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Armenian fairy tales. Armenian fairy tales download Armenian fairy tales in Russian

Oh, what a wonderful idea this is! It’s such a smart idea to travel to see the world! - the fox exclaimed in admiration. - The fact is that I also have the same dream. But I don’t have a friend with whom I could go on a journey. Can I go with you?

Meanwhile, the forest spirits danced wedding dances. When the fun was in full swing, the hunter noticed that one of the forest spirits was wearing a dress exactly like his wife’s dress. After the dancing, the forest spirits sat down at the tables, which were simply bursting with various dishes. Noticing the hunter, the forest spirits began to treat him. They gave him pilaf, fried ox rib and other dishes. The hunter accepted all the treats, but did not touch any of them.

Weavers, tailors and embroiderers set to work. Some of them quilted blankets with cotton wool and down, soft and warm, like the wool of a mountain goat; others wove blankets from sparkling silk threads, light as a cloud; still others, stretching velvet on a hoop, embroidered the finest patterns on it in gold and silver. They decorated the blankets with bright tassels, trimmed them with fur and lined them with brocade. But none of them could please the king.

One day, behind the fence, Onion heard a rustling sound. He knew that he was in no danger, but because he had nothing else to do, he began to listen. The rustling grew into rapid breathing. Onion wanted to see who showed up there, but he was too lazy. In the end, he couldn’t stand it and turned his heavy body. Behind the fence, from the hummocks, sweating profusely, a frail Plantain made its way into the light. The onion was well-watered, so no matter how much he tried, he did not dare to remain silent.

Come on little mouse, sing, dance and have fun! Your dream has come true, now you will enjoy the juicy pulp of a coconut and drink delicious milk. Come on baby, luck is on your side, it is smiling at you, let this holiday be yours. Pik-Pik ate all the coconut pulp, drank all the coconut milk, curled up inside the nut and fell asleep. And when he woke up, he again turned into a large and well-fed mouse.

After some time, he brought a large bale of cotton and asked Guri to knead it thoroughly, comb it and spin the yarn while he went about his merchant business. He told Guri that he would take the yarn that she spun with him to other countries and sell it there.

One day a customer came to a hat maker, brought a sheep skin and asked: Sew me a hat from this skin! Okay,” says the master, “I’ll sew it!” The customer came out from the master and thought: But the skin is big - maybe it will be possible to cut out two hats? He thought so, returned to the hatmaker and asked:

He put the khurjin on a stone, lay down and pretended to be asleep. At midnight a rustling sound was heard. Aslan looked through his eyelashes and saw: a girl of unearthly beauty was taking food out of his khurjin. She broke off some bread, washed it down with a sip of water and got ready to leave. The mountain in front of her opened up like a gate, and she was ready to disappear when Aslan jumped up and managed to grab the girl by the clothes.

Folklore best reflects the soul of the people, their national characteristics and traditions; this folk source nourishes many generations of representatives of literature and art.

A fairy tale devoid of any mysticism, but rather like a world in which the imagination freely transforms familiar pictures of simple folk life.


The tale of the wise queen Anahit.
Download Armenian fairy tale Anahit

Arev and Krag

When the earth gave birth to people, darkness and cold ruled the world. Arev and Krag were just learning to walk. They lived with the tribe in one of the caves of the then young Ararat.

Adult men hunted and often became victims of predators: they saw better than humans in the dark. Only the strong could get the beast, and he himself ate almost everything he caught. Therefore, golden-haired Arev and curly-haired Krag rarely feasted on juicy meat. I spent my childhood dreaming about food.

One day, an unimaginable noise arose in the cave. Someone suggested hunting together. This did not please the strong hunters. But after long and fierce debates, a leader was elected, whose word was to become law...
Download Armenian fairy tale Arev and Krag

Barekendan - Maslenitsa

Once upon a time there lived a husband and wife. And they didn’t really like each other.

The husband called his wife a fool, and she called him a fool, so they always quarreled.

One day my husband bought several pounds of rice and butter, loaded them onto a porter and dragged them home.

The wife lost her temper:

And you still get angry when they call you a fool! Why do we need so much oil and rice? Are you celebrating your father's funeral or your son's wedding?

What a wake, what a wedding! What are you talking about, woman? Take it and hide it. This is for barekendan.
Download Armenian fairy tale Maslenitsa

Armless girl

A long time ago, many years ago, there lived a brother and sister.

My sister was a very sweet blond girl with a kind heart. She was like a ray of sunshine, and her name was Lusik, which in Armenian means a ray of light.

Brother Lusik got married and brought his wife into the house. And the wife, seeing that everyone around her admired, respected and loved Lusik, harbored a fierce anger towards her. Black envy settled in her heart...
Download Armenian fairy tale Armless girl

Magic rose

An Armenian folk tale about a magical rose bush, which was eaten by a worm every year when it bloomed... And every year the royal gardener fought with the worm.

A tale about actions and what the consequences may be...
Download Armenian fairy tale Magic rose

pomegranate seed

Once upon a time there lived a king. This king had a son - his only heir. The king bought him a fiery sword for a lot of money.
The prince did nothing all day long, just rode through the mountains and forests, hunted and feasted with his comrades.
Once the city boys started throwing tops. The prince began to launch his top with them, but his top fell off, jumped up and broke the jug of a poor old woman who was walking past and carrying water in a jug.
The old woman got angry with him, because now she had nothing to carry water in, and said:
- Damn you, slacker, may your heart be struck by love for a beauty named Pomegranate Seed.
Download Armenian fairy tale Pomegranate Seed

Two brothers

Once upon a time there lived two brothers. One was smart and the other was a fool. The smart man managed things in such a way that the fool had to work not only for himself, but also for his brother...
Download Armenian fairy tale Two Brothers

Children of the merchant Ambartsum

There once lived a man named Ambartsum. He was a very rich merchant: he had shops in the market and earned a lot of money. Ambartsum had a wife and two children - a son and a daughter, both unusually beautiful.

The merchant Ambartsum also had a named brother, also a merchant, named Petros, who lived in Istanbul. Ambartsum lived happily with his family; traveled to Istanbul, traded, brought goods from there. He gave his children a good education and invited teachers to join them.

But it must be said that his children - brother and sister - loved each other so much that they could not live without the other for even an hour...
Download the Armenian fairy tale Children of the merchant Ambartsum

Daughter of King Zarzand

A tale of good and evil. About overcoming obstacles and achieving your goals.
Download Armenian fairy tale Daughter of King Zarzand

Customer and master

The story is about one greedy man who made eight hats from one skin...
Download Armenian fairy tale Customer and master

Lazy Guri

Once upon a time there lived a woman. She had one only daughter and her name was Guri. This Guri was such a lazy person, such a slacker and white-handed that she did nothing but do all day long...
Download Armenian fairy tale Lazy Guri

Wise Weaver

Here you will find two wonderful Armenian fairy tales, “The Wise Weaver” and “The Customer and the Master.”
Download Armenian fairy tale The Wise Weaver

Why did onions become bitter?

In the old days, sweet Onion and bitter Watermelon lived next door. Then the onion was the size of a watermelon now. A watermelon is the same size as an onion today. As the Onion grew large and sweet, it was watered. He didn't have to take care of himself. Carefree Onion grew fat and heavy. One bad thing: he was bored...
Download the Armenian fairy tale Why onions became bitter

Stretch your legs over your clothes

One day the king summoned all the tailors of his country and ordered him to sew a blanket according to his height: not long and not short. None of the tailors could fulfill the king's wishes, and he ordered all of their heads to be cut off.

After that, another tailor came to him...

The tailor and the king

Armenian folk tale about a greedy and cruel king and his tailor...
Download Armenian fairy tale The Tailor and the Tsar

Mind and heart

One day, my mind and heart began to argue. His heart insisted that people lived for him, but his mind insisted on the opposite. They did not resort to the help of a judge, but decided to act alone and not interfere in each other’s affairs. They decided to try their agreement on one peasant...
Download Armenian fairy tale Mind and Heart

Wedding of forest spirits

One hunter wandered through the forest all night in search of prey, but all in vain. He was getting ready to go home when he suddenly heard the sounds of a drum and a lute coming from the thicket of the forest. He walked in the direction where the melody was coming from. He looks, and there, in the clearing, the forest spirits are playing a wedding. Just in case, holding his gun at the ready, the hunter got closer to the action and began to observe...
Download the Armenian fairy tale Wedding of the forest spirits

Tales of the Rooster

Here are two Armenian fairy tales about a rooster: “The Invincible Rooster” and “The Travelers.”

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Armenian folk tales

Armenian folk tales

ARMENIA(Republic of Armenia) is a state in the southern part of Transcaucasia. The territory area is 29.8 thousand km2. Population: 3 million people (2004). The official language is Armenian. The capital of the country is the city of Yerevan. The total number of Armenians in the world is about 6.5 million people. Believers of Armenians are mainly Monophysite Christians. (Armenian Gregorian Church). Most Armenians live outside the country, with the largest communities in Russia, Turkey, the USA and France. The country's population is decreasing due to emigration.
Armenia is a country of very ancient culture. Already in the 5th-4th millennium BC. here they knew how to smelt copper; in the 2nd millennium - they used iron objects. The most ancient state on the territory of Armenia in the 9th-6th centuries BC. was Urartu. After his fall, the country was part of all the great powers of the Ancient East. The ancient Greeks called the country Armenia, the Persians - Armina, its inhabitants themselves - Hayk, and themselves - Hai. In the 4th century BC. An independent Armenian kingdom separated from the Persian Achaemenid power. It reached its peak in the 1st century BC, when, under King Tigran the Great, it controlled territories from the Caucasus to the Mediterranean Sea and fought with Rome. In 301, Armenia became the first country where Christianity was declared the state religion.
In the 7th–9th centuries, Armenia was a prosperous region. In its cities lived skilled metallurgists, potters, weavers and builders, stone and wood carvers, and jewelers. The cities of Armenia were centers of lively trade. Copper, iron, tin, silver, arsenic, silk and cotton fabrics were exported from here to other countries. The further history of Armenia is tragic. In the 9th and 10th centuries, Armenia was subject to Arab invasions. At the end of the 10th century, the southern lands were captured by Byzantium. Then the invasion of the Seljuk Turks and Egyptian Mamluks begins. In the 12th-13th centuries, Armenia was ravaged by hordes of Mongol-Tatars and Tamerlane (Timur). Following them came nomadic Turkmen tribes.
In the 16th–18th centuries, wars were fought between Persia and Turkey over the lands of Armenia. The Armenian people were on the verge of extermination. In 1603-1605, 300 thousand Armenians were forcibly deported to Iran. Armenia was divided. The western part went to Turkey, the eastern to Iran. Only the lands in Nagorno-Karabakh remained relatively independent.
In 1828, Eastern Armenia joined Russia as the Erivan Governorate. Western Armenia remained under Turkish rule. In 1905, the Turkish authorities carried out a monstrous massacre, the complete murder of the Armenian population. No one was spared: neither women, nor children, nor the elderly. During the genocide of World War I, the Turks killed over 1 million Western Armenians and forcibly deported almost as many, mainly to barren areas of Mesopotamia, where most of them died. Only a few managed to move to the countries of the Middle East, Europe, and America. Over 300 thousand Armenians found refuge in Russia, including in Eastern Armenia. In memory of this terrible tragedy, a memorial was built in Yerevan.

Armenia is a country of wonders... If they ask me where on our planet you can find more wonders, I would name, first of all, Armenia. …you can’t help but be amazed that in such a small corner of the world you can find such monuments and such people who can become the adornment and pride of the whole world. May the Armenian land be glorified three times, the cradle of talents, the cradle of great achievements.

Azaran Bluebul Kaspar, the serpent prince Shepherd - judge
Fairy tale Anahit Kid Stretch your legs over your clothes
Arev and Krag Round gods Travelers
Barekendan | Look, Maslenitsa Jug of gold Mind and heart
Armless girl Lazy Guri paradise flower
Tailless fox Liar (Tall Tale) Craft is more valuable than gold
Brother Ax Lur-da-lur Rosette
What is the strength? Love Pop Slick goes to heaven
Vishap The Miller and the Tsar The tailor and the king
Vishap, son of King Chinmachin Wise Weaver About the prince and daughter of king Jin
Magic rose Mouse Peak-Peak About the hunter Marcos
Sparrow Woman's slander Hunter's Tale
Geghama Mountain Real nonsense Tale about a snake
Fool Unlucky Panos Death of Kikos
Talking fish Invincible rooster A Fool's Happiness
Pomegranate seed Fire horse Son of the Blind King
Two brothers Why did onions become bitter? Axe
Girl beauty Brook Three Testaments
Children of the merchant Ambartsum Wedding of forest spirits The feaster will always have a feast
Daughter of King Zarzand Glowing Skin By the sun
Club Swineherd Pointer
Yeghegnui Seven Stars Smart guys of the city of Iukima
Customer and master Heart Philos
Zangi Zrangi Sister and seven brothers Owner and worker
Golden-haired girl Poor man and his wife Brave Nazar
Otsamanuk and Arevamanuk About the golden-haired prince The princess is a slacker
The snake and the poor man About Murza, the invisible worker King Chakhchakh
gold coin About the unprecedented cucumber Tsar Miller
Golden Apple About right and wrong Tsovinar
How the king was fooled About tapagöz Chico
Heavenly punishment About three girls What is most needed?
Carnival About Tsarevich Allo-Dino Apples of Immortality

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The culture of Armenia is the totality of the material, technical and spiritual achievements of the Armenian people, created both on the current territory of Armenia and throughout historical Armenia.
The cultural history of the formed Armenian people dates back to the 6th-5th centuries BC. e. and is a continuation of the even more ancient culture of Urartu. As the authoritative encyclopedia Britannica notes, Armenia is one of the oldest centers of world civilization. The adoption of Christianity as the state and only religion of Armenia in the first years of the 4th century was of utmost importance for the further development of the history and culture of the Armenian people. It was from the 4th century that a new phase began in the history of Armenian culture - the beginning of medieval Armenian art. The general rise of Armenian culture covers the period up to the 7th century inclusive, until the final establishment of the Arab yoke in Armenia. Subsequent significant development begins at the end of the 9th century, and is associated with the restoration of the independent Armenian kingdom in 885, which marked the beginning of a new golden age in Armenian history. The period of cultural upsurge continued until the 13th century inclusive and is characterized by some authors as the Armenian Renaissance. After about two centuries of crisis in the 15th-16th centuries, cultural life revived again in the 17th century. For the preservation and development of the centuries-old Armenian civilization, the accession of Eastern Armenia to the Christian Russian Empire at the beginning of the 19th century played an important role. In 1918, the Armenian state was restored in Eastern Armenia. In 1920, it was annexed by the Soviet state, and after its collapse it regained its sovereignty, creating new prospects for the development of the 2,500-year-old cultural traditions of the Armenians.
The article also separately examines the culture of other peoples and nationalities that lived and are living on the territory of Armenia.
From the 6th century BC. e. Pagan architecture developed in ancient Armenia. Xenophon reports that the dwellings of the Armenians had towers. The most significant monument of Armenian ancient architecture is the Garni Temple, built by the King of Great Armenia Trdat I in the 70s AD. e. From the Hellenistic era, the remains of the cities of Artashat and Tigranakert, the ancient capitals of Great Armenia, have been preserved. Plutarch calls Artashat “the Armenian Carthage.” Ancient Armenian cities were characterized by a regular layout of city blocks.
In the 3rd-4th centuries, in connection with the formation of feudal relations in Armenia, as well as the adoption of Christianity as the state religion in 301, a new stage in the history of Armenian architecture began. Among the earliest examples of Armenian church architecture, both single-nave hall (Shirvanjukh, 5th century) and three-nave basilica (Kasakh, 4th century; Yereruyk, 5th century) churches are known. In the 5th-7th centuries, Armenian architects developed various types of centric domed churches: square in plan (in Voghjaberd, 5th century); four-apse (in Tsrviz, Arzni, V-VI centuries); rectangular in plan, with 4 protruding apses and 4 domed pylons (Etchmiadzin Cathedral) or without pylons (Mastara); rectangular, with a cross inscribed inside (Avan, 591-602; Hripsime); eight-apse (Zoravar, 7th century), etc. The combination of centric and basilical compositions in the 5th-6th centuries led to the creation of such domed basilicas as Tekor (late 5th century) and Odzun (mid-6th century). In the 5th century, in the Armenian capital of Dvin, the chamber of the head of the Armenian Catholicos was built, which is one of the earliest palace buildings of medieval Armenia. The Zvartnots Temple, built between 641-661, is considered a masterpiece of Armenian architecture of the 7th century.
Since the end of the 9th century, after the restoration of the sovereignty of the Armenian state, monumental construction has experienced a new upsurge. Armenian architecture of this time closely continues the architectural traditions of previous centuries. A characteristic phenomenon of this stage of architectural development is the enrichment of decor. Both civil and religious construction are developing. In particular, in the capital of Ani, extensive defensive walls and palaces were built; during the years 989-1001, the kings Gagik I and Smbat II built a Cathedral here, the architect of which was the famous Trdat. Apart from central Armenia, construction developed in all parts of the country. Thus, in 915-921, Gagik Artsruni erected the Church of the Holy Cross in Vaspurakan (architect Manuel), distinguished by the richest reliefs. Tatev (895-905), Vaganavank (911), Gndevank (930) and other churches were built in Syunik. Large monastic complexes were built in the northeast of Armenia - Sanahin (957-962), Haghpat (976-991), etc. At the same time, strategic routes were covered by fortresses, among which the most powerful were Amberd, Tignis and some others.
A new rise in civil architecture was noted in the 12th-13th centuries - hotels, refectories, book depositories, and caravanserais were built. A particularly noteworthy phenomenon of Armenian architecture of the time is the gavits-narthexes. The rise of Armenian architecture at the end of the 12th-13th centuries is associated with the liberation of Armenia by the Zakaryans. A number of new stone structures were created, including a ceiling on intersecting arches. The most famous monuments of the time: Harichavank (1201), Makaravank (1205), Tegher (1213-1232), Dadivank, (1214), Geghard (1215), Saghmosavank (1215-1235), Ovanavank (1216), Gandzasar (1216-1238 ), Haghartsin (1281) and some others.

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Armenian fairy tales

© 2012 Publishing house "The Seventh Book". Translation, compilation and editing.

All rights reserved. No part of the electronic version of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including posting on the Internet or corporate networks, for private or public use without the written permission of the copyright owner.

Not even stones can tell this story of love and fidelity...

Today there is not a trace or even a name left of the brilliant capital, surrounded by greenery, Partava. The trading city was razed to the ground, and in its place another was built, called Barda. But that's a completely different story.

In the meantime, Partav, recently rebuilt by King Vache, proudly rises above the full-flowing Tartarus, surprising with its luxurious palaces and towers reaching into the heavens. Only gigantic plane trees and poplars can compete with them, behind the tops of which even the tallest buildings are sometimes not visible. On the terrace of one of them, in the early spring morning, the only son of King Vache, young Vachagan, stood, leaning on the railing, admiring the grove that, like a luxurious frame, surrounded the diamond of the Caucasus - the brilliant capital of the Agvans. The prince listened and it seemed to him that the songbirds of the whole world, as if by agreement, had flown to Partav to compete with each other. Some seemed to be playing the flute, others the duduk, but the loudest singer always won. This singer was the nightingale - the nightingale, the comforter of loving hearts. When he began to sing, immediately all the birds fell silent and listened attentively to his iridescent trills, some learned from him to chirp, others to whistle loudly, and others to trill, and at that moment all the bird voices merged into one inimitable melody.

But she did not please the young prince Vachagan. Heartache tormented him, and the singing of birds only intensified it. His mother, Queen Ashkhen, approached with silent steps and quietly asked:

“Son, I see that you have some kind of pain in your soul, but you are hiding it from us.” Tell me why are you sad?

“You’re right, mom,” the son answered, “I’m disappointed in life, honor and luxury no longer interest me.” I decided to retire from the bustle of the world and devote myself to God. They say that Vardapet Mesrop returned to the village of Khatsik and founded a monastery in the monastery he built. I want to go to him. Mom, you can’t even imagine what a wonderful place this is – Khatsik. The boys and even girls there are so witty and so beautiful! When you see them, you'll understand why I'm there with all my heart.

“So you’re rushing to Khatsik to see your witty Anahit as soon as possible?”

- Mom, but how do you know her name?

“The nightingales of our garden sang it to me.” But why, my dear Vachik, began to forget that he was the king’s son? And the son of a king should marry the daughter of a king or at least a grand duke, but certainly not a simple peasant woman. Look around, the Georgian king has three beautiful daughters growing up, you can choose any of them. The Gugark bdeshkha also has a prominent and worthy daughter. She is the sole heir to all his rich estates. The king of Syunik also has a marriageable daughter. Finally, why don’t you like the bride Varsenik, the daughter of our azarapet? She grew up before our eyes, raised in our family...

- Mom, I already said that I want to go to a monastery. But if you insist that I definitely marry, then know that I will only marry Anahit...” said Vachagan and, blushing deeply, hurriedly went out into the garden to hide his embarrassment from his mother.

Vachagan had recently turned twenty, he stood tall, like the poplars that grew in the royal grove, but he was a pampered, pale and even sickly young man. And now the only heir of the king of the Agvans wanted to take not the royal throne, but spiritual rank and become a preacher. This scared his father.

“Vachagan, my son,” his father told him many times, “you are my only hope and support.” You must keep the fire of our hearth, continue our family, and that means get married.

The prince listened to his father in silence, with his eyes downcast, and only blushed in response; he did not even want to think about the wedding. But my father was persistent and persistently returned to this conversation several times a week. The young man began to avoid painful meetings so as not to see his father, he sat for hours reading books and even went hunting, which he never liked, just so as not to hear his father’s instructions. At dawn he left the palace, wandered around the surrounding area, and only returned home late in the evening. Sometimes he wandered for three or four days, driving his parents to despair. He was not friends with his peers, and took with him only his devoted, brave servant Vaginak and his faithful dog Zangi. Those who met them on the mountain paths had no idea that in front of them was the king’s son and his servant, both were in simple hunting clothes, with identical quivers of arrows and wide daggers, and only a knapsack with supplies was carried by the broad-shouldered and strong Vaginak. They often visited mountain villages, and Vachagan watched with interest how ordinary people lived, became imbued with their worldly concerns and needs, and always noticed who was doing good and who was committing lawlessness. And then, unexpectedly for everyone, the bribe-taking judges were removed from the cases, and new, honest ones were appointed in their places; the thieves received their well-deserved punishment and ended up in prison, and the families of the poor suddenly received help from the king, although they did not ask for it. It was as if some unknown force saw everything and did good. And the people began to believe that their wise king Vache, like God, knew everything: what someone needed, and who was worthy of punishment, and who was worthy of reward. They say that in the kingdom of the Agvans there was no more theft and injustice, but no one knew that it was largely thanks to the young prince.

Traveling also did him good. He became healthier and stronger, as if he had gained strength from his native land, and increasingly began to think about his destiny, which was destined for him from above. Vachagan began to understand how much he could do for his people and no longer thought about entering a monastery. The parents began to notice how their son had matured and matured, and they understood that the flame of love was about to flare up in his heart; all that was needed for this was a reason, which soon presented itself.

Once, while hunting, Vachagan and Vaginak came to a distant village, lost in the mountains, and, tired, sat down to rest by a spring. It was a hot afternoon and peasant girls kept coming up to the source, they took turns filling their jugs and jars, the prince was unbearably thirsty. He asked for water, and one of the girls filled the jug and handed it to Vachagan, but the other snatched the jug from her hands and poured out the water. She filled the jug again and the other emptied it again. Vachagan’s mouth was dry, he was impatiently waiting for someone to give him something to drink. But the girl didn’t seem to care, as if she had started a strange game: she filled the jug and immediately poured out the water. And only after filling the jug for the sixth time did she give it to the stranger.

Having drunk and handed the jug to the servant, the prince spoke to this girl and asked why she didn’t give him the water right away; perhaps she wanted to play a trick on him, to make him angry. But she answered:

“I didn’t want to make fun of you, let alone make you angry.” It is not customary for us to offend travelers, especially when they ask for water. But I saw that you were tired from the heat and were so flushed in the scorching sun that I decided that cold water could harm you, so I delayed so that you could rest a little and cool down.

The girl’s smart answer surprised Vachagan, but her beauty struck him even more. Her large and dark eyes seemed bottomless, her eyebrows, lips and nose seemed to have been painted with the thin brush of a skilled artist, and her heavy braids sparkling in the sun flowed down her back. She was dressed in a long red silk dress that reached to her toes, and an embroidered sleeveless vest hugged her thin waist and high breasts. The pristine beauty of the stranger struck and bewitched the prince; she stood before him barefoot, without ribbons or decorations, and he could not take his eyes off her.

- What is your name? - asked the prince.

“Anahit,” answered the girl.

- Who is your father?

– My father is a shepherd in our village – Arai. But why do you ask what my name is and who my father is?

- Just. Is it a sin to ask?

“If it’s not a sin to ask, then I ask you to tell me who you are and where you come from?”

– Should I tell the truth or lie?

– What you consider worthy of yourself.

“Of course, I consider the truth worthy, but the truth is,” the prince cunned, “I can’t tell you who I am now, but I promise that I will let you know in a few days.”

- Very good, give me back the jug. If you want, I'll bring some more water.

- No, thank you, you gave us good advice, we will always remember it, and we won’t forget you either.

When the hunters set off on their way back, Vachagan asked his faithful servant:

- Tell me, Vaginak, have you ever met a girl of such beauty?

“I somehow didn’t notice her special beauty,” the servant answered, “I clearly understood only one thing, that she is the daughter of a rural shepherd.”

Arev and Krag When the earth gave birth to people, darkness and cold ruled the world. Arev and Krag were just learning to walk. They lived with the tribe in one of the caves of the then young Ararat.

Adult men hunted and often became victims of predators: they saw better than humans in the dark. Only the strong could get the beast, and he himself ate almost everything he caught. Therefore, golden-haired Arev and curly-haired Krag rarely feasted on juicy meat. I spent my childhood dreaming about food.

One day, an unimaginable noise arose in the cave. Someone suggested hunting together. This did not please the strong hunters. But after long and fierce debates, a leader was elected, whose word was to become law...

download (5 Kb)Tales of the peoples of the world

Barekendan - MaslenitsaOnce upon a time there lived a husband and wife. And they didn’t really like each other.

The husband called his wife a fool, and she called him a fool, so they always quarreled.

One day my husband bought several pounds of rice and butter, loaded them onto a porter and dragged them home.

The wife lost her temper:

And you still get angry when they call you a fool! Why do we need so much oil and rice? Are you celebrating your father's funeral or your son's wedding?

What a wake, what a wedding! What are you talking about, woman? Take it and hide it. This is for barekendan.

download (4 Kb)Tales of the peoples of the world

Armless girlA long time ago, many years ago, there lived a brother and sister.

My sister was a very sweet blond girl with a kind heart. She was like a ray of sunshine, and her name was Lusik, which in Armenian means a ray of light.

Brother Lusik got married and brought his wife into the house. And the wife, seeing that everyone around her admired, respected and loved Lusik, harbored a fierce anger towards her. Black envy settled in her heart...

download (12 Kb)Tales of the peoples of the world

An Armenian folk tale about a magical rose bush, which was eaten by a worm every year when it bloomed... And every year the royal gardener fought with the worm.

A tale about actions and what the consequences may be...

download (5 Kb)Tales of the peoples of the world

pomegranate seedOnce upon a time there lived a king. This king had a son - his only heir. The king bought him a fiery sword for a lot of money.

The prince did nothing all day long, just rode through the mountains and forests, hunted and feasted with his comrades.

Once the city boys started throwing tops. The prince began to launch his top with them, but his top fell off, jumped up and broke the jug of a poor old woman who was walking past and carrying water in a jug.

The old woman got angry with him, because now she had nothing to carry water in, and said:

Damn you, you slacker, may your heart be struck by love for a beauty named Pomegranate Seed.

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Two brothers Once upon a time there lived two brothers. One was smart and the other was a fool. The smart man managed things in such a way that the fool had to work not only for himself, but also for his brother...download (5 Kb)Tales of the peoples of the world

Children of the merchant AmbartsumThere once lived a man named Ambartsum. He was a very rich merchant: he had shops in the market and earned a lot of money. Ambartsum had a wife and two children - a son and a daughter, both unusually beautiful.

The merchant Ambartsum also had a named brother, also a merchant, named Petros, who lived in Istanbul. Ambartsum lived happily with his family; traveled to Istanbul, traded, brought goods from there. He gave his children a good education and invited teachers to join them.

But it must be said that his children - brother and sister - loved each other so much that they could not live without the other for even an hour...

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Lazy Guri Once upon a time there lived a woman. She had one only daughter and her name was Guri. This Guri was such a lazy person, such a slacker and white-handed that she did nothing but do all day long...download (5 Kb)Tales of the peoples of the world

Why did onions become bitter?In the old days, sweet Onion and bitter Watermelon lived next door. Then the onion was the size of a watermelon now. A watermelon is the same size as an onion today. As the Onion grew large and sweet, it was watered. He didn't have to take care of himself. Carefree Onion grew fat and heavy. One bad thing: he was bored...