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Tarot yes no 3 cards. Fortune telling with tarot cards online

Tarot readings for situations help to clarify the current situation and find a favorable solution with a minimum of losses. There are several types of fortune telling, using different numbers of cards, let's look at examples. The simplest layout using one card.

Of course, this method will not say much, but it will bring clarity to what is happening. One card will characterize the situation as a whole and show the direction of action, or will clarify how you ended up in a particular situation.

Interpretation of one card gives general advice in order to choose the right direction for action and coordinate your forces. For a more detailed depiction of events and to obtain more information, you can use fortune telling, consisting of three cards.

Three card situation layout

Three cards are drawn from a full deck and laid out as follows:

  • 1 – characteristics of the situation, possible answer to the question.
  • 2 – commentary, indicates the origins of the problems and their nature.
  • 3 – recommendation on what to do and how to act in the current situation.

You can also lay out the cards like this:

In this version, there may be several meanings, characteristics of the situation, it all depends on how you formulate your question. Possible interpretations of the cards:

  • 1 – the past, which led to this situation,
  • 2 – present, what is happening now, characteristics of the situation,
  • 3 – future, possible development of events without intervention, or advice on how to change the situation for the better.
  • 1 – what should happen or change within this situation,
  • 2 – how this should happen, pay attention to the signs, perhaps this could already happen.
  • 3 – what needs to be done.
  • 1 – the reason for what is happening, the essence of what happened,
  • 2 – what you should pay attention to, the key to the problem, the first possible solution,
  • 3 – solution to the problem that has arisen, or the second option for resolving the situation.
  • 1- where or what,
  • 2 – who or why,
  • 3 – why or how.
  • 1 – description and characteristics of the situation,
  • 2 – what actions will bring negative results,
  • 3 – what actions will bring a positive result.
  • 1 – goals and plans,
  • 2 – how to act to achieve the goal,
  • 3 – what you shouldn’t do, obstacles in the implementation of your plans.
  • 1 – hidden nuances of the situation, what you don’t see or don’t pay attention to – on a subconscious level or consciously trying to avoid it.
  • 2 – how the situation is revealed now, what it is.
  • 3 – advice of cards, the result for this situation.

Also, a three-card layout can be used to determine and predict one day or your mood. In this case, the alignment will show which path you need to follow and what you need to avoid. Your mood - your initial position and what is needed to improve the situation. At the end of the day, you can pull out the final card - this will be the result of your day. How he passed and what trace he left.


This layout helps to understand the current situation. The starting point is the problem itself, followed by positive negative aspects and your attitude towards what is happening. By putting everything together, you will see the overall picture of the situation.

The layout involves seven cards from a full deck:

1 – what the situation is at this point in time. Characteristics and description of what is happening.

2 – positive aspects that you should rely on and count on. These are your helpers and the right path.

3 – negative points, what you shouldn’t do and what you should isolate yourself from. There can be both events and people from your environment.

By analyzing the positive and negative aspects of the situation, you can understand what you are doing wrong; perhaps the cards will reveal to you aspects of the situation that you did not know about or that were hidden from you.

4 – your general state, your desires, motivations, scope of intentions. Your position in this situation, your reactions to what is happening.

5 – influence from outside, something that does not depend on you and is beyond your control. It has to happen, let the situation flow through you, observe what is happening and gain experience that may be useful in the future or to solve the same problem.

6 – further developments of events, what awaits you.

7 – resolving the problem, what will stay with you, what will go away, and what should be abandoned independently and, most importantly, consciously.

Most often, the “Celtic Cross” layout is used to fortune-tell a situation, which tells in great detail about what is happening and looks at various areas of life, which in turn allows you to put together a more complete picture of what is happening and have an idea of ​​​​how to act.

Celtic cross layout.

The spread uses ten cards that are drawn from a full deck of 78 cards.

1 – the current situation – the period of time and the ongoing events in which you now live.

2 – the development of this situation in the future, what influences it, which aspects of life and what is happening help you, and which hinder and slow down your movement forward and development.

In some variants, card 2 is superimposed on card 1 - this means that these two cards are interconnected and their meaning must be considered as a single whole. Map 2 is a continuation of map 1.

3 – card hint – this is a kind of advice from the layout, what needs to be done to find the right path and the right actions.

4 – the origin of the situation, which served as the source and the makings of what is happening at the moment; your character traits can additionally be revealed here.

5 – what has already happened – your past, which led you to this situation.

6 – your future – how the situation will develop in the future, its development and a possible solution to the problem.

7 – this card characterizes you, your attitude to the situation, your character and intentions.

8 - what surrounds you - this can be both the people who surround you and influence you and the situation as a whole, and any events that affect you.

9 – your fears and hopes – the card tells you about your fears, what you are afraid of, and how this affects your behavior and actions, your hopes can lead you down the wrong path. Your emotional state influences your actions.

10 – results – this is the result of the entire situation, and not just the answer to the question and the expected further development of the situation. The card characterizes the outcome that will come if you move in the same direction as before without any changes.

If you want to correct or change something, then use the advice of the layout, pay attention to your condition and attitude to the situation. When you begin to analyze what is happening and understand how you need to move and in what direction, the outcome will change.

And when the layout is repeated after a certain period of time, the result of the layout will differ from the results of the first. Also, when the scenario is repeated, new aspects of situations may open up.

Tarot spread for a problematic situation “Arrow”.

This layout can be used to view how the situation is developing; events in this layout occur incrementally, from the origins of problems to their solution.

The layout consists of five cards, which are laid out from left to right.

1 – the initial situation, where the problem came from, where it originated and what additional factors led to the current situation.

2 – the past, which influences the present and does not want to let go of unresolved moments.

3 – what you should pay attention to in the present.

4 – how the situation develops in the future (the near future is approximately 3 months). Provided there is no interference and following the same path as now.

5 – result of the situation, development and results. Here the result is displayed taking into account position 4, how the situation will worsen or a solution will come.

Your personal secretary layout on Tarot cards will help you know the details of the issue of interest, have a general idea of ​​the situation, observe its development, have access to various information that you can use for the benefit of yourself and those you love.

1. What is now: the current moment of the situation. 2. Positive aspects of the situation: what you can rely on. 3. Negative aspects of the situation: what is worth insuring. 4. Internal influences: your personal motives, intentions, desires. 5. External influences: factors that are beyond your control. 6. What will happen in the future. Further development of the situation. 7. Resolution of the situation: what will you be left with, what will you get?

  • What is now: the current moment of the situation.
  • Positive aspects of the situation: what you can rely on.
  • Negative aspects of the situation: what you should insure yourself about.
  • Internal influences: your personal motives, intentions, desires.
  • External influences: factors that are beyond your control.
  • What will happen in the future. Further development of the situation.
  • Solving the situation: what will you be left with, what will you get?
Click on the cards to fill out the layout

Click on the cards to find out the meaning

Features of reading the layout

You can set the duration of the schedule. Before the session, pay special attention to the meaning of your question. Let him express your personal thoughts and feelings. If you are ready to receive any answer, you will become open to opportunities and invulnerable to difficulties.

Sometimes it is very useful not to ask in advance, but to lay out the cards, meditate, looking without expectations, notice something new, contemplate the layout like a work of art. This style of interaction with the deck awakens and strengthens your intuition.

In reading cards, both the first impression and the last one matter. What the cards mean and what you feel. What do you feel: warmth, cold, lightness, heaviness? What do you feel: fear, anger, sadness, joy? What thoughts come to your mind? Combine that with what's on the cards. Trust yourself and don't be afraid to make mistakes, focusing on solutions and opportunities.

The “Three Cards” Tarot layout is suitable for analyzing any situation, event or issue! This is truly the most universal Tarot layout, suitable for all occasions. You can determine the meaning of card positions in this fortune telling yourself or choose suitable ones.

Approximate values ​​of card positions that will help you analyze the past, present or predict the future are presented below, but you can also use this layout as a clarifying or additional one to any other Tarot fortune-telling.

Possible values ​​of cards in positions 1 - 2 - 3:

  • past present Future;
  • what will happen - how will it happen - what to do;
  • the cause of the problem - the main thing in the problem is the solution;
  • where - who - why;
  • what - why - how;
  • the essence of the problem - prospects for solution No. 1 - prospects for solution No. 2;
  • feelings - thoughts - actions;
  • the essence of the situation - actions to harm - actions to benefit;
  • the desired goal - what will speed up its achievement - what interferes with its achievement;
  • what a person thinks about - what he wants - where he is / what he is doing;
  • my condition today - how the day will go - advice of cards for today;
  • main event of the day - mood of the day - surprise today

    If you experience a feeling of excitement or anxiety before fortune telling, we recommend.

    Scheme and meaning of the cards of the “Three Cards” Tarot layout

    So, focus and... look at the schedule!

    MAP 1

    You have received the Ace of Cups, which means a chance to fulfill your desires, to find happiness, love and satisfaction. Bright feelings overwhelming the soul, beauty, joyful pursuit of a calling, happy news. The uniqueness of the moment that gives the opportunity to make a dream come true. Abundance, fertility, the beginning of great love. Complete self-realization. Feast, reception of guests. The favor of fate, the support of true friends.

    MAP 2

    The Seven of Pentacles you have been dealt speaks of the need to be patient while waiting for the results of your efforts. Endurance test. Long-term concern for the developing situation, slow but guaranteed growth, the need to give time to the ripening fruits. Hard work to maintain harmony, talent, self-realization and giving back. Achieving the desired goal with sufficient investment of effort.

    MAP 3

    Here is the Nine of Cups, speaking of abundance, well-deserved reward, and satisfaction with life. The joy of communicating with people, hospitality, a great time. The advent of wonderful times, bringing happiness, friendship and carefreeness. Blooming health, harmonious inner peace. Fulfillment of desires. Choosing the best.

Do you want to find an alternative solution to your troubles? Then this article is especially for you! The reader will learn how to make a Tarot layout for a situation and become familiar with the most popular methods of this type of fortune telling. Enjoy reading!

In what cases can this type of fortune telling be used?

Fortune telling with Tarot cards (the “Situation” layout) makes it possible to consider hidden options for solving existing problems. The task of the Major and Minor Arcana of the selected deck is to indicate the strengths/weaknesses of a person.

Tarot layout for a situation with interpretation helps to solve the following problems:

  • Covering the true cause of problems. The deck will “reveal” the events of the past, pointing out the most significant of them, determining the impact on the course of existing problems
  • The presence/absence of additional reserves that allow you to find out how the Tarot layout for the situation will end
  • Classification of nuances by degree of importance (significant/minor)
  • Determination of the variability of components. The impact of current events on the future of the questioner is considered
  • Choosing a further model of behavior (is it worth the risk by taking active steps to resolve the case)

Simple Tarot layouts for the situation

There are two types of simple Tarot layouts for the financial situation at work - fortune telling using 1 or 3 cards. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Layout 3 (three) cards

The Tarot layout for the situation on 3 (three) cards will illuminate the prospects for the development of current events. Shuffle the deck thoroughly, placing the Arcana face down.

The first card indicates actions from the past that have a direct impact on the present.

The second Arcanum reflects the true state of affairs as of “today”.

The third card is coverage of future events, determining the inevitability of a number of key points. Correct analysis of current problems and their systematization is the key to a successful future for any person.

Layout 1 card

The Tarot layout for the situation (1 card) will help the fortuneteller understand obvious things in the case when something escapes close attention. This is especially true when a person is excited and cannot objectively assess existing problems.

Concentrate on the question of interest, then draw out the Arcanum, look at the detailed interpretation in accordance with the dropped position (straight/inverted).

Note! With this method of fortune telling, consider the following. If one of the Minor Arcana falls out, you overestimate the importance of current affairs that do not deserve a damn. The significance of the problem will be emphasized by the Major Arcanum. It is not recommended to carry out fortune telling in an excited state - this will negatively affect the final result. Feel the cards and what they want to tell you

Tarot spreads for situations of medium complexity

Check out some moderately complex Tarot spreads for situational readings.


“Onion” will help you quickly find the answer to the question posed. Very simple, recommended for beginner tarot readers.

  1. Past
  2. The present
  3. Hidden factors
  4. Attitude of others
  5. Action to be taken


“The Chariot” makes it possible to correctly assess the prospects for the development of the situation. Will answer the question “What will bring you victory.”

  • 1, 2 - Driving force of the process
  • 1 - Hidden, something that is not yet known.
  • 2 - Open and currently active force
  • 3 - What will bring you victory
  • 4 - How to behave, what you need to develop in yourself, how to do the right thing
  • 5 - What will be the result

"Magic Wheel"

The "magic wheel" is used to study the situation in detail.

  1. The human condition in this situation
  2. Obstacles
  3. Experiences, further development of the situation being studied
  4. Help in solving difficult situations
  5. Solutions
  6. What needs to be understood and studied
  7. The key, the map will show what you need to work on, think about, and this will help in solving this problem


“Unexplained” - this alignment will help you penetrate into a situation that has already been resolved, but you still haven’t learned its secret.

  1. Hidden reasons for this problem
  2. Unknown reasons and circumstances
  3. Things to pay attention to
  4. What you shouldn't pay attention to
  5. What should you take away from this situation?
  6. Experience gained


“Pagoda” will help you understand your problem, analyze your circumstances and find a way out.

For position 1 - draw the Major Arcana, the rest - the Minor Arcana.

  1. What is the problem
  2. What prevents the solution
  3. What will help
  4. Where to start to find a way out
  5. Solution
  6. How will the process take place?


The “verdict” will help you understand why the problem arose.

  1. Why did the problem arise?
  2. How does the questioner feel?
  3. What is afraid of
  4. Future
  5. What not to do
  6. Board of cards

"Seven Pearls of Isis"

The Seven Pearls of Isis will help to examine the difficult state of affairs in detail.

  1. Depth of the problem
  2. Current state of the issue
  3. Solution
  4. A future that will bring an unresolved question
  5. How do people around you perceive this unpleasant moment?
  6. What prevents a positive resolution of the case

Complex Tarot layouts for the situation

There are several types of complex layouts for the situation. Below are diagrams of each of the Tarot layouts for the situation.


“Leonardo” will show the situation in reality, goals and possibilities.

  • 1 - Conscious
  • 9 - Unconscious
  • 4 - The basis of this situation
  • 7 - An action that can be used to strengthen the foundation
  • 8 - What you need to know and what you need to understand
  • 2 - Achievable goal
  • 5 - The meaning of the goal being achieved


“Bonfire” refers to the gypsy layouts; it can be used to analyze any difficult solution to cases. “Bonfire” will show possible ways to solve the problem, identify opportunities and also show the likely consequences.

  • 1 - Shows what the situation is at the moment
  • 2 - What is your role in this matter?
  • 3 - What is the influence of loved ones
  • 4 - What should you change in your behavior?
  • 5 - Help you can count on
  • 6 - The influence of strangers on the resolution of this issue
  • 7, 8 - How the situation will develop in the near future
  • 9 - Will there be any influence of random factors?
  • 10, 11, 12 - Future resolution of the case

"Magic Squares"

Magic Squares can be used for any problem. It will also help to find out the reasons for the difficult situation and its review.

  • 2, 5, 8, 11 - Causes of the problem, past
  • 1, 4, 7, 10 - Present moment
  • 3, 6, 9, 12 - Problem solving, future

"For an event"

“For an event” - this alignment will help you understand the nature of the events taking place in your life.

  • 1, 2 - The basis of your event
  • 4, 3, 5 - Impact on your event
  • 3 - The present, which directly affects your event
  • 4 - Future that will directly affect your event
  • 5 - The past, that which goes away
  • 6 - Hidden influence
  • 7 - The conscious side of events, what you already know
  • 8 - Possible prospects for the development of the event
  • 9 - If the Major Arcana appears, the situation will be fully revealed to you, if the Minor Arcana appears, the problem will not be fully revealed


“Fracture” - this alignment allows you to take a broader look at a certain problem.

  • 1, 2, 3 - Forces of change
  • 4, 5 - That which directly affects the event
  • 6, 7 - Current influence on the event
  • 8, 9 - Affects the event at the moment
  • 10 - Final result


“Change” - this alignment will show how these changes will happen for you.

  1. Reasons for the change
  2. The danger this change may pose
  3. The benefits that change can bring
  4. Active factors that influence this change
  5. What is a thing of the past
  6. Not very pronounced factors that influence this change
  7. What will happen in the future
  8. Distant future


“Pyramid” - this layout will help you consider in detail any exciting issue.

  1. Main question
  2. The capabilities you have
  3. External factors that influence this problem
  4. Obstacles to overcome
  5. What needs to change
  6. What needs to be left unchanged
  7. How to better manage the situation
  8. Difficulties you will have to face
  9. Possible development of the event
  10. Final decision


"Horseshoe" will help to consider the current state of affairs.

  1. Will show whether the past influences the present state of affairs
  2. Current state of affairs
  3. How will events develop next?
  4. What to do
  5. External influences
  6. Difficulties you may have to face

Find out even more interesting things using the materials on our website. Stay tuned. All the best!


The woman looked at her reflection in a huge mirror.

- “My light, mirror, tell me...”

As if sensing attention, she turned around. Leaning on the door frame, the beloved man closely watched his soul mate.

- Well, so what does he answer? Maybe he will prophesy the future?

- Mirror - will not prophesy. But three Tarot cards of the near future will quickly fit into the layout.

The man took a few steps forward and put his hand on her shoulder. Both turned to the mirror.

- This is nonsense. The future cannot be put into a triplet. Let's go and have some tea!

“Let’s go,” the woman agreed, “just don’t drink tea, but guess about the near future.”

- Three cards?

- On three.

What is a triplet in Tarot?

A triplet, according to explanatory dictionaries, is a set or a whole system of three. Three objects, three parts, three components.

For beginners in Tarot, the triplet spread is a good help in developing reading skills. In such fortune-telling there are no strictly established rules and restrictive frameworks. It characterizes the general state of the situation being guessed at. It should be remembered that a triplet gives an answer specifically to the immediate future, and not to the future as a whole. If, for example, you guess about relationships immediately after a quarrel, then the fallen Tower may indicate not an upcoming divorce, but the destruction of the harmony of today. The main thing in a triplet is a clearly posed question. It should not belong to the category of general questions like: “How will I live my life?”, but indicate a specific moment: “Will you give me a fur coat?”

How to make a three-card spread for the near future

From a Tarot point of view, triplets can be divided into several completely unrelated feet, depending on the specifics of the issue. That is, it depends on what exactly the querent wants to know.

Stage one - step one

- “I’ll tell you, my dear: What happened? What will happen? How will it end? Want?

- Want. Make a layout of three cards for our relationship.

From cards randomly drawn from a deck, a row is formed (read from left to right), in which:

- the first characterizes the past (indicates the origin of the situation),

- second present (reports on the current state of affairs),

― and the third ― promises the future (suggests a probable outcome).

For example, 4 Swords - 5 Cups - 8 Swords in the “past-present-future” triplet speaks of a decision made that led to a difficult condition that became captivity.

Stage two - step two

- Why aren’t you happy, my dear? Why did you hang your head? Maybe you need to give advice: should you love or not?

- Yes, the alignment would be for love: take out three Tarot cards again...

In this case, in the formed row:

- the first card will give advice (characterize the situation on the question: what to do?),

― the second ― will serve as a warning (indicate what to do),

― the third ― will be the result (an explanation of the situation or a question to oneself).

The same 4 Swords - 5 Cups - 8 Swords in the “advice-warning-result” triplet will play out the answer to the question differently. “You need to make a decision”, “not to be led” and “to escape captivity you need to go into conflict. Ready to make a decision?

Stage three - step three

- What does this mean? Does our relationship have no future?

- Question…

The next option for a Tarot layout for the future of a relationship with a woman (man) can be three cards - a question. Similarly, three Arcana are selected that will give a detailed answer to the question. Thus, 4 Swords - 5 Cups - 8 Swords in the “three together” triplet indicate that a man is not ready to make a decision in captivity, he needs to free himself from captivity and only then make a decision.

Other interpretations of the near future

The above interpretations are not an exhaustive list of triplet options. Each master tarot reader can create his own layouts. Such layouts can work both for all fortune tellers and only for the one who created it. Here are a few of them:

  • Thoughts, feelings - actions. For example, answering the question: “How does a person treat me?”
  • Who - what - why. For example: “Who spoiled me?”
  • The numerical value of the cards is summed up (1 + 2 + 3). The resulting value = is the answer number (SA number). For example: “What are the consequences?”
  • Not so - the essence of the question is yes. In the center is the main card, and on the sides are circumstances or actions (on the left - incorrect, on the right - correct). For example, the answer to the question: “What can I do to improve relationships?”
  • Etc, etc, etc...

No matter what, one of the most used by beginners is the triplet called “Situation”. In it, reading cards is carried out not from right to left, as in the stages suggested above, but through the card. That is, the first of them is in the middle and characterizes the situation with the question (the key to the answer). The second is located to the left of the first and is a comment on it (indicates the source of the problem). The third is placed to the right of the first and represents a recommendation (an explanation of the necessary action in a given situation).

4 Swords - 5 Cups - 8 Swords. I need to make a decision - I can’t follow the lead - I need to break out of captivity - am I ready for an emotional conflict?

Having once again laid out the Tarot triplet, the woman sadly looked at her mirror image.

- What is the use of the fact that I am prettier than everyone else, and rosy, and whiter? Even the most beautiful people are not immune from loneliness.

The chime of the clock echoed through the empty rooms. The ensuing silence slowly but surely took over the area.

A knock on the door mercilessly broke the web of months of melancholy and made the hostess flinch.

- Who is this? - she painfully tried to understand, fussing with the lock for no reason.

Leaning on the door frame, the beloved man closely watched his soul mate.

- I made a decision. Captivity is better than freedom. After all, he is with you!

- 4 Swords - 5 Cups - 8 Swords. The crisis has passed - take the next step - here it is, my future trap, - the woman whispered with a smile...

Video of a three-card spread for the near future

To consolidate the material covered, we present to your attention the video “Arrangement of three cards for the near future.”