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Monaco situation in the period 15th - 17th centuries. School encyclopedia

MONACO (Principality of Monaco, Principauté de Monaco) is a state-state in the south of Europe.

General information

Monaco is a state in the south of Europe. Located on the coast of the Middle Sea (length of the coast line 4.1 km), with land approx. -ru-but ter-ri-to-ri-ey France (the length of the border is 4.4 km). One of the smallest states in the world, in terms of area (2.02 km2 in 2008; 1.97 km2 in 2000; increased due to the bulk territories; maximum length is less than 3 km, width from 350 to 1050 m) excellent -dit only Va-ti-kan.

In terms of the number of inhabitants (35.9 thousand people in 2010; 31.1 thousand people, 2008, census) in Europe it is only ahead -ko Wa-chi-kan. Sto-li-tsa - Mo-na-ko. The official language is French; The races of the countries are also Italian, Mo-ne-ga-sk and English languages. The monetary unit is the euro (Monaco has the right to the so-called Monaco euros - mo-not-you are mainly for the well-mis- ma-tov and tu-ristov).

Monaco is a continuous urbanized territory, administratively divided into 4 districts ( Mo-na-co-Ville, Mont-te-Car-lo, La-Con-da-min, Font-vie), including 10 sec-torov.

Monaco is a member of the UN (1993), OSCE (1973), Council of Europe (2004), representation to the EU (since 2000).

Political system

Monaco is a unitary state. The constitution was adopted on December 17, 1962. The form of government is a constitutional mo-narchy (principality).

The head of state is the Prince, who, according to the Constitution, has executive power. The prince knows and calls for members of the government, he can release the par-la-ment at any time, represents the state in state relations and has the right to enter into and establish agreements, from -yes the or-do-nan-sy in the implementation of such do-gov-rows and laws.

The prince is assisted by co-vesting bodies: the Council of the Crown, advising the head of state on matters -zh-du-people's do-go-vo-rov, ros-pus-ka par-la-men-ta, am-ni-stii and po-mil-va-niya, and the State Council, co -the one gives the-conclusion on the pro-ek-you or-do-nan-sov and for-the-new.

Following the throne, freely following death or death, proceeds in a straight line and behind -on-the-line of the right-of-the-right-prince-in-law, in the order of the first-lineage, with the prior- that is along the male descending line at the same level of kinship.

The con-governing power lies with the prince and the National Council (par-la-ment), consisting of 24 de-pu-ta-tov, from the bi-paradise for 5 years in the same way, everything is straight-forward. The full power of par-la-men-ta og-ra-ni-che-ny: he does not have the right to control the activities of the government tel-st-va, and also you-step with za-ko-dative initi-tsia-ti-va-mi.

The executive power is exercised by the Government Council, headed by the state ministry. Minister of State, members of the Governmental Council are on-the-know-and-as-God-yes from the duties of the prince of the earth and we report only to him.

In Monaco there is a multi-part-tiy system. Political parties: National Union for the Future of Monaco, Union for the Principality, Movement for Monaco, Party of the Monaco Skov et al.


Monaco is located at the foot of the Maritime Alps, on a mountain slope up to an altitude of 500 m, 20 km to the north-east from Nits-tsy. Along the coast of the Middle Sea, its La-zur coast, is represented by a bay with a sandy beach and a steep mi ska-li-sty-mi ute-sa-mi.

The climate is soft, sub-tropical, mid-earth-sea; there are about 300 solar days in a year. There is about 500 mm of precipitation per year, mainly in the winter, in the form of short-term heavy rains. Snow falls extremely often.

Average temperatures in January are about 9 °C, in July about 24 °C. The mountain slopes, free from construction, are covered with bo-ga-ta and various sub-tropical plants.


The native village of Monaco - mo-ne-ha-ski - makes up 21.5% of the population (2008, census). The French (28.2%), the Italians (18.6%), the English (7.5%), and the Belgians also live Guys (2.8%), Germans (2.5%), Swiss (2.5%), Porto-Galians (1.5%), Americans kan-tsy (1%), etc.

Since the beginning of the 20th century, the population of Monaco has doubled (15.5 thousand people in 1903; 25 thousand people in 1975), mainly due to im-mi-gran -tov from France and Italy. Mortality rate (8.3 per 1000 inhabitants in 2011, estimate; 12.96 in 2008, census) exceeds the birth rate (corresponding to vet-st-ve-no 8.3 and 9.1 per 1000 inhabitants).

Despite the natural decline in the population, at the beginning of the 21st century the blessings of foreigners are not preserved large overall growth (on average 0.9% per year in 2002-2007; 0.4% in 2009).

Po-ka-za-tel fer-til-no-sti 1.5 children per 1 woman (2011); infant mortality rate 1.8 per 1000 live-days (2011). In the age structure of the village, the share of children (up to 15 years) is 12.8%, in the village of labor they are capable of working age (15-64 years) - 63.5%, persons 65 years old and older - 23.7% (2008, census).

Monaco is the oldest city in the world: the average age of its inhabitants is 49.4 years (men - 48.4; women - us - 50.5; 2011). Average life expectancy 89.7 years (women - 93.8, men - 85.8; 2011) - sa -My you-so-world-howl-for-a-tel. 51.2% of the population are women, 48.8% are men (2008).

The density of the village (about 17.8 thousand people/km2) is one of the highest in the world; The most densely populated area for villages and ports is La Con-da-Mine (19.2 thousand people/km2), the least administrative Mo-na-co-Ville district (5.3 thousand people/km2).

In total, there are over 45.6 thousand people in the eco-no-mi-ka, of which the residents of Monaco are about 8 thousand people, the rest are daily -they go to work from neighboring regions of France (over 33 thousand) and Italy. Among those working in the service sector, 79% (including trade 52%, tourism 11%, banking financial and social business 7%), construction industry 13%, industry 8% (2008).


Believers - some (about 90%), representatives of other denominations are few in number (2010, estimate) . There is one arch-hi-dio-cez of the Roman-ka-lych-church, one parish of the Kon-stan-ti-no-Polish legal glorious church and the Anglikan church.

Is-to-ri-che-sky essay

For the first time the name “Monaco” was for-fi-si-ro-va-but at Ge-ka-tey Mi-let-skogo (ru-beige of the 6th-5th centuries BC), co-ob- Shchiv-she-go about the “Li-Gu-ri-city of Mo-noi-kos (Μόνοιϰος).” In the future, the Greek used this to-to-be as one of the nicknames of Ge-rak-la - “alone.”

Not later than the 5th century, the Mass-Li-Greeks founded a fac-to-riu in Monaco, on the land of which there was a su-s-st-vo-val temple , sacred to He-rak-lu. At the end of the 2nd century, the city fell under the rule of the Romans and received the name Portus Herculis Monoeci. From the end of the 1st century BC. e. was part of the province of the Maritime Alps.

Through Monaco, one of the most important roads of the Roman Empire, Via Iulia Avgusta, went from Italy to Gaul. Since 476 AD e. Monaco was part of the West Gothic kingdom, from 507 - the state of the East Goths, from 552 - the Frankish state go go-su-dar-st-va. In the 9th-10th centuries, the region of Monaco was under-ver-gal, like everything in the coastal region of Pro-van-sa and Li-gu-rii, on-pa-de-ni-yam of Arabic pi -ra-tov and to a significant extent dis-eased. He began to settle again after the expulsion of the Arabs from the fortress of Frak-si-net in 972.

At the end of the 10th-11th centuries, the Count of Provence and the Gue-nu-ez-skaya republic competed for power over Monaco. In 1191, Emperor Henry VI of Staufen recognized Monaco as the ruler of Genui, which was confirmed until 1240 between do Ge-nu-ey and Pro-van-som.

In the XIII-XIV centuries, Monaco was the scene of a struggle between gwel-fa-mi and gi-bel-li-na-mi. In 1297, the noble Ge-nu-Ezes, a supporter of the Guelfs, Fran-che-sco Gr-mal-di (see Gr-mal-di), became the lord of Monaco. -ko already in 1301 the Ge-nu-ez-gi-bel-li-nys brought Monaco under their control. In 1331, in Monaco, France's cousin, Charles Grimaldi, settled in Monaco; in 1346 he subordinated the city of Men-to-na, in 1355 - the city of Roque-brune (now not Roque-brune-Cap-Martin). In 1357, Ge-nu-ez-tsy regained power over Monaco, but Gri-mal-di su-me-li could retain Men-to-nu and Roque-brune. Since 1419, they settled in Monaco. In 1388, when the county of Nitz passed to the Sa-voi-sko-mu house (see Sa-voi-skaya di-na-stiya), Monaco found itself with su-shi is completely ok-ru-but its power. In 1489, the lack of visibility of Monaco was recognized by Sa-voy and France, after an unsuccessful attempt to return the game -troll over Monaco with power (1506-1507) also Ge-nu-ey.

Monaco is the only state in the world where the military band outnumbers the army.

And it's not a joke. The army in Monaco has 82 people, while the military band has 85 people. The only city smaller than Monaco is the Vatican. But the Vatican is a special state; its sovereignty is not independent, but stems from the sovereignty of the Holy See.
But despite this, Monaco is one of the most densely populated countries and is widely known for its casino in Monte Carlo. However, there are plenty of other attractions here. Monaco is a significant cultural center. In 1879, the building of the Monte Carlo Opera was built according to the design of the architect Charles Garnier (author of the Paris Opera). They sang here over the years Enrico Caruso, Fyodor Chaliapin, Placido Domingo, Luciano Pavarotti.

In 1911 Sergei Diaghilev founded here Russian ballet under the patronage of Prince Pierre of Monaco. They danced on the stage of the Opera Anna Pavlova, Vaslav Nijinsky, Tamara Karsavina, George Balanchine, Serge Lifar, and later - Rudolf Nureyev, Mikhail Baryshnikov.
The Princess Grace Academy of Classical Dance operates in Monte Carlo. The Prince Pierre Foundation, founded by Rainier III in honor of his father, annually awards the Grand Literary Prize, the Prince Rainier III Music Prize and the International Prize for Contemporary Art.
The city is home to the famous Oceanographic Museum of Monaco, whose director was the legendary explorer.

Every year Monaco hosts the International Circus Festival and Television Festival.
But first, about the history of Monaco, located in the south of Europe on the shores of the Ligurian Sea; on land the country borders with France.


The first to settle in Monaco Phoenicians, this was in the 10th century BC. e. Later the Greeks joined them.
In 1215, the Republic of Genoa founded its colonies and built a fortress on the territory of the principality. The Republic of Genoa was an independent state in Liguria, on the northwestern coast of the Apennine Peninsula.
On January 8, 1297, during the civil war in Genoa, Monaco was occupied Francois Grimaldi and his supporters. This date is considered to be the beginning of the reign of the Grimaldi dynasty and the existence of the independent state of Monaco. Since then, for more than 700 years, the principality has been ruled by representatives of this family. In 1789 the country was annexed by France.
The Treaty of Paris (first) on May 30, 1814 restored the principality within the borders that existed before January 1, 1792, under a French protectorate.
After the final collapse of the Empire, according to the Treaty of Paris (second) on November 20, 1815, Monaco was transferred to the protectorate of the Kingdom of Sardinia (a state that existed in Italy from 1720 to 1861).
On July 18, 1860, Sardinia withdrew its troops from Monaco, ending the protectorate.
In 1865, a casino was opened in Monte Carlo and a customs union was created with France. These events accelerated the economic development of the country.

A famous billionaire made a very large contribution to the economy of Monaco Aristotle Onassis: thanks to his investments, it was possible not only to expand the territory of the principality, to build a port, but also to create an entertainment industry, which made Monaco a rich country, which attracts the entire world elite.
The Prince was also involved in active construction in Monaco Rainier III. In 2005, being very ill, he transferred his powers to his son and heir, Prince Albert II, who currently rules the country.

Brief information about the country

Form of government– constitutional dualistic monarchy.
Largest cities– Monaco, Monaco-Ville, Monte Carlo, Fontvieille, La Candamine. Essentially, they all merged into one city, Monaco.
Head of State- prince.
Chief Executive- Minister of State.
Territory– 2.02 sq. km. Recently, the territory has been expanding due to the drainage of marine areas.
Population– 35,986 people. 47% of the population is French.
State religion- Catholicism. The state guarantees freedom of religion.
Currency– euro.
Administrative division- three communes, which are divided into 10 districts.
Economy- develops mainly due to tourism, gambling, construction of new residences, as well as due to media coverage of the life of the princely family.
Climate- subtropical, Mediterranean, with hot, dry summers and mild, rainy winters.

State symbols of Monaco

Flag- is a panel with two equal stripes placed horizontally. Top - stripe red colors, bottom - white.
The flag was adopted in 1881 during the reign of Prince Charles III. The colors of the flag are associated with the colors of the princely family of Grimaldi, whose representatives have ruled the principality since the Middle Ages. At the end of the 18th century, Monaco was annexed by France, but in 1814, after the fall of Napoleon, the rule of the Grimaldi dynasty in Monaco was restored, and the current Monegasque flag appeared at the same time, although it was officially approved only in 1881.
In 1945, the Indonesian government adopted exactly the same flag. This became the reason for a diplomatic conflict: Monaco expressed an official protest, which was rejected due to the fact that the Indonesian flag is more ancient than the flag of Monaco.

Coat of arms Monaco - coat of arms of Prince Albert II of Monaco. The shield is divided diamond-shaped into silver and scarlet. The shield is framed by a chain of the Order of St. Charles, entwined with green oak leaves. The shield is held by monks armed with swords. The mantle is scarlet, trimmed with gold ribbon and lined with ermine fur. The shield is topped with a princely crown. At the bottom of the ribbon is the motto “Deo Juvante” (Latin: “With God’s help”). The armed monks symbolize a real historical event - in 1297, Monaco was conquered by the soldiers of Francesco Grimaldi, dressed in monastic robes. The motto belongs to the Grimaldi dynasty.

Sights of Monaco

Monaco is the official residence of the rulers of Monaco from the Grimaldi family. The palace was originally founded as a Genoese fortress in 1191, then expanded and rebuilt many times. Since the end of the 13th century. The palace belongs to the Genoese family of Grimaldi.
Since the 17th century, when the Grimaldi began to rule as sovereign rulers of Monaco, they had to constantly navigate very unstable diplomatic agreements with their more powerful neighbors. Therefore, instead of luxurious palaces in the Baroque style, as in other European countries, they were built in the form of a fortress. However, this did not stop at the end of the 18th century. The French occupied the palace for 20 years.
The uniqueness of the palace also lies in the fact that it was the only residence of the princes of Monaco for more than seven centuries, and therefore the financial and political position of the Grimaldi house is directly reflected in the architecture.
In 1997, Grimaldi was celebrated at the palace 700 years his reign in Monaco. Currently, the palace is still a princely residence.

Built in 1875, the Monaco Cathedral is completely different from the traditional churches of the time, where gilding, brown-green stucco and pink shades predominate. This cathedral was made of white stone, which destroyed the prevailing stereotypes.
The cathedral is located in the Old Town, on the site of an old church destroyed during the French Revolution. It is located on one of the highest and most beautiful points of the Principality of Monaco. The interior of the cathedral is decorated with paintings by a famous artist Louis Brea.

On Monaco's National Day and religious holidays, services are held at the Cathedral during which the sounds of the organ can be heard. This “divine” musical instrument was installed in the Cathedral in 1976. The Cathedral is also the tomb for the princes of Monaco, their wives and daughters. Representatives of thirty-five generations of the Grimaldi family are buried here. The beloved Princess Grace, who died in a car accident, is also buried in the Cathedral. The altar and pulpit of the cathedral are made of white Carrara marble.

Napoleon Museum

The Napoleon Museum, located in Monaco-Ville, houses items that once belonged to Napoleon I or are in some way connected with his life. Napoleon's family was distantly related to the princely dynasty of Monaco. This museum is also called Museum of Napoleonic memories and collections from the historical archives of the palace.

Louis II, an admirer of imperial France and the life of Napoleon Bonaparte, began collecting the collection. The collection expanded significantly during the reign of Louis II's grandson and his successor, Prince Rainier III, during which time the museum moved to the southern wing of the princely palace. The museum has been open to visitors since 1970.

The museum's collection contains documents that date back to the times of the First Empire: letters and documents dating back to the reign of Napoleon, the period of his conquests and exile. Napoleon Bonaparte's personal belongings are kept here, as well as his religious articles brought from St. Helena. Here is the hat that the emperor wore during the battle of Marengo; red leather Napoleon blotter for the table; the watch he used during the war with Russia; letters signed by Napoleon, etc. The museum contains cannonballs left over from the Battle of Austerlitz; rich collection of weapons.

Among the snuff boxes, watches and clothes are paintings and sculptures dedicated to the French emperor, including busts of Napoleon by the Italian sculptor Antonio Canova And Jean-Antoine Houdon, as well as a bust of Josephine by the court sculptor of Napoleon I, François-Joseph Bosio.

The museum also features exhibits telling the history of Monaco: Monaco's Patent of Independence from 1512, granted by the French King Louis XII, a letter from the French King Louis XIV to His Serene Highness Prince Antoine of Monaco, uniforms of Monaco soldiers from different times, a collection of rare coins, seals and several historical postal marks. The museum also has a room with clothes of Roman emperors.

18th century fortress Fort Antoine

It was erected by Prince Antoine I, a great lover of music. Today this fortress is an open theater.

Oceanographic Museum of Monaco

The Oceanographic Museum with an underground aquarium is a masterpiece of modern architecture. The structure is located almost on a sheer cliff. Founded in 1910 by Prince Albert I. A unique aquarium was created here, in which waters from a hundred seas splash. This is one of the few aquariums in the world where corals grow (they do not take root in captivity).

Palace Square

This is the favorite place for walks for citizens and guests of the city. It is here that you can watch how every day at the same time at the main entrance to the Prince's Palace a ceremonial changing of the guard takes place - a ritual that has remained unchanged throughout the history of the city. A brass band plays during this ceremony.

Tiny Monaco has amazing places where you can escape the city and tourist bustle for a while. One of them is St. Martin's Gardens. The air here is saturated with the aroma of Mediterranean plants, the crowns of ancient trees provide pleasant shade in summer. The picture is complemented by a spectacular view of the Mediterranean Sea.
These gardens with a fabulous view of the sea, in addition to a variety of trees and flowers, house statues, fountains, etc. The gardens are located on the steep slopes of the mountain just behind the building of the Institute of Oceanography. Monaco is probably the only city in Europe where you can move around using an elevator. From the foot of the mountain you can take an elevator to the park St. Martin's Gardens.
This is the first public garden that appeared in the principality during the reign of Prince Honore V in the first half of the 19th century. Small winding paths, a small pond and numerous bronze sculptures, including a monument to Prince Albert I, the founder of the Oceanographic Institute.

Wax Museum of the Princes of Monaco

The museum reflects episodes in the history of the Grimaldi dynasty from the end of the 13th century. until now. The wax figures are life-size, many of them dressed in authentic costumes from various eras. There are 40 characters on 4 stages, the costumes are donated by the dynasty family. Here are the figures of Prince Rainier III and Princess Grace with their children: Princess Caroline, Crown Prince Albert and Princess Stephanie.

Known for its wide harbor, it is the main port and business center of the country. Hercules Harbor, or the Port of Monaco, is the largest marina in the Principality of Monaco.

Church of the Holy Virgin

Holy Devota- virgin, martyr of Corsican. She was born in the city of Mariana in Corsica, around 283. The young maiden decided to devote herself to God. By order of a prefect named Barbarian, she was thrown into prison and suffered torture for her faith. Her mouth was crushed, her body was dragged over stones and thorny brambles. The Holy Virgin was martyred in Mariana - she was quartered or stoned.

After the death of the saint, the governor ordered her body to be burned so that it would not become an object of veneration. However, it was saved from the flames by Christians. The saint's body was placed on a ship bound for Africa. But a storm overtook the ship, and a dove, flying out of the saint’s mouth, led him to the place where Le Gomat is now located, part of the Principality of Monaco, where even then there was a chapel of St. George.
Her tortured body was found by fishermen. In honor of the saint, a chapel was built in Monaco, which still exists today. On Saint's Day of Remembrance, January 27, flowers bloom around her. The Chapel of Sainte-Devote is first mentioned around 1070 as belonging to the monastery of Saint-Pont.

Maritime Museum

The museum's collection contains more than two hundred and fifty exhibits that in one way or another are related to the sea. Here you can see models of famous ships, among which you can find exhibits from the private collection of Prince Rainier III.
A dental surgeon also took an active part in the creation of the Monaco Maritime Museum Pallanza. He was in love with the sea and during his service and sailing the seas with his own hands he created more than one and a half hundred magnificent ship models. In 1990, the ceremonial transfer of the models made by Pallanza to the Monaco administration took place. This event marked the beginning of the museum. Prince Rainier III began its creation; he allocated a room to house a collection of Pallanza models, and subsequently the prince enlarged it with exhibits from his own collection.
The sea played an important role in the fate and history of the principality. The Grimaldi family fought against Saracen pirates for many centuries. In the middle of the 14th century. Grimaldi's ships took part in the Battle of Crecy on the side of Philip VI against the British. During World War II, Monaco's navy defended France's borders from attacks by Nazi Germany. The ship models presented in the Maritime Museum are perfect copies of natural ships in a reduced size.

Prince Rainier III Old Car Museum

This is one of the most visited museums in Monaco after the Oceanographic Museum. Prince Rainier III was a passionate car enthusiast. For 30 years he collected a collection of vintage car brands. It is presented in his personal museum.
The unusual collection of Prince Rainier III includes about 100 models that represent different eras. There are also six carriages with the coat of arms of the princely family.
Prince Rainier's first acquisition was a De-Dion-Bouton car, which was assembled in 1903. Then he bought a Renault Torpedo, produced in 1911. The collection includes exhibits from the companies Peugeot, Citroen, and Lincoln. , Packard, as well as American brands Cadillac 1953, Chrysler Imperial 1956
Several cars represent prestigious models from Maserati, Rolls-Royce, Mercedes and Jaguar. There is also an old London taxi that Princess Grace once rode in.
The cars are placed in a large, specially equipped room, which overlooks the port of Fontvieille.

Park "Jardine Exotic"

The Jardin Exotic Park is located on a mountain slope and is home to more than 7 thousand species of cacti and many other tropical plants. At the base of the slope there is a grotto with artificial lighting; inside you can see stalactites and stalagmites.

Rally "Monte Carlo"

The rally race is organized by the Automobile Club of Monaco. The stage takes place along the French Riviera in the Principality of Monaco and south-eastern France. Since its creation in 1911 by Prince Albert I, this complex stage has been considered a testing ground for improvements and innovations in the automotive industry. Victory in this rally brings glory and honor to the automaker. From 1973 to 2008 The Monte Carlo Rally was a stage of the World Rally Championship, and since 2009 it has been included in the International Rally Challenge (IRC) calendar. The road surface varies from section to section (dry asphalt, wet asphalt, snow and ice), so the correct choice of tires plays an important role in the race. This rally features beautiful and varied sections. The route is full of steep and narrow mountain roads with many hairpin turns. The Monte Carlo Rally has 2 night stages.

Formula 1 Grand Prix

The Monaco Grand Prix is ​​a Formula 1 race on the Monte Carlo circuit in the Principality of Monaco. Held from the first World Championship in 1950 to the present (was not included in the 1951-1954 championship). From 1929 to 1948, before the advent of Formula 1, the Monaco Grand Prix motor racing was held as an independent sporting event. The Monaco Grand Prix is ​​considered one of the most prestigious races in the Formula 1 championship.

Monaco is a miniature European country, known throughout the world for its wide variety of nightlife and gambling, luxurious yachts moored on the shore and fashionable hotels where you can easily meet a world celebrity.

Map of Monaco in Russian

Finding the miniature state of Monaco on the world map is very difficult, because some small red dot, surrounded by France on all land borders, barely stands out against the background of its giant neighbor.

Where is it located and who does it border with?

The principality is located in the southern part on the coast Ligurian Sea, and in size it is more like a city with a small suburb.

Monaco's modest territory does not prevent travelers from heading to this sophisticated and luxurious country, which is guarded by an army of 82 people.

To have an accurate idea of ​​where the country of Monaco is located, it is enough to mark on the map a small place where the borders of the territory of France come together and along. Almost the same one inconspicuous point, which is located at this junction next to the no less luxurious Nice, will be a principality. For this, it is often called a continuation of the Cote d'Azur.

You can see the detailed location of Monaco on the world map in this video:

Natural resources

The territory of Monaco is a rocky coast with hilly terrain, located on the southern periphery of the Alpes-Maritimes. The highest point of the country is Cape Mont Agel, protruding into the sea and ending up in an open bay.

The country has a typical Mediterranean flora: boxwood, juniper, jasmine, cedar and dwarf palms. In the forest there are laurel, wild strawberry and tree-like erica. Macquis, viburnum and red juniper grow in the mountains. The most common fruit crops here are figs, pomegranates, sweet and bitter almonds, pistachios and grapes, as well as bananas, persimmons, oranges and lemons.

The seaside coast does not have a lot of fish and other marine inhabitants.

Fauna Monaco is very modest - there are no large animals left here, only small mammals: rodents, hedgehogs, shrews, bats and a rare species of Mediterranean pipistrelle. Reptiles and various insects are found everywhere.

What is the climate?

The Principality is distinguished by its typical coastal climate with sunny and also soft. The number of sunny days per year is 300, and drizzling rains do not cause inconvenience, falling mainly in autumn and lasting up to a maximum of three days.

How to get there from Russia?

Most easy way to get to Monaco - take a direct flight from Nice, and from there take a bus (45 minutes) or train (half an hour).

The train station platform, which is located on the hills of Monte Carlo, offers a picturesque view.

Alternative option– go by plane to, and from there by train directly to Monaco (about 950 km). Regular flights to Nice or Paris are operated by Aeroflot and Air France. The flight time will take about 4 hours.

You can purchase a ticket right now using this air ticket search form. Enter cities of departure and arrival, date And number of passengers.

State structure

In Monaco - a constitutional monarchy, where the head of state is the prince, who transfers control rights to the heir.


Monaco's colorful history began when Francois Grimaldi, disguised as a monk, tricked himself into the Genoese fortress, and at night opened the gates to the soldiers so that they would capture it. Since then, the Grimaldi dynasty has ruled this country for more than 700 years. It is for this reason that the family coat of arms of the princely family is a knight in a cassock.

Throughout its existence, Monaco was losing independence and bought it again. , the Kingdom of Sardinia and France - the country fell under the protectorate of these states.

In 1848, thanks to Charles III, the country received recognition of sovereignty from France.

The prince is right there allowed to open there is a casino and several hotels here, which ensured the principality's success and popularity, since at that time gambling was banned in many neighboring countries, including France.

Since then, Monaco began to steadily attract royalty, bourgeois and aristocrats, which provided the country with a decent income.

Politics and economics

Monaco's foreign and domestic policies are inextricably linked associated with. Since the principality is under the protectorate of this state, Monaco carries out its actions in accordance with its interests.

Monaco's main profit is gambling business And tourism, the construction of new residences, as well as through the media covering the social life of the ruling family.


To visit Monaco you will need to, since this country is a member of the European Union. There is no princely representation in Moscow, so documents are submitted to French visa centers in Moscow, Yekaterinburg and Nizhny Novgorod.

In the country you can hear Monegasque, English and Italian speech, but French is considered the official language.

Culture and religion

The national characteristics of Monaco are such that only about 20% of the country’s inhabitants are indigenous – Monegasques.

They have special privileges don't pay taxes And live in the old town, but they also lay the foundations of culture. Thanks to them, family values ​​are respected in Monaco, meaning the opportunity to celebrate holidays with family.

90% Monaco – Catholics, about 6% – Protestants.


Getting around Monaco will not cause problems at any time of the day. They walk here Shuttle Buses in six directions, water and land transport is available around the clock, as well as a small tourist steam train and free escalators.

Business and currency

Freely used in Monaco Euro, equal to 100 cents.

The tourism, banking, financial and electronic spheres are well developed here, for this reason the country is considered great place for business, but the taxes levied on local firms are very high.

Wi-Fi hotspots are available everywhere, and the only Internet and mobile service provider is Monaco Telecom.

Real estate

The small size of the country does not allow for new developments, but Monaco real estate valuable acquisition with a high cost, because real estate on the territory of the principality makes it possible to obtain a residence permit.

Holidays in Monaco

Over the entire history of the country, the principality has acquired important sights and places worthy of the attention of travelers.

Main resort towns

Officially in Monaco four cities merging into one large central city:

  1. Monaco-Ville– the oldest part, located on a hill where the ruling family lives;
  2. Monte Carlo– the largest area in which the legendary casino is located;
  3. La Condamine– the main port of the country and the place where major transactions are carried out;
  4. Fontvieille– this place arose thanks to the construction of a dam.

Other areas of Monaco are Lavrotto– a place where luxurious beaches are located, as well as La Colle, Moneghetti, Saint-Roman, Saint Michel, which are considered attractive residential areas.


The most striking attraction of Monaco is luxury casino in Monte Carlo, entrance to which is available around the clock. It was its construction that was the first reason why the country became so popular.

Here you can also visit:

  • The Wax Museum with figures of princely persons;
  • Princely Palace, founded in 1215;
  • Monaco Cathedral– the main cathedral of the principality;
  • Chapel of Mercy– old church on City Hall Square;
  • Church of Saint Devota- patroness of the principality.

Many tourists will be interested in strolling through the Exotic Garden with several thousand species of tropical plants, as well as along the Sculpture Alley with works by world-famous masters.


Excursions to Oceanarium, which was founded with the assistance of Prince Albert I and J. Cousteau. There are about 200 species of marine life in aquariums.

It will be interesting to get acquainted with princely collection of vintage cars, which contains automotive history starting from the 20th century: Bugatti 1929, De Dion Bouton 1903, as well as many other first-class models of prestigious cars.

National cuisine and restaurants

In Monaco, it is not customary to dine at home; instead, it is popular to visit numerous restaurants, the most prestigious of which are considered Le Louis XV And Le Cafe de Paris.

Local chefs prepare gourmet dishes, in which Italian or French cuisine predominates.

Where to stay?

Monaco hotels offer visitors first-class accommodation with impeccable comfort and high prices. In total, the principality has about 15 hotels 3-5 stars.

The most popular holiday destinations:

  1. Hotel Hermitage 5*;
  2. Hotel Metropole 5*;
  3. Port Palace 4*;
  4. Ambassador Monaco 3*;
  5. Novotel Monte-Carlo 3*.

The rooms in them are not always free, so guests of this country try to stay outside its borders.

To select a hotel, use the search form. Enter city, check-in and check-out dates And number of guests.


During the day, travelers visit museums and theaters, relax on the beaches, ride yachts or watch stage races "Formula 1 Grand Prix", since part of the route runs through the city.

The most favorite place for entertainment at night is, of course, the casino. During the day it is available for excursions, and in the evening the gambling public comes here.

One of the entertainments of Monaco is shopping, which takes place in the Golden Square area, where you will find only original products from brand stores.

  • Don't drink tap water– it is better to buy a bottled product;
  • On national holidays, the country organizes colorful ceremonies(January 27, November 19, December 25);
  • Speed ​​by car limited to 50 km/h;
  • During the races, prices in the country are rising twice;
  • Banks are closed on weekends.

Monaco is an incredibly vibrant and attractive destination because it has a convenient geographical location, developed infrastructure and a lot of interesting attractions.

Geographical position

Principality of Monaco- a small country located in a picturesque corner in the south of Europe, 10 kilometers from the border of two large states of France and Italy. On the one side the principality limits Cote d'Azur Mediterranean Sea. On the other side the border lies with France. On the territory of Monaco there is a junction between the Alpes-Maritimes and the Cote d'Azur. Total area of ​​the country amounts to 1,98 square kilometers. Part of this area was previously the seashore. The terrain is hilly.

The Principality of Monaco is four merged cities. This capitalMonaco, an ancient city of the same name, Monte Carlo, favorite vacation spot of the world star elite, La Condamine, business center and seaport, Fontvieille, industrial district.

The geographical position of the country is very favorable. The Maritime Alps reliably protect the Principality from cold northern winds. The Mediterranean coast attracts celebrities to holiday here. The amazingly beautiful bay is one of the advantages of the principality. A large area in the country is occupied by artificial green spaces, parks, and public gardens. For this reason, many rightfully consider Monaco to be the Garden of Eden.

Climate in Monaco soft, it is conducive to relaxation throughout the year. In summer Here hot dry weather. The air temperature reaches 25-30 degrees. There is practically no precipitation. Winter temperature doesn't go lower -3 degrees. A average temperature throughout the country during this period is +10 - 11 degrees. Rains - a rare event. They come mainly in autumn or winter. General average annual precipitation does not exceed 1300 mm. The inhabitants of the Principality of Monaco owe such a fertile climate to the Alpes-Maritimes. They are the ones who protect the country from the unfavorable cold currents of air masses moving from the north of Europe.

Due to the dry and warm climate, the country grows a large number of exotic plants. This dwarf palms, figs, olives, as well as other characteristic representatives of the Mediterranean flora. Meet here oak, boxwood, pine, juniper. Stretched along the slopes of the Alpine mountains meadows of xerophytic grasses. Thickets of low-growing bushes can also be found on the slopes. Residents of Monaco cultivate plants imported from other countries and continents. This bananas, citrus fruits, agaves, cacti, eucalyptus. There are a large number of gardens and parks in the cities. Overall, more 20% The area of ​​the principality is occupied by vegetation.

Visas, entry rules, customs rules

In order to cross the border of Monaco, you need Schengen or french visa. It can be obtained from the French embassy on the basis of an invitation. To obtain a visa required a foreign passport valid for 4 months from the date of entry, a general passport, a certificate from the place of work indicating the average monthly income, position and date of hire, a completed application form with a 3*4 photograph attached, an invitation, and a document indicating the solvency of the traveler.

Basic entry requirements to enter the country are the availability of round-trip tickets, insurance for at least $30,000, and tourists need to have a hotel reservation. If there is a private invitation, a single-entry visa is issued. It can be valid from 1 to 90 days. Valid term of a visa depends on the type of invitation. For business trips, it is possible to request a multiple visa. Before submitting documents to the embassy, ​​you need to pay the consular fee. It takes from two to three days to two weeks to process documents at the embassy.

Customs regulationsA in Monaco are no different from those in other European countries. The amount of cash brought into the country not limited. Amount over 9 thousand euros is required declare. You can freely export no more than 200 cigarettes, 1 liter of spirits, 2 liters of wine, 0.25 liters of eau de toilette. Allowed transport animals, but it is obligatory must be a certificate from a veterinarian about the pet’s health status and vaccinations.

Population, political status

Lives in Monaco 31.7 thousand people according to 2000 data. The national composition is quite extensive. Most of the population are French people. There are about 47% . Italians by nationality - 16% residents of Monaco. The indigenous inhabitants of the principality, Monegasques, make up 16% population. Monaco ranks first in terms of population density. This figure exceeds 16 thousand people per 1 square meter of area. Official state language in Monaco - French. But they are also popular Monegasque, English and Italian.

A little about the government structure of Monaco. This a constitutional monarchy. Head of State, prince, transfers its powers by inheritance. If there is no heir, then by special agreement, Monaco becomes an autonomous state, and France will be a protectorate. Legislative function carries prince And parliament. As part of parliament 24 deputies. Its representatives can only be Monegasques who have reached 25 years of age. They are elected in general elections according to the principle of proportional representation for a term of 5 years. Role of the Executive belongs Government Council. It meets upon request at least twice a year. The prince takes part in this. Heads the Government CouncilMinister of State, representative of neighboring France. Judicial branch is based on the code of laws in force in France.

What to see

Residence of the princely family, Grimaldi Palace, located on the top of a cliff. It was erected on the site of an ancient fortress built by the Genoese in 1215. In the summer, the princely family is away, so it is possible to get inside. In front of the princely palace lies Palace Square. Along its perimeter lined up cannons cast during the reign of Louis XIV. Tourists gather here to watch the changing of the guard ceremony.

The most beautiful Chapel of Divine Mercy- monument 17th century. It was built specifically for holding meetings of members of the society of repentant sinners. A unique creation housed in the chapel, -wooden sculpture of Christ. It was created during the time of Napoleon I.

was built in Monaco in 1875. Here are the burial places of all members of the princely family.. The cathedral is active. Divine services are held here on Catholic holidays.

The Wax Museum represents images frozen in wax of the princes who headed the throne during the period from the end of the 18th century to the present day. The museum contains clothing and household items from different eras.

Oceanographic Museum built in modern style in 1910. It contains the most interesting collections of flora and fauna of the Mediterranean. In a huge underground room you can admire aquariums with the inhabitants of the deep sea living in them.

For a long time, the territory currently occupied by the Principality of Monaco has attracted conquerors. At first it was mastered Phoenicians. Subsequently they settled on this land Genoese. IN 1215 year they built the first fortress. This date can be considered the time of the founding of the state. Noble ranks of Provence would also like to rule Monaco in those distant days. But the Genoese approved their representative as head. This took place in 1419 year and marked the beginning of the reign of the clan Grimaldi ruling to the present day. Then the feudal principality of Monaco separated. Genoa only served as a protectorate.

During from 1524 to 1641 year Monaco belonged to Spain, then it passed into the hands of France. After 1815 years, the principality was under the protectorate of the Kingdom of Sardinia. But this only lasted until 1861 of the year. Then everything returned to normal.

IN 1863 year, a significant event occurred in the history of Monaco. Built in Monte Carlo first casino. This opened the era of gambling in the principality. The richest people in the world began to come here. Now the casino is one of the main sources of income in Monaco.

IN 1911 year was created first Constitution. The state has turned into constitutional monarchy. Later in 1962 In 2008, a Constitution was created that is still in force in Monaco today.

International trade

The Principality of Monaco is best known as world tourism center. There are many more jobs than people living in the state, so unemployment rate is very low, and most of the workers come from abroad (mainly France and Italy). The excellent climate contributes to the development of tourism and a large percentage of the state’s income depends on it. In addition, it is very well developed banking sector. Low taxes make the principality a very attractive destination for investment. Lately it's been a lot began to developconstruction.Also well developedpharmaceutical, chemical, electronic And food industry, manufacture of wearing apparel, souvenirs, earthenware etc., but the country does not have its own agriculture. The lack of its own resources makes Monaco completely dependent on imports from abroad.

My foreign trade Principality of Monaco operates with almost all countries of the European Union(58% exports and 45% imports). Main foreign trade partners are Italy, Great Britain, Spain, Germany And China. To a greater extent the state depends from France, since that's where it comes from imports electricity and water supplies.

The shops

Here, as in other tourist towns, it’s just an incredible number of different shops and markets, where you can buy souvenirs, ceramics, treat yourself to sweets and delicious chocolate. But maintaining a high level, Monaco has acquired the status of an elite tourist destination and therefore here you can meet boutiques of the world's most famous brands. Bargain here not accepted, this is beneath the dignity of sellers, and no one will want to do this, given the level of tourists.

Monaco is designed to make tourists feel fun, convenient and comfortable. And since people come here to spend money on their loved ones, then they need to correspond to the level of a large tourist city. Like other similar cities, you, of course, you can buy a variety of souvenirs, but only in Monaco can you find stunning beauty ceramic products, luxury crystals. Fragrance lovers will be able to choose for themselves chic perfume, A sweet tooth pamper yourself delicious fruits in sugar, sweets And chocolate, which is produced at the Monaco chocolate factory. In addition, a large number of boutiques representing the most famous brands in the world in the field of jewelry, clothing. A large number of antique shops, where you can buy interesting things, and at a good discount. Also in Monaco there is two large shopping centers, in which everyone will find something to their liking. You can even buy replicas of designer items or costume jewelry, the price of which will seem simply ridiculous compared to the originals presented in the neighboring boutique. Walking along the streets lined with various shops, you can plunge into the world of beauty and luxury, pamper yourself and enjoy visiting these shops, filled to capacity with all kinds of things.


Principality of Monaco located on the Cote d'Azur of the Mediterranean Sea and borders by land only with France. Country area amounts to 1.91 sq. km.

No matter what in 1964 the principality increases its area by 20% (0.4 sq. km.) it remains the smallest country in the world, only the Vatican is smaller than it.

Monaco consists of four cities:Monaco-capital, Monte Carlo, La Condamine And Fontvieille. The principality is inhabited by about 36,000 people, which turns Monaco into the most densely populated country in the world - about 18 thousand / sq. km. T only a quarter of the populationnatives of Monaco,rest - Foreigners. The majority of those living in the dwarf state French people (47% ), 16% Italians, 16% Monegasques, to the rest 21% included included representatives of more than 125 nationalities. In the male-female ratio, the gentler sex has a slight advantage. average life expectancy- about 80 years old, regardless of this, the country is experiencing negative birth rate.

Official language in the principality French, But English,Italian And Monegasque languages also widespread.

Proclaimed in the Principality of Monaco freedom of religion, but contrary to that 90% population - Catholics.


Works in industry 12% employed in the service sector - 88% . Monaco has developed at a high level industries such as - electronic,electrical engineering, chemical, pharmaceutical. Also are developing:precision instrumentation, production of building materials, earthenware, ceramics. They occupy a significant place trade, making souvenirs And tourist services. The state has a high level of employment and living standards. Present state monopoly on telephone network activity, sale of tobacco products And post services. Businesses in Monaco produce devices And electronic components. This product exported to European countries and the USA. One of the main sources of income - travel business. Here Monaco is a huge hotel chain, having, by local standards, the highest classification. More significant industries -cosmetics production,chemicals And medicines. For any type of business activity need to get administration permission. It is necessary to justify that the project will benefit the state economy. It happens very often that they refuse. The principality is connected to the outside world, first of all, by sea routes. With France it's connected by rail. Highways They are used not only as a means of transportation. On the embankments and crooked streets of Monte Carlo there are famous races.

Flora and fauna

Beautiful Mediterranean vegetation is a trademark of the Principality of Monaco. Here it is Exotic garden, where you can find one of the richest collections of cacti in the world, as well as other plants from hot countries growing on steep cliffs. In addition, it hosts botanical studies of different plant species. In the old part of the city there is Japanese garden area 7000 square meters, located in accordance with the rules for arranging landscape parks in the land of the rising sun. Fongway District proud of the magnificent Princess Grace Rose Garden. He is part of the so-called Landscape Park.

Underground aquarium, the volume of which exceeds 400 cubic meters., represents 60 pools filled with sea water and is a true masterpiece of modern architecture. It was founded in 1910 prince Albert I and over time grew into a large scientific and tourist center. This is one of the few aquariums in the world, Where live corals, and as you know, they cannot live outside their natural environment. The Principality of Monaco is also home to a magnificent underwater reserveLaRvotto, which contains some of the most exotic representatives of the underwater world.

Banks and money

There are no problems with public transport in Monaco. They walk at very short intervals all day buses, and the fare is generally acceptable. Can be purchased ticket, which will cost you around the area per day 4 euros. In addition to these buses, there is a small bus specially for tourists. train with carriages, whose main function is take everyone around the main attractions of Monaco. This train costs a little more, but within half an hour of driving you will get to know all the best places. Take car for rent in Monaco it is not difficult, for this necessary have with you a driver's driver's license, which must comply with the international standard. In addition, you must be over 23 years old and have a credit card with you. There are some expensive car models that may require you to have two credit cards when renting them. Upon presentation of a credit card from it can remove There is also an additional deposit, which is equal to the car rental amount. This happens because full payment You will pay for renting a car only when you return it. There are no particular difficulties on the roads of Monaco, traffic is quite calm and measured, also applies to all pedestrians, which is why it is established in Monaco Speed ​​Limit, on which drivers are prohibited from driving for more than 50km/h.


It may surprise some that in Monaco there are absolutely no minerals, except for shellfish, which are harvested only to satisfy the huge demand of tourists. And, despite the lack of mineral resources, the influx of money into Monaco is not decreasing, but on the contrary, growing. This is due to the fact that the banks of Monaco, like no other, can do so well keep the client's identity secret, and in this country it is very low taxes, which is also very pleasing. Besides, this magnificent resort, which became famous for its gambling clubs, holidays here attract a large number of people who are ready to spend their capital on a luxurious holiday. But don’t assume that there is nothing else here besides the resort, gambling and banks. On the contrary, Monaco shows great promise for development pharmaceutical industry, and chemical And electronics industry. Well, and of course, we must not forget about construction, because Monaco is growing and prospering every year. And yet Monaco is very much depends on imports from different countries. But, the positive side is that in Monaco there are practically no unemployed, as the country moves forward and needs more and more workers.


Monaco occupies very little space in its territory; this country is classified as dwarf countries. Thanks to its climatic conditions, territorial location, proximity to France and the stunning splendor of nature, Monaco has become a great tourist destination, where thousands of people from different countries and many different celebrities spend their weekends. It is precisely because Monaco is located on a relatively small piece of land that the country cannot afford to engage in agriculture seriously. Agriculture occupies there's only 6% the entire industry of the country. All products are consumed domestically, nothing is exported, because such quantities are simply not enough for export. This is where they grow sugar cane, coconut trees, yam. Well, almost everything that this tiny beautiful country can afford. In addition, in Monaco they practice livestock farming, again in miniscule sizes and basically, this small pets. Also placed on a modest footing and fishing. But the most interesting thing is pearl mining And mother of pearl shells which are in great demand among tourists. In principle, this is all that Monaco can afford. The country obtains all its main products by importing from other countries.

Main source of income in the Principality of Monaco is considered travel business. People from all over the world come here, ready to spend their money on a large scale. A huge number of hotels and famous casinos attract the attention of everyone without exception, and especially of very rich people. And precisely because mostly wealthy people come to Monaco, here It's customary to tip almost everyone: hotel and hotel service personnel, waiters in restaurants and other establishments, tour guides, tour guides and taxi drivers. In restaurants, the tip amount is already included in the bill, but some, especially generous ones, leave a tip on top. The same is the case with tips for service staff in hotels and hotels., their tips are also included in the total amount for service. It is customary for taxi drivers to leave not less than 15% from the amount you see on the counter. You can live quite comfortably on the tips that some tourists leave, even without a salary, so all the staff tries to please tourists in order to receive additional rewards, are happy to carry out various instructions and requests from tourists. After all, for this, they receive a good increase in their basic salary.

National characteristics

When going to Monaco, you need to know a little about the peculiarities of this country, as well as, of course, any other country, in order not to find yourself in an awkward situation or not to offend the natives with a random word. As a result of the fact that Monaco is considered the most expensive tourist country, where huge amounts of money are spent, there are a large number of gambling establishments, such an order has been established that you will come across at every steprepresentatives of the authorities. And they don't have to be in shape; You may not even know that there is a policeman next to you, who is watching you or your neighbors with all his eyes. Face control- this is a common occurrence in almost any establishment, besides your hotel room or rental car may be searched. AND no need to interfere with this, because these are the rules here. On the streets at almost every step you can find installed security camera and thanks to such diligence of the police in Monaco there is a very small percentage of crime. A large influx of money requires the presence of the best specialists in the field of law enforcement. As for gambling clubs, for men without fail You must wear a suit and tie. And everyone who is planning to visit the casino should be at least 18 years old And having a passport with you, is prerequisite.


Plug/Socket Monaco / / /

There are no problems with electricity in the country. Casinos and discos open 24 hours a day, lit with neon lights, luxurious storefronts of boutiques and shopping centers. All this, of course, does not mean that Monaco lacks warmth and light. Considering the influx of money coming into the country, high prices for accommodation and going to restaurants, where even the most ordinary dishes will cost you at least a hundred dollars. Monaco may well create comfortable conditions for tourists and for the numerous celebrities who visit this fabulous country. Despite the fact that Monaco lives almost exclusively with the tourism business, it does not lack the most necessary things. So in hotels in Monaco, you will feel not just at home, but like in a real palace. Current power is standard everywhere, is equal 220V, and even if you want to take advantage of the additional benefits of civilization, you will not experience any problems. European standard sockets everywhere, which is very convenient so that you can connect additional household appliances and even your favorite computer, if you have such a need. Comfort, luxury, style and modernity will surround you throughout your vacation.


Monaco is a very expensive country that must live up to its high standards. People with average incomes do not always manage to get here, because hotel accommodation costs two to three times more than in other tourist countries. The level of service is very high, because very rich people come to Monaco, and meeting celebrities and famous athletes here is a completely common thing. They come here, as usual, on a grand scale. In this regard, you You will not be able to enter Monaco unless you have health insurance, because here they very carefully monitor all foreigners coming from distant countries.

The situation with drinking water is also encouraging: tap water is safe to drink, because it undergoes very good cleaning. But the taste is not good, because it lacks some minerals, so it is best to buy bottled water for drinking, which is sold in all stores. Products, which you will purchase in markets and stores as well are of high quality and you don't risk your health. The same environmentally friendly products will be served to you in hotel restaurants and any other catering establishments. So, you can forget about the risk of indigestion, unless you want to try something very exotic.

Monaco, whose population is less than 38 thousand people, is, nevertheless, one of the most densely populated countries in the world. It should be said that the inhabitants of this principality do not live in poverty. The density of moneybags per square meter in Monaco is simply amazing. What do we know about this principality? Yes, there is a world famous casino there. The Grand Prix of the Formula 1 rally is also played in Monaco. A feature film was also shot in Hollywood about Princess Grace Kelly, brilliantly played by actress Nicole Kidman. What else do we know about this dwarf state? We invite you to take a short virtual trip to the principality of refined luxury and bold adventures.

Where is Monaco

The name Cote d'Azur tells you something - this coast of the Gulf of Marseille in France is the place of the most luxurious holiday. Cannes, Antibes, Nice - the very name of these resorts sounds like a song. The slopes descending like an amphitheater to the Mediterranean Sea are covered with villas costing several million dollars .Movie stars and owners of interstate trading corporations settle here. And among all this splendor, the small principality of Monaco is nestled. Its population is small, and the area is even more so. The old city of Monaco is only visible. The state does not have its own water area, although in the last 20 years the principality is surrounded on all sides by France. In summer it is one hour behind Moscow, and in winter - two. The capital is the city of Monaco. The country has a so-called dualistic monarchy. It is limited by the Constitution. The state is ruled by a prince - now it is Albert II. Despite its modest size, Monaco is represented in the UN, UNESCO, WHO, Interpol, Council of Europe and OSCE.

History of Monaco

Back in the tenth century BC, there was a Phoenician settlement on the rock where the dwarf principality is now located. Later, Greeks and Ligurians lived here. The history of the principality dates back to 1215, when the Monaco fortress was built on the rocky shore. Its population was small. Basically it was a military garrison. In the nineties of the thirteenth century, a civil war broke out in Genoa between the Guelphs and the Ghibellines. A certain Francesco Grimaldi disguised himself as a Franciscan monk and knocked on the evening of January 8, 1297, at the gates of the fortress, asking for shelter for the night. The guards were severely punished for their kindness. His accomplices, who burst in after Grimaldi, slaughtered the entire garrison. And Francesco himself founded a new princely line. For more than seven hundred years, the state has been continuously ruled by the Grimaldi family. And the state coat of arms is decorated with two Franciscan monks with swords.

Modern history of the country

It cannot be said that the independent country has never disappeared from the political map of Europe since then. Having passed under the Treaty of Perron in 1641 under the protectorate of France, Monaco was completely annexed by its powerful neighbor in 1789. But after the collapse of the Napoleonic Empire, the principality went to the Kingdom of Sardinia. It remained under his protectorate for half a century. In 1860, Sardinia withdrew its troops. The entire small area of ​​Monaco was again recognized as sovereign. The economic rise of the dwarf state began in 1865, when a casino opened in Monte Carlo. A customs union was concluded with France. In 1911, a constitution appeared, where for the first time the power of the prince was limited. Foreign investors such as Aristotle Onassis provided significant assistance in the development of Monaco's economy. He invested in the entertainment industry and port construction.

The most famous princess

Until the twentieth century, representatives of the princely family of Monaco entered only into strategically advantageous marriage alliances. However, times change, and so do morals. In the middle of the twentieth century, fate brought the ruling Prince Rainier III together with the American actress Grace Kelly. She came to star in Alfred Hitchcock's film To Catch a Thief. And Rainier the Third, who ascended the throne in 1949, was the most eligible bachelor at that time. The couple's wedding took place in a narrow circle on April 18, 1956. The misalliance did not cause a big scandal (after all, the twentieth century!). In addition, Princess of Monaco Grace Kelly did everything possible to make the local people love her. She learned the language and customs. But its main merit is the preservation of the sovereignty of the principality in the complex political relations of the state with France. This is the story of the film “Princess of Monaco” starring Nicole Kidman. On September 13, 1982, Grace Kelly was driving. As a result of the stroke, she lost control of the car, causing the car to fall off a cliff. Grace died in hospital the next day. Her youngest daughter, seventeen-year-old Stefania Maria Elisabeth, was also in the car. The girl suffered a serious neck fracture. At this time, the country is ruled by Grace's son, Albert II, Prince of Monaco. The population carefully preserves the memory of the “American princess.” The main hospital is named after her, and a commemorative coin was issued in her honor.

Holidays in Monaco

The area of ​​the country, as already indicated, is only two square kilometers. This is three times smaller than Moscow's Sokolniki Park. But in the last twenty years, thanks to the draining of the coast, the area of ​​Monaco has increased by almost forty hectares. A port was equipped. Monaco thus became a maritime power in the truest sense of the word. But the principality is not famous for its beach holidays. The content of these two square kilometers is much more interesting than in Sokolniki. There are four cities there: Monte Carlo, Monaco-Ville, La Condamine and Fontvieille. All significant tourist attractions are concentrated on the Saint-Antoine rock jutting out into the sea. This is the Old Town, or Monaco-Ville. Only indigenous people - Monegasques - are allowed to settle here. They are also tax exempt. In Monaco-Ville there are the princely Grimaldi Palace, the cathedral with the tomb of Grace Kelly, the ancient Misericord chapel, Fort Antoine, the wax museums, Napoleon and the Old Town, the historical archive, and the gardens of St. Martin. On the square in front of the residence of Albert II, a ceremony is held every day for the guards to change the guard of honor. It is also interesting to visit the Oceanarium.

Monte Carlo

A description of Monaco would be incomplete without mentioning this capital, where life is dedicated to gambling and nightlife. Center for gambling and nightlife in general. The key attraction here is Europe's first ever casino. This is the gambling house "Du Monte Carlo". It can be called a gambling establishment, which appeared first in the world among phenomena of this kind. But don’t think that people are going to Monte Carlo just to try their luck. There is the famous Japanese Garden, St. Charles Church and the amazing National Doll Park. For shopping you should go to La Condamine. In this town there is a port, a park of exotic plants, the Anthropological Museum, the Great Market, the Church of the Holy Virgin, and the pedestrian street of Princess Caroline. Fontvieille is a new seaside district. There is a zoo, museums of cars, ships, numismatics and philately.

Weather in Monaco

The state is located in a subtropical climate zone. It has hot, dry summers and warm, rainy winters. The average temperature in January is +10 degrees, and in July it does not drop below +23. The best time to visit the dwarf state is from May to early October. The region is protected from the northern winds by the Alps. And in summer, the heated air is refreshed by a light breeze from the sea.


As already mentioned, the Principality is not a country of beach holidays. For sun and sea, people go to Nice and Antibes, because life is cheaper there. Therefore, the weather in Monaco is not a predetermining factor for traveling to the country. Tourists come here to experience the world of refined luxury: to lose even a euro in the oldest casino, to watch Formula 1 races, and to visit the current residence of the prince. Prices in hotels in Monaco are quite consistent with the status of the country. There are simply no budget hotels here. Prices for a standard room start from fifteen thousand rubles per night. Restaurants are not far behind the hotels. Just one dish at Louis the Fifteenth costs about two hundred euros.