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Download the sobriety calculator app. Using the Alcohol Elimination Time Calculator

Recently, the problem of drunk drivers has been actively discussed. The state introduces new penalties for driving under the influence of alcohol. How do you know when to drive? To answer this question will help alcohol calculator (alcocalculator). He will calculate the time after which alcohol in the blood will disappear and you can safely get behind the wheel. For the calculation, the world-famous formulas of Eric Mateo Prohet Widmark and Seidl, which are used by criminologists, are used. We can safely say that this is the most accurate alcohol calculator.

Online Blood Alcohol Calculator

According to the results of statistical studies, 30% of traffic accidents are caused by drunk drivers. In order not to be among them, to control your condition, it is enough to use this alcohol intoxication calculator. He will quickly show online how many ppm in the blood and when you can drive. Especially now, when the level of alcohol in the blood should be zero and it is very easy to lose your license. So our calculator can be used as alcohol calculator for drivers.

(or alcohol calculator) can be useful to determine alcohol weathering time. By entering your weight and height, as well as the amount of alcohol drunk and its strength, and indicating whether the drinks were drunk on a full or empty stomach, you can find out after what time there will be no traces of alcohol in the blood. It is possible to specify up to 5 different drinks. Exact formulas make it possible to determine how much alcohol disappears. Moreover, the calculator will show ppm in the blood after drinking, as well as time to remove alcohol from the blood(minimum for people who are able to process alcohol quickly, medium for most people, and maximum for people who have low alcohol withdrawal rate).

The allowed blood alcohol level varies from country to country. .

Blood alcohol level

Blood alcohol level depends on the state in which the person was when taking alcohol - depends on the degree of filling of the stomach.

wedding alcohol calculator

And this question will help answer alcohol calculator. It is enough to know to what state the guests want to get drunk and how many guests will celebrate. Having calculated the required amount of alcohol in the blood for one guest, we can easily find out how much alcohol do you need for a wedding. At the same time, do not overdo it - for fun, the amount of alcohol in the blood should not be raised above 3 ppm. Well, motorists can easily determine blood alcohol level.

How many ppm is allowed in 2019

In 2019, the permissible level of alcohol content in the blood is 0.35 ppm, and in the exhaled air 0.16 ppm.

Supplement 2013

How many ppm is allowed

In accordance with the Federal Law of July 23, 2013 N 196-FZ "On Amendments to the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses and Article 28 of the Federal Law" On Road Safety "from September 1, 2013, the content of alcohol in the driver's blood is allowed

0.16 ppm in exhaled air

0.35 ppm in blood

Our calculator also takes this change into account, now you will find out not only the time for the complete elimination of alcohol from the body, but also the time for elimination to acceptable values. Thus, our online calculator will now easily answer the question how many ppm is allowed in 2013. In this regard, we are the first to offer a calculator that takes into account the new norms of 2013. Your assessment

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Calculation of the amount of alcohol in a person's blood

Your weight, kg. Alcohol consumption, ml.
Drink strength, %
Drunk for a period, hour.

Number of ppm in the body:
Removal of alcohol from the body through: hour.

What does the Widmark formula mean?

They began to calculate ppm with the filing of the Swedish chemist Vidmark. He developed a formula by which the percentage of alcohol in the blood (K) is determined.

To calculate, you need the amount of pure alcohol (that is, absolute alcohol, which also needs to be calculated in advance) in grams (A) divided by body weight in kg (M), multiplied by the Widmark coefficient (K) (for women 0.6%, for men – 0.7%).

K \u003d A / (M x K)
Reference. The male body consists of 70% water, the female - 60%. Hence the coefficient.
Therefore, with the same amount of the same drunk alcoholic beverage, both intoxication and the presence of ppm alcohol in the exhaled air will be different. Women get drunk faster and sober up longer for this very reason: the concentration of alcohol in the body (in terms of liquid) is higher than that of men.
Attention. In modern calculations, sometimes in the amendment to the Widmark formula, in addition to weight, height is also taken into account.
In fact, growth does not affect the number of ppm. It is important body weight.

Instruction - how to calculate the alcohol content?

To find out how much ppm you currently have in your blood and how long alcohol will be excreted, fill out our short online form and instantly get the result:
  1. Mark your gender by clicking on the appropriate button. As already mentioned, this is an important indicator that affects both the degree of intoxication and the speed of removing alcohol from the body.
  2. Enter your weight in kilograms in the box.
  3. Enter the amount of drink consumed in ml.
  4. Indicate the strength of the alcohol you have drunk.
  5. And the final point of calculation: how long ago did you drink alcohol. Indications in hours, indicate the time without tenths: 1, 2, 3, etc.
  6. Press the button: "Calculate".
Get an instant response:
  • What is the percentage ppm in your body.
  • How long does it take to eliminate alcohol.
Important. Taking into account the indicators for calculating the amount of alcohol in the blood, do not drive a car earlier than the time indicated by the calculator has passed.

What is ppm?

A ppm is 1/10 of one percent of anything. In relation to alcohol, 1 ppm means that 1/10 of 1% of the total fluid in the body is pure alcohol (conditional strength of 100%).

In other words, in 1 liter of body fluid, the content of pure ethylene is 1 g. All over the world, traffic safety services have adopted precisely this system for measuring the degree of intoxication of a person.

But there is no norm of 0.0 percent anywhere. The fact is that some familiar foods, medicines, and even the state of the body affect the readings of the breathalyzer.

Products that increase the number of ppm

Not only the alcohol taken can show a positive reaction on the breathalyzer, but even the state of the body, some medications and consumed foods. Here's what raises the ppm count:
  • diabetes mellitus and gastrointestinal diseases can “give out” up to 0.1 ppm;
  • taken 40 drops of medicinal (such as tricardine, barboval, etc.) - 0.1;
  • 8 chocolates (without alcohol) or 1 menthol, including cough drops - 0.1;
  • a dozen sweets with rum or alcoholized berries - up to 1.5;
  • non-alcoholic beer (0.33 l) - 0.1-0.2 ppm;
  • products involving alcohol or sour-milk fermentation (kvass, kefir, koumiss, etc.) - 0.1-0.3;
  • 1 overripe banana “gives out” up to 0.22 ppm;
  • juices - up to 0.4;
  • orange - 0.17 (which is already more than the permissible norm);
  • sandwich - black bread and sausage - 0.2;
  • freshly smoked cigarette – 0.2;
  • refreshing mouth spray can add 0.4 ppm at once. And if you still used it to mask the smell of alcohol, then you can say goodbye to the rights.

The degree of intoxication of a person

With a slight drinking of alcoholic beverages, a person feels “normal” and it even often gets away with it. But, God forbid, to get into an accident, checks cannot be avoided.

And if the tester (and then the blood test in a medical institution) shows an excess of the norm per mille, you will have to answer "to the fullest extent."

Why know?

If you have a mild degree of intoxication, in which behavioral reactions are not disturbed, and besides, you “do not smell” of alcohol, then the inspector may not have the prerequisites for offering to pass a breathalyzer test.

Not everyone indiscriminately shoves it. But if you have obvious behavioral abnormalities (incoherent speech, staggering gait), then it is unlikely that the inspector will not offer you to take an alcohol test.

Determination of the degree of intoxication

According to the medical classification, there are five degrees of intoxication:
  1. Light- in the blood from 0.5 to 1.5 ppm. The person feels sober, but in high spirits. Courage, talkativeness, a tendency to deep philosophizing appear.
  2. Average degree(up to 2.5 ppm). It is noticeable to the naked eye that the person drank. Speech becomes slurred, legs tangle. Some euphoria is replaced by irritability and a desire to "sort things out." After sobering up, sometimes it is not possible to reproduce a series of events (memory lapses).
  3. strong- up to 3 ppm. Complete "insanity". A person does not hear when they turn to him, does not understand what they want from him. Cannot move independently. Sometimes he loses consciousness, can wet himself.
  4. Alcohol poisoning- up to 5 ppm. Falling into a "complete stupor", sometimes accompanied by severe vomiting. If no one is around, it can choke. Sometimes poisoning ends in death.
  5. Lethal dose- above 5 ppm. There is a tremor, arrhythmia, a peculiar reaction of the eyes (frequent blinking and twitching). A person who takes a lethal dose can go blind. In addition, in this state, a person can be saved only thanks to qualified medical care.
If you want to preserve the health and life of yourself and those around you, never bring yourself to extreme intoxication. And in any case - do not drive until you are completely sober.

How does the body get rid of alcohol?

So that it doesn’t happen, like in that joke where the traffic inspector stops the driver for speeding, and he justifies himself by saying: “Yes, I drank a bottle of vodka, I’m in a hurry to go home until I get lucky,” remember - the maximum readings per mille achieved in 0.5 - 2 hours after drinking.

The withdrawal time depends on the strength and amount of alcohol taken. And also from the "thoroughness" of biting. Having reached the maximum indicator of intoxication, the body begins to slowly release itself from ethanol. It happens like this:

  • alcohol enters the bloodstream mainly from the stomach and intestines;
  • With blood, ethanol enters the liver, which breaks it down first into acetaldehyde, then into acid. At the final stage, acetic acid is converted into water, carbon dioxide and energy;
Up to 90% of alcohol is broken down in the liver. The more you drink, the longer this process takes.
  • 10% of ethanol leaves the body through the kidneys (with urine), through the lungs - with exhaled air and through sweat.

Scientists have derived an average indicator of how quickly ethanol can leave the body. This is 0.1 g for every kilogram of weight, or 1 g for every 10 kg per hour.

But it changes both under the influence of the organism itself, and due to external influences.

See the average withdrawal time for certain types of alcohol. It takes into account the amount drunk, its strength and body weight.

Type of alcohol Dose, ml Human weight in kg / excretion time in hours and minutes
60-69 70-79 80-89 90-99
Strong beer. 4° 100 0,35 0,30 0,25 0,20
300 1,05 1,30 1,20 1,10
500 2,55 2,30 2,10 2,00
Strong beer. 6° 100 0,55 0,45 0,40 0,35
300 2,35 2,15 2.00 1,45
500 4,20 3,50 3,15 2,55
Tonic crepe 9° 100 1,20 1,00 0,55 0,50
300 3,55 3,20 2,45 2,35
500 6,30 5,35 5,20 4,55
Champagne crepe. 11° 100 1,35 1,20 1,10 1,00
300 4,45 4,00 3,35 3,10
500 8,00 6,50 6,00 5.10
Fortified wine, Port wine 18° 100 2,35 2,15 2,00 1,45
300 7,55 6,45 5,55 5,15
500 11,25 10,25 9,50 8,45
Tincture 24° 100 3,30 3,00 2,35 2,20
300 10,25 9,00 7,50 7,00
500 17,25 14,50 13,00 11,35
Crepe liqueur. 30° 100 4,20 3,45 3,15 2,55
300 13,00 11,10 9,45 8,40
500 21,45 18,40 16,20 14,35
Vodka 40° 100 6,00 5,30 4,25 3,45
300 17,25 14,55 13,25 11,35
500 29 24,55 21,45 19,20
Cognac 42° 100 6,00 5,45 4,55 4,00
300 18,00 14,55 13,55 12,10
500 30,30 24,55 22,45 20,20

How to speed up the excretion of ethanol?

There are several methods that help to quickly bring yourself back to normal and remove alcohol from the body. Watch and remember:
  1. If you've been drinking relatively recently and feel like you're floating, the best methods are:
  • drink water - as much as you can, but not less than 1 liter and induce vomiting. It is better to cleanse the stomach 2-3 times;
  • in addition to vomiting, give an enema. If not much time has passed after the libation, with this technique you will get rid of the lion's share of ethanol.
  1. If health permits - go to the sauna(it affects the body softer than a steam bath). Three visits of 5 minutes is enough.
Carefully. A large dose of alcohol and a sauna is a dangerous combination. There are cases when, after libations, an ambulance took a drinker from a sauna directly to intensive care with a heart attack or stroke.
  1. Drink more clean water, and better - sweet herbal tea with a diuretic effect.
  2. An excellent detoxifier Orange juice or even water with (a glass of water - a spoonful of vinegar).
  3. Get a good night's sleep by opening the window. This will help the body recover faster.

How to understand that you have already sobered up?

Take into account the possible error of the calculator in determining the time of complete elimination of ethanol from the body. This is influenced by a number of factors: state of the body, disease, use on an empty stomach and so on.

Therefore, even if the allotted time has already passed and you can sort of go on a journey by car, check for yourself the degree of your sobriety. The fact that you are completely sober is evidenced by a combination of three factors. You can:

  • Loosely touch your finger to the tip of your nose with your eyes closed.
  • Walk in a straight line without stumbling.
  • Stand for 30 seconds on one leg.

Permissible alcohol limit while driving

The Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (Article 12.8) states exactly: 0.16 mg per liter of exhaled air. That is, 0.16 ppm. What corresponds 0.35 ppm in blood. This norm has been in force since 2013, and before that it was 0 ppm. But since there was a lot of confusion for the above reasons, an amendment was made to the Code on Admin. offenses.
Carefully. In some sources, there is a norm - 0.3 or 0.35 ppm.
This is the blood alcohol content. It is installed in a medical institution during examination, after taking blood. The standard of 0.16 applies to the exhaled air!

When is it safe to drive?

To the time calculated on the calculator add another half an hour - an hour to be sure. If you have used methods for the fastest removal of alcohol from the body, tested yourself for sobriety and really need to go, withstand at least the minimum time the body needs to remove ethanol.
Advice. Not having full confidence in your own sobriety, use the Anti-Policeman from the pharmacy.

Devices that determine the presence of alcohol in the blood

A useful acquisition for a motorist and a professional driver will be breathalyzer. The price of such a device is from 300 rubles (in the form of a keychain with a flashlight) to 5 thousand rubles. The more expensive the device, the more accurate. And you have a greater guarantee of a successful alcohol test in the event of a traffic police stop.
Reference. Traffic inspectors are "staffed" with breathalyzers of average cost: 1.5 - 3 thousand rubles.
Useful purchase and much cheaper - test strips to determine alcohol in saliva (urine). Are called alco-screen. The cost of one is from 21 rubles, in a package there are from 5 to 20 pieces.

So, what can you do to avoid getting caught drunk driving? Don't get behind the wheel until you're completely sober, both on the surface and according to our calculator.

Drivers in a state of intoxication have recently become more and more concerned about the population and authorities. The law provides for strict rules and consequences for those who take up driving "under the degree". Is it realistic to find out when it is allowed to drive and when not? Yes, and in this, a blood alcohol calculator will be a good helper. Its essence is to quickly make a calculation of alcohol in the blood and thereby inform whether a person is allowed to drive a car now. The calculation of alcohol in the blood, the calculator performs according to the formulas of Eric Mateo Prohet Widmark and Seidl, which are used by many authorities. There is no doubt that it shows reliable information.

Ways to calculate alcohol in the blood

To contribute to road safety and to protect your family from accidents, before leaving, you need to find out the blood alcohol content using a calculator. Only by a few simple parameters, he will calculate the content of alcohol per mille in the blood. This procedure must also be completed in order to keep your driver's license with you. Even if a person has drunk a little and does not feel intoxicated, the devices that the authorities work with can report that alcohol is present in the blood. That is why the blood alcohol calculator for drivers is a real find and protects against many unpleasant situations.

Remark ! Statistics report that thirty percent of traffic accidents are due to drunk driving.

Moreover, the functions of the breathalyzer online include not only the calculation of alcohol in the blood, but also the calculator successfully copes with the calculation of the rate of removal of alcohol from the blood. To do this, you only need to indicate your height and weight indicators, how much alcoholic beverages were consumed, what percentage of alcohol was in them, and the drink was consumed on a full or empty stomach. Only on these points will the calculation of the alcohol content in the blood and the rate of its weathering be derived. This is necessary so that the driver can fully control the situation and know that if now the percentage of ppm in the blood does not allow him to start driving, then after a specific period of time he will be allowed to do so.

The Blood Alcohol Per Mille Calculator is based on the fact that some people drink more than one type of drink. Therefore, in the item requesting the type of drink, you can specify about five different types of alcohol. The calculator is programmed with proven formulas, according to which it is possible to accurately determine the rate of weathering of alcohol from the body only taking into account the above-mentioned facts.

An interesting feature of the calculator is that it indicates the time for the removal of alcohol from the blood in several degrees. This is necessary so that a person can choose the result for his individual rate of disintegration of alcohol: the shortest time corresponds to the body of those in whom alcohol breaks down quickly, the average is considered the most standard and is suitable for most people, and the maximum time for those in whose body alcohol dissolves a very long time.

In addition to the calculator, a blood alcohol table will be a good helper. With its help, you can determine the time of disintegration of alcohol in the blood by comparing: the amount of alcohol drunk, the type of drink (the percentage of alcohol in it), and the weight of a person in kilograms. Each item of such a table indicates the time for the withdrawal of alcohol from the blood during high-speed, medium and slow weathering.

Permissible blood alcohol level

Each state determines its citizens a different rate of alcohol in the blood. In many ways, the level of alcohol in the blood is affected by whether a person was full or hungry at the time of drinking.

Advice ! If the driver has consumed kefir or kvass, then within the next few minutes the breathalyzer will surprise you: it will show the alcohol level of about 0.3 ppm. This does not mean that alcohol is in the blood, it just has not yet had time to disappear from the oral cavity. Therefore, it is better not to drive (or get caught by the authorities) 15 minutes after taking kefir or kvass.

Some more nuances should be known about the use of breathalyzers and how to behave correctly when driving a car (even with an acceptable ppm rate) and falling under the control of authorities using such a device. This is well explained in the video, which can be seen here:

Chapel ppm in the body according to the law of our country

The per mille tolerance that our state allows when driving was changed not so long ago. According to the law of July 23, 2013 N 196-FZ "On Amendments to the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses" and Article 28 of the Federal Law "On Road Safety", starting from September 1, 2013 in our country, the allowable rate of alcohol for a driver:

  • 0.16 ppm in air when exhaled;
  • 0.35 ppm in blood.

A huge plus of our updated alcohol calculator is that it works with new laws. In addition, the calculator will indicate not only the time for the withdrawal of alcohol from the blood completely, but also determine how long it takes for the ppm level to meet the requirements for drivers.

Definitions of level of intoxication

Calculating a driver's blood alcohol level can be useful for more than just deciding whether to drive or not. The calculator will also help determine the degree of intoxication of a person. For each degree of drunkenness, an approximate amount of ppm in the blood is determined. It is generally accepted that there are five levels of human intoxication:

  • Initial stage (from 0.5 to 1.5 ppm). This condition occurs within a few minutes after the first intake of alcohol. This stage is characterized by relaxation of the muscles, an increase in mood and a sense of comfort. Sociability and courage of a person are activated;
  • medium level (from 1.5 to 2.5 ppm). There is monotony and slowing down of speech. Movements are inconsistent. A person quickly becomes irritated, becomes rude or even aggressive, inciting quarrels and fights. Memory problems are already starting;
  • severe intoxication (from 2.5 to 3.0 ppm). Serious problems with coordination of movements, speech and memory. Possible loss of consciousness and involuntary urination;
  • alcohol poisoning (from 3.0 to 5.0 ppm). At this stage, a person can significantly harm his health or even lose his life;
  • if there is more than five ppm of alcohol in the body, only specialists from medical institutions can help, because this is already considered a lethal dose.

Warning ! The calculator is able to calculate the driver's blood alcohol level and determine the rate of its withdrawal. True, you should not rely on this information as an evidence base. It is recommended to use this device purely for personal purposes.

Many drivers are not averse to drinking something alcoholic to relax after a hard day. But the next day there may be problems with traffic police inspectors. A breathalyzer can show residual alcohol in the blood. If the driver does not use an individual device that controls the amount of ethanol in the exhaled air, then he should use the "alcohol output calculator" program.

Blood alcohol calculator

The program is a calculator that can accurately calculate the percentage of ethanol in the blood and the time it takes for alcohol to disappear from the body. Forensic doctors were involved in the development of this program to facilitate examinations and reduce their time.

The calculation is based on the formula derived by Eric Mateo Proheta Widmark. The calculation carried out on it gives a result equal to 99%. If a program designed for forensics is complex and difficult to understand, then there is a lightweight online version of the alcohol calculator on the Internet.

Input data

The following parameters and factors are used for the calculation. This is how the table for removing alcohol from the body looks when filled out.

The rate at which alcohol is eliminated from the body largely depends on:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • liver size;
  • metabolic rate;
  • addiction (degree of alcoholism).

If you use the alcohol withdrawal time calculator yourself, then remember that this is a risk. The results obtained independently will not be taken into account as evidence in court proceedings, statements of claim. The final, taking into account the result will be only what is obtained in a laboratory study of blood or urine taken from you.

Why you should use the program

Whatever the reasons for using alcohol-containing products, to avoid consequences with the imposition of a huge fine and loss of a driver's license, it is worth using an online calculator that calculates the rate of ethanol weathering.

The reasons to use the program may be the following:

  • the desire to calculate the amount of alcohol that can be consumed today;
  • the desire to find out how long after the banquet you can drive;
  • the desire to find out when you can drive a car and not be afraid that when taking an alcohol test, it will be positive.

Instructions for use

To find out how much alcohol disappears, you need to fill in all the fields in the calculator program. Entered data:

  • gender;
  • weight (preferably the one that was before the feast);
  • height;
  • on what stomach did you drink alcohol;
  • the percentage of alcohol in the liquid you drink;
  • the amount drunk;
  • if several drinks were consumed, then all should be indicated;
  • start the calculation with the "Calculate" button.

The final scores will be:

  • the maximum amount of ethanol;
  • the degree of intoxication;
  • the time required for the complete elimination of ethanol.

Types of degrees of intoxication in humans

Intoxication directly depends on the amount of alcohol-containing drink drunk and its strength. It is customary to distinguish four degrees of intoxication:

  1. lung;
  2. average;
  3. strong;
  4. poisoning.

Let's take a quick look at each point..

The above figures are average. The drunk dose of alcohol is absorbed differently in the body, and the following factors are to blame, in addition to those indicated in the table:

  • Times of Day;
  • the composition of the food eaten;
  • race type;
  • activity of alcohol dehydrogenase (an enzyme that processes ethyl alcohol).

How to independently calculate the concentration of alcohol

Liquid in a person contains approximately 70%, therefore, with a body weight of 80 kg, there will be 56 kg of liquid. In beer, for example, with a strength of 5%, the alcohol content is 18 g. To calculate the amount of alcohol, it is necessary to divide the amount of alcohol drunk by the mass of the liquid, that is, 18/56 \u003d 0.3 g, and translated into generally accepted readings - 0.3 ppm

How to calculate weathering time yourself

Experiments have shown that 0.15 ppm of alcohol is eliminated from the body in an hour. It follows that if 1.5 ppm was drunk the day before (entered the body), then they will be completely eliminated after 10 hours. It was described above how to calculate the concentration of alcohol.

Permissible amount of alcohol in the blood

In the code of administrative offenses adopted in the Russian Federation, article 12.8 states that the allowable rate of readings of the device, together with its error, is 0.16 mg per liter of exhaled air. In terms of ppm, this is 0.336.

If you consider yourself a law-abiding driver and do not want litigation regarding the detection of ethanol remaining in the body, you should use the alcohol elimination time calculator before driving.

Remember: alcohol abuse does not lead to anything good. According to traffic police statistics, a third of the accidents occurred due to drunk drivers.

Attention, only TODAY!


As a rule, after any celebration with alcoholic beverages, a person’s blood contains ethanol, which negatively affects health, and in order to know when it disappears, you need to have a table of alcohol withdrawal from the body on hand. This information is especially relevant for drivers, because knowing how much ethanol is kept in the blood, you can calculate the optimal amount for consumption.

How alcohol is excreted from the body

When drinking strong drinks, the concentration of alcohol quickly increases in the blood. The rate of absorption of ethanol is affected by the fullness of the stomach, the strength of the drink. As a rule, alcohol is excreted through the kidneys, liver, skin, and lungs. The main action for processing, assimilation of ethanol is assigned to the liver. The breakdown product of alcohol is acetaldehyde, a poisonous substance that leads to various liver diseases. The rest of the volatile liquid is excreted with sweat, urine, and a person can actively exhale it into the air. The withdrawal of alcohol depends on such factors:

  • liver health;
  • weight;
  • individual characteristics of the organism;
  • the strength of the drink itself;
  • the amount of alcohol consumed.

alcohol withdrawal time

Many people are interested in the question of how much alcohol is kept in the blood? The resorption period of ethanol varies depending on the type and strength of the drink consumed. In addition, a large role is given to the individual characteristics of a person (presence of chronic diseases, frequency of use, etc.). It is difficult to determine the exact time for removing alcohol from the body - the value of the figure, based on the amount drunk, can vary from 30 minutes to a day. The half-life of alcohol can be about an hour at a plasma concentration of up to 100 ml.

Much still depends on the degrees in the drink - if you drink a liter of cognac, then the concentration of alcohol will last longer than from dry wine in the same volume. In this case, the combination of drinks does not matter much, for example, a mixture of juice and vodka has the same effect as undiluted plain vodka. There is a special table for the withdrawal of alcohol from the body, taking into account the strength and volume of alcohol consumed.

Alcohol elimination rate

It is difficult to answer unambiguously the question of how quickly alcohol disappears, because the duration of its release is individual. Drinks with different contents of degrees are displayed differently, because the level of concentration of ethyl alcohol in the blood depends on the strength. In addition, ethanol leaves the blood at an individual rate for each person. Although there are main factors affecting the excretion of alcohol:

  • Floor. In women, it takes longer, and toxic damage to organs and intoxication appears faster than in men.
  • Weight. Fat people slowly get drunk.
  • Age. The elimination of toxic substances in the elderly takes longer than in the young.
  • Quantity. A large dose of alcohol will stay inside the body longer.
  • If a person rarely drinks, then the splitting of alcohol-containing drinks occurs faster.
  • Health status. The presence of diseases, stress, depression, fatigue make alcohol stay longer in the body.
  • Full stomach. The presence of a snack slows down the solubility of alcohol.

How much alcohol is excreted from the body

The period of decay and neutralization of ethanol is a long process. How long it will take depends on the health of the liver, so it will not work to greatly affect the speed of cleansing. Alcohol is excreted from the body of an adult male on average at a rate of 0.15 ppm / hour, in women - 20 percent slower. In case of poisoning, when a high concentration of alcohol threatens life, purification can be completed in 0.25 ppm / hour. The time of alcohol withdrawal often depends on what specific drink the person drank.


Such a popular alcoholic drink as vodka has an unusual effect on a person. For example, the determination of the balance of vodka by a breathalyzer after the first 100 grams shows 0.8 ppm, then after another 100 g - only 0.2 ppm, and if you then drink another 150 g, the amount of ethanol is 2.75 ppm. Finally, this amount of vodka disappears after 12 hours. As a rule, the excretion of vodka depends on:

  • an abundance of snacks: if you drink in small doses, alternating hearty meals with vodka, the concentration will be low;
  • psycho-emotional state of a person: often an excited nervous system contributes to rapid intoxication;
  • previously drunk drinks: if a person drank beer before vodka, the process of removing alcohol can increase by 2 hours;
  • gender, weight and state of health, for example, in a man of 85 kg, half a bottle of vodka disappears on average 10 hours.


The most popular low-alcohol drink is beer. Often it is drunk regardless of the day of the week and time of day. This drink has a specific smell that can give out a person. Therefore, many people want to know how long it takes beer to disappear from the body. As a rule, the table for calculating the elimination of alcohol takes into account many factors (state of health, body weight, strength, etc.). But on average, beer leaves the body like this:

  • 0.085-0.1 ppm for a woman;
  • 0.1-0.15 ppm per hour for a man.


An alcoholic drink of whiskey, obtained from wheat, barley, corn, is very strong, so it is difficult for the body to cope with it. How long does whiskey disappear from the blood? The withdrawal table for a person of average configuration contains information that the period of sobering up takes approximately 20-24 hours. It has been scientifically established that overweight people cope with ethanol more easily. Because of the strength of 100 g of whiskey, it takes longer to evaporate than the same amount of wine or beer, and fake alcohol can cause long-term intoxication and harm your health.


Most people who drink wine do not always know when it will be removed from the blood. Unlike most other drinks, dry red wine will dry out quickly. 100 ml can come out within 1.5 hours. If the volume is 200 ml, then the elimination period is doubled. The rate of ethanol weathering increases with decreasing body weight. In addition, many young mothers are sure that a glass of wine cannot harm a child. This is not so, because any alcohol easily passes into breast milk and into the body of the baby.


One of the most difficult alcoholic beverages to process is cognac. Due to its high strength, its vapors disappear from the body for a long time. Protecting a person from instant intoxication, the stomach turns on a special protective mechanism. It briefly closes a valve on its way to the small intestine, where more ethanol is absorbed by the blood. There is a special table for the withdrawal of alcohol from the body, which indicates how long a certain amount of cognac will disappear.

Cognac, unlike purified alcohol, comes out worse. Tannins and tannins obtained during aging in a barrel are broken down by the liver for a longer time. Therefore, the process of removing a bottle of cognac is almost an hour longer than weathering the same amount of vodka. In general, in order to calculate how long the body will get rid of cognac and sobriety will come, you need to add 10% to the period for which vodka goes.

Table of alcohol excretion from the body

Every person who drinks alcohol should be aware of the residual effect of alcohol and how long it takes for toxins to completely leave the body. This will later help determine whether it is possible to start work duties or drive a vehicle. There is a table that was specially created by specialists, it indicates the dosage, type of alcohol, and the time of ethanol withdrawal. Such a table can be used instead of a breathalyzer for personal purposes.

For drivers

The legal alcohol limit for driving in Russia is 0.32 ppm. According to the law, with a hangover and in a state of intoxication, a person cannot drive a vehicle, start working with technical equipment. This can lead to unpleasant situations. In addition, the working capacity of a person in a state of intoxication is reduced several times. Therefore, in order to know how long it takes to withdraw ethanol, you should use a special schedule for calculating. Approximate table of alcohol for motorists:

Amount drunk (ml)

Beer from 4 to 6%

35-54 minutes

32-47 minutes

25-40 minutes

20-35 minutes

20-30 minutes

Wine from 13 to 18%

Cognac 40-42%

For men

The removal of alcohol from the human body is individual for each individual, while ethanol in men disappears several times faster than in women. In addition, the speed of purification from alcohol depends on the food consumed. Intoxication will come more slowly if strong drinks are taken along with fatty foods. An approximate table for the withdrawal of alcohol from the body of a man:

Weathering time (hours: minutes)

Amount drunk (ml)

Cognac 42%