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Phonetic - spelling games. Games with dictionaries_methodological manual for teachers and students Games on the topic of spelling

Spelling games in English class

Game "Add consonants".

Goal: to form spelling skills in students, develop attention, visual memory, logic and flexibility of thinking, cognitive interest.

Equipment: board, chalk.

Content: the teacher (leader) writes vowels on the board. By adding consonants, students get other words.
For example, the combination of letters “ai » . Possible words: tail, pail, pain, main.
The student who writes the last word in the row wins. Then he must read and translate all the words. If he completes the task correctly, the team receives 5 points; for each mistake, 1 point is deducted.

Game "Word composers".

Goal: to form spelling skills in students, develop attention, visual memory, logic and flexibility of thinking.

Equipment: board, chalk.

Content: the teacher (leader) writes a word on the board, for example the word« representanive" . From the letters of this word, children must make new words and write them down. For example,present, tea, test, nest, part, art.
The one who says the last word wins.

Game "Riddles".

Goal: to form spelling skills in students, develop attention, imagination, logic and flexibility of thinking, linguistic conjecture.

Equipment: riddles in English or Russian.

Content: the teacher (leader) asks a riddle, students must write the answers on the board. Puzzles:
- over the head and under the hat (hair);
it runs all day but never runs away (clock);
is it eats it lives, if you give it a drink life goes away from it (fire);
it moves without legs and flies without wings (cloud);
every evening we can see all the planet… (on TV);
it lives in winter and dies in spring (snow).

A game "Anagrams"

Goal: to develop spelling skills in students, develop attention, imagination, logic and flexibility of thinking.

Equipment: cards with anagrams, board, chalk.

Contents: In this game, children, changing the order of letters, make up new words.
The leader writes the words from which new ones need to be formed on cards and distributes them to the players. New Students write down the words on the board.
Ten-net; Take – Kate; Tea – eat; Race – care; Mile – lime; Lain – nail; Deal – lead; Act – cat; State – taste; Saw – was; Knee - keen.

For each correctly formed word the player receives 1 point. At the same time, he must know the meaning of the newly formed word.

Game "Who is bigger?"

Purpose: checking the mastery of spelling of the studied lexical material.

Equipment: board, chalk.

Game "Invisible words".

Game "The Word Has Scattered".

Goal: to develop spelling skills in students, develop attention, imagination, and logical thinking.

Equipment: cards with letters.

Game "Blurred Letters".

Goal: to develop spelling skills in students, develop attention, imagination, and logical thinking.

Equipment: board, chalk.

  • A GAME in the Newest Philosophical Dictionary:
    a type of physical and intellectual activity that is devoid of direct practical expediency and provides the individual with the opportunity for self-realization that goes beyond the scope of his current social...
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    - a type of physical and intellectual activity that is devoid of direct practical expediency and provides the individual with the opportunity for self-realization that goes beyond the scope of his actual...
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    One of the main and oldest forms of aesthetic activity (see: Aesthetics), i.e. non-utilitarian, performed for its own sake and delivering, ...
  • A GAME in the One-Volume Large Legal Dictionary:
    - see gambling...
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    - see Gambling...
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    PURE - see PURE GAME...
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    ADVANCED - the practice of concluding transactions, taking into account the latest amount of information received from brokers and market analysts to ...
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    ON THE YIELD CURVE - making a profit from using changes in the ratio of short-term and long-term interest rates...
  • A GAME in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    ON THE EXCHANGE - carrying out speculative operations on the exchange through the successful purchase and sale of securities and other objects of exchange trading...
  • A GAME in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • A GAME in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
  • A GAME in the Dictionary of Economic Terms:
    ASSETS - gaining cheap access to assets by purchasing securities whose current market price does not reflect the real value of the assets...
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    , a form of activity in conditional situations aimed at recreating and assimilating social experience, fixed in socially fixed ways of implementing objective...
  • A GAME in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    a type of unproductive activity, the motive of which lies not in its results, but in the process itself. In the history of human society intertwined with...
  • A GAME in the Modern Encyclopedic Dictionary:
  • A GAME in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    a type of activity whose motive lies not in its results, but in the process itself. In the history of human society intertwined with magic,...
  • A GAME in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -s, pl. games, games, games, g.1. see play. 2. An activity used for entertainment, recreation, or sports competition. Chess and. Sports...
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    game”, and “games, games”, and “gram, game”, and “gram, game”, and “games, games”, game”, and “grams, games”, ...
  • A GAME in the Dictionary of epithets:
    About hidden (usually unseemly) actions and actions. Unscrupulous, big, nasty, dirty, double, ambiguous, diplomatic, devilish, serpentine, skillful, insidious, deceitful, hypocritical, crafty, ...
  • A GAME in the Anagram Dictionary.
  • A GAME in the Popular Explanatory Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    - "s, pl. "games, games, w. 1) (with whom, at what, only singular) Passing time for the purpose of entertainment, fun, ...
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    The case of both Kasparov and...
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    Syn: performance, ...
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    Syn: performance, ...
  • A GAME in Abramov's Dictionary of Synonyms:
    fun, fun, prank, joke; play. Wed. . See fun, prank || ...
  • A GAME in the New Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
    and. 1) a) An activity for entertainment, relaxation, health promotion, etc. b) Which one. type, method of such activity, based on certain ...
  • A GAME in Ozhegov’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    creating situations typical for the profession and finding practical solutions to them Business and. (simulation of a production situation in order to develop the most ...
  • A GAME in Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    games, many games, w. 1. units only Action according to verb. Play. Children think only about the game, forgetting about their lessons. A game …

Goals :

  • expand students' knowledge about dictionaries,
  • show their diversity and the purpose of each,
  • strengthen skills in working with reference literature,
  • teach how to compose mini-dictionaries.

Progress of the game

  1. Find out words by definitions
  2. Explain the meanings and origins of words
  3. Make definitions
  4. Explain the meanings of phraseological units
  5. Name homonyms

Librarian: You often hear: read carefully, don’t skip pages, don’t get ahead of yourself. Imagine a book that you can start reading from the middle, then look at the end, then return to the beginning, and read several more similar books along with it. Can you guess what they are called?


There are different dictionaries. There are dictionaries that tell us about great people, about historical events, or about natural phenomena, or about inventions. Such dictionaries are called encyclopedic. And there are dictionaries that help us write the word correctly, put emphasis, explain the meaning words. Such dictionaries are called language dictionaries. or linguistic.

What language dictionaries do you know?

Eat " orthographic dictionary(show) it helps us to spell the word correctly.

Dictionary of accents(show) it will help us understand how to correctly say cottage cheese or cottage cheese, shoe or shoe. And how does iris differ from iris, and satin from atlas.

There are dictionaries “Sensible(show) they explain to us, interpret the meaning of the word. Do you think: there are a lot of foreign words in our language? (Answers)

We usually think that foreign words are those words that we do not understand. If I say the sentence “The girl drank tea and ate a sausage sandwich,” will you understand what I mean? Meanwhile, sandwich, sausage, tea, these words came to us from other languages. Which ones you can find out if you look “Dictionary of foreign words”

Sometimes we are interested to know how the names came about, why a cat was called a cat, and an elephant an elephant. This will help us “ Etymological Dictionary". He talks about the origin of words. We can learn, for example, that candy used to be called medicine. And with jeans the sails are made of strong fabric”

Our first meeting with “Explanatory dictionary” The next task is I will read the definitions, and you name the subject

  1. Writing fluid (ink)
  2. Transparent water-soluble paints and a picture painted with such paints (watercolor)
  3. A bound notebook made of thick sheets for drawings (album)
  4. Making a design from pieces of colored paper or fabric glued or sewn onto something (Applique).
  5. Rotating globe model (Globe)
  6. Drawing of the surface of the Earth and other cosmic bodies (Map)
  7. A piece of specially treated rubber for erasing writing (Eraser)
  8. Wooden stick with carbon shaft (Pencil)
  9. Long box for pens, pencils, quills (Pencil case)
  10. Stitched sheets of blank paper in a cover w
  11. A book for learning on any subject (textbook)
  12. Notebook where teachers monitor student progress (Cool magazine)

Teams answer in turns. Correct answer points.

Librarian.: Our teams receive an envelope. In them you will find excerpts from their well-known poems and fairy tales. You must use the dictionaries on your desk to explain the meaning and origin of the highlighted words. If you name the author and title of the work, you get an extra point.

1st team

“Once upon a time there was a sandwich with sausage”

“In the morning I helped my brother, he ate candy in the morning”

“If Kuzka had looked around, he would have seen that no fire was chasing him, but Baba Yaga was flying low and low in the mortar.”

2nd team

“Bake a crumbly pie”

“We need to evict the frog”

“Near Lukomorye there is a green oak tree”


1st team

Sandwich – A slice of bread with cheese, butter, sausage. The word came to us from the German language and means “bread and butter” (Chukovsky “Sandwich”)

Candy – A confectionery product in the form of a tile, ball, or bar. Italian word candy it was once borrowed from the Latin language, which meant “medicine” (Barto “The Helper”)

Baba Yaga - In Russian fairy tales, the evil old woman is a witch. From the Old Russian verb yagat, which means to shout, swear (Alexandrova “Kuzka”)

2nd team

Pie – A baked product made from rolled out dough with filling. Derived from the word “feast”, and at first holiday bread was called pie (Kharms “I wanted to throw a ball”)

Frog - A tailless amphibian with long hind legs adapted for jumping. Initially this name sounded a little different: frog, and it is formed from noun lie, what does “leg” mean? The frog got its name from its long legs. (Barto “Check”)

Lukomorye - in the old days this was the name of the sea bay. The word Lukomorye is derived from the word “luka” (or onion), which means “crooked, curved.” It turns out that Lukomorye is a bend in the sea. (Pushkin “Excerpt from the poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila”)

Librarian: Now you have to solve riddles. And having guessed, make up definitions of the guessed words.

1st team

“A million problems at once
My assistant will decide for me.
He has one huge eye
And a square head" (Computer)

“He's cold, cold inside
A hungry man opens it (Fridge)

“I saw him not in a cage,
Not in a nest or on a branch.
He was standing on the table
I repeated everything I heard " (Record player)

2nd team

You press the buttons (not button accordion)
You speak (not walkie-talkie)
And flies overseas
Information ! (Telephone)

“The whole universe lives in it
But it's an ordinary thing " (TV)

“We don’t sleep during the day.
We don't sleep at night
And day and night
We knock, we knock (Watch)

Librarian“Beat the pot”, “Pound the water in a sieve”, “Give it hot” What are these expressions called? (Answers) They are correctly called phraseological units. What are phraseological units? Who will define it? (Answers) Now we have to meet “Phraseological Dictionary”

I will read you an interesting story. Each team will then receive an excerpt from the story. Your task is to mark all the phraseological units that you come across and explain their meaning.

1st team

“The magpies found a piece of cheese in the forest. Without remembering myself joy, joy become keep advice, where to hide it to protect it from crows. Crows are famous cheese lovers; grandfather Krylov wrote about this. Already, apparently smelled it find, here one is spinning, another, a third. Just in case they drag him away in broad daylight from under your nose.

2nd team

“The magpies were arguing and chirping, and the cheese was lying under the bush Where. no matter what fox. Ate cheese quietly and left as if nothing had happened. Retired away from sin. The magpies grabbed her, and she was already there gone cold.And forty meters rightly so: it wasn’t necessary raven counting

Preliminary results.

Librarian:.Now I will read one funny poem. And you have to say what is unusual about it.

“When I got into the taxi, the dachshund asked
What is the fare?
And the driver - money from taxes
We don't take it at all
That's it, sir!” (Answers)

Librarian:. The correct words in this poem are words that are spelled the same but have different meanings. Dachshund is a fixed fee and Dachshund is a breed of dog. Who knows what these words are called? (Answers). They are called homonyms.

  1. And the prickly animal and the hairstyle (Hedgehog)
  2. And the coin and the treetop (Crown)
  3. And darkening on the face and formations in the Sun (Spots)
  4. And fruit and boxing accessory (Pear)
  5. Huge snake and part of a sleigh (Poloz)
  6. And the postal and monetary unit of Germany until 2000. (Mark)
  7. The title of monarch in eastern countries and the move in chess (Check)
  8. Both the disease and the inhabitant of reservoirs (Cancer)
  9. And sports equipment and vegetables (Onion)
  10. What is under our feet and one of the planets of the solar system (Earth)

Correct answer points.

Summing up. Awards.


  1. Arsiriy A.T. Entertaining materials on the Russian language: Book. for students / Edited by L.P. Krysina.- M.: Education, 1995.- 383 p.: ill. (With.
  2. Zhukov V.P., Zhukov A.V. School phraseological dictionary of the Russian language - M.: Education, 1989-383p.
  3. Elkina N.V., Tarabarina T.I. 1000 riddles. Popular manual for parents and teachers - Yaroslavl: Development Academy, 1997-224s
  4. Riddles. Tongue twisters. Favorite poems / Compiled by V.I. Lunin – M.: AST-PRESS, 1999 – 368 p., ill.
  5. Ozhegov. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language - M.: Az, 1992 -960 p.
  6. Ushakova. Etymological dictionary of a schoolchild - St. Petersburg: Publishing House “Litera”, 2007.-96

Message on the topic:

"Didactic games in Russian lessons

language when teaching spelling."

Prepared by a primary school teacher

MOBUG No. 2 Novokubansk

Matveeva Svetlana Yakovlevna

Teaching spelling in primary school is always one of the most important tasks. When preparing for a Russian language lesson, the teacher is faced with questions: how to help the student write correctly? how to develop spelling vigilance and achieve high-quality results for students learning spelling rules.

Didactic games help in solving this problem, allowing you to see and perceive spelling rules, algorithms for their application, and methods for checking spelling.

Famous teachers K. D. Ushinsky, S. T. Shatsky, V. A. Sukhomlinsky, L. S. Vygotsky, D. B. Elkonin and others studied the effectiveness of didactic games.

A didactic game is a teaching tool, so it can be used to study any program material. The game allows the student to develop the ability for self-determination, to engage in educational activities and forms of communication with other people. It teaches educational independence, develops the ability to learn with desire, and perform self-analysis of one’s own life. The game allows you to provide the required number of repetitions on different materials. And this is self-development based on the subconscious, mind and creativity. The use of didactic games helps to increase the strength and quality of knowledge acquisition, motivation to learn, and interest in the subject. The didactic game must correspond to the content of the topic being studied, the goals and objectives of the lesson.

It is impossible not to note the educational significance of didactic games. They cultivate goodwill, initiative, and efficiency in students; stimulate and activate cognitive processes: thinking, memory, imagination; create conditions for the formation of positive motivation for educational activities, which helps to improve the quality of students’ knowledge.

The use of didactic games teaches one to establish similarities and differences, connections between phenomena, boldly defend one’s point of view, and look for additional sources of information.

It should be remembered that the formation of spelling literacy depends on the level of spelling vigilance, on the ability to find spelling patterns, identify them and self-check what is written. Spelling vigilance develops as a result of targeted, systematic exercises that ensure the perception and memorization of spelling patterns. Students must know the rule and the algorithm for its application.

I offer several games.

"The most attentive"

Write down the sentences written on the cards using capital letters where necessary.

Seryozha is not afraid of frost. Vitya cornflowers picked a bouquet of cornflowers. Ivanova Pole was returning from the field. Lev starlings made a house for starlings.

"Necessary Nut"

Help the squirrel take the necessary nuts - words (one squirrel collects words with an unstressed vowel a in the root, and the other - with o or i - e). Explain the spelling.

Rains, trunks, kindness, starlings, path, wave, gatehouse, carpet, country, grass, steel, eye, shepherd, heat, skating rink, brave man.

"Put the flowers in the vase"

Place flowers - words in vases. In one vase there are words with ь, in the other without ь. Explain the spelling. Which vase has more flowers?

Help, lily of the valley, print, landscape, youth, brochure, strongman, violinist, comrade..

"Wheel of Consoles"

A wheel is depicted, with prefixes written on it in a circle. Using the wheel, students form words: ran - ran, ran across, ran away, ran away, ran out, etc.

"Put the fish in the aquarium"

Two aquariums, on one there is a sign - sn-, -zn-, on the other - stn-, -zdn-. Fish - words must be placed in the correct aquarium.

Words: starry, sad, holiday, dangerous, wonderful, terrible, whistled, late, useful, formidable, interesting.

"Best Striker"

An image of three gates on which the generic endings of adjectives are written: 1) -y, -y, 2) -aya, -yaya, 3) – oe, -ee.

Delicious.. apple, leather.. ball, spring.. sun, neat.. girl, home.. work, sweet.. pie, blue.. dress, morning.. dawn.

Game "Letter Got Lost"

Target: learn to distinguish consonant sounds and letters by ear and writing, develop attention, wit, and resourcefulness.

Description. Before the teacher begins to read the poem, he asks the children to listen carefully to all the words and, where an error is made, pronounce the correct word in unison.

It is unknown how it happened

Only the letter got lost:

Dropped into someone's house

And he rules it.

But I barely got there

Naughty letter

Stranger Things

Things started to happen.

The hunter shouted: “Oh!

D Believe me, they’re chasing me!”

In front of the kids

Kry With The painters are painting.

Throwing the doll out of my hands,

Masha rushes to her mother:

There's green creeping there l uk

With a long mustache!

They say one fisherman

I caught a shoe in the river,

But then he

Got hooked d ohm

Look at this, guys:

R they grew up in the garden!

The snow is melting, the stream is flowing,

The branches are full V crabs.

We collected cornflowers -

On our heads sch enki.

Old Grandpa Pakhom

On ko h e rode on horseback.

Bug boo d I didn’t finish it:

Reluctantly, tired of it.

On yellowed leaves

Drops le V your foliage.

Mom with b I went with glasses

On the road along the village.

Misha didn’t cut the wood,

stove To he drowned with epoxy.

The sea turns blue before us,

They fly m aiki over the waves.

L. Shibaev

Game "Typography"

Goals: expand children's vocabulary; develop ingenuity, thinking, erudition.

Note. The teacher can offer children any key word in terms of letter composition and interpretation, corresponding to a particular age of the children.

Description. Two teams of 8 people each take part in the game. For the participants in the game, you need to prepare two sets of cards with letters that form the word “literate”. The cards of one set differ from the other in color. The teams line up one against the other, each player has a card with a letter that he must remember. The teacher names one after another the words that can be made from the letters included in the word “letter”. For example: hero, sea, theme, thunder, atom, company, March, mountain, grotto, volume, mouth, din, magician, bargaining and others. Team members whose letters are included in the word called by the teacher take a step forward and line up so that each word can be read. The team whose representatives “form the word” faster is awarded a point. Then the players return to their seats and wait for the next word to be called. The team with the most points wins.

To make cards, you can choose other words in which all the letters are different. For example, from the word “file” you can make the following words: drops, paws, packs, sticky. From the word “tributary” - portico, tropic and others. For each class, words are selected that correspond in level of difficulty to the age of the students.

Game "Words on the topic"

Goals: to develop logical speech and thinking of students, to contribute to the creation of a favorable climate for collective and competitive work of children.

Note. With each age category, the given topics become more complex by the teacher.

Description. The teacher asks the children to choose words related to a specific topic, for example: “The house where I live”, “Our school”, “A walk in the forest”, “At the grocery store”. The one who starts the game names all the words that he can remember (words that are not related to the topic are not written down). Then the teacher invites other children to add to this list. When all the additions have been made, the teacher invites someone to name at least one more word related to the topic that has not been named before. The winner is the one who named the most words, as well as the one who added the last one to the already named words.

After this, the players begin to select words for another topic.

Game of Fives

Goals: learn to combine words into a general topic, develop the ability to interact with team members.

Description. 25-30 people can participate in the game. Depending on the number of participants, it is necessary to prepare cards with words (or drawings) on certain topics: “Plants”, “Animal World”, “School Supplies”, “Vehicles” and others. For each topic, 5 words or pictures are selected. The cards are shuffled and distributed to the players. The tasks of the players: unite in groups of 5 people, so that in each group everyone has cards on the same topic. Finding among all the playing owners of cards with the necessary words (or pictures) is not at all easy. The first five, who correctly selected the words (pictures) and came to the teacher, receive six points, the second - five points, etc.

The teacher can announce the topics on which the A's should unite when all the cards have been distributed. But you don’t have to name the topics - let the guys guess for themselves. The game will be more difficult, but more interesting.

Game "Let's Play Words"

Target: expand the vocabulary and speech of students, their understanding of the richness of their native language, the possibility of composing (adding) many words from the same word.

1. Guess the word that needs to be entered in the cells to get new words:

2. Guess the word that needs to be entered into the cells to get new ones

Answers. 1) fox; 2) chalk; 3) onion; 4) port; 5) goal; 6) anthem.

Note: You can offer assignments to teams, you can use this form for individual work by students.

Game "Parade of Literacy"

Exercise: determine whether everything in these statements is correct; put all the sentences in order.

The cat ran quickly on one leg.

She was so frightened that she fainted.

The painting depicts a middle-aged student.

His right cheek smiled cheerfully.

My father was walking towards me. The girl and the dog barked joyfully.

The younger sister wore a scarf on her head, the older sister wore boots.

He mounted his horse and rode off on foot.

He went to bed and slept as hard as he could.

When my friend was drowning, I rushed to save him because he was wearing my swimming trunks.

My friend has a snub nose that blends smoothly into his neck.

Some monkeys hang upside down in trees.

When the fog cleared, the prince saw the Tatar-Mongol yoke.

The hunter closed his eyes wide and fired.

We slept, but we couldn't sleep.

Repin walked along the banks of the Neva and saw barge haulers on the Volga.

The boy licked his lips to his ears.

My favorite corner of nature is the sun.

There were a lot of pigeons on the roof, about forty people.

During breaks we rode along the railings from the first to the third floor.

Shyly smiling with only his eyes, he sniffed with one nose.

Misha looked in the mirror for a long time until he recognized his face.

He wanted to say something, but his tongue was dumbfounded.

A shot rang out and he was wounded in the right head.

A boy and a girl entered the class; they were brothers.

The Northern Ocean is very icy.

Darwin worked on his theory like a beast.

His face was oval, like a right angle.

I felt at home in my boots.

Vova has a black eye, which suits him very well.

He had a sword with one cartridge.

Sister loves to help her sister Tanya when she eats chocolate.

I love books so much that I even read them.

Finally we saw a birch grove where there were only oak trees.

Various ideas came to my mind, but the best ones settled on a jar of strawberry jam.

He was very scared, and his soul went into his shoes.

I quickly stood in one place.

Behind the numerous freckles on his face, it was impossible to discern his character traits.

His white teeth peeked out from under his black curls.

Suddenly he heard someone's gaze.

Olya ate a bagel with the dog running next to her.

And then he took a knife and shot himself.

There was something blue behind the bush.

He recognized her by the mole on her right nose.

Having fallen asleep, sitting on a horse, Sergei merrily sang a song.

His ears stick out in all directions.

His favorite time of the year was the holidays.

Thoughts, as luck would have it, did not want to think.

I was so cold that I was sweating.

On the left the forest is sparse but dense.

At first his forehead began to sweat, and then a lump appeared.

A thought struck me.

Seryozha’s hands itched on his knees.

Sasha left to the loud mooing of the entire class.

He hit his head hard and limped for a long time.

Game "Collect words"

Exercise: connect the words in the columns so that new words appear.

Problems with letters and words “Down the stairs”

Exercise: select words as their letter number increases (that is, the steps of the ladder increase) and get a vocabulary ladder.










social activist






enemy fortification

Game "Friendly Family"

Goals: consolidate the concept of parts of speech, practice composing examples (words) denoting all parts of speech.

Description.“Friendly family” is ten parts of speech. The presenter calls a word consisting of 10 letters. For example, literature. You need to write it down vertically and select a word (part of speech) for each letter.

L- whether - particle.

AND- or - union.

T- three hundred is a numeral.

E- go - verb.

R- joyfully - adverb.

A- a - union.

T- that is a pronoun.

U- u - preposition.

R- pink - adjective.

A- ah - interjection.

Another example with the word is hard work.

T- you are a pronoun.

R- is it a particle?

U- to be surprised is a verb.

D- ten is a numeral.

ABOUT- oh - interjection.

L- easy - adverb.

YU- spinning top - noun.

B- without - preposition.

AND- or - union.

E- unctuous - adjective.

Game "Find the numbers"

Exercise: read funny poems by Wanda Khotomskaya. Indicate the numerals: how many are there, in which words are they found?

We have three ses three tsy.

Don't you know them?

How would I like your ears three there is

Talk about three.

The one in C three jove,

I lived above the window with three and.

WITH three whose craftswoman she is -

Come see her, baby!

The other one, in Us three tsakh,

No mustache three no,

But then three Well

Served for lunch!

And the third, in Bys three tse,

Bys three on on the river,

And they frolic three tones

At night on the sand.

About one hundred th watchman -

Not about one hundred city ​​house:

Cha one hundred there's a centipede in it

Wanders under one hundred scrap.

Treasured one hundred leg

Chi one hundred toe legs

AND one hundred personal polish

Cleans one hundred boot.

Together one hundred two are not easy

Clean everything one hundred,

Straightaway one hundred only shoes

Nobody wore it!

About one hundred th one hundred legs

One hundred let's stand,

You can have one hundred legs

Learn from experience!

Translation by L. Kondratenko

Game “Who can make up the most words?”

Goals: expand vocabulary, develop observation, attentiveness, thinking.

Guys! Help me read the words that have been composed. I guess that there was a fox here, she wagged her fluffy tail and mixed up all the words. It’s not for nothing that people say about a fox: “It wags its tail and covers all its tracks.”

In this game, the one who composes the most words wins.

(Words: perch, cat, whale, movie, window, note, etc.)