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Exercises on the circuit: how to pass the driving test? Rules for the delivery of the autodrome from September 1.

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You are probably aware that from September 1, 2016, new rules for conducting an exam in the traffic police come into force. There is nothing to be afraid of, Drome has prepared for the changes and will help you quickly get used to the new reality.

What has changed? The exam remained essentially the same, but the requirements for passing it became noticeably tougher.

Theoretical exam

1. The standard exam ticket consists of 20 questions.

All questions in the exam ticket are divided into 4 thematic blocks, five in each. Thematic block is a grouping of questions on one of the main 4 topics of traffic rules. The blocks in the ticket go one after another in this order: the first block (questions 1-5), the second block (questions 6-10), the third block (questions 11-15), the fourth block (questions 16-20).

Each of the 4 blocks belongs to one of the 4 groups. Those. Exactly 1 block is selected from each group.

2. The classic 20 minutes are allotted for the exam.

3. In 20 minutes you need to answer all questions without errors. Then you definitely pass to the next round.

4. You will receive 5 additional questions if you fail one of the main questions. Those. if they gave one wrong answer or did not have time to answer one main question.

In this case, you receive an additional block of questions selected from the same group.

For example, if a mistake is made in question 4, then you will additionally have to answer questions 1-5 from some other ticket. If a mistake is made in question 17, then you will have to additionally answer questions 16-20. Only 5 minutes are given to solve all five questions. And here you can't go wrong. Otherwise, the exam is not passed.

5. You can also get 10 additional questions if you fail to cope with two questions, and these questions must be from different thematic blocks. In this case, 2 additional blocks of questions from those groups in which errors were made are displayed on the screen.

For example, if mistakes are made in questions 1 and 11, the driver candidate will receive blocks with questions 1-5 and 11-15 from other tickets.

The same is true in the case of missing one question in one thematic block and an error in the question of another.

Remember! If mistakes are made, for example, in questions 14 and 15, i.e. in one thematic block, then additional questions are not displayed on the screen. This automatically means that the exam is not passed!

And most importantly: you can’t make mistakes in additional questions! Even with one mistake, the exam will immediately fail.

  • If you answered all 20 questions correctly.
  • If you made 1 or 2 mistakes (in different blocks) of the main questions, and then correctly answered all the additional ones.

7. In all other cases, the exam will NOT be passed.


  • If you made 3 mistakes in the main part of the exam.
  • Did not solve/missed 2 questions from one thematic block.
  • Made at least one mistake in additional questions / missed at least one additional question. question.
  • If you suddenly decide to use a cheat sheet or ask a neighbor for advice.
  • If you suddenly decide to get up and leave the exam.

There is another interesting point, which was taken care of in advance and prescribed in the new regulations:

If during the exam the computer freezes or some problems arise in its operation, then you need to boldly and quickly inform the examiner about this. You will be transferred to another computer, but the exam will have to start over, that is, all your "progress" will be reset and you will decide a different ticket.

practical exam

The practical exam on a closed area (autodrome) has also changed a bit - there are new exercises on the autodrome for categories B, C, D and subcategories B1, C1, D1.

To begin with, let us remind you what exercises were used on the circuit before, which were trained by candidate drivers in driving schools and which they were ready to take at the qualifying final exam.

1. "Snake":

The student had to stop in front of the stop line, in front of the stop line, put the car in neutral and, after raising the parking brake, release the brake pedal. Then turn on the first (D) gear, remove from the "handbrake" and drive 4 turns, bending around the cones. Two left and two right turns. Then stop at the "finish" stop line and do all the same steps to stop and hold the car in place.

For candidate drivers, this exercise has always been the easiest both in learning and in passing the exam. To the great regret of future drivers, the "snake" will no longer be the same. But more on that below.

2. Stopping and starting to move on the rise ("Flyover").

"Overpass" is rented both on a car with a manual transmission, and with an automatic one. It's strange, but it's true. We will not describe the process of “starting off” into the ascent (we will leave it to instructors in driving schools), but the essence of the exercise is quite clear - you need to drive into the ascent with a minimum, or better, zero rollback. The exercise is performed only using the parking brake on vehicles with any type of gearbox.

Nothing has changed here, a stop, a climb, a stop again, a demonstrative starting off without a rollback, a drive to the “finish” and a stop again.

3. U-turn in a limited space.

This exercise also remains the same. It is quite simple, the main thing is not to knock down the cone (however, as with any other exercise).

4. Entrance to the box in reverse.

Check in boxing or, as this exercise is also called, "check in the garage." Nothing new, the exercise remains and, perhaps, you will have to take it in the exam, we hope you have learned how to do it well enough!

5. Parallel parking.

Everything is simple and clear. And it remains one of the main exercises on the circuit.

So, out of 5 exercises, only the “snake” was changed, the remaining 4 exercises remained unchanged.

What happened to the “snake” and what new exercises will you have to take in a closed area?

There are 3 in total:

  • New snake;
  • Turns 90 degrees;
  • Driving through a controlled intersection.

1. New snake.

This exercise will replace the “old” snake, which is well known to all candidates for drivers. It consists of only one turn to the left and one to the right. However, they need to be performed along a smooth trajectory.

2. 90 degree turns.

This exercise is completely new. It consists in the fact that the driver must make a left turn and a right turn. At the same time, the room for maneuver is limited, and the turns are very sharp due to their degree.

3. Driving through a regulated intersection.

Attention! This exercise will only be used on automated circuits.

An automated autodrome is a complex of special technical facilities and facilities designed to train and take the first stage of a practical exam using an electronic system for monitoring and evaluating the driving skills of candidate drivers.

When performing the exercise, you will need to drive up to the intersection and drive through it in the given direction. You will need to follow the traffic lights.

Until September 1, 2016, the examiner selected 3 out of 5 exercises for passing driving at the autodrome. After September 1, things get a little different.

To successfully pass the exam, the driver candidate must complete the following exercises:

  • Stopping and starting to move on the rise;
  • Entrance to the box in reverse;
  • Parallel parking.

In addition, the examiner selects two of the three exercises:

  • New snake;
  • Turns 90 degrees;
  • U-turn in a limited space.

On an automated circuit, you also need to complete the exercise “Passing a regulated intersection”.

So, we conclude that the exam at the autodrome from September 1, 2016 includes 5 exercises (6 at the automated autodrome), and not 3, as it was before.

If you go to a driving school for a driver's license for the right to drive two-wheeled vehicles, then here you are also waiting for "novelties" on the circuit.

New events on the autodrome for categories A, M and subcategory A1:

  • Maneuvering in confined spaces, braking and stopping while driving at various speeds, including emergency stops;
  • Parking the vehicle and leaving the parking space;
  • Stop for safe boarding or disembarking of passengers.

All exercises that had to be taken at the autodrome before September 1, 2016 will be combined into exercise number 1:

This exercise has 4 parts:

  • Dimensional eight;
  • snake;
  • high-speed maneuvering;
  • Dimensional corridor.

* Exercise "high-speed maneuvering" must be completed in 35 seconds.

After the “multi-part” first exercise, the driver candidates will have to complete two more completely new exercises.

Exercise 2 involves parking the motorcycle in reverse into a parking space. Since the motorcycle does not have a reverse gear, the driver candidate must dismount while parking.

Exercise 3 is that the driver candidate must park the motorcycle near the curb. In this case, the distance to the curb should not exceed 30 centimeters.

There are a lot of changes in the conduct and passing of the exam. We talked about the biggest ones related to the delivery of theory and the circuit. Something has changed when taking the exam in the city, but mainly these are organizational issues when students graduate from driving schools, as well as some changes in the timing of retaking the exam. There are general federal innovations in this “list”, but there are also many local and regional ones. Therefore, we will omit these points, they will tell you in detail at the driving school.

In any case, you should not be afraid of a new procedure for passing exams, you are going to study at a driving school and if you take training seriously, attentively and perseveringly, you will easily overcome this path of becoming a Driver!

In this article, we will tell you about the updated rules for passing the very first part of practical driving - exercises on the circuit. Starting September 01, 2016, the list of exercises for the exam at the autodrome will include several more new exercises that will be installed for all categories of vehicles.

The updated rules for conducting exams are described by the Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the provision of public services for conducting an exam for the right to drive a vehicle and issue a driver's license.

Let's look at the new exercises on the circuit when passing the exam for the rights.

New Autodrome Exam Exercises - Categories B, C, D, Subcategories B1, C1, D1

First, let's recall those exercises that were earlier:

  • Reverse entrance;
  • Parallel parking;

So, the exam includes 4 out of 5 old exercises. These exercises are already familiar and we will not dwell on them in this article in more detail. You can find more details about them in the heading "".

New exercises for the exam at the circuit:

Turns 90 degrees. This exercise is completely new. Its meaning is for the candidate to make a left turn and then a right turn. The situation is complicated by the fact that the space for maneuvering is limited.

New snake. Such an exercise comes to replace the “old” snake, well known to drivers. It can be seen from the diagram that the new exercise includes only one turn to the left and to the right. It is necessary to perform such turns along a smoothed, smooth trajectory.

Driving through a controlled intersection. Such an innovation will only be in exams at automated racetracks. You will need to drive up to the regulated intersection and continue moving in the indicated direction. It is clear that during maneuvers it will be necessary to coordinate the movement with traffic signals.

Until September 2016, the inspector can choose three exercises out of five when passing the exam at the circuit. Starting September 01, this rule will change.

In order to successfully pass the exam, the driver must complete the following exercises:

  • Check in boxing in reverse;
  • Stop / start movement when lifting;
  • Parallel parking;

In addition to these exercises, the inspector will choose two more exercises out of three:

  • New snake;
  • U-turn in confined spaces;
  • Turns 90 degrees;

If the exam is held on an automated circuit, you will need to pass one more exercise here:

  • Driving through a controlled intersection.

This means that from September 01, 2016, the racetrack exam includes 5 exercises or 6 for the automated racetrack.

New exercises for the exam at the autodrome - categories "A", "M", subcategory "A1"

The list of exercises has also been updated for two-wheelers:

  • Maneuvering in confined spaces, braking / stopping when moving at different speeds, including emergency stops;
  • Parking, exit from the parking lot;
  • Stop for safe disembarkation / embarkation of passengers.

Note that all exercises used up to September 2016 are merged into exercise 1:

The first exercise will consist of four parts:

  • Dimensional corridor;
  • Dimensional eight;
  • high-speed maneuvering;
  • snake.

A specific feature of the speed maneuvering exercise is that it must be completed in a maximum of 35 seconds.

The second exercise is aimed at parking two-wheeled vehicles in reverse. Due to the fact that the motorcycle does not have a reverse gear, the driver will need to park while dismounting.

The third exercise gives the motorcyclist the task of when he must park near the curb. In this exercise, the distance to the curb should be no more than 30 centimeters.

The second and third exercises are completely new and have not been used in exams before.

New Exercises for the Autodrome Exam - Category "E"

Significant changes have occurred with the list of exercises in the categories BE, CE, C1E, DE, D1E. Recall that before the innovations, it was necessary to complete only 2 exercises to obtain rights in these categories:

  • Positioning with the tailgate to the platform;
  • Rectilinear reversing.
  • Reversing, reversing maneuvering, reversing entry into the box;
  • Coupling/uncoupling of trailer and tractor;
  • Maneuvering in confined spaces, stopping for the safe disembarkation / embarkation of passengers;
  • Car parking, exit from the parking lot, parking on the loading ramp for loading.

Coupling/uncoupling of trailer and tractor (not shown). In such an exercise, the driver must demonstrate that he knows how to hitch. This also includes the connection of electrical equipment and the connection of brakes.

Maneuvering in confined spaces, stopping for the safe disembarkation / embarkation of passengers consists in turning the vehicle by 90 degrees and stopping near the curb at a distance of no more than one meter. In such a situation, of course, you can’t call in on the curb.

Reversing, reversing maneuvering, reversing entry into the box. This exercise is similar to the “Entering the Boxing” exercise for category “B”. But there are also some peculiarities:

  1. First: the box for cars of category "E" is much wider.
  2. Second: stop the car from the right wall at a distance of no more than 1.5 meters and at a distance of no more than 1.5 meters from the back (rear) wall.

Parking, leaving the parking lot, parking on the loading ramp for loading. The exercise is similar to the "Parallel Parking" category "B". The difference is that the trailer itself is parked at the loading dock. This means that the distance between the tailgate and the uprights must be no more than 1 meter (for BE/C1E/D1E categories) or no more than 1.5 meters (for CE/DE categories).

In general, passing the exam at the circuit in the category "E" will also become more difficult. But after all, the control skills developed during the performance of such exercises should significantly simplify the work of the driver himself in the future.

On this we have reviewed all the updated exercises for passing the exam on the circuit.

Those who are going to get a driving license should be aware that the exercises on the circuit have changed somewhat since September 1, 2016. This applies to any category: passenger cars, vehicles with increased maneuverability (two-wheeled) and vehicles using trailers. The examiner, the traffic police inspector, evaluates the quality of the exercises performed, which the student must complete in accordance with the examination program.

Innovations since September 1, 2016

It is worth considering separately the changes that have taken place in the examination program for various categories of transport, since the new exercise schemes at the autodrome 2016 have been developed in accordance with the peculiarities of driving different vehicles.

Depending on the category of transport, the developed maneuvers are aimed at determining the degree of mastery of the novice driver in the most complex elements, performed, for example, in confined spaces. The examiner evaluates not only the quality of the performed maneuver, but also the speed of its implementation (the maximum allowable speed of execution is set for each exercise).

Now, in addition to technology, the student's ability to quickly navigate is assessed, which is especially important in real driving.

For students who qualify for B, C, or D

The assessment was left unchanged:

  • The beginning of the movement on the "lifts" with a mandatory stop;
  • Parallel parking;
  • U-turn performed in confined spaces;
  • Element "entry into the box" (performed in reverse).

These elements are divided into two groups: mandatory and additional, the traffic police officer evaluates the student's actions according to the quality of each exercise performed from both lists. In total, the candidate shows during the test five elements from both groups.

Added new exercises:
  • Turns at an angle of 90 0 ;
  • Snake (modified), characterized by smooth turns and providing only 1 turn to the right and left;
  • Crossing an intersection (regulated), provided that the autodrome has a specially equipped area for its implementation.

Note: the last element will be obligatory for performance on equipped sites, that is, if a student takes an exam at such a circuit, then instead of five exercises, he will be required to show six. The sixth maneuver performed will be precisely overcoming the intersection.

New exercises on the circuit 2016 in the exam are distributed as follows:

  • Mandatory: parallel parking, entrance to the box and "lift".
  • Additional: a turn in a limited space, a “snake” (new) or turns by 90 0 (selected by the examiner 2 out of 3).

To successfully pass the final test, the student must clearly perform the maneuver within the time limit established by the regulations.

For category M and A

The format for passing the “autodrome” for this group has undergone significant changes. The new 2016 circuit drills now consist of:

  • Maneuvering (all the “old” exercises were included here: snake, overall figure eight, high-speed maneuvering and overall corridor);
  • Parking / exit from parking spaces;
  • Stop for safe boarding / disembarking of passengers.

That is, in fact, the last 2 exercises on the circuit from September 1, 2016 are new, and the previously existing ones are combined into a single element. This means that the requirements for those wishing to become a driver of such vehicles have become tougher. Which is quite justified, since in addition to the maneuverability of two-wheeled vehicles, they are also potentially more dangerous for both the drivers themselves and other road users.

For category E

For this category, the most significant changes are provided. The active use of large-sized vehicles in various fields of activity has led to the need for more stringent requirements for the implementation of the most common car controls. Instead of the previously existing 2 manoeuvres, the 2016 circuit routines include:

  • Maneuvering, entering the box and reversing the car;
  • Coupling / disengaging the tractor and trailer;
  • Maneuvers in confined spaces with a stop for embarkation / disembarkation (safe) of passengers;
  • Parking in the following options: exit / entrance to the parking lot and stop at a special loading ramp to perform loading / unloading operations.


As you can see, since September 1, 2016, the exercises on the circuit have changed for each category. In addition, the time frame allotted for a number of maneuvers by drivers passing an exam for the rights of various categories has been significantly “tightened”. The new rules now provide for the surrender of elements of the "autodrome" by vehicles with an automatic transmission, which were previously not allowed to perform these maneuvers. Correction of the exam "autodrome" is aimed at better mastering the most complex elements of transport control. More stringent requirements during training will allow beginners to feel more confident on the roads. This is especially important for large cities with active car traffic.

Video: How to perform new exercises on the circuit from September 1, 2016

Driving test exercises

We express our gratitude to the creators and administrators of the site www.pddmaster, on which we found such valuable material.

This article will discuss the updated rules for passing the first part of the practical exam - the circuit. Starting from September 1, 2016, the list of exercises on the circuit will include several new exercises for all categories of vehicles.

Let me remind you that the updated rules for conducting exams are contained in the Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the provision of public services for conducting exams for the right to drive vehicles and issue driver's licenses. This document is the subject of a series of articles "Exams in the traffic police since 2016" on pddmaster.ru.

Let's move on to the consideration of new exercises for passing the exam in the traffic police.

Circuit exercises for categories B, C, D and subcategories B1, C1, D1

Exercises that have not changed:

Stopping and starting to move on the rise;

U-turn in a limited space;

Entrance to the box in reverse;

· Parallel parking;

So, 4 out of 5 exercises remained in the exam. We will not dwell on them in more detail. All these exercises are discussed in detail in the series of articles "Pass the circuit with a half kick."

New exercises on the circuit:

· New snake;

Turns by 90 degrees;

· Driving through a controlled intersection.

New snake. This exercise will come to replace the "old" snake, well known to all drivers. Please note that the new serpentine includes only one turn to the left and one turn to the right. However, they need to be performed along a smooth trajectory.

90 degree turns. This exercise is completely new. It consists in the fact that the driver must make a left turn and a right turn. At the same time, the room for maneuver is limited.

Driving through a controlled intersection. This exercise will only be used on automated circuits. You need to drive up to the intersection and drive through it in the given direction. In this case, you should be guided by traffic lights.

The procedure for performing new exercises will be discussed in new articles in the series "Pass the circuit with a half kick". We will not dwell on it in detail within the framework of this article.

Until September 1, 2016, the examiner selects 3 out of 5 exercises for passing driving on the circuit. After September 1, this rule will change.

To successfully pass the exam, the driver candidate must complete the following exercises:

In addition, the examiner selects two of the three exercises:

On an automated circuit, you also need to complete the exercise:

Those. autodrome exam from September 1, 2016 includes 5 exercises(6 on the automated circuit).

Overpass (Hill on the autodrome)

Good afternoon, dear reader.

In the next article of the series "Pass the circuit with a half kick" we will talk about how to pass the exercise "trestle"(hill), which becomes a stumbling block for many candidates for a driver's license.

Although in fact you can pass this exercise very simply, as they say "with a half kick." You just need to follow a few simple rules, which will be discussed below. Let's get started.

Exercise slide on the circuit

A little about the slide exercise (overpass).

The site is a flyover, i.e. an artificial structure on which the road runs at an incline (the slope is from 8 to 16 percent). The driver candidate must stop the vehicle on an incline and then move off. In this case, rollback when starting off should be avoided.

The length of the inclined surface is equal to the length of the car + 2 meters. At a distance of 1 meter from the upper plane of the flyover there is a line "STOP-1". When passing the exercise, an additional chip will be installed behind the car at a distance of 0.3 meters, which shows the maximum possible rollback.

In addition, there is an additional STOP-2 line on the site, at which the driver must also stop. In this case, you need to stop no further than 1 meter from this line.

How to do the overpass exercise

2. Drive up to the line "STOP-1" on the overpass, stop.

3. Move off on the rise.

4. Drive up to the STOP-2 line, stop at a distance of no more than 1 meter from it.

Error table for overpass exercise


Possible quantity

113.4. Crossed the "STOP" line according to the projection of the front clearance of the vehicle.

113.8. Stopped to the corresponding marking line at a distance exceeding the control value.

113.13. When performing the exercise "Stopping and starting to move on the rise", he allowed the vehicle to roll back on the rise by more than 0.3 m.

Performing a flyover exercise on an exam

Consider the order of the exercise "Flyover" in the exam:

2. We move off and slowly move to the line "STOP-1". We stop at the line. You can not get there, you can not move. In this case, we are guided by the cones installed at the edges from the line.

3. After stopping, we fix the car with the help of a hand brake. Release the brake pedal.

At this moment, an additional cone 1 with a bar is installed behind the car (at a distance of 30 cm).

4. Clutch pedal depressed. Press the gas pedal with your right foot. At the same time, we look at the tachometer on the instrument panel.

5. When the tachometer needle approaches 3000 rpm, we fix the gas pedal. We begin to slowly release the clutch pedal. We look at the tachometer.

6. When the tachometer needle approaches 1000-1200 rpm, we fix the clutch pedal.

7. Without changing the position of the legs, release the handbrake. Please note that at the moment the legs need to be fixed! The car starts off and slowly drives to the STOP-2 line behind the overpass.

8. We stop at the line "STOP-2" behind the flyover. Please note that you need to stop at a distance not exceeding 1 meter. You can navigate along the additional cone number 2, which is exactly 1 meter from the line.

The exercise was successfully completed.

U-turn in a confined space

Good afternoon, dear reader.

In the second article from the series "Pass the circuit with a half kick" we will talk about how to do it right turning in a confined space.

In my opinion, the "reversal" exercise is the simplest, so it will be described first. In addition, in practice, problems when performing a U-turn are quite rare for driver candidates.

Please note that after graduating from a driving school, you will have to repeatedly perform U-turns in a limited space on real roads, so you should take the study of this exercise very responsibly.

To begin with, a few words about what a turn in a limited space is and what the meaning of this exercise is.

Playground for exercise has a length equal to three lengths of the car body plus 1 meter and a width equal to two car bodies:

How to do a reversal?

Let's look at what a driver candidate must do to successfully complete the turnaround exercise:

1. Drive up to the "Start" line, stop.

2. Turn around within the outlined square with a one-time reverse gear engagement.

3. Drive up to the "Stop" line, stop.

In general, nothing complicated.

Table of errors for the reversal exercise

The first column of the table contains descriptions of possible errors, and the second - the number of errors that can be made. 0 means that after the first mistake for the exam, the mark "NOT PASSED" is set.


Possible quantity

113.1. Did not start the test exercise within 30 seconds after receiving the command (signal) to start its implementation.

113.2. I drove my wheel onto the marking line marking the boundaries of the test exercise areas, or knocked down the marking equipment.

113.3. Left (crossed with a wheel) beyond the boundaries of the test exercise areas, indicated by road marking lines 1.1 white or 1.41 yellow and marking cones (marking posts).

113.7. Made the engine stop.

113.15. Left the exam (refused to perform the test exercise).

How to make a U-turn in a limited space?

Consider how to properly make a U-turn in a limited space:

1. We approach the line of the beginning of the exercise, we stop. The question arises: "for how long to stop?". In general, this does not matter, but you should not linger longer than 30 seconds.

2. We move off and slowly move in the direction of cone 1. At this stage, your task is to drive as close as possible to this cone with the front right wheel. When we got there, we stop.

Note. If there are several cones on the boundary of the area, then select the cone that is located approximately in the middle of the exercise boundary as Cone 1.

3. We stand still and turn the steering wheel all the way to the left (in the direction of the turn).

4. We start moving towards the cone 2. We move until we approach the cone or a solid marking line. We stop.

5. We stand still and turn the steering wheel all the way to the right.

6. We move in reverse exactly until there is enough space in front of the car to move to the end line of the exercise. Attention! No need to back up all the way to the cones! It's not worth taking the risk again.

7. We calmly drive up to the line of completion of the exercise. In this case, it is not necessary to drive up at a right angle. In practice, you don't need to do this at all! The main thing is not to cross this very line!

The exercise was successfully completed.

Check-in to the garage in reverse (entrance to the box)

Good afternoon, dear reader.

In the next article from the series "Pass the race track with a half kick" the features of performing another exercise on the race track will be considered - entrance to the box in reverse. Its essence is that the driver candidate must drive into a small garage located at right angles to the trajectory of movement.

In my opinion, this exercise is the most difficult for a novice driver. However, you need to learn how to do it anyway. Someday, after all, you will have to drive your car into a garage or a parking space. It is there that the skills gained at the race track will come in handy.

Let's go directly to the exercise.

Check-in to the garage in reverse at the autodrome

Playground for exercise back to garage:

The site is an imaginary box in which you need to drive the car in reverse. In practice, this can be not only a garage, but also any place in the parking lot. Accordingly, you need to enter the garage without catching its walls. Or not hitting neighboring cars in the case of a parking space.

In practice, garages are sometimes larger than on the autodrome (car width + 1m X car length + 1m), but parking spaces can be smaller.

The maneuver must be performed on a lane with a width equal to the length of the car + 1 meter. Why in this case you need to park backwards, I think it is not necessary to explain. After all, it is very difficult to enter in such conditions beforehand.

Performing the exercise reversing into the box

2. Drive into the garage in reverse.

3. Stop in the garage.

4. Drive out of the garage and out of the exercise.

Table of errors for the exercise of entering the box in reverse

The first column of the table contains descriptions of possible errors, and the second - the number of errors that can be made. 0 means that after the first mistake for the exam, the mark "NOT PASSED" is set.


Possible quantity

113.1. Did not start the test exercise within 30 seconds after receiving the command (signal) to start its implementation.

113.2. I drove my wheel onto the marking line marking the boundaries of the test exercise areas, or knocked down the marking equipment.

113.3. Left (crossed with a wheel) beyond the boundaries of the test exercise areas, indicated by road marking lines 1.1 white or 1.41 yellow and marking cones (marking posts).

113.5. Did not cross the control line with the external dimensions of the vehicle in cases where the crossing of the control line is provided for by the conditions for performing the test exercise.

113.6. Deviated from the given trajectory of movement, provided for by the conditions of the test exercise.

113.7. Made the engine stop.

113.15. Left the exam (refused to perform the test exercise).

How to drive into the garage in reverse?

1. We approach the line of the beginning of the exercise, we stop.

2. We start moving forward. At this stage, our task is to drive with the right rear-view mirror as close as possible to chip number 1. The closer we drive, the easier it will be to enter later. We stop the car after chip number 1 is between the front and rear right doors of the car.

3. We stop at the chip. Turn the steering wheel all the way to the left.

4. We begin to move to the left. We keep the steering wheel in the extreme left position. At the same time, look in the right rear-view mirror! In this mirror, we need to catch chip number 2. Moreover, in such a way that there is a small gap in the mirror between the chip and the car (10 centimeters).

Also, be careful not to hit the cone with the front of the car. If chip number 2 still has not appeared in the rear-view mirror, and there is nowhere to go, then we stop.

5. We stop. Turn the steering wheel all the way to the right. Engage reverse gear!

6. We start moving. We look in the right rear-view mirror and look for chip number 2 in it. As soon as about 10 centimeters remain in the mirror, we stop.

7. We stop. We turn the steering wheel so that the car goes straight. Engage reverse gear!

Starting September 1, 2016, the old snake becomes history, and all driver candidates go through a new version. This also applies to driver candidates who started taking exams before September 1, 2016, but for some reason failed the exam.

Consider the order of the exercise "New Snake".

Playground for exercise The "new snake" is shown in the following figure:

The site is a curved corridor that includes one smooth turn to the left and one smooth turn to the right. The width of the corridor is 3.9 meters, i.e. the corridor is about 2 times wider than the car.

The radius of the outer arc is 7.3 meters. It is also slightly larger than the turning radius of a passenger car.

Performing the "New Snake" exercise

1. Drive up to the start line of the exercise, stop.

2. Make a left turn.

3. Make a right turn.

4. Stop in front of the end line of the exercise.

Table of errors for the exercise "New snake"

The first column of the table contains descriptions of possible errors, and the second - the number of errors that can be made. 0 means that after the first mistake for the exam, the mark "NOT PASSED" is set.


Possible quantity

113.1. Did not start the test exercise within 30 seconds after receiving the command (signal) to start its implementation.

113.2. I drove my wheel onto the marking line marking the boundaries of the test exercise areas, or knocked down the marking equipment.

113.3. Left (crossed with a wheel) beyond the boundaries of the test exercise areas, indicated by road marking lines 1.1 white or 1.41 yellow and marking cones (marking posts).

113.7. Made the engine stop.

113.15. Left the exam (refused to perform the test exercise).

How to drive a new snake

First of all, a few words about movement trajectories which we will use. When performing this exercise, there is a high probability of knocking down the cones that are in the center of the turn, because. the rear axle of the car moves along a smaller radius than the front axle. In this regard, when performing the snake, you need to go the first half of the exercise along the right side of the corridor (along a large radius), and the second half - along the left side of the corridor (also along a large radius).

Consider detailed instructions for the exercise "New snake":

1. We drive up to the start line of the exercise and stop. At the same time, you need to drive as close as possible to chip number 1, i.e. to the right side of the corridor. This will allow you to subsequently move along the correct trajectory:

2. We start moving straight and enter the corridor, stop at the cone number 1:

3. Turn the steering wheel to the left. At this stage, the steering wheel does not need to be turned all the way. You need to turn just enough so that the car can drive up to cone number 2.

4. We move off and move towards the cone number 2. At the cone number 2 we stop. The position can be controlled by the right rear-view mirror.

5. We turn the steering wheel to the left to the end.

In the next step, the car will move from the right wall of the corridor to the left. This is necessary for the second part of the exercise.

6. We start moving. We drive until the car is level with pillar number 3. We control the position on the right rear-view mirror.

7. We stop. Turn the steering wheel all the way to the right.

8. We start moving and drive up to the line to complete the exercise. It does not matter at what angle to approach this line.

After that, the execution of the updated snake was successfully completed.

90 degree turns

Good afternoon, dear reader.

In the next article of the series "Pass the circuit with a half kick" we will talk about the competent execution of the exercise "Turns by 90 degrees".

Exercise " 90 degree turns" refers to a group of new exercises that are used when passing exams in the traffic police starting from September 1, 2016.

Consider the scheme for performing this exercise.

Playground for exercise"90 Degree Turns" is shaped like a winding corridor:

The width of the corridor is 3.9 meters. In practice, this means that the corridor is about 2 times wider than the training vehicle, i.e. enough room to maneuver.

The length of the sections of the corridor is equal to 2 lengths of the car body.

The corner radius is 1 meter.

When performing a turning exercise, the driver must do the following:

1. Drive up to the start line of the exercise, stop.

2. Enter the corridor and turn left 90 degrees.

3. Make a 90 degree right turn.

4. Drive up to the end line of the exercise, stop.

When performing this exercise, unlike the U-turn exercise, the car can only move forward, i.e. reverse gear is prohibited.

Table of errors for the exercise "Turns by 90 degrees"

The first column of the table contains descriptions of possible errors, and the second - the number of errors that can be made. 0 means that after the first mistake for the exam, the mark "NOT PASSED" is set.


Possible quantity

113.1. Did not start the test exercise within 30 seconds after receiving the command (signal) to start its implementation.

113.2. I drove my wheel onto the marking line marking the boundaries of the test exercise areas, or knocked down the marking equipment.

113.3. Left (crossed with a wheel) beyond the boundaries of the test exercise areas, indicated by road marking lines 1.1 white or 1.41 yellow and marking cones (marking posts).

113.7. Made the engine stop.

113.9. Carried out movement in reverse if the movement in reverse is not provided for by the conditions of the test exercise.

113.15. Left the exam (refused to perform the test exercise).

How to make turns

Consider step by step instructions How to do the 90 degree turn exercise:

1. We drive up to the start line of the exercise and stop. At the same time, you need to drive up to the line in such a way that the car is as close as possible to the right edge of the corridor. This will make the exercise easier later on.

The closer you get to this side, the better. However, care must be taken not to catch the cones and cross the markings.

2. We move off and slowly move along the right side of the corridor parallel to it. You need to move until the left rear-view mirror is level with cone number 1.

The steering wheel of the car does not need to be turned at this stage. As soon as cone number 1 caught up with the rear-view mirror, we stop.

3. Standing still, turn the steering wheel of the car all the way to the left.

4. We start moving. The car then turns left. At this stage, you need to drive as close as possible to the left side of the corridor and stop parallel to it.

5. Set the steering wheel to a straight position and move parallel to the left wall of the corridor. At the same time, we follow cone number 2. As soon as this cone is at the level of the right mirror of the car, we stop.

6. Standing still, turn the steering wheel of the car all the way to the right.

7. We start moving and perform the second right turn. We approach the line of completion of the exercise and stop. You can drive up to this line at any angle, it is not necessary to put the car perpendicular. This is not an error.

The exercise was successfully completed.

Regulated intersection on the autodrome

Good afternoon, dear reader.

This article will focus on the exercise " Regulated intersection"on the autodrome. This exercise is one of the simplest, because it does not imply any complicated maneuvering.

The regulated intersection is used for the exam starting from September 1, 2016. At the same time, this exercise is used only on automated autodromes, which are quite few in practice.

Nevertheless, let's consider how to competently complete the passage of an adjustable intersection. Let's get started.

Playground for exercise"Managed intersection" is shown below:

An intersection is the intersection of two two-lane roads. The configuration of the intersection depends on the circuit. Some motorways use a T-junction.

The width of all roads is 7 meters, the lane width for traffic is 3.5 meters. It corresponds to the lane width in real road conditions, so there is plenty of room for maneuvers for the driver candidate.

The radius of curvature at the intersection is 4 meters, the distance between the pedestrian crossing and the STOP line is 1 meter.

Performing the exercise "Adjustable intersection"

1. Drive up to the intersection.

2. At a prohibiting traffic light, stop in front of the STOP line.

3. At the permissive signal of the traffic light, leave in the given direction.

In which direction to pass the regulated intersection? The direction is set by the traffic pattern on the automated autodrome. Those. the direction of travel depends on the circuit where the test is being taken, and the driver candidate must be informed of this in advance.

Below we will consider all options for driving through a regulated intersection (straight, left, right).

Table of errors for the exercise "Adjustable intersection"

The first column of the table contains descriptions of possible errors, and the second - the number of errors that can be made. 0 means that after the first mistake for the exam, the mark "NOT PASSED" is set.


Possible quantity

113.1. Did not start the test exercise within 30 seconds after receiving the command (signal) to start its implementation.

113.2. I drove my wheel onto the marking line marking the boundaries of the test exercise areas, or knocked down the marking equipment.

113.3. Left (crossed with a wheel) beyond the boundaries of the test exercise areas, indicated by road marking lines 1.1 white or 1.41 yellow and marking cones (marking posts).

113.7. Made the engine stop.

113.9. Carried out movement in reverse if the movement in reverse is not provided for by the conditions of the test exercise.

113.14. When performing the exercise "Passing a regulated intersection", he passed the intersection (drifted to the intersection) or crossed the "STOP" line according to the projection of the front clearance of the vehicle with a prohibiting traffic light signal.

113.15. Left the exam (refused to perform the test exercise).

How to correctly perform the exercise "Adjustable intersection"

Consider the instructions for the exercise "Adjustable intersection":

1. We enter the intersection. The traffic lanes in this exercise are quite wide, so it is better to enter the intersection in the center of the lane. This will allow you not to hook the chips during maneuvering:

2. If the signal forbidding traffic is on at the traffic light (red, yellow, a combination of red and yellow), then we stop in front of the STOP line. Please note that you cannot cross this line. It's better not to get there:

We are waiting for the enabling signal of the traffic light (green).

3. We pass the intersection in the required direction.

4. Turn right. We start turning the steering wheel after cone number 1 is in the middle of the car (approximately between the front and rear doors):

5. Drive straight through the intersection. The easiest option. Just press the gas pedal, do not turn the steering wheel:

6. Turn left. When the car is in the middle of the intersection, turn the steering wheel to the left and make the turn:

7. U-turn. This maneuver at the regulated intersection cannot be offered, because the intersection is not wide enough to make a one-way turn.

The exercise was completed successfully.

Will be approved in the coming days. The Ministry of Justice registered the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which was signed by the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs just a few days ago. During this period, all legal inconsistencies were eliminated, and now it is time to put it into effect. A new approach to passing the exam for passing the law.

Related articles:

Theoretical exam

Each ticket is divided into four thematic blocks. If you make two mistakes in one thematic block, you will have to come to retake. Three mistakes in the exam, but in different blocks, also send the examinee to retake.

If one mistake is made by the future driver, he will have to answer five additional questions from the same topic. 5 minutes are allotted for reflection on additional questions. The main part must be solved in a maximum of 20 minutes.

If a candidate makes a mistake in two questions from different blocks, then he will be given the right to answer ten questions, five from each block, in ten minutes. Any mistake is a re-examination.

practical exam

The practical has also changed. Candidate drivers of mopeds and motorcycles will need to complete three of the four exercises to demonstrate initial driving skills. The decrease in the number of exercises was dictated by the fact that not all sites of driving schools and traffic police departments have the ability to perform high-speed maneuvering.

For category "B" drivers, you will need to pass hill starting, "snake", "entry into the box", parallel parking, as well as passing through a regulated intersection if it is an automated autodrome.

There is a complex exercise: "maneuvering in a limited space", which consists of three elements. But the examiner can choose only two of them, in the event that the size of the site does not allow the full set of exercises to be performed.

In addition, it became more difficult to pass the exam in the city. Mistakes were punished more harshly. Maximum points can be obtained for rough rules. Broke once. You can already try hard, the exam in the city will still fail.

Driving into the oncoming traffic lane, driving through a red traffic light, as well as interfering with other road users, including pedestrians, will be fatal for the passing exam, five penalty points, retake.

Three points will be given to an inattentive candidate who drove into a busy intersection or did not buckle up.

The examiner will score one point for each minor fault, stalled when starting, braked sharply for no apparent reason, did not use mirrors. For all this, the examinee will receive one point.

In terms of time, 1 hour is allotted for each exam. If we are talking about the total amount of time that is given to each citizen who receives the rights, then here the period is:

15 days for motorcyclists (from the moment of submitting an application to the traffic police and until obtaining a certificate, excluding retakes)

1 month