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train to depot
Basic data
Lineups built
Cars built
Track width
In operation
Technical data
The type of current and voltage in the contact network

3 kV / ~25 kV

Number of wagons in the train
Passenger capacity
Wagon length

Electric train "Sokol-250"(ES250) - an experienced Russian high-speed two-system (can operate on both direct and alternating current) electric train, which was developed over seven years, a prototype was assembled by 2000 with the assistance of the then Minister of Railways Aksyonenko and RAO VSM.

One of the "fathers" of the electric train is Igor Dmitrievich Spassky, who has been the deputy chief designer of nuclear submarines since 1956 and, in fact, is the founder of the domestic military submarine fleet (during the design of the electric train he was the general designer of the Rubin Central Design Bureau of Marine Engineering ).

Prerequisites for the creation of a domestic high-speed electric train

In 1988, the leadership of the USSR approved the program "High-speed environmentally friendly transport", then in our country the development of technical means for mastering high speeds on railways began. Then, on the Moscow-Leningrad line, the first composition of the ER-200 electric train appeared, which in some sections could reach a speed of two hundred kilometers per hour, but it could not solve the problem of passenger transportation between the two capitals. Since then, the trains of this series have remained, which are still successfully operating. The transition to a new high-speed threshold on the railway of 250-350 kilometers per hour can be figuratively compared with overcoming the "sound barrier" in aviation. On the one hand, according to academician Igor Spassky, this is a natural consequence of the development of technology. Many countries of the world have come to understand the possibility and necessity of using the accumulated "critical mass" of the most advanced technologies of radio-electronic, aviation, space production, and military shipbuilding on the railways. High-speed rail traffic is an integral system. Locomotives of this type need special wagons adapted to work travel in the new speed range. Fundamentally new requirements are also imposed on the railway tracks themselves, on the organization of traffic and computerized control. A normative-technical and technical-economic base for construction was developed, and preparations were made for legislative registration of land allotment for the construction of a high-speed highway Moscow - St. Petersburg. High-speed rolling stock is a bunch of high, most advanced technologies and design solutions that belong not only to the latest modernity, but to tomorrow and even the day after tomorrow. According to Academician Igor Spassky, the design of the Sokol is no less complex and expensive than the design of a modern submarine. In the early 1990s, the concept of a new high-speed Sokol train was developed in two phased modifications: up to a speed of 250 kilometers per hour and up to a speed of 350 kilometers per hour.

Design development

The Sokol electric train was developed at the Rubin Central Design Bureau. But it is very important to note that it was created by the joint efforts of about sixty enterprises, including TsNIISET, the Almaz shipbuilding company, and the Titran Tikhvin transport engineering plant. The color of Russian science, the best designers, technologists, and the most highly skilled workers worked on this project. The high-speed bogie for the car was made by tank specialists from VNIItransmash, studies on the strength of car bodies were made by the Academician A. N. Krylov Central Research Institute, and the on-board computer control system was developed by NPO Avrora. It is also necessary to note the participation of 9 foreign companies. By 2000, a prototype Sokol was made with six cars for two types of current, direct and variable, with a design speed of 250 kilometers per hour. Since April 2002, the experimental Sokol train has been at the manufacturing plant of CJSC Tikhvin Transport Engineering Plant Titran. comparable to the cost of one ordinary mass-produced train such as the French TGV, German ICE or Italian Pendolino, which are considered world leaders in high-speed rail transport.

Experienced electric train

File:High-speed electric train Sokol.JPG

Electric train Sokol in the depot.

Further fate and disadvantages

The Russian Academy of Sciences and VNIIZhT prepared a conclusion on the Sokol's compliance with most of the indicators of the terms of reference approved by the Ministry of Railways and the current world standards. The tests confirmed the possibility of creating a modern high-speed economical rolling stock, a contact network and security systems on the Moscow-Petersburg highway. As usual, it was proposed to refine the shortcomings of the prototype identified during the tests. During the tests of the composition, which took place in 2001-2002, the state commission found more than 50 shortcomings [ source not specified 317 days] , directly related to traffic safety, which may seem strange, if only because the experts during the tests emphasized the introduction of a system of energy absorbers and “sacrificial zones” of the body, which protects passengers in a frontal impact and so far has no analogues in world practice:

  1. The coefficient of resistance to fatigue of welded joints of AB2-2 steel in the most loaded units of the bogie frame is 0.85-1.8, with the minimum allowable index not less than 2.0;
  2. In motor cars, overheating of the brake discs up to 500 degrees is observed with an allowable overheating of no more than 80 degrees. Failures in the operation of the anti-lock (anti-skid) system lead to unauthorized filling of brake cylinders with air, which threatens to jam the wheel sets. The design and materials of the disc brake pads do not provide the required resource of 300,000 km. The magnetic rail brake drive system does not provide parallel release and retention of the shoes on the rails during braking, which threatens the safety of movement on turnouts;
  3. With the existing design, the current collector TP-250 cannot be used for permanent operation;
  4. Life support systems:
    1. two-level air treatment in the cabin is not implemented;
    2. the noise levels in the cabin during the operation of the air conditioner and ventilation are exceeded;
    3. the required tightness of the car is not provided;
    4. air mobility in passenger seats located near windows is 2.5 times higher than the maximum allowable;
    5. in the air environment of passenger compartments, the levels of the maximum permissible concentration of degradation products of polymeric structural materials for the lining of wagons were exceeded;
    6. the air duct system does not ensure the safety of passengers in case of fire;
    7. the thermal quality of the windows and the thermal insulation of the cars do not meet the technical requirements.

For these and a number of other reasons, the commissioning of the experimental Sokol train with passengers is impossible. [ source not specified 317 days]

Everyone traveled by long-distance trains. Some more, some less. I don't do it very often, on average 2-6 times a quarter. Basically I take a reserved seat, because. the meaning of overpaying for a coupe is doubtful for me (it’s also lousy if it’s not branded), but seated ones are generally tin. Although there are exceptions.
Thinking about them, I decided to systematize and write all this.

1) Some time ago I was traveling to the Tver region along the Moscow-Riga railway (actually by train along this route, now it seems to be non-existent) in a seated carriage with easy chairs. This is not an exact photo, but the closest one to that car.

Significantly different from the usual seated cars, which also had to ride.

2) This summer, when the wild smog had not yet begun, I sent my wife (in position) under St. Petersburg. Since it is difficult to ride in our trains (tin with ventilation, especially in the heat that it was), I sent it to Peregrine Falcon. I myself was not going to go, but when the terrible smog came I decided to join. There were no tickets, but I'm lucky. Due to the fact that the airports worked somehow, Russian Railways launched two trains to St. Petersburg additionally, at quite reasonable prices (seated 700 rubles, reserved seat - 1200 rubles, coupe - 1500 rubles). the heat was still standing, and I decided to take a coupe to go for 12 hours (it was a long walk) (at least breathe a little easier). Here a surprise awaited me. The composition was prefabricated, i.e. wagons hitched xs where. In particular, there were two compartment cars nearby, not mine.

And what about in the USSR?
‘On the railways of the USSR in 1965-1966. a set of works was completed to determine the main parameters of rolling stock with a design speed of 200-250 km/h. In 1967, the terms of reference for a 14-car DC electric train with a voltage of 3 kV of the ER200 type were approved. Scientific and design departments of industry were involved in this work. In total, more than 50 research institutes, design organizations and factories participated in the development and creation of the ER200 electric train.
In December 1973, an experimental electric train left the gates of the Riga Carriage Works.
In 1974, the electric train arrived for running-in and testing at the high-speed range of VNIIZhT Belorechenskaya - Maikop. Here, after factory adjustment and run-in tests at speeds up to 200 km / h, in 1975 complex acceptance tests were carried out. The tests were carried out according to two main programs: the first included the study of dynamic driving performance, the second - the study of traction and energy parameters. In 1975, for the first time, an electric train speed of 210 km/h was achieved on the Khanskaya-Belorechenskaya section. Tests have shown that the main traction and braking characteristics of the train meet the technical requirements and, according to the dynamic performance achieved at the test site at speeds of 200-210 km/h, it can be allowed to continue complex tests on the Oktyabrskaya railway.
Tests on the Oktyabrskaya road were carried out in 1976.
The work on checking the reliability of a number of critical units under operating conditions, their modernization and strengthening was carried out for about 6 years. Before the start of the permanent operation of the train with passengers, a lifting repair (TR-3) was carried out, the train systems were re-adjusted, and individual defects identified earlier at the high-speed range were eliminated.
Since March 1, 1984, the electric train has been put on a permanent thread in the train schedule.

Those. The USSR was, though not ahead of the rest, but in the lead for sure.
I focus on timing.
1) It took 1-2 years to agree on the TOR (for a non-engineer, the term may seem wild ... But in fact, for such a complex thing as a train, this is a normal time. TOR is an extremely important document for an engineer).
2) 6 years for the production of an experimental electric train.
3) 10 years for testing an experimental electric train and eliminating deficiencies. Those. Work on mistakes. Let me explain for non-engineers. There are always mistakes. Humans tend to make mistakes. Therefore, engineers are trying to use the experience gained earlier to the maximum. Nobody in the USSR had such experience. It was new all over the world. Yes, and still. Testing and troubleshooting is an integral part of the job. Otherwise, it is a raw product. And for the train it is also unsafe. For example, only in 1998 in Germany, an ICE (Inter City Express) high-speed train, an analogue of TGV, traveling from Munich to Hamburg, ran into a bridge support at a speed of 200 km / h, as a result of which 102 people died and 88 were seriously injured. As a result of this accident, it turned out that at such a speed the classic layout of cars (ie the car is placed on two bogies, two pairs of wheels in each) is unsafe. The peregrine falcon, by the way, is also built according to the same scheme. So, according to the results of the investigation, the engineers came to the conclusion to combine the cars. those. two wagons are now mounted on three bogies.

Yes, and now there are accidents that give engineers food for thought ... Ie. We take it as an axiom that it will not work right away as it should. This is what prototyping, testing and error correction are for.
But this is all digression... Most importantly, it took 18 years for such a difficult task! Imagine the resources that were spent on this.
But there was a result. Here he is.

Electric train ER-200. By the way, this old man (after all, he did it 50 years ago!) Passed his last journey from Moscow to St. Petersburg in the same time as the brand new Peregrine Falcon. He, like Sapsan, was given a green line.

But the ER-200 is really an old man, and we need a new, beautiful, competitive one ... But we didn’t do that ...
Or did?


train to depot

Basic data
Lineups built
Cars built
Track width
In operation
Technical data
The type of current and voltage in the contact network

3 kV / ~25 kV

Number of wagons in the train
Passenger capacity
Wagon length

Electric train "Sokol-250"(ES250) - an experienced Russian high-speed two-system (can operate on both direct and alternating current) electric train, which was developed over seven years, a prototype was assembled by 2000 with the assistance of the then Minister of Railways Aksyonenko and RAO VSM.

One of the "fathers" of the electric train is Igor Dmitrievich Spassky, who has been the deputy chief designer of nuclear submarines since 1956 and, in fact, is the founder of the domestic military submarine fleet (during the design of the electric train he was the general designer of the Rubin Central Design Bureau of Marine Engineering ).

Prerequisites for the creation of a domestic high-speed electric train

In 1988, the leadership of the USSR approved the program "High-speed environmentally friendly transport", then in our country the development of technical means for mastering high speeds on railways began. Then, on the Moscow-Leningrad line, the first composition of the ER-200 electric train appeared, which in some sections could reach a speed of two hundred kilometers per hour, but it could not solve the problem of passenger transportation between the two capitals. Since then, the trains of this series have remained, which are still successfully operating. The transition to a new high-speed threshold on the railway of 250-350 kilometers per hour can be figuratively compared with overcoming the "sound barrier" in aviation. On the one hand, according to academician Igor Spassky, this is a natural consequence of the development of technology. Many countries of the world have come to understand the possibility and necessity of using the accumulated "critical mass" of the most advanced technologies of radio-electronic, aviation, space production, and military shipbuilding on the railways. High-speed rail traffic is an integral system. Locomotives of this type need special wagons adapted to work travel in the new speed range. Fundamentally new requirements are also imposed on the railway tracks themselves, on the organization of traffic and computerized control. A normative-technical and technical-economic base for construction was developed, and preparations were made for legislative registration of land allotment for the construction of a high-speed highway Moscow - St. Petersburg. High-speed rolling stock is a bunch of high, most advanced technologies and design solutions that belong not only to the latest modernity, but to tomorrow and even the day after tomorrow. According to Academician Igor Spassky, the design of the Sokol is no less complex and expensive than the design of a modern submarine. In the early 1990s, the concept of a new high-speed Sokol train was developed in two phased modifications: up to a speed of 250 kilometers per hour and up to a speed of 350 kilometers per hour.

Design development

The Sokol electric train was developed at the Rubin Central Design Bureau. But it is very important to note that it was created by the joint efforts of about sixty enterprises, including TsNIISET, the Almaz shipbuilding company, and the Titran Tikhvin transport engineering plant. The color of Russian science, the best designers, technologists, and the most highly skilled workers worked on this project. The high-speed bogie for the car was made by tank specialists from VNIItransmash, studies on the strength of car bodies were made by the Academician A. N. Krylov Central Research Institute, and the on-board computer control system was developed by NPO Avrora. It is also necessary to note the participation of 9 foreign companies. By 2000, a prototype Sokol was made with six cars for two types of current, direct and variable, with a design speed of 250 kilometers per hour. Since April 2002, the experimental Sokol train has been at the manufacturing plant of CJSC Tikhvin Transport Engineering Plant Titran. comparable to the cost of one ordinary mass-produced train such as the French TGV, German ICE or Italian Pendolino, which are considered world leaders in high-speed rail transport.

Experienced electric train

Electric train Sokol in the depot.

Further fate and disadvantages

The Russian Academy of Sciences and VNIIZhT prepared a conclusion on the Sokol's compliance with most of the indicators of the terms of reference approved by the Ministry of Railways and the current world standards. The tests confirmed the possibility of creating a modern high-speed economical rolling stock, a contact network and security systems on the Moscow-Petersburg highway. As usual, it was proposed to refine the shortcomings of the prototype identified during the tests. During the tests of the composition, which took place in 2001-2002, the state commission found more than 50 shortcomings directly related to traffic safety, which may seem strange, if only because the experts during the tests emphasized the introduction of a system of energy absorbers and "sacrificial zones" of the body, which protects passengers in a frontal impact and so far has no analogues in world practice:

  1. The coefficient of resistance to fatigue of welded joints of AB2-2 steel in the most loaded units of the bogie frame is 0.85-1.8, with the minimum allowable index not less than 2.0;
  2. In motor cars, overheating of the brake discs up to 500 degrees is observed with an allowable overheating of no more than 80 degrees. Failures in the operation of the anti-lock (anti-skid) system lead to unauthorized filling of brake cylinders with air, which threatens to jam the wheel sets. The design and materials of the disc brake pads do not provide the required resource of 300,000 km. The magnetic rail brake drive system does not provide parallel release and retention of the shoes on the rails during braking, which threatens the safety of movement on turnouts;
  3. With the existing design, the current collector TP-250 cannot be used for permanent operation;
  4. Life support systems:
    1. two-level air treatment in the cabin is not implemented;
    2. the noise levels in the cabin during the operation of the air conditioner and ventilation are exceeded;
    3. the required tightness of the car is not provided;
    4. air mobility in passenger seats located near windows is 2.5 times higher than the maximum allowable;
    5. in the air environment of passenger compartments, the levels of the maximum permissible concentration of degradation products of polymeric structural materials for the lining of wagons were exceeded;
    6. the air duct system does not ensure the safety of passengers in case of fire;
    7. the thermal quality of the windows and the thermal insulation of the cars do not meet the technical requirements.

For these and a number of other reasons, the commissioning of the experimental Sokol train with passengers is impossible.


  • Ed. Boravskaya E.N., Shapilov E.D. High-speed electric train "Sokol" // High-speed and high-speed railway transport / Kovalev I.P. - St. Petersburg: GIIPP "Art of Russia", 2001. - T. 1. - P. 143-156. - 2,000 copies. - ISBN 5-93518-012-X
  • Song about the Falcon // Lokotrans. - Stavropol: 2003. - No. 5. - P. 24.
  • Pavel Bylevsky FLIGHT OF "FALCON" // Tomorrow. - Stavropol: 2006. - No. 1.


The terms of reference for the creation of a new generation high-speed electric train, later called Sokol, was developed by RAO VSM in 1993.

As the leading design organization, RAO "VSM" attracted the Central Design Bureau of MT "Rubin". In total, more than 60 organizations took part in the creation of the Sokol. The supply of individual components and materials for the Sokol was carried out by more than 100 Russian enterprises. The production of a prototype Sokol train began in February 1998.

The total cost of the project was $450 million. The record speed, which Sokol developed on June 29, 2001, was 236 km / h.

Sokol-250 was not in operation for a single day. It was written off in 2002. Recently, Russian Railways decided to transfer a prototype train: a locomotive and six cars for study by students of two railway universities: Moscow and St. Petersburg. To do this, the composition will be divided into two parts. Who will get the locomotive is unknown.

The train is currently at the Metallostroy depot. Universities do not know why the transfer process has stalled. According to one version, this is due to the fact that Sokol is an asset of the bankrupt RAO VSM. The department of the federal tax service confirmed to us that they were instructed to manage the assets, but refused to give any details about the future that awaits the electric locomotive and wagons. In any case, the property in the form of a train was claimed back in 2004, and since then the Federal Tax Service has not been able to get it out of hand or come up with some kind of effective implementation scheme.

The train traveled 60,000 kilometers during the tests, performed almost all the pirouettes, - says Igor Kiselev, Vice-Rector of PGUPS. - It can be said that we did not have enough last efforts to put it into motion, and specifically, we did not have enough confidence among people who could break through this project, achieve its completion. I myself believe that Gennady Fadeev, who torpedoed this project when he was the head of the Ministry of Railways, is personally responsible for the collapse of this direction. In all countries, the creation of a high-speed train takes from 8 to 10 years. And I studied these processes in Germany, Canada and other countries, and I remember very well that during the years of the creation of the Falcon, in the late 90s, our creators did not lag behind the European ones in anything. We implemented everything at the same speed with which these processes were going on in the West. And then they all buried at once. At first, comments appeared, they were eliminated, but they stopped giving money for eliminations, and then they completely curtailed funding. When the train was 90 percent ready.

Is it possible to restore the Sokol project now?

Now the most important thing is lost - the team. Where now to look for people who held all the threads in their hands? After all, it was a unique team of specialists. And the train itself? Structural solutions do not become obsolete, so it may be interesting for students. The body and bogie designs are still unique in their own way.

The name "Falcon" comes from the fastest bird, the number 250 - from the speed that he had to overcome. The machine-building plant in Tikhvin, or rather, its production site, was named Sokol-350, because the figures for the future record were adjusted.

A comment

Representatives of the Sokol-250 developer - Rubin Central Design Bureau - explained the fate of the project.

The Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and Vnesheconombank appealed to the Arbitration Court of St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region with a demand to recover the property of RAO VSM, including the design and technical documentation for the Sokol train. If the documentation for the train is transferred to the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Finance and VEB, can a buyer be found for it?

The Rubin Central Design Bureau is not entitled to comment on the actions of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and Vnesheconombank. As for the project, an experimental 6-car train set of the Sokol-250 train was completed in October 2000 at the Titran transport engineering plant in Tikhvin (the car bodies were built on the site of the Almaz shipbuilding company). In January-May 2001, various types of tests were carried out (brake, dynamic-strength, traction-energy). The train was tested both on the main course of the Oktyabrskaya Mainline and on the test ring of the All-Russian Research Institute of Railway Transport (Shcherbinka station of the Moscow Railway). On March 18, 2001, a speed of 175 km/h was reached on the St. Petersburg-Moscow highway, 192 km/h on March 21, 2001, and 204 km/h on April 28, 2001. On June 29, 2001, the Sokol electric train reached a speed of 236 km / h.

In July 2001, a meeting of the interdepartmental commission of the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation was held. In the conclusion of the commission, approved by the deputy. Minister of Railways of the Russian Federation Sergey Gapeev, there were a number of technical and technological comments on the train systems, for example: to carry out design and technological refinement to strengthen the bogie frame; complete work on improving the air suspension system; finalize the disc brake drives of non-motorized cars and work out the designs of the disc brakes of motorized cars; to refine the magnetic rail brake drive system. The elimination of all these remarks presented no technical difficulties.

At the same time, the train was distinguished by the following: to ensure safety in the event of emergency collisions, energy-absorbing elements were installed in the bow and stern parts of the train. In a head-on collision, this significantly increased the safety of drivers and passengers; the new asynchronous drive provided 20% energy savings compared to other trains, for example, ER-200; the design of the train is such that in the event of an accident, the vestibules would “crumple” and the cars would not “crumple”, ensuring the safety of passengers.

After the Central Design Bureau of MT Rubin eliminated the comments, the interdepartmental commission of the Ministry of Railways of the Russian Federation recommended that mass production of the Sokol-250 high-speed train be started on direct current and continue testing on alternating current. Further tests showed that the train was capable of reaching a speed of 250 km/h. All this time, the Ministers of Railways of the Russian Federation Anatoly Zaitsev and Nikolai Aksenenko, as well as their deputies, directly monitored the progress of work.

- Why were the comments not corrected?

All of the above comments have been corrected. However, tests that would confirm this were not fully carried out. A small amount was required to complete them, but it was not allocated.

- Who has the design documentation of the train on the balance sheet now?

In 1994, RAO High-Speed ​​Railroads entered into an agreement with FSUE Central Design Bureau MT Rubin. In accordance with this agreement, Rubin transferred the technical design and working design documentation for the Sokol-250 prototype train to RAO VSM.

- Are these developments being applied now or are they a subject of dispute?

Developments are not currently the subject of a legal dispute. Some technical solutions have found application in the core activities of the Rubin Central Design Bureau MT. In addition, the Central Design Bureau MT Rubin developed proposals for the creation of a diesel-electric train for suburban and local traffic, including those with double-deck cars, as well as a double-deck long-distance sleeping car, a cabin made of composite material for a suburban electric train and a whole range of technological equipment for repair work of wagons in the depot.

- Would Rubin want to get the Sokol-250 train for itself?

For TsKB MT "Rubin" this is not necessary. However, if an appropriate decision is made, the Rubin Central Design Bureau is ready to offer its experience in creating complex technical facilities in the field of transport /

Technical data The type of current and voltage in the contact network

3 kV / ~25 kV

Design speed Number of wagons in the train Passenger capacity Wagon length Width Tare weight

356 (composition of 6 cars)

Electric train "Sokol-250" (ES250), better known as simply " Falcon"- an experimental Russian high-speed dual-powered electric train (it can operate both on direct and alternating current), which has been developed over the course of seven years by a number of design bureaus. A prototype was assembled by 2000 with the assistance of the then Minister of Railways Aksyonenko and RAO VSM.

Design development

The Sokol electric train was developed at the Rubin Central Design Bureau for Marine Engineering. It was created by the joint efforts of about sixty enterprises, including the Central Research Institute of Ship Electrical Engineering and Technology, the Almaz shipbuilding company, and the Titran Tikhvin transport engineering plant. A high-speed bogie for the car was created at VNIItransmash, studies on the strength of car hulls were carried out at the Central Research Institute of Shipbuilding named after academician A. N. Krylov, the on-board computer control system was developed at NPO Avrora. By 2000, a prototype Sokol was made with six cars for two types of current, direct and variable, with a design speed of 250 kilometers per hour.

Experienced electric train

Further fate and disadvantages

The Russian Academy of Sciences and VNIIZhT have prepared a conclusion on the compliance of the Sokol with most of the indicators of the terms of reference approved by the Ministry of Railways and the current international standards. The tests confirmed the possibility of creating a modern high-speed economical rolling stock, a contact network and security systems on the Moscow-Petersburg highway. At the same time, during the tests in 2001-2002, the state commission found 25 shortcomings that are directly related to traffic safety.

During acceptance tests in June 2001, on the stretch Doroshikha - Likhoslavl, the electric train set a speed record of 236 km / h.

Among the shortcomings of the train were the following:

  1. The coefficient of resistance to fatigue of welded joints of AB2-2 steel in the most loaded units of the bogie frame is 0.85-1.8, with the minimum allowable index of at least 2.0;
  2. In motor cars, overheating of the brake discs up to 500 degrees is observed with an allowable overheating of no more than 80 degrees. Failures in the operation of the anti-lock (anti-skid) system lead to unauthorized filling of brake cylinders with air, which threatens to jam the wheel sets. The design and materials of the disc brake pads do not provide the required resource of 300,000 km. The magnetic rail brake drive system does not provide parallel release and retention of the shoes on the rails during braking, which threatens the safety of movement on turnouts;
  3. With the existing design, the current collector TP-250 cannot be used for permanent operation;
  4. Life support systems:
    1. two-level air treatment in the cabin is not implemented;
    2. the noise levels in the cabin during the operation of the air conditioner and ventilation are exceeded;
    3. the required tightness of the car is not provided;
    4. air mobility in passenger seats located near windows is 2.5 times higher than the maximum allowable;
    5. in the air environment of passenger compartments, the levels of maximum permissible concentrations of degradation products of polymeric structural materials for car sheathing were exceeded;
    6. the air duct system does not ensure the safety of passengers in case of fire;
    7. the thermal quality of the windows and the thermal insulation of the cars do not meet the technical requirements.

ES250 carriages (No. 102 103 104) arrived at the museum at the Rizhsky railway station on October 27, 2012. Cars No. 101, 105 and 106 are located at the reserve base of the Central Museum of the October Railway (Steam Museum station, Vitebsk direction of the October Railway).



    "Falcon" at uncoupling

    commemorative clock with the image of the "Falcon"

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  • Ed. Boravskaya E.N., Shapilov E.D. High-speed electric train "Sokol" // High-speed and high-speed railway transport / Kovalev I.P. - St. Petersburg: GIIPP "Art of Russia", 2001. - T. 1. - P. 143-156. - 2,000 copies. - ISBN 5-93518-012-X.
  • Song about the Falcon // Lokotrans. - Stavropol, 2003. - No. 5. - S. 24.
  • Pavel Bylevsky FLIGHT OF "FALCON" // Tomorrow. - Stavropol, 2006. - No. 1.


An excerpt characterizing the Falcon-250

- Non, dites lui que je ne veux pas le voir, que je suis furieuse contre lui, parce qu "il m" a manque parole. [No, tell him that I don't want to see him, that I'm furious against him because he didn't keep his word to me.]
- Comtesse a tout peche misericorde, [Countess, mercy to every sin.] - said, entering, a young blond man with a long face and nose.
The old princess rose respectfully and sat down. The young man who entered ignored her. The princess nodded her daughter's head and swam to the door.
“No, she is right,” thought the old princess, all of whose convictions were destroyed before the appearance of his highness. - She is right; but how is it that in our irretrievable youth we did not know this? And it was so simple, ”the old princess thought, getting into the carriage.

At the beginning of August, Helen's case was completely decided, and she wrote a letter to her husband (who she thought was very fond of her) in which she informed him of her intention to marry NN and that she had entered into the one true religion and that she asks him to complete all the formalities necessary for the divorce, which the bearer of this letter will convey to him.
“Sur ce je prie Dieu, mon ami, de vous avoir sous sa sainte et puissante garde. Votre amie Helene.
[“Then I pray to God that you, my friend, be under his holy strong cover. Your friend Elena"]
This letter was brought to Pierre's house while he was on the Borodino field.

The second time, already at the end of the Battle of Borodino, having escaped from the Raevsky battery, Pierre with crowds of soldiers headed along the ravine to Knyazkov, reached the dressing station and, seeing blood and hearing screams and groans, hastily moved on, getting mixed up in the crowds of soldiers.
One thing that Pierre now wanted with all the strength of his soul was to get out of those terrible impressions in which he lived that day as soon as possible, return to the usual conditions of life and fall asleep peacefully in the room on his bed. Only under ordinary conditions of life did he feel that he would be able to understand himself and all that he had seen and experienced. But these ordinary conditions of life were nowhere to be found.
Although the balls and bullets did not whistle here along the road along which he walked, but from all sides it was the same as it was there, on the battlefield. There were the same suffering, tormented and sometimes strangely indifferent faces, the same blood, the same soldier's greatcoats, the same sounds of shooting, although distant, but still terrifying; in addition, there was stuffiness and dust.
After walking about three versts along the high Mozhaisk road, Pierre sat down on its edge.
Twilight descended on the earth, and the rumble of the guns subsided. Pierre, leaning on his arm, lay down and lay for such a long time, looking at the shadows moving past him in the darkness. Incessantly it seemed to him that with a terrible whistle a cannonball flew at him; he winced and got up. He did not remember how long he had been here. In the middle of the night, three soldiers, dragging branches, placed themselves beside him and began to make fire.
The soldiers, looking sideways at Pierre, kindled a fire, put a bowler hat on it, crumbled crackers into it and put lard. The pleasant smell of edible and greasy food merged with the smell of smoke. Pierre got up and sighed. The soldiers (there were three of them) ate, not paying attention to Pierre, and talked among themselves.
- Yes, which one will you be? one of the soldiers suddenly turned to Pierre, obviously meaning by this question what Pierre thought, namely: if you want to eat, we will give, just tell me, are you an honest person?
- I? me? .. - said Pierre, feeling the need to belittle his social position as much as possible in order to be closer and more understandable to the soldiers. - I'm a real militia officer, only my squad is not here; I came to the battle and lost mine.
- You see! one of the soldiers said.
The other soldier shook his head.
- Well, eat, if you want, kavardachka! - said the first and gave Pierre, licking it, a wooden spoon.
Pierre sat down by the fire and began to eat the kavardachok, the food that was in the pot and which seemed to him the most delicious of all the foods he had ever eaten. While he greedily, bending over the cauldron, taking away large spoons, chewed one after another and his face was visible in the light of the fire, the soldiers silently looked at him.
- Where do you need it? You say! one of them asked again.
- I'm in Mozhaisk.
- You, became, sir?
- Yes.
- What's your name?
- Pyotr Kirillovich.
- Well, Pyotr Kirillovich, let's go, we'll take you. In complete darkness, the soldiers, together with Pierre, went to Mozhaisk.
The roosters were already crowing when they reached Mozhaisk and began to climb the steep city mountain. Pierre walked along with the soldiers, completely forgetting that his inn was below the mountain and that he had already passed it. He would not have remembered this (he was in such a state of bewilderment) if his bereator had not run into him on the half of the mountain, who went to look for him around the city and returned back to his inn. The landlord recognized Pierre by his hat, which shone white in the darkness.
“Your Excellency,” he said, “we are desperate. What are you walking? Where are you, please!
“Oh yes,” said Pierre.
The soldiers paused.
Well, did you find yours? one of them said.
- Well, goodbye! Pyotr Kirillovich, it seems? Farewell, Pyotr Kirillovich! other voices said.
“Goodbye,” said Pierre and went with his bereator to the inn.
"We must give them!" thought Pierre, reaching for his pocket. “No, don’t,” a voice told him.
There was no room in the upper rooms of the inn: everyone was busy. Pierre went into the yard and, covering himself with his head, lay down in his carriage.

As soon as Pierre laid his head on the pillow, he felt that he was falling asleep; but suddenly, with the clarity of almost reality, a boom, boom, boom of shots was heard, groans, screams, the slap of shells were heard, there was a smell of blood and gunpowder, and a feeling of horror, fear of death seized him. He opened his eyes in fear and lifted his head from under his overcoat. Everything was quiet outside. Only at the gate, talking to the janitor and slapping through the mud, was some kind of orderly. Above Pierre's head, under the dark underside of the plank canopy, doves fluttered from the movement he made while rising. A peaceful, joyful for Pierre at that moment, strong smell of an inn, the smell of hay, manure and tar was poured throughout the courtyard. Between the two black awnings one could see a clear starry sky.
“Thank God that this is no more,” thought Pierre, again closing his head. “Oh, how terrible fear is, and how shamefully I gave myself up to it! And they…they were firm, calm all the time, to the very end…” he thought. In Pierre's understanding, they were soldiers - those who were on the battery, and those who fed him, and those who prayed to the icon. They - these strange, hitherto unknown to him, they were clearly and sharply separated in his thoughts from all other people.
“To be a soldier, just a soldier! thought Pierre, falling asleep. – Enter this common life with your whole being, imbue with what makes them so. But how to throw off all this superfluous, diabolical, all the burden of this external person? One time I could be it. I could run away from my father as I wished. Even after the duel with Dolokhov, I could have been sent as a soldier.” And in Pierre's imagination flashed a dinner at the club where he summoned Dolokhov, and a benefactor in Torzhok. And now Pierre is presented with a solemn dining box. This lodge takes place in the English Club. And someone familiar, close, dear, is sitting at the end of the table. Yes it is! This is a benefactor. “Yes, he died? thought Pierre. - Yes, he died; but I didn't know he was alive. And how sorry I am that he died, and how glad I am that he is alive again! On one side of the table sat Anatole, Dolokhov, Nesvitsky, Denisov and others like him (the category of these people was just as clearly defined in Pierre’s soul in a dream, as was the category of those people whom he called them), and these people, Anatole, Dolokhov loudly shouted, sang; but behind their cry was heard the voice of the benefactor, speaking incessantly, and the sound of his words was as significant and continuous as the roar of the battlefield, but it was pleasant and comforting. Pierre did not understand what the benefactor was saying, but he knew (the category of thoughts was just as clear in the dream) that the benefactor spoke of goodness, of the possibility of being what they were. And they from all sides, with their simple, kind, firm faces, surrounded the benefactor. But although they were kind, they did not look at Pierre, did not know him. Pierre wanted to draw their attention to himself and say. He got up, but at the same instant his legs became cold and bare.