Portal for car enthusiasts

Stand according to the rules of the road. road safety

A child from the first years of life becomes a road user. And it is important to teach him to navigate the streets correctly. To do this, parents read illustrated books and magazines to their children. And in kindergartens and schools it is recommended to hang on the walls of corridors and classrooms stands with rules of the road.

In childhood, information is easier to remember if it is presented visually. Therefore, our company offers a large selection of stands illustrating traffic rules. Toddlers and schoolchildren, looking at the painted peers or animals, will remember important information.

Our offers

We can do for you stands with rules of the road, which you post:

  1. 1. In kindergarten. Their main feature is bright, colorful illustrations and a minimum amount of text. After all, preschoolers are interested in looking at images, and an accompanying adult will always tell you in detail what this picture teaches. In such an easy and unobtrusive form, boys and girls quickly learn how to move around the city and how to behave at the roadway.
  2. 2. At school. It is also important for schoolchildren to be reminded of traffic rules. After all, if their parents or relatives took them to the garden, now they themselves come to school and return home. Stands with rules of the road should also be bright and colorful, but they already contain the most important information. Her child will be able to read on their own and remember.
  3. 3. At a driving school. Stands are often ordered from us for such organizations in order to decorate classrooms with them and at the same time help students remember difficult material. Road signs are often depicted on the stand.
  4. 4. At service stations and other transport organizations. For example, you can order a stand from us that resembles the procedure for checking the technical condition of a car or a poster with a tire fitting algorithm.

We offer a wide range of stands - with and without plastic pockets. But if you did not find the right option, contact our manager for help. He will listen to all the wishes and requirements, and the designers will develop a layout in accordance with them.

We always make high quality products. Therefore, you bought stands with rules of the road will be durable. All images will remain clear and bright for a long time.

Order the necessary stand from us at an affordable price right now!

Tatiana Skryagina

Stand by"traffic rules".

Works according to traffic rules, we hang children in the house.

Pictures with different situations on road are in the car"Attention road".

Information for parents we place in the helicopter "SDA".

Reminder for parents (village).

passing road, make sure the traffic light is green.

Try to bring the child as close to you as possible, do not move the stroller away from you, take the child in your arms, hold his hand tightly.

trusting the traffic light, check that all traffic has stopped at the signal of the traffic light by looking first to the left, then right. During the transition, remove all distractions items: phone, magazine, cigarettes, etc.

Postpone conversations with your child for later.

If there is no traffic light, use the underground if possible. (overground) crossing or cross on the "zebra".

Always observe traffic rules and be correct an example for your child.

go over road calmly so that your child can keep up with you.

Do not scare the child with danger.

When entering and exiting the transport, take a small child in your arms so as not to detain other passengers.

When entering the transport, help an older child to get up, when leaving, to go down.

At night, cross road only in bright places.

Start introducing your child to traffic rules from a young age, explain traffic signals to him, use various didactic games and pictures for this.

In winter, explain to your child about the dangers that he may face on roads.

At night, avoid unlit roads and explain it to the child.

Reminder for parents on the observance of safe behavior on the streets of the city (village).

Do not rush, cross the street at a measured pace.

Out on the road roads, stop talking - the child should get used to the fact that when moving roads need to focus.

Don't go road at a yellow or red traffic light.

go over road only in places marked with the sign "Pedestrian crossing".

Get out of the car, trolleybus, tram, taxi first. Otherwise, the child may fall or run into the roadway.

Involve your child in observing the situation on road: show him those cars that are preparing to turn, go at high speed, etc.

Do not leave with the child because of the car, bushes, without first examining roads, is a typical mistake and children should not be allowed to repeat it.

Do not let children play near roads and on the roadway.

Pedestrians are only allowed to walk on sidewalks right side.

the way You have to walk calmly along the sidewalks. If there is no traffic light or traffic controller, you need to look to the left, make sure that there are no cars nearby, and when you reach the middle roads - look to the right.

A standing bus must be bypassed from behind in order to see the transport following it. The tram must be bypassed in front.

You can't play on the road. It's life-threatening.

You can not suddenly appear in front of a nearby vehicle, because the car cannot stop immediately.

Buses, trolleybuses, trams are allowed to wait only at the sites marked with a line.

Choose the safest way from home to kindergarten.

Passing the child through road, hold his hand.

Study the traffic rules well, avoid the most dangerous places when crossing the street.

Remind your children daily before leaving the house of traffic rules.

Control where your child is, if you are stopped with a friend on the sidewalk, do not get carried away talking with him, forgetting what your child is doing at this time.

parent movement with children in strollers, sleds are allowed only on sidewalks. Where there are no sidewalks, you can carry on the side of the road left side roads, towards traffic. It is safe to drive a sled, a stroller on the sidewalks.

Walk on hiking trails with children right side, slowly.

After leaving the passenger transport, do not rush to cross road, wait until moving the vehicle will move away from the stop.

When entering the vehicle, do not let go of the child's hand, the child may be injured during sudden braking.

Have your child sit on a seat or on your lap (keep it tight anyway).


In the MOU "School No. 2 r.p. Novye Burasy" the action "Be visible on the road" was held. head of the traffic police A.P. Savenkov, schoolchildren from grades 1 to 11 took part.

The school has taken the following measures to prevent child road traffic injuries:

  1. A work plan for the prevention of child road traffic injuries has been developed.
  2. A road safety booth has been set up.
  3. Meetings were held between students in grades 5-11 and the parent community with police captain A.P. Savenkov. - traffic police inspector for compliance with traffic rules.
  4. A meeting was held with the teaching staff of the school on the issue of teaching children the rules of the road and the formation of safe behavior on the road.

In order to intensify work on the prevention of child road traffic injuries, suppress violations of the rules for transporting child passengers and ensure the safety of children during the spring break, the school issued an order to conduct a targeted preventive event “Attention, holidays!”

The students were given safety lessons on the rules of safe behavior on the roads with the involvement of traffic police inspector Savenkov A.P.

An information and preventive event "Parents' hour with the traffic police inspector" was held, at which parents discussed the prevention of child road traffic injuries, compliance by parents - drivers with the mandatory use of seat belts and child restraints when transporting children in vehicles.

The corners on road safety have been updated with the use of visual materials on compliance with the rules of behavior on the roads in the spring.

Instructions, rules and legislative documents on DDTT

Rules of the road of the Russian Federation

Order_ On the approval of the Manual on the work of the road patrol_ sl_ 0t April 20_ 1999 No. 297

FZ_ On road safety dated 02_03_1999 No. 41-FZ


warning signs




    IN First of all, do not play with matches, make sure that your comrades and small children are not naughty with fire.












Extinguish "01"


In connection with the approach of the New Year and Christmas holidays, we recall the requirements of the Fire Safety Rules in the Russian Federation PPB 01–03 for organizing events with a mass stay of people (p. 50).

When organizing and holding New Year holidays and other events with a mass stay of people:

* it is allowed to use only rooms provided with at least two emergency exits that meet the requirements of design standards, do not have bars on the windows and are located no higher than 2 floors in buildings with combustible ceilings;

* the tree should be installed on a stable base and in such a way that the branches do not touch the walls and ceiling;

* in the absence of electric lighting in the room, events near the Christmas tree should be held only during daylight hours;

* illumination must be performed in compliance with NPB 234-97. When using an electric lighting network without a step-down transformer on the Christmas tree, garlands can only be used with series-connected bulbs with voltage up to 12 V, the power of the bulbs should not exceed 25 W;

* if a malfunction is detected in the illumination (heating of wires, sparking, etc.), it must be immediately de-energized.

It is forbidden:

    holding events with locked swing bars on the windows of the premises in which they are held;

    use arc spotlights, candles and firecrackers, arrange fireworks and other light fire hazardous effects that can lead to a fire;

    decorate the Christmas tree with celluloid toys, as well as gauze and cotton wool not impregnated with flame retardants;

    dress children in suits made of flammable materials;

    carry out fire, painting and other fire hazardous and explosive work;

    use shutters on windows to darken rooms;

    reduce the width of the aisles between the rows and install additional chairs, chairs, etc. in the aisles;

    completely turn off the lights in the room during performances or performances;

    allow the filling of premises with people in excess of the established norm.

During the events, duty on the stage and in the hall premises of responsible persons, members of voluntary fire brigades or employees of the fire protection of the enterprise should be organized.


We kindly ask you delete Christmas tree from the house as soon as it starts to crumble. Do not leave a dry Christmas tree in the house, garage, or just near the entrance.

When buying a Christmas tree, give preference to trees with a strong smell of fresh needles, a trunk that is sticky to the touch, and make sure that there are no yellow needles on the Christmas tree. A correctly selected Christmas tree will not begin to crumble immediately after installation. Before installation, the tree is best kept outside, in the cold. The crumbled yellow needles must be immediately removed - it, like gunpowder, can flare up from any spark.

Christmas tree needs place at least one meter from electric heaters, floor lamps, candles, etc.

Christmas tree should not block the passage.

If there are small children or animals in the house, consider mounting the Christmas tree in advance to avoid it. fall . Never place candles or fireworks on the tree.


fires cause great misfortune to people. To avoid this, fire safety rules must be strictly observed.

Remember! These rules require only one thing: careful handling of fire.

IN first of all don't play with matches , make sure that your comrades and small children do not play pranks with fire.

Not arrange games with fire in sheds, basements, attics. If necessary, go there only during the day and only on business, and in the evening, use electric lights for lighting. Under no circumstances are matches or candles allowed.

Not play with electric heaters, it's dangerous! From electrical appliances included in the network and left unattended, fires often occur.

Guys! Always remember these rules, explain them to your friends and comrades. By doing this, you will help the fire service workers in preventing fires in schools, residential buildings, and camps.

A fire can start anywhere and anytime. Therefore, you must always be prepared for it. We suggest that you remember the simplest rules that can be saved from fire and smoke.

G lavoe what you need to remember - matches and lighters are used for household chores, but not for games. Even a small spark can lead to big trouble.

Not turn on the TV without adults.

If a fire happened in your apartment - run away. Don't forget to close the door behind you.

Firmly know that there are two rescue exits from the house: if you can’t go out the door, call for help from a balcony or window.

Neither in any case, do not hide under a bed or in a closet during a fire - it will be difficult for firefighters to find you.

If your clothes caught fire, stop, fall to the ground and ride.

If you burned your hand - put it under a stream of cold water and call adults for help.

If there is fire or smoke in the entrance, do not leave the apartment. Open a window or balcony and call for help. During a fire, you can not use the elevator: it can get stuck between floors.

Extinguish fire is the business of adults, but you can call the firemen yourself. The fire department phone number is very easy to remember -"01" . State your name and address. If you do not get through on your own, ask the elders about it.