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Self-teaching English. How to learn English at home: the most detailed instruction

How to start learning English on your own?

This question can be asked by two categories of people: very, very beginners and those who have some kind of weathered base since school days. So let's immediately separate: beginners - to the left (more precisely, we read further this article), and those who studied - to the right and. Because the recipe will be different for you.

Now for you newbies only: this article is about your route from beginner to elementary. Together with Olga Sinitsyna, Head of the Methodology Department, we described each step in detail and collected all the necessary links. This is the most complete article on the topic. It is for those who want to do everything themselves.

Content of the article: learning English on your own from scratch

1. Alphabet: learn English from scratch on your own and for free

Pay attention to the patterns and differences of the sound system as a whole: there are almost no soft consonants in English, there are long / short and wide / narrow vowels, etc. To deal with all this, .

3. First words: learn English on your own from scratch for free online

Since sounds need to be learned as part of a word, at the very first stage you will learn your first English words. You need to start with simple words that are used in everyday life.

6. Learn English grammar for beginners

In parallel with reading and learning whole phrases, you need to deal with grammar. But not in theory, do not delve into it by itself - learn useful English phrases and, using their own example, delve into the essence of grammatical rules. How it works, .

Also watch the video on how to learn grammar for a beginner

Let's take a look at what exactly you need to understand and remember at the initial level:

Articles. They are not in Russian at all. The article is a functional word that is used together with a noun:

an apple (apple)

We have used the indefinite article here. an because the word starts with a vowel. If the word begins with a consonant, then the article will be - a.

a dog (dog)

But in addition to the indefinite article, there is also a definite - the. The video will also help you understand the articles:

Plural. Learn the rules for pluralizing nouns. This is usually done by adding the -s suffix:

a cat - cats (cat - cats)

Order of words in a sentence. In English, it is strict: first comes the subject, then the predicate, then the other members of the sentence:

I love my job. (I love my job)

In an interrogative sentence, the word order is already different and an auxiliary verb is added:

Do I love my job? (I love my job?)

Understanding these subtleties will help you.

There must be a verb. Without a verb, an English sentence simply cannot exist. And where there is no verb in Russian,.

I am a doctor. (I am a doctor or I There is doctor, literally)

Features of the system of times. There are three tenses in English, like ours: present, past and future. But each tense has four forms, and students are constantly confused in them. You do not need to immediately plunge into this chaos, .

Imperative mood when you tell another person what to do. In English, it is formed simply:

love me! (Love me!) Do it! (Do this one)

And other topics: degrees of comparison of adjectives, regular and irregular verbs, turnover there is - there are. The entire list of topics And so you and I will gradually get to elementary.

7. Comprehensively, from all sides: how to learn English on your own from scratch

All this - words, phrases, grammar - needs to be pumped from 4 sides: listening, writing, speaking and reading. We have collected and described for you independent exercises and materials for working on each skill:

Your level is now zero or beginner. On average, it takes 90-100 hours of practice to reach the next level. Immediately decide how many hours a day you are ready to practice? If by the hour, then in 3 - 3.5 months you should reach the elementary level. If half an hour, then multiply the time by two. So mark this period as a deadline.

Now break down that huge goal of “achieving elementary level” into specific and very clear goals like “learn to express thoughts in the present tense”, “learn the 100 most common words”, “read a book in English”. Plan these tasks according to specific deadlines.

Be sure to read! Or watch the video:

9. And then what? How to learn English on your own at home from scratch quickly

Learn English on your own online from scratch

Now you have a clear plan of action. All in your hands. If you need simulators for practicing English, then. When registering, we will determine your level of English, together we will choose the goal. And after that, the service will throw up daily activities for practice: vocabulary and grammar training, short stories for reading, video and audio for beginners. Let's break through together. 🙂

In the modern world, the importance of knowing English is undeniable, so more and more people are striving to master this language. At the same time, many beginners who have never studied English before are lost from the variety of methods and textbooks. In this article, we will tell you which English textbook to choose, how to maintain motivation and organize the learning process, what to pay special attention to so that knowledge is confident and skills are brought to automatism.

Zero doesn't exist!

Talking about zero knowledge of English is not entirely legitimate, because in the Russian language there are countless borrowings and related words that everyone understands. For example, the words "information", "radio", "music", "sister", "bank" and others will be intuitively familiar to you. This means that a certain amount of foreign vocabulary will be given to you without the slightest effort. Not so scary anymore, right?

How to keep motivated?

Learning a foreign language from scratch is not an easy task. After a couple of sessions, it may seem to you that this iceberg of rules and exceptions will never succumb to you. Think of those who started out just like you and progressed to an advanced level. You can do it too, believe in yourself! Passion for the subject is your key to success. One needs English for work, another for travel, and a third for self-improvement. Everyone has their own incentives, but it is best if there are several of them at once.

With whom to study?

Today, learning English from scratch is possible in many ways:

  • individual lessons with a teacher;
  • group lessons;
  • skype training;
  • independent study.

The most effective will be classes with a teacher. Individually or with a group (5-7 people), you will go through the necessary material at an optimal pace. It is important to find a qualified teacher with whom you will be interested. Believe me, the enthusiasm and love of the teacher for English will certainly inspire you to conquer the peak called "English".

If you choose group training, make sure that the group is not too large. Otherwise, the teacher simply will not be able to pay enough attention to each "student". Classes in English in groups have one important plus - a person is, as they say, among his own, the same beginners as himself. Making progress in a friendly atmosphere is much easier, especially since an experienced teacher will support a slightly playful direction of the lessons.

Independent study of English from scratch

For those who, for one reason or another, have chosen the path of self-learning, it will be more difficult. You constantly need to spur interest, not give up and not be lazy. And the hardest thing to start...

Where to start preparing?

1. Choice of technique:

Nowadays, there are many methods of learning English from scratch. Choose for yourself the one that suits you, and with which you will be pleased to work.

2. Selection of teaching aids:

The zero level will not allow you to immediately take on foreign textbooks, so get publications from trusted domestic authors. Suitable, for example, Golitsinsky or Bonk. Later, you should turn to well-known British publications: Headway, Hotline, True to Life, Language in Use, Blueprint.

A good manual boasts a fair amount of theory and practical exercises, developing reading, writing and speaking skills in equal measure. When buying a textbook, make sure that its structure meets your requirements: vocabulary, grammar, topics. The rules should be stated clearly and informatively, and colorful illustrations, additional tables, etc. give an important advantage over boring black and white editions.

3. The choice of time for classes and their duration:

It is best to study English at the same time: if you are a morning person, devote the morning hours to classes; owls absorb material better in the evening.

To learn a foreign language effectively, you must study every day - you can afford no more than one day off per week! The optimal duration of one "lesson" is 60-90 minutes, while you can rest 5-10 minutes in the middle of the lesson.

4. Comfortable conditions for classes:

Provide yourself with maximum comfort during classes: a cozy atmosphere, a pleasant background, the absence of external stimuli. All this will help you abstract from reality and completely immerse yourself in the world of language.

5. Don't overdo it!

Once you've chosen the best pace for learning new topics, stick to it and don't try to cover several difficult sections at once. Over time, you will achieve more intensive study, but at the initial stage it is undesirable to rush.

6. Constantly repeat the material covered:

Regular repetition is the key to consolidating knowledge and improving skills. Even if you have studied quite a bit so far, practice your knowledge every free minute - in transport, during morning exercises, at lunchtime, before going to bed, etc. Try to talk to yourself, saying out loud or to yourself words, constructions, sentences. If possible, feel free to talk to someone who speaks English. Having mastered the base, find a pen pal who is a native speaker.

How to study English on your own?

The English language has a well-coordinated structure, and you should start learning this system from the basics. The first thing you need to learn is the alphabet and pronunciation. Without knowledge of the alphabet, it will not be possible to write or read, and a distorted pronunciation can completely change the meaning of the statement. Do not neglect the practice of oral speech, because in order to become fluent in spoken English, you need to practice as often as possible.


Undoubtedly, at first you will have to read a lot: rules, examples and simple texts. Reading grammatically correct sentences gives an excellent result - vocabulary and grammatical structures are memorized. Visual perception is the main source of new information, and regular reading of English-language texts is necessary at any stage of language learning.


When learning English from scratch, understanding a text through listening may seem impossible. It's actually a great reading aid. Sound accompaniment to tasks will help you learn how to pronounce a particular sound or word. By following the text with your eyes and listening to it at the same time, you can kill two birds with one stone. Gradually expanding the boundaries of your knowledge, try to close the textbook and listen to the text again. At first, only some words will be clear to you, and then sentences. This is the only way to learn listening comprehension, which will still play a significant role in learning.

Listening to English-language songs and watching films, including those with subtitles, keep the beginner in good shape and increase motivation, subtly dipping a person into an authentic atmosphere. It will be very useful to watch your favorite movie in the original, which you know almost by heart in Russian. A familiar plot will make it easier for you to understand the characters' lines in English, and you will also be able to see a lively and modern, rather than a purely bookish language.


Any new material must be worked out in writing! With all the convenience of modern computer programs that offer to insert a suitable word instead of a gap, they are not suitable for those who have just started learning English from scratch. The method of writing down in a regular notebook is more effective: performing written exercises allows you to hone your knowledge, bringing it to automatism. First, you will learn how to correctly express thoughts on paper, and only after that you will be able to confidently use them in speech.


Oral practice is an integral part of learning a foreign language. The ability to read and translate does not mean being able to speak English fluently. Beautiful and fluent speech is the dream of any beginner, but in order to fulfill it, you need to constantly practice it. If you do not have an "experimental" interlocutor, train on yourself! For example, talk to yourself in front of a mirror, try to tell in as much detail as possible how your day went. Going through a new topic, invent a new name, profession and past for yourself - create a fictional character. Such a playful moment will provide you with the necessary variety for oral topics.

You can do even better by combining reading or listening with speaking. After you read the text or listen to the audio recording, try to retell the content aloud (or in writing as an option). Such a presentation will help train memory and thinking, teach you to retell in your own words, and therefore speak English fluently.


The study of foreign vocabulary begins with the simplest and most frequently used words:

  • nouns (eg, a house, a man, an apple);
  • adjectives (eg big, great, good);
  • verbs (e.g. to do, to be, to get);
  • pronouns (eg, I, he, her);
  • numerals (e.g. one, ten, the fifth).

Mindless cramming is not suitable for those who really want to know English. Undoubtedly, international words are most quickly remembered, and the rest are best combined with already familiar lexical units. For example, "a big dog", "an interesting film". It is better to memorize set expressions in their entirety, for example, "to make a mistake", "to do one" s best ".

When memorizing lexical units, special attention should be paid not only to their meaning, but also to pronunciation. That is why it is at the initial stage of learning English that it is important to learn how to correctly interpret the transcription of a word and firmly master the rules for pronouncing certain letter combinations, for example, "th", "ng". Also, set aside a separate lesson to study the features of an open and closed syllable, and you will save a lot of time on constantly looking at dictionary transcription.


Knowledge of the set of grammatical rules of the English language is perhaps even a little more essential than the richness of vocabulary. If ignorance of a certain word can easily get away with you, then the inability to use tenses and constructions will instantly betray you as a layman.

You need to start studying English grammar with the order of words in a sentence, because the correctness and meaning of the statement depends on it. Then you can move on to mastering the tenses of the Simple / Indefinite group (Present, Past, Future). The next sections will be Continous/Progressive and Perfect tenses. Important elements of your knowledge will be constructions "to be going to" and numerous modal verbs (for example, "must", "have to", "can").

English from scratch some come faster and easier, others a little slower and with more effort. Nevertheless, with motivation and quality teaching aids, anyone can master the English language. At the initial stage, it is especially important to pay attention to all aspects of the language as a whole. An integrated approach is the key to successful study and acquisition of solid knowledge and skills.

Just imagine: today English is the main language for more than 335 million people! Over one and a half billion of the world's population speak it fluently!

Do you know why learning English online is so crazy popular?

Perhaps in the fact that before us, like hospitable doors, such exciting opportunities open up:

  • travel freely across different countries, significantly saving money on the services of translators;
  • ✔ claim for getting a high paying job or career growth
  • make new acquaintances and connections in foreign countries;
  • ✔ read books and watch movies in original soundtrack And so on.
  • Surely you will also have something to add to this list!

We all want to be fluent in English.

We all dream to communicate on it and feel confident and comfortable.

We all know that English is a symbol of success.

But not everyone is able to constantly go to courses or hire a private tutor.

I ended up in the States without planning to live there… and once I got there, I had to learn English from scratch! It's not easy, especially when you're over 40! But the desire won everything and the result is already there!

— Victor, student of BistroEnglish

The real way out is to teach English for beginners online according to the author's method.

What are the real benefits of learning English online?

First of all, you can learn this language online both for a fee and for free, for adults and children. Both video and audio lessons. There are no age or location restrictions.

This training approach has a number of advantages over other methods:

- Studying at home with video lessons, you yourself create a lesson schedule that is convenient for you;

- You can watch online in your free time, without looking up from household chores or work.

– You can study in a cafe, office, driving a car, airport, etc.;

- You can learn English online both with a Russian-speaking teacher and with a native speaker - all this with the help of video lessons and audio lessons;

- The frequency of classes can also be selected individually, depending on your schedule.

– You quickly memorize new words, expressions due to bright pictures and video inserts;

- Bright and visual images in the video course provide faster memorization of previously unfamiliar concepts;

– And, of course, you can always go back and watch some lesson again!

Teaching English for beginners online on your own at BistroEnglish - what's interesting?

1. Online English courses for beginners are built according to a clear scheme.

Each next lesson reinforces the knowledge and skills already acquired.

2. The maximum lesson duration is 25 30 minutes.

During this time, you have time to effectively learn the language and at the same time not get tired.

3. The presence of a constant repetition of the material covered, which allows you to remember all the necessary information of the lesson for a long time.

4. In addition to video lessons, there is a mini-course of audio lessons, voiced by both a Russian-speaking teacher and native speakers. Thus, you develop both the ability to speak and understanding of speech.

I visualize knowledge, it is much more convenient for me to see a teacher / person, for better assimilation of the material. Therefore, I prefer to study on video lessons and, when I have time, on Skype. I use audio as an additional material. Everything together works great - every week I'm getting closer to my goal.

— Andrey, student of the English in 4 Weeks 2in1 program

Like other methods, fast online learning of English involves 4 ways of perception:

Vision. Many people have a developed visual memory, so images contribute to a better perception of information.
Hearing. The speech of a real native English speaker ensures effective memorization of the correct pronunciation.
Letter. During the performance of written tasks, the body perceives information at the visual and tactile levels.
Speech. Repeated pronunciation of a phrase or word contributes to the development of muscle memory of speech organs.

All of the above can turn learning English from monotonous uninteresting activities into a pleasant pastime.

At the same time, the cost of this training is several times less compared to regular courses, and the assimilation of knowledge is much faster due to the individual nature of the classes.

The teacher is not distracted by extraneous things and other students, respectively, precious time is not wasted.

It's never too late to start learning English. This can be done not only in childhood, but also at any other age. The main thing is the desire of the student himself, his willingness to work on the task, as well as the effectiveness of the chosen methodology. If you practice regularly and use the right training tactics, you can quickly get the first results.

How to start learning English?

Before starting classes, it is useful to decide on the purpose of training, the time and format of the lessons. This will help you choose the right technique and work more efficiently. So, at the preliminary stage, you can ask yourself a few questions:

  • For what? The purpose of learning is one of the most important aspects. It can be anything from moving to another country or having to take an exam to wanting to watch your favorite movie in the original language. If the student has a goal, it will be easier for him to stay motivated and overcome the difficulties that will inevitably arise when learning English from scratch. In addition, a specific task will tell you what to pay more attention to when training.
  • How? You can study a foreign language on your own or with a teacher. Each method has its own characteristics. With independent studies, you have to take control over the process yourself - select textbooks and exercises, monitor the regularity of lessons. The most difficult aspect is the evaluation of the results, because it is not always possible to notice your own mistakes. Learning English from scratch with the help of a teacher is much easier. You can study in a group or individually with a tutor.
  • When? Many modern people constantly lack free time - they need to study, work, communicate with family and friends, relax, etc. Finding a place for English in a busy schedule can be difficult. To solve this problem, it is useful to carefully analyze the schedule - maybe you can get up early, find 20-30 minutes in the evening or even at lunchtime. You can also start learning English on weekends - the process will take longer, but with regular classes and the right attitude, it will also bring results.

In the first lessons, they usually learn the alphabet (what the letters are called and how they are written), and then the rules of reading. Mastering these basics allows the student to start reading individual phrases and small dialogues, gradually moving on to more serious texts. It is useful to immediately get acquainted with the transcription - this will help you quickly learn how to pronounce an unfamiliar word. There are quite a few exceptions to the rules of reading in English, so being able to check the transcription is always helpful.

2. Master the grammar

English classes for beginners from scratch necessarily include the study of the basics of grammar. These are important rules by which speech is built. Without them, it is almost impossible not only to understand the texts, but also to compose sentences on your own. When mastering grammatical norms, you do not need to try to remember everything at once. There are a lot of rules, so a beginner will quickly get confused in them. To master the material gradually (from simple to complex), you need to choose a good textbook in which grammar will be given consistently and clearly.

3. Build vocabulary

Mastering new vocabulary is another important component that is always present in learning English for beginners. The larger the vocabulary, the easier it is to read texts, understand native speakers and speak independently. Vocabulary can be learned in different ways. Sometimes the traditional way is practiced - lists of words are selected and memorized. However, it is not very efficient. To remember something new, it is important to associate it with something (with a specific situation, with an image, etc.). To facilitate the study of vocabulary will allow the use of illustrated teaching materials, videos. It is useful and easy to select vocabulary by topic and gradually master it through reading thematic texts and doing exercises. It is also important which words to remember. For those who are just starting to learn the language, basic common vocabulary (names of household items, products, weather phenomena; main verbs, etc.) will be useful.

4. Learn pronunciation

All sounds of the English language are more or less different from Russian, so their training should be given special attention. Moreover, this should be done at the very first stages of training.

Mastering the correct pronunciation can be a challenge for those who start learning a language from a basic level or from scratch. To get results, you can use:

  • video and audio materials,
  • articulation schemes,
  • tongue twisters for practice.

Putting the correct English speech completely on your own is difficult. At this stage, it is important to interact with a teacher, a native speaker or another person who can point out errors in speech in time and correct them.

5. Start Practicing Immediately

The main goal of learning any language is its use. That is why practice is extremely important for those who are learning English from scratch. It is important already in the first lessons to try to speak on your own, using the simplest phrases. It is easier to hone your speaking skills if you study in a group or with a tutor. Work on written speech should also not be postponed. First, you can write individual words and expressions. As you master grammar and vocabulary, try to make more and more complex sentences or even separate texts.

6. Use online resources

There are many materials on the Internet that will help you learn English from scratch. Among them:

  • helpful articles and tips
  • visual tables and diagrams,
  • ready video tutorials,
  • exercises on various topics
  • and much more.

There are thousands of resources on the network that specialize in this particular topic, so finding the right option will not be difficult. The Internet can also be used as a convenient platform for practicing writing and speaking skills. English-language forums and social networks will help you find interlocutors from anywhere in the world and get as much communication as you need.

7. Install mobile apps

Applications for mobile devices allow you to study English anywhere and anytime. This can be convenient for those who spend a lot of time on public transport or just want to use every free minute. There are many applications with different capabilities, so the choice is quite large. You can find simple programs that allow you to learn new words. Others have wider functionality - they help to set pronunciation, master grammar. Some applications include exercises to test knowledge.

If you are new to English, but you have a desire and a firm decision to learn it, then, for sure, the question arose before you: where to start learning English? In this article, we offer you some tips and solutions on how to get started, how to start learning English, etc.

How to start learning English on your own?

Everything new or what we encounter for the first time often causes a slight fright and confusion. No need to be afraid. It is important to believe that you will succeed, because you will put maximum effort and effort into this.

English is not inherently difficult at all. Here is not such a complex grammar, as, for example, in Russian or German, not to mention the eastern languages, whose writing consists of hieroglyphs. So, we want to offer some recommendations on where to start and how to learn English more effectively.

This is the first question you will have. So, you have firmly decided to study English and you are sure that you want it and you need it. Well, this is the beginning! And a very good start!

Now set yourself up in the most positive way, connect a smile and a good mood. Believe me, this is already half the success. Keep this attitude as you begin each activity.

If you decide to study on your own, then first make yourself a small schedule of your classes. The effectiveness of such classes lies in the fact that these lessons are regular, preferably daily. Let your lesson be ten minutes, but every day, than an hour twice a week (as is done at school). If you have more free time and opportunity, then devote an hour or a half a day to the language and the results will please you very soon.

As for the schedule of your classes, you can distribute one section per day: Monday - reading, Tuesday - writing, Wednesday - grammar, Thursday - listening to audio recordings etc. But it is better if all these sections are included in one lesson every day, devoting 5-10 minutes to each area of ​​the language. Thus, you will train everything at once, you will not forget anything until the next lesson, and all this will be stored in your memory.

What is needed for a beginner?

So, we have a schedule, let's go directly to the classes. Consider what each English lesson should consist of if you study it on your own.

  • Firstly, reading

Read texts, dialogues, articles. Reading trains visual memory and pronunciation. After reading the text, translate it simultaneously, try to understand what it is about, look for unfamiliar words in the dictionary. IMPORTANT! Always work out loud, read aloud, you should hear how you pronounce the words. With any foreign language it is necessary to work aloud.

  • Secondly, vocabulary work

This is one of the most important aspects in learning a foreign language. After all, by learning new words, we thereby replenish our vocabulary. Write down from the text with which you are working, a few words unfamiliar to you. Translate them with a dictionary, write down the transcription, read them several times; closing the notebook, try to reproduce them from memory. Do not try to learn 40-50 words in one lesson, it does not make any sense. At most 5-6 words will remain in your memory. It is better to work with 10 words that will remain in your memory. To better learn new words, make sentences with them, short dialogues.

  • Third, translation

A literal translation is needed for beginners, because every new word is important for beginners. But gradually, in the course of working with the language, try to translate synchronously, capturing the general meaning of the text. It is important not to translate word for word, but to understand what the text is about. Cling to two or three familiar words in a sentence and use them to translate the entire sentence. However, this does not cancel the dictionary work (see the previous paragraph)! Translation can be general, but you need to work with words separately. Remember that you need to translate not only from English into Russian, but vice versa.

How to start learning English for beginners?
  • Fourth, letter

Write in English as much as possible. Make sentences, write vocabulary dictations, just rewrite some pieces of text. This trains your visual memory, and you better remember the spelling of words and whole sentences.

  • Fifth, listening

Spend 10-15 minutes of your session listening to cassettes and discs with dialogues with lyrics and songs in English, watching excerpts from English-language films, etc. This allows you to hear English pronunciation and try to reproduce it.

By following these points, you will make your classes productive, efficient and effective.

How to practice speaking?

If you study a foreign language, then you understand that knowing a language means speaking it. Therefore, it is essential to pay attention to the oral aspect. If you are learning English on your own, then retelling will help you here. Read the text aloud several times. Then try to retell it. For starters, let them be short texts, gradually move on to longer ones, and then to stories, etc.

To make it easier for you at first, make a short outline of the text that you should retell. Speak out loud, listen to yourself. Over time, try to think in English, playing out various everyday situations in your mind. Making sentences will also help you develop your speech.

If you have the opportunity to study together with someone, then along with this dialogue, build dialogues orally and in writing, arrange vocabulary or text dictations for each other, in everyday life communicate with each other in English on everyday topics, retell films and books. Learn English with your child, it will be fun and interesting for both of you.

Learn the language with our website, here you will find a lot of useful information on grammar, vocabulary, civilization and culture of the English language.

The dictionary is our true friend!

Now, in the era of computers and the Internet, everyone has abandoned the dictionary. This is especially true for schoolchildren. Of course, it is much easier to enter the desired text in Google translator, press a button and get a ready-made translation, rather than delving into the dictionary for a long and painful time.

This is an easy, but not correct, approach to the language. Google Translator is good for those who already have English speaking skills or for those who are in a hurry and need a quick translation. We read and forgot, in fact nothing was deposited in our memory. In addition, often, the Internet gives a literal translation, from this the meaning of a sentence or a whole fragment is lost.

Working with a dictionary allows you to store words in memory, trains visual memory and writing in a foreign language. This is especially important for beginners to learn English.

Now you know where to start learning English for a beginner. We wish you good luck, dear readers, and forward!