Portal for car enthusiasts

The Supreme Court clarified in what cases it is possible to transport children without a car seat. Rules and requirements for transporting children in a car according to the traffic code of the Koap child restraints

Before transporting a baby in a car, it is necessary to study the rules and requirements that are provided for by law, and most importantly, the baby must be in a restraint. The most popular are various models of car seats. In order to avoid a fine and for the safety of the child, you should know at what age a child car seat is needed and how to use it correctly.

Some amendments are made to the traffic rules almost every year, so drivers are advised to periodically monitor new information so as not to violate the law. According to the rules, the requirements for transporting children are more stringent than for traveling in an adult car. If it is enough for a man or a woman to be fastened with standard seat belts, and this is only mandatory for passengers who ride in the front seat, then children cannot be transported in this way.

The law states that children from birth to twelve years of age can only be transported in a car with the help of a special restraint device.

Most often, under the term "retaining device" parents mean a special car seat, the model of which takes into account the characteristics of the age, height and weight of the baby. Traffic police officers warn parents that the law establishes a fine for improper transportation of the child. How much will you have to pay? For example, if an adult passenger in a car does not wear a seat belt, the driver will lose 500 rubles. But if the rules for a small passenger in the car are violated, then the parents, or another person who is driving the car, will face a fine of 3 thousand rubles.

Some parents choose to take the risk and pay the fine but continue to carry their baby without a restraint. However, experts warn that, first of all, adults put the health and life of their child at risk. After all, even the most experienced drivers are not immune from an accident, sudden braking or a strong blow. Situations on the road can be different, so it's better to play it safe.

Necessary nuances: you need to take into account weight and age

Not only the presence of a car seat in the car is decisive for the traffic police. The restraint must fit the child according to many criteria. Therefore, parents should clearly know how to choose the right car seat model. To ensure the safety of children, restraints should be such devices as to limit the mobility of the baby during an impact or sudden braking. It should not fly out through the glass or hit.

Given the results of numerous crash tests, car seats are the safest. If they are properly installed in the car and fit the parameters of the child, such devices can protect the baby from impacts, especially frontal ones.

Car seat models depending on the weight, height and age of children - table

On sale you can find universal car seat models that are designed for children weighing from 9 to 36 kg and combine categories 1,2 and 3. These restraints are very popular with drivers, as they save money and do not buy a new car seat quite often as the child grows up.

Experts draw the attention of parents that when choosing a car seat, the main rule is to be guided by the weight of the baby, and not by his age. The fact is that upon impact, the weight of the child increases several times, and if the model of the device is not designed for such a load, this can increase the risk of injury to the baby. For example, if your baby is one and a half to two years old, but he weighs more than 18 kg, it's time to change the car seat and buy a category 2 model.

Car seats of different categories - photo gallery

Category 0 infant carrier can only be installed parallel to the rear seat
The group 0+ car seat is a carrier with a handle and is installed on the front or back seat strictly against the movement of the car Group 0+/1 transforms as the child grows

Group 1/2 car seats can be installed in front or rear in the direction of travel of the car. Group 2/3 car seats are designed for the older age group (from 15 to 36 kg)
This group is suitable for children weighing from 9 to 36 kg

Drivers should be aware that, according to the traffic rules, it is allowed to transport children under the age of 12 in the front seat, but only in a car seat. However, if a small passenger is driving in front, the airbag must be turned off and the seat moved as far as possible so as not to injure the child in the event of an accident.

Until the child reaches one year of age, the restraint must be placed on the front seat strictly against the direction of travel.

Is it necessary to put a child under the age of twelve in a car seat if the seat is already too small for him in weight and height

Recently, proposed amendments to the law on the transportation of children under 12 in cars have often been discussed among drivers and specialists. In particular, this applies to the use of car seats for children under the age of 7 years. After the baby turns seven, parents have the right to decide for themselves whether the child needs a restraint device or whether it is possible to transport him in a car without him.

The specialists who proposed such changes motivate their decision by the fact that children of the same age can differ significantly in weight category and height. Sometimes a nine-year-old baby is larger than a twelve-year-old and simply does not fit in a car seat.

However, about driving in the front seat, all the rules were left in force: up to 12 years old - only in a car seat.

That is, the new rules provide for the avoidance of a fine for drivers if a child over seven years old is in the back seat of a car and is fastened with standard seat belts. Some experts suggested replacing the age criterion with the weight and height of the baby, but did not come to a decision: how the traffic police could check these parameters.

However, to date, these amendments have not been adopted and the old rules for transporting children in a car are in effect. Therefore, drivers are advised to carefully monitor changes in legislation so as not to violate the law. But the question of many parents remains open: how to behave if the child is physically larger than the average weight and height for his age and does not fit in a car seat. The fact is that if a car is stopped by a patrol, then they are guided only by the age of the child: he is less than 12 years old - he must be in a restraint. If this rule is not followed, the driver faces a fine of 3 thousand rubles.

Therefore, parents can carry their children using other restraints. For example, a frameless car seat or buster. But even here there are weight restrictions: the baby must weigh no more than 36 kg. And for the booster, growth is also important, which should be at least 120 cm. In this case, the traffic police will not be able to issue a fine, since the rules for transporting a child will be observed.

Today, special restraints for transporting children in a car are not only car seats, but also busters and FEST belt adapters. In 2017, there were plans to change the law to ban the use of the buster and belt adapter. It was assumed that for children under seven years old, only a frame car seat should be used. However, these amendments have not yet been adopted and the new law has not entered into force.

Have new amendments been made to the law of the Russian Federation on the transportation of children in a car - video

If there is a car seat, but it is used incorrectly, is there a fine and what

Often parents, even with a car seat, can get into a situation where they cannot avoid a fine. This applies to cases where the holding device is not properly operated. The fact is that the safe transportation of a child depends not only on the presence of a car seat: the baby must be securely fixed in it. And the device itself is attached to the car seat in several ways. Therefore, a fine of three thousand rubles threatens drivers if:

  • incorrectly fixed the car seat in the car: there are several options for installing the model. You can secure the seat with regular seat belts or use the Isofix fastening system. Experts recommend the second option, because it almost completely eliminates the possibility of incorrect installation of the restraint. If the car does not have an Isofix system, you need to carefully check the correct fastening of the seat. If the car seat is not secured properly, the occupant may suffer facial or head injury from hitting the front seatback during impact or braking;
  • incorrectly installed: different models of car seats are attached to the seat in different ways. For example, if the car seat is not parallel to the seat or the group 0+ car carrier is fixed in the direction of the car, the driver cannot avoid a fine;
  • category 0 car seat - infant carrier - is in the front seat, and according to the instructions it is prohibited. It is worth knowing that it is impossible to transport a child in the front seat in frameless seats and other restraints;

    In models of group 1-2-3, it is possible to remove the back of the chair and use it as a buster. If parents prefer to carry the baby in front, then it is allowed to do this only in a complete car seat. As soon as it is transformed into a booster, the passenger must sit in the back of it.

  • the baby is not fastened to the seat or is not fastened as it should be: if the baby weighs less than 15 kg, then it is fixed in the seat using a five-point seat belt. As soon as the weight of the baby becomes more than this figure, he is fastened with regular car belts. If parents use a booster or FEST, then the baby is fixed only by the machine's belts, so you should pay attention that the belt does not pass through the child's neck. This requires a special limiter.

    It is not enough just to put a baby in a chair, it must be fastened with seat belts. If this is not done or done incorrectly, the driver will in any case pay a fine of 3 thousand rubles.

  • According to the law, the driver is obliged to pay the fine within sixty days from the date of its receipt. He also has ten days in which the driver can appeal this decision of the inspector in court.

    Fastening car seats with belts - photo gallery

    Car seats of category 0+ can be installed both in the back and in the front seat of the car, but always only in the direction of travel. In the car seat, the child is held by internal belts. Many consider it cost-effective to purchase car seats that combine two or even three weight groups at once

    How to use other restraints when you don't have a child car seat

    In many cases, parents prefer to transport their baby in a frame car seat. But according to the law, they can choose other restraints:

  • frameless car seat - fastened to the back seat of the car using special seat belts. Such models are adjusted depending on the height and weight of the child. However, experts warn that such devices do not protect children from either frontal or side impacts. And numerous crash tests show that seat belts often break during an impact, they simply cannot withstand the increased load of the passenger's weight at the time of the collision;
  • buster - a special device, which is a seat without a back. His role is quite simple: to raise the baby so that he can be fastened with regular car belts without squeezing his neck. But during an accident, boosters very often move from their place, and a belt without a limiter can squeeze the baby in the neck;
  • FEST belt adapter - this invention is used to fix the regular belt of the machine. The height of the passenger is still too small to fasten it with conventional belts, and the adapter fixes them in such a position that they do not squeeze the baby's neck. However, statistics show that at the time of sudden braking, impact or collision, adapters often move. And this can lead to suffocation of the baby.
  • Safety restraints that can be used to transport a child in a car - photo gallery

    Characteristics of restraints - table

    Some parents believe that babies can be transported in a carry cot or stroller seat. However, this is completely against the law. So transporting a baby in a car is prohibited: the inspector is obliged to issue a fine for non-compliance with traffic rules. And also in this case, parents put the health and life of the child in great danger.

    Car seat or other devices: what to choose for a safe ride - video

    Parents are primarily required to think about the safety of their baby while traveling in a car, he must be in a car seat or other restraint. Otherwise, the driver faces a fine of 3,000 rubles for violating the law. Experts note: According to statistics, a child is more likely to get fewer injuries and survive during an accident if he is securely fixed in a car seat.

    The driver who left the child alone in the car will be fined 500 rubles, and children over 7 years old were allowed to be transported in the back seat without a car seat

    On July 3, the Government of Russia published a Decree on Amendments to the Rules of the Road on the website of the Russian government. The most important innovations are those related to the rules for transporting children in a car. On the one hand, they have become tougher, and on the other hand, on the contrary, they have become more liberal. The new rules were planned to be introduced from January 1, 2017, and many media outlets announced this, but then it turned out to be a false start - the draft decree of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was not signed by Dmitry Medvedev. Experts interviewed by Realnoe Vremya support the amendments, but specify that they could be improved. More details - in the material.

    "Other means" excluded from the rules: restraints only

    The first change in the rules of the road concerns the requirements for the carriage of children.

    In particular, clause 22.9 is worded as follows: “The transportation of children under the age of 7 years in a car and a truck cab, the design of which provides for seat belts or seat belts and an ISOFIX child restraint system, must be carried out using child restraint systems (devices) corresponding to the weight and height of the child.

    Previously, this paragraph sounded like this: “The transportation of children is allowed provided that their safety is ensured, taking into account the design features of the vehicle. Transportation of children under 12 years of age in vehicles equipped with seat belts must be carried out using special child restraints appropriate for the height and weight of the child, or other means that allow the child to be fastened using the seat belts provided for by the design of the vehicle, and on the front passenger car seat - only with the use of special child restraints.

    Currently, you can only transport a child in a child restraint. The type of device depends on the weight and age of the child and ranges from infant carriers to so-called boosters. Photo stif-avto.ru

    No more litigation

    The concept of “other means” that allows you to fasten a child with a regular seat belt was excluded from the rules. This concept of “other means” was interpreted too broadly by the parents: it meant both an adapter strap or frameless car seats, and just a pillow under the ass.

    Currently, you can only transport a child in a child restraint. The type of device depends on the weight and age of the child and ranges from infant carriers to so-called boosters.

    Recall that the most popular “other means” in Russia were FEST adapters from the Kostroma enterprise of the same name. Rosstandart in December 2016 stated that restraints of this type do not comply with technical regulations and are dangerous for the child. Disputes as to whether it is possible to fasten a child with various straps and adapters for a regular belt were constantly fought between drivers and representatives of the traffic police. In an attempt to defend the rightness, a resident of Yekaterinburg reached the Supreme Court of Russia; in February 2017, the highest court ruled in favor of the driver. The new rules have dotted the i's.

    The fine for violating the rules regarding the transportation of children has not changed and amounts to 3,000 rubles.

    Accelerator kids will be able to ride like adults

    On the one hand, the exception to the rules of “other means” makes them more stringent, on the other hand, more liberal, because now only children up to 6 years old must be put into a chair. Children from 7 to 11 years old can ride in cars and trucks without a child restraint, but only in the back seat.

    Children from 7 to 11 years old can ride in cars and trucks without a child restraint, but only in the back seat. Photo newtambov.ru

    Here is how this paragraph sounds in the new rules: “The carriage of children aged 7 to 11 years (inclusive) in a car and a truck cab, the design of which provides for seat belts or seat belts and an ISOFIX child restraint system, must be carried out using child restraints systems (devices) corresponding to the weight and height of the child, or using seat belts, and in the front seat of a car - only using child restraint systems (devices) corresponding to the weight and height of the child.

    Here, parents of large children, who could not be squeezed not only into a car seat, but also a booster, will breathe freely.

    For car seats, a gap in the legislation in the form of “other means” that drivers used, and a restriction of up to 12 years, has been eliminated. Large children were not very comfortable in chairs - 11-12 years old, taller than dad, and he was forced to sit in a chair. Another thing is that they left the reference to age - this is not entirely logical. It must be tied to height - to allocate the maximum age and minimum height, after which the chair can no longer be used, - says Ramil Khairullin, representative of the Federation of Russian Car Owners in Tatarstan.

    Irina Volynets, mother of four children and chairman of the National Parents' Committee, agrees with him.

    This is a sound decision, because the use of car seats led to restrictions. For example, in my car, only two children can fit in the seats in the back seat, three without seats. And then the age - 7 years old - is no longer such a small child, the car's seat belt is enough. But, of course, you need to look at the complexion - someone at 7 years old is large, and someone at 10 years old is small. I would also introduce a dependence on the height and weight of the child, - says Volynets.

    “I would also introduce a dependence on the height and weight of the child,” Volynets says. Photo tatarstan.er.ru

    Alone in the car: under 7 years old is not allowed

    The next major change concerns drivers who like to leave their child alone in the car for a couple of minutes to run to the store or pharmacy. Similar cases occur in Russia more and more often: sometimes a car with a child is taken away by a tow truck, sometimes children left in the cabin get a heat stroke. In 2013 in Ulyanovsk, a child left in a car leaned out the window and pressed the power window button. The girl died of suffocation - her neck was squeezed by glass.

    Now clause 12.8 of the SDA has been supplemented with the following paragraph: “It is forbidden to leave a child under the age of 7 in the vehicle while it is parked in the absence of an adult.”

    Previously, the paragraph stipulated only the behavior of the driver and sounded like this: “The driver may leave his seat or leave the vehicle if he has taken the necessary measures to prevent the spontaneous movement of the vehicle or its use in the absence of the driver.”

    I fully support the changes regarding leaving children alone in the car - I do not approve of parents doing this, and the point is not only that it is hot in the car, but also that a small child may be afraid of an enclosed space and the fact that he can call anyone for help, - says Ramil Khairullin.

    Ramil Khairullin fully supports the changes regarding leaving children alone in the car. Photo gorky.tv

    The rules have changed, they forgot about the fine

    “We have consistently pushed for these important changes. It took more than two years for the relevant amendments to the traffic rules to be adopted. This is a very correct, timely measure that will prevent many childhood tragedies. Dozens of children have died after being locked in cars in the heat or because they got entangled in seat belts. Every parent should know that under no circumstances should a child be left alone in a car!” - the former children's ombudsman Pavel Astakhov reacted on Instagram.

    Now, a child left alone in a car can be held liable not only under Art. 125 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (“Leaving in danger”) and under Art. 5.35 of the Code of Administrative Offenses (“Failure by parents or other legal representatives of the obligations for the maintenance and upbringing of minors”), but also under Art. 12.19. Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, which regulates the stopping and parking of vehicles.

    True, this article, as well as the penalty for failure to fulfill the duties of education, provides for a meager one - up to five hundred rubles. Legislators, who have repeatedly supported the idea of ​​tougher punishment for parents, have asked for harsher measures. For example, the same Pavel Astakhov at one time proposed to fine up to 5 thousand rubles, Olga Krasilnikova from Right Russia declared an amount equivalent to violating the rules for transporting children, and offered a fine of 3 thousand rubles, Vitaly Zolochevsky from Eldepeer spoke about the deprivation of rights for a period 1-2 years and a fine of 100 thousand rubles. It is possible that the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, following the traffic rules, will also be amended, and the punishment for drivers who left a child alone in a car will be more serious.

    “We have consistently sought these important changes,” Pavel Astakhov responded. Photo by Maria Zvereva

    They did not impose large fines so as not to cause social tension in society. Fines are not the goal, the goal is for drivers to know that such behavior - leaving a child alone - is not welcome, this prohibition has more psychological significance. But I think that legislators will observe, and if there are no fewer such cases, they will increase the fine, - Irina Volynets believes.

    Daria Turtseva

    The Supreme Court of the Russian Federation clarified in what cases parents with children under 12 have the right to transport minor passengers without a child car seat. At the same time, by law, parents are required to use other special means of fixing small passengers, working in tandem with standard seat belts.

    As usual, let's start with some background. On April 30, 2016, a resident of Yekaterinburg was brought to administrative responsibility under part 3 of Article 12.23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses. He was fined 3,000 rubles for violating the rules for transporting children without using a child car seat.

    As stated in the materials of the decision of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation, The reason for bringing the driver to administrative responsibility under part 3 of Article 12.23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses was the fact that on April 30, 2016, in Yekaterinburg, he "transported a child under the age of 12 in the back seat of a car without special restraints".

    However, having studied the arguments and facts, as well as comparing them with the letter of the law, the Supreme Court came to the opposite conclusions, which were made by the traffic police, the judge of the Verkh-Isetsky District Court of Yekaterinburg and the Sverdlovsk Regional Court.

    Study of the case materials

    According to the data specified in the decision of the Supreme Court, the father did indeed transport the child without a child car seat, however, he explained that while the child was fastened with a universal restraint device.

    As the Court noted, according to the rules “Taking into account the design features of the vehicle” (Clause 22.9 of the SDA).

    Transportation of children under 12 years of age in vehicles equipped with seat belts must be carried out using child restraints appropriate for the weight and height of the child, or other means that allow the child to be fastened using the seat belts provided for by the design of the vehicle, and in the front seat passenger car - only with the use of child restraints.

    Thus “From a literal interpretation of this provision, it follows that the transportation of children under 12 years of age in the back seat of a vehicle is possible using both child restraints appropriate for the weight and height of the child, and other means that allow the child to be fastened”.

    The judge of the Supreme Court explains that according to paragraph 2.1.3 of GOST 41.4-2005 "Uniform provisions regarding restraints for children in motor vehicles", child restraints can be of two designs: one-piece and non-one-piece.

    One piece construction shall consist of straps or flexible elements with a strand, adjustment devices, fastenings and, in some cases, an additional seat and/or impact shield attached with its own integral strap or straps.

    Non-solid construction, as explained in the ruling of the SC, includes a partial restraint which, when used in combination with an adult seat belt that wraps around the child's torso, or a child restraint, forms a complete child restraint.

    The Court also drew attention to past checks on GOST "partial restraint". This may be an additional cushion which, when used with a child seat belt or child restraint, forms a child restraint. "Extra Cushion - A resilient cushion that can be used with any adult seat belt" indicated in the decision of the Court.

    Paragraph 22.9 of the SDA speaks of the rules and regulations for transporting children in cars to ensure their safety, given the design of your vehicle.

    Children under 12 years of age are allowed to travel in vehicles with seat belts when using child restraints.

    Restraints are configured differently to suit the age, weight, and height of the child. It is possible to use other aids through which you can fasten the child through the seat belts in the rear seats. The front seat uses only assistive restraints. It also mentions the prohibition of carrying children under the age of 12 in the back seat of a motorcycle.

    Not all drivers have yet figured out this issue, many do not understand what “special restraint” means and do not realize their responsibility for violating the rules for transporting children in a car.

    A child restraint (retaining system of elements) is a complex of various parts, straps and buckles, regulating parts, and sometimes the presence of an additional device (cradle, chair, separate seat or shock screen), which can be attached inside the car body to ensure the safety of the child .

    The design of the device must be designed in such a way that in the event of sudden braking or collision, the risk of injury to the child protected by the restraint is minimized. Thus, the restraining means must limit the mobility of the body, thereby preserving the chances of being protected from injury.

    The fine for violating the rules for transporting children in a car (lack of a child restraint) is 3,000 rubles.

    Rules for transporting children in a car

    In the front seat

    For a long time, disputes about the possibility of transporting children in the front seat did not subside, and from what age a child is considered correct and permitted. After all, many car owners are of the opinion that the front position can be more dangerous than the second or third row of seats and only adults can drive in front.

    They remove all restrictions regarding the rules and allow even infants to ride in the front seat, as long as they are protected according to all the requirements for their safety.

    It is not enough to fasten only one belt, you need to use additional restraints, which must be selected for each age, weight and height of the child separately.

    Up to a year

    Previously, the transportation of infants next to the driver was strictly prohibited, but now the traffic rules do not regulate this issue in any way.

    Now, to transport a child under 1 year old, you can buy a special cradle chair and install it in the front seat, if it is more convenient for you to look after the child.

    However, having well considered the different situations on the road, in the presence of several passengers and, it is safe to say that it is better for the child to get used to the back seat as soon as he can sit on his own.

    This will protect the driver from all sorts of extra items that interfere with driving a car (for example, toys). In general, you can teach a child to travel comfortably in the back seat with the help of a cozy place for him, various children's storage systems that are attached to the back of the front seat. You can also use children's digital game and video panels to watch cartoons and games on the go.

    In the front seat, this is impossible to imagine, so it is immediately clear that the child himself will want to sit in the back and not interfere with driving. And the main thing on the road is safety, both for the passenger and the driver.

    If you are transporting a child in a seat in the front seat, be sure to turn off the airbag function to avoid injury during braking and collision.

    The seat of the baby should be positioned so that he looks at the driver, and not at the road. It was these conclusions that appeared immediately after the first crash tests with child seats.

    In the back seat, the cradle of the child should be located strictly perpendicular to the movement of the car, and the car seat of a six-month-old child should be located at a slight angle in height.

    It is preferable and allowed to use the chair from the birth of the baby. This is more necessary due to its correct angle of inclination during installation, which should reduce frontal forces in trauma by 70%. Therefore, after exploring all the options and offers of child car seats and devices, find your ideal way to travel safely.

    Up to 12 years old

    Adolescents under 12 years old and up to 135 centimeters tall must, according to the rules, ride in a car in a special seat and with restraints.

    Try to find a shop where you will be allowed to "try on" the seat to the car if there is a child in it. Determine your choice precisely and try on the most suitable model, not everything.

    The established rules for transporting children to the seat next to the driver require that the chair comply with GOST.

    If you can’t find the most comfortable model in any way, and you can’t go without it with a child, then choose the most suitable model and add comfort to it with the help of an additional pillow, stand.

    Armchairs are divided into classes by size, which must be compared with the physiological parameters of the child using size tables.

    These values ​​​​are very average and you need to check everything yourself when buying.

    With the active growth of the child, parents begin to carry him in the front seat without a seat and believe that you can only redirect the seat belts and everything will be fine. So, you can change the direction of the belts only with the help of special devices - holding devices.

    In order to ensure that during the inspection by the inspector there is no doubt about the legitimacy of your actions and the belonging of your devices to the permitted category, it is recommended to use domestic products for children that meet GOST.

    In Russian goods, the belts are correctly fixed on the hip part and at the level of the collarbone.

    The age of 12 years was not chosen by chance. suitable for people with a height of 1.5 m, and just in time for 12 years, children often reach this height and can use common belts.

    Remember: the child must be secured in the car while driving. How long he would not be there, even 5 minutes, but they must be safe. Will it be a seat or a restraint - you need to decide and select individually, but the driver must take care of the safety of small passengers separately, otherwise a fine cannot be avoided.

    But no fine can be compared with the pangs of conscience if an accident suddenly happens and a child suffers due to non-compliance with traffic rules.

    If there is no need to often transport children in a car, then you can get by with a budget option such as a FEST restraint for children from 9 to 36 kg. Additionally, you need to purchase a strap (FEST) for a child weighing up to 18 kg.

    In Finland

    The rules for transporting children in Finland are similar to Russian traffic rules.

    A child no taller than 1.35 m is transported using a restraint if there are seat belts in the car, or in a separate seat installed if there are no such belts.

    If it is impossible to install a child seat in front of the child, it is forbidden to transport there and, accordingly, children under 3 years old are not transported without a car seat.

    Taxis are an exception to these rules.

    Children over 3 years of age can be transported in the rear seats using a child seat belt.

    Do not transport children in the front seats facing traffic with an active airbag.

    In Europe

    In Europe, the rules for transporting children in a car are taken very seriously and fines, unlike in Russia, can be very high (about 800 euros).

    Let's take a look at the data for different countries.


    Children under 12 years old and less than 1.50 m tall are transported only in a car seat.

    Children over this age must wear seat belts.

    Penalties for non-compliance: 35 euros.


    A child under 12 years old with a height of up to 1.35 m is transported in a special seat.

    Children under 3 years of age cannot be transported without a seat.

    Children from 3 to 8 years old are transported on motorcycles (only up to 125 cc) with restraints.

    Penalties for violations: 50 euros.

    Great Britain

    A child under 3 years of age is transported in any car in a restraint.

    Penalty for violation of the rules from 30 to 500 pounds.


    Children under 12 years of age ride in a height and weight restraint.

    From 3 years old and less than 1.50 m tall, children are transported only in the back seat.

    Rules for transporting children in a carall parents should know. Compliance with the rules for transporting children in a car will help save their life and health in the event of an accident.

    Transportation of children in a car. Can I take a child in the front seat?

    The rules for transporting children are enshrined in the Rules of the Road of the Russian Federation (SDA). With regard to travel by car, the rules allow children to be transported in a car, as well as in the cab of a truck. But transporting children of any age in the back is unacceptable.

    When transporting a child, the driver is obliged to take care of his safety as far as the design of the vehicle allows. The most detailed in the SDA regulates the question of how to carry a child in a car with seat belts. However, this does not mean that if the car is not equipped with such belts, then the child cannot be transported. After all, the rules do not contain such a ban.

    The main requirements of traffic rules for the transportation of children are as follows:

    1. If the car has seat belts, then it is permissible to carry a child under 12 years of age:
    • using restraints (chairs, car seats);
    • using means to fasten a young passenger with seat belts (adapter triangle, booster pillow).
  • Children under the age of 12 must not be transported in the back seat of a motorcycle.
  • If it is necessary to transport at least 8 children, then such transportation is considered organized, it is allowed only on the bus and is subject to special rules.
  • Many are interested in the question of whether the traffic rules allow the transportation of children in the front seat in 2019-2020. There is no prohibition in this regard in the rules, that is, a child of any age can be transported in the front seat. However, if we are talking about a passenger car, then a passenger under the age of 12 must be in a seat or infant carrier. In other words, the use of an adapter triangle or booster in the front seat of a passenger car is unacceptable.

    What should be car seats for transporting children?

    The rules for transporting children in a car will only be met if the restraint is selected and installed correctly. It should correspond to the height of the child and his weight. Requirements for such devices are specified in GOST R 41.44-2005.

    All car seats are usually divided into 5 groups, depending on the weight of the child (0-10, 0-13, 9-18, 15-25, 22-36 kg). At the same time, it is acceptable that one chair is intended for children of 2-3 weight groups at once. Before a new type of chairs goes on sale, several copies undergo a mandatory test. In this case, a mannequin is used, depicting a child of a certain weight.

    If the child is under 1 year old, then the car seat must be placed against the movement of the car. With this installation, the risk of damage to the cervical vertebrae in the event of an accident is significantly reduced. However, in this case, it is imperative to deactivate the airbag, as if it deploys, it can cause serious injury to the child.

    Commercially available restraints must be accompanied by detailed instructions for their installation. It should contain not only a description, but also clear drawings or photographs showing the correct fastening of the car seat.

    Transportation of children in a SDA car using chairs or other devices is allowed until they reach the age of 12 years. This is due to the fact that the belts available in the cabin are designed for people at least 1.5 meters, and the growth of most twelve-year-old children already reaches this mark. If the teenager is below one and a half meters, it is recommended to use restraints after reaching the age of 12, although the rules do not require doing so without fail.

    Don't know your rights?

    Basic rules for transporting children on buses

    The procedure for bus transportation of children's groups is regulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 17, 2013 No. 1177. This document is applied if the group size is at least 8 people.

    Let's name the most important rules of organized transportation:

    1. The bus is equipped with identification marks "Transportation of children".
    2. Children under 7 years of age can only be included in the group if the expected travel time is less than 4 hours.
    3. Driving at night (from 11 pm to 6 am) is allowed in exceptional cases:
    • when traveling to the railway station, airport or from them;
    • delivery of children to their destination in case of a delay on the way.
  • If a long-distance trip longer than 3 hours is expected, the group must be accompanied by a health worker.
  • The driver must meet a number of requirements:
    • have a continuous experience of driving a vehicle of category "D" for at least a year;
    • during the year not to be arrested or deprived of a driver's license for a traffic violation.
  • Each bus must be accompanied by adults (during the trip they must be near the door).
  • If it is expected to be on the road for more than 3 hours, then a supply of water and food must be prepared.
  • From July 1, 2015, the requirements for buses that carry children came into force. According to these rules, a bus no older than 10 years old can be used to transport children's groups. It must be equipped with a tachograph (a device that records the speed, as well as periods of movement and stop) and GLONASS equipment (a device that allows you to determine the exact location of the vehicle).

    What documents are needed when transporting children's groups in accordance with Decree No. 1177?

    Organized transportation of children will require a significant number of documents. First, we list the papers that will be needed in all cases of such transportation:

    1. List of children, in which their surnames, first names, patronymics and age are indicated;
    2. List of attendants with their phone numbers;
    3. A document that reflects information about the driver, his phone number;
    4. The layout of the children on the bus;
    5. Timetable showing stops.

    When preparing for the transportation of a children's group, its organizer is obliged to submit an application for escort to the traffic police. Based on the results of its consideration in the traffic police, both a positive decision and a notice of refusal can be received - these papers are also included in the collected package of documents.

    If the estimated time on the road is more than 3 hours, then you will need a list of prepared foods and water, as well as documents for a health worker (a copy of a passport, license or employment contract with a medical institution, a certificate of position). If a hired vehicle is used for transportation, then a charter agreement is drawn up.

    It should be noted that all these documents must be kept for at least 3 years after each trip.

    The rules for transporting children in buses and cars should not be neglected. And the point here is not even the possible fines for their violation. These rules have evolved over the years based on information about road accidents in which children were injured. Not a single driver is insured against accidents, therefore only strict compliance with the requirements will help to avoid serious bodily harm in an emergency.