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Rating of OSAGO insurance companies. Which company is better to buy OSAGO: an overview of the most reliable insurers Top 20 insurance companies

Public Joint Stock Company Insurance Company Rosgosstrakh

1. accident and illness insurance
2. health insurance
3. insurance of land transport vehicles (except for railway transport vehicles)
4. railway vehicle insurance
5. air transport insurance
6. water transport insurance
7. cargo insurance
8. agricultural insurance (insurance of crops, crops, perennials, animals)
9. insurance of property of legal entities, with the exception of vehicles and agricultural insurance
10. property insurance of citizens, with the exception of vehicles
11. civil liability insurance of motor vehicle owners
12. civil liability insurance of aircraft owners
13. insurance of civil liability of owners of water transport
14. insurance of civil liability of organizations operating hazardous facilities
15. insurance of civil liability for causing harm due to defects in goods, works, services
16. third party liability insurance
17. business risk insurance
18. financial risk insurance
19. civil liability insurance for non-fulfillment or improper fulfillment of obligations under the contract
20. insurance of civil liability of owners of railway vehicles
21. reinsurance
22. Compulsory insurance of civil liability of the owner of a hazardous facility for causing harm as a result of an accident at a hazardous facility
23. compulsory civil liability insurance of vehicle owners
24. voluntary personal insurance, except for voluntary life insurance
25. voluntary property insurance
26. compulsory insurance of civil liability of the carrier for causing harm to life, health, property of passengers during transportation
27. compulsory state insurance of life and health of military personnel, citizens called up for military training, private and commanding personnel of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, the State Fire Service, employees of institutions and bodies of the penitentiary system, employees of the troops of the national guard of the Russian Federation
28. Compulsory state insurance of life and health of military personnel, citizens called up for military training, private and commanding personnel of the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, the State Fire Service, bodies for controlling the circulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, employees of institutions and bodies of the penitentiary systems as amended by the Federal Law of 07/03/2016

When compiling the ratings of insurance companies, the financial performance of insurers and the results of the popular vote are evaluated. Also, the frequency of litigation involving insurance companies and the loyalty of CASCO rules are taken into account.

Expert rating of insurance companies

The expert rating of insurance companies (or the reliability rating of insurance companies) is compiled on the basis of data from the reputable rating agency Expert RA. When determining the rating, the financial performance of insurers is assessed. According to the Expert RA classification, the following assessments are used:

  • The maximum level of reliability.
  • , , Very high level of reliability.
  • , , High level of reliability.
  • , , Satisfactory level of reliability.
  • , , Satisfactory level of reliability.
  • , , Low level of reliability.
  • Very low level of reliability.
  • Unsatisfactory level of reliability.
  • Failure to fulfill obligations.
  • A temporary administration has been introduced.
  • Bankruptcy, license revocation, liquidation.
  • 3 SC - assessment "Maximum level of reliability" (ruAAA): VTB Insurance, Ingosstrakh, SOGAZ.
  • 11 SK - "Very high level of reliability" rating (ruAA+, ruAA, ruAA-): AIG, AlfaStrakhovanie, Alliance, VSK, Liberty Insurance, MAKS, Renaissance Insurance, RESO-Garantia, RSHB-Insurance, Energogarant, ERGO.
  • 8 SC - "High level of reliability" rating (ruA+, ruA, ruA-): Absolut Insurance, Zetta Insurance, PARI, Rosgosstrakh, Spasskiye Vorota, Surgutneftegaz, Chulpan, Yugoria.
  • 10 SC - "Satisfactory level of reliability" rating (ruBBB+, ruBBB, ruBBB-, ruBB+, ruBB, ruBB-): Adonis, ASKO-INSURANCE, Astro-Volga, Helios, Geopolis, D2 Insurance, USC, Soglasiya, Tinkoff Insurance, UralSib .
  • 1 SC - rating "Low level of reliability" (ruB+, ruB, ruB-): Help.

A high rating (ruA- or higher) is the recognition of the company's reliability by the expert community. The described layout reflects the situation as of May 30, 2019.

People's rating of insurance companies

Policyholders evaluate a variety of non-obvious performance indicators of insurance companies. Among them, for example, the quality of services, the friendliness of the staff, the speed of service, the speed of processing the necessary documents, and so on. At the same time, a regional company can get a high rating, and a large insurance organization with an extensive branch network, on the contrary, “go into the red”.

The national rating of insurance companies has a number of features. Thus, policyholders are much more likely to share bad experiences, and there are more negative reviews than neutral or positive ones. In addition, reviews are not always objective. Sometimes messages with an overly emotional connotation are left by policyholders who themselves violated the terms of the contract and did not receive compensation as a result of their own actions.

Everyone can influence the formation of the national rating - for this it is enough to leave a review about the work of the insurance company.

Financial rating of insurance companies

The financial rating compares insurers based on statistical indicators. The financial rating is based on the official reporting of insurers, which is published quarterly by the Central Bank of Russia. Sales of insurance services to legal entities and individuals are taken into account.

The key assessed indicator is the level of payments. The payout rate shows the percentage of fees that the insurance company paid out in a year as an insurance claim. The optimal level of payments in the Russian market is approximately 55-65%.

If the percentage is too high (say, 75% or more), the insurance company does not adequately assess risks or significantly reduces sales. Both situations speak of potential financial problems for the insurer.

If the percentage is too low (say, 40% or less), the insurer is likely to save on payments. The company underestimates the amount of insurance indemnities or often refuses to pay for insured events. Indirectly confirming this hypothesis is the judicial rating of insurance companies. If a company "saves" on payouts, it's almost certain that it also has a high percentage of litigation in relation to claimed losses.

Judicial rating

The litigation rating evaluates how many litigations involving an insurance company account for one claimed insured event. Insurers do not always sue policyholders. Sometimes the opponents in court are two insurance companies. Also, financiers are suing other subjects of law in non-insurance cases, for example, with landlords or government agencies.

However, practice shows that the lion's share of litigation falls on litigation with policyholders. That is why the judicial rating of insurers allows you to fairly accurately assess the likelihood of litigation when claiming an insured event.

Loyalty rating of insurance rules

The CASCO loyalty rating helps to understand how the company's voluntary car insurance rules take into account the interests of the car owner. The higher the loyalty of the rules, the less likely it is that disputes will arise when settling a loss.

Which insurance company is best? This question is usually asked by policyholders who issue a policy for the first time, as well as those who have had a negative experience with insurance companies. Most often, the issue of timely payments for insured events and reliability are of interest, which, in the opinion of many, insurance companies with state support can provide.

Principles for choosing an insurer

Most often, the choice of a company is influenced by subjective grounds, such as: the proximity of the office of an insurance company, the cost of an insurance policy, the competence of an employee or an insurance agent. Some of these factors may be important in each individual case, but not be decisive. The main thing is the reliability of the insurance company and the ability to fulfill the obligations under the policy. And this can be done with a greater degree of probability by insurance companies with state support. This means that even during a crisis, the insurer is able to make all payments. You can also conduct your own analysis, based on reviews of insurance companies, their ratings, and the study of official websites. It is worth adding to your own analysis the recommendations of friends and relatives about their experience of cooperation. Today there are more than a hundred companies in the insurance services market. Therefore, the choice is quite difficult to make. To help you choose, there are independent rating agencies, associations of insurers, etc., who publish annual and quarterly ratings based on an analysis of the financial condition and the volume of declared but not settled payment cases. This information can be safely trusted.

Insurance company ratings

External factors, such as: size and change of assets and own funds, authorized capital, total insurance premium;

Whether the company is in some important stable market segments (associations), company reputation, brand recognition and price, obligations to supervisory authorities, insurance portfolio;

Management (owners, their financial performance, whether the company is an affiliate of companies from other industries, what it owns, risk management, attitude to improving the quality of management, information infrastructure, availability of contracts with audit firms, access to these reports);

Geography of presence in the market (branch network).

Insurance business: insurance portfolio (its stability, types of insurance, percentage riskiness, reinsurance liabilities);

Client base (structure of the client base, renewals, share of main clients, percentage of terminated contracts, percentage of active insurance agents);

Reinsurance (reinsurance of risks, their size, reliability of reinsurance policy);

Financial indicators (current liquidity ratio, large payments, fulfillment of obligations on them, availability of loans from the company, own funds, receivables);

Profitability and unprofitability (loss ratio, percentage of expenses for doing business in the total indicator of the collection of insurance premiums);

Investment policy (investment objects, investment portfolio, its profitability, percentage of affiliates and subsidiaries).

The methodology for assigning a rating, taken on the example of the EXPERT RA agency, is given in order to make it clear how difficult it is to objectively assess the state of a company. Those. ratings based on word of mouth have a right to life, but they are subjective. Reviews are also a relative indicator, often they are custom-made or written on a wave of indignation, because among the clients there are both constantly satisfied and somewhat dissatisfied insurers. It is extremely difficult to calculate the percentage of real reviews and custom ones on your own.

List of insurance companies with state participation

The best insurance company is the one you can trust. The transmission of information by word of mouth may be productive, but not in this case. As mentioned above, the reliability of the company is quite difficult to assess. But still, based on the conclusions of the rating agencies, here is a list of Russian insurance companies with state participation: VTB Insurance, ROSGOSSTRAKH, SPAO RESO-Garantia, SOGAZ insurance group, AlfaStrakhovanie insurance group, Yugoria.

"VTB Insurance"

The insurance group was founded in 2000. It is a systematic organization and the largest in Russia. It has 114 branches in different cities of Russia. Standard & Poor's - a well-known American rating agency - assigned it a long-term financial strength rating of BB +. This is the highest figure among domestic companies. EXPERT RA assigned the highest A++ rating to VTB Insurance Group. The company has licenses for all insurance products available on the market. Disadvantages: long settlement of losses. Summarizing the reviews about the company, we can say that conflict situations are rare, a reliable company, but insurance products are expensive. However, policyholders will prefer this company, especially those who have had negative experiences with other insurers.


A long-liver and the largest state-owned insurance company, or rather, a group of organizations. Many turn to this company for a policy, because the network is very well developed, and agencies are represented even in remote places. "EXPERT RA" put the rating A++. It has licenses for all types of insurance services, to a greater extent in the regions the insurance portfolio consists of motor risks, i.e. OSAGO policies. Due to monopolization in remote locations, agents often forced additional insurance policies. After appeals to the Antimonopoly Committee, OSAO Rosgosstrakh had its license for insurance under OSAGO policies temporarily revoked. In the reviews, you can often read about the extremely long wait for payments, refusals to pay for no reason, especially under OSAGO, but the court in this case is always on the side of the insured. They also write about the unreasonably low assessment of the damage of this Russian insurance company with state support. The only plus in the reviews is a huge branch network and a large number of insurance agents.

SPAO "RESO-Garantia"

It is also a backbone company founded in 1991. The policy is based on agency sales and agents with balanced insurance portfolios. It has more than 800 branches and more than 20 thousand agents. The number of clients - both legal entities and individuals - is more than 10 million.

Licenses for more than 100 types of insurance. Priorities: OSAGO, VHI, mortgage insurance. The Standard & Poor's agency assigned a rating of BB. Generalized reviews are due to the fact that the company bases its activities on the work of agents, therefore, the reviews are mostly negative due to the incompetent work of specific agents.

Insurance group "SOGAZ"

Systemically important company. It ranks second in Russia in terms of insurance premium collection. The group includes both domestic insurance companies and foreign ones. More than 15 million individuals and 45 thousand legal entities have SOGAZ insurance policies. One of the areas is sponsorship (the company is the official insurer of all KHL championships). As well as with Rosgosstrakh, there were also reviews about the imposition of additional policies to OSAGO policies, the refusal to issue a policy without concluding another one - for life or property insurance of individuals. The pluses in the reviews include prices for CASCO policies. Cons, as in all large companies, speak only of the human factor in the work of specific agencies and branches.

State insurance company "Ugoria"

Yugoria has been operating in Russia for a long time. All standard insurance services are offered in this company.

According to statistics, the organization has an A reliability rating. It happens that it drops to B ++. Accordingly, this stands for "Reliable" and "Acceptable Reliability". Which is not too high. It is for this reason that people do not trust Yugoria too much. Many people are skeptical about organizations with such a rating. This means that there are certain shortcomings that do not allow the company to work with 100% quality.

Alfa Insurance Group

Formed in 1992. The company's policy is aimed at meeting the needs of corporate clients in insurance products. The company is one of the largest insurers. It also has licenses for more than 100 different types of insurance. A fairly decent insurance portfolio, more than 450 thousand companies and 25 million individuals have AlfaStrakhovanie insurance policies. The international agency Fitch Ratings assigned a rating of BB. The company is also very reliable. The reviews, like all companies, speak of late payments and poor service, specifically and unreasonably low claims settlement payments. They also note the veiled conditions in voluntary insurance policies, which appear when an insured event occurs and the company applies for payment.

The list of health insurance companies with state participation includes a certain number of organizations. Here are some of them: MAKS-M, ROSNO-MS, SOGAZ-Med, Rosgosstrakh-Medicina LLC, Capital Medical Insurance CJSC, etc.


The article is of an overview nature, each person must subjectively decide which company to choose, based on his analysis or the positive experience of his friends or relatives communicating with a particular company. But in any case, it must be borne in mind that delays in payments for insured events are a normal phenomenon in all insurance companies, including state ones, the main thing is that they will pay anyway.

By the way, for more detailed and accurate information, you can refer to the Unified State Register of Insurance Entities. The data of the state register of insurance companies will help a simple layman to navigate the insurance market.