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The foundation on screw piles, pluses and minuses: what are the screw piles for the foundation and the principles of calculation. Do-it-yourself screw foundation on piles Putting a foundation of screw piles

If you managed to buy a wonderful plot at a surprisingly low price, do not rush to rejoice - it is quite possible that the groundwater on the purchased plot comes close to the surface, or you got heaving soil. These factors can lead to the fact that the construction of the foundation will take much more money than expected. In addition, you still need to choose the right type of foundation so that uneven settlement of the house does not occur in the spring.

What is a pile-screw foundation

The best option in such cases is a foundation on screw piles, suitable for any terrain and for any "problem" soils.

The pile screw foundation has been successfully used in construction since 1850, when the first lighthouse on piles was built in the United States. The fact that the lighthouse is still standing today confirms the high strength of the screw foundation and explains why this technology has gained such popularity around the world in a relatively short time.

Installation of the foundation on screw piles is possible on any terrain

The peculiarity of the screw pile is that this steel pipe has a pointed tip with a thread and blades or a combined thread for screwing into the ground. The most expensive are screw piles equipped with blades, but they also compact the soil better due to their design. There is no specific standard for screw piles. They are solid and hollow, of various diameters and lengths, with a cap in the upper part of the tube of a rectangular, round or U-shaped shape.

Video about the foundation on screw piles

Installation of the foundation on screw piles is possible on any terrain: on uneven or flooded areas, on slopes, on peat soils, on well-groomed lawns without the risk of harming the lawn, next to large trees. Thus, there is no need to carry out any preliminary work on clearing the site and leveling it, and there is no need to disturb the natural relief.

Benefits of a screw foundation :

  • there is no need for earthworks;
  • no need to provide access roads for equipment;
  • installation can be carried out in winter;
  • three people are enough to build the foundation;
  • all foundation works take from one to three days;
  • you can always easily attach a new structure to a house built on stilts.

All foundation works take from one to three days

Piles can be screwed into the ground, both with the help of special equipment, and manually - the pillars make their own way in the soil to a given depth. If necessary, the screw foundation can be quickly dismantled (if the hollow pillars are not filled with concrete) and moved to another location. Thanks to the listed advantages, the foundation on screw piles invariably deserves the best reviews and is successfully used in industrial and private construction.

How to deal with a screw foundation on your own

Screw piles under the foundation must cut into solid layers of soil that lie lower than the soil freezes through, in which case the pillars will not be subjected to the force of heaving of the soil. To correctly determine at what depth a stable layer of soil is, it is best to contact a specialist. In addition, for the correct calculation of the future foundation, you will need to take into account the weight of the future structure, seasonal fluctuations in groundwater, soil type, wind load and climatic features of your region. It's not easy to figure this out on your own.

The number of piles is determined depending on the dimensions of the building under construction. The pillars will need to be evenly distributed under the base of the building with the same pitch, not forgetting about the nodes of the internal walls and about the corners. The length of the ground part is usually about half a meter, the visible part of the piles can be hidden behind a false plinth or left open.

The number of piles is determined depending on the dimensions of the building under construction

The construction of the screw foundation is carried out as follows:

  • markings are applied to the site with pegs exactly in the places where the piles will be located;
  • piles are twisted using a special rod manually, while using a level, their even position is checked;
  • the installed piles are aligned to one level with a laser level, the longest pillars are cut by a grinder;
  • concrete is poured into the cavity of the pipes in order to protect the internal surfaces of the piles from corrosion;
  • outside, the ground parts of the pillars are recommended to be coated with an anti-corrosion compound;
  • a metal frame is welded to the supports and painted in two layers with protective paint.

Video about the screw foundation

Insulation of the foundation on screw piles is not required, since this type of foundation is ventilated. High supports protect the house from the cold that comes from the ground. You can insulate the grillage, but keep in mind that improper thermal insulation will lead to dampness, which will negatively affect the entire structure. To make the house warmer, it is better to pay attention to the insulation of the floor, and not the screw foundation.

If you come across reviews about the pile screw foundation that are not too positive, this means that some mistakes were made during the construction of the foundation (pits for the pillars were dug out, the position of the pile was not controlled during twisting, the pipes were not protected from corrosion, etc.) . But even if, due to improper installation, the building sank a little, it is always possible to repair the foundation with screw piles, replacing the sagging pillars with new ones. The ability to quickly repair is another great advantage of a screw foundation.

we know interesting facts about pile-screw foundations and dispel a few myths about this technology.

There are several opinions about pile-screw foundations. Some consider this option ideal for relatively light frame houses and log cabins, while others criticize it, giving their arguments. Let's deal with the myths that exist about foundations on screw piles together.

Pile screw foundation

Myth one: a pile-screw foundation is unreliable

In fact, there are reviews from homeowners that a house built on screw piles staggers, sways, and the piles themselves begin to bulge. So, unreliability is not a myth at all, but pure truth? Not really. If there are problems with a house built on a pile-screw foundation, then the construction technology has been violated! We wrote about what should be the optimal size of screw piles. In addition, the reasons for the instability of the house may be:

  • Insufficient deepening of piles;
  • Insufficiently large pile diameter;
  • Excessively deep pit;
  • A small number of piles;
  • Weakly bearing, too soft soil;
  • Mistakes in pile load calculations.

If all the technologies were followed, the calculations were made accurately, and the installation was carried out by professionals, there will be no problems with the pile-screw foundation! In this case, it will definitely be possible to say that the unreliability of such a foundation is a myth.

Myth two: a pile foundation can be built in just a day

Of course, the installation of screw piles is much faster than pouring a concrete foundation. However, this is not to say that you can do it in just a day! This is far from always the case. Firstly, professionals always carry out test drilling and test screwing. This is necessary to find out the features of the soil.

It may be weakly bearing, too hard or rocky. The presence of stones in the soil will seriously complicate screw piles, and in some areas the soil can be so strong that even metal will not withstand. In addition, sometimes it is impossible to use an autodrill and other special equipment on the site. In this case, the construction time of the foundation is also delayed.

Myth three: screw piles will rust in 10 years, the house will not stand idle for a long time

Experts say that a properly selected screw pile will last at least 50 years. The service life depends on the following parameters:

  • steel grades;
  • metal thickness;
  • quality of metal protection - painting, galvanizing, anodizing;
  • soil aggressiveness.

In saline and acidic soils, metal rusts faster. In addition, you should use a special paint to protect it, provide an anti-corrosion coating. Do not use cheap ingredients.

Myth four: during installation, the blades of the pile may break off, which will cause it to sag

This can happen only in two cases - initially low-quality screw piles were chosen and the installation technology was violated. If the ground is solid, rocky, and the installation was carried out rigidly, then, of course, the blades can be broken. However, if you choose high-quality piles and do everything according to the rules, there will be no problems.

Myth five: you can mount a pile-screw foundation only in the warm season

Not true! In winter, the soil, of course, freezes through, but a small top layer can be removed with a chipper and you can safely install piles. Experts say that in winter it is often even easier to work, and no beds with potatoes interfere with the site.

Myth six: screw piles are a new technology that has not yet been tested by time

In fact, pile foundation construction has been known since ancient times. True, then the piles were driven into the ground. In 1833, Irish civil engineer Alexander Mitchell patented a device called the "screw pile". Unlike ordinary piles, screw piles are screwed into the soil. Initially, such piles were used for the construction of berths and lighthouses, then the scope expanded noticeably.

In Russia, screw piles have been known since the beginning of the last century, in particular, they were widely used in the field of military construction, in permafrost conditions. That is, we are not talking about any novelty!

Research in the field of screw piles has been carried out more than once, including in the USSR, the advantages of this technology have been proven by experts. True, in Russian low-rise residential construction, screw piles began to be used later, previously they were considered the prerogative of the construction of industrial and military facilities.

Myth seven: all screw piles are the same, they differ only in price

Absolutely wrong. Piles differ not only in quality, size, metal thickness, the presence of corrosion protection, but also in the scope of use. For example, there are piles designed specifically for heaving, flooded or permafrost soils. In addition, they can be cast and welded. So you should choose based on your needs, preferably after consulting with experts.

Eighth myth: screw piles can be screwed in without a pit

Professionals consider this a violation of the installation technology, recommending a small pit to be done. This is due to the fact that the top layer of soil is usually the loosest, and the pile blades at the first stage loosen the soil until they reach denser layers. Often, without a pit, it is completely impossible to screw in a paddle pile. In addition, concrete can be poured into the pit to strengthen the structure.

Myth 9: Screw piles are ideal for building a house on a slope.

Yes, this option is quite common. However, a house on a slope can also stand on other types of foundations; it is important to conduct geological surveys before choosing a foundation. A pile foundation may be the simplest choice in this case, but by no means ideal.

Myth ten: the floor in the house on a pile-screw foundation will be cold

This myth is connected with the fact that under the house, standing on stilts, cold air will walk. However, if the floor is securely insulated, then the problem is easily solved. And ventilation, by the way, will not allow the floors to start to rot.published

If you have any questions on this topic, ask them to specialists and readers of our project.

The construction of any building begins with the foundation. It is very important to choose its type correctly, since the estimate for this type of work can reach 30% of the cost of the entire object. In addition, everything is complicated by the fact that during operation, access to these structures is limited, and inspection or repair becomes a rather costly undertaking. The article will focus on the device pile screw foundation.

Foundation types

The most commonly used structures are of three types:

  • tape;
  • slab;
  • pile.

Piles allow significant savings compared to others and can perform their functions on soils with poor characteristics. They, in turn, are divided into:

  • bored, made of monolithic reinforced concrete directly on the construction site;
  • driven, installed in the design position using a special installation;
  • screw, metal piles, immersed in the ground by screwing.

Driven piles were used quite often a couple of decades ago. If construction was going on in the area of ​​a kilometer, one could hear strong pops that arose during the impact of a heavy load on a pile. This method has limited application, for example, it cannot be used in dense building conditions, since the work will have a destructive effect on neighboring buildings. They are also not suitable for a small building.

For the construction of individual houses, it is rational to use bored or screw piles. In the first case, it is necessary to install a reinforcing cage in the casing pipe and pour everything with concrete. A screw foundation is much easier to mount and in most cases cheaper.

What are screw piles

  • This type is a long metal pipe with a screw at the end. The pipe has rather thick walls. The propeller blades allow the foundation to swirl into the ground and catch on there. In this case, the screw prevents the structure from being pulled out of the ground and preventing the building from moving.

  • During installation, the pile is rotated with pressure. In this case, you can use special installations or physical force. The more often the blades are placed, the better the traction will be.
  • The diameter of the pipes is usually in the range of 90-140 mm, the wall thickness is taken at least 4 mm. If there is a need to install products with a diameter of more than 140 mm, they must be made to order.

Types of screw piles

There are two varieties depending on the type of construction:

  • cast tip;
  • weld tip.

Piles with a cast tip

  • Such piles are a one-piece structure consisting of a pipe and a screw tip. They are made in special shapes according to standard sizes. They are more expensive, but due to the integrity of the structure, they have increased strength and a long service life. The cast structure is completely made of steel, which provides the foundation with high reliability. This pile screw foundation receives only positive feedback.

Piles with a welded tip

  • This is a metal pipe, pointed at the bottom. Blades are welded onto the sharp end, which are made by cutting metal. The tip is treated with anti-corrosion compounds.

  • The diameter of the pipe used may vary. This method of manufacture allows the use of products of sufficiently large diameter. There are several types of blades:
    • single blades;
    • double blades.
  • The double screw prevents misalignment and ensures maximum structural stability.

Scope of pile screw foundation

Foundations are selected based on the geology of the site. Soil features that force the use of screw piles are as follows:

  • weak soils (bulk, marshy);
  • high groundwater level;
  • swampiness of the territory;
  • location of the construction site in the water;
  • a large degree of uneven terrain.

In all these cases, the use of a concrete foundation is undesirable, since it will not be able to provide a reliable foundation for the house. In addition, serious waterproofing will be required to protect the material from moisture penetration, since concrete is still a more porous material than steel.

Screw piles become an ideal solution for such types of construction as:

  • low-rise individual housing construction;

  • small buildings requiring short construction times;
  • strengthening of slopes and slopes;
  • towers for power lines;
  • supports for lampposts and billboards.

Products can be used in the construction of a private house from timber, logs or frame housing construction.

Advantages and disadvantages of a pile screw foundation

Screw piles are now quite widely used in the construction of private houses, but before choosing a house on a pile screw foundation, it is necessary to study their positive and negative sides. The pluses include:

  • strength due to the use of steel as a raw material;
  • durability, the service life of such a base can reach 150 years, subject to the manufacturing and installation technology;
  • low cost of the product itself and its installation;
  • simplicity and high speed of installation;
  • the ability to use on terrain with difficult terrain, for example, on slopes;
  • ensuring reliable operation on poor soils, such as sedimentary rocks, swampy areas;
  • possibility of reuse if necessary.

Simplicity and speed of installation are possible due to the fact that:

  • lack of preliminary development of the soil (digging trenches or pits);
  • there is no need for complex special equipment;

  • the simplicity of the technology does not require special skills and knowledge;
  • unlike concrete foundations, it is not required to wait 4 weeks until the structure is ready.

All these positive characteristics allowed screw piles to become widespread, but do not forget about the negative aspects. Especially if you can prevent their consequences in time.

Pile screw foundation video

Pile screw foundation cons:

  • corrosion of metal;
  • limited bearing capacity;
  • the inability to install close to the walls of an existing building;
  • the impossibility of arranging the basement in the house.

Corrosion can be avoided by treating the material with special compounds. With individual construction, there are no large loads on the foundation, so the second point does not become significant. With an impressive list of advantages and a small number of shortcomings, which are rather features of operation and are completely preventable, screw piles become an excellent support option for a private house.

Pile screw foundation calculations

Basically, calculations are made to determine the diameter, length and pitch of the piles. These values ​​are influenced by the type of soil and the weight of the structures of the future house.

  • Soil type can be determined using geological surveys. With individual construction, they do it easier: a hole is dug, about 50 cm deep, and the soil is analyzed. If layers with sufficient strength have already begun at this depth, a pile length of about 2.5 m can be used.
  • If on the site there are lenses of poor soil, quicksand, or it was not possible to reach a layer of soil with good characteristics, it is better to take a length with a margin to prevent possible problems. On rather poor grounds, the required length can reach 3-4 m.

  • For private construction, piles with a diameter of 108 mm are most often used. The calculation of the pile pitch depends on their required number. Here there is a need to collect loads from home.
  • In order to calculate all the loads, it is necessary to determine the materials used, the dimensions of the building and the main dimensions of the load-bearing elements. The load is calculated based on:
    • floors together with the floor structure;
    • walls with decoration;
    • partitions;
    • roofs, taking into account the roofing;
    • snow cover, which depends on the area of ​​construction;
    • furniture and equipment, for residential buildings 150 kg per square meter of the total building area is accepted.
  • To find these values, you need to calculate the planned volume and multiply it by the density of the materials used. To ensure the margin, it is allowed not to subtract window and door openings from the volume of the walls. The found value is multiplied by 20-30%, which will provide a safety margin for the load.
  • Depending on the characteristics of the base, a screw pile with a diameter of 108 mm can withstand from 4 to 9 tons. The number obtained in the collection of loads is divided by the value of the bearing capacity (in case of doubt about the characteristics of the soil, it is better to take the minimum value) and find the required number of products for the foundation of the house. Further, this amount is evenly distributed around the perimeter of the building.

Pile screw foundation technology

Screwing piles can be carried out with special equipment or manually. Regardless of the method chosen, the base is first prepared. Preparation works are carried out in the following order:

  • choice of starting point;
  • removal of the location of piles on the ground;
  • twine marking.

The work is carried out with great care, the dimensions must match to the millimeter. Otherwise, there will be problems with the grillage device and the normal distribution of loads.

Screwing with special equipment

  • Such work is best left to professionals. The installation process is carried out using a heavy-duty machine equipped with a special installation. First, the equipment is brought to a predetermined position and fixed with outriggers, after which the accuracy of the location is checked and the screwing process begins. The machine moves to the next position. The method allows you to complete the work in the shortest possible time.

Screwing by hand

When building a foundation on your own, it is difficult to rent special equipment and master it, so the most competent solution would be to use physical strength. Screwing piles with your own hands requires the following tools:

  • shovel for leveling the surface;
  • building level to maintain the accuracy of work;
  • measuring tape;
  • scrap metal with two pipes with a diameter of 50 mm as a lever for screwing;
  • hammer or small sledgehammer;
  • garden drill;
  • grinder for cutting the top of the pile;
  • gloves and overalls.

A garden drill is used with a smaller diameter than the selected piles.

Stages of work

  • Drilling holes with a smaller diameter than piles using a garden drill. The depth must be shorter than the length of the pile. The hole in this case serves as a guide and ensures the accuracy of the installation. Screwing starts from the corners;
  • installing a pile in a hole, attaching a level to it and threading a crowbar that will serve as a lever;
  • the screwing process is carried out under constant control of the vertical. That's what the level is for. Several people put pressure on the levers, but unevenly, so the pipe can move away from the design position;

  • as they go deeper into the ground, pipes are put on the scrap, thereby increasing the lever arm, which allows you to apply less effort;
  • after screwing in one corner, go to the other;
  • after completing the work at the corners and checking the accuracy of the installation, they proceed to screwing the intermediate pipes;
  • cutting metal pipes to obtain one level;
  • device for trimming piles grillage.

The grillage for this type of foundation depends on the material of the house and can be made of:

  • timber;
  • glued board;
  • metal corner;
  • metal channel;
  • tee beam;
  • in a house made of timber or logs, the first row of wall fencing can become the strapping.

The arrangement of the grillage is necessary for the coordinated work of individual piles. Thanks to the strapping, even if one of the pipes fails, the house will continue to stand firmly.

  • The pile will not enter the ground strictly vertically, it will need to be constantly leveled and returned to the design position, therefore it is better that at least three people carry out the work: two act on the lever and one checks the accuracy. To prevent it from shifting, special devices are sometimes used to fix it.
  • If, as the pile is screwed, an obstacle or a layer of dense soil is found in the path of the pile, the penetration depth and location are analyzed. If it is not located at the corners of the house and it turned out to enter it into the ground for a meter or more, it is allowed to simply cut off the top and leave everything as it is. With a depth of less than a meter, there is the possibility of warping the house. At the corners, the piles must be installed to their full length, as these are the most critical areas.
  • The final stage of installation may be concreting. It will provide additional reliability, but this process is optional in the case of screw foundations.

The cost of a pile screw foundation

  • The total price of a pile screw foundation depends on the dimensions of the building. The most common piles of 108 diameters can be purchased at a price of 1900-3000 rubles. per set depending on the required length. The cost of installing such a pile is approximately 2000 rubles. When installing with your own hands, you will need to add the price of tools to the total cost. It turns out that for screwing one pile you will have to pay from 1900 to 5000 rubles, depending on the installation method.
  • You also need to consider the cost of the grillage, if any. For example, we can give the price of a turnkey pile foundation for a house measuring 6 by 6 m. With good soil characteristics, it will be less than 30,000 rubles. If the question is how much does a pile screw foundation cost, then for example, we can give a calculation for a building measuring 10 by 10 m, in this case it will be from 70,000 rubles, a pile field of 12 by 12 m will cost about the same.

Screw piles are an excellent solution for the construction of light private houses, they will allow you to get a reliable and solid foundation for a small building in the shortest possible time at low cost. The ability to choose the design and installation method gives them another advantage over other types of foundations. However, it is important to remember that such supports are not suitable for a heavy brick or stone house, since their bearing capacity is insufficient to withstand such loads.

Examples of prices for a pile-screw foundation:

Example 1 Example 2
Pile foundation for a bath 6 x 6
Price: 36,000 rubles
Pile foundation for a frame-panel house 6 x 8
Price: 48,000 rubles
Example 3 Example 4

Pile foundation for a log house 6 x 9
Price: 60,000 rubles

Pile foundation for a house of foam blocks 6.5 x 6.5
Price: 68,000 rubles

Many people wonder what foundation it is most rational to build a house on. First of all, it is necessary to determine the type of soil at the construction site. In some areas, additional strengthening of the foundations is required. These include mobile, floating and highly heaving soils.

The most widely used foundation of screw piles, which is the best option for construction on all types of soil (except rocky). This is one of the most reliable and simple technologies. Screw piles are used in the construction of buildings of various types and purposes. The pile foundation is especially important for objects that are built on difficult sites. Screw piles are the best option for:

  • lowlands and banks of reservoirs;
  • slopes with different elevations.

The technology involves the procedure of screwing screw piles into the ground to a depth below the freezing level. During their deepening, a so-called pillow is formed under the blades. It is compacted as the piles are deepened. Upon reaching solid layers of soil with good bearing capacity, the "cushion" becomes as dense as possible. Further deepening is no longer possible, which means that the support structure is installed correctly.

Stages of installation of a screw foundation

The foundation of screw piles is one of the simplest. Installation of structures does not require the use of expensive construction equipment. The pile can be screwed both manually and with the help of a special machine. Enlisting the support of professional builders, the foundation on piles can be equipped very quickly.

How are screw piles installed? This process includes several steps:

  • Screwing piles - can be done both manually and mechanically. The method does not affect the quality of the foundations in any way, since after the formation of a rigid cushion, further deepening of the pile is impossible even when using powerful equipment.
  • Crop on a single level. Foundations on screw piles are not affected by elevation changes or other features of the relief. Trimming can be done at any level, and the height of the basement of the future house depends only on your desire.
  • Filling the internal cavity of the piles with cement-sand mortar. This is done to displace oxygen, which eliminates the appearance of corrosion inside the piles and increases the service life of the structure.
  • Welding "heads" or strapping with channels. We can offer you the installation of caps with holes for the subsequent fastening of the timber or the strapping with a channel, which provides additional strength to the load-bearing walls of the house and evenly distributes the load on the screw piles. Often it is used for heavy buildings or for additional reinforcement of the supporting structures of light houses. The foundation on piles is suitable even for the largest and most complex objects.

Benefits of foundation on screw piles

Screw piles are widely used in construction for a number of reasons. First of all, it is the affordable price of structures. Also, a screw pile helps save time and money, based on its other advantages:

  • Using a screw pile, you can build a house on the day the foundation is installed, which significantly reduces time costs. The fact is that the foundation on piles is ready to accept the design load immediately, unlike other concrete-based solutions.
  • The cost of a pile-screw foundation is another important advantage. The low cost of the products themselves and the absence of concrete work when installing the foundation greatly saves the budget.
  • Installation of a turnkey pile foundation allows you to completely abandon the rental of heavy construction equipment, which greatly reduces the cost of work. Piles up to 133 mm in diameter can be easily screwed in by hand. At the same time, the quality will be even higher compared to the use of mechanization.
  • Low requirements to soil and surrounding landscape. Screw piles allow you to build foundations on slopes, peat, as well as on heavily watered soils. In addition, the presence of nearby trees with a developed root system and the laying of infrastructure communications are not a hindrance. Thus, buildings can be erected on piles both in dense urban areas and in the bosom of nature, without harming the environment.
  • Possibility of further modernization. The building can be easily expanded if necessary. For example, if there is a desire to attach a bathhouse to the dacha.
  • Piles are the ideal choice when building wooden houses. This solution provides excellent ventilation of the underground, which prevents dampness and decay of wood.
  • Unlike a strip or tile foundation, a screw foundation is easy to repair.
  • A high-quality pile treated with anti-corrosion agents can last more than half a century.

Building a foundation on piles: how to choose the right products for installation?

It all starts with a study of the soil on the development spot - the structure, the depth of soil freezing and the level of groundwater. Timely identified soil heterogeneities will save a lot of time and money in the future.

Based on the information received, the calculation of the number of pile structures, the depth of immersion, as well as the distance between them (which should not exceed three meters) is carried out. It should also be understood that each pile has several important characteristics that should be considered. We list the most important of them:

  • Pipe diameter. This parameter is determined by the design load that the pile foundation will experience. Most often, products with a pipe diameter of 108 mm are used.
  • Length. In most cases, the piles are buried by about 2-2.5 meters, however, the exact depth must be determined during the test drilling process.

Pile-screw foundation turnkey from "ZSK"

Do you need a pile foundation? contact us!

The foundation on screw piles is reliable! We carry out the construction of pile-screw foundations and the reconstruction of foundations with screw piles.

Manual and mechanized method of mounting the foundation on screw piles

Most Screw Piles Factory
  • Employees without experience, seasonal recruitment, customer training
  • non-professional tool
  • Late for the object, installation takes longer than planned
  • One-day firms, seasonal firms
  • Homemade piles from a non-GOST pipe, without certificates
  • Qualified personnel, citizens of the Russian Federation who have been trained and certified
  • The tool and high-quality materials directly determine the quality and durability of the result of work
  • We give a guarantee for the timely delivery of screw piles and installation
  • The Screw Piles Factory has been operating since 1993, has a SRO certificate, a certificate from the Ministry of Emergency Situations, a certificate for screw piles, a certificate for anti-corrosion coating, a certificate for mounting screw piles and foundation work.

Screw pile installation technology

We carry out the installation of screw piles with special equipment, which provides control of the level (accuracy) of the pile installation in three planes, control of force and moment, taking into account the type of screw pile, type of soil and type of foundation. Manual twisting does not provide these important conditions. and can adversely affect the life of the piles, as well as the geometry of the foundation.

At present, there is a rapid development in the construction of country cottages, forest houses, boat moorings, baths, etc., a person rushed closer to nature, forests and reservoirs. This is wonderful, but ... Now, more and more often, builders are faced with the need to build buildings on difficult soils - peat, clay, or with the presence of aquifers, where the use of a standard strip foundation is unacceptable, since it leads to deformation of the building, cracks in the walls and even collapse.

Foundation on screw piles for frame-panel houses

12 piles with caps (6x6 meters)

Price - 31 200 rubles.

16 piles with caps (6x8 meters)

Price - 41 600 rubles.

20 piles with caps (6x9 meters)

Price - 52 000 rubles.

  • The depth of screwing piles is not less than 2 meters.
  • The paint used is pentaphthalic anticorrosive primer-enamel TU 2388-071-13238275-2008.
  • The price does not include delivery of materials and special equipment.

This is explained by the fact that sand and peat, for example, do not withstand the weight of the building, and the house sags, while uneven. Clay soil swells in winter and “presses” on the foundation, as a result of which it deforms. So - to refuse to build a house in a place you like? No and no again! The way out of the situation is a screw foundation, which ensures the reliability, quality and safety of any building on difficult soils. Moreover, it is cost-effective and technically easy to implement.

What is a screw pile foundation?

This development is not new, it was actively used in the military industry for the construction of objects in bolts, scaffolding, on embankments. The main part of the screw foundation are screw piles - pointed pipes with blades that are "screwed" into the ground. They act as one of the pillars of the future home, since the task of the blade is to distribute the load over a larger area. At the same time, the soil itself “does not resist”, retaining its natural structure, as a result of which its bearing capacity increases. To make it clearer, piles can be compared to a screw screwed into a tree, while a standard foundation is just a “nail”.

Application area:
  • foundation for a wooden house (log, timber, panel-frame houses);
  • foundation for an extension (terrace, veranda, ramp);
  • strengthening the existing foundation;
  • strengthening of ditches;
  • single supports for billboards, banners, poles, etc.
  • screw piles are used for fences.

Piles, if necessary, can be unscrewed and reused, which is especially important for temporary buildings. The pile-screw foundation, according to calculations, can withstand a load of 4 to 18 tons, depending on the diameter and blade of the pile. Therefore, it is quite safe to make a screw foundation when building a two-story house.

What are the advantages of foundation on screw piles?
    • the cost is 30-70% lower than the cost of a standard foundation;

  • the ability to use in any area, incl. on difficult soils;
  • on heterogeneous soils provide a uniform bearing capacity;
  • installation time - no more than 2 days;
  • the ability to work in any season of the year in any weather;
  • no need for heavy construction equipment for installation;
  • no need to level the terrain;
  • lack of construction debris on the site;
  • possibility of installation near underground utilities;
  • durability (the building on piles will stand for at least 150 years);
  • environmental friendliness;
  • piles are not subject to frost heaving;
  • high seismic resistance;
  • good ventilation of the subfloor reduces the risk of wood rotting;
Stages of construction of a pile-screw foundation

1 Design.
2 Manufacturing of screw piles and
3 Marking the site for the foundation.
4 Installation of piles.
5 Installation of the grillage, scalding of the pile heads, coating of welding seams with an anti-corrosion compound, fastening the grillage to the pile heads, coating the wooden grillage with a bitumen primer.

Disadvantages of the foundation on screw piles
  • inability to use on rocky ground.

It must be borne in mind that before proceeding with construction, it is necessary to carry out geological research work in order to calculate which piles need to be used to erect a particular building in a particular area. "Screw Piles Plant" carries out the entire cycle of necessary work - from research and technological calculations to the manufacture and installation of piles.