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How much money do you need for business. How much money do you need to open your own business: practical recommendations for beginner businessmen

Modern cafes today have a very different format. Almost every gourmet can find an establishment that will satisfy him with cuisine, quality of service and general atmosphere. For businessmen, choosing what the future of their own institution will be like is not an easy task. Some require minimal investment, but do not promise quick profits, other restaurants are designed for demanding guests. They usually require a larger budget, which determines their pricing policy. However, there are general rules and regulations on how to open your own cafe. They operate absolutely for all catering establishments, so that guests are not served there.

The owner comes up with the general concept of the future institution himself. Based on the demand and supply that is already on the market, they determine the direction of the future cafe. You can open a fast food facility, an anti-cafe, offer guests oriental cuisine, and so on.

What documents are needed to open a cafe - registration and registration

Before starting activities, you need to understand what list of documents exists for opening a cafe and how many papers the owner will need to issue and invest money in it. The package of documents determines in many respects the premises in which it is planned to conduct activities. The very concept of "cafe" is fixed in GOST R 50762-2007. If the owner rents a ready-made catering facility, then he will only need to re-register contracts with utility companies. When the premises were not previously used for cooking and selling food to a large number of people, it needs to be reconstructed or overhauled.

The starting document for the start of construction work is the permission of Rospotrebnadzor. It indicates which object and how much will work indoors in the future. It gives the right to conduct the activity itself.

After the repair and installation of all necessary communications, you need to obtain permission from the sanitary and epidemiological service. Its employees are guided by the norms of SanPin, therefore the project is drawn up in compliance with them. To make a decision of the SES, the following documents must be submitted there:

  1. certificate of state registration;
  2. lease contract;
  3. conclusion on the suitability of raw materials and ready meals;
  4. health records for all employees.

How long to wait for a response from officials? The conclusion is usually issued within 10 days from the date of submission of the package of documents.

In order for the fire department to give the go-ahead to the opening, it is necessary to provide emergency exits and an alarm in the room. There must be fire extinguishers in the room. For the purpose of security, cafe owners often enter into agreements with law enforcement agencies and supply their establishment with “panic buttons”. This service makes it possible to notify them in time about non-standard situations and incidents, so that guests and staff can work and relax comfortably.

How much money do you need to open a cafe?

All these conditions must be taken into account when calculating how much money you need initially to open your own cafe. Usually it costs about 250 thousand rubles. The main costs for paperwork are listed below:

Necessary equipment

What else do you need to open your own cafe as soon as possible? This is professional and reliable equipment. Its presence will not only make the work in the kitchen efficient and of high quality, but will also help you get the necessary permits faster. A properly equipped kitchen is an indicator of the seriousness of the owner's intentions to open a truly profitable business. A set of tools and appliances determine the dishes that will be offered to guests. The more of them in the menu, the more pieces of equipment will be. Professionals divide it into several classes:

Type of equipment Device examples
thermal stoves, ovens, ovens and fire boilers, heat showcases, deep fryers, barbecue grills
refrigeration chambers, bar refrigerators, tables with cooling, cabinets, bathtubs
electromechanical bread slicers, mixers, vegetable cutters, potato peelers, vegetable washing machines, dishwashers
neutral racks, tables, shelves, cabinets, waste containers, bathtubs
bar coffee grinders, juicers, toasters, mixers, coffee makers
weight scales
distribution lines
salad bars
meat processing cutlet molding machines, meat grinders, sausage fillers
bakery dough dividers, dough sheeters, flour sifters, dough mixers

Even a small establishment up to 50 sq. m will require investments in equipment of about 200 thousand rubles. About 100 thousand rubles more will be spent on dishes, textiles and office equipment. Taking into account the initial costs of paperwork, the amount of investment that will be needed to open a cafe will be at least half a million rubles. To finally find out how much money you need, make up a business plan. We will talk about this in more detail in our next articles.

Starting a business from scratch is not as difficult as it seems. After all, there is a very clear and well-thought-out scheme, supplemented by instructions from professionals. And if you follow it, slightly adjusting to fit your realities, you can achieve success.

Statistics show that 99% of those who want to start their own business never start it. And there are quite a few reasons for this - starting from banal laziness, ending with the inability to navigate the situation.

How to start a business from scratch

The first question that needs to be solved when planning to open your own business is where to get the money for it. Experts offer a whole list of where you can get finance to develop your own business. It includes:
- own funds (this option is possible if you have start-up capital: savings, sold real estate, etc.);
- a bank loan or leasing (borrowed funds today are provided at reduced rates);
- attracting investors or partners (it is not uncommon for a company of friends or relatives to open one business);
- loan from friends or relatives;
- receiving grants and subsidies from the state (valid in most cases for social types of business).

It is difficult to do without money at all, but the advantage of a small business is that it does not require such investments, as it could be with a factory or other large enterprise.

To save money, at first you can do without a chic office, a leather chair and a secretary. Moreover, you can also perform some of the functions yourself. At the same time, when collecting money, remember that the main idea should not be where to get money for opening, but how you can implement your business more efficiently.

Next, you need to decide on your knowledge and experience in the field of the opened business. That is, you must be well versed in the topic of your business, otherwise you will have to hire a lot of additional employees, which at first will entail costs. There is also a problem of a psychological nature - it is difficult for someone who has worked for someone for a long time to adjust to the fact that now he himself has become the owner of the business. In this case, it is easier to adapt to those who already had at least a little entrepreneurial experience.

Such personal qualities as self-confidence, perseverance, work will help you open your own business and develop it.

Business types

To open your own business, you need to decide on the options. Today you can choose:
- start a business from scratch, developing your business idea;
- buy a ready-made business;
- buy a franchise;
- network marketing.

Business from scratch involves the existence of its own business project. It can be compiled independently by analyzing the facts, using statistics, etc. Alternatively, you can involve experts in the preparation of a business plan. A business plan must have a highlight that will distinguish your project from other similar ones and make it unique. You also need to explain what the value of your proposal is, how it will be better than others.

Today, ready-made businesses are often sold. Buying one is not so difficult, the main thing is that there is enough money. It remains only to actively engage in the development of the project, which will already have all the necessary base.

Direct marketing can also be quite lucrative. If you have certain character traits, the case may burn out.

To start your own business, you will need a lot of strength and patience. The main thing is not to give up in difficult moments, which are sure to be. And everything will work out.

Some of us, with enough initiative to work on our own and the brains to be able to properly organize our workplace, open our own small business. Earning through self-employment is not given to everyone.

Many, believing that this bread is much easier than earned in the traditional way (in hire), recklessly, without calculating their material and moral capabilities, draw up a certificate for independent activity.

Business expenses start from this very moment: as soon as a person becomes an entrepreneur, he is obliged to pay certain amounts to various funds, even if you do not conduct any activity yet. To date, there are four such quarterly payments:

  • Compulsory health insurance. Accordingly, after receiving a certificate for the right of individual activity, one should register with the compulsory health insurance fund.
  • Pension payments (insurance and funded parts of the pension). You must register with the pension fund as a contributor.

Thus, it turns out that several thousand rubles should be given to oneself only on a quarterly basis for belonging to entrepreneurship.

Naturally, there is no time to think for a long time about where and what kind of business to open. Most likely, the decision has already been made, it remains to rent a room for rent and start work. And it is in our interests to do it as quickly as possible, because time is money.

For a novice entrepreneur, the preparatory stage always takes a lot of time, so you should think in advance about the funds pledged "just in case of a fire." After all, you can not quickly find the premises that would satisfy all requests.

In my personal experience, it happened that out of 4 open outlets, only one was profitable and has been operating uninterruptedly for several years.

It must be remembered that the rent is charged, not just monthly, but in the form of advance payments, and even with an insurance amount equal to the monthly payment.

In other words, renting a room for the first time, most likely, you will have to pay two months in advance, and in a month the next payment will come, and the amount of the deposit will remain on the owner's account.

This is done because landlords are afraid of losing a tenant without finding another to replace him. In order to prevent a situation in which the tenant “quietly disappeared” along with all his property, the owners take this amount as a guarantee that at least the next two months the entrepreneur will definitely not go anywhere.

The intention to leave the premises must be notified in advance. As a rule, this is 30 calendar days. This period must be spelled out in the lease, the violation of which can lead to litigation. However, all of us (both tenants and owners of real estate) are well aware that the court is a painful and expensive matter.

Therefore, even if the tenant moves out suddenly, he is unlikely to be searched for and held accountable. The amounts involved in the turnover of small businesses do not have a special role for the owners of the premises.

It is much easier for them to let go of such a negligent tenant with God, because the financial loss will not be more than legal costs. But for this, the next tenant will have to pay for the mistakes and dishonesty of the previous one by signing an agreement with a deposit clause.

A similar situation has developed in our shopping center. The first lease agreements did not carry any threat, were very comfortable, and suited everyone, but up to a certain point.

For four years we worked steadily, but with the onset of the first wave of the crisis, things went from bad to worse for many tenants, and even a slight reduction in rent could not save the situation.

As a result, half of the floor was empty, and without warning the owners. Many moved out without paying rent for the current month. The remaining entrepreneurs were in for a surprise when the contract was renegotiated. A clause on a deposit was included in it, because the requirement to notify in advance of the intention to leave the square turned out to be insufficient.

Depending on the city, distance from its center, infrastructure development, the rent for small premises (up to 15 m2) will be from 15 to 30 thousand, not taking into account megacities. This means that two rents should be added to the quarterly payments. We get 35-65 thousand (and we haven't started working yet).

Now you need to think about what equipment should be located even in a tiny room. After all, regardless of the type of entrepreneurial activity, this item cannot be bypassed. If services, repair equipment and a computer are required.

If production is a computer with an expensive program. If trade is generally a separate conversation, since the quantity of goods is directly related to the amount of revenue. The poorer the range, the less likely to sell. Therefore, from 50 to 100 thousand is necessary for arranging a place of work.

Thus, if one of the newcomers expects to open a business of 50 thousand, I will stipulate in advance that it will not work. All advertisements of “business without investments” are tempting packaging, nothing more. You won’t even be able to work on the Internet without the necessary equipment and knowledge! Minimum investment is needed everywhere. And intellectual property does not lend itself to calculations at all.

Having started a business, you need to be aware that the first two or three years you will have to work off the invested funds, if at all the created enterprise turns out to be profitable. And this will be clear already in the first months of work.

If it didn’t work from the very beginning, urgently change the place. Now there is no "promotion" as such. People are either initially interested in what you want to offer, or you will fail. Therefore, do not waste time, if there is no demand in a given place, you need to change the place. If there is no demand at all, the type of activity should be changed. And this is all money. If you have them, you can try to be an entrepreneur.

It is difficult, responsible and risky. Not many survive, but only a few out of thousands get rich. If you are ready for this - go ahead, to the tax office for a certificate. And may success smile upon you!

How much does it cost to open a cafe: the dynamics of the development of catering establishments + tips for creating the concept of an establishment + a business plan for opening a cafe + calculation of costs and payback.

A cafe is a place that is customary to visit during dates, friendly meetings and family outings.

Many go to a cafe, but only a few think about it, not as a cozy place to spend the evening, but as a job.

In this article, we will take a detailed look at how much money do you need to open a cafe considering its features.

First steps to open a cafe

First, think carefully about your idea of ​​opening a cafe. What will be its concept, style, and what will be the main focus.

Visitors come to such establishments not only for the food, but also for the special atmosphere.

The share of cafes and bars in the Russian public catering market is about 98 billion rubles and takes an honorable third place.

The first place in terms of profitability among catering establishments is fast food with a market share of 410 billion rubles.

In second place are food courts and self-service establishments, which make up a category worth 130 billion rubles. Less popular among the population are traditional restaurants and canteens.

Consider what your cafe will be like before you open it. Will it be an Italian pizzeria, a coffee shop or a Japanese cafe serving sushi, daifuku and mochi?

Perhaps the most common type of cafe among those listed is coffeeshops. These are establishments that serve hot and cold soft drinks with all kinds of additives, pastries and chocolate products.

The service "coffee to go" is convenient for those who do not have time to sit in a cafe, but want to buy a drink.

Choose a room with a convenient location, taking into account the style and specifics of your establishment.

When choosing a place to, consider its features. Is it convenient to get to it, are there nearby local attractions, educational institutions, offices, whose employees will come to you.

If the cafe is located in the courtyard of the house, you need to put up signs and advertising stands so that visitors can easily find you.

If there is fierce competition in the location where you are going to open a business, make your cafe special, one that will be different from everyone else.

In this case, all means are good. Hang a bright and enticing sign, put up stylish furniture, lower prices a little or enter “happy hours” - this is a certain period of time every day when a certain discount applies to the assortment.

For example, from 14:00 to 16:00 there is a 25% discount on desserts or when buying one latte, the second one is a gift, and so on.

The cafe should not only have delicious cuisine and quality service, but also a certain charm. Do not forget about such benefits of civilization as the presence of Wi-Fi. Almost 50% of Russians surveyed aged 18 to 54 complain about the lack of free internet in cafes and restaurants.

Since cafes often come to work on a laptop, the presence of free wireless Internet will contribute to the influx of visitors.

For clarity, here are some specific numbers. About 70% of cafes and bars in Moscow have free Wi-Fi. In St. Petersburg, this figure is somewhat lower and amounts to 64.8%. Next in the rating are Lipetsk, Kemerovo, Ufa, Chelyabinsk and Kaliningrad.

Menu planning as the most important step in opening a cafe

The main focus when opening any cafe is focused on the menu.

If you are planning to open a cafe, you should pay attention to the following when compiling the menu:

  • Cafe concept.
  • Cuisine preferred by people in your area.
  • Optimal value for potential buyers.

According to a social survey, 48% of people in Russia would like to increase the variety of dishes in cafes and restaurants. But a large menu, although it seems tempting to customers, will actually bring a lot of problems.

The main disadvantage of extensive menus is that customers will spend significantly more time studying the range and prices. If, after opening the menu, it is difficult for visitors to choose dishes, they will consult with the waiters, which will negatively affect the speed of table service in the cafe.

The most optimal option– medium length menu with photos. Of course, its publication will require additional resources, but this format optimizes the quality of service. In addition, before ordering dishes, customers will have an idea about their appearance, composition and serving.

Let's go back to the survey data: 24.5% of respondents would like to choose dishes to order through automated programs on the tablet. Great idea, but unfortunately more suitable for fast food chains or expensive restaurants.

After all, to open a cafe with a database of electronic orders, you need to equip each table with a tablet with special software. As practice shows, such a service experience is not beneficial for small cafes and bars.

Among other wishes of visitors: the availability of food delivery to home or office, as well as high quality service. Almost 37% of respondents would like to see in a cafe, and 32% of visitors would like to receive larger portions.

Consider these features when you are planning to open your own cafe.

According to statistics, most Russians eat outside the home at lunchtime. It is during the lunch break that 35% of daily visits fall. In second place is an afternoon snack from 14:00 to 16:00. At this time, the share of visitors per day is 21%.

The third place is taken by evening (18% of visitors) and morning time (17% of visitors).

Take these data into account when developing a menu even at the stage of opening an institution. Compose your morning breakfast meals, business lunches, and hearty yet economical lunch options.

How to write a business plan to open a cafe without a headache?

A well-thought-out business plan will help you prioritize the development of a cafe, manage your budget correctly, make a list of advantages compared to competitive establishments, determine your potential audience for your customers, and outline a step-by-step action plan for opening and the amount of money that will be spent at the start.

Perhaps, drawing up a correct and competent plan is one of the most important points that you need to complete in order to open a cafe.

Do not save time and money, find an experienced and qualified assistant who will help you outline the main points of the cafe business plan.
At the same time, you can avoid a number of mistakes that beginner entrepreneurs make in advance.

The amount of money to open a cafe depends on your capabilities. If your budget is limited, you need to find an affordable concept and style that will fit the size of your wallet.

Everything ingenious is simple. Now furniture and decor elements made from improvised means are very popular. For example, using your imagination, a few pallets and soft pillows, you can make tables and comfortable sofas that will undoubtedly please your visitors.

1) The choice of premises for opening a cafe + repair work.

As a rule, entrepreneurs are looking for a room or building for rent. Wealthier businessmen can afford to buy it.

The rented premises can eventually be moved to another building. An added bonus is that if your cafe isn't popular with residents, you can move to more vibrant areas without losing a lot of money.

Rental prices vary greatly depending on the proximity to the center, the condition of the premises, historical value, parking, people flow, even on the floor.

In Moscow, you need to pay the amount for renting a room from 1000 rubles per square meter. To rent a modern renovated premises near the parking lot, you will need more money, here prices start from 4 - 5 thousand rubles.

The main criterion for choosing a rental location is the presence of a flow of people. You need to take a few days of free time to spend it where you plan to open a cafe.

Please note that the lease agreement should be signed only after consultation with a qualified lawyer. This will protect you from "pitfalls" in the text of the contract.

2) Legal registration of the cafe.

To open your own cafe, you need to register as an entrepreneur.

You will be able to register as an LLC (limited liability company) or SPD (entrepreneurial entity). Registration in the face of SPD will be faster.

Additionally, you will need a license to sell alcohol or tobacco products in a cafe.

After registering with the tax office, you need to report the opening of your cafe to Rospotrebnadzor and the fire inspectorate. The first planned fire safety inspection will take place before the opening of the institution, the second - after 3 years.

3) Development of a menu for an institution.

To get a lot of money from the functioning of the cafe, it is not enough just to print the menu. It needs to be made well sold, so that a person, having opened it, is imbued with the atmosphere of the institution and is ready to spend a lot of money.

The creation of an effective list of dishes back in the 80s of the last century was outlined by scientists from the University of Michigan. Donald Smith, along with Michael Casanava, brought ideas about menu engineering to life.

In order to evaluate which dishes will bring in more money, you need to divide them into 2 categories: the most popular among buyers and those that have the highest margin.

You get 4 groups:

  • "Most Popular Dishes"- high markup and high sales.

    Namely, they bring the most money to your cafe.

  • "Work Meals"- high sales, but low markup.

    Such dishes should be left on the menu, but their cost should be raised a little.

  • "Puzzles" High markup but low sales.

    Such positions need to stimulate the interest of customers.

  • "Superfluous"- poor margin and low popularity among visitors.

    Such positions should be removed from the list of dishes, as they do not bring money to the cafe.

How much money does it take to create a menu when opening a cafe?

The design will cost at least $50. The cost directly depends on the complexity of the task, the style of design, the availability of photographs or graphic illustrations.

The price for printing a finished menu depends on its size, number of copies, type of paper and cover. The cover can be made of laminated paper, thick cardboard, plastic or leather.

4) Cooperation with food suppliers is an important step in opening a cafe.

The secret of a profitable catering establishment lies primarily in fresh, high quality products.

Saving money on orders of low quality products from uncertified sellers can turn out to be bad luck for you. Cases of poisoning or feeling unwell after your meals will certainly not add money and popularity to you.

And a damaged reputation is difficult to return, especially to such an institution that has only recently opened.

Try looking for suppliers among local farmers. It takes a little more money to buy products from them, but using locally produced products will increase your popularity with customers, just mention it on the menu.

Instead of branded alcohol, look for craft breweries or wineries near the cafe you are considering opening.

Don't stop with one supplier. To do this, indicate in the contract that you are not obligated to order goods from only one seller.

Review several offers before choosing a product supplier. Indeed, in a hurry, you can miss out on more favorable terms of cooperation that will bring more money to your cafe.

5) Recruitment of staff when opening a cafe.

Another no less important point in order to open your cafe or bar.

Decide who you are looking for: high-quality middle-aged professionals or young student waiters. Post ads on social media and job search sites.

You need to think in advance about the questions that you will ask candidates during the interview. Calculate how much money you can offer them as wages.

Discuss with candidates knowledge of foreign languages ​​and famous cuisines, as well as the length of the trial period.

For better working capacity of employees, they need to be encouraged with a convenient work schedule, additional days off and cash bonuses.

Do not forget about the need to install cameras in the cafe hall and in the kitchen for the safety of visitors and staff.

The “main” employees of the cafe are the kitchen workers and the administrator. How much money is needed to pay their salaries?

Average cafe chef salary starts from 20,000 rubles.

To hire administrator need more money - at least 35,000 rubles.

6) Purchase of equipment and furniture needed for the opening.

When choosing the design of your cafe, be guided by the kitchen. For example, a coffee shop predisposes to the loft style, a pizzeria to Italian sophistication, a pastry shop to French charm.

Look for ideas for decorating the hall on the Internet and do not be afraid to experiment.

The amount of money it takes to open a cafe depends a lot on the style you choose and the size of the dining area.

Price level for furniture, utensils and equipment for opening a cafe:

NamePrice range from and to, rub.
Chair930 - 21 500
Bar stool 1280 - 24 000
Armchair3200 - 61 000
Sofa7600 - 540 000
bar table5200 - 66 500
wooden table8370 - 44 100
glass table3700 - 38 000
Set "Table and 4 chairs"9790 - 49 720
floor hanger2500 - 35 500
Mirror1930 - 48 750
Blender4000 - 33 400
showcase16 600 - 243 950
coffee machine42 450 - 184 580
Mixer5200 - 77 700
Juicer5 200 - 88 800
bar refrigerator10 640 - 25 000
Refrigerator66 900 - 143 950
pizza oven50 000 - 79 000
Plate35 000 - 267 000
dishwasher87 520 - 144 250
Baking dish760 - 5 300
A cup95 - 250
Cup70 - 100
salad bowl130 - 3 530
Plate150 - 650
Pan1200 - 7700

7) Website creation.

According to studies, more than 50% of people, before visiting a cafe or bar, study its assortment and pricing via the Internet. Therefore, creating your own website and group in social networks is an important step in marketing.

Place on the official website of the cafe a selection of dishes served in your establishment, messages about promotional offers, a detailed route to the cafe and opening hours.

The design of the site should be approached no less responsibly than the interior design of the cafe. After all, the first impression of you can both interest customers and scare them away.

8) Advertising options.

Order and hang a bright banner at the entrance to the cafe to attract the attention of passers-by.

Enter the system of club discounts and coupons for your regular visitors.

Want to figure out how to open your own cafe?

You will learn important nuances regarding this business from this video:

How much money does it take to open a small cafe with 15 tables without a bar and sofas?

Prices for the minimum set of equipment for a coffee shop will show how much it really costs to open your own establishment:
NameQuantityPrice for 1 piece, rub.Total price, rub.
Total:RUB 621,800
bar table15 5500 82 500
Chairs60 1200 72 000
Sconce20 1000 20 000
Pendant lamps10 2000 20 000
showcase4 16 600 66 400
coffee machine2 65 200 130 400
Refrigerator1 67 000 67 000
Plate1 45 000 45 000
Mixer1 5 200 5200
dishwasher1 87 550 87 550
A cup75 110 8250
Cup40 100 4000
Plate90 150 13 500

In total, for the purchase of interior furniture, kitchen equipment and utensils, you will need at least 622,000 rubles.

But this cost does not include the arrangement of washbasins, toilet rooms, utility costs, interior and exterior interior elements. But you will need all this if you decide to open such an institution. And all this costs money.

But still, these are trifles compared to the main categories of costs.

Additionally, you need to take into account the salaries of employees, because it also depends on how much money you need to spend on opening a cafe:

Job TitleNumber of workplacesSalary, rub./month
Total:RUB 191,700
Cook3 25,000 x 3 = 75,000
barista1 15 000
Waiter5 14,500 x 3 = 43,500
Administrator1 35 000
Cleaner1 11 200
dishwasher1 12 000

The budget for the purchase of products depends on the menu. The average price of products needed to open a cafe:

Name of productprice, rub.Name of productprice, rub.
Almond flour (1 kg)1416,1 Caramel topping (424 g)211,9
Durum pizza flour (5 kg)805,4 Sliced ​​loaf (300 g)21,8 - 23,5
Wheat flour (1 kg)76,3 - 84,9 Wheat tortilla (750 g)171,5
Granulated sugar (1 kg)55,6 - 73 Cocoa powder (100 g)91
Fine salt (1 kg)22,7 - 61 Grain coffee (1 kg)652 - 1400
Sesame oil (250 ml)317 - 486,8 Tea bags (100 pieces)180,7 - 328
Olive oil (1 l)521 - 564,5 Cheesecake pie (2.55 kg)1823 - 2005
Sunflower oil (0.9 l)86,2 - 93,8 Tartlets (800 g)906,2
Drinking water (5 l)31,8 Cake with strawberries (2.9 kg)1447,7
Mineral water (1 l)27,4 Margarine for baking (200 g)16,4
Kvass (2 l)57,2 Cream 33% fat (1 l)175 - 224,5
Juice (1 l)70,6 - 185,9 Confectionery cream 30% (1 l)180,8
Jam (320 g)65,2 - 88,7 Ice cream (2.2 kg)686 - 724,4
Flower honey (1.4 kg)399 Butter (500 g)92,9 - 115,4

Summary table of expenses for opening a small cafe:

Name of waste categoryCost, rub.
Total:RUB 1,132,800
Business registrationFrom 20 500
Premises for rent (60 sq.m.)From 90 000
Room design, furniture, cutlery621 800
Menu design, compilation and printingFrom 6 400
Kitchen equipmentFrom 160 000
Purchase of goodsFrom 23 000
Staff salary191 700
Cafe advertisementFrom 4 000
Site creation1400-7000
Communal paymentsFrom 14 000

According to our calculations, you need to have a considerable amount of money - about 1,132,800 rubles in order to open your own small coffee shop. At the same time, the average payback for a cafe is from 7 to 14 months.

The amount of expenses that are coming when opening a cafe will vary greatly in different cities. Of course, the cost of renting in Moscow or St. Petersburg will cost much more than in a small town or village. Premises on the central streets of the city will also significantly increase the primary cost of the cafe.

In this article, we have taken a detailed look at how much does it cost to open a cafe and what nuances should you pay attention to.

Don't forget, there is no clear limit on how much money you need to open a cafe. It all depends on your wishes, type of institution, its location and capacity.

Even with a minimal budget, you can make a stunning and popular cafe with a characteristic zest for it.

A cafe is a place where people come not only for food, but also for vivid impressions, homely atmosphere and comfort. Keep this in mind when you plan to open your own cafe.

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Do you want to know how to open a bar in your city from scratch? Then you have come to the right place! We know where to start and how to make the business as profitable as possible. Are you ready to be successful?

What documents and permits are needed?

To begin with, it is worth deciding on the concept of the bar. It can be a democratic institution with a dozen dishes (no more) and reasonable prices. The second option is higher prices and a variety of drinks and food for the middle class. And, of course, an elite bar with high prices and a real variety of dishes.

As soon as you decide on the concept, you need to decide for yourself what type of organizational and legal registration is right for you - IP, LLC, CJSC, OJSC. It is your decision, by and large, will also depend on the tax payment system - simplified or general. We advise you to simplify taxation for yourself several times and conduct business on your own.

If you choose an LLC, your personal property does not count towards the debt. But, this is the option when you have to work quite hard with the tax service and select employees for no less difficult accounting work.

The package of necessary documents includes:

  • Special permission to open a bar. To obtain this at Rospotrebnadzor, it is necessary to submit an opinion on the supply of raw materials and finished products, a certificate of state registration of the institution, an agreement for the purchase of premises or for its lease, as well as the results of a survey from medical workers;
  • license to sell alcoholic products;
  • license to sell tobacco products;
  • license for free retail trade;
  • a patent for conducting trading activities from local governments.

Such a list of required documents is all that is needed in most cases. But, you may also be additionally required to provide information about the presence of a safe at the enterprise, for example.

If you know in advance that you will not be able to handle the design of the entire package, it is better to turn to specialists who know firsthand how to open a bar from scratch. This service will cost from $500.

How much money do you need to open a bar?

In principle, all costs can be divided into three main categories:

  1. Basic;
  2. permanent;
  3. variables.

You will need money to buy or rent premises, repair and finish, supply all necessary and missing communications, purchase furniture, utensils and equipment, and complete all necessary documents.

Step 1 - Finding a room

One of the best options is the first floor of a non-residential building. The once-popular basement establishments today scare most customers, and also create a lot of additional problems with air conditioning and sewerage.

To immediately make sure that the room suits you, check:

  • Safety and convenience of approach/entrance;
  • availability of quality public services;
  • whether it is possible to conclude a long lease term in order to make a profit;
  • whether the new owner has any residual rights;
  • is there an additional area that will be needed to implement new ideas.

Step 2 - Staff

On average, an institution with 20-25 seats needs the following staff: an administrator, an accountant, a manager, an IT specialist, a cashier, a security guard, two or three waiters for the hall, two bartenders working in shifts and a cleaner.

If your menu includes hot dishes, then you can additionally add a chef and several of his assistants to this list. The selection of personnel should be made as carefully as possible so that later you do not have to deal with dishonesty of personnel and theft.

Expect that from time to time it will be necessary to conduct certification and training of staff so that competent employees improve the reputation of the bar and attract new customers.

Step 3 - Hardware

So, you will need several different categories of equipment:

  • Refrigeration (refrigeration cabinets, chambers, wine display cases and bar refrigerators);
  • thermal (stoves, ovens, shish kebabs, pancakes, deep fryers, thermal showcases);
  • bar (coffee grinders, blenders, combines, toasters, ice makers, mixers and juicers);
  • electromechanical (bread slicers, mixers, slicers, vegetable cutters, etc.).

In addition, do not forget about garbage cans, sinks and trolleys, shelves and tables, cabinets, ventilation hoods and distribution lines, scales, filters, etc. In general, you will spend around 200,000 rubles on the purchase of such equipment for a small cafe. And this list does not yet include air conditioning, dishes and office equipment.

For the purchase of equipment and utensils for one point, you will need approximately 300,000 rubles. If you rent a room, then the amount is from 60,000 rubles per month, but it all depends on the region and city in which you open. This is from 720,000 rubles per year.

It will take from 500,000 a year to pay employees, and you will spend from 50,000 a month on alcohol and food. Add to this utility bills, taxes and unforeseen situations, you get a tidy sum.

For the first month it is around 600,000 rubles. That's how much it costs to open a bar. In a month, expenses will be reduced by about 200,000 rubles. The better you work, and the better your contacts with suppliers, the lower your costs will be.

Potential risks

This business always has its pitfalls.

  • The first of these, a fairly high level of theft. Often this reduces all the efforts of the owner to nothing. You need to take care of the organization of control over the waiters and bartenders. Sometimes a bar goes bust just because the staff takes up to 50% of all revenue.
  • Second- competition. You need to immediately determine your competitive advantages and create a creative concept so that visitors choose you.
  • Third– business or entertainment? Your establishment is entertainment for customers, but not for you. Take it seriously, then it will bring its profit.
  • Fourth– even at the stage of repair, use the services of a designer. Buy good furniture and create a cozy atmosphere, then you will want to come back. Nobody likes cold walls and bad lighting.

How much can you earn?

For the payback of the bar, the trading allowance must be at least 300%. Then the average check will be equal to 600-700 rubles. If this is a fresh bar, then the average revenue will be 450,000 rubles per month or more. Coffee, tea - from 600,000 rubles per month. But alcoholic drinks will bring the amount at least twice as much. Then the payback will come faster.

Choose the right concept and organize your business wisely, then your profit will be worthy.

Video - how to open a bar from scratch.

Check out the offers of banks

RKO in Tochka Bank. Open an account

More about current account

  • Opening an account - free of charge in 10 minutes;
  • Service - from 0 rubles / month;
  • Free payments - up to 20 pieces / month.
  • Up to 7% on account balance;
  • Overdraft possible;
  • Internet banking - free of charge;
  • Mobile banking is free.
RKO in Raiffeisenbank. Open an account

More about current account

  • Opening an account - free of charge in 5 minutes;
  • Service - from 490 rubles / month;
  • Minimum commissions.
  • Registration of salary cards - free of charge;
  • Overdraft possible;
  • Internet banking - free of charge;
  • Mobile banking is free.
RKO in Tinkoff Bank. Open an account

More about current account

  • Free account opening in 10 minutes;
  • First 2 months free service;
  • After 2 months from 490 rubles / month;
  • Up to 8% on account balance;
  • Free accounting for individual entrepreneurs on Simplified;
  • Free internet banking;
  • Free mobile banking.
RKO in Sberbank. Open an account

More about current account

  • Opening r / s - 0 r.;
  • Service - from 0 rubles / month;
  • Free "Sberbank Business Online";
  • Lots of additional services.

More about current account

  • 0 rub. opening an account;
  • 0 rub. Internet banking and mobile banking for account management;
  • 0 rub. issuance of a business card for depositing and withdrawing cash at any ATM;
  • 0 rub. the first deposit of cash into the account;
  • 0 rub. tax and budgetary payments, transfers to legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in Alfa-Bank;
  • 0 rub. service account if there is no turnover.
RKO in the Eastern Bank. Open an account

More about current account

  • Opening an account is free;
  • Reservation in 1 minute;
  • Internet banking and mobile application for free;
  • 3 months of service for free;
  • after 3 months from 490 rubles / month
RKO in LOKO Bank. Open an account

More about current account

  • Opening an account is free;
  • Reservation in 1 minute;
  • Service - from 0 rubles / month;
  • Cash withdrawal from 0.6%;
  • Free terminal for acquiring;
  • Internet banking and mobile application - free of charge.

RKO in MTS Bank. Open an account

More about current account

  • Account maintenance - from 0 rub./month.
  • Cash withdrawal (up to 700 thousand rubles) - free of charge
  • Up to 5% on account balance
  • The cost of payment - from 0 rubles.
RKO in Unicredit Bank.