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Additional seat belt for children. When, how and what to use a child seat belt

Every parent should know how to properly transport children in a car, and what rules must be followed. After all, improper transportation of a child in the event of an accident can lead to tragic consequences, this should not be forgotten. What kind of device is this - a seat belt adapter for children, how to properly transport kids and what types of child seats are - find out from this material.

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Rules for transporting children in a car

In order to ensure the safety of the child, no matter what age he may be, the driver must know everything about transporting babies. As you know, a child's body that has not grown stronger is more prone to injury in the event of a car collision. Therefore, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the basic rules of transportation.

Ordinary belt for children: is it possible?

In the event that there are no child restraints in the car, then, of course, at a minimum, you need to use a regular belt. But you need to remember that in the event of an accident, an ordinary strap can cause irreparable harm to the health of the baby. If only because the seat belt for children is not intended due to their short stature, as well as the build of the latter. If the belt goes over the neck, it could lead to suffocation in the event of an accident.

To hold or not to hold?

According to many parents, if a person holds a baby while driving in a car in his arms, then nothing threatens him, but this is fundamentally wrong. If the driver has to apply emergency braking, then the baby’s body is likely to fly through the car at breakneck speed, especially since in this case the weight will increase at least twice. Therefore, even an adult man is unlikely to be able to keep the baby, what can be said about women and girls?

In addition, it must be taken into account that the person who holds the baby, in the event of a sudden braking or an accident, is most likely to fly after the baby, as a result, he can simply crush him. So this method of transporting children under the age of 14 is considered the most traumatic. You also need to consider the danger posed by airbags. If the pillow works when the baby is at the other end of the cabin, that is, in its front part, this can also harm him. So, if the car is equipped with airbags, you can’t rely on them alone.

Photo gallery "Options for transporting children"

Criteria for choosing a seat belt for a baby

The best option to ensure the safety of the baby are adapters for seat belts for children. The Child Seat Belt Adapter is a device used to transport toddlers aged 4 years and over, and the child must weigh no more than 36 kg. Car seat belt adapters are used in conjunction with car seat belts.

Fast belt review

In order for the Fast child seat belts to best protect the passenger, his height should be no more than 0.5 meters. The purpose of Fast devices is to ensure the adaptation of the strap installed in the car in accordance with the growth of the child. Thanks to this, the small passenger will be able to take a comfortable position in the chair, while the adapter itself will pass through the belt and shoulder.

Here are the main features that the children's belt Fest has:

  1. This seatbelt pad is a universal option that can be used without child seats.
  2. The product takes up a minimum of free space in the car.
  3. With proper use, the baby will feel comfortable, even when driving long distances. Especially when you consider that the pressure on the baby's stomach will be minimal.
  4. Children's triangle Fast can be easily installed with your own hands.
  5. Considering the cost of the product, it is lower than other restraints that are also designed for use by children.
  6. It is not allowed to use Fast triangles for two children at once. Only one pad may be used per child.
  7. One of the main features is that when using Fast products, if the driver has to brake sharply, the load on the child's body will be minimal. Accordingly, the probability of injury in a minor accident is reduced to almost zero (the author of the video is Evgeniy Stetsura).

Now we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the list of advantages that you get when using Fast overlays:

  1. Numerous tests of adapters have shown that when they are properly connected, the load on the child's body will be lower. In particular, if we compare adapters with child seats or seat belts installed in the car.
  2. If you believe the reviews left by consumers on the Internet, then Fast products are considered one of the most reliable security options. It should also be borne in mind that the Fast manufacturer is a well-known brand that complies with all production standards in the manufacture of products, so there is no doubt about the quality of its products.
  3. Fast products are characterized by the presence of a European quality certificate, respectively, this indicates their reliability.
  4. When using products of this brand, the baby can be transported even in the front seat.
  5. One of the most famous Russian pediatrists L. Roshal several years ago advised using Fast products to ensure the safety of small passengers. First of all, he motivated this call with the highest reliability that they can provide. Of course, this could be said for promotional purposes. But given the many awards and certificates awarded to Fast, we have no reason to doubt the doctor's recommendations.
  6. As a rule, the use of such security elements makes it possible to prevent the possibility of receiving a fine if the car is stopped by a traffic police officer.
  7. In the event that you have a Fast, then you do not have to additionally buy a special child seat. Accordingly, this will save money.

Varieties of DUU

Now let's move on to the issue of types of restraints.

These devices may differ among themselves by groups:

  • 0 is a group of seats for small passengers whose weight is up to 10 kg;
  • 0+ - the seats of this group are focused on babies weighing up to 13 kg;
  • 1 - products of this group are intended for small passengers weighing from 9 to 18 kg;
  • 2 - these chairs are designed for children weighing from 15 to 25 kg;
  • seats that belong to group 3 must be used by children weighing from 22 to 36 kg (the author of the video is the BABY IN CAR channel).

But in addition to weight, it is also necessary to take into account the age of passengers - on average, the indicators are as follows:

  • group 0 and 0+ seats should be used by children aged between one and 1.5 years;
  • 0+ and 1 - products belonging to these classes can be used by passengers under the age of 4.5 years, they can be installed both in the direction and against the direction of the car;
  • as for class 1 seats, their operation is allowed by children whose age is from 9 months. up to 4.5 years, but we must not forget about the weight of the passenger;
  • Class 1, 2 and 3 seats must be used by children aged 3 to 12.

Issue price

The cost of the Fast lining may differ depending on the type of group to which it belongs, as well as the store where you buy it. The average price for Fast products is about 470 rubles. When compared with traditional child car seats, the cost of the cheapest seat will be about 1300 rubles, and the most expensive option can cost up to 50 thousand rubles.

Video "How not to fall for a fake Fast - an overview of the original overlay"

In order not to fall for a fake when buying a restraint, we recommend that you read the review of the original overlay from the user (the author of the video is the kykysyakykysya channel).

An ordinary car seat belt can be adapted to hold not only an adult passenger, but also a small one. Adapters are used quite widely, although quite a few drivers have already been fined for replacing a child seat with these devices. After all, the law regulates their use rather vaguely. About whether it is advisable to use a seat belt for children, when it can be done, how to avoid punishment, read further in the article.

Read in this article

Child seat belt law

The rules for the transportation of young passengers, if we are not talking about an organized group, are dictated by clause 22.9 of the SDA:

Transportation of children under the age of 7 years in a passenger car and truck cabin, which are designed with seat belts or seat belts and an ISOFIX child restraint system, must be carried out using child restraint systems (devices) that are appropriate for the weight and height of the child.

Transportation of children aged 7 to 11 years (inclusive) in a passenger car and a truck cab, which are designed with seat belts or seat belts and an ISOFIX child restraint system, must be carried out using child restraint systems (devices) that are appropriate for the weight and height of the child , or using seat belts, and in the front seat of a car - only using child restraint systems (devices) appropriate for the weight and height of the child.

This is the main law governing seat belts when children are in the car. It does not clearly define the concepts of "child restraint (system)" and "other means of safety". Although, by default, it is customary to consider only full-fledged car seats as such, as the heads of the traffic police have publicly said more than once. That is, for children under 7 years old, in accordance with the law, today it is allowed to use adapters only in the back seat of a car.

If we are talking about the front, you need a special device designed for the baby.

Since 2017, there has been talk of banning the child seat belt adapter altogether at the legislative level, as in Europe. But for now, these devices are allowed to be installed, since no changes have been made to the traffic rules.

At what age can the adapter be used

Devices that change the direction of the retaining tape are needed so that during a sharp braking of the car, a collision, the child does not slip out of the chair and is not injured. This is only possible when the device matches its physical parameters. If you use seat belts for children, the age according to the traffic rules is not decisive, it is not indicated there.

In accordance with the instructions, the adapters are designed for passengers weighing 9 kg and over 110 cm tall. If the child meets these parameters, the child car seat can be replaced with the device. That is, it is permissible to use it from about 4 years of age, but only if you put the baby in the back seat. And from 7 and older, the adapter is also suitable for the front seat.

Seat belt adapter

Three-point seat belt and its features

Devices are made in Russia, there are several types. The three-point seat belt for children is a device that performs several functions at once:

  • removes the restraining tape from the neck of the young passenger, protecting this area of ​​the body from injury in the event of sudden braking or impact;
  • protects the abdominal area from the impression of a narrow belt;
  • securely fixes the child on the seat, regardless of the speed of the car and the direction of movement.

The device is mounted on a regular seat belt attached to each car seat. Usually it has buttons or Velcro for this, pulls both tapes together. During use, the triangle is located on the surface of the baby's abdomen.

Overlay and pillow: are they needed?

Not all parents find it necessary to use a special restraint for a child, being sure that a regular belt will fit. In fact, an elastic band that can save an adult from injury can harm a small passenger. When the body involuntarily moves forward when the vehicle comes to a sudden stop, it strongly cuts into the soft tissues. At the same time, bone fractures cannot be ruled out, because in a child they are fragile.

In addition, the baby will not be able to rest his feet on the floor so that the tape does not squeeze so much. It is also too long to hold a young passenger in place.

The pad on the seat belt for children deprives the device of all these shortcomings. She adapts it to the height and weight of a small person, allows you to maintain comfort during the trip. But the main thing is that it will not let you hit the front seat during heavy braking, other parts of the cabin when you roll over or fall on your side.

A seatbelt cushion for children will be even more useful if you complement the triangle with it. It is located at the top of the diagonal ribbon at shoulder and cheek level. The pillow will increase safety in the event of a side collision, protect the head and neck from damage. In addition, it will add comfort to the trip.

Fine for transporting children without a seat belt

Carrying children without age-appropriate seat belts completely deprives them of their protection in the event of an accident and even when the car brakes hard without colliding with anything. Therefore, the law forbids it. And the driver who violated it will definitely be punished under part 3 of article 12.23 of the Code of Administrative Offenses. He will pay a fine of Rs. There are no more lenient sanctions for this.

A fine for a child's seat belt can also be issued if his age is less than 12 years old and he is riding in the front seat of a car. Here, a child seat is needed, since it is it that corresponds to the weight and height of the young passenger, which means the requirement of traffic rules.

There is another issue causing controversy between traffic police officers and drivers: is it possible to fasten a child with an adult seat belt. Her decision is contained in paragraph 22.9 of the SDA, if you read it carefully:

Transportation of children aged 7 to 11 years (inclusive) in a car ... must be carried out using child restraint systems (devices) appropriate for the weight and height of the child, or using seat belts ...

That is, a regular retaining tape will suffice when:

  • child from 7 to 11 years old;
  • he rides in the back seat of a car;
  • his height and weight allow him to stay in the chair with the help of this device.

All three conditions must be met simultaneously. Although it is the latter that causes a conflict between traffic police officers and drivers, since here you can find a reason for disagreement. But parents should remember that a regular belt corresponds to a height of 150 cm.

For teenagers from 12 years old, it is allowed to use it with the appropriate dimensions of the passenger and during transportation in the front seat of the car.

Watch this video about the new rules for transporting children:

Which is better: car seat or adapter

With all the advantages that a seat belt for children has, the product cannot be called universal. Its main advantage is low cost. And yet this is the minimum necessary to protect against injury in an accident. After all, the car seat copes with the function of holding on the seat much better. This has been proven by numerous comparative tests of both devices. Therefore, in Europe, child adapters are prohibited.

In Russia, too, there was such an intention, but so far these funds remain legalized. Still, it is better to use the adapter when the child has already grown out of the car seat, but its parameters do not yet reach the standard seat belt. And in other cases, it is worth buying a full-fledged child restraint system, changing it to a new one as the young passenger grows up.

For any parent, the safety of their children is always paramount. Therefore, when creating the most harmless and comfortable conditions for movement in your own transport, you need to approach the choice of a means of fixing children in a car with special care and responsibility.

What it is

First, let's figure out what a child seat belt is. In general, this is a specially designed tool that is designed to hold a person in place in case of an accident or a sudden stop. It is in every car and is located depending on the placement of the seats - on the right or on the left. In most cases, the straps automatically retract into place and have three points of contact. Therefore, they absolutely do not interfere with a person and do not hinder movement, and most importantly, they tightly press him to the seat.

For children of school and preschool age, a special device is intended for fixing on the back or front seat of the car. And for those who are concerned about the question of at what age a seat belt for children can be used, let's say that the named device is used for young passengers from 4 to 12 years old.

Now in our country there is a state standard that defines a number of basic requirements for the quality and features of the production of these security equipment, as well as for their testing system.

What is a holding device for?

When transporting children, restraints play a very important role. After all, all small passengers are inquisitive and mobile. A parent will feel more comfortable driving knowing that their child is securely holding the child's seat belt. In addition, no one is immune from dangerous situations that occur while the car is moving. Therefore, a place for a small passenger should always be equipped with a high degree of protection and reliability.

Seat belts for children in the car are needed for those children who have already grown out of the car seat or categorically refuse to be in it. This holding device is recommended to be purchased together with other fixing mechanisms.

What are the benefits

Parents who doubt the advisability of using such security measures should pay attention to some facts confirming their necessity:

  • the risk of head injury is reduced by 8 times;
  • chest injuries - 18 times;
  • neck - 6 times;
  • the probability of mutilation of the abdominal organs became 27 times lower.

But most importantly, the life of the baby is saved, because since the use of restraints, the death rate of children in car accidents has decreased by more than 70%. These are convincing official figures for the benefits of seat belts for children.

In addition, the risk of contact during an impact with interior elements is significantly reduced. The distribution of his strength occurs on the stronger parts of the body. The child is protected from collision with other passengers. During an accident, he will not be thrown out of the car. The possibility of injury is minimized.

Opponents of the use of such security features

Absolutely all opponents of such methods of fixation agree that in the event of an emergency, a seat belt for children purchased in a car will put pressure on the baby's abdominal cavity. This is usually due to the location of the holding device. In a similar situation, an adult transfers pressure to the legs, resting them on the floor. A small passenger will not be able to do this due to his small stature, which is fraught with damage to internal organs.

In older car models, the use of such restraints is not possible, since their main seat belts do not have horizontal straps, and it is problematic to purchase a modern car for the sake of a child seat belt. Therefore, among the owners of such cars there are no supporters of the mentioned restraints.

In an emergency, the adapter is not able to protect the child's head and body.

The use of child restraints in the front seat is dangerous due to the fact that the airbag is at the level of the child's head. Therefore, in the event of an accident, there is a high probability of injury from it, and not from a collision with an obstacle.

The negative aspect of using this method of fixation is its simple fastening, due to which the baby can come unfastened during movement, which is unsafe.

The child seat belt is a budget and simple restraint that can be used even after the next innovations. It has both advantages and disadvantages. But it's better than nothing. Therefore, you should not save on the safety of the younger generation, because this is our continuation and the greatest value.

Important features of fixing devices

When choosing a seat belt for children, it is necessary to take into account the weight and size of the baby, as well as pay attention to the regulator of the device. The 3-point harness provided in each car is for adult safety only due to different body proportions. In the event of a collision, a child fastened with such a belt runs the risk of receiving a strong blow to the lungs and heart.

Methods for attaching restraints

In a seat belt for children whose age is approaching 12 years, manufacturers recommend using an additional device - a small bag that allows you to pull the branches of the main belt together. Also, this option can be used as an addition to a child car seat.

Another way to secure small passengers is to use a child seat belt adapter. This is a triangular overlay that pulls the diagonal line of the belt away from the neck. It comes with buttons and Velcro, and significantly reduces the risk of injury to the cervical spine.

Booster - a device that is a special lining that is attached to the car seat and provides a high fit for the baby. As a result, the risk of strangulation at the time of a sudden stop is significantly reduced.

There are also three-point harnesses for children, but they are considered the most dangerous for a child's stomach and have failed all crash tests. In comparison with them, five-point belts are considered more reliable. Most often, car seat manufacturers use them.

Child seat belt adapter - an alternative to a car seat

Adapters are designed to shift the position of the branches of the main car belt using buttons or Velcro and belong to the group of separate holding means. The small size of the car seat belt adapter and its low cost are increasingly becoming the deciding factors in favor of purchasing this safety system.

A considerable number of sellers and manufacturers claim that it can be used without a child car seat. There is a lot of controversy on this topic at the moment. But, unfortunately, the triangle on the seat belt for children is not able to provide the proper level of protection that a quality car seat guarantees. Most experts recommend using both of these security measures.

Fixing device requirements

When buying a fixing device, very often sellers convince an inexperienced buyer of the reliability and safety of the proposed device. Unfortunately, this is not always the case.

The purchase and selection of a child seat belt should be planned only at specialized outlets that can present quality certificates and have trained personnel who can provide qualified assistance in choosing the right model.

It is necessary to pay attention to the fastening of the belt. It must be reliable. An important parameter here is the belt lock. During movement, he must securely hold the child without injuring him, and at the same time, in the event of an accident, the child must be able to easily unfasten the lock of the holding device.

Also requires careful study of the belt limiter. With a sharp movement, it should work.

Parents are required to attach the seat belt cover for children with high quality and reliability.

Operating rules

If there is more than one child in the family, then an individual fixing device must be provided for each of them. The reliability of its fastening is checked every time before the start of the movement. The duration of the trip does not affect the use of this device. Therefore, it is mandatory to use it in all cases of transportation of small passengers.

The belt must pass strictly along the belt and over the shoulder of the child. It is also necessary to adjust or completely change it in a timely manner when children grow up.

Domestic goods "FEST"

The most popular among all restraints for children is "FEST" - a triangular pad for a child's seat belt. This is a unique and easy-to-use protection tool. In terms of safety, it is far superior to most other fixing devices and even some car seats.

"FEST" is intended for small passengers weighing at least 9 kilograms and not more than 36 kg. Moreover, if the baby weighs less than 18 kg, then the domestic children's seat belt should only be used with a special strap.

This mount is very reliable and able to ensure the safe transportation of the child in the car. It easily and at the same time firmly fixed on the main seat belt and does not interfere with its work. And the removal and installation process usually takes less than half a minute.

The developers have tried to design the tool in such a way that in the event of an accident, the possibility of injury is significantly reduced due to the restriction of the mobility of children. And if necessary, its lock can be opened quite easily.

In Russia, finally, which relate to the rules for transporting children in cars. So from now on, the new rules for the transportation of children under the age of 11 are regulated by changes in the rules of the road, adopted by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 761 of June 28, 2017.

So, for example, new rules oblige drivers to transport children under the age of 7 years only using child restraint systems (), corresponding to the weight and height of the child. That is, from now on, it is strictly forbidden to transport children using "belt adapters", frameless devices and other seat belt guides. For violation of this rule of traffic rules, the driver faces a fine of 3,000 rubles.

Children under the age of 7 are only allowed in car seats and boosters.

How can children under the age of 7 be transported in a car?

Recall that earlier legislation allowed drivers, when transporting children, to use, in addition to car seats and boosters, various "other devices" , which include: book, frameless device, corrector (adapter) seat belt straps.

But, according to the change in the traffic rules, now the words "other devices" removed on the basis of Government Decree No. 761 dated 06/28/2017.

Accordingly, the transportation of children under the age of 7 is now possible only in special car seats, boosters, which take into account the height and weight of the child.

So, according to the new Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 761, changes are made to clause 22.9 in the rules of the road:

SDA 29.9 Transportation of children in a car

"Carriage of children under the age of 7 years in a passenger car and truck cab, which are designed with seat belts or seat belts and an ISOFIX* child restraint system, must be carried out using child restraint systems (devices) that are appropriate for the weight and height of the child.

* The name of the ISOFIX child restraint system is given in accordance with the Technical Regulations of the Customs Union TR RS 018/2011 "On the safety of wheeled vehicles".

The ban on nurseries for transporting children was necessary in connection with studies that found that such devices not only do not protect children during an accident, but also exacerbate the consequences of an accident.

So, as a result of comprehensive tests, experts found that such devices do not provide adequate safety for children compared to car seats and boosters.

It is also worth noting that during tests of frameless child car restraints, seat belt adapters and other similar devices, it turned out that the consequences of an accident for a child are aggravated compared to seat belts provided for by the design of the vehicle and used to fix a child without any additional fixtures.

That is, in other words, seat belt adapters, frameless devices, etc., cause more harm than simple car seat belts.

How to transport children aged 7 to 11?

According to the change in the traffic rules of the Russian Federation, on the basis of Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 761, in clause 29.9, changes have also been made related to the transportation of children aged 7 to 11 years.

Here is a quote from the new traffic rules:

Children between the ages of 7 and 11 (inclusive) in a passenger car and truck cab designed with seat belts or seat belts and an ISOFIX child restraint system must use (devices) appropriate for the weight and height of the child, or using seat belts, and in the front seat of a car - only with the use of child restraint systems (devices) corresponding to the weight and height of the child.

The installation of child restraint systems (devices) in a passenger car and the cab of a truck and the placement of children in them must be carried out in accordance with the operating manual for these systems (devices).

It is forbidden to transport children under the age of 12 in the back seat of a motorcycle.

Can a child between the ages of 7 and 11 be transported in the front seat without using a car seat?

According to the new change in the SDA (in paragraph 29.9), children aged 7 to 11 years are prohibited from transporting without a car seat in the front seat.

Accordingly, in case of violation of this paragraph of the SDA, the driver faces a fine for violating the rules for transporting children in a car. A fine of 3,000 rubles.

Can children between the ages of 7 and 11 be transported in the back seat of a car without a car seat?

Yes, according to the Government Decree, which amends clause 29.9 of the SDA of the Russian Federation, it is allowed to transport a child in the back seat between the ages of 7 and 11, both in a car seat and without it. But in this case mandatory use of seat belts.

Accordingly, the use of seat belt adapters and frameless child restraints to transport children in a vehicle is prohibited.

So, under the new legislation, the driver has the right to carry a child in the back seat without using a car seat. In this case, you need to fasten a child aged 7 to 11 years old with a standard vehicle seat belt.

Is it dangerous to transport children between the ages of 7 and 11 without car seats?

It is worth noting that the appearance in the rules of the road of a clause allowing the transportation of children from 7 to 11 years old, on the one hand, simplifies the rules for transporting a child in a car, but on the other hand, it makes one think, since the transportation of children using seat belts does not always provide adequate protection during an accident .

It's all about the height and weight of a child aged 7 to 11 years. Let's face it, kids are different. For example, it is not uncommon for a child of 7-8 years of age to have the same height and weight as a child of 10-11 years of age, and vice versa, it is not uncommon for a child of 11 years of age to have a small weight and height comparable to a younger child.

Accordingly, if you fasten a seat belt on a child aged 10-11 years old who looks like a child of 7-9 years old (due to height and weight), then the seat belt will not be able to fully protect the child from the serious consequences of an accident, since the seat belt in principle intended for passengers of height and weight, which, as a rule, corresponds to people over 12 years old.

So we recommend that drivers still use a strictly special car seat for transporting children under the age of 11, which is naturally safer for your child compared to conventional seat belts.

Yes, of course, if your child of 10-11 years old looks like a teenager of 12-14 years old, then it is not advisable to buy a special chair for him. In this case, it is worth using regular seat belts when transporting a child in the back seat.

Remember that just because the law allows children between the ages of 7 and 11 to be transported without a seat, this does not mean that this is the safest way for your child to travel. The main thing is height and weight.

For example, if your child is not tall enough, then if he is wearing a seat belt in the back seat, there is a risk that during an accident the lap belt will move to the stomach, which can lead to severe injury to the abdominal organs, which is naturally life-threatening for the child.

This is due to the peculiarities of the skeletal structure of children under the age of 12 years. Accordingly, if your child is small and light in weight, and despite the fact that his age allows you, in accordance with applicable law, to transport children using seat belts, it is best to use all the same to provide the child with maximum protection in the event of an accident .

Also remember that in no case should you transport children aged 7 to 11 in the front seat using a seat belt, since this not only now prohibits clause 29.9 of the traffic rules, for violation of which you face a fine of 3,000 rubles, but and very dangerous, because even with a minor accident, a child in the front seat can be severely injured.

When will the new rules for transporting children in a car come into force?

According to the current legislation, the Decree of the Government comes into force after seven days from the date of their official publication. Since Decree No. 761 of June 28, 2017 was officially published on the website of the Government of the Russian Federation on July 03, 2017, the new rules for transporting children in a car will come into force on July 10, 2017.

A restraining device can be understood as a special car seat, as well as a booster - a stand or a frameless chair. Also in the SDA it is said that the restraint must correspond to the height and weight of the passenger.

According to article 12.23 part 3 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, in 2018, a fine of 3,000 rubles was imposed for the transportation of children without special restraints.

Are the prices of restraints and car seats different?

It is worth saying that a good chair that meets all the standards of the EU and the Customs Union can cost from 10 thousand rubles and more.

You can also find cheaper samples, usually made in China. But they will also cost from 5000 and up. Boosters for older people will cost less - from 1500 rubles.

Often drivers want to save even on the safety of their offspring and are looking for even cheaper options. One of them is the FEST child restraint, manufactured by the plant of the same name from Kostroma.

Such a miracle device costs 386 or 497 rubles in official stores, depending on the model and size. It would seem that the savings are obvious - why pay 15-20 thousand, if you can give 500 rubles. Moreover, FEST is advertised even in the traffic police, not to mention the central television and radio channels.

We will try to figure out whether FEST is really a universal solution that can protect in the event of an accident.

What is a FEST belt?

As you know, the regular car seat belt is a three-point and consists of a lumbar and shoulder sections. It is designed for a minimum passenger height of at least 150 centimeters.

If we are talking about children, then in no case should they be fastened with such a belt, since the strap will pass dangerously close to the neck.

FEST is essentially an ordinary adapter.

The adapter is put on a regular seat belt and takes the strap away from the neck area, closer to the chest.

That is, the idea is quite simple. In addition, when fastened, the adapter acquires a triangular shape and in the event of a frontal collision, the load will be equally distributed on the body.

The Kostroma enterprise produces two main models:

  • with a branded FEST strap (designed for additional girth of the baby's hips) - designed for a weight of 9-18 kg;
  • without strap - 18-36 kg.

Why is it worth buying(we give excerpts from the manufacturer's advertisement):

  • compactness - in comparison with a car seat, they take up much less space;
  • versatility - can be used in any car where there are seat belts (that is, you do not need to look for Isofix mounts and think about how to attach a seat);
  • ease of use - follows from the previous paragraph.

The most important thing that the manufacturer appeals to is reliability and safety.

According to the results of tests conducted at AvtoVAZ, the use of this adapter reduces the risk of death by 50% and the risk of serious injury by 90%.

And of course, we didn’t forget to mention that FEST costs much less - for many, this very fact is the main incentive to make a purchase.

At what age can you use it and what do they say in the traffic police?

In principle, the instructions do not say anything about age.

The only condition:

correspondence of height and weight, that is, if your baby weighs more than 9 kilograms, and his height has reached 100-110 centimeters, then you can already refuse the car seat and switch to FEST with an additional strap in the hip area.

Is it prohibited by the traffic police?

The restraining device or just the FEST adapter is certified on the territory of the Russian Federation, so the traffic police is allowed and the employees will not be able to issue any fine if they see that you are fastening your child aged 3 to 12 years with the help of FEST.

And most importantly- in the Rules of the Road there is no specific article that would describe how the restraint should look like. The main thing is that it corresponds to height and weight.

How to apply FEST?

There shouldn't be any problems with the application. When unfolded, it resembles a trapezoid overlay with buttons. With these buttons, you can adjust the size directly to the parameters of your son or daughter.

The adapter is attached to the standard belts at three points using the same buttons or buttons. An additional strap wraps around the baby's hips.

The FEST device is made of soft fabric, so children will not experience any discomfort.

To make it last as long as possible, it is forbidden to do the following:

  • fasten two or more passengers with one belt;
  • expose it to any negative influences - try to break, burn, cut with scissors;
  • can not be used in cases where the child is in the arms of adults;
  • fasten them to children whose height has not reached 110 centimeters.

In principle, one glance at this device is enough to understand its principle of operation.

Should I buy an adapter?

We talked more or less about this FEST device, but real experts do not recommend its use.

Here are the shortcomings identified by experts:

  • firstly, it does not protect against side impacts;
  • secondly, the baby is not fixed in place, so it constantly slides off the chair;
  • thirdly, it does not protect against the effect of diving under the lumbar strap.

As written on the packaging, the device has a certificate of conformity ECE R44 / 03, obtained after successfully passed tests at AvtoVAZ. However, there are less encouraging results from independent tests.

What did the FEST test results show?

First of all, even in a collision at a speed of 60 km / h, body weight increases, according to the most conservative estimates, by 20-30 times. If the speed is higher, then this value increases even more.

What happens when this happens:

  • the child's legs do not reach the floor, respectively, he dives under the lumbar belts;
  • the FEST triangular pad keeps it from falling, but all the pressure falls on the stomach, while in an adult, all the pressure from the straps falls on the sternum and hips;
  • in addition, the head moves forward by inertia and painfully beats on the front seats.

It is enough to compare videos on Youtube, which compare the behavior of a mannequin in a high-quality car seat and fastened with an adapter - the difference is noticeable to the naked eye.

Even in case of an accident at low speeds - 50-60 km / h, the child is threatened with:

  • ruptures of the abdominal organs;
  • fractures of the ribs and vertebrae;
  • neck and head injuries.

And this is with a frontal impact. With the side, the baby is not protected at all by anything.

Thus we come to the conclusion:

the FEST adapter will protect you from traffic police fines for violating the rules for transporting children. If an accident occurs, the consequences can be very dire. Do not save on health, buy a certified car seat with the EU quality mark.