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Won a dispute on aliexpress when the money is returned. How to return money from aliexpress

“The dispute is closed, but there is no money !!! When will they be returned?" - such a question can be found in almost every thematic forum regarding purchases on aliexpress (the largest Chinese trading platform).

The administration of this site guarantees the safety of purchases, which is why they treat dishonest sellers with all severity. If the seller indicated dishonest characteristics of the goods, did not send the order on time, did not get in touch, etc., then he will be obliged to answer for this. Each buyer has the right to open a dispute on the site, prove his case (if the client is really right, then this is easy) and return his money. In principle, everything is extremely simple, the main thing is to do everything correctly and consistently, and then honestly earned money will be returned quickly.

If the buyer for some reason (they are listed in the aliexpress menu) decided to open a dispute, then it is important not only to open this dispute, but also to monitor each stage of its development. Each seller, of course, does not want to part with money, but many sales representatives also have no desire to lose their rating, reputation on the site and receive sanctions from the administration. Therefore, the resolution of disputes on the trading floor is usually really fair. If the client is right, then the money will be returned to him, there is no doubt about it. Now it is important to know the following - where, when and how this money will be returned. With this we will try to understand this material.

So, what to do when the dispute is closed, and it was the buyer who won it? - you ask. The answer is simple - there is no point in doing something, you just need to wait. Yes, just wait. Even if the money was not returned on the first day (as almost every deceived client wants), then this is not a disaster at all. We will provide a full picture of the refund, but a little later. At the same time, readers will find out how long to wait for a refund.

How long it takes to get a refund depends solely on how the order was paid for. If the order was paid through the WebMoney system, then the money will be returned exactly there, if the payment was made using a bank card, then the money should be expected on the card. It's simple, the main thing is not to panic. If the client knows how he paid for the order, then he automatically knows where the spent amount of money will be returned to him. But even here there are nuances.

Aliexpress users often have their accounts in the Alipay payment system (aliexpress partner site). And it often happens that the dispute is completed, the money was returned, but they did not come to the card / qiwi wallet / webmoney. The question is - where did the money come from, and did they come at all? If the stage of the dispute is completed, and after checking the card, the required amount was not found, you need to check your account for Alipay. Some users sometimes do not even realize that the money was returned to this account. If this happens, you need to look at the information in the settings - it happens that money from the seller comes to Alipay by default. Then the settings can be changed, and the refund will take place where the finances directly came from.

To see where and how much the seller returns, you need to log in to the aliexpress system and open the "My orders" tab. There you need to select your order and click on the "Details" tab. Visually, it looks like this: (photo 1).

By opening this tab, the client will see detailed information about the product and on this page you need to open the next tab - "Payment". In this tab, you can find out everything about the return of money for the order. In photo 2 you can see how it looks visually.

The only thing that may not suit the buyer in this situation is that there is no information about where the money will be returned. But as mentioned above, the finances will come where they should - to the account from which they were directly withdrawn.

The aliexpress system guarantees a refund if the dispute is won and closed. But what is the period for the return of money provided by the administration of the site, you can see in the following table: (photo 3).

Money for purchases will be returned to each client, you just need to wait. For the confidence of our readers, we offer real customer reviews in our material who are faced with such an issue as a refund after the dispute is over. We invite you to familiarize yourself with them.

Aliexpress return stages: 14 comments

    I buy on aliexpress regularly. In principle, there were no problems - I tried to place an order for goods only from trusted sellers with a high rating. But one day I got caught too - I decided to take a risk, and the risk turned out to be unjustified. In principle, then there was a refund, but before that there was a scandal by the seller, who really ruffled my nerves. When I received my order in the form of a cheap phone case (and I ordered, please note, a serious leather wallet !!!), my indignation knew no bounds. And since I don’t have patience, I quickly photographed this “cool thing” and hurried to open a dispute with this ... seller (I want to say it differently). The site understood that the goods of this person did not match the description, and he was “asked” to return the money to me as the injured party. He, in turn, began to ask me to cancel the dispute, saying that he would send another wallet (most likely the same “quality”), and blah blah blah. Since I’m a shot bird, I didn’t fall for persuasion, didn’t cancel the dispute, but rather aggravated it, and began to wait for the administration’s reaction. In general, in order not to write a whole novel here, I will speak briefly - the money was returned to me on webmoney - a week later my $ 9 was on a dollar wallet, and more after this incident, of course, this seller did not cooperate with me, or rather, I ordered from him done for the first and last time

    I decided to write and warn buyers on aliexpress from too cunning sellers using the Paypal payment system (a stick, as we call it). The system itself is safe, but only beginners can fall for the fraudulent actions of dishonest traders. I'll tell you what happened to me. I ordered cool headphones. According to the descriptions and characteristics, everything more than suited me, there were few reviews, but still they were, and without thinking for a long time I made an order. And what to do - I’m practically an ace in Ali, but I always made payments through a bank card (I have a special, dollar one for Internet payments) and also received funds in case of disputes on the same card. This time, as they say, he was seduced. The headphones arrived on time (relatively quickly - just two weeks after payment), but the sound was terrible, and on the one hand there was no important detail at all. It really pissed me off - the amount I paid for them was not small, so the opening of the dispute was not long in coming. But then this cunning beetle (the seller) began to persuade me to cancel the dispute, and he would send me money for a stick. To be honest, I didn’t use this system, but I heard from friends that everything seemed to be OK, so thinking that I didn’t lose anything, I took it and agreed. Having opened my account on a stick, I threw off the coordinates to the seller and waited. Very quickly, even ahead of schedule, he returned the money to me, I calmly made sure that the dispute was closed and everything seemed to be settled - the conflict was settled. Yes, where is it! When I had nothing to do, I decided to place an order and pay for it with the money that was on the account of the stick. But there was a LITTLE nuance - when I went into my personal account, I saw that there was no money there, I don’t know where they went, and the administration made me a scammer, as it turns out I deceived the poor buyer (without selling anything ). Yes, it turns out you can do that. It's just that, due to my ignorance, I confirmed the wrong refund. There are two types of them on a stick - one goes as a simple transfer, and the second as a transfer for goods. So, the seller offered me a second one, although I needed the first one. I, accordingly, joyfully confirmed, since I did not expect any dirty trick here. In general, I will try briefly - the administration punished me with sanctions - money was withdrawn from my account in favor of the seller. Pleasant little, but what to do - it happens. They learn from their mistakes. My 15 dollars and 37 cents went nowhere, I was left with broken headphones, but it's not the end of the world. I hope that at least my review will help people not to make such mistakes, and not to act thoughtlessly on such proposals (as I did).

    The following happened to me. Usually I received all the parcels at the Russian post office. Ordered stage shoes. I see the item is not tracked. Instead of the usual code, with a letter ending at the end, just numbers. Waited a long time, entered into correspondence with the seller. As it turned out later, the seller sent the goods not according to the index, but to some private company, the parcel lay there for 10 days and returned back. Having entered into correspondence with the seller, I fell for his word of honor that he would send the parcel back. I'm waiting for the third month, the seller does not answer the correspondence. Ali Express closed the dispute. What to do, I have no idea, tell me who knows.

    After receiving the headphones and closing the order, I managed to send me new ones and not return the old ones. I bought a player for swimming in the pool, confirmed receipt, and a month later one earphone stopped working. As you understand, there can be no question of any Chinese guarantee, but nevertheless I wrote to the seller (6 times), sent a video at the request of the seller (although, how can you determine the sound quality in the headphones from the video?), And a week later the seller sent me new headphones (albeit the same) without returning the faulty ones. Now I already have two flash drives of the player and one working earphones. Lucky.

    What should I do if the dispute was resolved in my favor, but the processing of the payment completion was delayed? On one dispute, I have been waiting for a refund for a month, on another - 3 weeks, although, in theory, the money should have been returned within 15 days ...

  • Hello, everywhere I meet the same thing, that the money will be returned to the account and how to argue correctly. I made an order in several stores, I didn’t wait for 2 parcels, opened a dispute, won, the return period has expired, but the money has not been returned, the stages “Waiting for a refund” and “Processing a refund” have been completed, but there is still no “Refund”, what to do in this case? I also wrote to support, but there is no answer from them for the second week.

  • They stole an investment in a small package. At the post office of the Russian Post, I wrote a claim to investigate the Small package. I made an inventory of the goods received and handed over a small package to the Russian Post for clarification.
    Sender (seller) Store: Teclast Official Store (Store No. 1726325) deliberately delays time and does not understand or does not want to understand the reason for the refund. The connection goes out. The dispute did not open, I wrote a message to the seller hoping for understanding, then the waiting time expired and the order status became completed. We then have the New Year with them, it’s my own fault (for the first time in 4 years of purchases, and I didn’t have such a theft), but a refund is required. The investment was stolen.
    The reason for the return of funds for the Order by identification number, as a small package weighing 624 grams arrived at the Customs of the Russian Federation. The declared weight of the sender is 1 kg 193 g in the document No. ***** from the customs, in which it is recorded: damage to the shell, penetration in the attachment, change in weight.
    The penetration was carried out at the stage of the international Malaysian carrier (According to the Post, or maybe the Post itself stole such a bordak from it. The point is not that I have an act in my hands that they stole it at the stage of the international Malaysian carrier).
    To date, no material compensation has been received for Order No: ******.
    All evidence on the sheets with certified seals.
    I hope for the help of the site and kind people in helping to resolve the situation.
    Chatted with a robot (Rebeca or someone else) to the AliExpress team for help, 15 days have passed, but there is no answer.
    E-mail address Permalink

    And what to do if the so-called "Processing of funds" has been going on for 1-2 months? I have 16 disputes proven in my favor (10 for seeds from which weeds grew) something was broken, something did not match in number, one was sent to Lipetsk instead of St. Petersburg, and something did not come at all.
    A week, 10-15 days - okay, but 1-2 months, in my opinion, too much ....

    Hello, tell me what to do please. I ordered a phone on Ali with accessories. I received a notification that the package has been delivered. Came to the post office to receive. The parcel came with acts. The postal worker looked at the acts with me, it was written that instead of the sent 521 grams, only 207 arrived. I have never been in a similar situation, although I often order here. She advised me to simply not receive the goods, and they will send it back. I like to come home and open a dispute. That's exactly what I did. As a result, the dispute was already closed and I was left without money and without goods. Please tell me what should I do to get my money back?

    For a long time I have been ordering all sorts of covers and similar non-electronic things on Ali. Then I decided to order my wife a lamp for drying nails, the lamp is beautiful, the price is tempting, $ 13, the rest of the sellers have such ones from 18. Realizing that there would be no very tricky electronics, I ordered a lamp for 13. Came in 10 days, the track was tracked. Came, I plug it into the outlet, but it does not turn on. I made a video about how she does not want to work, opened a dispute and uploaded my video as proof. As soon as the dispute opened, the lamp opened through my efforts)) everything was banal and simple, the wire coming from the micro-USB input was short, and broke away from it, quickly built up the wires, about 3-4 cm was enough so that it would not tear off . I understand that I acted a little ugly in relation to the seller, but I was able to fix it, but someone could not. As a rule, this product is ordered by girls, who, for the most part, are very far from soldering. Therefore, 3 cm of wire, the Chinese got up to 13 dollars.

Inexperienced buyers often fall into the traps of cunning scammers who receive money dishonestly. The creators of the online trading platform take care of their consumers, so they provide the opportunity to open a dispute on Aliexpress and make a refund.

Reasons for a refund

There are several options why buyers open a dispute with the seller and ask for a refund:

  • The parcel did not come at all as promised by the photos provided by the seller. For example, instead of a good watch, a plastic fake with glued hands comes. This is very rare, you should not refuse to buy, but you need to know what to do in such a situation;
  • the purchase arrived damaged (defective);
  • other reasons for dissatisfaction with the product (wrong color, quantity, etc.);
  • The order didn't arrive at all.

Even if the order was worth $1, it's worth making a refund. For such a price, you can pick up a lot from another seller, more reliable and with a good rating.

As a rule, the seller agrees to return the full cost of the goods if it is sent back.

How to open a dispute on Aliexpress for a refund

Opening a dispute on Aliexpress and returning money takes very little time. The main thing is to do this while Buyer Protection is in effect.

If the lot has arrived and does not match the description, or has not arrived at all, and the delivery time is coming to an end, you can open a dispute. The corresponding button is located on the page for viewing all orders awaiting delivery. When opening a dispute, you must describe the reason. Further, the merchant can offer several options for solving the problem:

  • extend the waiting time for delivery a little more;
  • make a discount on the next order;
  • return the money if the delivered purchase does not match the description;
  • return the money on the condition that the defective or non-conforming product will be sent back;
  • resend the order with photo confirmation.

You can choose one of the options for resolving the conflict. At the same time, almost everyone has a risk of either getting money back or being left with nothing:

  • the seller returns the money to your account without further ado;
  • the employee extends the delivery time and after some time the purchase still arrives (relevant for sales);
  • the seller extends the delivery time for a long time, not wanting to return the money. In this case, you can aggravate the dispute by submitting it for consideration to the Aliexpress Administration;
  • you are offered a discount on your next order, you agree and close the dispute. There are two scenarios for the development of events: an honest and decent seller really provides a discount, or after the dispute is closed, previously unagreed conditions appear for the discount;
  • the merchant apologizes for the delay of the goods and, in order to avoid negative evaluation and feedback, sends the second unit of the lot. In this case, it is likely that after a while you will receive two goods. It’s up to you to decide whether to leave the second product as compensation for the long delivery (which is not the fault of the seller, but the beloved Post of your native country), or report the receipt of two purchases and send one lot back to the seller;
  • Refunds are available if a defective order has been shipped. You send, write to the seller and provide a photo report. At this stage, the seller either sends funds after receiving the goods, or changes the price of the lot to "0" and makes a refund. At the same time, he formally returns the money, but nothing comes to the account.

When placing an order on Aliexpress, the buyer, like the seller, is equally at risk of being deceived. No one is immune from dishonest sellers who want to earn more, but at the same time selling a low-quality thing or even a fake. Like sellers, they are not immune from fraudulent buyers who want to receive a purchase for free, or trick them into sending a double purchase for the price of one.

P.S. Friends, when shopping in online stores, be sure to use. As they say, saved - it earned!

On this I want to say goodbye to you, all successful shopping!

Online shopping is not always successful, but you can easily get your money back through the dispute system on. In this article you will find answers to all questions related to the return of funds to your account.

Everyone who buys shoes and clothes online has had disappointments about the package they received. It happens more often with beginners, less often with experienced shopaholics, but it definitely happens to everyone. From unsuccessful purchases, no one is immune. And it's not even always that the thing does not match the photo, there can be many reasons for a refund:

  • item was damaged in transit
  • the parcel did not reach you at all
  • you may have been sent another item by mistake
  • the size did not fit you or the color does not match the photo

As a result of the dispute (which lasted from a few minutes to 2 weeks), you managed to convince the seller to return the money in whole or in part, for which you can be congratulated. It is sometimes very difficult to show perseverance in a dispute and defend your hard-earned money. Sometimes sellers put pressure on pity, or offer compensation options. Whether to agree to them depends only on your desire and the reason for the dispute.

Aliexpress refund period

It takes more time to complete the operation to return funds to the buyer's account than when making a purchase. Depending on the payment method, the terms may vary:

  • money will be returned to a bank card (Visa, Master Card) within 3-15 working days
  • to Maestro card within 3-15 business days
  • to Web Money within 1-10 business days
  • to Qiwi Wallet within 1-10 working days
  • to your mobile account within 1-10 working days
  • on AliPay within 1 day

Also, the speed of the refund depends on the buyer's rating, which is divided into 5 categories:

  • A0 -A3- do not have privileges for the return of funds
  • A3 - accelerated refund up to $25
  • A4 - accelerated refund up to $100

Amount returned to Aliexpress

When opening a dispute, you must answer several questions, including the reason for the return and the amount. Below, in the hint field, the limits are indicated, from 0.00 to the price of the goods. Unfortunately, moral compensation for the disorder cannot be removed from the sellers, and you can return only the invested funds.

The size of the amount depends only on you, for example, you received a dress that suits you, but there is a noticeable stain on it, which will be removed only in dry cleaning. The stain was the fault of the seller, and you open a dispute for the amount needed to order dry cleaning, for example, for $ 10, when the dress cost $ 100. Of course, the seller will ask you to reduce it, so you can bet $ 20 to reach the compromise you need.

Another question, if you did not receive anything or what you received is strikingly different from what you ordered, then feel free to indicate the full amount of the refund or full refund.

The next important point regarding the amount of the refund is related to the intricacies of the dispute. When you open a dispute for $10, the seller offers you his solution and can change the amount. For example, the seller will change your 10 dollars to 1 dollar, and in the text part he will write that he agrees to everything. If you do not take into account the price change and agree to the seller's offer, then only $ 1 will be returned to you.

Aliexpress return stages

The refund is automatic and does not require any additional manipulations from you. The system is designed so that when placing an order, you send money not to the seller's account, but to the system account. Only after you confirm receipt of the parcel, the money is transferred to the seller. The site acts as a third party that guarantees the terms of your transaction with the seller.

Usually, all disputes are conducted before the confirmation of receipt of the order, when the buyer protection time has not yet expired. Under the new rules, you can open a dispute and return the money even after confirming receipt of the order, if you have identified flaws in the process of testing and operation.

You can track the stage of a refund after a dispute on the order page, on the "Payment" tab. Regular orders will only have information about the purchase, while disputed items will also have a refund stage indicator added. Only 3 stages:

  • refund pending
  • refund being processed
  • reimbursement completed

Sometimes the information is not updated immediately, the money will already be in your account, and the graph may show that the refund is still being processed.

Where is the money returned to Aliexpress?

Funds are returned to the account from which the payment was made. That is, if you paid with a bank card, they will come to the card if you paid through Yandex. Money, then look for a return there. If you do not remember how you paid, then payment information can be seen on the product order page.

Again, in case of a delay, find out information about the payment at the office of the company from which the payment was made, the delay may be due to currency conversion.

And remember that you will not be charged any commissions for the return.

I did not receive a refund from Aliexpress

Funds are transferred automatically, but there are failures in any system. If after 15 working days the funds have not been returned, then click the "Help" button located on the top panel of the site, then "Support Service", then "Online Chat". The consultant will be able to tell you by the order number whether the payment was made or not. Usually Chinese women act as consultants, but they write in Russian, it is not easy to explain specific issues to them, but they are quite capable of dealing with payments.

What should I do if I did not receive money when paying from a mobile phone?

A frequent question among those who pay for purchases from a mobile account concerns refunds. Automatically, when paying from your phone, a Qiwi wallet is created using your phone number, and, accordingly, the funds will also be returned to it. To gain access, you need to go to the Qiwi Wallet website, enter your phone number and click "Forgot password", the password will be sent to you by SMS.

Money does not come from Aliexpress to Sberbank

The terms for crediting refundable funds to Sberbank cards do not differ from those stated above. If within 15 working days you have not received the money and the statement shows that there were no transfers, then you need to contact the bank and clarify the fate of your transfer with them. There are cases when the payment does not go through and until all the circumstances are clarified, it is held in the bank account, and until you apply with an application, the money will not be returned to the account.

Also check the validity period of the card and the activity of the account, it is possible that the delay in receipt is connected with this. If you closed your account with the bank that made the payment transaction, the refunded funds will remain in a special account and will wait for manual redistribution.

What can not be agreed upon in a dispute with the seller?

Another important point is related to the competition between stores for the rating. Disputes through the fault of the seller affect the reputation of the store. Therefore, you may see a message asking you to change the reason for the dispute, where you will be politely asked to indicate that you want a refund because you ordered the product by mistake. That is, the fault is not on the seller, but on you.

It is up to you whether to agree to these conditions, such a return path is absolutely legal and does not threaten you with anything, you will also receive all the funds indicated in the application, but the seller will not lose his precious points. Whether you want to go towards the person who sent you a thing of terrible quality also remains in question.

On the other hand, some sellers offer you to return the money not through the system, but to your PayPal wallet. It is this payment system that works throughout China, other payment methods are not common. In return for the transfer of funds, you will be asked to close the dispute. The dispute closed by the buyer does not harm the rating of the store, on the other hand, you also got what you wanted. This method can rather be called fraudulent, often sellers postpone the issues of transferring funds, drag it to the last, and then completely disappear and do not answer. By closing the dispute, you may not get anything in return.

Therefore, do not try to return funds bypassing the system, the site acts as a guarantee that the transaction will be safe, where all your payment data is stored in encrypted form. By agreeing to dubious offers, even if with a higher price, you risk not getting anything.

What happens to cashback upon refund?

The issue of changing the cashback will depend on the policy of the cashback portal and its agreements. You may have noticed that when you cancel an order, the cashback information is immediately updated and the operation is reset. By opening a dispute, you reduce or completely nullify the amount of the transaction, but whether this will affect the size of the cashback depends on the policy. Usually these transactions are more difficult to track and therefore the cashback remains intact.

Online shopping has become much safer than offline shopping. Because you can't see what you're buying, you can easily return it through the dispute system. In a regular store, you will always be asked for a receipt, and if more than 2 weeks have passed, then they may even refuse to return it. You only need to attach photo evidence and wait for the transfer of funds. May your purchases be successful, and disputes are extremely rare! Happy shopping!

Video: Refund on Aliexpress

Aliexpress is a popular Chinese online store known for budget prices and crazy discounts on any product. Everything is sold here: clothes, shoes, cosmetics, dishes, household items, etc. Many aliexpress users are satisfied with the quality of the purchased products, but incidents also happen. What if the product you received did not suit you, is it possible to return the money?

  1. You canceled the purchase before it was shipped and the seller accepted the cancellation.
  2. The representative of the selling company did not send the order on time - the store returns the funds to your account automatically.
  3. You told the seller that the product did not suit you and gave the reason. The seller accepted your complaint and accepted the refund.
  4. If the seller did not respond to your complaint, the funds will be returned within 5 days.
  5. If the seller made any suspicious actions in the system, the money is returned to your account automatically after 7 days.

How do you know if you should hope for a refund or if a refund has already been received?

To do this, you need to check the details of the order. All you need to do is follow this simple pattern:

  • Click on the "view data" button
  • Next - on the tab "payment"

Here you can find information about the refund, see the amount and status of the refund. So, you can see if a refund is pending, being processed, or completed.

It is also important to understand that a refund is never made instantly, but only within a certain period of 5 to 7 days, depending on the situation.

What to do if the money has not been credited to your account, where to write?

After 15 working days, the funds should have returned to your account. If this did not happen, check the account statement on the day when you paid for the goods. It happens that the refund is carried out on the same number.

  1. In the case when the return was not made, it may not have been reflected in the statement and you need to ask the operator whether this operation was performed.
  2. If everything has been checked, but the funds have not been returned to your account, contact the online support of the customer help center.

What to do if you change the card before the amount is refunded?

If you have lost or changed your card, due to expiration or any other reason, don't worry. The old card and the new one are tied to one of your personal accounts, on which any transactions have been and will be carried out.

In other words, there is no need to notify the store about changing the card, because the money will be returned to the new card.

After the refund, the money remained on the Alipay wallet

This happens if, when opening the wallet settings, you chose to return to Alipay. If you don't like it, uncheck this setting.

But it is also important to know that if you, on the contrary, want the money to be returned to Ali's wallet, then this will only work out taking into account a few nuances. Reimbursement will only take place with your personal consent. Otherwise, the money will be sent automatically to the account from which the goods were paid.

If the money was not returned, remember how you made the payment

Although everything is very simple in the Ali payment system, and the payment will be returned in the same way that it was made, there are some nuances:

What to do if the seller does not want to return the money for the goods?

Sometimes situations happen that when a problem arises, you write to the seller to solve the problem peacefully, but he refuses your arguments and says that he will not return the money to you.

  • In order to defend your point of view, you will need to open a dispute. For this, it is better to read what arguments to provide, etc.
  • If you opened a dispute, and the seller does not respond to it, this situation will play into your hands, because after 5 days of the seller's inactivity, the money will be returned to you in 1-2 weeks.

The seller disagrees with your arguments, offers little or no refund. In this case, you can do nothing, but wait 7 days until the dispute goes into the aggravation stage and now the Aliexpress team will act as judges. But make sure that you have enough evidence with photos of low-quality products.

If the product you ordered did not arrive, and the seller offers to end the dispute and wait some more, check if the buyer protection timer has been extended. Insist on extending the timer, although a conscientious seller will perform this operation himself.

If the timer is not extended by the seller, or there is no time left on it at all, the dispute cannot be closed. Do not accept the terms of the seller if they do not suit you, because then you will not receive a refund.

  1. All refunds must be made only through a dispute, otherwise you risk being deceived. Many scammers offer refunds via PayPal - do not fall for their provocation.
  2. The seller may offer to send you the goods again, but refuses to return the money. In most cases, his words turn out to be lies, and the return of the goods will not be made.
  3. But if you really want to receive this product, offer the seller to return the money to you first, and then make the deal again.

There are a lot of ways to deceive a buyer on the Internet, but if you follow the advice of this article, you no longer run the risk of being deceived.

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AliExpress guarantees the protection of buyers' rights. When paying for the goods, the money does not go directly to the seller. They remain on the account in the system until the buyer confirms receipt of the order, only then the amount is transferred to the seller. Let's find out where the money is returned from AliExpress after a dispute. Secure payment methods on AliExpress

Payment for goods is made mainly with the help of Visa, Mastercard, Maestro cards. Almost everyone has cards. Difficulties with this method of payment for purchases usually do not arise. It is better to get a separate card for purchases on the Internet and transfer exactly the amount that you plan to spend to it. This will protect you from scammers. If you use a regular bank card, then before buying, check whether it is possible to pay for goods in online stores, as some banks block this function for security reasons.

When paying by credit card, you must go to the checkout page. After confirmation, you will see the order payment window. Fill in the shipping address. The second step is to fill in the card details. Select the type of card, enter the username in Latin letters, number, expiration date and code on the back. An SMS will be sent to the mobile phone with a request to confirm the payment. Submit the verification code and the transaction will be completed.

Another secure payment method on AliExpress is Qiwi wallet. Quick registration in the Qiwi system is performed using a mobile phone number. You can replenish your account in different ways: through a bank card, payment terminals, from a phone account. When making a purchase, enter the wallet number, which matches the number of the mobile operator.

Secure payment system for purchases - WebMoney. The WebMoney wallet registration system is a bit complicated for the average user. But, following the prompts, you can figure it out. If you already have a wallet in this payment system, then it is quite possible to use it to make payments on AliExpress.

Since 2014, it has become possible to pay Yandex with money. Identify your profile in this payment system for the possibility of international transfers. To do this, enter the series and number of your passport. After identification, you can use Yandex Money for payments.

Buyer protection on AliExpress

After payment for the goods, the money remains in the system of the AliExpress website. The frozen payment is released only when you confirm receipt of the package, or at the end of the Buyer Protection Warranty. If the delivery time ends, and the goods have not arrived, the buyer opens a dispute to return the payment. Opening a dispute is possible in the following cases:

  1. Defective goods.
  2. Discrepancy between the description of the goods on the site and the actual item received.
  3. The seller sent the item in the wrong color, size, model.
  4. Incomplete set.
  5. Item not delivered.

Opening a dispute (otherwise a dispute) means the beginning of communication with the seller within the framework of the submitted claim. To open a dispute, click the appropriate button on the order page. Fill in all the fields and wait for the seller's response. Those sellers who have been cooperating with the site for a long time care about their reputation. Therefore, the dispute is more often resolved in favor of the buyer and a refund is made.

You need to have time to open a claim before the expiration of the buyer protection guarantee. Otherwise, the seller will receive the money automatically at the end of the term. If you received the item and it turned out to be of poor quality, then you still have 15 days to file a claim.

The seller, after receiving the claim, must either agree with your requirements within five days - accept the dispute, or offer his own course of action to solve the problem.

If you disagree with the position of the seller, you have the right to aggravate the dispute - to involve the site administration as an arbitrator to make a decision.

How the dispute is resolved

The subject of the dispute on AliExpress is the return of money for poor-quality or non-arriving goods. Conduct all correspondence only through the dispute form. Any agreements reached by negotiations in private messages are not valid.

You can accept, change or reject the terms of the seller. If you accept the terms of the seller, then the dispute is closed. It cannot be reopened. If the seller asks to close the dispute within the warranty period, make sure that you can, in case of non-receipt of the goods, open the dispute again.

If the seller does not respond to the claim, do not be nervous, after 5 days the dispute will be closed in your favor automatically, a refund will be made to your account. If the dispute is rejected by the seller, you need to aggravate the dispute. The site administration makes a quick decision in obvious cases when there is no product, and the seller refuses from obligations. If the case is complex, you will need to provide all the evidence that you can collect. The terms of consideration in this case are not limited.

How money is returned

The refund method on AliExpress is always the same as the payment method.

Where do they return money from AliExpress after a dispute? To the same payment system from which they came.

When using a card, the refund is made to the card, if with Qiwi, then they will be returned back to the Qiwi wallet.

Payment was made with Qiwi via mobile phone

If you transferred money through a Qiwi wallet using a mobile phone, then the refund occurs on Qiwi, even if you are not registered there. There is an automatic registration of the wallet by the phone number from which the money was transferred. To enter your personal account on the Qiwi website, enter your phone number and click "Forgot Password". An SMS message will send you a code that will allow you to log into your account.

Payment via Yandex Money

When paying at the terminal in cash through the Yandex Money system, the funds will go to Yandex Wallet. The same is true when paying in cash through mobile phone stores: the funds are returned to the phone account. For information on how to pay for an order in cash, see the video:

How long to wait for a refund

The order is closed and a reasonable question arises: “When will I receive my money?” Money is withdrawn from the site after 5 days. The exact timing depends on the payment system. On average, money comes in 7-15 days. Payment to a bank card takes about a week. The fastest money will come to WebMoney. There, a refund is made almost immediately after the appearance of information about the start of the payment of refunds on AliExpress.

You will see the whole process of the reverse transfer of money in your account in the Payments tab. A sign appears there with the amount, the name of the payment system where the money will be returned, and the date the money was received.

If there is no sign, then the money was not transferred to you. In this case, check if you really won the dispute. If there is a date in the “Date of Reimbursement” column on the plate, and you still have not received the money, there may have been some problems when transferring money or there was a failure in the system.

What to do if the money has not arrived

If the money has left the bank card account, check the expiration date: it may have expired. Then the money went to the bank account where the card was opened. It is worth talking about non-receipt of money if more than 10-15 days have passed since the return date indicated on the site. Check again the account from which the funds were transferred, and if there were no receipts, take steps to trace the payment.

Contact AliExpress and AliPay support as payments go through them. If everything is in order and you were told that the payment has gone, contact the support service of your payment system or the bank. You will need to come to the bank personally with a passport and write an application for the search for a payment.

In any case, the money will be returned to you, since their return is guaranteed not by the seller, but by the AliExpress website. And they keep a close eye on their reputation.