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Saint igor's day when. The meaning of the name Igor

We all have names that we receive at birth and carry them all our lives. Each name has its own meaning, which has roots. In ancient times, children were called according to signs from above, then church names came into use. The name of a person is individual, it is considered, as you call it, the person will live all his life. Warlike names were given to future warriors, royal kings, and ordinary people got simple names.
Nowadays, almost every year, the fashion for female and male names changes. If, for example, yesterday it was possible to call the boy Vasily, then today it is no longer in vogue. In the old days, if a child was baptized at birth, then he was given the name of some saint, and it was considered a part to bear this name. Today, long before birth, we try to choose a name for our child. We leaf through encyclopedias, browse the Internet and learn from friends. It is necessary to approach this issue very responsibly. A person goes through life with his name, and usually its meaning very closely corresponds to all signs and character.

A little about the name Igor

Many names originate in other countries, and the name Igor came from the Scandinavian Ingavar, that is, warlike. It came to us from the time of Kievan Rus and took root. There are several diminutive forms of pronunciation of this name, for example Gosha, Garik, Goga. A sonorous name was given at birth to children of conquerors, or from a noble family. Today, this fairly common male name is popular. Among those who bear this name are quite a lot of famous people, such as Igor, Stravinsky, he was a conductor and composer, the famous aircraft designer Igor Sikorsky, physicist and head of nuclear physics research Igor Kurchatov, circus illusionist Igor Kio. So, giving a name to your child, you can hope that a famous physicist or composer can grow out of him.

Characteristics of the name Igor

In childhood, almost all Igors are very playful and mobile. They have such traits as ability, diligence and patience. As a child, parents have to calm their fidget all the time. Igor's parents should have a lot of strength and patience in order to endure all his tricks.

At school age, they discover talent and abilities for the exact sciences, mainly mathematics. If you approach these talents correctly and develop them in time, you will get a good scientist named Igor. Almost all children with this name are born choleric. The restlessness and irritability that is present in the character of people bearing this name. Somewhere this can interfere with both study and sports, especially since Igor is just fine to combine. They quickly, like all choleric people, can switch from children's fun to homework. Both are given to them with ease, and they do not make great efforts to concentrate on one thing.
Sports especially attract people with this name, they are easily given its basics, and in the future they can achieve good results. Everything basically depends on the Igors themselves, if their desires are huge, then almost many directions are given to them very easily.

At a conscious age, when Igor stands on his own two feet, he has an excellent relationship with the fair sex. The same cannot be said about relationships at work. Excessive exactingness and intractability helps to make enemies. Igor does not tolerate weaknesses and this often interferes with his relationships with work colleagues. In his statements, he is straightforward and sharp, and not everyone tolerates this, which sometimes adds up to rather unpleasant situations. If a lazy, irresponsible or optional person comes across on his way, then after some time Igor expresses his claims in person, although he himself is optional.

In difficult situations, having a friend like Igor will be just a godsend. He can skillfully concentrate at the right moment and try to find a way out of a difficult situation. At the same time, he will not waste time on worries and thoughts. Such people make excellent leaders who are able to assess and steer the whole situation. In general, a type with that name has many true friends who appreciate his straightforwardness and tough temper.

Mature age

After thirty years of eccentric boys, Igors become reasonable men. Most choose professions such as actor, journalist, musician or engineer. As already mentioned, Igori have an excellent ability to learn. They have a good potential, which, if developed and directed in the right direction, can bear fruit. People with this name are not always lucky, they constantly try to direct their energy in the right direction, but attempts most often end in failure. This is such a lifelong optimist, and almost never a surrendering person. He likes to fight and he is not afraid to do it. If something is obtained easily and without extra effort, then he does not know how to appreciate it, since his whole life passes in obtaining his goal.

Igor for the family

There comes a moment when Igori fall in love and this develops into a family relationship. Here, men with this name are very caring and wonderful family men. As his wife would describe, this is a reliable, affectionate and very gentle husband. Home comfort does not play a big role for him, he does not greatly focus his attention on everyday problems. He is often satisfied with a small mess, which he may simply not notice. For his wife, he is the leader and he dictates all the conditions. In relationships, they are very demanding and somewhere a little despotic, in any case it requires complete obedience and submission. In Igor's soul, there are the same romantic natures, but this is carefully hidden, if you let him get closer, perhaps he will open up. Igor is not very worried about children and taking care of them, he is even a little too cold towards the child, but in fact this is a kind of manifestation of love.

Sexual life of Igor

In sexual life, people with such names highly value constancy, they are somewhere idealistic and very romantic. Sometimes such people have a lot of partners, and they constantly rush from one to another. In sexual matters, Igor is very diplomatic, and sometimes he can persuade a girl to have sex, just unnoticed by her. It is a certain comfort that excites them, many smells affect this too. In the first marriage, as a rule, relations with his wife develop perfectly, and she remains his beloved and only partner in sex. Ardent, passionate with a wonderful sense of humor, it is not difficult for him to find a partner for himself. Many Igoris seek variety in their sex life while traveling. A change of scenery makes them charming and reveals them from different angles.

General about Igor

Usually people with this name have fairly good health. This is postponed from early childhood, as they are very fond of sports and are tempered there. Such people do not need to specifically maintain physical fitness, it is given to them in life as a gift of fate. Almost all Igors are not inclined to be overweight, of course, with the exception of those who have diseases. They suffer mainly from the digestive organs, so if your soul mate bears this name, try to take his diet seriously. We need to cherish and love a person with any name, because in our life everything returns to us like a boomerang.

When, according to the church calendar, Igor's name day:

The name Igor has several options for the origin and meaning of the name. About them and much more in our article.

The most popular version of the origin of the name Igor in Russia is the Scandinavian version. According to this version, the name Igor is a two-root name and originates from the Scandinavian name Ingvarr. It consists of the roots "Ing" and "varr", where "Ing" is the Scandinavian god of abundance Ing (Freyr), and "varr" is translated as guarded. It turns out that literally the meaning of the name Igor "guarded by Ing", but this is not entirely true. Most often it will be more true the meaning of the name Igor is "rich" or "lucky". It is this meaning that is most often suitable if translated not literally, but according to the context of the mention.

The second version can be called the Norwegian version. Although Norway is a Scandinavian country, Norwegian culture has its own version of the meaning of the name Igor. According to this version, the name Igor means "archer" or "shooter", and comes from the Norwegian "ee-vahr".

Well, the latest version can be called the version of English origin. According to her, the name Igor means "steppe warrior" or "infantryman", which is very similar in meaning to the Norwegian version of origin. According to this version, the name comes from the fusion of the two roots "ing" and "warrior".

The meaning of the name Igor for a child

Igor in childhood is a cheerful and active child. This is a rather restless kid who is prone to narcissism. Depending on the influence of the environment on him, Igor's pride can be both a driving force and a destructive component of his personality. The boy is endowed with sufficiently strong-willed qualities, but under adverse circumstances he may show a tendency to despotism. At the same time, the child grows bold and decisive. You can also notice that Igor is a kind and sympathetic child. All these characteristics make Igor an interesting and diverse person.

Igor studies mediocrely, but unfortunately it is not his fault. He is not endowed with natural perseverance, which is so necessary in a modern school. If the child goes in for sports seriously, then it may very well be that by satisfying his physical activity, it will be possible to achieve more calm behavior in the classroom. And it is worth noting that he has sufficient industriousness and only the features of the nervous system become a difficult, albeit solvable, obstacle on the path to knowledge.

If we talk about health, then about Igor we can say that his health is very strong. He gets sick less often than his peers, although, of course, he cannot do without illnesses. Unfortunately, good health often makes it possible to neglect preventive measures. If in childhood this does not lead to serious problems, then already in adult Igor, this behavior often goes sideways.

Short name Igor

Igoryukha, Igoryashka, Grief, Igosh, Gosh, Gog, Gotya, Igulya, Gulya, Igorka.

Diminutive names

Igorek, Igorechek, Igoryash, Igoryusha.

Patronymic of children

Igorevich and Igorevna.

Name Igor in English

There is no name Igor in English, which means you need to use the transliteration Igor.

Name Igor for a passport- IGOR.

Translation of the name Igor into other languages

in Belarusian - Igar
in Bulgarian - Igor
in Danish - Ingvar
in Icelandic - Ingvar
in Spanish - Igor
in Latvian - Igors
in Norwegian - Ingvar
in Portuguese - Igor
in Serbian - Igor
in Ukrainian - Igor
in Czech - Igor
in Swedish - Ingvar

Church name Igor(in the Orthodox faith) remains unchanged - Igor.

Characteristics of the name Igor

As an adult, Igor becomes more balanced and calm. His positive features become more pronounced, which attracts many people to him. However, given that Igor is more of an introvert, his communication with other people is usually superficial. This does not prevent him from having a huge number of friends, because he is still a cheerful and easy-going person. He is also brave and kind, as in childhood, and with age, excellent manners are added to this. Igor's life path is quite complicated, because he often looks for problems that he wants to solve. Only the process of struggle makes his achievements meaningful to him. If he gets something without overcoming difficulties, then in his eyes it is not of particular value.

Igor loves and knows how to work. He has a high capacity for work, and diligence is enough for three. Igor likes to work for himself, but he will not work for a long time without proper return. This character trait often leads Igor to the path of entrepreneurial activity. He rarely achieves great success, but he usually does not strive for it.

If we talk about Igor's family life, then his main characteristic is reliability. He may not be particularly gentle, but his wife will always have confidence in the future. Of course, he will be the leader in the family, but otherwise there will simply be no family. He loves his children, but he devotes little time to them.

The secret of the name Igor

Igor's secret can be called his great propensity for despotism. Often having received unlimited power, Igor abuses this power. For a long time he is looking for that border where he should stop and listen to other people. Usually this path is littered with broken relationships with loved ones, friends and co-workers.

Planet- Mars.

Zodiac sign- Twins.

totem animal- Bullfinches.

Name color- Grey-blue.

Tree- Grab.

Plant- Daisy.

Stone- Beryl.

The holy heavenly patron of all Orthodox Igors is the great noble prince of Chernigov Igor Olegovich. The days of memory of this saint (respectively, the name day for Igor) are October 2 and June 18.

The Holy Prince Igor of Chernigov lived in a difficult time for Rus' - in the 12th century. It was a period in which, according to the gospel words, a brother rebelled against his brother, and children killed their parents. Our state went through times of disunity of principalities, internecine strife and political absurdities.

The future prince received holy baptism with the name George. Having matured and becoming a prince, the ruler was imbued with the spirit of internecine disagreements, took part in the bloodshed and eventually became the prince of Kyiv. However, the people of Kiev stirred up turmoil, inciting the Pereyaslav ruler Izyaslav against Igor. The Kyiv prince was imprisoned.

Being imprisoned, Prince Igor remembered his Christian destiny. He rethought his life and sincerely offered repentance to God. Such spiritual insight determined the desire of the prince to leave the world after his release and take monastic vows in the men's Feodorov Monastery in Kiev. In this monastery, the prince took monastic vows and became a monk with the name Gabriel.

In the monastery, the prince labored in the exploits of fasting and prayer, worked hard and fulfilled obediences, growing in the great virtues of meekness and humility.

Soon civil strife broke out again between the princes. Seeing the bloodshed, the people of Kiev suddenly remembered their hostility towards the Olegovich family and decided to kill Prince Igor. The people burst into the temple of the monastery and found the prince praying during the liturgy. The divine service did not stop the indignant people - the prince was dragged out of the temple, and then brutally killed. This event took place in 1147.

The murdered body of the prince was transferred to the temple for burial. At night, a miracle happened in the church: the lamps over the prince's tomb lit up by themselves. During the funeral of a repentant righteous man, a column of light was seen above the temple. An amazing phenomenon was accompanied by thunder and an earthquake. These signs became evidence of the righteousness and holiness of the noble prince.

In 1150, the relics of the righteous were solemnly transferred to their native Chernihiv. In honor of this event, the celebration of the memory of the right-believing prince on June 18 was established.

A saint is a role model to strive for. To do plausible deeds in order to be at least a little worthy of his name. It is advisable to constantly reread the life of the patron saint.

If you are going to baptize a child or take the rite of baptism as an adult, choose the name of the saint you like. The day of his memory will be the name day.

In Orthodox canons, the name is pronounced and spelled "Igor".

There are at least two versions of the origin of the name:

  • The first is Scandinavian: it means “warrior” and “guardian of the god Inga”, “strong”.
  • The second version is the old Russian “igr”: “game” or “fun”.

Among the Orthodox, bearing the name, Blessed Igor Olgovich is considered the heavenly patron. The Grand Duke of Chernigov ended up in a monastery, having fallen seriously ill in captivity.

There are many variations of pronunciation in everyday life of the name Igor: Igorek, Igorka, Igoresh, Igoryukha, Igorechek, Gosha, Goga.

How to spend a name day

On the day of the angel, a person spiritually approaches his saint. Orthodox on this day baked birthday cakes and brewed homemade beer. They came to church, ordered a prayer service, prayed. And then, together with relatives, they treated themselves at the festive table, handed out pies to neighbors.

Best gifts for angel day

  • Nominal icon or icon with the unfading face of a saint
  • Art book or prayer book
  • Original candles, embroidery, other needlework kits

The character and fate of Igor

Igoresha is a restless, restless boy. Since childhood, he has been distinguished by independence and diligence. A good student, he receives remarks in the lower grades for playful behavior.

The boy is a capable student, has a mathematical mindset. Prone to analysis, logical thinking. It does not aim to get a higher education, with pleasure he will go to work at the plant.

Can become an engineer, high-grade worker. This is a born speaker, able to be a teacher, coach, lawyer, artist.

Igor is a sports guy, many sports lend themselves to him. He loves music and plays the guitar.

Stubbornness is a hallmark of men named Igor. Sociable, easily finds contact with strangers. He can easily delete a person from his circle if he is disappointed in him. Dislikes unnecessary and irresponsible people.

In mature years, he will materially establish himself, take place as a professional. This man is capable of achieving everything on his own. Igor can quit halfway through if he loses interest in him.

In his youth, girls like a man, knows how to look after him beautifully, sings serenades. Achieves the best women, sparing no effort and means. Strives to get into the circle of people with a high standard of living.

Having found a family, he will become jealous and demanding. For him, comfort, a beautiful home environment is extremely important. A housekeeping wife, caring and faithful, is an ideal for him.

Illustrious Saint Igor of Chernigov

Prince Igor was born in the twelfth century. At this time, there was an exhausting internecine struggle between the principalities of Mstislavovichi and Olgovichi.

In 1146, Igor was appointed to reign. He swore to be a just ruler and protector of his people. In total, Igor ruled for fourteen days. In the next battle, betrayed by his army, he flees. Then he is captured and put in prison.

The prince falls seriously ill in captivity and is allowed to be sent to the Kiev Feodorovsky Monastery for treatment. Upon recovery, Igor remains a monk in the monastery, where he prays and cries all the time.

A year has passed, the Mstislavovichs ruled in Kyiv. The Kiev veche, against the will of the ruling prince Izyaslav Mstislavovich, decided to deal with the monk Igor.

The rebels brutally dealt with the former ruler, torturing his already dead body.

In the church, God showed a sign - over the body of the murdered martyr, all the candles were lit at the same time. The relics of the prince were later transferred to the Spassky Cathedral in Kyiv, and the icon in front of which he prayed is in the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra.

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The origin of the name Igor is not known for certain. There are many versions, but only one of them is the most common: it is believed that this is a Scandinavian name and it came from the name of Ingvar (the warrior of the god Ing). According to this version, the name Igor symbolizes courage and strength.

Orthodox name day of Igor

Igor's name day is celebrated on the days of memory of the holy noble prince Igor of Chernigov. Since ancient times, Orthodoxy believed that the name of the child must certainly be associated with the date of his birth. According to the Orthodox calendar, they looked in honor of which saint this day was celebrated, and named the child in accordance with this date.

Many parents gave their child not one name, but two. The name with which they were baptized was necessarily chosen according to the church calendar and only the relatives of the child knew it. The second name was chosen by the parents themselves based on personal preferences. The name with which they were baptized was kept in the strictest confidence, since it was believed that in this way the evil eye and damage could be avoided.

Igor's name day is celebrated on the following dates:

  • June 18 - on the day of the transfer of the relics of the holy noble prince Igor of Chernigov;
  • October 2 (September 19) - the day of the martyrdom of the right-believing Prince Igor, Chernigov and Kyiv.

It is believed that for the first time this name appeared during the reign of the Rurikovich. The first ancient Russian prince was Igor Rurikovich. Only noble people were entitled to bear this name. But the noble prince Igor Chernigov is revered in the face of the faithful, as well as the passion-bearer. Although he endured much suffering, he did not give up his Christian faith.

The childhood of a child named Igor

One way or another, the name of a person affects his fate and character traits. So who is he - Igorek? As a rule, children who are lucky enough to bear the name Igoresh are quite agile and fast. These fidgets demolish everything in their path. Stubbornness and purposefulness - this is the credo of little Igor. No wonder Igor's name day according to the church calendar is celebrated on the day of Prince Igor of Chernigov. After all, the passion-bearer Prince Igor also had a strong spirit and was able to withstand all the tortures of his enemies.

At school, Igor, as a rule, does not particularly strive for knowledge, and enters a higher educational institution only under the clear guidance of his parents. Nevertheless, he is very friendly, spending a lot of time in companies with friends and buddies. No matter what, Igor always strives to become a leader in any environment.

Igor in adulthood

Having already become an adult, Igor is increasingly giving in to doubts about any actions and deeds. Children's determination gradually fades away, and more and more often he begins to doubt when solving various issues. The qualities of a leader only increase, but Igor cannot be alone. He needs support and lots of attention.

A noisy party, many guests - this is how Igor celebrates his birthday. According to the church calendar, it is believed that a person who bears the name Igor should be responsive and sensitive to other people.

In marriage, Igor is very reliable and faithful to his chosen one. However, in family relationships, he acts as a slightly despotic person, especially if Igor's name day falls in October. Many people born this month have the makings of leaders and despots. However, no matter how the date of birth and the name influence the fate of each of us, we ourselves decide what we should be in this life.