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Not according to Feng Shui. Feng Shui house: basic rules

It is hardly possible to meet a person now who has not heard or known anything about the teachings of Feng Shui, which is becoming more and more popular every year. In our society, the phrase “Feng Shui” evokes mixed reactions among people. Most people perceive this as something frivolous, supernatural or magical, although in fact the opposite is true. It would seem, what difference does it make where to hang a mirror or place a sofa? These are little things that don't matter.

But isn’t life made up of such little things? If we give them the attention and importance they deserve, our lives can become much better. Our best assistant for this is Feng Shui.

Origin of the concept of Feng Shui

The art of Feng Shui goes back centuries. It originated more than three thousand years ago in Ancient China, continuing its development and improvement until our time. Feng Shui has been passed down from generation to generation and has retained its original principles and ideas.

The concept of Feng Shui implies the harmonious interaction of people, objects and nature, teaching how to properly manage energy for the benefit of oneself and others. It does not contradict traditions, customs or any of the known religions, and is close in meaning to such areas of life as ecology, design, geography and astrology. The fundamentals of Feng Shui are consistent with the sciences of psychology and astrophysics. However, it differs from other sciences in some of its principles that are difficult to explain logically.

The founder of Feng Shui is considered to be Yang Yun Tsang, a Chinese master of this art, whose works formed the fundamental principles of the teaching. One of the pioneers is also the philosopher Confucius, whose main principle of belief is the following: there is a force in the world that connects man and the environment. Energy flows cross every point in space, just as in the human body acupuncture points operate on the same principle. When energy flows collide in them, a person becomes ill. According to scientists, the Earth is a living organism that conducts waves of time through itself.

Doctrine of Qi

Qi is the most important concept in the teachings of Feng Shui, implying the life force present in all living things. This energy can be created in different ways. For example, slowly flowing water in a body of water creates energy, making us feel energized after relaxing by the water. Hurricanes and storms, on the contrary, carry away qi, and luck passes us by. A skillful pianist on stage creates energy, and so does a good performance by an athlete. Everything perfect radiates qi, so we need to strive to make sure that there is as much positive energy in our home as possible. Then we will be filled with strength and prosper every day.

Qi is divided into several types:

  • Human is the inner strength of people.
  • Natural - the energy of nature, flora and fauna.
  • Celestial is the power radiated by the sky, stars and space as a whole.
  • Social is the energy of each individual people.
  • Domestic is the force that circulates indoors.

Each of these qi directly and daily influences our lives. A person has virtually no influence on heavenly, social and natural qi, while human and domestic energy can be developed by working on oneself. This is what the art of Feng Shui teaches.

I Ching Ideas

The I Ching is a book of predictions that the Chinese have used for several thousand years to look into their future. The main idea of ​​the wise text is that cyclical changes are constantly occurring in the Universe. The two fundamental forces affecting the Universe are yin and yang. They are opposite to each other and together make up the harmony of all things. The two energies are in constant interaction, colliding in the Tao. The teachings of Feng Shui are based on Taoism.

  • Yang is an active type of energy, day, light, fire, masculine, brightness, summer, wakefulness.
  • Yin is a passive type of energy, darkness, night, cold, sleep, silence, night, calm.

Yin and yang complement each other, like day and night, black and white, good and bad. Their combinations and interaction, suppression and dominance, create everything in our world. According to teaching, yin and yang are in balance. To understand whether you have achieved this balance, it is enough to think about whether you feel comfortable and harmonious.

The interaction of yin and yang gives rise to the five main elements. Here they are:

  • Fire
  • Earth
  • Metal
  • Tree

These elements continuously influence each other in a certain sequence, for example: water nourishes a tree, and a tree generates fire (combustion). The destructive cycle occurs in the diametrically opposite order: the fire is extinguished by water, and the soil absorbs water, preventing it. Chinese ancient scientists also drew analogies between the five elements and human anatomy. Water is represented by the kidneys and sexual organs, fire by the brain and heart, wood by the liver, soil by the stomach and intestines, and metal by the lungs.

Classic housing location

Most Feng Shui scientists are confident that the most favorable place to build a house is an “armchair-shaped” hill. The Chinese consider this shape to be protective and reminiscent of a mother hugging her child, or a dragon guarding its wealth. The facade of the house should be located towards the south, and its rear should be fenced with a high fence or mountain. The western side of the home should be slightly lower than the eastern side. This variation in the shape of the house provides the location and protection of the four canonical animals - the dragon, turtle, phoenix and tiger, interacting and emitting chi energy. This is an ideal housing location. If this is not possible in your case, it is best to seek advice from a geomancer who will help you achieve balance in your home.

House according to Feng Shui: energy balance

Housing should help you achieve peace and inner harmony, help you achieve your goals and promote self-realization in all areas of your life. To do this, you need to follow some simple rules. Feng Shui experts advise minimizing poor planning, the negative impact of corners and an unpleasant view from the window.

Corners, walls, mirrors

Sharp corners negatively affect the energy inside the house. Naturally, it is impossible to remove them completely, since most of the furniture is rectangular or square in shape. The main thing is to neutralize the impact of the corners. For example, you can decorate a floor lamp with decorative crystal balls, balancing positive and negative energy.

A very important point is the choice of mirror location. You can't hang them so that they reflect sharp corners. On the contrary, it is desirable that they “double” objects with positive energy: flowerpots with plants, jewelry boxes, works of art. This will contribute not only to well-being, but also to the possibility of increasing wealth.

The color of the walls in the house is another factor for stabilizing home energy. Coatings in yellow shades will help if there are a lot of sharp corners in the rooms, or the kitchen contains a lot of knives and sharp objects located on the surface. This color not only visually enlarges the space, but also helps calm the nervous system, uplifting the mood and neutralizing negative energy.

The same function is performed by the color green, or rather its light and bright shades. They increase a person’s performance, while rich green and emerald colors relax. The first option is good for an office, the second for a bedroom.

View from the window

The view from the con can only be ideal if you yourself chose a piece of nature to build your home and adapted it to the teachings of Feng Shui. If you bought a ready-made house or even live in an apartment, then it is likely that there is something that is causing interference with the chi energy. This is not a reason to give up - even the view from the apartment can and should be fought.

The energy in your home can be degraded due to the fact that power lines run under your windows and are not hidden by trees or other vegetation. The proximity of a construction site also causes a negative impact. Neutralize the negativity by arranging your windowsill. Choose plants that will delight you with their beautiful appearance. It is recommended to pay attention to cactus, basil and geranium. Remember, the more unpleasant the view from the window, the longer the cactus spines should be.

Don't forget about the Bagua mirror - a universal symbol of Feng Shui, which can be hung "facing" the courtyard on the windows. They will not allow negative energy to enter your home.

Wind chimes are another great help. Buy a bell with feathers or a Chinese pagoda with straws that will make a pleasant sound. The material of the decorative device does not matter; the most important thing is that the musical sound produced gives you pleasure.


An ideal home that complies with the principles of Feng Shui should have the correct arrangement of functional rooms.

  • The northern part is responsible for career, and the southern part for fame, so you need to arrange an office here.
  • The children's room should be located in the west, the side of creative orientation and creativity.
  • The eastern side is an area of ​​health and family well-being, ideal for the kitchen and dining room.
  • The center of the house is a good place to gather the whole family and welcome guests, so it is worth organizing a living room here.
  • The southwest side is a place of love and passion, choose it for the bedroom.
  • The northeastern zone is characterized by wisdom and knowledge, and would fit perfectly as a children's learning area or library.
  • Organize a storage room or other place for storing equipment, sports equipment and clothing in the northwestern part of the house.
  • The southeastern zone is the identity of wealth; it can pass for an office or a safe.

Of course, such an arrangement cannot be implemented in any home. It represents perfection to be strived for. Multi-storey buildings with small apartments will not allow you to disperse and greatly change the redevelopment, so you need to adapt what is available. If you don't have a separate room for your bedroom, then place the sofa (for sleeping over) properly - in the far right corner of the room. Place a table with a computer opposite or at the wall opposite the entrance. The dining table is best placed on the left side of the kitchen, thereby satisfying the basic rules of teaching.

What you can and cannot keep in your home

Let's start with objects that attract positive energy.

  • Health. It is promoted by dried herbs or flowers collected in a bouquet. Hang it on the kitchen wall and attract prosperity.
  • Wealth. Products made from fur or genuine leather attract money and help increase capital.
  • Safety. Decorative animal figurines protect the owner of the house and save him from possible troubles.
  • Happiness in married life. Bright pillows are a symbol of happiness and passion, and the floral pattern of the linen helps to bring closer together and establish peace of mind.

Now let's move on to the so-called “prohibited” items.

  • Quarrels and conflicts. Get rid of broken or cracked dishes. Plates and cups are a symbol of family, and their deterioration leads to quarrels and separation.
  • Depression. Bad mood and lack of performance are caused by old worn slippers.
  • Diseases. The Chinese are sure that climbing plants attract health problems and lower immunity. If you still like them, grow them in such a way that they form a ball.
  • Misfortune. It is facilitated by ordinary reeds, which some use for decoration. Reeds are harbingers of family troubles.

Basic tips for home improvement

  1. Cleaning the premises. Physical fatigue after a working day often causes laziness and reluctance to perform household chores. Always keep it clean, throw away unnecessary things, wash the floor and pay special attention to cleaning dust behind beds, sofas, and cabinets.
  2. Zone optimization. When arranging your home according to the principles of Feng Shui, start with those areas that are currently causing you problems. Are there problems in your relationship with your husband? Rearrange the bed in your bedroom. Failures at work? Consider the correct location of your work area. When you get things going in these sectors, move on to the next zones and improve them.
  3. Talismans. To successfully activate zones, you will be helped by certain talismans that correspond to the elements of a particular sector of the room.
  4. Measure. Do not overdo it with talismans and do not clutter the entire space of the house with them. Different talismans perform different functions, so it is important to choose the right one for your zone. Then they will not come into conflict with each other and cause trouble for your family.
  5. Dust. You need to ensure that indoor plants, talismans and other attributes of space optimization are always clean and free of dust.

In conclusion, it should be noted that arranging your home according to the rules of Feng Shui is an important, but not the only aspect of well-being. You need to work on yourself and your life, try to develop and achieve your goals, live in harmony with yourself and others.

The Chinese word “Feng Shui” has long been firmly established among Russians and is popular. According to Feng Shui, they arrange furniture in the house, plant plants, dress and even paint pictures. However, not everyone knows what Feng Shui actually is and how to use it in life. Today we will try to answer the question: “How to live according to Feng Shui”? First you need to understand what Feng Shui is. The word itself is translated from Chinese as “wind and water.” The teachings of Feng Shui involve the use of favorable flows of qi energy to improve human life.

A little history

The history of the teaching goes back centuries, to ancient China. The inhabitants of the Celestial Empire believed that everything on earth has energy. It can move freely in space and benefit people. The more freely energy flows in space, the more favorable the state of the environment will be. The Chinese learned to use this energy and settled only in those places where they could live in harmony with the outside world.

With the advent of communist rule in China, feng shui was banned. The dramatic events taking place in the country at that time led to a flow of migrants. As a result of this, Feng Shui spread beyond China and gained great popularity in Europe. However, current Feng Shui differs from ancient Chinese; it is adapted to modern man and his needs. Therefore, in our time it is also possible to improve life using Feng Shui.

How to live according to Feng Shui: basic rules

So how can you improve your life according to Feng Shui in the modern world? First of all, you should pay attention to your home. In what area is it located? What surrounds him? Where do the windows go? According to Chinese teaching, place of residence plays a decisive role in harmonizing a person's life. By following simple rules, you can set your home in the right way and merge with cosmic energy.

  • It is easy to notice that rich and poor people live in different areas. Moreover, these areas are often formed arbitrarily, that is, naturally. For example, if you build two absolutely identical areas in different areas, then after a while you will notice that one will be inhabited by rich people and the other by poor people. Why is that? According to the teachings of Feng Shui, poor areas do not have prosperous qi. Therefore, people living there will not prosper. Try to choose housing where wealthy people live.
  • From a Feng Shui point of view, energy best follows the flow of wind and water. Therefore, in cities through which rivers flow, energy is better. At the same time, those houses that are located upstream receive the best energy. The activity of the river also plays a role - the calmer it is, the more favorable the energy.
  • Pay attention to your neighbors. If calm and good-natured families live next to you, then your life will be more favorable. Quarrelsome and scandalous neighbors say that the energy here is not very favorable, so it is best to stay away from this place.
  • Busy highways have a negative impact on the energy sector. A large flow of cars accelerates the flow of energy, carrying it away from the house. Therefore, it is best to avoid proximity to congested highways, T-junctions and overpasses. It is best to settle near quiet streets with little traffic and smooth turns.

How to improve your life according to Feng Shui: pay attention to your home from the inside

A modern person is bound by many circumstances, so he cannot always choose his place of residence at will. At the same time, you can always improve your existing home by making the energy in it harmonious and favorable.

  1. If you live in a private house, then green plants planted in the garden will help restore the disturbed balance of life and harmonize the environment. They will prevent negative energy from entering the house and activate true qi.
  2. Paintings depicting scenes of violence, war, disasters, and even bad campaigns will not bring happiness and peace to your home. Work in the style of abstractionism will not be conducive to a harmonious environment in the house. It is better to get rid of them without regret. Decorate your walls with classic paintings of tranquil nature or beautiful places. You can also hang portraits of relatives (not deceased ones).
  3. Get your house in order. Living according to Feng Shui implies cleanliness of both home and thoughts. However, without cleansing the first, it will not be possible to cleanse the second. Therefore, without regret, get rid of old trash that you never dared to throw away before. These things pull you into the past and prevent you from starting a new life according to Feng Shui.
  4. In 1986, Chinese-American Thomas Lin Yu tried to transform feng shui by dividing the home into zones of love, money, career, children, and so on. However, according to the classical theory, life according to Feng Shui does not imply division into zones, since the energy of each house is individual. There are no identical houses, just like people. To correctly arrange objects in your home, you can study Chinese practices such as Bagua or Lo Shu.

Using symbols in the home

Classical Feng Shui does not pay attention to figurines and other symbols. It recognizes only the influence of the environment on energy flows. However, feng shui in its adapted modern form allows for the use of various figures to improve the home environment. This is associated with the personification of certain objects with the five primary elements - fire, earth, metal, water and wood.

The dragon is a symbol of strength and greatness, according to the ideas of Ancient China. The element it represents is Water. It is believed that the dragon gives wisdom to its owner and harmonizes life. This symbol can also bring success in financial matters and protect the home from negative energy.

The turtle is considered a symbol of happiness and longevity. She mainly helps the owner of the family, giving him health and wisdom. In order for the talisman to help in work matters, it is better that it be made of metal. A ceramic turtle will help with financial matters, and a soft toy turtle will improve the atmosphere in the house. However, do not overdo it with talismans. Turtles love solitude, so one figurine in the house is enough.

The three-legged toad is considered a symbol of wealth. It will bring success in financial matters, help improve well-being and attract good luck. Also, the figurine of this animal can become the keeper of the hearth. For people who love to spend money and cannot control it, it is best to buy a toad with a coin glued to its mouth.

A carp figurine is considered a symbol of good luck and spiritual development. It will help those who want to learn courage and patience. Two carp can bring harmony to the relationship between a man and a woman. You can decorate your house not only with a figurine of this fish. Paintings, panels or photographs with her image will have the same effect.

Is it enough to choose the right house according to Feng Shui?

The science of ancient China was very developed. The Chinese attached great importance to all aspects of life. At the same time, they understood that for a harmonious life, choosing the right home is not enough. In ancient China, they paid serious attention to spiritual purity and harmonious relationships with others. They believed that for good they would be rewarded with good, and for evil they would be punished.

Surprisingly, these simple truths still apply today. It is necessary to keep not only your home clean, but also your thoughts and feelings. Then harmony itself will enter your life without any special devices.

In order for your entire home to help you achieve your goals and help you achieve successful self-realization in all areas of your life, you should follow a few simple rules. Feng Shui experts recommend minimizing the negative impact of corners, problematic objects outside the windows and improper layout.

View from the window

An ideal house can only be if you yourself have chosen the site for construction, adapted the project to the rules of Feng Shui and correlated the location of the rooms with the location of the sectors “responsible” for certain aspects of life. If you live in an apartment or have moved into a ready-made cottage, then there will definitely be something that interferes with the harmonious flow of Qi energy or completely destroys it. However, this can and must be fought.

The first thing you should pay attention to is the view from the window. If there is a power line under your windows at a distance of up to 15 meters, there are no trees at all, there is another house almost right next to it, or there is construction going on in the visible space, then this will negatively affect the energy of your home.

In order to neutralize Sha (bad energy), it is recommended to keep plants on the windowsill that absorb negativity: geranium, basil or cacti (the more unfavorable the situation outside your window, the longer the cactus spines should be).

In addition, it is advisable to hang a Bagua mirror on each window with the reflective side facing out. They will not allow negative energy to enter your home, and accordingly, the overall atmosphere of the premises will improve.

Wind chimes will also be a good protector. A Chinese pagoda with 5 or 7 tubes, as well as a bell decorated with feathers, is best suited for a window. In this case, the material from which your Aeolian harp will be made is not so important. The main thing is that you like the sound that this “musical instrument” makes.

Corners, mirrors and wall color

The abundance of sharp corners also negatively affects the energy of the house. It is, of course, impossible to remove them - you can’t convert square and rectangular furniture into round ones, but you can easily neutralize their impact. Hang small crystal balls on chandeliers or floor lamps, and place round vases on tables. In this way, you will balance the flows of positive and negative energy, and accordingly, there will be much more favorable events in your life.

In order not to aggravate the negative, choose the location of the mirrors correctly. You should not hang them so that objects with pointed corners are reflected in them. It’s best when mirrors double the number of useful things - round jewelry boxes, house plants, sets of dishes. This not only strengthens Qi, but increases your well-being and also promotes peace of mind.

Feng Shui house: basic rules

The color of the walls will also help you stabilize the energy situation. If you have too many sharp corners in any room, and also if your kitchen has an abundance of knives, forks and other sharp objects that you do not put in drawers, then it is best to use yellow wall coverings. They perform several functions at once: visually enlarge the space, make the room sunny and joyful, calm the nervous system and neutralize the flow of Sha.

The color green will also help balance energy. However, it is important to remember that light green and grassy colors help improve performance and give a boost of energy, while dark green, bottle green and rich emerald green, on the contrary, relax. That is, the color that is perfect for the bedroom and living room will interfere with the work mood in the office.


In an ideal house, in which everything is adjusted to the principles of Feng Shui, each room should be in its place:

  • In the north, in the career zone, and in the south, in the sector of fame and self-realization, it is best to make an office.
  • In the west, in the zone of children and creativity, the location of a children's room or art workshop is favorable.
  • In the east, in the family and health sector, it is recommended to arrange living rooms and kitchens.
  • The center of the house is also a great place for a room in which everyone in the household gathers and in which you receive guests (but not for the kitchen).
  • In the north-west, in the zone of assistants and travel, it is advisable to arrange premises for storing equipment, as well as sports and tourist equipment - bicycles, balls, tents, etc., but it is better not to place a washing machine here.
  • In the northeast, in the sector of wisdom and knowledge, a library is located or a space is set up for the child where he will do his homework. In addition, this is the most suitable place for a computer.
  • In the southwest there is a sector of love and marriage, respectively, this is an ideal area for a bedroom.
  • In the southeast, in the zone of wealth, you can set up an office, a safe, a workplace, but you shouldn’t set up a kitchen and make a fireplace here.

Feng Shui house: basic rules

As mentioned above, this is the ideal arrangement of rooms, but in reality it is rarely possible to unquestioningly follow the principles of Feng Shui. In addition, in apartment buildings in the designated sectors there may be storage rooms, bathrooms and toilet rooms, and hallways. And that is why it makes sense not to rebuild the room, but to activate the zones you need in the places available for this. Often, simply rearranging the furniture is enough to achieve a positive effect.

So, for example, if you don't have a bedroom, then place the sofa you sleep on in the far right corner of the room. Arrange your workplace (desk, computer) in the middle of the wall opposite the entrance or in the far left corner of the room, and place the dining table in the center of the left side of the kitchen or living room. This way you will follow the basic rules of Feng Shui without making any special changes to the layout of your home.

Clean up
Always keep your home clean. For the unhindered flow of Qi, sharp corners and unfavorable objects outside the window are not as dangerous as “deposits” of unnecessary things and dirt under cabinets and beds.

Use talismans
Feng Shui talismans, affirmations and objects related to the elements to which this or that sector belongs will help you activate zones.

Hello to all my readers and subscribers. Today I decided to once again tell you about the main thing - what Feng Shui is, in simple words. Without dry translations, such as “wind and water”. And to explain, so to speak, “in human language.” The fact is that sometimes I get asked the following questions in the comments:

And Alexander is partly right, but not entirely. And why? I'll tell you everything in order.

Where did Feng Shui begin?

According to legend, the mythical progenitor of the Chinese civilization, Fu-Xi, once received a tortoise shell with a magic square and symbols inscribed on it. He received it for professional hydraulic engineering work on the Lo River. In China, as elsewhere, floods were a disaster for peasants; they flooded fields. It is not surprising that a competent hydraulic engineer was revered as a deity.

The main tool of a Feng Shui master is a special compass, created on the basis of a magic square. This is a complex instrument that allows you to take into account many factors: seasons, the location of stars, geographic and magnetic poles, and a lot of special ancient Chinese concepts.

Later, based on the magic square and the doctrine of energies, a complex system was developed for the proper planning of the burial of the dead, the construction of houses, the creation of interiors and all life. Alexander, this is relevant to your question.

In general, real Feng Shui involves complex mathematical calculations, comparable to the calculation of cosmological processes. The services of masters at that time cost incredible amounts of money, so only members of the elite used the secrets of Feng Shui.

How and why did Feng Shui come to the West?

The most difficult calculations, an abundance of complex philosophical concepts and astronomical observations turned out to be too complex for Europeans. In 1986 in America, Chinese-American Thomas Lin Yu adapted ancient science for Westerners. He divided all spaces into 8 sectors: wealth, health, career, sex, money, etc. Everything that is in demand in the Western world.

Today, the world's largest corporations and banks use the services of masters of ancient Chinese science. In the architecture of business projects and office interiors, recommendations for color and spatial solutions are used in accordance with the rules of Qi circulation.

However, not all business owners know (or know, but do not follow) the rules of Feng Shui. But in vain. When inviting a designer for interior decoration, people often forget to look at what is outside, and most importantly, what is the entrance to the room.

In one of her interviews, Natalya Pravdina, when asked about typical Feng Shui mistakes, said the following: “At one time, when I lived in America, I noticed the following situation... Not far from my home (so I had the opportunity to observe some time) there was a bank building, opposite which there was a sculpture, you know, in the Art Nouveau style, with sharp edges, so not harmonious all over. It was aimed right at the front door of this bank.

So, after some time, the bank went bankrupt - it left, then some company moved into this building, existed in this place for three months, went bankrupt and left. Then again, some other company was also there not for long, and so on endlessly. You see, and no one, I am sure of this, could fully find the reason why this happens. And I’ll tell you, if the feng shui of a building is initially bad, then companies will not thrive there.”

One more example. The Bellagio Hotel in Las Vegas was built 100% according to all the canons of Feng Shui. Its owner, Steve Wayne, is a famous multi-billionaire. He originally built a hotel in Las Vegas, which he called Tropicana, everything there is also based on Feng Shui. He gave him the opportunity to develop and get rich. Moreover, it is in this Tropicana hotel that a real white tiger lives, which we can observe live (one of several individuals in the world). Like this. Why does he live there? Because Steve Wayne knows perfectly well what Feng Shui is!

East and West - confrontation

It is very important in Feng Shui to determine the personal. The Gua formula should be used when arranging furniture and home interior items. Each person has his own Gua, it means that he belongs to the Western or Eastern group of people, and also determines the favorable or unfavorable sides of the world.

According to Feng Shui, “Eastern” and “Western” people are always in conflict. Perhaps this explains the current economic and political contradictions between the West and the East. In any case, there is evidence that secret Feng Shui techniques are still actively used in big politics today.

The role of talismans in feng shui

Chinese philosophers believed that our earth is a living organism that is penetrated by a network of energy information channels - Lung Kmei. Chi energy circulates through them. Today, the presence of special energy lines has been confirmed by scientific research.

It has been scientifically proven that any body changes the surrounding space. The ancient Chinese believed that depending on the location and shape of objects, the flows of Qi energy that permeate the entire world change. This exactly explains the action.

In general, I would like to note that talismans “work” in the following way... Here, for example, is the well-known three-legged frog, or as it is also called the Feng Shui toad. Naturally, if you place it in the house, the frog itself will not start “spitting out” money to you. Although I would like it that way, I installed a toad, you wake up in the morning, and around it are green bills or gold coins. And you don't have to work. Beauty! Yes, it’s not harmful to dream...

But no, of course this won’t happen, but there will be some kind of coupling of our mental energy, our, let’s say, mental energy with the image of this frog. Because every time we look at her, we think: “She will bring us money, she will bring us money.” And she will bring you money. Because what we believe in is what we get.

Feng Shui and politics

Do you know why the global financial crisis broke out in 2008? It turns out that according to Feng Shui, the “wrong” money is being issued all over the world. The only “correct” country where banknotes met the requirements of Feng Shui is Malaysia. By the way, it really suffered the least from the crisis. It's all about the correct order of the digits of the number.

Have you ever noticed that our number on the 5 thousandth bill starts with smaller numbers and then increases. Have you ever wondered why this number is written like that? What does it mean? Previously, this was only on Malaysian banknotes exclusively.

At her lectures, the famous Feng Shui expert Natalya Pravdina showed listeners only Malaysian banknotes, confirming how competently Feng Shui is used in “knowledgeable” countries, even at the state level. This has been used in Malaysia and Singapore. Now we have decided to back up Russian money with numerology, but so far only on five thousand dollar bills. Feng Shui has reached us too.

That is, if the number starts with decreasing numbers, and then they increase in size, this is a sure sign that people know Feng Shui. This is good feng shui. In this case, the growth of the country's welfare is built directly into banknotes.

Feng Shui and Russia

If you look at it, by and large, Feng Shui is a teaching about harmony that exists in all civilizations. Every nation had ancient architects who, through trial and error, calculated the classical architectural canons. Feng Shui can be called a kind of architectural and landscape design, with the addition of geomancy and astronomy.

In Russia, Feng Shui has been known for a long time, it was called domostroy. In general, many Russian folk signs and customs exactly coincide with the canons of Feng Shui. Of course, our distant ancestors had never heard of any energies of Qi or Sha, Yang, Yin and other Chinese wisdom; they relied on ordinary common sense and everyday experience.

However, the more I study Chinese teachings, the more I see analogies with the signs and folk wisdom of the Russian people. For example, your grandmother probably told you, don’t sit on the corner, you won’t have good luck for seven years or you won’t get married, don’t look broken, etc. It's the same in Feng Shui!

Or, you know, many grandparents always had this handmade embroidered napkin that they used to cover the TV screen at night. Moreover, if you ask: “Why is this?” The answer was: “It will be calmer that way.” Folk wisdom! Feng Shui says the same thing, don’t have a TV in the bedroom, it’s very harmful, because too active energy goes straight to you, there will be no restful sleep.


In a word, in simple terms... Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese teaching about how to live in harmony with the world based on a balanced exchange of energies between nature and man.

It is known that the earth’s magnetic field is constantly changing, magnetic poles drift, and therefore Feng Shui cannot be done forever.

There is definitely something to Feng Shui. Many postulates of the ancient teaching are scientifically confirmed, but even truly serious masters of this teaching admit that correct Feng Shui can only help by 30%, and the rest depends on the person himself.

Meaning: wind-water Philippines Tagalog language: pungsoy Japan kanji: 風水 kiragana: ふうすい Korea hangul: 풍수 hancha: 風水 Thai Thai language : ฮวงจุ้ย ( Huang Jui) Vietnamese Vietnamese language : Phong thủy

Feng Shui attaches great importance to orientation in the area, the direction from which qi - energy comes. It is traditionally indicated on the compass using hieroglyphs (in China), where each direction/division/hieroglyph has its own properties. The Chinese compass "lopan" has several meanings, such as "spiral on a plate" and "everything in a bowl" (container of everything). It can have up to 360 divisions (one division for each degree), but the minimum is 4. These directions/divisions determine the quality of energy at a certain point in space and a person (in acupuncture, acupuncture, moxibustion, this system of divisions is also used - up to 360 points per human body).

Directions, parts of the room, types of life activities, furniture, trees, people and other surrounding objects are classified in accordance with the accepted notation system. The Chinese used a non-personalized system of elements of nature (fire, metal, water, wood, earth); in other cultures, the division of energy may be called differently. In China, the attributes of the “elements” determine harmony or disharmony at a specific point in space and time.

The Chinese summarized their knowledge of astronomy (using the cycles of rotation of the planets around the Sun and Moon) and created a system of divisions in their calendar through the symbolic designations of “heavenly trunks” and “earthly branches”, each of which carries the specific characteristics of one of the elements (fire, water, metal, wood, earth). The year, month, day and hour are indicated respectively by two hieroglyphs - “heavenly trunk” + “earthly branch”.

All seasons, therefore, had their own characteristics. The Chinese calendar used up to 24 seasons.

Feng Shui and I Ching


The place of Feng Shui in shaping fate and events

Taoist philosophy assigns feng shui one of the important places in shaping destiny:

  1. Heavenly happiness is what a person (or place) receives at birth;
  2. Human happiness is the conscious actions of a person (a person’s merits, thinking style, education and qualities of a person’s character, actions);
  3. Earthly happiness is earthly energy flows that affect events, health, relationships, etc. in time and space.

Basic schools of Feng Shui

  1. Sanhe (three harmonies).
  2. Sanyuan (three periods).
  3. Suankun Dagua (Dark Palace Hexagram) - uses 64 hexagrams depicted on the Luopan compass.
  4. Xuankong Feixing (Flying Star of the Dark Palace) - the popular “Flying Stars” system is part of this particular school.
  5. Bazhai (eight palaces).

Chinese Cultural Talismans Mistakenly Attributed to Feng Shui

  • Qing Long - Dragon
  • Qi Lin - Chinese unicorn
  • Feng Huang - Chinese Phoenix

see also


  1. David Daniel Kennedy Feng Shui for dummies = Feng Shui for Dummies - M.: “Dialectics”, 2010. - P. 336. - .
  1. Lilian Too. Feng Shui Basics. M.: AST Publishing House, Astrel, 2007, 256 p. ISBN 978-5-17-044645-2, 978-5-271-17115-4, 1-86204-768-5
  2. Ermakov M.E - Classical Feng Shui: Introduction to Chinese Geomancy.


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