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What is the zodiac sign of Ivangai. Who is Ivangai: biography and interesting facts

The internet is full of famous people. In this article, we will talk about the mega-successful blogger Ivan EeOneGuy Rudsky. At the moment, he is one of the most popular and fastest growing figures on YouTube. A huge audience (mostly school-age children) of 5 million subscribers has gathered on his channel.

Ivan Rudskoy. Biography

The future YouTube star was born on the territory of Ukraine, in Krivoy Rog. EeOneGuy was born on a big church holiday - Epiphany. In accordance with the gospel story, they decided to name the boy Ivan, as this was considered a good symbol.

Ivan Rudskoy has shown remarkable success since childhood. So, already at the age of three, he mastered the language at the level of conversation, he could easily read books for children. Rudskoy owes these merits to his mother. It was she who stubbornly engaged in his education. My father didn't stand aside either. From childhood, he taught Ivan the simplest English words.

At the age of five, Rudsky had two sisters - Dasha and Sonya. At the same age, the parents tried to send the guy to school, but were refused.

School years

A year later, Ivan Rudskoy nevertheless went to the first call. He studied at an ordinary rural school, in which there were a little more than a hundred people. There he spent 5 years, studying from the first to the fifth grade.

When the guy was eleven years old, he moved to the gymnasium. The reason for the transition was opening opportunities. At first, Ivan Rudskoy was discouraged by the scale of the new educational institution. There were several times more people in the gymnasium than in the rural school. However, Ivan quickly got used to the new environment. Rudskoy had many friends and was an example for other students. The future video blogger studied "for eleven" ("5" on a five-point system). Soon Ivan enrolled in a music and art school, judo, began to actively engage in vocals and playing the guitar. Despite such a workload, Rudskoy continued to please his parents with good grades.

Since Ivan Rudskoy knew few people from the new school, the computer became his best friend. However, the young man did not waste time just like that. He practiced his drawing skills in Photoshop CS3. Ivan hated to draw in real life on paper, but he liked to create in Photoshop and other graphic editors.

At the age of thirteen, Ivan first gets acquainted with YouTube. For the time being, he acts only as a spectator. In the tenth grade, Ivan again changes the place of study. This time, the reason for the transition was that in the old school, hooligans began to bully him, and the administration did not take any action.


After spending a lot of time watching videos, Ivan is going to create something of his own on YouTube. Thus, the clip "Song of the Zadrota" is born, which Ivan posted on the popular YouTube video hosting. The video was not popular, so EeOneGuy suspended its activities for a while.

In March 2013, Ivan uploaded the first video on his new channel called "Another look at Minecraft". Shooting a video on the theme of the Minecraft game, EeOneGuy gathers a large audience, consisting mainly of school-age children. A rather large role in Rudsky's career was played by Roman Filchenkov, also known under the pseudonym Mister Lololoshka. He actively promoted Ivangai's channel and his videos in particular. Thus, in a short period of time, Rudskoy gathered a huge audience.

EeOneGuy now

Now Ivan Rudskoy (photo can be seen above) is at the peak of his popularity. The channel already has more than 5 million subscribers, and Ivan himself actively organizes various gatherings, participates in events where he communicates with other bloggers, fans, and simply enjoys popularity.

Ivangai is a famous video blogger who very quickly managed to become famous for his interesting videos. He was born on January 19, 1996. Knowing the date of birth of the star, you can easily calculate how old Ivangai is. If you believe these data, then in 2017 the guy turned 21 years old. It is difficult for many to believe this, since it is difficult for him to look more than 18 years old, how young he looks.

By the age of 20, the blogger had achieved immense popularity. His videos are actively watched and discussed by young people from Russia and Ukraine. Millions admire Ivangai's work and his ability to convey a lot of positive emotions to viewers through the camera.

Biography of a popular video blogger

A young man named Ivan Rudskoy introduced himself to the whole country as Ivangai. The Ukrainian video blogger was able to gain unprecedented popularity not only at home, but also in Russia. And here is his short biography:

  • Ivangai was born in the small village of Annovka on Epiphany. The parents decided to name their son Vanya in honor of John the Baptist. Five years later, two more girls Sonya and Dasha appeared in the blogger's family.
  • At the age of three, Ivan began to speak fluently. He liked to read books. The boy's father taught his son English. Parents did not want to waste time, so they decided to send Vanya to school at the age of five. But the leadership of the educational institution was forced to refuse them. He had to wait another year to become a first grade student. The boy did well in his studies. He mastered new sciences without any problems.
  • When Ivangay graduated from elementary school, he immediately moved with his parents and sisters to Dnepropetrovsk. A place was found for him in a good gymnasium. In his spare time from basic studies, the guy disappeared at a music school. He learned to play the guitar and also attended a vocal class. In addition, Ivan went to judo classes. At that time, the boy developed an interest in computers. Surprisingly, he was not interested in games, but in working with complex programs such as Photoshop. Vanya became seriously interested in computer graphics. However, he never expressed a desire to draw anything on plain paper. In a word, the future blogger tried to develop in many areas. He had enough time and energy to hone his skills in both science and art.
  • When Ivan was 13 years old, he first visited the YouTube portal, which had already gained popularity. For a long time, the teenager remained an ordinary spectator who watched the work of other people. However, one day he came up with the idea to create his own channel on the portal, so that his visitors would know about it. As you might guess, the idea turned out to be quite successful. It was then that the first videos of Ivangai began to appear. Every year their number, like the popularity of the young man, only grew.
  • The blogger had the opportunity to get a higher education. But he missed her. The young man decided that he should concentrate all his attention not on studying, but on promoting a personal channel on a popular video portal.

At the moment, Ivangai is dating the famous blogger Maryana Rozhkova. Fans know her under the name Mariana Ro. Young people met quite by accident. The girl caught the eye of Vanya's photographs. It seemed to her that they depicted a Western teenager. Maryana posted a photo of Ivangai on her page on the social network. After that, a fan of Vanya told him about this case.

For several months, bloggers just talked to each other online. In the spring of 2015, Ivan decided to go to Japan to see Maryana in person. The girl did not even think that Ivangai would come to Sapporo, a Japanese town in which she lived with her parents for several years. After some time, the couple decided to move to Moscow.

There were such rumors about Ivangay and Maryan not so long ago:

  • Young people secretly got married. As it turned out, it was just a joke that a couple in love came up with.
  • Ivangay started a relationship with his colleague Sasha Spielberg. It was another gossip for which there was no confirmation.

Various rumors and gossip constantly circulate around the famous couple. Bloggers try not to react too much to them. But they are always happy to talk about themselves. After all, due to them, their popularity is only increasing.

Fans of Ivangai should certainly know about the following important events in the life of a young man that helped him become a sought-after blogger:

  • The young man recorded his first video when he was a student in grade 11. It turned out to be a funny clip "Song of a nerd." His classmates liked the music video very much. And this is not surprising. Indeed, in his song, Ivangay spoke about the problem that every student faces in our time.
  • In 2013, the officially registered YouTube channel EeOneGuy, which belongs to Ivan, appeared. Initially, the young man posted on him reviews of various computer games that teenagers like. “Another look at Minecraft” is the first video that appeared on the Ivangay channel. He did not manage to earn special popularity then. Then he began to create short scenes of a humorous nature, which were filmed in the spirit of the Spanish blogger elrubiusOMG.
  • Ivangay creates videos for schoolchildren. That is why it is so popular among the younger generation.

Now Ivangai's official channel has more than 7 million subscribers who regularly follow his life and creative activities. The rating of the young man still continues to grow at a high rate. He has already managed to surpass most of the bloggers who are constantly watched by Russian YouTubers.

Ivangay (EeOneGuy, real name - Ivan Rudskoy) is a well-known young video blogger-"millionaire". The young man has been posting his videos on YouTube since 2013. The rate of growth in the number of his subscribers is impressive - every day about 10 thousand users subscribe to his channel. The guy is considered one of the highest paid Russian-speaking bloggers.

Ivangai's childhood and youth

Ivan Guy was born in January 1996 in the Ukrainian village of Alexandria. He was born on a significant church holiday - Epiphany. In connection with the gospel story, the baby was christened Ivan. A little later, twins Dasha and Sonya appeared in the family.

Baby photos of Ivangai

From childhood, the child showed outstanding linguistic abilities. For example, already at the age of three he read excellently in Russian and mastered the first phrases in English. Seeing the success of their son, the parents wanted to send Ivan to school at the age of five, but were refused.

A year later, the boy nevertheless went to a local rural school, but at the age of 11 he transferred to a gymnasium, where students were guaranteed a quality education. At first, Vanya was intimidated by the size of the new school, since there were several times as many children in the gymnasium, but soon he made many friends and became the leader of the class. Rudskoy studied with eleven points (according to the five-point system - for one five).

In his youth, Ivan simultaneously attended art and music schools, is actively engaged in vocals, playing the guitar and judo. Despite the huge workload, the guy continued to please his parents with excellent grades. As soon as the boy got a computer, he quickly mastered the intricacies of working in the Photoshop graphics editor, and since then he has been drawing exclusively on a computer - this has become one of his favorite hobbies.

In the 10th grade, the guy was transferred from the gymnasium to another school because of the hooligans who did not give him a pass, while the teachers and the school administration turned a blind eye to their attacks.

Ivagnai - Song of a nerd

In 2013, Ivangay uploaded a review of the Minecraft computer game to Youtube. In the future, it was this topic that brought the guy popularity, since this game with simple graphics, but an exciting plot, literally dragged on from the first launch. EeOneGuy has quickly become one of the most established Minecraft stair-players, gaining a vast audience, consisting mainly of his peers.

At the beginning of his career, EeOneGuy did reviews on Minecraft

A special role in his "career" was played by the video blogger Roman Filchenkov, acting under the pseudonym MrLololoshka. It was he who promoted Ivangai's channel and his videos. The guys jointly created entertaining videos, partly borrowing the style of the popular Swedish gamer PewDiePie and the no less popular blogger elrubiusOMG.

In a short period of time, Ivan Rudskoy gathered a large audience, which by 2016 exceeded the number of 8 million subscribers. The young man is at the peak of his popularity: he is recognized on the streets, invited to various events, and paid a lot of money for advertising. However, the guy's profiles on social networks are not at all saturated with advertising - he does not want to advertise products that are not interesting to him.

Ivangay in Los Angeles

He moved away from making Minecraft videos a long time ago, switching to creating short entertaining videos, often accompanied by funny special effects, incendiary songs and dances, conversations with inanimate objects and communication with subscribers.

In addition to his personal channel on Youtube, EeOneGuy actively maintains a VKontakte profile, where his subscriber count also goes into the millions.

In 2015, he moved to Moscow, where he continued to promote his channel. The guy never received a higher education. He dropped out of college in his 2nd year, wanting to focus on promoting his Youtube channel, which by that time had already become a well-recognized EeOneGuy brand.

Personal life of Ivan Guy

On the network, Ivangai met Maryana Rozhkova, who lives in Japan, better known as Maryana Ro. At first, the couple communicated only via the Internet, but in April 2015, Vanya went on a visit to his beloved - in the Japanese city of Sapporo. Soon the couple began to live together in Moscow.

For a while, there were rumors on the Internet that the guys got married, but later it turned out that it was just a joke. Also, Ivangay's fans gossiped that he was cheating on a girl with a let's player

Ivangay, whose real name is Ivan Rudskoy, is a popular Ukrainian video blogger, one of the leaders among the Russian-speaking YouTube audience. Video channel EeOneGuy known as the fastest growing entertainment service.

The boy was born in the Ukrainian village of Annovka exactly on the day of the Orthodox holiday of Epiphany. In honor of the parents named their son Ivan. Five years later, twin sisters Daria and Sofia also appeared in the family.

Ivan already at the age of three knew how to speak fluently, read children's books, and also tried to learn English with his dad. The parents did not want their son to waste time, and tried to enroll Vanya in the first grade at the age of 5, but the school management refused. Therefore, only a year later, Rudskoy, together with his peers, went to gnaw the granite of science, and study was easy for the boy.

After Ivan graduated from elementary school, the family moved to Dnepropetrovsk. The boy got into a prestigious gymnasium, and at the same time began to study guitar and vocals at a music school, and also enrolled in a judo section. Around the same time, the teenager began to actively master the computer. But Ivan was attracted not only by entertainment and games. The boy quickly mastered the skills of working in Photoshop. Interestingly, Ivan never liked drawing on paper, but computer graphics attracted the child.

At the age of 13, Ivan enters the popular YouTube video portal for the first time. At first, the boy was only a spectator, but after a few years, Ivan came up with the idea to start composing music on his own and creating videos for his own songs. This decision determined the further biography of the young man.


The first video was born when Ivangay was in 11th grade. It was a musical composition in the rap style "Nerd Song". An amateur video clip made for the track brought the young man popularity among classmates, because the song touched on the problem of teenagers - addiction to computer games.

In 2013 Ivan registers his personal channel EeOneGuy on YouTube. First, reviews and personal opinions about video games are posted there. The first clip was called "Another Look at Minecraft". Such videos do not bring a large audience, and Ivangai, on the advice of his friend Roman Filchenkov, better known as the blogger MrLololoshka, begins to create entertaining scenes in the style of the Swedish gamer PewDiePie and the Spanish blogger elrubiusOMG.

Ivangay's humor is aimed at an audience of schoolchildren and is in demand among the younger generation. Videos often appear on the video blog with Ivangay playing the popular game among teenagers, Slizario. A young man with a great sense of humor relates to the creation of videos using modern technical possibilities of editing.

Personal life

The acquaintance of Ivan Rudsky and Maryana Rozhkova, also a well-known blogger under the name, turned out to be accidental. The girl saw a photo of Ivangai, but was sure that this was a Western teenager. On her own page on the social network, the girl posted a portrait of a young man, and a fan of Ivangai told him about such a girl in love from Japan.

For some time, Ivan and Maryana communicated only via the Internet, and in April 2015, the young man went to the Japanese city of Sapporo, where the girl has been living with her parents since she was 9 years old. After some time, together with Maryana, they moved to Moscow.

By the way, among the fans of this couple at one time there was a “reliable” rumor that the bloggers got married. In fact, this is not so: there was no wedding, and the joke was initiated by the lovers themselves. At the end of 2016, the couple broke up. Ivangai said that he did not get along with the girl in character. Later, other information passed among the fans, as if Ivan began to meet with. But this was just gossip.

Ivangai never received a higher education. The young man left the second year of university, as he considered it more appropriate for himself to concentrate on his own channel on YouTube. Ivangay, unlike most other video bloggers, does not advertise third-party products, although such offers are received regularly. The young man argues the refusals by the fact that he does not want to praise goods that he himself does not consider to be of high quality.

Ivangay earns on views of his own video channel: for 1000 visitors, a young man receives $ 800. About 12 million fans have subscribed to the video blogger's channel. In terms of the number of subscribers, Ivangai has already overtaken the most rated blogger and the +100500 show. Moreover, the number of Ivan's fans is constantly growing. In the rating of YouTube video hosting, the Ivangai portal ranks second, the blogger lost the championship to the Get Movies children's channel, and the third place to the Masha and the Bear project.

At the end of 2016, YouTube video hosting awarded Ivangai with the Diamond Button, a prize given to popular bloggers after they reach 10 million subscribers. The total number of views of the Internet presenter's videos has exceeded 2 billion. The young man also became the hero of the comedy show "Evening".

Ivangay has a Pomeranian dog, with which the blogger shoots videos. Ivangay's four-legged friend is called Kuma. The video blogger maintains an account in " Instagram”, where he posts his photos, in which he appears with the stars of show business. Often, pictures of Ivangai with his sisters appeared on the page.

Ivangay now

In 2016, the young man created a video for the musical composition "Hayu Hai", where he described the achievements of his own channel in an unpretentious manner. Later, the song "5 minutes ago" appeared, a parody of PHARAOH feat. Boulevard Depo, as well as the track "Lemons".

The topic of video blogging has also affected cinema. In 2016, the film comedy of the production center "Hack Bloggers" was released, in which Ivangai played the main role. Sasha Spielberg, Mariana Ro, also appeared in the film. The film was about the relationship of video bloggers who receive a computer virus from a mysterious user named "Smiley".

At the box office, the film earned $ 120 million. Critics, despite the success of the film among the youth audience, took the project without enthusiasm and accused the creators of misappropriation of the state budget.

At the beginning of 2017, a video appeared on the network about how Ivangay and his colleague Yango fought at a party. According to the followers who observed the situation, the conflict occurred because of Ivangai's ex-girlfriend.

In the same period, Ivan visited the festival of Japanese culture "Hinode Power Japan", which was held in Moscow at VDNKh. At the Nintendo booth, the vlogger freely communicated with his fans.

At the end of the summer of 2017, a video of the former lover of a young man, Maryana Ro, appeared on the network under the title “Diss on Ivangai”. A month later, the young man answered the girl with the video “Diss on Maryana”. Now Ivan’s last video was a video called “A trip to the museum”, in which the young man introduced the followers to a visit to the natural science museum named after.


  • 2013 - EeOneGuy video channel
  • 2016 - the main role in the comedy "Hack Bloggers"

Ivangay, aka Ivan Rudskoy, is a popular video blogger on YouTube who creates videos mainly for entertainment purposes.

At first, the superiority channel hosted gaming videos on the Minecraft game, thanks to which it gained its popularity. But over time, their number approached zero, and the so-called “vlogs” about life and other entertainment materials became the main content. In addition to Minecraft, judging by the information from the VK page, Ivan is also fond of Terraria, Lineage II, Dota 2 games.

His channel called EeOneGuy currently has a record number of subscribers among bloggers in the CIS - more than 13 million. By the way, the channel is officially verified.

In his videos, Ivan often talks about himself, so there is a lot of information about his biography on the network.

So, this promising guy was born and lived until April 2015 in the village of Annovka, Dnepropetrovsk region (Ukraine).

In his life, before blogging, he was no different from his peers: he went to regular and art schools, attended singing and music lessons.

The last lesson, by the way, eventually played a significant role in his future hobbies, because one day the first official music video appeared on his channel:

Japan and Moscow

In 2015, Ivangay changed his place of residence several times. First, in April, he moved to Japan, where he planned to stay. There they began a strong relationship with another blogger - Maryana Ro (about which). In the city of Sapporo, Ivan was going to graduate from the local university.

As it turned out, the couple could not live in Japan, although they really liked it there. Already in August, they left the country together and moved to Moscow. The couple rented an apartment at the address: Leninsky Prospekt, building 111 building 1, 40th floor.

A video appeared about moving to a new apartment, where they and their friend Edward Ateva, as it were, are decorating Ivan's room. In fact, most of the videos are just fooling around, but this is not surprising - it's in their style 🙂

An interesting fact: in the video, a phrase was uttered that the blogger had a habit of moving every 3 months. And so it happened.

Moving to Poland

At the end of 2016, the couple broke up and after that Ivan did not stay in Moscow for a long time. He moved to study in Poland in 2017, where he lives to this day, studying IT technologies and gaining experience in moshun design and cinematography. Education takes a lot of time, so the videos on the channel have not been released for about a year. The last video was just from the Science Museum in Warsaw:

In an interview, Ivangai said that during this time some projects were filmed for the channel, but the final result did not suit him and the world would not see them. The guy promises to improve his skills in everything related to video and music and return to the leaders with a different quality of content.

Perhaps very soon he will change this place of residence, and we will closely monitor this 😉