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Gas station rating: which gas station has the best quality gasoline? Saving money on gasoline without risk: what is the difference between bonus programs at gas stations? The best gas station.

Every driver knows how important it is to use high-quality gasoline for your car. By refueling the car with bad fuel, you significantly impair its performance and risk reducing its life. In order not to get into an unpleasant situation and know where fuel and lubricants are best, we bring to your attention the rating of gas stations by the quality of gasoline and diesel fuel in 2018-2019.

No. 10 - Phaeton Aero

Phaeton Aero gas stations are supplied with fuel by several popular factories at once. First of all, it is Kirishsky, in the second - Yaroslavl. The network is one of the oldest and most famous in Russia, but it is rarely used as an answer to the question “which gas station has the best quality gasoline”.

It captivates residents of St. Petersburg and surrounding regions with a rich variety of additional services, ranging from convenience stores to car washes.

No. 9 - MTK

MTK is the only gas station network in Russia that is fully controlled by the Moscow government. Due to this, we can assume that the stations of this particular company are subjected to the most stringent and thorough checks. MTK products comply with the Euro-4 standard. If we compare the company's stations with other good gas stations that are on the territory of Moscow and the Moscow region, then the prices here are the cheapest. Therefore, economical drivers, it is best to refuel here.

No. 8 - Tatneft

Oil for the gas station network from the Tatar region is supplied by the Moscow Oil Refinery, so there is no need to doubt the quality of the fuel. However, despite this, drivers speak of Tatneft either too positively, or smash it to smithereens, something in between is not given.

It is worth recognizing that the company's leaders do not hide the fact that certain additives exist in their products, but there are no comments on how they affect the car. Tatneft is trying to win over the consumer by lowering fuel prices, and in this matter it really outperforms most of its competitors. This is complemented by friendly staff and equipped places to relax.

No. 7 - Track

Petrol stations of the Trassa company are familiar only to residents of Moscow and the Moscow region. Perhaps in the future they will appear on the territory of the rest of the country, but the company has not yet announced such plans. As for the quality of fuel, drivers note that in this regard, the products more than satisfy their needs. The staff of the company's filling stations, as well as places of rest for drivers, who are well equipped, also bothered to respond positively.

No. 6 - TNK

In terms of the number of filling stations operating, TNK is one of the leaders in Russia. However, in terms of fuel quality, the company is inferior to Lukoil and other competitors. Despite this, the products comply with Euro-5 standards, and the price and quality of fuel are in the right balance.

Many drivers claim that TNK gasoline contains additional additives that have a positive effect on engine performance and make it more economical. It should be noted that the company's gas stations are present not only in Russia, but also in the CIS countries.

No. 5 - Sibneft

The main difference between the fifth line of our top filling stations with high-quality gasoline and the rest is that Sibneft has relied on the profile side of its stations. The company itself uses extremely powerful equipment, which allows it to extract raw materials at a greater depth than its competitors.

Sibneft does not have associated services that often arise due to the development of filling stations. The situation is absolutely opposite - the exclusive line of goods is one of the oldest in the country and has conquered more than one generation of drivers. The choice of fuel at the company's gas stations is wide, and the prices are quite reasonable.

No. 4 - Rosneft

Rosneft is one of the few companies that has a license to sell British Petroleum fuel, its creator is the main concern for the production and processing of oil throughout the globe. This advantage is complemented by high-quality gasoline.

The fuel provided by Rosneft meets all generally accepted norms and standards, both in our country and in Europe. Own oil production adds to the company a corresponding obligation to maintain the quality of the offered material. With this task, she has been coping with a bang for many years.

No. 3 - Gazpromneft

The third place in our top gas stations with high-quality gasoline goes to Gazprom Neft. The fuel at its stations complies with the Euro-4 world standard. The name of the company is fully justified by the presence of gas stations. The octane numbers indicated at the stations are true and not exaggerated at all. All this is complemented by reasonable prices, competent staff and the availability of corners for the driver to rest.

No. 2 - Shell

Shell gas stations have been inferior to Gazpromneft for many years, but according to many drivers, the situation has changed recently. This company is one of the largest fuel producers. Its gas stations are well known not only to the residents of Russia, but also to visiting guests from Europe, who prefer it.

Across the globe, Shell deservedly wins the hearts of its consumers. One of the main directions in the company is work on the environmental friendliness of the produced fuel. Although for Russian drivers this criterion is still not the main one.

No. 1 - Lukoil

The first place in our ranking of gas stations in terms of gasoline quality is occupied by Lukoil. It is this company that is the recognized leader in Russia in oil refining. This is not at all accidental - the quality of gasoline that it provides meets the Euro-5 standard.

Lukoil has won several prestigious Environmental Sign awards. Gas station customers are familiar with the additional bonuses of affordable prices and a wide choice of fuel. Regardless of what fuel your car uses, you are guaranteed to find it at one of the Lukoil gas stations.

In contact with

Comfort is one of the main requirements put forward by motorists. Many parameters are responsible for a comfortable ride, not the least of which is the quality of fuel. The modern market of oil and gas products has hundreds of offers from various suppliers. However, it is this factor that makes it difficult to decide on the most optimal choice. This material describes the criteria for self-determination of which gas station has the best gasoline.

There are frequent cases when, when changing the grade or brand of fuel, the driver encounters behavior unusual for his car: the engine starts and stalls for a long time, tapping is heard while driving, and the car itself moves in jerks, as if the fuel gauge needle was approaching zero. If before such problems did not bother, but made themselves felt along with the change of the oil product, this may indicate both the low quality of the latter and its inconsistency with the passport of a particular vehicle. Below is the relationship between fuel characteristics and their direct impact on engine performance.

The octane number is a comparative indicator that determines the degree of resistance of a particular grade of commercial gasoline to detonation. In this case, detonation should be understood as self-ignition of the fuel as a result of a thermal explosion during compression of the fuel mixture. Such a process is typical when the octane number, and hence the detonation resistance, are low. In this case, the following signs are noted:

  • power drawdowns;
  • sharp sound;
  • increased opacity of exhaust;
  • rapid combustion of fuel.

When the use of low-octane fuel that does not meet the requirements of a car is systemic, it is possible local destruction of the engine. In particular, exhaust valves can burn out as the mixture detonates before they can close. This process can be recognized by the characteristic metallic sound. In addition, pistons and cylinder head gaskets may be damaged.

Advice! If in doubt about what kind of gasoline to fill up, you should look at the inside of the fuel tank door - often the information is duplicated there.

The use of high-octane gasoline allows you to achieve an increase in engine power in the usual mode of operation. However, not all vehicles are “sharpened” for this type of fuel. During refueling with high-octane gasoline of a car whose engine is designed to use fuel with a low octane number, a kind of reconfiguration of the fuel system occurs. Fuel combustion occurs with a "delay", which ultimately leads to a significant decrease in the power characteristics of the motor, instead of the expected improvement. It also threatens wear of the cylinder-piston group due to the increase in temperature.

When the indicator of the amount of actual resins goes beyond the norm, they settle on the elements of the combustion chamber. Over time, the nozzles become clogged, and soot forms on the candles. Among other things, this can lead to the so-called pre-ignition, which starts an uncontrolled combustion process. Due to pre-ignition, the pressure and temperature in the cylinders rise. Because of this, ignition occurs earlier with each cycle, until one of the parts fails.

The glow ignition is accompanied by a dull tapping sound. However, even an experienced driver cannot always distinguish it by ear. Therefore, you should carefully monitor the power: at high speeds, there are drawdowns in power up to 15%. This can be seen when the throttle is fully open.

Due to the increased sulfur content in gasoline, oxides are formed during combustion - compounds of minerals with oxygen, which, under the influence of high temperatures, can cause corrosion, and when interacting with moisture, form sulfuric acid, which further enhances corrosion. This leads to wear of the exhaust system, as well as lead-bronze bearings, up to their destruction.


Another factor leading to the development of corrosive activity, is hyperacidity. Because of this, the tendency of gasoline to form deposits in the combustion chamber and the fuel system as a whole increases. According to GOST, the acidity index for different grades of gasoline is:

  • AI-91: 3.0 mg KOH;
  • AI-93: 0.8 mg KOH;
  • AI-95: 2.0 mg KOH.

The specified norms correspond to 100 ml of gasoline. It's interesting that during storage of fuel, its acidity increases, but still rarely reaches critical values.

Advice! There is a direct relationship between the tar content of gasoline and its acid number - the more resins, the higher the acidity. In this case, the octane number decreases. This must be taken into account when choosing fuel.

Methods for determining quality fuel

If the driver has doubts about the quality of gasoline, there are two options for checking it: in the laboratory and at home. In the first case, an official document is issued containing all the verification data, as well as a general conclusion. If the examination reveals that fuel indicators do not meet the standard, this may be a reason to go to court at the gas station where the sample was purchased. In this case, all costs are borne by the oil refinery.

If the results are within the acceptable range, then there is no question of compensation and the client will have to pay for the laboratory services himself, and this is not always cheap. Therefore, the following are basic methods for self-testing gasoline.

Method #1: Color Check

The practice of coloring gasoline was still in effect in the Soviet Union, when a red pigment was added to fuel containing the poisonous additive tetraethyl lead. Such labeling was necessary to visually highlight more toxic fuels. Currently in Russia according to GOST, unleaded gasoline must be transparent. However, some companies, in particular Lukoil, tint gasoline grades in different colors so that they can be visually distinguished. So, in 2001, at Lukoil gas stations, it was possible to purchase a red A-80 and a bluish A-92. However, due to the increase in the number of fakes that gave out the color of gasoline as its brand name, the management decided to curtail the campaign.

Interesting! The Ukrainian oil refinery WOG still produces colored fuel. So, the Mustang brand has a green tint, which is its hallmark.

In connection with the foregoing, it is better to refuel at those gas stations where uncolored gasoline is sold without turbidity and sediment. It should be noted that high-quality fuel may have a pale yellow tint, but by no means saturated tones.

Method #2: Test for dilution with water

There is another way to determine quality by color. However, this time you will have to "conjure". For the experiment, you will need a transparent container and the usual undiluted potassium permanganate. If, upon contact with gasoline, it begins to manifest pinkish tint, this directly indicates the water content in the fuel. At the same time, it is important to remember the ratio of reagents: if you add too much manganese, then even gasoline can turn pink. Therefore, it is recommended to calculate the proportions based on the ratio of gasoline and reagent 20:1.

Method #3: Checking for Resins and Oils

Establishing the presence of oil in the fuel is simple: just blot the paper in the test specimen and let it dry. If, after drying, a greasy trace remains on it, then oil is present in the composition. Some experimenters apply a drop of the sample to the skin, but this method is strongly discouraged, since in addition to degreasing, dermatitis and even eczema can be earned.

As for sulfur, it is better to check its content in gasoline in the open air, away from flammable objects. To conduct an experiment, you need to stock up on a glass slide. Drop some fuel on it and set it on fire. If the gasoline is of good quality, then the glass surface will leave a white mark. But tarry gasoline is characterized by stains from yellowish to rich brown shades.

TOP 10 gas stations by gasoline quality

Car owners are constantly busy with the question of which gas station is better for gasoline. Most drivers have already determined their favorites by experience. And for those who are still looking for a reference fuel, the following rating of gas stations is offered in terms of the quality of services provided. The following indicators were used for comparison:

  • quality of oil products and compliance with technical specifications or GOST;
  • service;
  • price;
  • availability of additional services;
  • client programs and promotions.

In order to test filling stations and determine the most profitable among them, we took as a basis weighted average prices for AI-95 fuel in Moscow and regions(for gas station chains not represented in Moscow and the region). AI-98 gasoline participated in the check for compliance with the actual octane number.

Brand Name Filling station network Price Octane number AI-98 (laboratory examination) Fuel standard Client program Customer Reviews

(max. 5)

Rosneft >2800 45.30 98.2 Euro 5, Euro 6 :

- 1 point for 2 liters of fuel;

- 1 point for 20 r of other purchases;

- 1 point = 1 ruble

- registration is free.

>2600 46.35 100 Euro 5 :

- 1 point for 50 r on fuel and other purchases;

- 1 point = 1 ruble;

- registration is free.

Gazprom Neft >1200 45.80 98.6 Euro 5 :

- "Silver" status: 3 b for 100 r;

- "Gold" status: 4 b for 100 r;

- "Platinum status": 5 b for 100 r;

- 1 point = 1 ruble;

- registration is free.

TNK >600 45.80 98.2 Euro 5 See PL terms for Rosneft clients. 4.2
Tatneft >550 44.89 98.6 Euro 5 :

- 500 - 1999 p \u003d 1.5% discount;

- 2000 - 4999 r = 3% discount;

— >5000 = 4.5% discount;

- 1 point = 1 ruble;

– registration: for a fee (depending on the region).

Shell >250 46.29 98.6 Euro 5 Several species with different conditions. 4.5
BP >100 45.89 98.4 Euro 5 BP Club:

- Status "Green": 1 b for 100 r of fuel;

— Status "Gold": 2 b for 100 r;

— Platinum status: 3 b for 100 r;

- when buying in cafes and shops, points are doubled, taking into account the status;

- 1 point = 1 ruble;

- registration is free.

Bashneft >500 43.65 98.8 Euro 5 Some . 4.4
track >50 46.99 98.4 Euro 5 Mobile loyalty program:

— 2% cashback from purchases immediately after checkout;

— 3% cashback from all purchases for 50,000 rubles;

— 4% cashback for 200,000 rubles;

— 5% cashback for 1,000,000 rubles;

- 1 point = 1 ruble;

- registration is free.

Gazprom >400 45.99 98.2 Euro 5 "Movement to the Future":

— starting discount 2%;

- 1 liter of gasoline = 1 point;

- 2 l of diesel fuel = 1 point;

- 1 point = 1 ruble;

- 1000 b = 2.5% discount;

- 2500 b \u003d 3%;

- 5000 b = 3.5%;

- 10,000 b \u003d 4%;

- 20,000 b = 4.5%;

- 50,000 b \u003d 5%;

— registration: 250 r.


Based on the data presented, the reader is advised to determine for himself the best network of filling stations, based on personal priorities. It should be noted that all applicants who took part in the formation of the rating, the quality of gasoline meets modern standards.

Brands such as Rosneft, Lukoil and Shell deserve special attention, since so far they are the only ones working to improve the quality of fuel and the final transition to the Euro-6 standard. However, for those who do not know who to give preference to - Rosneft or Lukoil, or, perhaps, it is difficult to decide between Shell or Lukoil - there is only one piece of advice: pay attention to the octane number.

Important! If the octane number is significantly higher than the norm, this may indicate the presence of harmful additives for its artificial increase, which in the future will negatively affect the operation of the engine.

Interestingly, the most transparent gasoline is found at Rosneft and Shell filling stations, while the most “bright” (dark yellow) - to Lukoil. Nevertheless, according to surveys, this particular brand is preferred by more than 40% of car owners in Russia.

Reasons for the appearance of low-quality fuel at gas stations

First of all, it should be remembered that there are companies that independently extract raw materials (Gazpromneft and Rosneft), and there are those that buy it from them. There is also such a thing as "subsidiaries", operating under the license of a holding company. The latter include, for example, TNK, BP and Bashneft owned by Rosneft. Therefore, it is not surprising that fuel of the same quality can be purchased under nominally different brands. It can differ only in brand name and cost. Sometimes - additives.

As for transnational companies operating in the Russian Federation, one should not hope that Shell or British Petroleum will be the same as in Europe or America. Least, raw materials for fuel of these brands are purchased from domestic refineries. For example, Shell does not have its own carriers at all, so in Russia its duties are performed by AVTEK, which receives gasoline in Ufa, Kapotnya, Yaroslavl, and also Ryazan.

Moreover, at the same gas station each time there can be fuel from different places. They transport it in the same fuel trucks, as a result of which a new batch may come with traces of the previous one. And it is not necessary that it will be the same brand of gasoline. Although company employees rule out the possibility of mixing samples, arguing that there is a special sensor inside the container, this risk cannot be dismissed.

Considering all of the above, it remains to focus the attention of motorists on the above data and recommend purchasing gasoline at gas stations of oil producing companies that have taken a course towards improving fuel quality and are interested in the constancy of customers. This will be indirect evidence of good gasoline and high service.

How attentive are you to the quality of fueled gasoline? And what are the main criteria you use in choosing a gas station? Today, the article will consider the rating of the TOP 10 best gas stations in the country where you can fill up the tank without fear for the quality of the fuel.

How does the quality of gasoline differ at different gas stations?

First you need to understand what constitutes high-quality and low-quality gasoline.

Of course, you cannot determine high-quality gasoline by eye, since a special laboratory is engaged in this, which determines the main characteristics of the fuel:

  1. Fractional composition.
  2. Octane number.
  3. The amount of impurities.

Although experienced drivers can tell about the quality of gasoline by listening to their car (according to drivers, the main indicators will be the sound and thrust of the engine, as well as the smell of exhaust gas). If you are not used to such methods for determining the quality of gasoline, an employee of the Express-News Agency suggests using the following methods:

  1. Look at the color, it should be a light golden hue (according to experts, the color of the 92nd gasoline is orange-red, and the 95th is yellow-green).
  2. Check gasoline for fat content: if you drop a little on the skin or paper and at the same time leave a greasy trace, then diesel fuel has been added. High-quality gasoline on a sheet of paper will evaporate, and the skin will dry.
  3. If there is a large amount of impurities in gasoline, then a strong smell of sulfur will be felt.

And what affects the low quality of gasoline?

  • This may be a failure to comply with the basic rules for the storage and transportation of fuel.
  • Dirty fuel. It is not uncommon for engine failures to be associated with this particular item.
  • Inconsistency of gasoline labeling with real quality.
  • Low quality fuel additives. Although it will be sold at the same price as normal gasoline, it will do much more harm.

Rating of gas stations by quality of gasoline in 2018

And now let's go directly to the ranking of the top 10 gas stations, which are selected based on the results of surveys and ongoing laboratory experiments.

The quality of gasoline complies with Euro-5 standards, and this is not the first time the company has received the "Environmental Label" award. There is an additional plus for gas station customers: quite affordable prices and more than a wide choice of fuel. Whatever fuel is used for your car, most likely you will find it at this gas station.

2. Gazpromneft

One of the largest networks of gas stations in Russia. The fuel at the gas station complies with the Euro-4 standard, justifies the name and the presence of gas refueling at the stations. The indicated octane values ​​are written without additional increases. In addition, gas stations have reasonable prices, competent staff, and there is an additional bonus in the form of coffee and driver's rest areas.

According to many drivers, Shell gas stations are only slightly inferior to Gazpromneft gas stations. This company is a major global fuel producer. Its gas stations are well known not only to Russians, but also to residents of different countries of the world.

Across the globe, Shell deservedly wins the hearts of its consumers. One of the main directions in the company is work on the environmental friendliness of the produced fuel. Although for Russian drivers this criterion is still not the main one.

4. Rosneft

This company in the Russian market boasts not only the quality of gasoline, but also a license to sell British Petroleum fuel. By the way, BP is the world's largest concern for the production and processing of oil.

This fuel consistently meets all major norms and standards in Europe. As far as Rosneft's own production is concerned, maintaining its current status as one of the most important state-owned oil refining companies adds to Rosneft certain obligations to maintain the high quality of gasoline at its filling stations.

This company can be recognized as one of the leading companies in terms of the number of gas stations in Russia. TNK traditionally tries to maintain a guaranteed high quality of fuel, thanks to which it got into the rating of the best filling stations in Russia. The fuel produced by the company complies with the Euro-5 standard, prices and quality are in the best ratio.

TNK gasoline contains additional additives that allow the engine to consume fuel economically. Gas stations of this company can be found not only in Russia, but also in the CIS.

Most opinions say that the fuel here is of more than satisfactory quality. Although the company itself is not engaged in the supply of fuel at the federal level, but has focused on Moscow and the Moscow Region. In addition to high-quality gasoline, customers also note highly qualified personnel and well-equipped rest areas for the driver.

7. Sibneft

These gas stations differ from the rest mainly in that they have made the maximum emphasis on the profile side of their stations. The company itself uses very powerful equipment, thanks to which it is possible to obtain raw materials at a greater depth than that of its main competitors.

There are no associated services that are so often developed at the expense of gas stations. Rather, on the contrary, here you can find an exclusive line of products that was created back in 2013, and since then has been the conqueror of many drivers. The choice of fuel here, as a rule, is wide, and the prices are quite democratic.

8. Phaeton Aero

At Phaeton gas stations, fuel is supplied by several plants at once. Basically, these are the Kirishi and Yaroslavl refineries. This network of gas stations is one of the oldest in the country, and is most often found in the northern capital of Russia, as well as its region.

In addition to a wide range of gasoline, these gas stations also provide additional services: 24-hour supermarkets, cafes and pharmacies, as well as a car wash and tire service at most stations. However, despite the company's constant assurances of maintaining high quality, there are several reviews of the unfortunate experience of refueling when cars simply stalled.

9. Tatneft

The main fuel supplier for Tatneft's gas station network is the Moscow Oil Refinery. And this should already guarantee the quality of the fuel. However, it is noteworthy that the reviews about this gas station are either very good or very bad. There is no golden mean yet.

Admittedly, the company does not hide the addition of certain additives to the fuel. That's just what these additives are, and how they affect the car, is no longer specified. But the prices here can be found below average, plus a good additional service: competent staff, the presence of shops and cafeterias.

MTK is the first and so far the only filling station network controlled by the Moscow Government. That is why these gas stations are subject to the most stringent control over the quality of gasoline and diesel. The fuel here complies with the Euro-4 standard, and is kept environmentally friendly. These filling stations will delight drivers with rather low prices compared to other competitors in Moscow and the Moscow region.

And yet, despite the quality and advantage of fuels labeled 95 and 98, it is worthwhile to understand that the engine was originally created for a specific fuel.

Therefore, if the manual recommends the 92nd brand of gasoline, there is absolutely no need to overpay for the 95th or 98th. Although separately, of course, they will show the best performance. But this will not mean that gasoline with the number 92 is of poor quality. But in cases where the range from 95 to 98 is indicated in the recommendation regarding fuel, it is really worth choosing the latest brand of gasoline.

Much depends on the quality of the fuel. Poor-quality gasoline can shorten the life of the engine, impair its launch and adversely affect the dynamics of the iron horse. Alas, the fears of drivers were not in vain - last year, on the direct instructions of the President of Russia, the Prosecutor General's Office and Rosstandart conducted many inspections of gas stations. The test results were disappointing - more than a third of all fuel was of poor quality. Therefore, it is important for Russian motorists to know exactly where to refuel.

Rating of filling stations by the quality of gasoline compiled on the basis of a study by Rosstandart and driver reviews on the websites Otzovik and Irecommend, where every day thousands of users express their opinion about goods and services.

10. Phaeton

One of the oldest fuel operators in the country, represented mainly in the northern capital and the region. Phaeton gas stations are additionally equipped with a 24-hour supermarket, a cafe and even a pharmacy, as well as a car wash, a tire inflation service and a tire fitting service. Representatives of Phaeton buy oil products from the Kirishi and Yaroslavl refineries and claim that they constantly monitor the quality of the fuel. Some motorists are dissatisfied with the fact that after refueling AI95, the car is worse to drive, or even stall altogether.

Users generally note the acceptable quality of gasoline (with the exception of individual gas stations in the Ulyanovsk region), but they speak negatively about the quality of service.

Motorists have either a very good or a very bad opinion about Tatneft's gas stations - there are practically no average ratings. Some note the cleanliness, convenience, delicious menu, clean toilets and the excellent quality of gasoline, on which the iron friend runs like he never ran before. Others testify to the exact opposite: the car is jerky, protracted acceleration, and even the replacement of the catalyst and fuel pump. Therefore, only the 8th line of the rating goes to this gas station network.

Although the activity of SibNeft was initially limited to the Tomsk region, now the filling stations of this network have spread throughout the Russian Federation. In 2013, the company developed a new Class 5 Prime fuel with improved performance. This fuel is claimed to reduce engine maintenance costs, reduce the rate of engine oil contamination, and increase spark plug life. In addition, it is more environmentally friendly.

Reviews and ratings of Trassa gas stations in terms of gasoline quality are mostly positive. They note the excellent quality of service, cleanliness, comfortable seating area and courtesy of the staff (there are tankers). And, of course, good quality gasoline.

Good gasoline for normal money, which is well accepted even by cars with capricious engines. It is noted that 92 ecto is rather overrated, but the quality of 92 is quite good. However, the courtesy and promptness of the staff leaves much to be desired.


According to users, the only disadvantage of the network of gas stations from the international oil giant is their number. They note the excellent quality of gasoline and its economical consumption. Car enthusiasts especially like Shell V-Power gasoline, which is equipped with additives for more efficient and dynamic engine operation.

An honest octane number, an acceptable price with good quality, the availability of additional services and polite staff - this is what puts Gazpromneft gas stations on the 3rd line in the rating of filling stations in Russia, Moscow and St. Petersburg in terms of gasoline quality. However, they note that the quality of gasoline may vary depending on the suppliers.

Motorists note a variety of fuels; in addition to the "usual" (quite good quality) there is also the so-called. Ekto Plus fuel, which contains a lot of special additives to extend the life of the engine and make it more environmentally friendly. However, there are also disadvantages - for example, it is highly likely that the quality of gasoline in small towns may be far from ideal.

1. Rosneft

Rosneft tops the gas station rating in terms of gasoline quality, providing good fuel at affordable prices. The staff is polite. There is a discount program and promotions are regularly held that reduce the price of fuel. Gas stations can also provide additional services, such as tire inflation and a vacuum cleaner for the interior, as well as pouring gasoline into a canister.

Each manufacturer of automobile "fuel" assures us that its fuel is of the highest quality and that its iron horses should be refueled at their branded gas stations. In fact, everything is different, and only an experienced driver can often figure out which gas stations have the highest quality gasoline. But even they are often helped by the rating of filling stations in Moscow and other Russian cities.

Why you should fill your car with quality gasoline

Many drivers do not attach much importance to such a factor as the quality of gasoline they fill their cars with. But the consequences of poor fuel quality can be very different:

  • there are problems with starting the engine;
  • spark plugs fail;
  • fuel system components are damaged.

In addition, other problems may occur. It all depends on how long the car was refueled with poor quality fuel, and what was its composition.

How is the quality of gasoline determined?

Unfortunately, in Moscow and other cities of the country, the situation with the quality of gasoline has been deplorable for many years. Drivers are frankly deceived even at branded gas stations, not to mention little-known small gas stations.

We are used to the fact that the quality of gasoline is determined by the following indicators:

  • octane number;
  • the amount of additives and foreign substances;
  • fraction indicators.

At first glance, everything is clear with the octane number. This is 80, 92, 95, 98 or a higher quality indicator that meets the European standard, that is, gasoline with the prefix "Euro". However, due to various additives, the octane number of gasoline increases artificially, AI 95 can easily be made from AI 92 due to special additives, and so on. But the quality of this fuel will be lower than 95 octane blends from a responsible manufacturer. It is especially important which additive the manufacturer uses.

The number of third-party substances is another problem of domestic gas stations. It can be: acids, organic substances, alkalis, garbage, water and much more. Such fuel causes significant damage to the car's power system.

The fractional composition determines the evaporation temperature of gasoline, the operation of the engine in various conditions, and its service life. This figure does not always correspond to the norm at little-known gas stations, which cannot be said about large networks of gas stations.

It is possible to determine all these indicators only in laboratory conditions, but not all drivers take this measure in order to find out exactly where to refuel their car.

Where does low quality gasoline come from?

Despite the fact that expensive branded gas stations have a good reputation, sometimes low-quality fuel is also found in them. Therefore, a logical question arises: where does bad gasoline come from and why is there so much of it in Russia? There are several reasons for this:

So at what gas stations to fill up a car in Moscow and other cities of the country?

Rating of gas stations in Russia

So which gas stations fill up the best gasoline? Which brands of petroleum products should be trusted with your car? To understand this issue, you should look at the rating of gas stations by the quality of gasoline 2015-2016.

10th place - MTK

And this is despite the fact that in the rating of gas stations in Russia, MTK is so far the only network of gas stations controlled by the Moscow government. Gasoline and diesel fuel meet the Euro 4 standard, undergo the strictest quality control in the laboratory. This fuel is environmentally friendly. Along with this, prices at MTK gas stations are the most affordable in the capital.

9th place - Tatneft

Included in the top ten among the country's gas stations. One of the advantages of the network is that they can be easily found throughout Russia. For example, it is easier to meet Tatneft on the IZS highway than the SHell point. The products supplied to gas stations are manufactured by the Moscow oil refinery. Fuel quality is carefully controlled in factory laboratories. In the manufacture of fuel, only those additives are used that really improve the quality of the mixture and ensure good engine performance for maximum longevity. As practice shows, there are practically no cases of underfilling and replacement of gasoline grades at Tatneft gas stations.

8th place - Phaeton Aero

Unlike the two previous brands of gasoline, Phaeton Aero is a product supplied to the gas stations of the same name by three manufacturers at once. This is:

  • CJSC "Rutek"
  • LLC "PO Kirishinefteorgsintez"
  • Technohim LLC.

7th place - Sibneft

The oil company Sibneft has a strong technical base that allows it to extract raw materials at a greater depth than its main competitors. The company started its activities in the Tomsk region, but quickly expanded its sales area in a short period of time. Today, Sibneft gas stations are located in almost all regions of Russia. The quality of gasoline is at its best due to the use of the latest technology and the highest quality additives.

6th place - Track

AZS "Trassa" LLC is one of the most popular networks of filling stations in Russia. According to many drivers, the quality of gasoline and diesel fuel at the company's filling stations is quite satisfactory. In addition, AI-95 "Premium-Sport" fuel appeared at gas stations not so long ago.

5th place - British Petroleum

Gas stations of this company can be found not only in Russia, but all over the world. British Petroleum is the largest oil production and refining company on the planet. The fuel of this company meets the highest European standards, filling stations are also equipped with everything necessary for the convenience of customers. True, prices for all types of gasoline are not the cheapest in the country.

4th place - TNK

One of the largest oil refining companies in the CIS. A third of all fuel sold at gas stations meets the Euro-5 standard. Additional proprietary additives increase the power of the unit, contribute to the economical consumption of its resources, and keep its components clean. In addition, fuel at TNK stations is sold at quite affordable prices.

3rd place - Shell

SHell gas stations are among the top three gas stations in Russia in terms of gasoline quality. SHell fuel is environmentally friendly and meets all European industry standards. It should be noted that SHell fuel is manufactured in accordance with GOST and meets the Euro-5 standard.

2nd place - Gazpromneft

This gasoline overtakes ТМ SHell as a fuel. Its gas stations sell fuel from several of the best domestic and foreign manufacturers. The product is manufactured according to specifications and complies with the Euro-4 standard.

1st place - Lukoil

It is believed that in Russia today this is the best network of gas stations in terms of gasoline quality. Products under this trademark were awarded the "Ecological Sign" and meet the Euro-5 standard. A nice bonus is the reasonable prices for Lukoil fuel.

At which gas station to fill in fuel is a personal matter for each car owner, but awareness is also of great importance. Therefore, we suggest using the rating of the best gas stations in the country to choose the highest quality gasoline.