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Color vision test for drivers. Color blindness test Take the color vision test online

A color blindness test is a procedure that allows you to evaluate impairments in the perception of shades of the color spectrum. This disorder is genetic in nature. A person who is unable to perceive and distinguish certain colors cannot fully see road signs and images. There are a number of professions that are not suitable for a patient with color blindness.

Description of the color blindness test

A test to check color perception is an event that allows you to assess the patient’s ability to distinguish shades of the color spectrum. This may be required when a person enters the service or plans to obtain a driver’s license.

In ophthalmology, the following types of people are distinguished, according to the types of disorders:

  • trichromats - individuals who fully perceive and identify all shades of the color spectrum;
  • deuteranopes - patients with altered color perception of green. They are unable to distinguish some shades and colors of the blue-green spectrum and shades of yellow-green and purple;
  • protanopov. These are patients with impaired color vision in the red spectrum. They do not have a special pigment in the retina of their eyes, which is responsible for sensitivity to the red-orange region of the color spectrum. Protanope distinguishes blue from green and green from deep red.

Color vision impairment cannot be completely cured.

A test to identify color blindness (this is also what color blindness is called) is performed based on a demonstration of Rabkin’s polychromatic tables. They consist of 48 images in which numbers and geometric shapes are “encrypted,” but to diagnose color blindness it is enough to use the first 27 pictures.

Ophthalmologists believe that 8% of the male population worldwide suffers from color blindness. In women, this deviation is detected much less frequently, in only 0.5%.

The need for verification

Impaired color vision does not affect human health, but significantly reduces the quality of life. First of all, color blindness limits the possibility of obtaining a certain profession or qualification.

A color blindness test is carried out to assess the degree of color vision impairment and how different it is from the standard.

This test is prescribed to assess whether a person can engage in a certain profession and drive a vehicle.

Test algorithm for drivers

To obtain a driver's license, a person must pass a color blindness test.

A colorblind person does not have the right to drive a vehicle, since the inability to distinguish colors creates an increased risk of an accident while driving.

To assess the color perception of a potential driver, the ophthalmologist uses color tables (this is the mentioned Rabkin table).

Before the diagnosis begins, the patient must take a position so that the source of artificial light or a window transmitting sunlight is behind his back.

The research is carried out like this:

  • pictures with encrypted images are placed vertically, at eye level. The distance from the tables to the eyes is a meter;
  • if a person wears lenses or glasses for vision correction, they do not need to be removed during testing;
  • the ophthalmologist stands opposite the person being examined;
  • the patient examines each picture for 5-7 seconds and then tells the doctor which figure or number he saw. Recognition time should not exceed 10 seconds.

A test with such tables should only be carried out when the potential driver is feeling well.

Tests with answers to check drivers

Potential motorists who want to obtain a driving license for the first time should definitely visit an ophthalmologist to evaluate their visual function.

Some of those who suffer from color anomaly try to “pass” the color blindness test by deception. To do this, they prepare for the study in advance, memorizing the correct answers for each card.

This cannot be done, because a patient with a severe color perception disorder puts not only his own life in danger, but also the lives of other people.

However, there are freely available tests with answers. They list all the correct options in each of the pictures:

Picture numberCorrect answer (numbers or geometric shapes)Explanations
1 96 This is a sample image: what is depicted on it is fully perceived by trichromats and patients with color vision disorders. The first picture in the table shows how the testing will take place.
2 The numbers are fully perceived by all categories of patients. The purpose of this table is to identify cases of malingering.
3 9 In the presence of color perception disorders, patients identify the number as 5
4 Triangular figureColorblind patients see a circle
5 13 Patients with color blindness identify the number as 6
6 Shapes: circle and trianglePersons with impaired color perception do not see any figures in the picture
7 9 The number can be seen by everyone: both people who fully perceive the color spectrum and patients with color blindness
8 5 Colorblind people are unable to see numbers
9 9 If color vision is impaired, they see the numbers 8 or 6
10 1,3, 6 In patients with color blindness, the answers may be: 6, 68 or 69
11 1 and 4The image is equally visible to healthy patients and colorblind patients
12 12 The number will not be seen only by those who have impaired perception of the colors of the red spectrum
13 Circle and triangleOnly protanopes will see a circle, only a triangle will see deuteranopes
14 3 and 0Patients with color vision disorders will see the hidden number 6. In addition, protanopes will see the number 10, and deuteranopes will see 1
15 Circle and triangleProtanopes will have an image of two triangles and a square at the bottom of the picture, while deuteranopes will have a triangle at the top and a square at the bottom.
16 96 Protanopes will be able to see only 9, and deuteranopes - 6
17 Circle and triangleDeuteranopes will see only the first of them, protanopes - the second
18 Horizontal rows with squares are made in the same color, and vertical rows are made in different colorsDeuteranopes will perceive horizontal rows as multi-colored, and vertical rows 1, 2, 4, 6 and 8 as single-colored. Protanopes will have a different picture: it seems to them that all the horizontal rows are the same color, as well as the vertical rows numbered 3, 5 and 7
19 2 and 5In color blindness, only the last digit is identified
20 Circle and trianglePatients with color vision disorders do not identify any of them
21 9 and 6Incorrect perception is observed only in deuteranopes: they will see the last digit
22 5 Patients with color blindness, if they can see it, will only have great difficulty
23 Vertical rows of squares painted in one color and multi-colored horizontal onesColorblind people have the following picture: they perceive horizontal rows as one color, and vertical rows as multicolored
24 2 If you are colorblind, it is impossible to recognize the number on this card.
25 2 Impaired color perception does not allow image identification
26 Triangular and square shapesColorblind patients are unable to distinguish the depicted figures
27 Inverted TriangleWith color blindness, patients identify the figure as a circle

An incorrect answer when checking deviations in the process of color perception can be associated not only with color blindness: this is possible due to improper lighting, color disturbances and monitor matrix (if a person takes the test online, at home).

Rabkin's tables and book for doctors

Ophthalmologists use the methodological guide “Rabkin’s Tables for the Study of Color Sensation.” The book by a Soviet ophthalmologist contains tables for diagnosing color vision, a detailed description of the methodology for studying deviations, and ways to interpret the results obtained.

Interpretation of test results

The diagnostic result for color blindness depends on the number of incorrect answers the patient makes after viewing the pictures.

If all the answers to 27 cards were correct, then there are no violations, and vision is considered trichromatic. In this case, it is assumed that a person can distinguish between 3 primary colors: blue, green and red.

1-12 errors on the test means the patient has abnormal trichromasia. This is a color vision disorder in which the perception of one of the three primary colors is weakened.

There are 3 types of trichromasia, depending on which color is not identifiable:

  • tritanomaly (inability to detect blue tones);
  • protanomaly (immunity to red tones);
  • deuteranomaly (problem in recognizing green tones).

If there are 12 or more errors in the test, a diagnosis of dichromasia is made. This is a condition in which the patient is unable to identify one of the three primary colors. Most often it is green. In this case, a diagnosis of deuteranopia is made. If a person does not recognize the color red, this phenomenon is called protanopia, if blue - tritanopia.

Using Rabkin's images, it is also possible to reveal a person's complete inability to distinguish colors when he perceives the world in black and white and shades of gray. This phenomenon is called monochromasia.

How to take the test

To obtain an accurate result, an ophthalmologist provides the necessary conditions. The color recognition test is performed as follows:

  • The screen on which the pictures will be displayed is set to a medium brightness level. Too dark or light levels interfere with obtaining objective data, as they tire the organs of vision;
  • To prevent distortion, tables with images are placed exactly at the patient’s eye level. The person’s eyes should be perpendicular to the picture, since the angle of the screen can lead to distortion of the results;
  • give the patient time to study the tables. The optimal time is 5 seconds. During this period, the eyes will not have time to get tired.

After completing the diagnostic procedure, the specialist evaluates the results and determines the deviation.

What to do if color blindness is detected

Genetically acquired color blindness cannot be corrected, but in some cases of acquired color vision impairment, the situation can be corrected through surgery.

The causes of acquired color blindness are:

  • Parkinson's disease;
  • brain tumor;
  • mechanical injuries to eye structures;
  • mechanical damage to the back of the head;
  • cataract;
  • stroke;
  • Leber optic neuropathy, genetically determined.

There is no specific method for correcting color blindness. Usually, special lenses with light filters or glasses are prescribed. This method is suitable for minor impairments in the perception of the color spectrum.

Surgical treatment of color blindness is prescribed only if this deviation occurs against the background of cataracts or glaucoma.

Online tests to detect color blindness

To test vision for color blindness, special programs have been developed that make it possible to evaluate deviations in color perception at home, behind the screen of a computer monitor.

The pictures that need to be recognized are displayed one by one on the monitor. At the end, based on the results of the answers received, the program will give a conclusion.

It should be taken into account that the program may give erroneous results.

Methods for determining abnormalities in children

Children, like adults, are tested for color vision disorders using Rabkin's polychromatic tables. This method is suitable for children aged three years and older.

Yustova method

You can identify a violation in a child’s ability to identify colors using the Yustova method. Tables are also used for diagnostics, but numbers and figures are not encrypted in them.

The test consists of studying 12 tables. Each depicts torn squares.

The patient is required to distinguish points with the least saturated brightness. This method allows you to determine which pigment is missing in the organ of vision.

Yustova's method has no answers; one cannot prepare for this study in advance and thus falsify the results.

Ishihara method

The patient is shown cards with images of circles of the same color with a small diameter, as well as numbers and figures. The patient must determine what exactly is shown on the tables. The method is similar to the diagnosis of color blindness using Rabkin tables.

The diagnostic method allows you to determine deviations in the difference between the shades of the green and red spectrum.

Assessment of color perception using equipment

In diagnostic centers, you can check for abnormalities in a child using a spectroanomaloscope device. This device examines color vision by simultaneously presenting two color fields for comparison using special light filters.

Another method of hardware assessment of color perception in children is electrophysiological. This is a computer diagnostic that detects disturbances in the functioning of the cones of the organs of vision. During the study, the retina is exposed to rays, determining the light sensitivity of the eyes.

Restrictions on professional activities with color blindness

There are a number of professions in which color blindness is unacceptable. The list of prohibited professions includes the following:

  • driver;
  • chemical industry employee;
  • sailor;
  • serviceman;
  • pilot;
  • restorer;
  • painter-plasterer

Color blindness tests can detect color blindness in a person. This deviation is not corrected and does not cause life-threatening complications, but it reduces the patient’s quality of life. If you have color blindness, it is prohibited to engage in certain types of professional activities.

A color vision test for drivers is carried out during a medical examination under the guidance of an ophthalmologist. Human vision perceives information. Color perception is an important point.

Most often, people encounter this concept when passing a medical examination to obtain a driver’s license.

A medical examination of drivers is mandatory for everyone without exception. The law provides for the procedure and rules for its implementation.

An ophthalmologist's opinion is issued based on a vision test in the following areas:

  1. Sharpness.
  2. Color perception.

With an understanding of the visual acuity testing process, as a rule, no questions arise. Regarding the point of checking for color perception, clarification and explanation, this will be necessary for drivers preparing to undergo an inspection.

A person's color perception is determined by heredity. In the central part of the retina of a healthy patient there are color-sensitive nerve receptors, the so-called cones. Each cone contains pigments of protein origin. There are only three such pigments.

The absence of any of the three color-sensitive pigments is considered a deviation and entails a violation of color perception.

The task of the specialist conducting the examination is to determine the norm or identify anomalies in color perception. Testing is carried out for these purposes.

Based on the test results, the following types of color vision are accurately identified:

  1. The normal type is trichromate. All three pigments (red, green and blue) are present.
  2. The anomalous type is dichromate. Only two of the three possible pigments are present.
  3. The abnormal type is achromat. Complete absence of color-sensitive pigments.

Why is this check needed?

Incorrect color perception or color blindness makes it difficult, and sometimes completely eliminates, the ability for a particular person to engage in a certain type of activity. Color blindness is often a reason for removal from duties where color perception is a fundamental and integral part of the job.

Persons driving vehicles belong to this category. The driver is obliged to react correctly to color signals, as this is directly related to road safety. Traffic lights and road signs are not perceived properly.

A transport worker's color blindness caused a train accident in Sweden in 1975. This event marked the beginning of research in this direction, and the first test for color blindness was developed for transport workers.

But during the life and professional activity of some people, it is possible to change. Therefore, testing by an ophthalmologist for color perception, as well as visual acuity, is mandatory and requires a certain frequency (medical examinations).

When is a color vision test performed?

Color perception is an important component of healthy vision, the key to a person’s correct reaction to surrounding circumstances and an adequate assessment of reality, which is so necessary when driving a vehicle.

When undergoing a medical examination, every driver is required to visit an ophthalmologist. The specialist examines vision parameters, including, in addition to visual acuity, a test for color perception.

In addition to the mandatory assessment of the state of color perception, the conditions for its implementation are considered an important point.

To obtain the correct result of a color perception test, certain rules must be followed:

  1. Natural lighting in the room (testing under artificial lighting is prohibited).
  2. The patient's health should be normal and rested.
  3. There should be no direct sunlight.
  4. Test items should be placed at a distance of 1 meter in a strictly vertical position.
  5. The time for each image is given no more than a few seconds.

Thus, if you are going to drive a vehicle or your professional activity is directly related to the recognition of color signals, then you will have to undergo color perception testing.

As you age, you may also need to conduct a similar diagnosis, as your vision parameters change.

In case of injuries of various types affecting the visual apparatus, an ophthalmologist will observe and track trends in changes in your color perception through testing.

Rabkin table - what is it, principle of operation

A simple diagnostic method for detecting abnormal vision is the spectral method.

Rabkin's tables help to identify and accurately differentiate three forms of deviation in color perception:

  • deuteranomaly - impaired perception of the green spectrum;
  • protanomaly - impaired perception of the red spectrum
  • Tritanomaly is a disorder in the perception of blue.

In each of the anomalies, three degrees are determined:

  • A - strong;
  • B - average;
  • C - light.

With color blindness, a partial or complete absence of color perception, the person being tested does not distinguish individual colors and sees a uniform pattern. While each image consists of a large number of multi-colored circles and dots of the same brightness, but different in color.

Rabkin table - for color perception with answers

The Rabkin table test for color perception makes it possible to identify the form and degree of color blindness.

Test and answers:

  • norm (trichromate type) - 96;
  • protanomal-96;
  • deuteranomal - 96.

The table demonstrates the testing method, has special significance and is a reference table. It is necessary to understand the principle of passing the test. That is, the picture is seen equally by people with normal color perception and colorblind people.

  • protanomal - triangle and circle;
  • deuteranomal - triangle and circle.

The image helps identify malingering. The picture is perceived identically by each group of subjects.

  • norm (trichromate type) - 9;
  • protanomal-5;
  • deuteranomal - 5.
  • norm (trichromat type) - triangle;
  • protanomal-circle;
  • deuteranomaly - circle.
  • norm (trichromate type) - 13;
  • protanomal-6;
  • deuteranomal - 6.
  • norm (trichromat type) - circle and triangle;
  • protanomal - does not perceive;
  • deuteranomal - does not perceive.
  • norm (trichromate type) - 96;
  • protanomal-96;
  • deuteranomal - 6.
  • norm (trichromate type) -5;
  • protanomal—;
  • deuteranomal - -.
  • norm (trichromate type) -9;
  • protanomal-6 or 8;
  • deuteranomal - 9.
  • norm (trichromate type) -136;
  • protanomal-66, 68 or 69;
  • deuteranomal - 66, 68 or 69.
  • protanomal-triangle;
  • deuteranomal - circle/circle and triangle.
  • norm (trichromate type) -12;
  • protanomal-12;
  • deuteranomal - -.
  • norm (trichromat type) - triangle and circle;
  • protanomal-circle;
  • deuteranomal triangle.
  • norm (trichromate type) -30;
  • protanomal-10, 6;
  • deuteranomal - 1, 6.
  • norm (trichromat type) - triangle on the right, circle on the left;
  • protanomal - two triangles at the top, a square at the bottom;
  • deuteranomal - triangle at the top left, square at the bottom.
  • norm (trichromat type) -96;
  • protanomal-9;
  • deuteranomal - 6.
  • norm (trichromat type) - triangle and circle;
  • protanomal-triangle;
  • deuteranomaly - circle.
  • norm (trichromat type) - horizontally eight single-color squares, vertically colored squares;
  • protanomal - vertically single-color squares in the 3rd, 5th, 7th row, horizontally early-colored squares;
  • deuteranomal - vertically single-colored squares in the 1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th row, horizontally colored squares.
  • norm (trichromate type) -95;
  • protanomal-5;
  • deuteranomal - 5.
  • norm (trichromat type) - circle and triangle;
  • protanomal - nothing;
  • deuteranomal - nothing.
  • norm (trichromat) - vertical six single-color squares, horizontal multi-colored rows.
  • normal (trichromate) -66;
  • protanomal-6;
  • deuteranomal - 6.
  • normal (trichromate) -36;
  • protanomal-36;
  • deuteranomal - 36;
  • normal (trichromate) -14;
  • protanomal-14;
  • deuteranomal - 14;
  • with severe acquired pathology, the number is not visible.
  • normal (trichromate) -9;
  • protanomal-9;
  • deuteranomal - 9;
  • with severe acquired pathology, the number is not visible.
  • normal (trichromate) -4;
  • protanomal-4;
  • deuteranomal - 4;
  • with severe acquired pathology, the number is not visible.
  • norm (trichromate) - 13;
  • protanomal - nothing;
  • deuteranomal - nothing.

Interpretation of test results

To identify deviations, a check using 27 images is sufficient. In the case of simulation or other circumstances, at the discretion of the specialist, control tables (20 more) are used to accurately determine the problem.

First of all, the tested patient’s weakened perception of green or red colors is revealed. This deviation is considered an anomaly and is called dichromasia.

Dichromasia involves impaired color perception and the distinction of not all colors.


  1. Lack of color vision for red, called protanopia. Protanopia is characterized by a darker vision of red and its merging with dark green and dark brown. In this case, the green color becomes close to light gray, light yellow and light brown. The cause of the deviation is the lack of photosensitive pigment in the retina.
  2. Lack of green color vision, called deuteranopia. Deuteranopia involves the inability to distinguish green from pale orange and light pink. And red can be perceived as light green and light brown.

Protanopia and deuteranopia are congenital disorders of color receptors. Tritanopia is much less common and is most often acquired.

Then the anomaly form is classified into three types:

  1. A complete lack of perception of red and green colors is classified as type A.
  2. Significant color vision problems are classified as type B.
  3. Slight deviations in color perception suggest type C.

In addition to the above deviations, more rare species are recognized using tables:

  • monochromasia (all three colors are not perceived);
  • abnormal trichromasia (inability to determine the difference in shades of three colors, when determining the three primary colors and with a reduced presence of pigments).

Thus, if you have all three pigments, you are able to correctly distinguish the primary colors (red, green and blue). If any of them is missing, then you suffer from various types of color blindness.

There may be cases when the cause of weakened color perception is a decrease in the activity of one of the pigments, and not its absence. Then you are an anomalous trichromat.

How to pass a color vision test well as a driver

In the absence of deviations, passing the test does not require additional preparation or special effort on the part of the test taker.

You need to follow the simplest basic points:

  1. General health should be within normal limits.
  2. Make sure there is sufficient and natural lighting in the testing area.
  3. Position your back to the main light source.
  4. Make sure the image is at your eye level.
  5. Look at the picture quickly, spending a few moments on each one.

Identification of deviations is not a reason for upset, much less resentment towards the doctor. Most likely, this is a call to action. In this case, the ophthalmologist does not read out your verdict, but perhaps tries to come to your aid and protect you from much greater troubles (for example, accidents).

Violation of color perception should not provoke the search for workarounds for its passage. If there is pathology in color perception, it is not possible to pass the test successfully. Memorizing the tables is useless, since the images are provided selectively and in any order.

Understanding the seriousness of this issue can affect not only your safety, but also save the lives of those around you. The likelihood of difficulty in determining the change of traffic lights should make you think that you should not risk driving or working as a driver.

What to do if the driver is found to have violations

There are two main types of color blindness: congenital and acquired. Congenital pathology of the retina, unfortunately, cannot be corrected at the moment. A way for colorblind people to see the world in the same way as other people is to wear specially designed contact lenses.

Scientists are also working on technology for introducing the corresponding genes into retinal cells.

Age-related color blindness is incurable. But sometimes when the lens is replaced, color perception returns to normal.

It seems possible to cure an acquired color perception anomaly by studying the causes of its occurrence.

If color vision impairment was caused by damage from a chemical drug, there is a possibility of complete recovery when it is discontinued.

Loss of color vision is often caused by injury. In this case, the result of restoring the vision of colors depends on its severity. Sometimes a complete cure occurs and vision returns to normal.

In general, deviations from the norm in color perception do not in themselves pose a danger to human health. However, if this anomaly is detected in persons whose professional activity is related to color recognition, then it is necessary to take this issue seriously and find a more suitable type of activity.

Restrictions in activities for people with color vision impairments

Certain professions require mandatory vision testing for color blindness.

These include:

  • drivers;
  • machinists;
  • sailors;
  • pilots;
  • highly specialized doctors.

Identification of visual impairments associated with color blindness does not allow people to get a job in these professions or continue their professional activities.

Colorblindness prevents you from correctly perceiving and recording road signals. In some countries, people diagnosed with color blindness are denied a driver's license.

The main requirement for drivers and the basis for this restriction is the ability to recognize traffic lights and other color images, which forms the basis of traffic rules and affects its safety.

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To identify color blindness (color blindness) and its manifestations in modern ophthalmology, polychromatic Rabkin tables are used. According to the degree of color perception, ophthalmologists distinguish: trichromantics (normal), protoanopes (people with impaired color perception in the red spectrum) and deuteranopes (people with impaired color perception in the green spectrum).

To pass the color blindness test, you should follow certain recommendations:
- the test is carried out when you feel normal
- first you need to relax
- try to keep the picture and eyes at the same level while taking the test
- up to 10 seconds are allowed to view the picture

Picture 1

The picture shows the numbers “9” and “6”, which are visible to both people with normal vision and people with color blindness. The picture is intended to explain and show people what exactly needs to be done when taking the test.

Figure 2

This picture shows a square and a triangle, which, as in the previous version, are visible to both people with normal vision and people with color blindness. The picture is used to demonstrate the test and to identify malingering.

Figure 3

The picture shows the number “9”. People with normal vision see correctly, while people with blindness in the red or green part of the spectrum (deuteranopia and protanopia) see the number “5”.

Figure 4

The picture shows a triangle. People with normal vision see the triangle shown, while people with red or green blindness see a circle.

Figure 5

The picture shows the numbers “1” and “3” (the answer is “13”). People with blindness in the red or green part of the spectrum see the number “6”.

Figure 6

People with normal color perception distinguish two geometric shapes in the picture - a triangle and a circle, while people with blindness in the red or green part of the spectrum are not able to distinguish the figures depicted in the picture.

Figure 7

The picture shows the number “9”, which can be distinguished by both people with normal color perception and people with color blindness.

Figure 8

The picture shows the number “5”, which can be distinguished by people with normal vision and people with blindness in the red or green part of the spectrum. However, for the latter, this is difficult or even becomes impossible.

Figure 9

People with normal color vision and people with green color blindness can see the number “9” in a picture, while people with red color blindness can see both the number “9” and “8” or “6.”

Figure 10

People with normal vision distinguish the numbers “1”, “3” and “6” in the picture (they answer “136”), while people with blindness in the red or green part of the spectrum see “69”, “68” or “66”.

Figure 11

The picture shows the numbers “1” and “4”, which are seen both by people with normal color vision and by people with manifestations of color blindness.

Figure 12

The picture shows the numbers “1” and “2”, which both people with normal vision and people with blindness in the green part of the spectrum can distinguish, while people with blindness in the red part of the spectrum cannot see the numbers at all.

Figure 13

The picture shows a circle and a triangle that people with normal color vision can distinguish. At the same time, people with blindness in the red part of the spectrum see only a circle in the picture, while people with blindness in the green part of the spectrum only see a triangle.

Figure 14

People with normal color perception in the picture will distinguish the numbers “3” and “0” in the upper part, but will not see anything in the lower part. Whereas people with blindness in the red part of the spectrum will distinguish the numbers “1” and “0” in the upper part, and the hidden number “6” in the lower part. And people with blindness in the green part of the spectrum will see “1” at the top, and “6” at the bottom of the picture.

Figure 15

People with normal color perception will distinguish a circle and a triangle in the picture (in the upper part), but will not see anything in the lower part. People with red blindness will see 2 triangles (top) and a square (bottom). People with green blindness will differentiate between a triangle (top) and a square (bottom).

Figure 16

People with normal color vision will distinguish between the numbers “9” and “6” in the picture, while people with red blindness will only see “9”, and people with green blindness will only see “6”.

Figure 17

People with normal color vision see a circle and a triangle in the picture, while people with red-blindness see only a triangle, while people with green-blindness see only a circle.

Figure 18

People with normal color perception will see multi-colored vertical and single-color horizontal rows in the picture. In this case, people with blindness in the red part of the spectrum will see the horizontal rows as single-color, and the vertical rows 3, 5 and 7 as single-color. People with green blindness will see the horizontal rows as multi-colored and the vertical rows 1, 2, 4, 6, and 8 as single-color.

Figure 19

People with normal vision are able to distinguish the numbers “2” and “5” in a picture, while people with blindness in the red or green part of the spectrum will only see the number “5”.

Figure 20

People with normal color vision are able to distinguish two geometric shapes in a picture - a triangle and a circle, while people with blindness in the red or green part of the spectrum will not be able to distinguish between the depicted figures.

Figure 21

In the picture, people with normal color vision and people with red color blindness will distinguish between the numbers “9” and “6,” while people with green color blindness will only see the number “6.”

Figure 22

The picture shows the number “5”, which can be distinguished by both people with normal color perception and people with manifestations of color blindness. However, for the latter it will be difficult or even impossible to do this.

Figure 23

In the picture, people with normal vision will see multi-colored horizontal and single-color vertical rows. At the same time, people with blindness in the red or green part of the spectrum see single-color horizontal and multi-colored vertical rows.

Figure 24

In the picture, the number “2” is exactly what people with normal vision see; protanopes and deuteranopes do not distinguish this number.

Figure 25

Trichomats (people with normal vision) see the number “2” in the picture, people with blindness in the green and red parts of the spectrum do not distinguish the number “2”.

Figure 26

People with normal color perception distinguish two shapes in the picture: a triangle and a square. People with green and red spectrum blindness cannot distinguish between these figures.

Figure 27

Normal trichomats see a triangle in the picture, people with color vision impairments distinguish a “circle” figure


It should be noted that if you answer incorrectly, there is no need to start panicking, since perception may depend on a number of factors: room lighting, excitement, monitor matrix and its color (when taking the test online), etc.
If abnormalities are detected during a free online vision test, it is recommended to see a specialist for a more thorough diagnosis.

This test for color blindness is very useful for car enthusiasts, especially for those who are not confident in their ability to distinguish colors.

The first major accident caused by colorblindness occurred in 1875, when a train accident occurred near a small town in Sweden because the driver was unable to distinguish the color red at a traffic light. This tragedy claimed the lives of many people. Think about it. Are you sure you're not colorblind?

First, let's take a simple test for color blindness. Remember how to remember the colors of the rainbow? Every Hunter Wants to Know Where the Pheasant Sits. Look at the picture

Where: K - red; O - orange, F - yellow, Z - green, G - blue, C - blue, F - purple. If you have seen everything correctly and are confident in your monitor, then you can be almost sure that you are not colorblind. Further tests will be more difficult.

So, color blindness is the inability to distinguish colors. Based on this definition, you are given the following test:

  • Color blindness is determined using special polychromatic Rabkin tables. Each table consists of many colored circles and dots, equal in brightness, but slightly different in color.
  • To a colorblind person who cannot distinguish between the colors present in the table, the table will appear homogeneous, but a person with normal color perception will see a number or a geometric figure made up of circles of the same color.

Continuation of the color blindness test. See pictures below.

Do not be alarmed prematurely; difficulty recognizing colors in this test may be due to the following:

  1. it is possible that you are colorblind;
  2. your monitor displays colors incorrectly, try calibrating it;
  3. Try other color blindness tests.

A few facts about color blindness. Colorblindness still cannot be cured.

I'm tired of typing up this test, so if you find errors in the design, write in the comments to the article))

Source: http://autoclub36.ru/informaciya/test-na-daltonizm/


Colorblindness test detects deviations in color perception.

According to statistics, 8% of men suffer from color blindness, which is mainly hereditary.

With this defect, a person cannot see the shades of the light spectrum and cannot drive a vehicle.

Testing for color blindness - what is it, what does it involve?

The human eye is a complex organ; its retina is involved in the transformation of light stimuli. The retina contains light-sensitive cones, each of which is responsible for sensing the colors of the spectrum: red, green and blue.

The essence of the test is that a person looks at tables depicting multi-colored circles and triangles with explicit and hidden numbers. People with correct perception of colors distinguish them, but people with impaired perception do not recognize numbers and geometric shapes.

If a medical examination reveals a color sensitivity disorder, then such people have no access to military professions. Vehicle drivers and train drivers, doctors and chemists must also have a correct perception of the color spectrum. Representatives of these specialties undergo an eye test by an ophthalmologist to obtain a certificate of fitness for work.

How to test for color blindness for drivers

To obtain a driver's license, you must undergo a thorough medical examination. If during a medical examination a contraindication to driving a vehicle due to health conditions is revealed, then the further examination procedure ends there.

Colorblind people lack this ability. They can create an emergency situation on the roads while driving.

Future drivers undergo a medical examination in the eye doctor's office using color charts with images of figures and numbers. During testing, the subject should have his back to a window or a source of artificial light.

Rabkin tables with small drawings are placed vertically at a distance of one meter at eye level. The examining doctor, an ophthalmologist, is located opposite the patient.

Within 5-7 seconds, the subject examines the picture and tells the examiner what he saw. Those who use glasses and contact lenses do not remove them during testing. Such tables help identify color vision disorders.

Based on the test results, the ophthalmologist draws a conclusion about the degree of vision pathology in the person being tested.

Rabkin's book for doctors, and polychromatic tables

Several tests have been developed to diagnose color vision. In the practice of ophthalmologists, testing is carried out using polychromatic tables, the Rabkin test. The book for testing vision for color blindness, in which Rabkin included test cards, is popular among oculists.

Download Rabkin's book with tables.

The Rabkin table for doctors consists of:

  1. For control and demonstration purposes, intended for all patients.
  2. General diagnostic type - detects deviations in color perception
  3. Differential diagnostic - determination of the properties of the pathology (deuteranopia, protanopia and protanomaly, as well as deuteranomaly).

The table shows small circles, similar in brightness, but differing in color shades and saturation. With the help of these small circles of the same color, a geometric figure in the form of a triangle or circle and a number appear on a motley background. People with vision without pathology can easily distinguish them. With anomaly or color blindness, patients see numbers and shapes unclearly.

Tests with answers and tips to test drivers

You can prepare for testing using the answers and tips, building a logical chain for memorization.

Here is the sequence of tests:

  1. Numbers 9 and 6 are shown to clarify the tests.
  2. Geometric shapes square with triangle.
  3. The number on the sheet is 9, not to be confused with 5.
  4. A triangle is shown.
  5. On the sheet there are numbers 1 and 3.
  6. Circle with triangle.
  7. Test with a hidden trick. 9 are distinguished by the subjects.
  8. The number 5 is visible to patients without visual anomalies.
  9. The card shows "nine" 9.
  10. Test with numbers 1,3 and 6. Not to be confused with 6, 8 and nine.
  11. A circle with a triangle is depicted.
  12. The number 12 is visible to the person being examined.
  13. Geometric shapes, circle and triangle
  14. A card with the numbers 3 and 0. There is no hidden “six” at the bottom.
  15. on the right is a triangle, on the left is a circle, and at the bottom is a square.
  16. The number 96 is shown.
  17. Card with geometric shapes.
  18. Multi-colored squares are depicted in horizontal and vertical rows. The 1st, 3rd, 5th, 6th rows are red, the remaining horizontal rows are green.
  19. On a card with 9 and 5, only 5 is visible to a colorblind person.
  20. Geometric figures

The remaining tests are the same as described above.

Source: http://MedGlaza.ru/profilaktika/diagnostika/proverka-daltonizm.html

Test for color blindness (color vision). Polychromatic tables E.B. Rabkin to test color blindness

A test for color perception (color blindness) is carried out by showing the test subject pictures (Rabkin tables) consisting of circles of different colors forming numbers or certain shapes. If there are problems with color perception (color weakness or blindness to certain colors), then the person does not see the figure, does not see everything, or perceives completely different symbols and numbers.

Color blindness can occur in either partial or complete form:

- a common case is protanopia - red color insensitivity,

- dichromia-tritanopia - blue-violet color immunity,

- deutranopia - immunity to green color.

Important! An online test in front of a computer monitor will not give you a 100% correct result. Only an ophthalmologist will be able to most accurately identify abnormalities, if any. Rabkin's tables are published on this page for informational purposes only, because You cannot be completely sure that your monitor is calibrated correctly.

Conditions for the color perception test:

— the study should be carried out when the person being tested is in normal health,

- in a lighted room,

- at a distance convenient for the person.

— time for recognition should not exceed 10 seconds.

Polychromatic tables E.B. Rabkin to test color blindness:

Table 1. Used to demonstrate the method, so people with normal vision and people with abnormal vision see the same.
Number "96". Number "96".
Table 2. Used to demonstrate the method and identify malingering.
The shapes are a triangle and a square.
Table 3.
Number "9". Number "5".
Table 4.
Triangle. Circle.
Table 5.
Number "13". Number "6".
Table 6.
Two figures: a triangle and a circle. The figures are indistinguishable.
Table 7.
Number "9". Number "9".
Table 8.
Number "5". The number “5” is difficult to distinguish.
Table 9.
Number "9". If there is an anomaly in the perception of the red spectral part, a person will see the number “8” or “6”.
Table 10.
Number "136". Numbers “66”, “68”, “69”.
Table 11.
Number "14". Number "14".
Table 12.
Number "12". People who do not distinguish the red spectrum will not distinguish these numbers.
Table 13.
Triangle and circle. People who are poorly oriented in the green part of the spectrum see exclusively a triangle.If red spectrum blindness is present, the person sees only a circle.
Table 14.
Numbers “3”, “0”, “6”. People who are poorly oriented in the green part of the spectrum will see the numbers “1” and “6”.If red spectrum blindness is present, the person will see the numbers "6", "1" and "0".
Table 15.
On the left is a circle and on the right is a triangle, in some cases a square at the bottom of the table. If there is blindness in the red spectrum, a person sees a square in the lower part and 2 triangles in the upper part. People with green spectrum blindness see a triangle at the top left and a square at the bottom.
Table 16.
Number "96". If red spectrum blindness is present, the person can only see "9".A person who is poorly oriented in the green part of the spectrum will only see “6”.
Table 17.
Triangle and circle. If blindness in the red spectrum is present, the person will only discern a triangle in the table.Only the circle is seen by people who are poorly oriented in the green part of the spectrum.
Table 18.
Single-color horizontal and multi-colored vertical rows of squares. A person with red spectrum blindness will see the horizontal rows as one color. Vertical rows 3, 5 and 7 are in the same color. A person with green spectrum blindness will see horizontal rows in different colors, and vertical rows 1, 2, 4, 6 and 8 in the same color.
Table 19.
Numbers "2" and "5". People with an anomaly in the perception of the red or green spectrum will only see the number “5”.
Table 20.
Triangle and circle. The figures are completely indistinguishable.
Table 21.
The number “96” can be clearly distinguished by both a healthy person and a person with an anomaly in the perception of the red spectrum. If the perception of the color green is distorted, a person sees only the number “6”.
Table 22.
Number "5". It is difficult for a colorblind person to distinguish.
Table 23.
People with healthy vision will see multi-colored horizontal rows and single-colored vertical rows. People with color blindness will see horizontal rows in one color and vertical rows in different colors.
Table 24.
Number "2".
Table 25.
Number "2". People with color blindness cannot distinguish numbers.
Table 26.
Square and triangle. The figures are indistinguishable.
Table 27.
Triangle. Circle.

Test result:

with any number of incorrectly recognized tables, an anomaly of color vision is assumed - color blindness;

— if vision abnormalities are detected by the online test above, we recommend making an appointment with an ophthalmologist to establish an accurate diagnosis.

Source: https://www.weboptica.ru/pro/articles/475

Color blindness test with answers

Many people have not even heard that there is some kind of color blindness test with answers. Its essence is simple, you just need to consider and voice the correct color. But not everyone can cope with this simple task. Very often, future motorists, designers and others encounter this problem. It is advisable to immediately determine which color is causing the problem and whether there are any pathologies.

Vision and its features

Ophthalmologists identify people by several types of color perception:

  • trichromantics (all within normal limits);
  • protoanopes (people who have problems perceiving the color red);
  • deuteranopes (when there is a violation in the perception of green color).

Color blindness is the inability to display one or more colors. This deviation appears more often in the male half of humanity. May be congenital or acquired.

You can get color blindness as a result of previous diseases (optic neuritis, retinal abiotrophy). People with acquired color vision disorders may also have a decreased ability to detect the color blue (tritanopes).

People with congenital color blindness can easily identify the color blue and its shades.

There is such a thing as emotional colorblindness. This means that a person no longer has any emotions other than good and bad. Such limitations in emotions led to such a definition as color blindness. This has nothing to do with color perception.

The violation can be determined even from the age of 3 years, if the child has been actively engaged and he is already oriented in colors. By the age of 7 years of life, the complete formation of color perception occurs; during this period, it is already possible to accurately determine the deviation in vision, establishing the cause.

Don't panic if you do have signs of color blindness. Thanks to several companies, special glasses were invented. The lenses in such glasses can reduce the symptoms of color blindness. In this case, vision is not affected. Their advantages are as follows:

  1. Glasses help to distinguish some shades of colors that were previously unfamiliar to people suffering from color blindness.
  2. Helps optimize the overall color condition.
  3. These glasses have a certain layer of coating, which makes it possible to enhance the saturation of the problem color.

Frames have no restrictions. In addition to the fact that there are glasses, there are also lenses that perform the same functions. They can be prescribed by an ophthalmologist after he has checked his vision according to all the necessary requirements.

Testing for color blindness using Rabkin tables

Polychromatic tables were developed by ophthalmologist Efim Borisovich Rabkin. Their essence lies in the differential diagnosis of the form and degree of visual impairment with regard to color perception.

This table was created taking into account the existing types of deviations in color perception by the human eye. It makes it possible to determine congenital or acquired color blindness, starting from childhood.

In order to test vision for color perception using this technique, the doctor must strictly follow certain instructions:

  1. The subject must be seated with his back to the light source.
  2. The table should be located at eye level with a distance of 0.5-1 m. The test will not be considered valid if the test material lies on the table or is located in an inclined plane.
  3. The demonstration time of one table should be no more than 10 seconds.
  4. At the time of testing, the subject must remove glasses or contacts.
  5. Leading questions should not be asked during the demonstration.

The person who has to pass this test just needs to relax, as in a moment of excitement he may make mistakes. The results are recorded on a special card. The correct answer is indicated by a “+” sign, the incorrect answer is “-“, if the answer is given uncertainly “?”.

Basic Demonstration Steps

To begin with, they show 2 cards on which the picture will be understandable to people both with impaired color perception and those who do not have any deviations. This is necessary to orient the person who will take the presented test (Figure 1)

After this, a table is shown showing the number 9. People without visual impairments can identify it. But protoanopes and deuteranopes will see an image with the number 5 (Figure 2).

There are pictures in which two types of colorblind people cannot see anything except the general background. People who are normal can distinguish numbers or shapes on them (Figure 3). There are 27 such cards in total. Such tables allow you to diagnose a congenital or acquired form of color blindness and determine its degree.

There are three degrees of the disorder according to this table. They are designated by the letters A, B and C. The most complex degree (A) is assigned when the patient does not define more than 12 tables. Average degree (B), when less than 12 cards are not determined.

The lowest grade (C) is assigned to a person who fails to give about 6 correct answers.

There are other ways to test your eyesight for color blindness. You can arrange objects of different tone and color and ask them to sort them according to the same characteristics. A person with disabilities will collect objects in one pile that are similar not in tone, but in degree of brightness. One of the most objective methods of studying vision to determine color is the anomaloscopy method, which is performed using a special device (anomaloscope).

Don't be upset if you find deviations from the norm. It is worth remembering that this is not a disease that needs to be cured. The only thing you need to do is to choose glasses or lenses for yourself if they help improve the situation and adapt to the characteristics of your body.

Source: http://zrenieglaz.ru/narusheniya-refrakcii/test-na-proverku-daltonizma.html

Colorblindness test: basic rules

Color blindness is a decrease in color vision. During the course of the pathological process, a person cannot fully distinguish colors from each other.

Vision testing for color blindness is carried out in medical institutions using special techniques. If the desire arises, a person can conduct a color blindness test online.

Features of the test

Testing for color blindness is most often carried out using the Rabkin table. Before you can define color blindness, you need to know about its forms. There are protanopia and deuteranopia. In the first case, a person cannot perceive the red spectrum of colors, and in the second, the green spectrum.

If there is a suspicion of color blindness, the test will allow timely identification of the disease. But most people do not even suspect the pathology is occurring. The check must be carried out on drivers. By conducting a test for color blindness, timely detection of the disease will be ensured, as well as the exclusion of road accidents.

Tests for colorblind people are being developed in the form of a Rabkin table. It has pictures, of which there are 27 pieces. Each of them has images in the form of dots and circles. They do not differ in their brightness. You can distinguish the circles only by color, which will enable a person to correctly check himself. If a person is color blind, he will notice the uniformity of the pictures.

In order to properly test your vision, you must adhere to certain rules. The online test should only be carried out when the patient is in good health. Before the examination, the person is advised to relax as much as possible. To determine color blindness, it is recommended to place pictures at eye level. It is recommended to look at one picture for no more than 10 seconds.

Important! In order to correctly pass the color blindness test online, you must follow the recommendations.

Pictures and their interpretation

To determine the disease, 27 pictures are used. The test for color blindness requires a person to tell what is depicted. Take the test initially and then interpret the results. The pictures show figures of a different color, which allows you to determine a person’s color perception.

Read also: Main manifestations of tritanopia

  1. The first picture depicts the numbers 6 and 9. Any person will see them, regardless of whether or not he has a disease.
  2. Has a triangle and a square. All people can identify the picture. The image data allows you to determine the simulation.
  3. The picture shows the number 9. For protanopes and deuteranopes it will look like the number 5.
  4. People with full color perception will see a figure - a triangle. If a person's vision is reduced, he will see a circle.
  5. The following picture shows the number 13, but people with color blindness see the value 6.
  6. If visual acuity is not impaired, then a person will be able to identify a circle and a triangle in the picture. When there are deviations, people do not observe the figures.
  7. The following picture shows the number 9, which can be recognized by people with various visual impairments.
  8. In the absence of certain deviations, a person will see a value of 5. If color blindness is observed, then difficulties may be observed with the answers.
  9. If a person's vision is normal, then he will see a value of 9. The same image will be viewed with deuteranopia. During the period of protanopia, a person can see the numbers 6, 8, 9.
  10. This picture shows the value 136. If there is partial blindness of the red or green spectrum, then the person will consider the numbers 69,68 or 6.
  11. According to oculists, the value 14 in this figure can be seen not only by a healthy person, but also by a patient with various forms of color blindness.
  12. The following jump scare depicts the value 12. It is noticeable to deuteranopes and people with full vision.

    If a person is partially blind, then the red number will be invisible to him.

  13. This pattern is characterized by the presence of a circle and a triangle. In the absence of color blindness, a person will consider both of these figures. The triangle will be visible to deuteranopes, and the circle to protanopes.
  14. If a person’s color perception is normal, then he will see 3 and 0 at the top. Protanopes will see 1 and 0 at the top, and 6 at the bottom.

    Deineranops will see a one at the top and a six at the bottom.

  15. For trichromats, a triangle and a circle will be visible at the top. Protanopes will see drawings of two triangles at the top and a square at the bottom.
  16. If vision is normal, then the person will notice the value 96. With blindness, only nine will be visible, and with deuteromancy, six.
  17. In the absence of a pathological condition, the image of a triangle and a circle will be noticeable.

    For protanopes, only a triangle will be noticeable, and for deuteranopes, a circle.

  18. This table for healthy people will make it possible to identify multi-colored vertical and single-color horizontal rows. Protanopes note the uniformity of vertical rows. With deuteranopia, they talk about the multi-colored horizontal rows.
  19. In this picture, with normal color vision, the number 25 will be visible. With color blindness, only the number 5 will be visible.
  20. This drawing will enable trichromats to see a triangle and a circle. For protanopes, the figures will be invisible.
  21. For trichromats the number 96 will be visible, and for deinatropes only the last one will be visible.
  22. In this picture the number 5 will be visible to everyone. With color blindness, it is noticeably difficult.
  23. This table makes it possible to determine single-color vertical and multi-color horizontal rows for trichromats.

    With partial color blindness, the horizontal rows will be one color, and the vertical rows will be multi-colored.

  24. This picture shows the number 2. If you are color blind, it will be invisible.
  25. This picture also depicts the value 2, which is not noticeable with color blindness.
  26. With normal color perception, a person will see a triangle and a square. With color blindness, these figures will be invisible.
  27. For trichromats, a triangle will be visible in the figure.

    If a person is color blind, he will see a circle.

Read also: What is achromatopsia?

Take the color blindness test online for free and find out your results. Very often, when reading a book with different font colors, it is difficult for a person to perceive it. But this does not indicate manifestations of color blindness.

Interpretation of results

During the test, a person may incorrectly recognize individual pictures. But there is no need to be afraid of this. Perception may be influenced by certain factors. If there is insufficient lighting in the room, the results may be unreliable. Also, the result may depend on the matrix and color of the monitor. The visibility of pictures directly depends on a person’s emotional mood.

Important! If, after taking the test multiple times, there is more than one incorrect violation, then he needs to think about it. In this case, it is recommended to undergo diagnostic testing again by an ophthalmologist. The doctor will determine not only the disorder, but also the type of color blindness.

Color blindness is a condition in which a person is unable to distinguish one or more colors. The occurrence of this disease is most often diagnosed with genetic pathologies of visibility. The disease can have an acquired form and develop due to injury, taking certain medications, or aging of the body.

The congenital form of the pathological condition is called protanopia. In this case, a person cannot distinguish between colors that belong to the yellow-green and purple-blue ranges. In protanope, the perception of light green, orange and purple colors is the same. At the moment, it is impossible to correct this pathology.

Deuteranopia is a disorder of color vision. In this case, a person cannot distinguish colors in the blue-green range. He also cannot distinguish between yellow-green and purple colors. The patient perceives light green as light blue. Patients often confuse yellow-green and purple. In this case, a person can distinguish between red and green, as well as purple and green.

Read also: Correction of color blindness or how to completely cure the pathology

If there is a violation of color vision, a person is recommended to undergo a color blindness test. If violations are detected, you must seek help from an ophthalmologist, who, after carrying out appropriate diagnostic measures, can determine the type of disease.

Source: https://bolvglazah.ru/daltonizm/test-na-daltonizm.html

Color blindness and driver's license in 2018: take the test

Having certain health problems, many citizens cannot lead a full life, expressing themselves in different areas. This also applies to vision problems. For example, concepts such as color blindness and a driver’s license remain incompatible for many. That is, people with such a diagnosis in 2018 may remain pedestrians forever.

Features of the diagnosis

The main distinguishing feature of color blindness is the inability of the eye to distinguish colors from each other.

Responsibility for this lies with the retina, which is located inside the eye and transforms the light stimulus in such a way that the object is visible in all details and shades. This retina contains three so-called light sensors, which have a certain set of protein pigments of red, blue and yellow colors. The human eye distinguishes other colors by mixing existing colors.

Sometimes there are cases when some pigment is missing, or there is an insufficient amount of it. Then the person will not distinguish between some shades. This disease is most often congenital, although it can occur subsequently due to injury or as a result of taking medications.

Types of color blindness

If the balance of perception of the color palette is disturbed, the person most likely has one of the types of disease.

Colorblind people include:

  • trichomats, people with reduced perception of one of the colors,
  • dichromats, the retina of such a person has only two out of three working light sensors, hence the inability to perceive all colors and shades.
  • monochromats, a person is, in principle, unable to distinguish a color palette, and sees the world around him only in black and white colors.

When there is unrecognizability of any color (dichromats), the diagnosis may be:

  • tritanopia, when a person’s eye is not able to detect blue and violet shades, and instead sees green and red colors,
  • protanopia, the case when there is a lack of red pigments, in this case, the eye will see dark green and brown shades,
  • deuteronopia, which is when you perceive pink and orange colors instead of green.

Having a driver's license for a colorblind person: is it possible?

This disease is usually detected at an early age, although cases of its occurrence at a more mature age are not excluded. What should be done for diagnosed citizens who want to be able to drive a car?

It is worth understanding that this disease is incurable, although there are special glasses abroad that help people with light perception. In our country, people suffering from color blindness have a much more difficult time.

The law, which came into force in February 2016, informs citizens that people suffering from color blindness are not able to drive vehicles.

But this applies only to those categories of citizens who want to receive rights for the first time. If the driver has a slight deviation in the perception of shades, but he received a license earlier, then this law will not be a basis for terminating his driving experience.

Previously, drivers with color blindness were allowed to drive only categories A and B vehicles. But their document contains a special mark that informs that such citizens do not have the right to work as hired drivers, but only to use the vehicle for personal purposes.

Where do they take the color blindness test when getting a license?

It is necessary to know that color blindness will not always serve as a sentence to a person’s inability to drive a vehicle. Here you will need to undergo appropriate checks with an ophthalmologist and identify possible deviations.

  • undergo the examination in good health, since any health deviations can affect the result,
  • start testing relaxed to eliminate the possibility of distortion of light perception,
  • during the procedure, it is necessary to achieve ideal conditions in the room: correct lighting, the location of the picture at eye level, and the tables should be located no further than 1 m from the subject,
  • To avoid erroneous answers, it is better to take your time and take advantage of all the allotted time.

To carry out the test, the tables of Rabkin, as well as Felhagen, Fletchen, and Ishihara are usually used. Each drawing has numbers or geometric shapes that are faintly highlighted by circles of a different color.

When the test is passed, the specialist counts the number of correct answers, and based on the incorrect ones they judge whether there is a deviation in the perception of what color is present (if any).

This procedure can be completed at the district clinic at the place of registration, or online via the Internet. You can also undergo paid diagnostics in specialized centers.

That is, if this disease is detected, it will be impossible to officially obtain permission from the medical commission, since color blindness is a contraindication to driving. And the use of fake documents is punishable by law in the form of fines of up to 80 thousand rubles, as well as imprisonment for up to six months.

Therefore, people with insufficient light perception can only hope that in our country conditions will be created so that they can move on the roads and legally obtain a driver’s license.

Color blindness can significantly ruin a person's life. This is a genetic damage to the eye that does not affect visual acuity in any way. There are many myths and rumors associated with it. How to test for color blindness and what vision testing methods exist, read our article.

Myth 1

Colorblind people see everything in black and white or do not distinguish between red and green.

This is not entirely true. There are quite a few types of color blindness; they are associated with the absence of pigment in the retina that can distinguish certain colors.

Sometimes these pigments are not enough, a person can distinguish all colors, but they look muted, in pastel colors.
With another type of color blindness, the world before a person’s eyes looks like an old photograph in which blue or green dye was added during printing.

To compensate, people who are color blind are able to distinguish many more colors that appear the same to the normal eye.

Myth 2

Only men are color blind.

This is also not entirely true. About 5% of people on Earth suffer from one degree or another of color blindness. And among them, every tenth is a woman. This is a hereditary condition, if there were people in the family with such a problem, it can be passed on even after several generations.

The pathological gene is associated with the X chromosome and is transmitted from mother to son. If in a family the father is colorblind, and the mother is a carrier of the gene, then the pathology may also be detected in the daughter. Color blindness can also appear in a girl if her paternal grandmother was a carrier of the pathological gene. Since most often only one X chromosome is damaged, women have a spare, healthy one.

People discover most cases of color blindness by chance, during medical examinations.

Myth 3

This is a congenital condition and cannot be contracted.

Under certain circumstances, the retina of the eye is injured, it stops producing pigment, and because of this, a person stops distinguishing colors. Men and women are equally susceptible to this disorder. This can even happen to a child.

Sometimes, when the retina is injured, color blindness develops in only one eye, while the other remains with normal vision.

Temporary color blindness occurs when taking certain medications. If left unchecked, it can permanently damage the retina and become permanent.

Partial deterioration sometimes occurs with age, the process is slow, and the person does not notice the changes.

Myth 4

All dogs are colorblind and see the world in black and white.

Recent research has shown that dogs are guided by color and its intensity and brightness.

It is impossible to determine color blindness by the appearance of the eye - it looks exactly the same as a healthy one. The peculiarity of vision is often paid attention to in childhood, when the child constantly confuses colors, cannot identify the same ones, and so on. In many cases this has no consequences.

Reasons for appearance

There are several reasons for color blindness.
It can be congenital or acquired. Congenital affects mainly boys.

Acquired also occurs for many reasons.

  • cataract

With this disease, the lens becomes cloudy, light cannot pass through the cones normally, and color perception is impaired. In this case, only one eye can be problematic, the other remains healthy.

  • cone dysfunction

the pigment is located in the cones themselves; if their work is disrupted, it is not produced correctly.

  • eye injuries

With minor trauma, color blindness is temporary and does not require treatment. The eye only needs rest. In more complex cases, treatment is required, which will be prescribed by an ophthalmologist. The eye needs complete rest.

  • tumors

The growing tumor affects the nerve endings of the eye. This disrupts the passage of the impulse and color perception is impaired. Any tumor should be removed, followed by surgery.

  • central nervous system diseases

If color blindness is associated with this problem, it should be treated by a neurologist along with an ophthalmologist. When the cause of the disease is identified and eliminated, color blindness will disappear.

  • Parkinson's disease and stroke

With these diseases, the passage of nerve impulses from the brain to the eye, to the photoreceptor cells is blocked, which is why color perception is lost.

  • diabetes
  • Taking medications

If such a problem arises, you need to inform your doctor, it may be possible to change medications or find their analogues.

Acquired color blindness can be present in both eyes, most often it is uneven, maybe even of different types.

Colorblind people and professions

In many cases, color blindness does not affect a person's choice of profession. But there are some where the ability to perfectly distinguish colors plays a key role. For example, drivers, machinists, pilots. They cannot practice medicine; they are unlikely to succeed in the field of interior design or fashion.

It will also be difficult for them in teaching, especially with children - in many cases it is necessary to distinguish colors.

In general, all professions where you need to be able to distinguish colors, shades and halftones.

This is why various tests are carried out to identify deviations in the ability to distinguish colors.

Testing for color blindness in children

A small child with color vision impairment does not realize that he sees the world a little differently from other people; for him, his vision is natural. There is no point in diagnosing him before he is 3 years old. You can suspect something is wrong based on indirect signs - if the child does not always reach for the brightest toy, but may take a gray and pale one.

Typically, children remember the names of colors by the age of 3-4 years. Find objects of the same color even earlier. But if the baby has color blindness, he is physically unable to do this. The parents are angry with him, but the child does not understand the reason.

Most often, the child does not distinguish between red and green, blue and yellow.

If a child has such a visual feature, then first of all you need to calm down. First of all, parents - color blindness is not a disease, the child will simply have to adapt to such vision, and the parents will have to come to terms with this peculiarity of the child.

Parents can check their vision for color blindness even before their child enters school quite simply - by watching how he colors pictures.

If he often gets confused about the colors of the grass or sky, and they look unnatural in his drawings, this could be a warning sign.

Older children are given several plain pieces of colored paper and asked to choose the same color. If the baby finds it difficult, you should definitely consult an ophthalmologist.

For older preschoolers and primary schoolchildren, you can already use the same tests as for adults.


For schoolchildren, this problem can cause many difficulties in their studies. What is written on a blackboard with colored chalk often turns out to be invisible and indistinguishable to him. And your own drawings are distinguished by unnatural colors. Teachers should be aware of this feature of their student and help him cope with circumstances beyond his control - for example, he should sit in the classroom so as not to see the glare of light on the board.
If you haven’t encountered a similar problem with your child before school, then elementary school is the time to do it.

For adults, there are other diagnostic methods.

Diagnostic methods

There are many types of color blindness. The easiest one is the inability to distinguish shades of color. For example, dark pink is perceived as red, while lighter tones are seen as white.

Rabkin tables

The most famous and popular diagnosis is using Rabkin tables. They depict many colorful circles of different shapes and sizes. All these circles are of the same brightness, and among them numbers or geometric shapes stand out in a different color.

A person with normal vision can almost easily distinguish them from the rest. If there are violations, these encrypted figures will be indistinguishable to him.


It happens simply - signs are placed in front of the subject in good, uniform lighting, the patient examines them for a few seconds and says what he sees. In this case, the person should be in a relaxed state and feel good. 7-10 seconds are allotted for viewing one picture; the pictures are located at a distance of 1 meter from the eyes at the same level with them.

These tables also contain trap figures. For example, a person with normal color vision sees 9, and a colorblind person sees 5, or a circle. Only colorblind people with a certain type of colorblindness see them; the doctor, using his tables, will be able to determine which pigment is missing on the retina.

Several pictures in the set were created to identify malingerers, those who for some reason want to deceive the signs when passing the test. These plates depict pictures that are clearly and clearly visible with normal vision and with any form of color blindness. The doctor can easily determine which color the patient cannot distinguish.

The circles on the tables are selected in such a way as to check all possible deviations. And the color combinations in them are not random. However, when taking the test on a healthy person, errors are possible - the result may depend on the computer screen itself and the lighting.

There are 48 plates in the set, 27 are used for general diagnostics. The rest are needed for a more in-depth analysis. They are necessarily included during inspections of professional drivers, machinists, and pilots.

The main Rabkin tables can be purchased, the rest remain for more detailed analysis from a doctor. It is useless for a colorblind person to pretend to have healthy vision; the doctor will decipher it anyway. It is also useless to pretend to be colorblind during military commissions - the remaining plates will still show color perception, it is impossible to learn them.

If these tables show severe color vision impairment, for example, red and green look the same, the person will be denied a license altogether. The same thing will happen if colors in the blue-yellow range are not distinguished.

Testing for color blindness using the Rabkin table is used all over the world; it gives the most reliable result, the type and degree of pathology. And control pictures will clarify the diagnosis.

Yustova's technique

This technique also consists of cards and is designed to identify which color disorder the patient has.

The subject is offered four sets of cards, each of them identifying the pathology of one primary color.

  • The first set reveals disturbances in the perception of red and its shades,
  • second - green spectrum
  • third - blue
  • fourth - black and white text

The tables are special pictures with “torn” squares, which depict a stylized letter C, with a break in one of the sides of the square. The subject must determine the location of the rupture.
There are 12 tables of the test, each table shows several pictures with such an image. All cells form one tone, the test is constructed in such a way that the possibility of “learning” it is excluded.

The test is also good because it is easy to conduct with children who do not yet know numbers and geometric shapes.

This test is also popular among ophthalmologists around the world. It is also used in diagnosing acquired color blindness in adults after various injuries, diseases and taking certain medications.

Ishhara test

The test is somewhat reminiscent of Rabkin's tables. In it, the subject is also offered tables consisting of many circles of different colors and sizes. But in it a person must no longer distinguish numbers or letters, but pictures and simple images.

This test is used mainly to diagnose color blindness in children; they like such pictures and willingly guess the encrypted images. These pictures can also be offered to those who have “learned” Rabkin’s tables for “passing a medical examination.” If color blindness is present, a person will not be able to distinguish the desired image.

Some other color blindness tests work in much the same way. These are the color schemes of Stilling, Schaaf, and some others. Their principle is approximately the same.

Special cases

There are special cases when testing vision for color blindness. When more in-depth research is required, and increased demands are placed on the subjects’ ability to distinguish colors.

Not only drivers of any transport need to perceive colors correctly. There are cases where this can be a key point.


When passing a military commission, such a test will be required. With normal visual acuity, you will still be drafted into the army, but you can serve in a very limited number of troops. In any case, it will not be possible to deceive the military registration and enlistment office,


All doctors need full color vision. The health of other people depends on this, so doctors regularly check these parameters of their vision.


If it is difficult to distinguish colors, then you can use a lot of chemicals. Many solutions differ in appearance only in shade, but the properties of the substances are different. It is better for a colorblind person not to study chemistry professionally.

Treatment of color blindness

How to help a colorblind person see the world in all its fullness? After all, this is especially offensive if the loss of the ability to distinguish colors was acquired as a result of an accident.


It is currently impossible to cure congenital, genetically determined color blindness. In order to somehow help a person, multi-colored lenses are selected specifically for his vision. But this method is ineffective and controversial. It may even be dangerous to overall vision. So while research is being carried out, such contact lenses are not used.

Special glasses with multi-colored lenses have been created, but these are experimental models, they work in certain lighting and cannot be worn for a long time.

Attempts are being made to introduce the missing genes into the retina of the eye - so far only with the help of computer programs on virtual colorblind people. But research in this area is being carried out and, perhaps, a solution to the problem will still be found.


Acquired color blindness can be cured. Treatment depends on what caused it.

  • If medications are the cause, they should be discontinued; color perception will be restored over time.
  • Operative - by eliminating cataracts or other retinal damage

Most often, when acquired color blindness occurs, a person’s visual acuity begins to decline.

Drug treatment is prescribed by a doctor; you cannot prescribe it for yourself - this can result in an irreversible change in vision, which will only get worse, until the complete loss of color vision.