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Wondering whether it is worth continuing a relationship with a man. Tarot spread for relationships “Separation”

Independent fortune-telling technique:

Card 1 – Your role in the conflict;

Card 2 – Your partner’s role in the conflict;

Card 3 – What is in your chosen one’s soul?

Card 4 – What is stopping you from reconnecting?

Card 5 – Should you try to save the relationship?

5 steps to breaking up: What causes a relationship to break up?

In the relationship of any couple, you can find many mistakes and actions that both women and men make. Almost all lovers sometimes have quarrels and scandals, both small and large-scale. We have selected the most striking problems that, as a rule, lead to conflicts and are the main causes of quarrels.

1. Uncontrollable jealousy.

Absolutely all people are jealous by nature. Most people won’t admit it, but as soon as your half is given the slightest reason, the person turns into a jealous monster. It is jealousy that forces loving and kind people to spoil their relationships through endless reproaches, scandals and angry statements. Jealousy should not prevent you from building harmonious relationships.

2. Social activity.

Does it often occur to you that your other half is hiding something from you? Every day do you think that the best place for evidence is in your jacket, phone, bag and pockets? Nip this curiosity in the bud; the further you go, the worse it is. Over time, you will become incredibly excited, and checking your phone and pockets while no one sees you will become a habit. However, someday you will be caught, and violation of personal space will provoke a scandal.

5. Too strong emotions.

You should not tell your man about your warm relationship with your ex-partner, and even more so, about your trip to a cafe or cinema together. Any mention of communication with your ex-boyfriend will anger the man, which will lead to heated exchanges, even breaking up, and being lonely is not at all what every woman dreams of.

Whatever your choice, whether to restore the relationship or not, we suggest using our free relationship fortune-telling, which will help you learn about the hidden sides of the conflict.

It often happens that even when the relationship is over, you can’t believe it for a long time. After all, just yesterday everything was fine, just yesterday you were together and all your acquaintances and friends were jealous of you, calling you an ideal couple. But then something happened, something happened and everything collapsed overnight. This is the first scenario for the development and collapse of relationships. Another - everything was heading towards a break for a long time, but neither He nor She wanted to admit it for a long time, pretending that everything was fine and that nothing special was happening. The third scenario is “a homewrecker, like a black cat that crossed the road.” Fourth... Fifth... Sixth... How many can there be? Yes, as much as you like! Everyone has their own life story, their own love story and their own story of disappointment.

However, there is no need to worry. You will always have time to do this. Even if the relationship is in the past, there is always a chance to build something new, something happier, taking into account the mistakes of the past. It’s not for nothing that they say: “Trees stand stronger on crooked roots.” “Crooked Roots” is your experience that cannot be lost, forgotten or thrown away as unnecessary. It is up to you and only you to decide how to use the experience gained - boldly move on and try to find happiness, or be sad, sprinkle ashes on your own head and live in memories of yesterday.

Anyone who has broken up but would like to restore a broken relationship is dedicated to the fortune-telling “Will he come back to me,” consisting of ten cards. With the help of Maria Lenormand's deck, you will find out what further predictions are regarding your reconciliation.

Before we begin fortune telling, let’s take a closer look at what each of the ten cards means. So,

  1. Card No. 1. Answers the question: What exactly caused the breakup of the relationship?
  2. Card No. 2. Answers the question: How do you react to a breakup?
  3. Map No. 3. Does it indicate what can be done to get your ex-partner back?
  4. Card No. 4. Warns about what not to do under any circumstances?
  5. Map No. 5. Answers the question: What exactly does your partner think about your breakup (illuminates his point of view regarding the breakup of your relationship)?
  6. Map No. 6. Reveals your partner's plans regarding his possible return to you.
  7. Map No. 7. Indicates external reasons that interfere with your reunion.
  8. Card No. 8. Answers the question: Will your partner come back?
  9. Card No. 9. Illuminates the future prospects of your relationship.
  10. Card No. 10. Gives advice or recommendations regarding your future.

Sometimes relationship problems make you think that a break is the only way out of the situation. This Tarot layout for relationships will help you figure out whether it’s worth breaking up with your partner, whether the separation is final, how best to inform your partner about the breakup, what will happen to you after the separation.

If you are feeling anxious or anxious right now, do this.

Scheme and meaning of Tarot cards for relationships “Separation”

Card 1 – How best to inform your partner about the breakup
Card 2 – What does your partner think about the prospect of breaking up the relationship?
Card 3 – What will your partner’s life be like after breaking up?
Card 4 – How your life will change after separation
Card 5 – How your life will go if you continue the relationship
Card 6 – Is there a chance of renewing the relationship after a breakup?

So... concentrate and watch the layout

What's the best way to tell your partner about a breakup?

The Ace of Cups represents the chance to make your dreams come true. This is an opportunity to fulfill a cherished desire, as well as the emergence of a new feeling, a surge of emotion, the beginning of love. This is something that is not put on public display, but hidden from prying eyes, kept closer to the heart, waiting for the Ace of Cups - the Chance to find Happiness.

What does your partner think about the prospect of breaking up the relationship?

The Two of Cups speaks of creating a connection, a harmonious union, when two people are completely satisfied with each other. This is a joyful agreement, a union of opposites, the union of two people into a couple. How this relationship will develop in the future depends on the joint efforts of both.

What will your partner's life be like after a breakup?

This court card denotes a situation or circumstances that require the manifestation of activity, agility, confidence, enthusiasm, fearlessness, energy (holiday, departure, competition, competition, etc.). Also, the Knight of Wands can indicate an energetic, active and self-confident person (a man or woman, usually young), who is not overly delicate and flexible, but is quite fearless, spontaneous, noisy, optimistic, full of energy, confidence and enthusiasm.

How will your life change after separation?

The Ace of Pentacles speaks of the possibility of prosperity and gaining reliability in relationships, a profitable marriage. However, all this is possible only with sufficient effort, with maximum interest and diligence. It is necessary to believe and sincerely desire this goal, to show wisdom and loyalty, and then dreams of happiness can become a tangible reality.

How will your life go if you continue the relationship?

This card speaks of the sudden destruction of familiar things, the collapse of illusions, insight, the exposure of things or events hidden from prying eyes. The Tower indicates a difficult situation or stage in a relationship when communication becomes too emotional due to sudden dramatic events or the revelation of an important secret. Relationships or conditions of existence will never be the same again, and it is unlikely that it will be possible to rebuild them from the rubble. This card advises you to forget the past, which has become cramped, and move towards the new.

Is there a chance of resuming a relationship after a breakup?

The Nine of Pentacles indicates that the relationship has reached a period of stable prosperity and self-sufficiency. This is the time, the card says, when you can enjoy the results of previous efforts, understanding and accepting the path you have to follow. The card also means unclouded rest, entertainment, and a pleasant pastime in the company of loved ones.