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The main characters of the work are crime and punishment. Characteristics of the heroes of the novel F

The main characters of the novel Rodion Raskolnikov Raskolnikov is the spiritual, compositional center of the novel. Dreamer, romantic, proud, strong, noble personality, completely absorbed in the idea. Outer action reveals his inner struggle. The hero solves the riddle of his own personality and at the same time the riddle of human nature. Sonya Marmeladova The heroine is also a criminal, but if Rodion stepped over others for himself, then Sonya stepped over herself for others. Sonya pushes Raskolnikov to repentance. According to the author, through Raskolnikov's love for Sonya, and through her love for him, the resurrection of the main characters is possible.

The heroes of the novel Alena Ivanovna - pawnbroker The character is a symbol of worthlessness and even harmful life. However, according to the author, she is also a person, and violence against her, as against any person, is a crime of the moral law. Amalia Ivanovna is the landlady of the Marmeladovs, as well as Lebezyatnikov and Luzhin. He is in constant conflict with Katerina Ivanovna Marmeladova. Zametov Alexander Grigoryevich - clerk in the police office, comrade Razumikhin. Dostoevsky pushes Raskolnikov and Zametov together, compares two different modes of existence - Raskolnikov's intense search and well-fed philistine life. Zosimov is a doctor, a friend of Razumikhin. He suspects Raskolnikov of insanity and sees nothing further than this. Ilya Petrovich Gunpowder - assistant quarter warden. Raskolnikov is rude and aggressive with Raskolnikov, who was summoned for non-payment of a bill, provoking a scandal. During the surrender, Raskolnikov finds him in a more benevolent mood.

The heroes of the novel Katerina Ivanovna are the wife of Marmeladov. From among the "humiliated and offended". In fact, he forces his stepdaughter Sonechka to go to the panel, after which he feels guilty in front of her. Desperation drives her mad. Lebezyatnikov Andrei Semyonovich - ministerial official. The image is somewhat caricatured. Lizaveta is the younger half-sister of the pawnbroker Alena Ivanovna. Becomes an accidental victim of Raskolnikov. Luzhin Petrovich is a type of businessman. He values ​​himself highly, but values ​​money most of all. Marmeladov Semyon Zakharovich - titular adviser, sonechka's father. The image is associated with one of the main themes of Dostoevsky's work - poverty and humiliation.

The heroes of the novel Marfa Petrovna are a landowner, the wife of Svidrigailov After death (poisoning, in which Svidrigailov could be the culprit). Appears to Svidrigailov as a ghost. Nastasya is the cook and maid of Raskolnikov's landlady. Raskolnikov's only link with the world distracts him from his obsession. Nikodim Fomich - quarter warden. Two meetings with the main character: 1) during the conflict between Raskolnikov and Ilya Petrovich; 2) in the episode with Marmeladov, who was knocked down by horses. Nikolai (Mikolka) - a dyer who was renovating an apartment in the entrance of an old pawnbroker. Takes on the crime because he wants to take the pain. Porfiry Petrovich - bailiff of investigative cases, jurist. Smart and subtle psychologist. The ambivalent attitude of Porfiry Petrovich towards Raskolnikov: 1) a murderer, a criminal; 2) personality.

The heroes of the novel Razumikhin Dmitry Prokofievich - a former student, nobleman, Raskolnikov's comrade at the university. Temporarily retired due to lack of funds. Tries to shield Raskolnikov. Takes care of Raskolnikov's mother and sister. Later he marries Dunya. Raskolnikova Dunya (Avdotya Romanovna) - Raskolnikov's sister. Hoping to improve the situation of his brother, he is going to marry Luzhin. She is pursued by Svidrigailov. Raskolnikova Pulcheria Alexandrovna - Raskolnikov's mother. Dostoevsky showed the drama of a mother who did not know about her son's crime, but felt that something very serious had happened to him, and deeply suffered from this. Svidrigailov Arkady Ivanovich is one of the central characters. On his conscience a number of serious crimes: the suicide of Philip's servant and the fourteen-year-old girl he insulted, and possibly the poisoning of his wife. On the other side of good and evil. The moral law has no power over him, he is left with vulgarity and boredom. The indistinguishability of good and evil makes his life meaningless.

Task: continue filling in the table The hero of the novel "Crime and Punishment" Alena Ivanovna Sonya Marmeladova Description of appearance Character of the hero, impression of the hero, attitude towards the hero Tiny, dry old woman, about sixty, with sharp and evil eyes, with a small pointed nose ... Blond, little her graying hair was greasy with oil. On her thin and long neck, resembling a chicken leg, some kind of flannel rag was draped, and on her shoulders, despite the heat, all the tattered and yellowed fur katsaveyka dangled. The image of Alena Ivanovna disgusts the reader, partly justifying Raskolnikov's idea.

In the novel "Crime and Punishment" by Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, the main characters are complex and contradictory characters. Their fate is closely connected with the conditions of life, the environment in which life takes place, and individual characteristics. It is possible to characterize the heroes of Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment" only on the basis of their actions, since we do not hear the voice of the author in the work.

Rodion Raskolnikov - the main character of the novel

Rodion Raskolnikov- the central character of the work. The young man has an attractive appearance. “By the way, he was remarkably good-looking, with beautiful dark eyes, dark-haired, taller than average, thin and slender.” An outstanding mind, a proud character, sick pride and a beggarly existence are the reasons for the criminal behavior of the hero. Rodion highly appreciates his abilities, considers himself an exceptional person, dreams of a great future, but his financial situation depresses him. He has nothing to pay for his studies at the university, he does not have enough money to pay off his landlady. The young man's clothes attract the attention of passers-by with their shabby and old look. Trying to cope with the circumstances, Rodion Raskolnikov goes to kill the old pawnbroker. Thus, he tries to prove to himself that he belongs to the highest category of people and can step over blood. “Am I a trembling creature, or do I have a right,” he thinks. But one crime leads to another. An innocent poor woman dies. The hero theory of the right of a strong personality leads to a dead end. Only Sonya's love awakens in him faith in God, revives him to life. Raskolnikov's personality consists of opposite qualities. An indifferent cruel killer gives his last pennies for the funeral of an unfamiliar person, intervenes in the fate of a young girl, trying to save her from dishonor.

Minor characters

The images of the characters who play the main role in the narrative become fuller and brighter as a result of the description of their relationships with other people. Family members, friends, acquaintances, episodic persons that appear in the plot help to better understand the idea of ​​the work, to understand the motives of actions.

To make the appearance of the characters in the novel clearer to the reader, the writer uses various techniques. We get acquainted with a detailed description of the characters, delve into the details of the dreary interior of the apartments, consider the dull gray streets of St. Petersburg.

Sofia Marmeladova

Sofia Semyonovna Marmeladova- a young unfortunate creature. "Sonya was short, about eighteen years old, thin, but rather pretty blonde, with wonderful blue eyes."

She is young, naive and very kind. Drunk father, sick stepmother, hungry stepsisters and brother - this is the environment in which the heroine lives. She is a shy and timid person, unable to stand up for herself. But this fragile creature is ready to sacrifice itself for the sake of loved ones. She sells the body, engaging in prostitution to help the family, goes after the convicted Raskolnikov. Sonya is a kind, selfless and deeply religious person. This gives her strength to cope with all the trials and find well-deserved happiness.

Semyon Marmeladov

Marmeladov Semyon Zakharovich- no less significant character of the work. He is a former official, father of a family with many children. A weak and weak-willed person solves all his problems with the help of alcohol. A man dismissed from service dooms his wife and children to starvation. They live in a walk-through room in which there is almost no furnishings. Kids do not go to school, do not have a change of clothes. Marmeladov is able to drink away the last money, take the pennies earned from his eldest daughter in order to get drunk and get away from problems. Despite this, the image of the hero evokes pity and compassion, since the circumstances turned out to be stronger than him. He himself suffers from his vice, but cannot cope with it.

Avdotya Raskolnikova

Avdotya Romanovna Raskolnikova is the sister of the protagonist. A girl from a poor, but honest and decent family. Dunya is smart, well-educated, well-mannered. She is "remarkably pretty", which, unfortunately, attracts the attention of men. Character traits "she looked like a brother." Avdotya Raskolnikova, a proud and independent nature, resolute and purposeful, was ready to marry an unloved person for the sake of her brother's well-being. Self-esteem and hard work will help her to arrange her fate and avoid irreparable mistakes.

Dmitry Vrazumikhin

Dmitry Prokofievich Vrazumikhin- the only friend of Rodion Raskolnikov The poor student, unlike his friend, does not drop out of school. He earns a living by all available means and never ceases to hope for good luck. Poverty does not prevent him from making plans. Razumikhin is a noble man. He disinterestedly tries to help a friend, takes care of his family. Love for Avdotya Romanovna Raskolnikova inspires a young man, makes him stronger and more determined.

Pyotr Luzhin

Pyotr Petrovich Luzhin- a respectable, respectable middle-aged man of pleasant appearance. He is a successful businessman, the happy fiance of Dunya Raskolnikova, a rich and self-confident gentleman. In fact, under the mask of integrity hides a low and vile nature. Taking advantage of the girl's plight, he proposes to her. In his actions, Pyotr Petrovich is guided not by disinterested motives, but by his own benefit. He dreams of a wife who would be slavishly submissive and grateful until the end of her days. For the sake of his own interests, he pretends to be in love, tries to slander Raskolnikov, accuse Sonya Marmeladova of stealing.

Arkady Svidrigailov

Svidrigailov Arkady Ivanovich- one of the most mysterious faces in the novel. The owner of the house where Avdotya Romanovna Raskolnikova worked. He is cunning and dangerous to others. Svidrigailov is a vicious person. Being married, he tries to seduce Dunya. He is accused of killing his wife, seducing young children. The terrible nature of Svidrigailov is capable, oddly enough, of noble deeds. He helps Sonya Marmeladova justify herself, arranges the fate of orphaned children. Rodion Raskolnikov, having committed a crime, becomes like this hero, as he transgresses the moral law. It is no coincidence that in a conversation with Rodion, he says: "We are one field of berries."

Pulcheria Raskolnikova

Raskolnikova Pulcheria Alexandrovna- mother of Rodion and Dunya. The woman is poor, but honest. The person is kind and sympathetic. A loving mother, ready for any sacrifice and deprivation for the sake of her children.

F. M. Dostoevsky pays very little attention to some of his heroes. But they are necessary in the course of the story. Thus, the investigation process cannot be imagined without the smart, cunning, but noble investigator Porfiry Petrovich. The young doctor Zosimov treats and understands the psychological state of Rodion during his illness. An important witness to the weakness of the protagonist in the police station is the assistant to the quarter warden Ilya Petrovich. Luzhin's friend Andrei Semenovich Lebezyatnikov returns the good name to Sonya and exposes the false groom. The seemingly insignificant events associated with the names of these heroes play an important role in the development of the plot.

The meaning of episodic persons in the work

On the pages of the great work of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, we also meet other characters. The list of heroes of the novel is supplemented by episodic characters. Katerina Ivanovna, Marmeladov's wife, unfortunate orphans, a girl on the boulevard, Alena Ivanovna, the greedy old pawnbroker, ill Lizovet. Their appearance is not accidental. Each, even the most insignificant image, carries its own semantic load and serves to embody the author's intention. Important and necessary are all the heroes of the novel "Crime and Punishment", the list of which can be continued further.

Artwork test

In each work of heroes can be divided into positive and negative. The images in Crime and Punishment are so colorful that the reader cannot immediately evaluate them. Dostoevsky depicts Raskolnikov as a two-faced man: the criminal has a big loving heart, a desire to help his neighbor, a desire to repent. There is also an ambiguous opinion about Lebezyatnikov - he is a big drinker, rarely remembers his family, but his naivety and unstable financial situation become an excuse for this. The description of the unhappy life of a bankrupt official is given several pages in the novel Crime and Punishment.

  • instead of the contempt that a prostitute should inspire, Sonya is pretty and delightful in her self-sacrifice: after all, she goes to earn with her body for the sake of her family;
  • instead of a vulgar and rude street selling woman, the reader sees a modest, meek, quiet girl who is ashamed of her own occupation, but cannot change anything;
  • At first, Raskolnikov hates her, because he feels that he is irresistibly attracted to her: he is attracted so strongly that he is forced to tell her first about his atrocity, but then he realizes that it is Sonechka who is the salvation that the Lord sent him as a consolation.

Heroes of the novel "Crime and Punishment"

Svidrigailov Arkady Ivanovich- one of the most mysterious faces in the novel. The owner of the house where Avdotya Romanovna Raskolnikova worked. He is cunning and dangerous to others. Svidrigailov is a vicious person. Being married, he tries to seduce Dunya. He is accused of killing his wife, seducing young children. The terrible nature of Svidrigailov is capable, oddly enough, of noble deeds. He helps Sonya Marmeladova justify herself, arranges the fate of orphaned children. Rodion Raskolnikov, having committed a crime, becomes like this hero, as he transgresses the moral law. It is no coincidence that in a conversation with Rodion, he says: "We are one field of berries."

Heroes of the novel Crime and punishment essay

The novel "Crime and Punishment" by Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky is popular all over the world and is considered one of the most powerful and bloody literary works. The heroes of the work are not only the characters, but the city itself - Petersburg, is put as the protagonist of the work.

Dostoevsky, Crime and punishment: summary, main characters

Mid 19th century. A poor district of St. Petersburg, adjacent to the Ekaterinensky Canal and Sennaya Square (“Crime and Punishment”: the image of St. Petersburg” is a separate interesting topic). Summer evening. Raskolnikov Rodion Romanovich, a former student, leaves his closet, located in the attic, and goes to Alena Ivanovna, an old money-lender, to take a mortgage - his last valuable thing. This is how Dostoevsky begins "Crime and Punishment", a summary of which we describe.

Despite the aversion to bloody violence rising in his soul, Raskolnikov nevertheless commits a grave sin. In addition, in addition to the old woman, he kills her meek sister Lizaveta, an unwitting witness to a grave crime. Rodion barely manages to escape from the scene of the crime, while he hides the old woman's wealth in a random place, without even assessing their real value.

Crime and punishment are the main characters

Avdotya Romanovna Raskolnikova, sister of Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov. A smart, beautiful, chaste girl, in love with her brother to the point of self-sacrifice. In the struggle for his happiness, she was ready to go for a marriage of convenience, but she could not make contact with Svidrigailov for the sake of his salvation. She marries Razumikhin, finding in him a sincere and loving person, a true comrade of his brother.

The world of heroes of "Crime and Punishment"

Naturally, heroes deprived of a family are also deprived of a home. None of them have their own place. All of them: Marmeladov, Sonya, Raskolnikov, Pulcheria Alexandrovna with Dunya, Svidrigailov, Luzhin - exist in a strange place and temporarily. They temporarily live in apartments, in rooms, huddle in corners and find temporary shelter with friends. Moreover, many of them (Marmeladov, Luzhin, Raskolnikov) are persistently expelled from this random place. Almost all the heroes of "Crime and Punishment" appear before the readers as free or involuntary "eternal wanderers".

Analysis of Dostoevsky's novel "Crime and Punishment"

What are the characteristics of the main characters - Crime and Punishment

Sonya Marmeladova. Daughter of an official Semyon Marmeladov. Sonya has no talents, an honest and hardworking girl. A timid girl who is afraid of meeting new people. A patient person, she endures all difficulties. According to her stepmother, Sonya is a kind and noble girl. The truth is a little gullible, this is manifested in the case of Luzhin. Sonya does not have any specific knowledge, in short, she is poorly educated. Sonya is not vindictive, she does not hold grudges for all the insults from her stepmother. It also speaks of her patience. Sonya is embarrassed by her shameful job, but she has no other way to earn money. But all this is temporary, in the future Sonya will experience happiness and find herself in her favorite work, which will bring income and fame.

Analysis of the images of the main characters in the novel "Crime and Punishment"

A poor but capable student from St. Petersburg, Rodion Raskolnikov, is obsessed with an idea that takes its roots in humanism and the universal sense of being: will violations of the law be justified if they are done in the name of humanity? External circumstances (poverty and the sister’s forced decision to marry of convenience) push Rodion to test his own theory in practice: he kills an old pawnbroker and her sister Lizaveta, who was pregnant at that time. It is from this moment that the ordeals of poor Raskolnikov begin:

  • even physically he cannot cope with the test: for several days after the murder he lies delirious;
  • upon the fact of the murder, the investigator begins to call him and interrogate him: suspicions torment the student, he loses peace, sleep, appetite;
  • but the most important ordeal is the conscience, which demands retribution for the bloody crime committed by Raskolnikov.

The central character of the novel Crime and Punishment

Dostoevsky says that such ideas can only be born in an "unhealthy" society. In the novel, the environment itself, the way of life of people become the cause of the birth of this terrible theory. Petersburg is compared by Dostoevsky to a house without windows: everyone is mired in debauchery, vulgarity, the environment inexorably draws people in, makes them either inhumanly cruel or completely powerless, ready to commit suicide at any moment.

The main characters of the work crime and punishment

One of the characters of Satan's retinue, all the time walking in ridiculous checkered clothes and pince-nez with one cracked and one missing glass. In his true form, he turns out to be a knight, forced to pay with constant stay in the retinue of Satan for one once said unsuccessful pun about light and darkness.

Dostoevsky's novel "Crime and Punishment" (School essays)

Fedor Mikhailovich shows Rodion Raskolnikov as both a killer and a victim. The protagonist kills the pawnbroker and her sister, but after the crime he does not get the desired result, he becomes a victim of his thoughts. The author does not blame Raskolnikov, but does not try to defend him either. He feels sorry for Rodion as much as he despises him.

Brief plot of crime and punishment

The action takes place in the summer in St. Petersburg. Former student Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov lives in a cramped room that looks like a closet or a coffin, in complete poverty. He owes all around to the mistress, from whom he rents a closet, therefore he tries in every possible way to avoid meeting with her. One day, already in the evening, Raskolnikov goes to Alena Ivanovna, an old pawnbroker who lives in the same apartment with her half-sister Lizaveta.

Life and work of Dostoevsky. Analysis of works. Characteristics of heroes

All the heroes of the novel "Crime and Punishment": a list of characters

The novel "Crime and Punishment" is a work in which many bright, memorable characters are involved.

The heroes of the novel are a variety of people from different strata of society: nobles, bourgeois, peasants, etc.

This article provides a list of all the heroes of the novel "Crime and Punishment": the main and secondary characters of the work.

All materials on "Crime and Punishment"
Brief description of the heroes of "Crime and Punishment" in the table

  • Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov - the main character of the novel, a poor student
  • Dunya Raskolnikova - Raskolnikov's sister, a poor but educated girl
  • Pulcheria Alexandrovna Raskolnikova - Raskolnikov's mother, a kind, honest, but poor widow
  • Sonya Marmeladova - the main character of the novel, a close friend of Rodion Raskolnikov, a poor girl who earns a living by "obscene craft"
  • Semyon Zakharovich Marmeladov - the father of Sonya Marmeladova, a retired drunk official
  • Katerina Ivanovna Marmeladova - stepmother of Sonya Marmeladova, a young woman from a good family
    • Arkady Ivanovich Svidrigailov - a wealthy landowner in love with Dunya Raskolnikov, a depraved man
    • Marfa Petrovna Svidrigailova - Svidrigailov's wife, a kind but eccentric woman
    • The old pawnbroker Alena Ivanovna - an old woman who becomes a victim of Raskolnikov
    • Lizaveta (Lizaveta Ivanovna) - the younger sister of an old pawnbroker, a weak-minded young woman who also becomes a victim of Raskolnikov
    • Luzhin Petr Petrovich - the fiance of Dunya Raskolnikova, a mean and cunning man
    • Lebezyatnikov Andrei Semenovich - a friend and ward of Luzhin, a stupid man of new, "progressive" views
    • Razumikhin Dmitry Prokofievich (Vrazumikhin) - a friend of Raskolnikov, a kind, open and active young man
    • Porfiry Petrovich - investigator investigating the murder of an old woman and her sister
    • Zametov - clerk in a local office
    • Nikodim Fomich - quarter warden
    • Ilya Petrovich - assistant quarter warden
    • Zosimov - an aspiring doctor, a friend of Razumikhin, Raskolnikov's attending physician
    • Mikolka (Nikolai) - A dyer who takes the blame for the murder of an old woman
    • Amalia Ivanovna Lippevehzel - the owner of the apartment where the Marmeladov family rents a room
    • Nastasya is a maid in the house where Raskolnikov rents
    • Daria Frantsevna - the mistress of the "obscene institution" where poor girls work
    • Zarnitsyna is the mistress of the house where Raskolnikov rents
    • Mitka - dyer, Mikolka's partner
    • Afanasy Ivanovich Vakhrushin - a friend of the late father of Raskolnikov
    • Dushkin - usurer, owner of a tavern
    • This was a list of all the heroes of the novel "Crime and Punishment": the main and secondary characters of the work.

      Heroes of the novel "Crime and Punishment"

      In the novel "Crime and Punishment" by Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, the main characters are complex and contradictory characters. Their fate is closely connected with the conditions of life, the environment in which life takes place, and individual characteristics. It is possible to characterize the heroes of Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment" only on the basis of their actions, since we do not hear the voice of the author in the work.

      Rodion Raskolnikov - the main character of the novel

      Rodion Raskolnikov- the central character of the work. The young man has an attractive appearance. “By the way, he was remarkably good-looking, with beautiful dark eyes, dark-haired, taller than average, thin and slender.” An outstanding mind, a proud character, sick pride and a beggarly existence are the reasons for the criminal behavior of the hero. Rodion highly appreciates his abilities, considers himself an exceptional person, dreams of a great future, but his financial situation depresses him. He has nothing to pay for his studies at the university, he does not have enough money to pay off his landlady. The young man's clothes attract the attention of passers-by with their shabby and old look. Trying to cope with the circumstances, Rodion Raskolnikov goes to kill the old pawnbroker. Thus, he tries to prove to himself that he belongs to the highest category of people and can step over blood. “Am I a trembling creature, or do I have a right,” he thinks. But one crime leads to another. An innocent poor woman dies. The hero theory of the right of a strong personality leads to a dead end. Only Sonya's love awakens in him faith in God, revives him to life. Raskolnikov's personality consists of opposite qualities. An indifferent cruel killer gives his last pennies for the funeral of an unfamiliar person, intervenes in the fate of a young girl, trying to save her from dishonor.

      Minor characters

      The images of the characters who play the main role in the narrative become fuller and brighter as a result of the description of their relationships with other people. Family members, friends, acquaintances, episodic persons that appear in the plot help to better understand the idea of ​​the work, to understand the motives of actions.

      To make the appearance of the characters in the novel clearer to the reader, the writer uses various techniques. We get acquainted with a detailed description of the characters, delve into the details of the dreary interior of the apartments, consider the dull gray streets of St. Petersburg.

      Sofia Marmeladova

      Sofia Semyonovna Marmeladova- a young unfortunate creature. "Sonya was short, about eighteen years old, thin, but rather pretty blonde, with wonderful blue eyes." She is young, naive and very kind. Drunk father, sick stepmother, hungry stepsisters and brother - this is the environment in which the heroine lives. She is a shy and timid person, unable to stand up for herself. But this fragile creature is ready to sacrifice itself for the sake of loved ones. She sells the body, engaging in prostitution to help the family, goes after the convicted Raskolnikov. Sonya is a kind, selfless and deeply religious person. This gives her strength to cope with all the trials and find well-deserved happiness.

      Semyon Marmeladov

      Marmeladov Semyon Zakharovich- no less significant character of the work. He is a former official, father of a family with many children. A weak and weak-willed person solves all his problems with the help of alcohol. A man dismissed from service dooms his wife and children to starvation. They live in a walk-through room in which there is almost no furnishings. Kids do not go to school, do not have a change of clothes. Marmeladov is able to drink away the last money, take the pennies earned from his eldest daughter in order to get drunk and get away from problems. Despite this, the image of the hero evokes pity and compassion, since the circumstances turned out to be stronger than him. He himself suffers from his vice, but cannot cope with it.

      Avdotya Raskolnikova

      Avdotya Romanovna Raskolnikova is the sister of the protagonist. A girl from a poor, but honest and decent family. Dunya is smart, well-educated, well-mannered. She is "remarkably pretty", which, unfortunately, attracts the attention of men. Character traits "she looked like a brother." Avdotya Raskolnikova, a proud and independent nature, resolute and purposeful, was ready to marry an unloved person for the sake of her brother's well-being. Self-esteem and hard work will help her to arrange her fate and avoid irreparable mistakes.

      Dmitry Vrazumikhin

      Dmitry Prokofievich Vrazumikhin- the only friend of Rodion Raskolnikov The poor student, unlike his friend, does not drop out of school. He earns a living by all available means and never ceases to hope for good luck. Poverty does not prevent him from making plans. Razumikhin is a noble man. He disinterestedly tries to help a friend, takes care of his family. Love for Avdotya Romanovna Raskolnikova inspires a young man, makes him stronger and more determined.

      Pyotr Luzhin

      Pyotr Petrovich Luzhin- a respectable, respectable middle-aged man of pleasant appearance. He is a successful businessman, the happy fiance of Dunya Raskolnikova, a rich and self-confident gentleman. In fact, under the mask of integrity hides a low and vile nature. Taking advantage of the girl's plight, he proposes to her. In his actions, Pyotr Petrovich is guided not by disinterested motives, but by his own benefit. He dreams of a wife who would be slavishly submissive and grateful until the end of her days. For the sake of his own interests, he pretends to be in love, tries to slander Raskolnikov, accuse Sonya Marmeladova of stealing.

      - one of the most mysterious faces in the novel. The owner of the house where Avdotya Romanovna Raskolnikova worked. He is cunning and dangerous to others. Svidrigailov is a vicious person. Being married, he tries to seduce Dunya. He is accused of killing his wife, seducing young children. The terrible nature of Svidrigailov is capable, oddly enough, of noble deeds. He helps Sonya Marmeladova justify herself, arranges the fate of orphaned children. Rodion Raskolnikov, having committed a crime, becomes like this hero, as he transgresses the moral law. It is no coincidence that in a conversation with Rodion, he says: "We are one field of berries."

      Pulcheria Raskolnikova

      Raskolnikova Pulcheria Alexandrovna- mother of Rodion and Dunya. The woman is poor, but honest. The person is kind and sympathetic. A loving mother, ready for any sacrifice and deprivation for the sake of her children.

      F. M. Dostoevsky pays very little attention to some of his heroes. But they are necessary in the course of the story. Thus, the investigation process cannot be imagined without the smart, cunning, but noble investigator Porfiry Petrovich. The young doctor Zosimov treats and understands the psychological state of Rodion during his illness. An important witness to the weakness of the protagonist in the police station is the assistant to the quarter warden Ilya Petrovich. Luzhin's friend Andrei Semenovich Lebezyatnikov returns the good name to Sonya and exposes the false groom. The seemingly insignificant events associated with the names of these heroes play an important role in the development of the plot.

      The meaning of episodic persons in the work

      On the pages of the great work of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, we also meet other characters. The list of heroes of the novel is supplemented by episodic characters. Katerina Ivanovna, Marmeladov's wife, unfortunate orphans, a girl on the boulevard, Alena Ivanovna, the greedy old pawnbroker, ill Lizovet. Their appearance is not accidental. Each, even the most insignificant image, carries its own semantic load and serves to embody the author's intention. Important and necessary are all the heroes of the novel "Crime and Punishment", the list of which can be continued further.

      F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment": description, characters, analysis of the novel

      Crime and Punishment is the most famous novel by F.M. Dostoevsky, who made a powerful revolution in public consciousness. Writing a novel symbolizes the discovery of a higher, new stage in the work of a brilliant writer. In the novel, with the psychologism inherent in Dostoevsky, the path of the restless human soul through the thorns of suffering to comprehend the Truth is shown.

      History of creation

      The path of creation of the work was very difficult. The idea of ​​the novel with the underlying theory of the "superman" began to emerge during the writer's stay in hard labor, he matured over many years, but the very idea of ​​revealing the essence of "ordinary" and "extraordinary" people crystallized during Dostoevsky's stay in Italy .

      The beginning of work on the novel was marked by the merging of two drafts - the unfinished novel "The Drunk Ones" and the outline of the novel, the plot of which is based on the confession of one of the convicts. Subsequently, the plot was based on the story of a poor student Rodion Raskolnikov, who killed an old pawnbroker for the benefit of his family. The life of the big city, full of dramas and conflicts, became one of the main images of the novel.

      Fyodor Mikhailovich worked on the novel in 1865-1866, and almost immediately after graduating in 1866 it was published in the Russky Vestnik magazine. The response among reviewers and the literary community of that time was very stormy - from stormy admiration to sharp rejection. The novel was subjected to repeated dramatization and was subsequently filmed. The first theatrical production in Russia took place in 1899 (it is noteworthy that it was staged abroad 11 years earlier).

      Description of the artwork

      The action takes place in a poor area of ​​St. Petersburg in the 1860s. Rodion Raskolnikov, a former student, pawns the last valuable thing to an old pawnbroker. Filled with hatred for her, he plots a terrible murder. On the way home, he looks into one of the drinking establishments, where he meets the completely degraded official Marmeladov. Rodion listens to painful revelations about the unfortunate fate of his daughter, Sonya Marmeladova, forced by her stepmother to earn a living from her family by prostitution.

      Soon Raskolnikov receives a letter from his mother and is horrified by the moral violence against his younger sister Dunya, which was perpetrated by the cruel and depraved landowner Svidrigailov. Raskolnikov's mother hopes to arrange the fate of her children by marrying Pyotr Luzhin, a very wealthy man, her daughter, but at the same time everyone understands that there will be no love in this marriage and the girl will again be doomed to suffering. Rodion's heart is torn with pity for Sonya and Dunya, and the thought of killing the hated old woman is firmly fixed in his mind. He is going to spend the pawnbroker's money, earned in an unrighteous way, for a good cause - the deliverance of suffering girls and boys from humiliating poverty.

      Despite the aversion to bloody violence rising in his soul, Raskolnikov nevertheless commits a grave sin. In addition, in addition to the old woman, he kills her meek sister Lizaveta, an unwitting witness to a grave crime. Rodion barely manages to escape from the scene of the crime, while he hides the old woman's wealth in a random place, without even assessing their real value.

      Raskolnikov's mental suffering causes social alienation between him and those around him, Rodion falls ill from experiences. Soon he learns that another person is accused of the crime he committed - a simple village boy Mikolka. A painful reaction to the conversations of others about the crime becomes too noticeable and suspicious.

      Further, the novel describes the hard ordeals of the soul of a murderous student who is trying to find peace of mind, to find at least some moral justification for the crime committed. A light thread runs through the novel, Rodion's communication with the unfortunate, but at the same time kind and highly spiritual girl Sonya Marmeladova. Her soul is restless from the discrepancy between inner purity and the sinful way of life, and Raskolnikov finds a kindred spirit in this girl. Lonely Sonya and university friend Razumikhin become a support for the tortured former student Rodion.

      Over time, the investigator in the murder case, Porfiry Petrovich, finds out the detailed circumstances of the crime and Raskolnikov, after long moral torment, recognizes himself as a murderer and goes to hard labor. Selfless Sonya does not leave her closest friend and goes after him, thanks to the girl, the spiritual transformation of the protagonist of the novel takes place.

      The main characters of the novel

      (Illustration by I. Glazunov Raskolnikov in his closet)

      The duality of spiritual impulses lies in the name of the protagonist of the novel. His whole life is permeated with the question - will violations of the law be justified if they are committed in the name of love for others? Under the pressure of external circumstances, Raskolnikov in practice goes through all the circles of moral hell associated with murder in order to help loved ones. Catharsis comes thanks to the dearest person - Sonya Marmeladova, who helps to find peace for the soul of a restless student killer, despite the difficult conditions of hard labor.

      Sonya Marmeladova

      Wisdom and humility bear the image of this amazing, tragic, and at the same time sublime heroine. For the sake of the well-being of her neighbors, she trampled on the most precious thing she has - her female honor. Despite her way of earning, Sonya does not cause the slightest contempt, her pure soul, adherence to the ideals of Christian morality delight the readers of the novel. Being a faithful and loving friend of Rodion, she goes with him to the very end.

      Arkady Ivanovich Svidrigailov

      The mysteriousness and ambiguity of this character makes us once again think about the versatility of human nature. A cunning and vicious person on the one hand, by the end of the novel he shows his care and concern for his orphaned children and helps Sonya Marmeladova restore her damaged reputation.

      Petr Luzhin

      A successful entrepreneur, a person with a respectable appearance, makes a deceptive impression. Luzhin is cold, greedy, does not shun slander, he does not want love from his wife, but exclusively servility and humility.

      Analysis of the work

      The compositional construction of the novel is a polyphonic form, where the line of each of the main characters is multifaceted, self-sufficient, and at the same time actively interacts with the themes of other characters. Also, the features of the novel are the amazing concentration of events - the time frame of the novel is limited to two weeks, which, with such a significant volume, is a rather rare phenomenon in the world literature of that time.

      The structural composition of the novel is quite simple - 6 parts, each of which, in turn, is divided into 6-7 chapters. A feature is the lack of synchronization of Raskolnikov's days with a clear and concise structure of the novel, which emphasizes the confusion of the main character's internal state. The first part describes three days of Raskolnikov's life, and from the second, the number of events increases with each chapter, reaching an amazing concentration.

      Another feature of the novel is the hopeless doom and tragic fate of most of its characters. Until the end of the novel, only young characters will remain with the reader - Rodion and Dunya Raskolnikov, Sonya Marmeladova, Dmitry Razumikhin.

      Dostoevsky himself considered his novel "a psychological record of one crime", he is sure that mental anguish prevails over legal punishment. The protagonist departs from God and is carried away by the ideas of nihilism, popular at that time, and only by the end of the novel there is a return to Christian morality, the author leaves the hero with a hypothetical possibility of repentance.

      Final conclusion

      Throughout the novel "Crime and Punishment", the worldview of Rodion Raskolnikov is transformed from close to Nietzsche, who was obsessed with the idea of ​​​​a "superman", to a Christian one - with his doctrine of Divine love, humility and mercy. The social concept of the novel is closely intertwined with the gospel doctrine of love and forgiveness. The whole novel is imbued with a true Christian spirit and makes you perceive all the events and actions of people taking place in life through the prism of the possibility of spiritual transformation of mankind.


      World of Dostoevsky

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      List of heroes of the novel "Crime and Punishment": a brief description of the characters (table)

      The novel "Crime and Punishment" by Dostoevsky gave world literature a lot of vivid images.

      Among the most famous heroes of "Crime and Punishment" is the poor student Raskolnikov, the girl of the "obscene profession" Sonya Marmeladova, the drunken official Marmeladov, the scoundrel Luzhin, and others.

      Rodion Romanovich Raskolnikov is a former law student. A handsome, intelligent, educated, proud, but poor young man of 23 years old. He came to St. Petersburg to study 3 years ago from the provinces. A few months ago, he dropped out of school due to poverty. Raskolnikov commits the murder of an old pawnbroker in order to test his theory about ordinary and great people.

      Alena Ivanovna, 60-year-old old money-lender, widow of a collegiate secretary. An evil, greedy, heartless woman. At home, she keeps something like a "pawnshop". People pawn their things with her in exchange for money. The old woman pays little and takes high interest, taking advantage of the needs of her clients. Raskolnikov is also a client of the old woman.

      Semyon Zakharovich Marmeladov, 50-year-old former official, drunkard. Kind, noble man. He started drinking a few years ago when he first lost his job. Because of his drunkenness, the Marmeladov family fell into poverty.

      Sofya Semyonovna Marmeladova, or Sonya, daughter of an official Marmeladov. The girl is about 18 years old. A meek, timid, selfless girl. Due to poverty, she is forced to do "obscene work" in order to feed the children of her stepmother Katerina Ivanovna. Sonya becomes a friend of Raskolnikov and his lover.

      Pulcheria Alexandrovna Raskolnikova, Raskolnikov's mother, is a beautiful, intelligent and kind woman of 43 years old. Lives in poverty with his daughter Dunya. He helps his son Rodion Raskolnikov with all his might. She was left a widow many years ago, madly in love with her son and daughter. After 3 years of separation from his son, he comes to St. Petersburg to marry his daughter Dunya to Luzhin and get rid of poverty.

      Katerina Ivanovna Marmeladova is the wife of the official Marmeladov and stepmother of Sonya Marmeladova. A woman of about 30 years old, smart, educated, from a good family. Apparently, a noblewoman by birth. She has three children from her first marriage. She married Marmeladov about 4 years ago, not for love, but because of poverty. She suffers heavily from her husband's drunkenness and eternal poverty. Lately she has been ill with consumption.

      Pyotr Petrovich Luzhin is a man about 45 years old. Wears the rank of court adviser. Luzhin is a business man with money. He is going to open his law office in St. Petersburg. Luzhin wants to marry poor Duna Raskolnikova in order to feel like her master and savior. Luzhin is a greedy, prudent, vile and petty person. In the end, the wedding of Luzhin and Dunya is cancelled.

      Dmitry Prokofievich Razumikhin (real name Vrazumikhin) is a young man, a student, a friend of Raskolnikov, a kind, open and noble person, a businesslike, hardworking man. Razumikhin falls in love with Dunya Raskolnikov and becomes her husband.

      Arkady Ivanovich Svidrigailov is a landowner depraved by money and idleness at the age of about 50. Former sharpie. A widower, he was married to the landowner Marfa Petrovna. Svidrigailov is in love with Dunya, but she does not reciprocate. Svidrigailov is a madman, a tyrant, whose intentions are not always noble and pure. In the last days of his life, he commits "atypical", noble deeds, and then commits suicide.

      Marfa Petrovna Svidrigailova - and wife of Mr. Svidrigailov. She is 5 years older than her husband. Dies at the age of about 55 under strange circumstances. In her death, many suspect her husband, Svidrigailov. Marfa Petrovna is an emotional, eccentric woman. In her will, she leaves Dunya 3,000 rubles as an inheritance. This money saves poor Dunya from poverty.

      Andrei Semenovich Lebezyatnikov - a young man, an official, a friend of Luzhin. Luzhin is his former guardian. Lebezyatnikov serves in the ministry. He allegedly adheres to "progressive views", promotes communism, gender equality, etc., but does so inconsistently and absurdly.

      Lizaveta, or Lizaveta Ivanovna - half-sister of the old pawnbroker on her father's side (they had different mothers). Lizaveta was 35 years old, she lived with her sister. She was clumsy, ugly and, apparently, mentally retarded, but kind, meek, unrequited. She was loved by those around her. Her old sister beat her and used her as a servant. Lizaveta was constantly pregnant - probably because of her dementia, she was "easy prey" for men.

      Zosimov is a friend of Razumikhin, a young doctor who is engaged in the "treatment" of Raskolnikov. Zosimov is a stout tall young man of 27, slow, important and languid. He is a surgeon by profession, but at the same time he is interested in "mental illness". People around him consider him a difficult person, but they recognize him as a good doctor.

      Alexander Grigoryevich Zametov - Razumikhin's friend, clerk (secretary) in the local office. He is 22 years old. He dresses in fashion, wears rings. According to Zosimov, Zametov takes bribes at work. Zametov and Raskolnikov meet in the office, where the latter comes at the request of the owner of the apartment. Between Raskolnikov and Zametov there is a serious conversation with Zametov about the murder of an old woman in a tavern.

      Raskolnikov meets Nikodim Fomich when he comes to the office at the request of the landlady.

      Porfiry Petrovich - investigator in the case of the murder of an old pawnbroker and her sister. Porfiry Petrovich is 35 years old. This is a smart, somewhat cunning, but at the same time a noble person. He has his own, "psychological" approach to investigating cases. You can call him a talented investigator. Porfiry puts pressure on Raskolnikov psychologically, having no official evidence against him. On the advice of Porfiry, Raskolnikov turns himself in.

      Despite his explosive nature, Ilya Petrovich is a man of principles and considers himself first of all a citizen, and only then an official. Arriving at the office with a confession, Raskolnikov finds Ilya Petrovich there, to whom he confesses to the murder.


      Analysis of the images of the main characters in the novel "Crime and Punishment"

      Analysis of the images of the main characters in the novel by F.M. Dostoevsky "Crime and Punishment"

      The world of the main characters of the novel "Crime and Punishment" by F. M. Dostoevsky is the world of little people lost in a big city who are trying to find their place in the sun and warm themselves with love. Unusual and such vital, ambiguous and sometimes incomprehensible acts, the main characters of the novel reveal the essence of the work: the meaning of human life is in love and forgiveness.

      Rodion Raskolnikov

      Sonechka Marmeladova

    Arkady Svidrigailov

    • suspected of murder;
    • blackmailer.

    Mid 19th century. A poor district of St. Petersburg, adjacent to the Catherine Canal and Sennaya Square ("Crime and Punishment": the image of St. Petersburg "is a separate interesting topic). Summer evening. Raskolnikov Rodion Romanovich, a former student, leaves his closet, located in the attic, and goes to Alena Ivanovna, an old woman-interest-bearer, to take a mortgage - her last valuable thing.So begins Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment", a summary of which we describe.

    The main character intends to kill this old woman. Rodion stops by one of the cheap taverns on the way back. Here he accidentally gets acquainted with Marmeladov, who has lost his place, drunkenly. He tells Rodion how her husband's drunkenness, poverty and consumption pushed Katerina Ivanovna, his wife, to a cruel act - to send Sonya, his daughter from his first marriage, to the panel to earn money.

    The thought of killing

    The next morning, Raskolnikov receives a letter from his mother from the provinces describing the troubles that Dunya, his younger sister, suffered in the house of Svidrigailov, a depraved landowner. He also learns that his sister and mother will soon arrive in Petersburg, since a groom for Dunya was found here. This is Luzhin, a prudent businessman who wants to build a marriage not on love, but on the dependence and poverty of the bride. Raskolnikov's mother hopes that this person will help Rodion to graduate from the university. Thinking about the sacrifices that Dunya and Sonya make for the sake of their loved ones, Raskolnikov affirms his intention to kill Alena Ivanovna - this is an evil worthless "louse". After all, her money will save many young men and women from the undeserved suffering. But in Rodion's soul, the disgust for violence rises again after the dream that he sees. This is a memory of childhood: Raskolnikov sees the nag being beaten to death, and the boy's heart is filled with pity for her.

    Raskolnikov commits the murder of Alena Ivanovna and Lizaveta

    Rodion still not only kills Alena Ivanovna, but also Lizaveta, her meek, kind sister, who unexpectedly returned to the apartment. Having miraculously gone unnoticed, Raskolnikov hides the stolen goods in a random place, without even assessing its value.

    The novel "Crime and Punishment" continues with the fact that soon the protagonist discovers with horror the alienation between himself and others. From the experience, Raskolnikov falls ill, but he cannot reject the burdensome worries of Razumikhin (university comrade). From a conversation with the doctor of the latter, the main character learns that the painter Mikolka has been arrested on suspicion of the murder of Alena Ivanovna. This is an ordinary country boy. Reacting painfully to talk about a crime committed, Rodion arouses suspicion among those around him.

    Luzhin's visit

    Luzhin, who came on a visit, is shocked by the furnishings of Rodion's closet. Their conversation gradually develops into a quarrel, after which it ends with a break. Raskolnikov is especially offended by the closeness of the conclusions that Luzhin draws from "reasonable egoism" - the protagonist's own "theory" that it is possible to kill people. Luzhin's theory seems vulgar to him.

    Raskolnikov gives money to the Marmeladovs

    A sick young man, wandering around St. Petersburg, suffers, feeling alienated from the world. At this time, the image of St. Petersburg reappears in the work "Crime and Punishment", periodically appearing in the novel. The protagonist was already ready to confess to the authorities in the crime. Suddenly, in the novel Crime and Punishment, Raskolnikov notices a man crushed by a carriage. This is Marmeladov. Out of compassion, Rodion spends the last of his money on a dying man: the doctor is called, Marmeladov is transferred to the house. Here Raskolnikov meets Sonya and Katerina Ivanovna. Sonya, dressed as a prostitute, says goodbye to her father. The protagonist of the novel "Crime and Punishment" helped the Marmeladovs and, thanks to this good deed, felt for a short time a community with people. But, having met his sister and mother at his apartment, he suddenly realizes himself "dead" for the love of relatives and drives them rudely. Raskolnikov is alone again. He hopes to get closer to Sonya, who, like himself, has "stepped over" an absolute commandment.

    Raskolnikov's visit to the investigator, his "theory"

    Razumikhin takes care of Rodion's relatives. He falls in love almost at first sight with Dunya. The offended Luzhin, meanwhile, puts the bride before a choice: either her brother, or him. Rodion, as if in order to find out about the fate of the things pawned from the murdered woman, but in fact - in order to dispel the suspicions of some of his acquaintances, asks himself to meet with the investigator Porfiry Petrovich, who is conducting the murder case of Alena Ivanovna. Porfiry recalls Rodion's article "On Crime", published recently in the newspaper. He invites the author to explain the theory in which the idea of ​​"two categories of people" is developed. According to Raskolnikov, the "ordinary" majority is only material for the reproduction of the population. He needs a strict moral law and obedience. This category is "trembling creatures". There are also "higher" (actually people) who have the gift of a "new word". These people destroy the present in the name of the better, even if it is necessary for this to "step over" the moral norms established earlier for the "lower ones", for example, to kill a person. Then these "criminals" become the creators of new laws. That is, by not recognizing the laws that are spoken of in the Bible ("do not steal", "do not kill", etc.), Raskolnikov thereby "allows" some people to shed "blood in conscience." Porfiry, smart and insightful, unravels the ideological killer in the hero, who claims to be Napoleon. However, the investigator has no evidence against Rodion - and he lets him go in the hope that his good nature will win in him. This will lead to the fact that Raskolnikov himself confesses to his deed.

    The hero of the novel "Crime and Punishment", according to the chapters described by us, gradually becomes more and more convinced that he made a mistake in himself. Rodion is tormented by the "meanness" and "vulgarity" of a single murder. He understands that he is a "trembling creature": having killed, he could not overstep the law of morality. The motives for the crime in the mind of Rodion are twofold: this is both an act of "justice" and a test of "the highest level" of oneself.

    Meeting with Svidrigailov

    Svidrigailov, who arrived in St. Petersburg after Dunya, apparently guilty of the recent death of his wife, meets Rodion Raskolnikov and says that they are "of the same field", only Rodion has not yet completely "defeated Schiller" in himself. Raskolnikov, with all his disgust for this man, is attracted by his apparent ability to enjoy life, although Svidrigailov, the hero of the novel Crime and Punishment, committed so many crimes ... The characterization of this character is presented below, after a brief summary.

    Exposing Luzhin

    A decisive explanation with Pyotr Petrovich Luzhin takes place during dinner in one of the cheap rooms. Luzhin, one of the two "twins" of Raskolnikov in the novel "Crime and Punishment", settled here out of economy with Dunya and his mother. An analysis of the character of this hero is also presented at the end of the article. The groom is accused of slandering Sonya and Raskolnikov. Luzhin allegedly gave Sonya money for base services, which were selflessly collected by his mother for his studies. The groom, expelled in disgrace, is looking for a way to discredit Rodion in the eyes of his mother and sister.

    Raskolnikov visits Sonya

    Meanwhile, Raskolnikov, once again feeling a painful alienation from his loved ones, decides to come to Sonya. He seeks salvation from loneliness from this girl who has transgressed the commandment. However, Sonya is not alone. For the sake of others (hungry sisters and brothers), she sacrificed herself. This was done to her not for her own sake, like Rodion. Compassion for loved ones, love, faith in God never left Sonya. She reads the gospel lines to the protagonist about how Jesus resurrected Lazarus, hoping that a miracle will happen in her life. The hero fails to captivate Sonya with his "Napoleonic" plan to dominate the "anthill".

    Second meeting with Porfiry

    Rodion, tormented by both the desire for exposure and fear, comes again to Porfiry, allegedly worrying about the mortgage. In the end, at first glance, an abstract conversation on the topic of the psychology of criminals brings the young man to a nervous breakdown. He practically impersonates Porfiry. Rodion is saved by the unexpected confession of the painter Mikolka in the murder of the pawnbroker.

    The second exposure of Luzhin

    A commemoration for the father and husband was held in the Marmeladovs' room. During them, Katerina Ivanovna insults the hostess of the apartment in a fit of morbid pride. This woman tells her to leave immediately with the children. Suddenly, Luzhin appears, who lives in the same house, and says that Sonya stole a hundred-ruble banknote from him. The "guilt" of the girl is proved: money is found in the pocket of her apron. In the eyes of others, she is now also a thief. However, suddenly there is a witness who says that Luzhin himself slipped Sonya a piece of paper. The slanderer is disgraced, and Raskolnikov explains the reasons for his act as follows: having humiliated Sonya and his brother in the eyes of Dunya, he wanted to return the favor of his bride.

    Raskolnikov confesses to Sonya in the murder

    "Crime and Punishment" chapter by chapter continues with the fact that Rodion confesses to Sonya in the murder. It happens in the following way. Raskolnikov goes to her apartment. Here the hero confesses to Sonya that he killed Lizaveta and the old woman. The girl pities Rodion for the moral torments to which he doomed himself. She offers Raskolnikov to atone for his guilt by hard labor, confessing everything voluntarily. Rodion, on the other hand, laments only that he turned out to be in fact a "trembling creature", with a need for love and conscience. He replies: "I'll still fight." Meanwhile, Katerina Ivanovna finds herself on the street with the children. She dies of a throat bleed after refusing a priest. Svidrigailov, who is present here, agrees to pay for the funeral, as well as provide for Sonya and the children.

    Raskolnikov is found at home by Porfiry, who convinces him to turn himself in. The investigator does not believe that Mikolka is to blame. He only "accepted suffering", following the primordial people's need for atonement for the sin of inconsistency with Christ, his ideal.

    However, Rodion still hopes to "transcend" morality. He sees before him the example of Svidrigailov. The sad truth is revealed to the hero by their meeting in the tavern: the life of this "villain" is empty and painful.

    Dunya's reciprocity remains the only hope for Svidrigailov to return to God. Convinced that the girl does not love him, he commits suicide a few hours later. So this hero is eliminated from the work "Crime and Punishment". An analysis of this character will be made at the end of the article.

    Raskolnikov decides to confess and says goodbye before that to Sonya and family. He still remains convinced that his "theory" is correct. Rodion is filled with contempt for himself. But, at the insistence of Sonya, Raskolnikov repentantly kisses the earth in front of the people, since he "sinned" before her. He learns at the police office that Svidrigailov committed suicide, after which he confesses to the murder of Alena Ivanovna.

    Raskolnikov in Siberia

    Dostoevsky continues his novel ("Crime and Punishment"). A summary of the events that took place in the epilogue of the work is as follows. Raskolnikov in Siberia, in prison. His mother died of grief, and Dunya married Razumikhin. Sonya settled near the main character and visits him, patiently enduring his indifference and gloom. And here the nightmare of alienation continues: the convicts from the common people hate him, considering them "godless". To Sonya, on the contrary, they treat with love and tenderness, which we learn about by reading the epilogue. "Crime and Punishment" in this part of the work also describes another dream of Raskolnikov. Rodion, once in the prison hospital, has a dream that resembles pictures from the Apocalypse. Inhabiting people, the mysterious "trichinas" give rise in them to a fanatical conviction that they are right and intolerant of the opinions of others. In senseless rage, people killed each other until the entire human race was exterminated, except for a few "chosen ones." Finally, it is revealed to Rodion that pride of the mind leads to death and discord, and humility of the heart is the path to the fullness of life and unity in love. In the hero, "endless love" awakens for Sonya. He takes the gospel into his hands on the threshold of his "resurrection" for a new life.

    Thus ends Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment. The summary does not describe in detail the relationship between the characters in the novel. For this purpose, we decided to supplement the article with a description of the main characters. We present you the images created by Dostoevsky.

    "Crime and Punishment": the heroes of the work

    In the system of characters, Raskolnikov occupies a central place, since it is to him that the main lines of the story lead. The image of Raskolnikov connects various situations and episodes of the novel. The rest of the characters appear on the stage primarily because they are needed to characterize Rodion. They make him argue, worry about them, sympathize, cause the main character to have a whole stream of various emotions and impressions. This is how the image of Raskolnikov is revealed.

    The system of characters in this work is dynamic. The ratio of actors and heroes who have left the stage in the novel "Crime and Punishment" is constantly changing. Analyzing the work, one can notice that some of them cease to participate in the development of the novel, while others, on the contrary, appear. So, Marmeladov dies (Part Two, Chapter Seven), Katerina Ivanovna (Part Five, Chapter Five), Luzhin appears for the last time in Part Five (Chapter Three), Porfiry Petrovich - in the sixth (Chapter Two), and Svidrigailov decides to shoot himself in sixth part (chapter six).

    The character system changes significantly as the epilogue begins. "Crime and Punishment" becomes a work in which only two characters remain. This is Rodion and Sonya. This is due both to the eventful side of the novel and to the fact that Sonya, according to the author's intention, should play a special role in Raskolnikov's fate, help this hero be reborn to a new life in the finale of the work Crime and Punishment. Raskolnikov returning to God and people.

    The characters, each in their own way, reveal various aspects of Rodion's personality. Raskolnikov's relationship with his mother, sister, Svidrigailov, Luzhin, Marmeladovs, Razumikhin, Porfiry Petrovich, Sonya can be described as conflict. Raskolnikov has an outward resemblance to many of them (material and social position, relations with conscience and law). However, internal differences (psychological, moral, ideological) are more important, which do not allow Rodion to lead a life similar to the one they lead.

    Raskolnikov has two spiritual "doubles". In the novel Crime and Punishment, these heroes are Svidrigailov and Luzhin. These two characters have a lot in common with the main character. They are united, for example, by the principle of permissiveness. However, the resemblance of the protagonist to his "doubles" is purely external. You can verify this by comparing the moral character and worldview of these two characters with the inner appearance of Raskolnikov.

    Rodion has his own way in life. A number of possibilities open before him. He may try to atone for his guilt by repenting, or follow the path of crime to the end. Rodion has to make a choice. Various life opportunities are represented by the secondary characters of the novel. Raskolnikov can reject them or accept them in the work "Crime and Punishment".

    Marmeladova Sonya is the moral antipode of Rodion. However, these heroes have something in common: both of them are outcasts, both are lonely. Raskolnikov feels this, telling the girl that they are "cursed together." He is drawn to Sonya, as she is the only person who can understand him in Crime and Punishment. Sonya is the only one to whom Rodion is ready to fully reveal his soul. The hero is horrified by the thought of the possibility of telling someone else his secret, even a close person (Razumikhin, mother, sister). Therefore, it is to her that he confesses to the murder, and it is this heroine who follows the protagonist of the work "Crime and Punishment" to "hard labor". Sonya is capable of self-sacrifice, it is through her that this theme is largely revealed in the work.

    "Crime and Punishment" is a novel about faith and love. Sonya understood with her heart in the confession of this hero the most important thing: Rodion is suffering, he is unhappy. The girl did not understand anything in his theory, but she felt that it was unfair. Sonya did not believe that there was a "right to kill." The girl, despite all the misfortunes experienced, kept her faith in God. Therefore, it can be called a criminal only outwardly. She chose a different path than Rodion. This is humility before God, not rebellion. It is he who, according to Dostoevsky, leads to salvation. Sonya, resigned, saves not only herself, but also the main character. It was love for this girl that opened up the opportunity for Rodion to come to terms with people, with life. Therefore, it is no coincidence that the attitude of the convicts towards him changed after a meeting with Sonya.

    Arkady Ivanovich Svidrigailov is one of the central characters in the work. This is a nobleman who served in the cavalry for two years. After that, he was a sharper in St. Petersburg. Having connected his life with Marfa Petrovna, who bought him out of prison, he lived in the village for seven years. This is a cynic who loves debauchery. A number of serious crimes lies on his conscience. This is the suicide of Philip, the servant, as well as the 14-year-old girl who was insulted by him. Perhaps Svidrigailov also poisoned his own wife. As if the nightmare of the protagonist generated the image of this double of Raskolnikov. He, unlike Rodion, is on the other side of good and evil. At first glance, Svidrigailov has no doubts. That is why he is so worried about the main character, who feels that Arkady Ivanovich has power over him, that he is mysterious. The moral law no longer has power over Svidrigailov. He is free, but it does not bring him joy. Arkady Ivanovich is left with only vulgarity and worldly boredom. Trying to overcome it, he has fun as he can. Ghosts appear to him at night: the servant Philip, Marfa Petrovna ... The indistinguishability of good and evil renders this hero meaningless. Therefore, it is no coincidence that eternity appears to Svidrigailov in the form of a village bathhouse with spiders. His soul is practically dead. The hero, in the end, decides to shoot himself with a gun.

    The second "double" of Raskolnikov is Pyotr Petrovich Luzhin. "Crime and Punishment" is a novel in which he is presented as a type of "capitalist" and businessman. He is 45 years old. This is a portly, prim, with a squeamish and cautious physiognomy. He is arrogant and sullen. Luzhin dreams of opening a law office in St. Petersburg. This hero highly values ​​his abilities and his mind. After reading the novel "Crime and Punishment", you will see that he is used to admiring them. However, Luzhin values ​​money most of all. In the name of "economic truth" and "science" he defends progress. Luzhin preaches from other people's words, as he has heard enough of the speeches of Lebezyatnikov, his friend, a progressive. He believes that you should love yourself first of all, since everything is based on personal interest.

    Luzhin, struck by the education and beauty of Dunya Raskolnikova, proposes to this girl. His pride is flattered by the thought that she, having experienced many misfortunes, will obey him all her life and revere him. Luzhin, moreover, hopes that Dunya's charm will help his career. This hero lives in St. Petersburg with Lebezyatnikov in order to "seek out" from the youth, thus insuring himself against unexpected demarches on their part. Feeling hatred for Raskolnikov, who kicked him out, Luzhin ("Crime and Punishment") tries to quarrel with his sister and mother. He gives Sonya 10 rubles during the commemoration, after which he slips another 100 into her pocket unnoticed in order to publicly accuse the girl of stealing. However, he is forced to retreat, exposed by Lebezyatnikov.

    "Crime and Punishment" the main characters of the novel went down in history and are quite multifaceted.

    "Crime and Punishment" main characters

    In total, there are more than 90 characters in the novel, of which about 10 are central, having sharply defined characters, views, and an important role in the development of the plot.

    The protagonist of "Crime and Punishment" Rodion Raskolnikov, a student expelled from the institute for non-payment.

    Old woman, Alena Ivanovna,- pawnbroker, with whom he pawns his things.

    Svidrigailov Arkady Ivanovich- “Fifty years ... His hair, still very thick, was completely blond and a little bit gray, and a wide, thick beard, descending like a shovel, was even lighter than his head hair. His eyes were blue and looked coldly, intently and thoughtfully; red lips"

    Katerina Ivanovna Marmeladov's wife She is about thirty years old. After the death of her drunken husband, she was left with three children in her arms and in poverty.

    Semyon Zakharovich Marmeladov- titular adviser.

    Sofia Marmeladov - daughter of Semyon Marmeladov. The girl is 18 years old. Sonya's crimes are sacrificial in nature, as she goes to the panel for the sake of loved ones who die in poverty. Sonya is trying to show Raskolnikov the right path by reading him the Gospel. Sonya feels love and compassion for Rodion, therefore, without hesitation, she shares his fate with him and goes with him to Siberia. At the end of the novel, Rodion finally understands what happiness it is that such a girl loves him.

    Dunya Raskolnikova- the sister of the protagonist Rodion. She is young, attractive and graceful, and therefore is not deprived of attention from the opposite sex. She is 22 years old. Dunya is strong in character and self-confident. In her desire to marry Luzhin, she rather pursues the goal of not getting rich, but somehow helping her brother with his studies.

    Pulcheria Alexandrovna Raskolnikova- mother of Rodion and Dunya; needy widow and defenseless woman aged 43. The woman is tormented by the alienated behavior of her son. She does not know about Rodion's crime, but she guesses that something is tormenting him. She and Dunya (Avdotya Romanovna) somehow earn a living and help their son Rodion with money so that he does not drop out of school. She, despite her mature age, retained her former beauty. Although she dressed poorly, she always looked neat and dignified. Before her death, the heroine managed to bless her daughter Dunya to marry Razumikhin.

    Luzhin Petr Petrovich arrogant man 45 years old. Luzhin is a businessman who, first of all, seeks benefits for himself in everything. Luzhin cannot truly love, he only wants to possess. He looks at Dunya as a beautiful thing that can be bought.

    Razumikhin- the only true friend of Raskolnikov. The real name of the hero is Vrazumikhin, one everyone calls him Razumikhin. He is the same poor student as Raskolnikov, but a nobleman by birth.

    Lizaveta- sister of Alena Ivanovna. The novel says about her "a tall, clumsy, timid and humble girl, almost an idiot, 35 years old, unmarried, who was in complete slavery to her sister."

    Porfiry Petrovich- This is an investigator leading the case of the murder of an old usurer.

    "Crime and Punishment" is an acutely social and psychological work in which Dostoevsky shows the possible causes of the crime, the state of the hero before preparing for it, and then, after committing the crime. It also shows the hero's path to repentance. The novel is multifaceted, it shows the complex fate of other characters. The work shows the existence of the poorest strata of the urban community, the process of its stratification.

    Rodion Raskolnikov- the main character of "Crime and Punishment", a student. He was very poor and owed money to the landlady. He dressed badly and from that he was very complex, experienced self-doubt. Raskolnikov was a noble man. In the depths of his soul, he condemned Marmeladov and his wife for accepting Sonya's sacrifice. “A scoundrel is a man - he gets used to everything. He himself refuses to accept Dunya's self-sacrifice. He feels that his mother is restless, as if justifying himself to him. He understands that Dunya does not love Luzhin and does not want her to marry this "Business Man".

    Raskolnikov's act was influenced by several factors that in some incomprehensible way came together:

    • a conversation he overheard in a tavern, where a certain student expressed to his friend the idea of ​​the uselessness of the old woman and the need to kill her.
    • Meeting with Lizaveta on the Sennaya, where he wandered quite by accident.

    Alena Ivanovna- the widow of a collegiate registrar, an old pawnbroker. Evil, capricious, Gives four times less than the cost of the thing, and takes five and even seven percent a month, etc. Raskolnikov pledged his things to her, and lived on this until his mother could send him money.

    Lizaveta Ivanovna, her sister, who lived with Alena Ivanovna. Old maid 35 years old, tall, timid, clumsy. She worked day and night for her older sister.

    Marmeladov- "looked like a retired official." Titular Advisor. A weak-willed and weak-willed drunkard. He was hired on the condition that he stop drinking, but he only lasted until his first paycheck. And broke again.

    Katerina Ivanovna, Marmeladov's wife, a terribly thin woman, thin, rather tall and slender, still with beautiful dark blond hair and indeed her cheeks reddened to spots. A sick woman, embittered from poverty and adversity, behaved with her stepdaughter like the most vicious stepmother. Cruelly, and reproached with a piece of bread. And when Sonya sold her virginity and brought 30 rubles, Katerina Ivanovna repented of the girl for pushing her to take this step. Katerina Ivanovna is not one of those who faint from trifles. When the crushed husband was brought in, she, despite her illness and weakness, put a pillow under his head, began to undress him and examine him. She was efficient and collected.

    Sofya Semyonovna, Marmeladov's own daughter- unanswerable and her voice is so meek ... blond, her face is always pale, thin. Tired of the reproaches of her stepmother, she decided to sell herself. She was still a very young girl, almost like a girl, with a modest and decent manner, with a clear, but, as it were, somewhat frightened face.

    Nastasya- cook and maid. The woman sympathized with Rodion, secretly fed him from the hostess.

    Pulcheria Aleksandrovna Raskolnikova - Mother of Rodion. The woman is pious, kind. To the best of her ability, she supported her son with money in his studies. Pulcheria Alexandrovna was 43 years old, her face retained traces of its former attractiveness. The woman looked younger than her years. She retained the clarity of spirit, the true warmth of the heart and the freshness of impressions. Pulcheria Alexandrovna was timid and compliant, but to a certain extent.

    Avdotya Romanovna, Dunya - Raskolnikov's sister - the girl is firm, prudent, patient and generous, although with an ardent heart. Dunya is strong in spirit. Tonga steadfastly withstood all the charges brought against her. She worked as a maid in the house of the merchant Svidrigailov, who began to offer her an intimate relationship, but Dunya rejected him. Dunya, like Sonechka Marmeladova, is ready to sacrifice herself for the sake of her mother and brother, and marry Luzhin. Dunya was good-looking, tall, slender, self-confident. Her self-confidence was expressed in her every gesture, however, she was not devoid of softness and grace. She looked like a brother, and you could call her beautiful. Her hair was dark brown, a little lighter than her brother's; eyes almost black, sparkling, proud, and at the same time sometimes, at times, unusually kind. Her face shone with freshness and health, her mouth was small, and her lower lip protruded slightly forward, which gave her face a certain piquancy.

    Pyotr Petrovich Luzhin- Court counselor. He is a trustworthy and wealthy person, serves in two places and already has his own capital. True, he is already forty-five years old, but he is rather pleasant-looking and women can still like him, and in general he is a very respectable and decent person, only a little gloomy and, as it were, arrogant. But behind the outer mask of a respectable person, self-interest and meanness are hidden. He does not like Dunya at all. But in it he is attracted by the opportunity to get a slave wife. For the sake of the bride and his mother, Luzhin did not deserve to spend money on the road and normal housing. He slandered Sonechka Marmeladova, accusing her of theft, slandered Rodion.

    Razumikhin, or Dmitry Prokofievich Vrazumikhin Comrade Raskolnikov. He was an unusually cheerful and sociable fellow, kind to the point of simplicity. However, under this simplicity both depth and dignity lurked. He was not stupid, he found opportunities to earn his living. He was infinitely patient, and under no circumstances gave up. At the moment, he was forced to leave his studies, but he was looking for opportunities and means to continue his studies. Razumikhin fell in love with Avdotya Romanovna at first sight.

    Porfiry Petrovich- an investigator, a decent person, smart, insightful. With his worldly experience and knowledge, he managed to understand and unravel which of Alena Ivanovna's pawnbrokers was that killer.

    The further fate of the main characters of the novel is interesting. Rodion Raskolnikov was sentenced to 8 years in hard labor. Sonya followed him. The convicts loved her as if they were their own. She wrote them letters home, visiting wives, mistresses, mothers, left money and things for their men with her. In the second year of hard labor in Rodion, a spiritual renewal took place, he began to look to the future with hope, the meaning of life appeared.

    Dunya married Razumikhin. Thanks to Sonya, who wrote to them every month, they knew about the fate and state of mind of Rodion.

    "Crime and Punishment" a brief description of the heroes of Dostoevsky's novel is presented in this article.

    "Crime and Punishment" characterization of heroes

    Rodion Raskolnikov

    A poor but capable student from St. Petersburg, Rodion Raskolnikov, is obsessed with an idea that takes its roots in humanism and the universal sense of being: will violations of the law be justified if they are done in the name of humanity? External circumstances (poverty and the sister’s forced decision to marry of convenience) push Rodion to test his own theory in practice: he kills an old pawnbroker and her sister Lizaveta, who was pregnant at that time. It is from this moment that the ordeals of poor Raskolnikov begin:

    • even physically he cannot cope with the test: for several days after the murder he lies delirious;
    • upon the fact of the murder, the investigator begins to call him and interrogate him: suspicions torment the student, he loses peace, sleep, appetite;
    • but the most important ordeal is the conscience, which demands retribution for the bloody crime committed by Raskolnikov.

    Rodion finds support in family and love - it is these two values ​​that Dostoevsky puts at the forefront: only thanks to his mother, sister Avdotya and Sonechka, with whom Rodion falls in love, he nevertheless comes to the conclusion that for every crime a person must suffer punishment. He himself comes to the investigator and confesses to the murder. After the trial, Sonechka follows him to the Siberian penal servitude. Neither relatives nor friends refuse him - this is the sacrifice and the forgiveness that elevates a person. Sonechka Marmeladova helps Rodion to come to the realization of his own guilt and decide on a voluntary confession.

    Sonechka Marmeladova

    Various female images are found in Russian literature, but Sonya Marmeladova is the most tragic and at the same time the most sublime heroine:

    • instead of the contempt that a prostitute should inspire, Sonya is pretty and delightful in her self-sacrifice: after all, she goes to earn with her body for the sake of her family;
    • instead of a vulgar and rude street selling woman, the reader sees a modest, meek, quiet girl who is ashamed of her own occupation, but cannot change anything;
    • At first, Raskolnikov hates her, because he feels that he is irresistibly attracted to her: he is attracted so strongly that he is forced to tell her first about his atrocity, but then he realizes that it is Sonechka who is the salvation that the Lord sent him as a consolation.

    Sonechka goes hand in hand with Rodion throughout the novel. Her faith, sacrifice, meekness and bright, pure love helps the protagonist understand the meaning of human existence. To understand the terrible mistake that Raskolnikov made, allows another central image of the novel - Svidrigailov.

    Arkady Svidrigailov

    Svidrigailov is the ideological counterpart of Raskolnikov, on the example of which Dostoevsky shows what Rodion's theory did to a person when everything is allowed to him:

    • Svidrigailov - depraved and vulgar, albeit a nobleman;
    • suspected of murder;
    • blackmailer.

    And at the same time, he is lonely and cannot bear the weight of his own sins: he commits suicide. This is what Sonechka saves her Rodion from.

    The system of main images in the novel is such that the characters complement each other and make their own adjustments to the ideological structure of the novel: if not for one of them, the system would collapse. It is impossible to categorically divide everyone into good and bad: the heart of every person is an arena where good and evil fight daily. Which of them will win is up to the individual to decide. It is this struggle that is shown in the novel with the help of the main characters, helping the reader to correctly understand the thought of the great Dostoevsky.

    Alena Ivanovna- a collegiate registrar, pawnbroker, “... a tiny, dry old woman, about sixty years old, with sharp and angry eyes, with a small pointed nose ... Her blond, slightly graying hair was oiled with grease. On her thin and long neck, like a chicken leg, some kind of flannel rag was wrapped around, and on her shoulders, despite the heat, all the tattered and yellowed fur katsaveyka dangled. Her portrayal should evoke disgust and thereby, as it were, partly justify the idea of ​​Raskolnikov, who bears mortgages on her and then kills her. The character is a symbol of worthless and even harmful life. However, according to the author, she is also a person, and violence against her, as against any person, even in the name of noble goals, is a crime of the moral law.

    Amalia Ivanovna (Amalia Ludwigovna, Amalia Fedorovna)- the landlady of the Marmeladovs, as well as Lebezyatnikov and Luzhin. She is in constant conflict with Katerina Ivanovna Marmeladova, who in moments of anger calls her Amalia Ludwigovna, which causes her sharp irritation. Invited to Marmeladov's commemoration, she reconciles with Katerina Ivanovna, but after the scandal provoked by Luzhin, she tells her to move out of the apartment.

    Zametov Alexander Grigorievich- clerk in the police office, comrade Razu-mikhina. “About twenty-two, with a swarthy and mobile physiognomy, who seemed older than her ice, dressed in fashion and a veil, with a parting on the back of her head, combed and unwashed, with many rings and rings on white brushed fingers and gold chains on her waistcoat.” Together with Razumikhin, he comes to Raskolnikov during his illness immediately after the murder of the old woman. He suspects Raskolnikov, although he pretends that he is simply interested in him. Accidentally meeting him in a tavern, Raskolnikov teases him by talking about the murder of an old woman, and then suddenly stuns him with the question: “What if I killed the old woman and Lizaveta?” Colliding these two characters, Dostoevsky compares two different modes of existence - the intense search for Raskolnikov and the well-fed philistine vegetative life like Zametov's.

    Zosimov- doctor, Razumikhin's friend. He is twenty seven years old. "... A tall and fat man, with a puffy and colorless-pale, smooth-shaven face, with blond straight hair, wearing glasses and with a large gold ring on a finger swollen with fat." Self-confident, knows his own worth. "His manner was slow, as if languid and at the same time learned-but-cheeky." Brought by Razumikhin during Raskolnikov's illness, later he himself is interested in his condition. He suspects Raskolnikov of insanity and sees nothing further than this, absorbed in his idea.

    Ilya Petrovich (Gunpowder)- "lieutenant, assistant quarter warden, with a reddish mustache protruding horizontally in both directions and with extremely small features, however, nothing special, except for some impudence, did not express." Raskolnikov is rude and aggressive when called to the police about non-payment of a bill of exchange, causing a protest in him and provoking a scandal. During his confession, Raskolnikov finds him in a more benevolent mood and therefore does not dare to confess right away, he comes out and only the second time makes a confession, which plunges I.P. into a daze.

    Katerina Ivanovna- Marmeladov's wife. From among the "humiliated and offended." Thirty years. A thin, rather tall and slender woman, with beautiful dark blond hair, with consumptive spots on her cheeks. Her gaze is sharp and motionless, her eyes shine as if in a fever, her lips are parched, her breathing is uneven and intermittent. Daughter of a court counselor. She was brought up at the provincial noble institute, graduated from it with a gold medal and a certificate of merit. She married an infantry officer, fled with him from her parents' house. After his death, she was left with three young children in poverty. As Marmeladov characterizes her, "... the lady is hot, proud and adamant." Compensates for the feeling of humiliation with fantasies in which she herself believes. In fact, he forces his stepdaughter Sonechka to go to the panel, and after that, feeling guilty, they will bow before her self-sacrifice and suffering. After the death of Marmeladov, he arranges a commemoration with the last of his money, trying in every possible way to demonstrate that her husband and she herself are quite respectable people. Constantly in conflict with the landlady Amalia Ivanovna. Despair deprives her of reason, she takes the children and leaves the house to beg, forcing them to sing and dance, and soon dies.

    Lebezyatnikov Andrey Semenovich- ministerial officer “... A thin and scrofulous little man, small in stature, who served somewhere and strangely blond, with sideburns in the form of cutlets, of which he was very proud. On top of that, his eyes hurt almost constantly. His heart was rather soft, but his speech was very self-confident, and sometimes even extremely arrogant, which, in comparison with his figure, almost always came out funny. The author says about him that he "... was one of that countless and diverse legion of vulgar, dead bastards and petty tyrants who have not studied everything, who immediately stick to the most fashionable walking idea in order to immediately vulgarize it, in order to instantly caricature everything that they are sometimes they serve most sincerely.” Luzhin, trying to join the latest ideological trends, actually chooses L. as his "mentor" and expounds his views. L. is incompetent, but kind in character and honest in his own way: when Luzhin puts a hundred rubles in Sonya's pocket to accuse her of stealing, L. exposes him. The image is somewhat caricatured.

    Lizaveta- the younger, half-sister of the pawnbroker Alena Ivanovna. “... A tall, clumsy, timid and humble girl, almost an idiot, thirty-five years old, who was in complete slavery to her sister, worked for her day and night, trembled before her and even suffered beatings from her.” A swarthy kind face. He does laundry and mends clothes. Before the murder, she knew Raskolnikov, washed his shirts. She was also on friendly terms with Sonechka Marmeladova, with whom she even exchanged crosses. Raskolnikov accidentally eavesdrops on her conversation with familiar philistines, from which he learns that the old pawnbroker will be left at home alone at seven o'clock the next day. A little earlier, in a tavern, he accidentally overheard a frivolous conversation between a young officer and a student, where it was, in particular, about L. - that although she is ugly, many people like her - “so quiet, meek, unrequited, agreeable, agreeing to everything” and therefore always pregnant. During the murder of the pawnbroker, L. unexpectedly returns home and also becomes a victim of Raskolnikov. It is the Gospel donated by her that Sonya reads to Raskolnikov.

    Luzhin Petr Petrovich- type of businessman and "capitalist". He is forty five years old. Prim, portly, with a cautious and obese physiognomy. Sullen and arrogant. Wants to open a law office in St. Petersburg. Having escaped from insignificance, he highly appreciates his mind and abilities, he is used to admiring himself. However, L. values ​​money most of all. He defends progress "in the name of science and economic truth". He preaches from other people's words, which he heard from his friend Lebezyatnikov, from young progressives: “Science says: love, first of all, only yourself, for everything in the world is based on personal interest ... private affairs ... the more solid grounds for him, and the more the common cause is arranged in him.

    Struck by the beauty and education of Dunya Raskolnikova, L. proposes to her. His pride is flattered by the thought that a noble girl who has experienced many misfortunes will revere and obey him all her life. In addition, L. hopes that "the charm of a lovely, virtuous and educated woman" will help his career. In St. Petersburg, L. lives with Lebezyatnikov - with the aim of "just in case, running ahead" and "seeking out" from the youth, thereby securing himself against any unexpected demarches on her part. Driven out by Raskolnikov and hating him, he tries to quarrel with his mother and sister, to provoke a scandal: during the wake of Marmeladov, he gives Sonechka ten rubles, and then imperceptibly slips another hundred rubles into her pocket, in order to later publicly accuse her of theft. Exposed by Lebezyatnikov, he is forced to shamefully retreat.

    Marmeladov Semyon Zakharovich- titular adviser, sonechka's father. “He was a man already in his fifties, of medium height and solid build, with gray hair and a large bald head, with a yellow, even greenish face swollen from constant drunkenness, and with swollen eyelids, because of which tiny slits shone, but animated reddish eyes. But there was something very strange about him; in his eyes, it was as if even enthusiasm shone - perhaps there was both sense and intelligence - but at the same time, it seemed like madness flickered. He lost his place "by changing states" and from that moment began to drink.

    Raskolnikov meets M. in a tavern, where he tells him his life and confesses his sins - that he drinks and drank his wife's things, that his own daughter Sonechka went to the bar because of poverty and his drunkenness. Realizing all his insignificance and deeply repenting, but not having the strength to overcome himself, the hero nevertheless tries to elevate his own weakness to the world drama, ornate and even making theatrical gestures, which are intended to show his not completely lost nobility. “Sorry! why pity me! Marmeladov suddenly yelled, getting up with his hand outstretched forward, in resolute inspiration, as if he had only been waiting for these words ... "Raskolnikov accompanies him home twice: the first time drunk, the second time - crushed by horses. The image is associated with one of the main themes of Dostoevsky's work - poverty and humiliation, in which a person who gradually loses dignity dies and clings to him with all his last strength.

    Mid 19th century. A poor district of St. Petersburg, adjacent to the Catherine Canal and Sennaya Square ("Crime and Punishment": the image of St. Petersburg "is a separate interesting topic). Summer evening. Raskolnikov Rodion Romanovich, a former student, leaves his closet, located in the attic, and goes to Alena Ivanovna, an old woman-interest-bearer, to take a mortgage - her last valuable thing.So begins Dostoevsky's "Crime and Punishment", a summary of which we describe.

    The main character intends to kill this old woman. Rodion stops by one of the cheap taverns on the way back. Here he accidentally gets acquainted with Marmeladov, who has lost his place, drunkenly. He tells Rodion how her husband's drunkenness, poverty and consumption pushed Katerina Ivanovna, his wife, to a cruel act - to send Sonya, his daughter from his first marriage, to the panel to earn money.

    The thought of killing

    The next morning, Raskolnikov receives a letter from his mother from the provinces describing the troubles that Dunya, his younger sister, suffered in the house of Svidrigailov, a depraved landowner. He also learns that his sister and mother will soon arrive in Petersburg, since a groom for Dunya was found here. This is Luzhin, a prudent businessman who wants to build a marriage not on love, but on the dependence and poverty of the bride. Raskolnikov's mother hopes that this person will help Rodion to graduate from the university. Thinking about the sacrifices that Dunya and Sonya make for the sake of their loved ones, Raskolnikov affirms his intention to kill Alena Ivanovna - this is an evil worthless "louse". After all, her money will save many young men and women from the undeserved suffering. But in Rodion's soul, the disgust for violence rises again after the dream that he sees. This is a memory of childhood: Raskolnikov sees the nag being beaten to death, and the boy's heart is filled with pity for her.

    Raskolnikov commits the murder of Alena Ivanovna and Lizaveta

    Rodion still not only kills Alena Ivanovna, but also Lizaveta, her meek, kind sister, who unexpectedly returned to the apartment. Having miraculously gone unnoticed, Raskolnikov hides the stolen goods in a random place, without even assessing its value.

    The novel "Crime and Punishment" continues with the fact that soon the protagonist discovers with horror the alienation between himself and others. From the experience, Raskolnikov falls ill, but he cannot reject the burdensome worries of Razumikhin (university comrade). From a conversation with the doctor of the latter, the main character learns that the painter Mikolka has been arrested on suspicion of the murder of Alena Ivanovna. This is an ordinary country boy. Reacting painfully to talk about a crime committed, Rodion arouses suspicion among those around him.

    Luzhin's visit

    Luzhin, who came on a visit, is shocked by the furnishings of Rodion's closet. Their conversation gradually develops into a quarrel, after which it ends with a break. Raskolnikov is especially offended by the closeness of the conclusions that Luzhin draws from "reasonable egoism" - the protagonist's own "theory" that it is possible to kill people. Luzhin's theory seems vulgar to him.

    Raskolnikov gives money to the Marmeladovs

    A sick young man, wandering around St. Petersburg, suffers, feeling alienated from the world. At this time, the image of St. Petersburg reappears in the work "Crime and Punishment", periodically appearing in the novel. The protagonist was already ready to confess to the authorities in the crime. Suddenly, in the novel Crime and Punishment, Raskolnikov notices a man crushed by a carriage. This is Marmeladov. Out of compassion, Rodion spends the last of his money on a dying man: the doctor is called, Marmeladov is transferred to the house. Here Raskolnikov meets Sonya and Katerina Ivanovna. Sonya, dressed as a prostitute, says goodbye to her father. The protagonist of the novel "Crime and Punishment" helped the Marmeladovs and, thanks to this good deed, felt for a short time a community with people. But, having met his sister and mother at his apartment, he suddenly realizes himself "dead" for the love of relatives and drives them rudely. Raskolnikov is alone again. He hopes to get closer to Sonya, who, like himself, has "stepped over" an absolute commandment.

    Raskolnikov's visit to the investigator, his "theory"

    Razumikhin takes care of Rodion's relatives. He falls in love almost at first sight with Dunya. The offended Luzhin, meanwhile, puts the bride before a choice: either her brother, or him. Rodion, as if in order to find out about the fate of the things pawned from the murdered woman, but in fact - in order to dispel the suspicions of some of his acquaintances, asks himself to meet with the investigator Porfiry Petrovich, who is conducting the murder case of Alena Ivanovna. Porfiry recalls Rodion's article "On Crime", published recently in the newspaper. He invites the author to explain the theory in which the idea of ​​"two categories of people" is developed. According to Raskolnikov, the "ordinary" majority is only material for the reproduction of the population. He needs a strict moral law and obedience. This category is "trembling creatures". There are also "higher" (actually people) who have the gift of a "new word". These people destroy the present in the name of the better, even if it is necessary for this to "step over" the moral norms established earlier for the "lower ones", for example, to kill a person. Then these "criminals" become the creators of new laws. That is, by not recognizing the laws that are spoken of in the Bible ("do not steal", "do not kill", etc.), Raskolnikov thereby "allows" some people to shed "blood in conscience." Porfiry, smart and insightful, unravels the ideological killer in the hero, who claims to be Napoleon. However, the investigator has no evidence against Rodion - and he lets him go in the hope that his good nature will win in him. This will lead to the fact that Raskolnikov himself confesses to his deed.

    The hero of the novel "Crime and Punishment", according to the chapters described by us, gradually becomes more and more convinced that he made a mistake in himself. Rodion is tormented by the "meanness" and "vulgarity" of a single murder. He understands that he is a "trembling creature": having killed, he could not overstep the law of morality. The motives for the crime in the mind of Rodion are twofold: this is both an act of "justice" and a test of "the highest level" of oneself.

    Meeting with Svidrigailov

    Svidrigailov, who arrived in St. Petersburg after Dunya, apparently guilty of the recent death of his wife, meets Rodion Raskolnikov and says that they are "of the same field", only Rodion has not yet completely "defeated Schiller" in himself. Raskolnikov, with all his disgust for this man, is attracted by his apparent ability to enjoy life, although Svidrigailov, the hero of the novel Crime and Punishment, committed so many crimes ... The characterization of this character is presented below, after a brief summary.

    Exposing Luzhin

    A decisive explanation with Pyotr Petrovich Luzhin takes place during dinner in one of the cheap rooms. Luzhin, one of the two "twins" of Raskolnikov in the novel "Crime and Punishment", settled here out of economy with Dunya and his mother. An analysis of the character of this hero is also presented at the end of the article. The groom is accused of slandering Sonya and Raskolnikov. Luzhin allegedly gave Sonya money for base services, which were selflessly collected by his mother for his studies. The groom, expelled in disgrace, is looking for a way to discredit Rodion in the eyes of his mother and sister.

    Raskolnikov visits Sonya

    Meanwhile, Raskolnikov, once again feeling a painful alienation from his loved ones, decides to come to Sonya. He seeks salvation from loneliness from this girl who has transgressed the commandment. However, Sonya is not alone. For the sake of others (hungry sisters and brothers), she sacrificed herself. This was done to her not for her own sake, like Rodion. Compassion for loved ones, love, faith in God never left Sonya. She reads the gospel lines to the protagonist about how Jesus resurrected Lazarus, hoping that a miracle will happen in her life. The hero fails to captivate Sonya with his "Napoleonic" plan to dominate the "anthill".

    Second meeting with Porfiry

    Rodion, tormented by both the desire for exposure and fear, comes again to Porfiry, allegedly worrying about the mortgage. In the end, at first glance, an abstract conversation on the topic of the psychology of criminals brings the young man to a nervous breakdown. He practically impersonates Porfiry. Rodion is saved by the unexpected confession of the painter Mikolka in the murder of the pawnbroker.

    The second exposure of Luzhin

    A commemoration for the father and husband was held in the Marmeladovs' room. During them, Katerina Ivanovna insults the hostess of the apartment in a fit of morbid pride. This woman tells her to leave immediately with the children. Suddenly, Luzhin appears, who lives in the same house, and says that Sonya stole a hundred-ruble banknote from him. The "guilt" of the girl is proved: money is found in the pocket of her apron. In the eyes of others, she is now also a thief. However, suddenly there is a witness who says that Luzhin himself slipped Sonya a piece of paper. The slanderer is disgraced, and Raskolnikov explains the reasons for his act as follows: having humiliated Sonya and his brother in the eyes of Dunya, he wanted to return the favor of his bride.

    Raskolnikov confesses to Sonya in the murder

    "Crime and Punishment" chapter by chapter continues with the fact that Rodion confesses to Sonya in the murder. It happens in the following way. Raskolnikov goes to her apartment. Here the hero confesses to Sonya that he killed Lizaveta and the old woman. The girl pities Rodion for the moral torments to which he doomed himself. She offers Raskolnikov to atone for his guilt by hard labor, confessing everything voluntarily. Rodion, on the other hand, laments only that he turned out to be in fact a "trembling creature", with a need for love and conscience. He replies: "I'll still fight." Meanwhile, Katerina Ivanovna finds herself on the street with the children. She dies of a throat bleed after refusing a priest. Svidrigailov, who is present here, agrees to pay for the funeral, as well as provide for Sonya and the children.

    Raskolnikov is found at home by Porfiry, who convinces him to turn himself in. The investigator does not believe that Mikolka is to blame. He only "accepted suffering", following the primordial people's need for atonement for the sin of inconsistency with Christ, his ideal.

    However, Rodion still hopes to "transcend" morality. He sees before him the example of Svidrigailov. The sad truth is revealed to the hero by their meeting in the tavern: the life of this "villain" is empty and painful.

    Dunya's reciprocity remains the only hope for Svidrigailov to return to God. Convinced that the girl does not love him, he commits suicide a few hours later. So this hero is eliminated from the work "Crime and Punishment". An analysis of this character will be made at the end of the article.

    Raskolnikov decides to confess and says goodbye before that to Sonya and family. He still remains convinced that his "theory" is correct. Rodion is filled with contempt for himself. But, at the insistence of Sonya, Raskolnikov repentantly kisses the earth in front of the people, since he "sinned" before her. He learns at the police office that Svidrigailov committed suicide, after which he confesses to the murder of Alena Ivanovna.

    Raskolnikov in Siberia

    Dostoevsky continues his novel ("Crime and Punishment"). A summary of the events that took place in the epilogue of the work is as follows. Raskolnikov in Siberia, in prison. His mother died of grief, and Dunya married Razumikhin. Sonya settled near the main character and visits him, patiently enduring his indifference and gloom. And here the nightmare of alienation continues: the convicts from the common people hate him, considering them "godless". To Sonya, on the contrary, they treat with love and tenderness, which we learn about by reading the epilogue. "Crime and Punishment" in this part of the work also describes another dream of Raskolnikov. Rodion, once in the prison hospital, has a dream that resembles pictures from the Apocalypse. Inhabiting people, the mysterious "trichinas" give rise in them to a fanatical conviction that they are right and intolerant of the opinions of others. In senseless rage, people killed each other until the entire human race was exterminated, except for a few "chosen ones." Finally, it is revealed to Rodion that pride of the mind leads to death and discord, and humility of the heart is the path to the fullness of life and unity in love. In the hero, "endless love" awakens for Sonya. He takes the gospel into his hands on the threshold of his "resurrection" for a new life.

    Thus ends Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment. The summary does not describe in detail the relationship between the characters in the novel. For this purpose, we decided to supplement the article with a description of the main characters. We present you the images created by Dostoevsky.

    "Crime and Punishment": the heroes of the work

    In the system of characters, Raskolnikov occupies a central place, since it is to him that the main lines of the story lead. The image of Raskolnikov connects various situations and episodes of the novel. The rest of the characters appear on the stage primarily because they are needed to characterize Rodion. They make him argue, worry about them, sympathize, cause the main character to have a whole stream of various emotions and impressions. This is how the image of Raskolnikov is revealed.

    The system of characters in this work is dynamic. The ratio of actors and heroes who have left the stage in the novel "Crime and Punishment" is constantly changing. Analyzing the work, one can notice that some of them cease to participate in the development of the novel, while others, on the contrary, appear. So, Marmeladov dies (Part Two, Chapter Seven), Katerina Ivanovna (Part Five, Chapter Five), Luzhin appears for the last time in Part Five (Chapter Three), Porfiry Petrovich - in the sixth (Chapter Two), and Svidrigailov decides to shoot himself in sixth part (chapter six).

    The character system changes significantly as the epilogue begins. "Crime and Punishment" becomes a work in which only two characters remain. This is Rodion and Sonya. This is due both to the eventful side of the novel and to the fact that Sonya, according to the author's intention, should play a special role in Raskolnikov's fate, help this hero be reborn to a new life in the finale of the work Crime and Punishment. Raskolnikov returning to God and people.

    The characters, each in their own way, reveal various aspects of Rodion's personality. Raskolnikov's relationship with his mother, sister, Svidrigailov, Luzhin, Marmeladovs, Razumikhin, Porfiry Petrovich, Sonya can be described as conflict. Raskolnikov has an outward resemblance to many of them (material and social position, relations with conscience and law). However, internal differences (psychological, moral, ideological) are more important, which do not allow Rodion to lead a life similar to the one they lead.

    Raskolnikov has two spiritual "doubles". In the novel Crime and Punishment, these heroes are Svidrigailov and Luzhin. These two characters have a lot in common with the main character. They are united, for example, by the principle of permissiveness. However, the resemblance of the protagonist to his "doubles" is purely external. You can verify this by comparing the moral character and worldview of these two characters with the inner appearance of Raskolnikov.

    Rodion has his own way in life. A number of possibilities open before him. He may try to atone for his guilt by repenting, or follow the path of crime to the end. Rodion has to make a choice. Various life opportunities are represented by the secondary characters of the novel. Raskolnikov can reject them or accept them in the work "Crime and Punishment".

    Marmeladova Sonya is the moral antipode of Rodion. However, these heroes have something in common: both of them are outcasts, both are lonely. Raskolnikov feels this, telling the girl that they are "cursed together." He is drawn to Sonya, as she is the only person who can understand him in Crime and Punishment. Sonya is the only one to whom Rodion is ready to fully reveal his soul. The hero is horrified by the thought of the possibility of telling someone else his secret, even a close person (Razumikhin, mother, sister). Therefore, it is to her that he confesses to the murder, and it is this heroine who follows the protagonist of the work "Crime and Punishment" to "hard labor". Sonya is capable of self-sacrifice, it is through her that this theme is largely revealed in the work.

    "Crime and Punishment" is a novel about faith and love. Sonya understood with her heart in the confession of this hero the most important thing: Rodion is suffering, he is unhappy. The girl did not understand anything in his theory, but she felt that it was unfair. Sonya did not believe that there was a "right to kill." The girl, despite all the misfortunes experienced, kept her faith in God. Therefore, it can be called a criminal only outwardly. She chose a different path than Rodion. This is humility before God, not rebellion. It is he who, according to Dostoevsky, leads to salvation. Sonya, resigned, saves not only herself, but also the main character. It was love for this girl that opened up the opportunity for Rodion to come to terms with people, with life. Therefore, it is no coincidence that the attitude of the convicts towards him changed after a meeting with Sonya.

    Arkady Ivanovich Svidrigailov is one of the central characters in the work. This is a nobleman who served in the cavalry for two years. After that, he was a sharper in St. Petersburg. Having connected his life with Marfa Petrovna, who bought him out of prison, he lived in the village for seven years. This is a cynic who loves debauchery. A number of serious crimes lies on his conscience. This is the suicide of Philip, the servant, as well as the 14-year-old girl who was insulted by him. Perhaps Svidrigailov also poisoned his own wife. As if the nightmare of the protagonist generated the image of this double of Raskolnikov. He, unlike Rodion, is on the other side of good and evil. At first glance, Svidrigailov has no doubts. That is why he is so worried about the main character, who feels that Arkady Ivanovich has power over him, that he is mysterious. The moral law no longer has power over Svidrigailov. He is free, but it does not bring him joy. Arkady Ivanovich is left with only vulgarity and worldly boredom. Trying to overcome it, he has fun as he can. Ghosts appear to him at night: the servant Philip, Marfa Petrovna ... The indistinguishability of good and evil renders this hero meaningless. Therefore, it is no coincidence that eternity appears to Svidrigailov in the form of a village bathhouse with spiders. His soul is practically dead. The hero, in the end, decides to shoot himself with a gun.

    The second "double" of Raskolnikov is Pyotr Petrovich Luzhin. "Crime and Punishment" is a novel in which he is presented as a type of "capitalist" and businessman. He is 45 years old. This is a portly, prim, with a squeamish and cautious physiognomy. He is arrogant and sullen. Luzhin dreams of opening a law office in St. Petersburg. This hero highly values ​​his abilities and his mind. After reading the novel "Crime and Punishment", you will see that he is used to admiring them. However, Luzhin values ​​money most of all. In the name of "economic truth" and "science" he defends progress. Luzhin preaches from other people's words, as he has heard enough of the speeches of Lebezyatnikov, his friend, a progressive. He believes that you should love yourself first of all, since everything is based on personal interest.

    Luzhin, struck by the education and beauty of Dunya Raskolnikova, proposes to this girl. His pride is flattered by the thought that she, having experienced many misfortunes, will obey him all her life and revere him. Luzhin, moreover, hopes that Dunya's charm will help his career. This hero lives in St. Petersburg with Lebezyatnikov in order to "seek out" from the youth, thus insuring himself against unexpected demarches on their part. Feeling hatred for Raskolnikov, who kicked him out, Luzhin ("Crime and Punishment") tries to quarrel with his sister and mother. He gives Sonya 10 rubles during the commemoration, after which he slips another 100 into her pocket unnoticed in order to publicly accuse the girl of stealing. However, he is forced to retreat, exposed by Lebezyatnikov.