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What machine is on the Hyundai Solaris: robot or automatic transmission? Which oil is better to choose.

The advantage of using an automatic transmission makes the choice of such a car when buying more preferable. Even additional maintenance costs during subsequent operation do not bother the owners. At the same time, to take full advantage of all advantages of an automatic transmission, you should not only operate it correctly, but also carry out regular maintenance.

General characteristics and operation

At the initial stage, a 4-speed automatic was installed. Its marking is designated as A4CF1. On the Hyundai Solaris, a six-speed automatic transmission began to be installed starting in the fall of 2014. At the same time, 6AKPP works only in tandem with a 1.6-liter gasoline engine. For the 1.4 liter engine, a simpler box is still available.

Such a pair, engine - box, suggests technical specifications for the Hyundai Solaris in this form:

  • engine power - 123 hp at 6300 rpm;
  • torque - Nm at 4200 rpm;
  • acceleration to 100 km / h - 11.2 seconds;
  • fuel efficiency - "highway-city-combined cycle" - 5.2 / 8.8 / 6.5 liters, respectively.

A distinctive feature of the box is the presence of a manual mode, which is used by active drivers as a sporty one. When using this mode, the gears also change automatically, but this happens when the maximum speed is reached (about 6 thousand rpm). In this case, the first "hundred" is achievable at the third speed.

Gears for leisurely driving on the highway - 5th and 6th differ in movement from each other by about 600 rpm. So, at a speed of 90-100 km / h, the top gear sets the engine to about 2500 rpm, and helps use fuel more economically.

During operation, you should correctly use all the provided automatic transmission modes:

  1. Position "P" corresponds to the concept of "parking". This mode is used when the car is parked for a long time, and the movement of the car is not possible. The start of the engine is then possible.
  2. Position "R" corresponds to the reverse mode. Starting the engine should not be carried out, and switching to this mode is made after stopping the car.
  3. The "N" mode does not involve any of the elements of the box, the car can be rolled and the engine started.
  4. The "D" position corresponds to the driving mode, and the "-" and "+" symbols suggest manual upshifting or downshifting.

It should be noted that this type of box does not provide for specific modes where separate gears would be used, for example, 1st.

Maintenance and possible malfunctions

Does not involve changing the oil in an automatic transmission. At the same time, the short service life of the Hyundai Solaris with a 6-speed automatic does not allow us to talk about problems in the operation of the box.

However, experts in the field of repair and maintenance of traditional automatic machines talk about the need to change the oil every 90 thousand kilometers.

During operation, the box does not differ in thoughtfulness or not smooth switching. Among the possible malfunctions, one can note the tight movement of the box selector, which is the result of a number of reasons:

  • finding the car on a slope;
  • violation of the setting of the drive cables;
  • malfunction of the gear shift mechanism.

If necessary, contacting the service center will help to quickly fix the problem.

P - PARKING- serves to keep the car in the parking lot. You can switch to this mode only when the car is completely stopped. Accidental inclusion is blocked by the button on the machine selector.

R-REVERSE- reverse. You can switch to this mode only when the car is completely stopped. Accidental inclusion is blocked by the button on the machine selector.

N-NEUTRAL- neutral gear. Not quite the same as on manual boxes. In this gear, you can not roll downhill for a long time or tow the car with the engine off without risking damage to the machine. The oil pump is located on the input shaft of the automatic transmission and therefore does not work in such a situation and the box remains without oil.

D-DRIVE- the most basic mode of operation - driving is allowed in all gears, and there are 4 of them in the machine, first (1), second (2), third (3), fourth or overdrive (4). the fourth gear is similar to the fifth in manual boxes, that is, it is an overdrive, in contrast to the third, which is a direct gear.

  • L- low (low gear) - the car drives only in the lowest (first) gear, without switching anywhere.
  • 2 - shifting not higher than 2nd gear. Those. started moving on the first, then the second - and that's it.
  • OD button on the shift knob means overdrive.

The video clearly shows the features of the repair of the automatic transmission Solaris 2011

In addition, the constant switching on / off of gears on the go does not correspond to the principle of operation of the automatic transmission and significantly reduces its resource. On a conventional automatic transmission, there are only 4 gears. Straight - 3rd (you can immediately understand how stretched the transfers are). 4th - an analogue of the fifth on the mechanics.

This transmission, which is after the direct one (which is why it is called OverDrive), can be turned off. When the OD Off light is on (and the button is pressed), it means that the 4th is off, off - it is on, respectively. This is done for a more optimal city driving mode, so that the box does not often switch back and forth.

Power-Eco-Hold button

Eco (the middle position of the button) - the normal mode of operation of the automatic transmission. Everything that is written above is true for him.

Power position - pseudo-sport mode

Means two things:

1. If in normal mode, when the gas pedal is pressed to the floor, the gear shift occurs somewhere at 5000 (+100) revolutions, then when Power is pressed, the engine spins up to somewhere up to 5700–5800 (almost to the red or some other line there). If you try to accelerate to 100 km, then with POWER a little faster.

2. Downshifting while driving (kickdown) is much more intense, and maybe two gears down (unfortunately, in turn, but quickly). Those. if you usually go to 60 and press the gas pedal, then in normal mode, for the kickdown to work, you need to push it quite sharply to the floor. In Power, it is enough to press lightly, and the kickdown worked.

HOLD position - winter mode

First difference- The car starts in second gear. The first one doesn't turn on. If you suddenly turn on L, then in smart books it was written that the first half-motion from the first and immediately to the 2nd. It is done to reduce slippage when starting on a slippery road.

Second. There is no neutral mode. If in normal mode, when driving, you release the gas pedal completely, then the speed drops almost to idle (about 1000–1300). With HOLD, the automatic transmission necessarily switches to a lower gear when it reaches some speed at a higher one. Transmissions are always active.

Analogue - engine braking. Also for winter.

Third. Gear shifting occurs at rpm lower than in normal mode. Designed to reduce torque on the rings and, as a result. Reducing the likelihood of slipping.

Fourth. In this mode, kickdown is disabled. Those. when you press the gas pedal sharply, the gear shifting down does not occur in any case. Again, to avoid skidding at speed.

Fifth. I rarely turn on the last (4th) gear, aka OverDrive. Didn't get the pattern.

Watch an interesting video on this topic

Since 2010, Hyundai Solaris has been equipped with 1.4 and 1.6 liter gasoline engines. At first it was G4FA and G4FC, later G4LC. Their power ranges from 100 to 123 horsepower. The engines are paired with a manual or automatic transmission. The first mechanics on Solaris marked M5CF1 had 5 steps and was made on the basis of a two-shaft scheme, a few years after the start of production, a six-speed mechanics M6CF1 became available. As for the machine, the Korean manufacturer initially used the A4CF1 four-speed automatic transmission. After restyling in 2014, a six-speed automatic was developed for versions with a 1.6-liter engine, but the A4CF1 box is still available for the Hyundai Solaris with a 1.4-liter engine.

Technical features of Hyundai Solaris engines

The Gamma series of motors, developed for the Hyundai Solaris and other models of the concern, has replaced the Alpha series and has characteristic features:

  • The cylinder block is cast from aluminium, lightweight construction has high rigidity. To prevent the cylinder from being worn out by the piston, a thin cast-iron sleeve is used, which is fused into the part. This arrangement allows you to reduce the weight of the motor, to achieve rapid warm-up and efficient cooling of the power plant. At the same time, fuel consumption drops.
  • The manifolds are designed on the basis of the reverse scheme: the catalyst and exhaust manifold are located between the engine shield and the engine itself, while the intake manifold is located in front. This scheme made it possible to increase power, simplify maintenance, and repair the injection system.
  • The timing chain uses a chain that is prevented from stretching by hydraulic tensioners.
  • A system has been introduced that changes the valve timing, which improves the traction of the car.
  • There are no hydraulic lifters.
  • Mounted units, in particular the generator, power steering pump, air conditioning compressor, are located more competently than in the Alpha series engines.

Structurally, the G4FC and G4FA motors, despite the different volumes, are similar. A chain was used as a drive for the gas distribution mechanism, which runs 150–180 thousand km without problems. Every 100 thousand km it is recommended to adjust the valves. These Solaris engines are unpretentious and economical. Although quite noisy, especially until they warm up.

The resource of the Solaris engine depends on standard factors: quality of service, driving style, compliance with operating standards. The manufacturer issues a guarantee for a car - 150 thousand km. But Hyundai Solaris power units run 200-300 thousand km without problems. And what after? Requires repair afterwards. And since the block is made of aluminum, it can be considered "disposable", that is, after the wear of the cylinders, it must be replaced.

There are workshops in Russia that have developed their own recovery methods, but the fact remains: there are no strictly verified factory repair technologies, engineers created a lightweight, high-tech cylinder block, sacrificing its maintainability.

Then what do the motorists do? They bore blocks, grind crankshafts and cylinder heads, extract and change cast-iron liners. But the difficulty lies in the fact that the wall of the sleeve is very thin, and it itself is “filled” with aluminum - it is fused into the block. And in view of the fact that the strength, corrosion resistance, hardness of aluminum and cast iron are different, it is necessary to carry out other, more subtle repair operations that not every master can do.

Therefore, it makes sense to strictly comply with maintenance standards, change the oil and oil filter every 7.5–10 thousand km (the manufacturer recommends Shell Helix 5W40), and additionally use a CIP and flushing compound, which will extend the life of the power unit. It is advisable to do the treatment with a repair and restoration compound before the characteristic signs of malfunctions of the Solaris engine appear:

  • Compression drop.
  • Engine vibration and speed fluctuations.
  • Increased oil consumption.
  • Strong noise due to wear of the crankshaft, elements of the cylinder-piston group.

What will the in-place repair of the Solaris engine give?

The RVS-Master additive is a friction geomodifier that restores worn parts by building up a layer of cermet. This happens only where the reaction of substitution of Fe atoms by Mg atoms is possible. In Hyundai Solaris engines, a layer of cermet is formed on cast-iron liners. The rest of the aluminum surfaces are cleaned of carbon deposits. Engine processing gives the following results:

  1. Life extension (this is critically important for the Hyundai Solaris engine, the restoration of which is technically difficult, and not every master is ready to give a guarantee on the result of the work done).
  2. Increasing the elasticity of rubber seals, which minimizes oil leakage.
  3. Reduced fuel consumption - up to 15%.
  4. Minimization of noise and vibrations of the Hyundai Solaris engine.
  5. Simplification of start-up at sub-zero temperatures.

An additive is suitable for processing a Solaris engine with a volume of 1.6 liters, since this engine has 3.7 liters of oil. A similar composition will be needed for a 1.4-liter engine, in the lubrication system of which there are 3.3 liters of oil.

Pay attention to the intensive use of Hyundai Solaris, you should combine the scheduled oil change with flushing the system with an additive. This is especially true in cases where the car is operated in a metropolis with frequent downtime in traffic jams. Flushing will remove soot and other deposits from the internal surfaces of the power unit.

If your Solaris has unexpected malfunctions in the operation of candles or the ignition coil has failed, you should be more careful when choosing a gas station.

Most likely, you refueled with low-quality gasoline. To continue to protect yourself from similar consequences, use an additive. It will increase the octane index of gasoline by 3-5 units, optimize the combustion process, and reduce the likelihood of freezing.

Manual and automatic transmission Hyundai Solaris

Classic manual and automatic are available for Hyundai Solaris. The car was equipped with two different automatic transmissions: four- and six-speed. Moreover, the six-speed gearbox marked A6GF1 is more economical, pleases with smooth operation, but upsets with a mediocre reaction to pressing the gas pedal. The A6GF1 holds 7.3 to 7.8 liters of ATF.

Although the plant does not provide for changing the oil in automatic transmissions, this should be done every 80-100 thousand km. After all, the A6GF1 box is sensitive to the quality and pressure of the oil, the integrity of the seals, gaskets. If you neglect maintenance, critical wear is likely, failure of solenoids, clutches. The additive will help restore the automatic gearbox and prevent its wear.

The five- and six-speed manual gearboxes of the Hyundai Solaris are quite reliable, which is confirmed by the experience of their operation on the Elantra and other Korean models. Among the factory shortcomings of the five-step machine is increased noise, a rumble when reversing. The defect appeared on cars manufactured before 2012.

In mechanical transmissions, we recommend changing the oil every 50-60 thousand km. And to extend the life of the box, use . Thanks to the additive, it will be possible to extend the life of parts, compensate for wear on friction surfaces, achieve easier shifting, reduce transmission noise and restore gears.

Until 2014, a 4-speed automatic transmission was installed on a Hyundai Solaris car. After restyling for cars with a 1.6-liter engine, the plant began installing 6-speed automatics. The box proved to be excellent, however, there are some complaints about it. In addition to the design of the automatic transmission, you need to know the rules for operating a car with a gun, which we will do now.

Which machine is installed on the Hyundai Solaris

Until 2014, Solaris could only be installed 4-speed automatic A4CF1 regardless of engine size. Since 2009, the company, together with Mitsubishi, began the development and testing of a new six-speed automatic transmission A6GF1, which replaced the outdated five-speed automatic. Initially, the new box was installed on the limited edition Hyundai Avante in HD / MD trim levels, and later the box went to the Sonata, Opirus, Kia Optima and several other cars, including the Hyundai Solaris.

According to official figures, Solaris with a new 6-speed automatic transmission has become more economical, more dynamic and smoother, although the numbers do not always confirm this. With Gamma 1.6 engine and manual transmission, the car consumes 6.1 l/100 km in combined cycle.

Solaris with a gun and the same engine asks 6.5 l. in the combined cycle, and acceleration to hundreds with the advent of the machine increased by a second - from 10.3 s before 11,3 .

Classification and design features of automatic transmission

Automatic transmission with sump removed.

According to company standards, gearbox index A6GF1 and A4СF1 is decrypted as follows:

  • A - automatic transmission with electronic control;
  • 6 or 4 - the number of steps;
  • G - class in terms of torque power, in our case, the automatic transmission can work with engines up to two liters;
  • F - indicates that the automatic transmission is designed for a front-wheel drive car;
  • 1 - automatic transmission modification, the higher the value, the more torque the gearbox can pass through.

In some modifications of the automatic transmission A6GF1 can be found index L, which means that the box is designed for torque not less than 400 Nm paired with a diesel engine with a volume of 2.4–3.8 liters. Letter M speaks of the ability of the automatic transmission to transmit up to 280 Nm torque and work with gasoline and diesel engines with a volume of 1.6–2.4 liters.

Deciphering the automatic transmission markings A6GF1, A6MF1 / 2 and A6LF1 / 2/3.

The hydromechanical automatic machine on Solaris has a classic design - a torque converter, several planetary gearboxes, friction and overrunning clutches. Nevertheless Automatic transmission A6GF1 has several features, distinguishing it from other models:

  1. bypass valve body got the ability to change the maximum linear pressure which saves fuel.
  2. Damping clutch installed directly on the torque converter , and this made it possible to improve the frequency conversion of the motor and also save up to 12% of fuel.
  3. In automatic transmission a driven power take-off gear with face grinding of teeth was used , which allowed to increase the resource of the unit and reduce its noise level.
  4. The box is controlled by the control unit , which fully controls the oil pressure and responds to changes in the number of engine revolutions, this made it possible to obtain smoother gear shifts.
  5. The control range of the shock-absorbing clutch has been increased , which also had a positive effect on fuel consumption.
  6. The tachometer receives data from the control unit automatic transmission, not from the vehicle speed sensor.

Repair and maintenance of automatic transmission Hyundai Solaris

The difference between the instrument panel and automatic transmission is in a separate window with the gearbox operating mode.

The first maintenance work on a six-speed automatic transmission of the A6GF1 family should be carried out every 30000 km run.

At this time, the level and quality of the oil in the box crankcase is checked, and its replacement should be carried out at a mileage of 80–100 thousand km, depending on the operating mode. ATF oil for all Solaris automatic transmissions uses the SP4 standard in a volume of 7.3 to 7.8 liters. depending on the modification of the box. When changing the oil, the filter must be replaced. Filter catalog number - 367010BC.

A six-speed automatic transmission is very sensitive to oil quality and pressure. More than 140-150 thousand on the run, as a rule, replacement of the repair kit of gaskets and oil seals is required. If you do not replace them in time, the solenoids may fail, on which the load increases significantly. If the oil pressure is below normal (oil leakage, low level), there is a high probability of failure of the clutches. In such cases, you must use complete repair kit with index 367007.

By timely servicing the automatic transmission on Solaris, you can achieve a high resource of the unit and proper correct operation. Keep an eye on the oil level in the box and good luck to everyone!

Video about changing the oil in an automatic transmission on a Hyundai Solaris

The Hyundai Solaris automatic transmission is a convenient solution for a city car, and even the higher cost compared to mechanics does not stop buyers. The updated Solaris received a 6-speed automatic transmission with convenient switching, which made the control even more comfortable. Consider the Hyundai Solaris.

The history of the automatic transmission of this model

The automatic on Solaris was originally a 4-speed marked A4CF1. After restyling in 2014, the car received a new 6-speed automatic transmission, it is installed on cars with a 1.6-liter engine. For a complete set with a 1.4-liter engine, a simpler version is still used.
The combination of a modern engine and a Solaris automatic transmission provided him with the following set of technical characteristics:

  • The engine power reaches 123 hp. s, the maximum number of revolutions per minute is 6300.
  • Up to 100 km / h, the car accelerates in 11.2 s.
  • Torque - 155 at 4200 rpm.
  • The maximum speed with this engine option reaches 190 km / h.

Automatic transmission Hyundai Solaris has an important distinguishing feature - the presence of a manual mode, which is often used by lovers of high speeds. Gears are changed automatically when the maximum engine speed is reached.

Automatic transmission modes

The Solaris automatic transmission provides for the following modes of use:

  • "P" - parking mode, designed for long-term warm-up of the engine while in the parking lot. When the car is moving and when stopping at a traffic light, this mode does not turn on.
  • "R" - reverse. It can only be turned on after the car has come to a complete stop and only with the brake applied.
  • "N" is the neutral gear used when towing with the engine off to move the machine.
  • "D" - the main mode of operation of the automatic transmission Hyundai Solaris, plus and minus signs indicate upshifts and downshifts.

According to the manufacturer's regulations, maintenance of the Hyundai Solaris machine with an oil change is not provided, however, in Russian conditions, experts advise changing it every 90 thousand kilometers. Any breakdowns should be eliminated exclusively in the conditions of the service center, you need to contact specialists already at the first manifestations of malfunctions. Reviews about the Hyundai Solaris machine confirm the reliability of the box, but it requires proper operation and caring attitude of the owner.