safety while driving.

Thus, answering the question: is it possible to smoke while driving a private car in Russia? It is safe to say that the law allows smoking while driving. At the same time, there are restrictions on the ejection of cigarette butts on the roadway. One of the reasons is that a cigarette butt can fly into a passing car, and secondly, it simply pollutes our planet.

On the other hand, the process of smoking is not a prohibited process for a motorist. And if he does not commit any additional illegal actions, then he does not deserve punishment for addiction to this addiction.

Under what circumstances is smoking while driving illegal?

Only the owner of his own vehicle is allowed to inhale a cigarette. As for drivers of other cars, the situation is diametrical.

It is strictly forbidden to smoke while driving the driver of fixed-route taxis, buses of intercity or suburban routes. This is due to the fact that the minibus, like the bus, is a place of large crowds of people. And, as you know, smoking in public places is prohibited.

Due to the large flow of passengers, the driver is too overloaded. Sometimes its function also includes the provision of tickets to passengers or the notification of the next stop. Overloading the brain with such a process as smoking distracts it even more from the road, thereby lowering the level of safety of everyone present in the transport.

If the passenger notices the fact of a violation, then he has the right to file a complaint with the relevant authorities (responsible for traffic safety on the road or directly to the carrier).

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Can you smoke while driving a truck in Russia? It depends on several points. If the driver is transporting cargo from the category of explosive substances, then you should not even stutter about smoking while driving or not far from such cargo. Sometimes the owners-carriers stipulate in the contract the issue of smoking while driving, and fines are imposed for violation.

As for whether it is possible to smoke electronic cigarettes while driving in Russia, the situation here is not too different from ordinary cigarettes. In your own vehicle, you are free to smoke while driving without any fines and warnings from legislators in power. If you are transporting passengers in public transport, then it is better to refrain from even electronic cigarettes and vapes. This is very useful advice, because, even at the present time (the age of high technology), not everyone knows about the existence of new gadgets for smoking and can easily be mistaken for a tobacco cigarette. And this already threatens the driver with an absolutely unfounded complaint. In addition, a cigarette (electronic or tobacco) still scatters the driver's attention from transportation. Still, it is better to arrange a smoke break at lunchtime or during other pauses in work.

Can you smoke while driving a hookah in Russia?

In the process of the movement itself, hardly anyone will be able to light a hookah, because this is at least inconvenient, and the hookah will not turn out tasty. At the same time, each road patrol will consider it its duty to stop such an impudent driver, because it is unsafe for traffic.

However, if you got behind the wheel just after leaving the hookah bar, where you enjoyed hookah vapors, then the situation can become more complicated. The rules of the road do not contain a clause on the prohibition of smoking hookah. However, the composition of hookah raw materials sometimes includes substances that contribute to excessive pacification of the central nervous system. Some claim that hookahs contain narcotic or psychotropic substances (but this has not been proven). However, when using a regular hookah, its effect on the body is significantly different from the effect of cigarettes.

If you savor hookah smoke for about an hour, then its effect on a person is exceeded 100 or even 200 times than from one cigarette. The smoker feels lightness and elation due to the expansion of blood vessels, but at the same time, his attention is scattered and inhibition of actions is manifested.

Many drivers admit that after smoking a hookah it is very difficult for them to concentrate on driving. Therefore, it is better not to combine a hookah and a steering wheel together, but only after a few hours to sit down to start driving.

The representative of the patrol service has every right to stop the vehicle if he suspects the driver of using psychotropic substances. If the suspicion is confirmed after the examination, then this promises a large fine and even a temporary deprivation of a driver's license. Even if you are firmly confident in the composition of the hookah, doctors recommend not to combine it with driving.

What's in store for smokers?

Can you smoke while driving in Russia? Yes, just for now. After all, the likelihood that smoking will soon be banned while driving is too high. This is primarily due to concern for the safety of road users.

Smoking while driving is very similar to talking on the phone. The driver is also distracted from the road, one hand is also busy.

Many activists have repeatedly tried to draw the attention of the public to this problem, or rather, the authorities, but their attempts have not been heard.

In some countries, drivers do not smoke in cars as a matter of principle, as this is not financially profitable. During the subsequent sale, the car loses a lot in price if it smells of tobacco smoke, because getting rid of such a smell is almost impossible. Now many are watching not only their health, but also the property they possess.

An attentive driver independently monitors updates in the road legislation. Therefore, he adapts to changes in a timely manner and can avoid fines that affect the financial well-being of the driver.

Road regulations in other countries

Several European Union countries have regulations restricting smoking while driving. So the government is fighting smoking while driving and forest fires, which often arise from the inattention of drivers who have thrown bulls in the forest zone.

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

In this country, you can use electronic cigarettes in unlimited quantities, including while driving. If you drive a convertible, you also don't have to worry about possible fines. And a fine of 50 pounds can be issued if you allow yourself to smoke in the car where the children are traveling. The rule applies only to cars with closed bodies.


In Italy, in particular on the Apennine Peninsula, it is forbidden to smoke for drivers carrying small children and pregnant women. The amount of penalties depends on the age of the child and sometimes reaches 5 thousand euros.


If an Irishman allowed himself to smoke in a car with a child, then he would become poorer by 100 euros. Moreover, this law applies not only to the process of movement, it is valid even if the machine is at rest.


In France, the law restricting smoking while driving applies to certain park areas near motorways. And only if you smoked with a child under 12 years of age.

Most countries of the European Union also want to tighten traffic rules in the field of smoking while driving. Similar laws are planned to be adopted in Poland, Norway, Denmark and Sweden.

If you plan to visit another country, it is advisable to study the legislation of that state. Consult if there are bans on smoking electronic cigarettes, vapes or tobacco cigarettes. So you once again protect yourself.

Legislative forecasts

The issue of legalizing or banning cigarette smoking while driving has been raised in the State Duma more than once. This issue has been on the agenda for a long time and has been heard by many public activists and State Duma parliamentarians. Now many are concerned about this problem and are doing a lot of work to pass a law to ban smoking. It will not be superfluous to follow the updates of the laws of the road, as there are a huge number of people interested in this.

Many motorists are accustomed to smoking cigarettes while driving on busy highways and city roads. They want to find out if they can issue a ticket for smoking while driving. Cigarette smoke harms not only the driver, but also the passengers. Thanks to this article, you will find out if there are fines in Russia for the use of tobacco products in a car dealership.

Are there restrictions for smoking drivers

At the moment, the current legislation of the Russian Federation does not specify the legal acts that regulate this aspect of civil life. Therefore, you can smoke while driving your own car. In the "anti-smoking" law N 15-FZ there is no information about smoking in private vehicles.

Pay attention to the fact that you may be prosecuted for other offenses. Do not throw cigarette butts out an open window, and also carefully monitor the situation on the road. Be vigilant while using tobacco products.

You will not be fined unless you violated other traffic rules.

When smoking is prohibited

You can smoke safely only if you are driving your own vehicle. Certain restrictions may be set for taxi drivers. The main reason for the ban is that the bus is a public place, which is subject to regulations that regulate this aspect of public life. Passengers will be disturbed by tobacco smoke, and the level of travel safety will decrease.

Any citizen of the Russian Federation can report an offense to the relevant authorities that deal with traffic issues, or file a complaint with the haulier company.

Also, some restrictions may be for drivers of trucks that are engaged in the transportation of explosive substances. Sometimes such prohibitions can be imposed by the owner of the enterprise. Remember that you can not use tobacco products while refueling vehicles. This is a high fire hazard zone.

According to the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, namely Article 6.23 (Involving a minor in the process of tobacco consumption), a smoking driver can be fined if there is a minor child in the vehicle. The amount of the fine varies from one thousand to three thousand rubles, the traffic police can draw up a protocol.

Laws of other countries

Some countries in the European Union have laws that restrict smoking in cars. Thus, the government is trying to fight not only tobacco smoke in the car, but also forest fires, which are often caused by a bull thrown out of the passenger compartment.

Great Britain

In England, a driver can be fined £50 for smoking in a car with children in it. This regulation applies only to vehicles with a closed body. Convertible owners need not worry about this law. Drivers are also allowed to use electronic cigarettes.


On the Apennine Peninsula, it is forbidden to smoke for motorists who carry pregnant women or young children. The amount of the fine may vary depending on the age of the child. The amount of monetary sanctions reaches 5,000 euros.


French vehicle owners are prohibited from smoking if they are transporting children under 12 years of age. This ban applies to special recreation areas that are located near motorways.


A fine of 100 euros must be paid to those motorists who smoke in the car in the presence of children. It doesn't have to be in motion at all. You can be fined even in the parking lot.

Similar laws are also expected to be introduced in other European countries. Similar regulations will soon be introduced in Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Poland.

Find out if there are restrictions on the use of tobacco products and electronic cigarettes in a particular region. This way you can protect yourself from possible fines.


The question of whether it is possible to use tobacco products while driving was considered in the State Duma several times. The problem of the legality of smoking in a car worries many civil activists and people's deputies. To date, there are several commissions that deal with this issue. Citizens regularly discuss the possibility of car smoking bans, so keep your eyes peeled for the latest news!


Many motorists, and just passengers like to smoke in the car. For some, this is a natural need, while for others it is an opportunity to get additional pleasure from the trip. But whatever the reason, smoking in a car is always bad. In this article, we will look at this bad habit from all sides.

What is the danger?

Studies have only confirmed the fears that smoking while driving is fraught with health. It would seem that such a thing - he smoked one or two cigarettes while driving and that's it. No matter how. It turns out that “smoking” in a car is much more dangerous, because we are talking about a closed space. Imagine a bar where almost everyone smokes. So, the concentration of smoke in the car interior will be several times greater. Added to this are the harmful toxic substances that are invariably found in car trim.

These are not just words. Today, such studies are carried out by leading scientists around the world. For example, experts from Scotland were able to prove that the windows down or even the air conditioner turned on do not save the smoker and passengers from the “shock” dose of harmful smoke. To confirm this theory, special experiments were carried out. Their essence is simple. Small trips lasting up to an hour were organized. The driver was allowed to smoke no more than four cigarettes. So, the indicators of harmful particles were high even with the air conditioner on and the window fully open.

A smoldering cigarette is clamped only by the tips of the smoker's lips. With any sudden movement or attempt to say a word, it can jump out. Imagine a situation where you are driving at high speed, and a cigarette butt or even a piece of coal falls on the seat. The result can be a fire, distraction and an accident. It is enough to lose vigilance for a few seconds for the consequences to be irreversible.

We must not forget about the corrosiveness of cigarette smoke, which, if it gets into the eyes, can deprive normal vision for a few seconds. This time is enough to miss the moment of changing traffic conditions. In such a situation, it is better to immediately turn on the emergency gang, stop at the side of the road and wait for the restoration of vision.

Have you ever thrown a cigarette butt out of a window at high speed? It's better not to. Such attempts often result in the cigarette butt being returned to the cabin. The worst part is that it goes unnoticed by the driver. A cigarette flies into the back seat, and then - a fire.

We must not forget that smoking in itself greatly relaxes and slows down the reaction to what is happening. There are many cases when the same drivers of minibuses with a cigarette in their hand got into an accident and put at risk not only themselves, but also a full cabin of passengers.

In addition, smoking in the cabin inevitably leads to impregnation with corrosive smoke of all surfaces of the car (including plastic). It is already impossible to get rid of the harmful and annoying smell. Therefore, you will be poisoned even at the moment when you do not smoke.

How to smoke and not ruin a suit?

There are situations when, on the one hand, you want to light a cigarette, and on the other hand, there is a great danger of damaging your expensive suit. To prevent this, follow a few simple rules:

  • While smoking, try not to twitch abruptly and do not hold a smoking cigarette over the suit;

  • If there is an ashtray in the car, churn the ashes only into it, and do not wait until a thick layer of burnt tobacco appears on the edge of the cigarette;

  • In the absence of an ashtray, find some container. For example, you can use a small metal can, an empty matchbox, or a rolled-up napkin. The simplest method is to drop the ashes into your hand. But if a spark hits, then you can get burned;

  • If there is no container, then do not throw the ashes on the floor (the car may be offended). It is better to open the front window a little and when 5-7 mm of burnt ash appears, bring the cigarette to the right edge of the window. You don’t need to crush anything - just stretch your hand out of the cabin a little and the extra ashes will be blown away by a gust of wind. At the same time, make sure that the rest of the windows in the cabin are closed;

  • Do not throw your cigarette butt outside. Better put it out in your "ashtray" and wrap it in a napkin.

Can you smoke in a car with LPG?

There are many legends about this issue on the Internet. Some experts argue that in cars equipped with gas-balloon equipment, smoking should never be allowed. Others, on the contrary, assure that it does not pose any danger. But how are things really?

You can smoke, but you need to do it very carefully. As practice shows, a small smell of gas will never lead to an explosion. Suffice it to recall the times of the USSR, when the taxi smelled incredibly of gas, but at the same time the drivers calmly smoked cigarettes. At the same time, no one knows about cases of car explosions for this reason.

Smoking and the law

The issue of banning smoking in the car at the legislative level has been going on for a long time. In the same Russia, proposals have been repeatedly put forward to ban smoking in the presence of a child, or even to veto such actions of the driver. In case of violation of this rule, it was proposed to impose a fine. But there is no consensus on this issue yet.

Some parliamentarians believe that such an innovation should take place, because more and more complaints are coming from non-smokers (this is especially true in buses and fixed-route taxis), while others agree that this is a restriction of the rights and freedoms of a citizen. But even if the initiative passes, it has no further prospects.

For example, if smoking is banned, then drivers have the right to demand the equipment of special cafes, rest rooms and other places for smoking. A person travels hundreds of kilometers, but does not even have the opportunity to smoke. Here it is necessary to work on the development of a common culture. Ordinary prohibitions will not help to cope with the problem and educate smokers.

Although, in some countries, bans on smoking while driving are still in effect. For example, in the same Australia (in New South Wales), such rules have been in force since 2009, and in the Capital Territory - since 2012. In the latter case, it is forbidden to smoke if there is a child under 16 in the car. If you break the rule, you will have to part with 250 dollars (Australian, of course).

The list of grounds for imposing a fine on the territory of our country when using a vehicle is increasing every day.

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At the same time, it is important to notice a large number of new provisions in the legislation. It is important to carefully monitor all edits - this will avoid many problems, difficult situations.

Relatively recently, an initiative was adopted regarding the imposition of a fine for smoking while driving. But at the same time, it is still under consideration by the deputies of the State Duma.

If the law is passed, it will be illegal to smoke while driving. Thus, two tasks will be solved at the state level at once.

First of all - reducing the number of accidents on the roads due to the inattention of drivers. And the second is the fight against smoking in the country.

The law on the ban on smoking while driving has not yet been adopted. But at the same time, the approximate amount of the monetary penalty has already been determined.

Important Aspects

The rate of road traffic accidents is decreasing every year. But at the same time, legislators are trying to reduce it even more.

To this end, a number of initiatives are being used simultaneously. One of these is to introduce fines for smoking while driving.

The corresponding initiative has not yet been adopted, it has not yet been legally formalized. However, the likelihood of such a regulatory document being adopted is relatively high.

Today, it is not possible to find out exactly what the penalty for smoking while driving is. Since the final format of the legislative document has not yet been adopted.

Also in the Duma, the question regarding electronic cigarettes remains open - is there a need to include them in the corresponding ban.

It is worth working out in advance all the nuances and subtleties that are directly related to the introduction of this regulatory document.

What you need to know

The first thing that drivers should remember today is that the relevant legislative document has not yet been adopted.

Nevertheless, according to the initiators of the introduction of such a NAP, the likelihood of the adoption of this legislative document is relatively high.

That is why it is worth familiarizing yourself with all the edits in advance. This will avoid many difficult moments.

With the help of this legislative document, it is planned to simultaneously solve several problems at once:

  • reduce per capita nicotine use;
  • reduce the number of accidents;
  • make drivers more responsible;
  • receive some income to local budgets at the expense of fines;
  • reducing the cost of insurance companies for payments;
  • improving the health of citizens.

It is important to note that certain nuances that are directly related to the execution of legislation will certainly take place.

But the exact date of the entry into force of such a legislative initiative is not yet known. That is why it is worth carefully monitoring all possible edits.

Who can fine

The legislators plan to make the mode of imposing a fine for such a violation (smoking while driving) standard.

At the moment, prosecution is carried out for such violations only by traffic police officers.

A special protocol is drawn up - according to which the appropriate decision will be made. It is important to note that video and photo shooting can also become the basis for liability.

That is why the driver should be doubly careful. Therefore, it is best to simply avoid such violations at all.

In addition, this will significantly reduce the likelihood of an accident due to the absence of distractions.

There are no exact statistics on this. But many legislators believe that it is smoking that is the cause of many traffic accidents.

Another bill under consideration is the possibility of shooting on a regular smartphone and then using the files as evidence of the offender's guilt.

Again, this bill has not yet been adopted, it is being considered by the relevant amendments to the legislation to be adopted in the fall. Accordingly, it will be possible to “fine” directly to the pedestrians themselves.

Legal framework

The legal framework for this project is not yet ready. However, it is possible already now to approximately indicate the size of the fine for "lovers" to smoke while driving.

It will be approximately 1-1.5 thousand rubles. And there are no warnings. For a repeated similar violation, you will need to pay a fine already in double size.

Also in the autumn it is planned to introduce some other additional articles in the Code of Administrative Offenses in addition to those mentioned above:

  • a fine for drinking water and driving;
  • talking on the phone - now a warning or a fine of 300 rubles is expected - in the future, it is possible to impose a fine in the amount of 1 thousand rubles to 3 thousand rubles.

Moreover, similar measures will not apply to passengers. This moment will be determined by the Code of Administrative Offenses.

All relevant changes are published in official sources. For example, in the Russian newspaper and other similar sources.

Is there a fine for smoking while driving?

Today it is officially known that there is no fine for smoking while driving a vehicle. That is why drivers can also safely use electronic cigarettes while driving.

But it is important to note that most likely the relevant bill to ban smoking while driving will soon be adopted.

Therefore, it is worth weaning from smoking while driving. Otherwise, certain troubles may arise.

The main questions that are best dealt with in advance include the following:

  • how to pay the penalty;
  • what to expect in the future for smoking drivers;
  • How can I dispute?

How to pay a claim

The process of paying the penalty in such a case is carried out in a standard way. You can do this through various payment systems:

  • using a bank branch, through a cash desk or an ATM;
  • using the payment system available to the driver himself (Yandex.Money or something else);
  • through payment terminals.

You only need a properly executed receipt for the payment. It is also possible to pay through a special portal - State Services.

This is but for this you need to pre-register. Otherwise, payment will not be possible.

Video: to smoke or not to smoke while driving

It is important to note that when paying through electronic systems, it will be necessary to save the payment document.

Since sometimes errors occur and such a fine for some reason can be considered simply not paid.

It is very convenient to pay fines through Sberbank Online. This way it is possible to avoid mistakes. And in this system there is a special auto payment.

The bank has the ability to carry out verification in a fully automatic mode. After that, also automatically carry out the payment.

It is possible to pay off a fine debt through Sberbank online as follows:

  • we carry out authorization on this site;
  • go to the section called "payments and transfers";

  • open the traffic police section - taxes and duties;
  • enter the payment details, and also select the account from which the debit will be carried out;

  • after which you will need to enter a confirmation code to complete the payment process.

Withdrawal of funds will be carried out instantly. This is the simple way to pay.

It is also important to remember that this violation will be subject to a 50% discount if payment is made within the first 10 days from the date of the decision. If necessary, the fine can be challenged.

What to expect in the future for smokers

For the middle of 2017, smoking drivers should not worry. But in the future, it is worth keeping a close eye on all changes in the legislation.

Since the issuance of an appropriate decision on the fine will be carried out instantly. And it doesn't even take a lot of time. The penalty may be challenged.

How can I dispute

It will be possible to challenge the type of fine in question in a standard way. To do this, you need to follow the algorithm:

  • draw up a complaint in accordance with the established procedure;
  • we submit it to the traffic police at the place where the decision was made and attach all the necessary documents.

If for some reason it is not possible to appeal the fine through the traffic police, you will need to go to court at the place where the decision was made. A sample complaint can be