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Which side of the road should a cyclist ride on? Cycling in the city: rules and recommendations

At what age is it legal to ride a bicycle on the roadway? How to do this, are there any restrictions and requirements. Legislative norms by which legal relations are regulated.

Who is considered a cyclist?

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A cyclist is a full participant in transport traffic. According to clause 1.2 of the Russian Federation Traffic Regulations, a cyclist is a person who operates a bicycle. This transport appears as a means of transportation that has at least two wheels and is set in motion with the help of the muscular energy of the person driving this vehicle.

Since 2014, a rule has been introduced that a bicycle can have an electric motor with a power of up to 25 km/h. If exceeded, the vehicle is considered a moped.

Important! If a citizen walks next to a bicycle (drives it), then he is recognized as a pedestrian and is no longer subject to the rules intended for drivers.

Is it possible for them to move on the road?

Riding a bicycle on the road is permitted, as it is recognized as a valid means of transportation. However, legislation has introduced age requirements for cyclists riding on the road section.

So, we highlight the following criteria that establish at what age you can ride a bicycle on the roadway:

  1. Children under 7 years of age are allowed to move exclusively on the sidewalk and on special pedestrian paths. They can also drive in pedestrian areas.
  2. Children from 7 to 14 years old are allowed to move on the sidewalk, on paths and in pedestrian areas, as well as on bicycle paths.
  3. Persons over 14 years of age, in addition to the above options, are allowed to drive on sections of the road (along the edge of the roadway, as well as along the side of the road). However, with strict adherence to traffic rules.

The following areas can be identified where persons over 14 years of age can ride bicycles:

  1. Special bike path.
  2. The edge of the roadway.
  3. Roadside.
  4. Sidewalk or, if available, pedestrian path.

All these sections of the road are listed in descending order. In other words, each subsequent paragraph assumes that the previous option is missing. For example, you can move along the side of the road only if there is no special bike path or the opportunity to ride along the edge of the road.

Since 2015, cyclists have been allowed to ride in lanes reserved for buses and other types of public transport. An important condition is that this lane must be on the right side of the road and also have appropriate markings.

Traffic rules for cyclists

Bicyclists are subject to the same standard traffic rules as drivers, as they are equal subjects of traffic rules.

Thus, according to clause 24.8, cyclists are prohibited from:

  1. Operate the vehicle with one hand.
  2. Carry out transportation of cargo that protrudes more than 0.5 m beyond the dimensions or cargo that interferes with the control of the vehicle.
  3. Engage in the transportation of passengers if this is contrary to the design of the vehicle.
  4. Transport young children without special support.
  5. Ride a bicycle across a pedestrian crossing.
  6. Make a left turn or a U-turn on a road where there is tram traffic, as well as on roads that have more than one lane of passing traffic. The only way out of this situation is to get off the bike, become a pedestrian and cross to the right side of the road.
  7. Towing of bicycles and mopeds is prohibited.

In the dark, a cyclist must wear a reflective vest, and according to clause 19.1 of the Russian Traffic Regulations, lights or headlights must be installed on the bicycle at night or when visibility is insufficient. The characteristics of these devices are not specified.

Important! A cyclist is a full participant in transport traffic, as noted above, therefore, before maneuvering, he is obliged to give the appropriate signal. Since bicycles do not have turn signals, signals are given by hand.

The most common violations among cyclists should be noted. Driving towards cars on the road or driving at a pedestrian crossing. A bicycle is the same vehicle; it is assigned a certain section of the road. The above situations are a gross violation of traffic rules.

Since prohibitive norms have been mentioned, mention should be made of the liability that cyclists may incur. In the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, a bicycle is not considered a full-fledged vehicle. However, for such illegal acts there is a special norm - Art. 12.29 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Thus, sanctions against a cyclist occur in the following cases:

  1. Violation of any traffic rules may result in a fine of 800 rubles.
  2. Driving a bicycle while intoxicated may entail an increased fine, the amount of which is 1-1.5 thousand rubles.

It is also worth mentioning Article 12.30 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. If a citizen on a bicycle interferes with other cars with his maneuver, then the inspector has the right to assign him a fine of 1 thousand rubles.

If a citizen violated traffic rules through negligence, which resulted in harm to the life and health of another participant in the accident (normally considered mild or moderate severity), then a fine of 1-1.5 thousand rubles should be imposed.

Today, the program of discounts for paying fines continues to operate. The conditions are as follows: within 20 days after the ruling is issued, you are given a discount of 50% of the actual fine amount. You can pay the fine on the government services website, at traffic police ATMs, or at a branch of any bank.

Thus, cycling on the roadway is permitted from the age of 14. However, a cyclist, being an equal participant in traffic, must comply with traffic rules. Otherwise, he is subject to administrative liability.

1. Who is considered a cyclist?

According to clause 1.2 of the current traffic rules, a cyclist is a person driving a bicycle. A bicycle, in turn, is considered to be “a vehicle, other than a wheelchair, that has at least two wheels and is generally propelled by the muscular energy of the persons on the vehicle, in particular by means of pedals or handles, and can also have an electric motor with a rated maximum power in continuous load mode not exceeding 0.25 kW, automatically switching off at a speed of more than 25 km/h.”

Thus, a bicycle can, firstly, have more than two wheels, and secondly, an electric motor with a power of no more than 0.25 kW: if the power of the installed motor is higher, the vehicle (vehicle) will already be classified as a moped.

It is worth noting separately that according to the rules, pedestrians are considered to be persons “who use roller skates, scooters and other similar means for movement” - that is, a bicycle is considered to be a vehicle with a wheel drive (or wheels). In addition, if a person does not ride a bicycle, but carries it next to him, then he is also considered a pedestrian, not a cyclist.

Another note regarding the classification of a bicycle as a vehicle: the bicycle itself is a vehicle, but is not a motor vehicle, since the latter is understood as a “vehicle driven by an engine.” This is important in terms of the rules and penalties that apply to cyclists.

2. Can cyclists ride on roads?

The answer to the key question that worries many is yes. The traffic rules have a separate section 24 containing “Additional requirements for the movement of cyclists and moped drivers.” Paragraph 24.2 of this section allows the movement of cyclists on the right edge of the roadway. This, however, is permitted if “there are no bicycle paths, bicycle pedestrian paths, or a lane for cyclists, or there is no possibility of moving along them.”

Moreover, when driving on a road, a cyclist uses standard priority rules, and a car moving on a secondary road must yield to a cyclist moving on the main road. And paragraph 24.5 allows “the movement of a column of cyclists in two rows if the overall width of the bicycles does not exceed 0.75 m.” The only condition for this is that “the column of cyclists must be divided into groups of 10 cyclists in the case of single-lane traffic or into groups of 10 pairs in the case of double-lane traffic”, and “to facilitate overtaking, the distance between groups should be 80 - 100 m” .

Under normal conditions, according to clause 24.1, “the movement of cyclists over the age of 14 years must be carried out on bicycle paths, bicycle pedestrian paths or a lane for cyclists.” And one more thing: cyclists under 14 years of age are prohibited from riding on the roadway or on the side of the road.

3. What are cyclists prohibited from doing?

The list of additional prohibitions for bicycle drivers is regulated by clause 24.8 of the current traffic rules, and besides it, the traffic rules contain other points that mention restrictions on the movement of cyclists. Here we will highlight the main prohibitions regarding their movement on roads.

To begin with, cyclists are concerned with clause 2.7, which stipulates a ban on driving a vehicle, as well as talking on a mobile phone without using “hands-free” devices. The only nuance here is that the fines provided for violating the rules by cyclists are significantly lower than those for motorists - this will be discussed below.

Clause 16.1 prohibits the movement of cyclists on highways, as well as on roads marked with sign 5.3 - “Road for cars”.

Well, the notorious clause 24.8 prohibits cyclists from “turning left or turning around on roads with tram traffic and on roads that have more than one lane for traffic in a given direction,” as well as “crossing the road at pedestrian crossings.” Thus, in order to turn left, a cyclist will either have to do it “in two steps,” crossing the road to which he needs to turn, and then, stopping, enter it at the next traffic light, or dismount and cross the current road at a pedestrian crossing.

In addition, it is worth remembering that cyclists also have their own prohibitory sign 3.9 “Movement on bicycles is prohibited”, which is supplemented by the standard “brick” (3.1) and “Movement is prohibited” (3.2).

4. What are the fines for cyclists?

Violations by cyclists of the rules and prohibitions indicated above, as well as other rules not related to traffic on roads and not listed here, are regulated by parts 2 and 3 of Article 12.29 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. According to Part 2, violation of traffic rules by a cyclist “entails the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of eight hundred rubles.” If the bicycle driver was drunk at the time of the violation, then a fine will be imposed on him “in the amount of one thousand to one thousand five hundred rubles.”

As you can see, the punishment for drunk driving here is much less severe, but it, however, became significantly tougher in 2013: before that, a violation could be gotten off with “a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of two hundred rubles,” and a drunken cyclist was punished with a fine “from three hundred to five hundred rubles."

Cyclists are full road users from the point of view that they have their own rights (and responsibilities) that give them the use of roads and sidewalks in certain cases. However, traffic rules are often a rather ambiguous legal act, sometimes contradictory. Therefore, let's look at traffic rules and fines for cyclists from a practical (law enforcement) point of view in a question and answer format!

Is a bicycle a vehicle?

Yes. By the very definition of a bicycle, it is a vehicle. But it should not be confused with mechanical vehicles. The latter is driven by an engine.

But it's not that simple. And the bicycle can also move due to the motor. But in order for it not to fall under the definition of mechanical vehicles, but to remain in the proud title of “Bicycle”, the engine on it, according to the 2019 traffic regulations, must meet 3 criteria:

  1. it should only be an electric motor,
  2. its power should be no more than 0.25 kW (~0.34 hp),
  3. He must automatically switch off at speeds of 25 km/h or more.

A cyclist is also a driver. This status is given to him by the definition of a driver - any person driving a vehicle.

Where can you ride?

This is a rather complex and conditional subtlety. The fact is that according to the Rules, as many as 7 different formal traffic zones are allowed for cyclists, depending on age and the organization of traffic in a given area.

Therefore, first we suggest that you find out where you can travel specifically in your case by interactively answering a few simple questions.

Where can I ride? Quick test

What is your age?

Under 7 years old? From 7 to 14 years old? Over 14 years old?

Are you transporting a child under 7 years old or accompanying a child under 14 years old?

Not really

Is there a bicycle path, a bicycle pedestrian path or a lane for cyclists on this section of the road and is it possible to travel on them?

Not really

Is there a roadway on this section of the road where you can ride on the right side? Are you riding outside a bicycle column, and the width of your bicycle is no more than 1 meter?

Yes, all conditions are metAt least 1 condition is not met

Is there a shoulder on this section of the road and is it possible to drive on it?

Not really

You can ride on bike paths, sidewalks, or pedestrian zones of your choice.

Go through again

You can ride on bicycle paths, bicycle pedestrian paths, sidewalks, pedestrian paths, or pedestrian zones of your choice.

Go through again

You can only drive on sidewalks and pedestrian areas.

Go through again

You must use a bicycle path, bicycle pedestrian path, or bicycle lane.

Go through again

You must drive on the right edge of the roadway. At the same time, you cannot turn left and turn around if there is more than one lane in your direction or there are tram tracks.

Go through again

You are obliged to move along the side of the road without interfering with pedestrians and dismounting when creating such interference or danger to the movement of pedestrians.

Go through again

You can ride on sidewalks or in a pedestrian area without interfering with pedestrians and dismounting if you create such an obstacle or endanger the movement of pedestrians.

Go through again

Let's now look at where you can ride a bike depending on your age.

Over 14 years old

  • On bicycle paths and bicycle pedestrian paths or a lane for cyclists of your choice in any cases, if any,
  • on the right side of the road:
    • if the above zones do not exist or for one or another (objective) reasons it is impossible to travel through them,
    • if the width of your bicycle is more than 1 m (including with cargo),
    • if you are riding in a bicycle convoy,
  • on the side of the road, if there are no special paths or lanes for cyclists, and it is impossible or impossible to drive along the right edge of the roadway (note that the side of the road is not a roadway); at the same time, you must not interfere with pedestrians (they have priority on the side of the road),
  • on the sidewalk or pedestrian area, if all of the above is absent or there is no possibility to drive on them - that is, in fact, this paragraph allows you to drive through pedestrian parks, alleys, etc.; or if you are transporting a child under 7 years old or riding with a cyclist under 14 years old (clause 24.2 of the Rules).

The lane for cyclists is separated from the rest of the road by a solid line and is marked as follows:

And/or with a sign like this:

From 7 to 14 years

  • Along the bike paths
  • along bicycle and pedestrian paths,
  • on the sidewalk,
  • along the pedestrian path,
  • along the pedestrian zone.

Any of the above is your choice.

Under 7 years old

  • Along bicycle and pedestrian paths,
  • on the sidewalk,
  • along the pedestrian zone.

Any of the above.

Where should I dismount?

There are a number of areas where you are required to dismount, but they are few:

  • while crossing a pedestrian crossing, if you expect that drivers will be obliged to give way to you (they are obliged to give way only to pedestrians (clause 24.8 of the traffic rules), and in the event of an accident the blame will fall on you),
  • in pedestrian areas (in parks), on pedestrian paths, sidewalks or the side of the road, unless you interfere with pedestrians or they are in danger (clause 24.6 of the traffic rules).

How far away should car drivers stay from me?

On safe. Alas, clear boundaries of the 2019 traffic rules are not regulated either with respect to the lateral interval or with respect to the distance.

Previously, there was an attempt to develop a new law to introduce a clause into the Rules that would oblige drivers to maintain a lateral distance of 1 meter from a cyclist, but it was not adopted.

Today, the safety of the distance and interval is precedented - that is, until an accident occurs, the distances are considered safe.

Is it possible to drive in a bus lane?

You can. The very description of road sign 5.11 allows cyclists to move on it:

But you yourself are not obligated to submit practically anything for verification. Alas, this is true (and this is a big minus). Licenses and other typical automobile documents must be submitted for verification only to drivers of mechanical vehicles (clause 2.1.1 of the traffic rules). But the inspector can check the civil passport of a cyclist as a citizen, and only if the first one commits a traffic violation or to attract him as a witness or witness (clause 107 of the Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs).

By the way, the reasons for stopping and checking documents are the same as for motorists.

An employee wants to check the bicycle frame number - is he entitled?

It has. These are direct responsibilities assigned to the inspector. He can check the numbers (clause 107 of the regulations) as part of orientations and special events, for which he is not obliged to present the relevant documents to you (but should not interfere with the opportunity to familiarize yourself with them - they can be at the traffic police post, in the unit, or even be oral) - however, everything is the same as for motorists.

What is prohibited for cyclists under traffic rules?

So, in addition to prohibited sections of the road for driving under certain conditions, in general cases cyclists are also prohibited from:

In this part, we briefly note the general Rules for cyclists.

Traffic lights

6.5. If a traffic light signal is made in the form of a silhouette of a pedestrian (bicycle), then its effect applies only to pedestrians (cyclists). In this case, the green signal allows, and the red signal prohibits, the movement of pedestrians (cyclists).

To regulate the movement of cyclists, a traffic light with round signals of reduced size can also be used, supplemented by a rectangular white plate measuring 200 x 200 mm with a picture of a black bicycle.

Maneuvering signals

8.1. Before starting to move, change lanes, turn (U-turn) and stop, the driver is required to give signals with turn signals in the appropriate direction, and if they are missing or faulty - by hand. When performing a maneuver, there should be no danger to traffic or interference with other road users.

The signal for a left turn (turn) corresponds to the left arm extended to the side or the right arm extended to the side and bent at the elbow at a right angle upward. The right turn signal corresponds to the right arm extended to the side or the left arm extended to the side and bent at the elbow at a right angle upward. The brake signal is given by raising your left or right hand.

8.2. The turn signal or hand signal must be given well in advance of the maneuver and cease immediately after completion (the hand signal may be terminated immediately before the maneuver). In this case, the signal should not mislead other road users.

Lighting devices

19.1. In the dark and in conditions of insufficient visibility, regardless of the road lighting, as well as in tunnels, the following lighting devices must be turned on on a moving vehicle:

  • on all motor vehicles and mopeds - high or low beam headlights, on bicycles - headlights or lanterns, on horse-drawn carts - lanterns (if available);
  • on trailers and towed motor vehicles - side lights.

What is the maximum speed of a cyclist?

The maximum speed of a cyclist is limited to the same extent as for other vehicles. In the city it is prohibited to exceed the established limit of 60 km/h; in courtyards and residential areas the permitted speed is no more than 20 km/h. Cyclists are required to comply with speed limit road signs.

In addition, a cyclist can reach a speed above 25 km/h only using his own strength, since in accordance with the definition of “Bicycle”, the speed developed by a bicycle electric motor cannot exceed 25 km/h.

Position of cyclists on the road

Requirements for the movement of cyclists are set out in a special chapter of the Rules of the Road - “24. Additional requirements for the movement of cyclists and moped drivers.” This part requires special attention.

For cyclists over 14 years of age

24.1. Cyclists over 14 years of age must use bicycle paths, bicycle pedestrian paths, or bicycle lanes.

Important. This paragraph establishes the obligation for cyclists over 14 years of age to move on a specially designated section of the road, if available. Driving on other elements of the road is prohibited. All subsequent paragraphs establishing a different arrangement of cyclists on the road are sequence of exceptions from the first point.

Driving on the right edge of the roadway

The first exception is that cyclists are allowed on the right edge of the roadway- in the following cases:

  • there are no bicycle and bicycle pedestrian paths, a lane for cyclists, or there is no opportunity to move along them;
  • the overall width of the bicycle, its trailer or the cargo being transported exceeds 1 m;
  • cyclists move in columns;

And so, if there is no special designated section of the road for the movement of bicycles, the cyclist must first move along the right edge of the roadway.

Driving on the side of the road

The second exception is driving on the side of the road:

  • if there are no bicycle paths, bicycle pedestrian paths, or a lane for cyclists, or there is no opportunity to move along them or along the right edge of the roadway;

Driving on a sidewalk or pedestrian path

The third exception is on the sidewalk or pedestrian path:

  • there are no bicycle and bicycle pedestrian paths, a lane for cyclists, or there is no opportunity to move along them, and also along the right edge of the roadway or shoulder;
  • a cyclist accompanies a cyclist under 7 years of age or transports a child under 7 years of age on an additional seat, in a bicycle stroller or in a trailer designed for use with a bicycle.

As you can see, driving on a sidewalk or pedestrian path is an extreme case for cyclists. Be careful and follow this sequence when identifying a road element for cycling.

For cyclists aged 7 to 14 years

24.3. The movement of cyclists aged 7 to 14 years should be carried out only on sidewalks, pedestrian, bicycle and pedestrian paths, as well as within pedestrian zones.

Cyclists under 14 years of age are prohibited from riding on the roadway or shoulder.

For cyclists under 7 years of age

24.4. Cyclists under 7 years of age should only ride on sidewalks, pedestrian and bicycle paths (on the pedestrian side), as well as within pedestrian zones.

Cyclists under 7 years of age must ride on a section of road designated for pedestrian traffic.

Rules for the movement of cyclists on the roadway

24.5. When cyclists move along the right edge of the roadway in the cases provided for by these Rules, cyclists must only move in one row.

A column of cyclists may move in two rows if if the overall width of the bicycles does not exceed 0.75 m.

The column of cyclists must be divided into groups of 10 cyclists in the case of single-row traffic or in groups of 10 pairs in the case of double-lane traffic. To make overtaking easier the distance between groups should be 80 - 100 m.

Rules for the movement of cyclists on the sidewalk and pedestrian areas

24.6. If the movement of a cyclist on a sidewalk, pedestrian path, shoulder or within pedestrian zones endangers or interferes with the movement of other persons, the cyclist must dismount and follow the requirements provided for by these Rules for the movement of pedestrians.

On the sidewalk, pedestrians and others have full priority over cyclists. This also applies to crossing roads and crossing exits from adjacent areas when a cyclist is moving on the sidewalk.

Cyclists are prohibited

  • drive a bicycle or moped without holding the handlebars with at least one hand;
  • transport cargo that protrudes beyond the dimensions by more than 0.5 m in length or width, or cargo that interferes with control;
  • transport passengers if this is not provided for by the design of the vehicle;
  • transport children under 7 years of age in the absence of specially equipped places for them;
  • turn left or turn around on roads with tram traffic and on roads with more than one lane for traffic in a given direction;
  • move on the road without a fastened motorcycle helmet (for moped drivers).
  • cross the road at pedestrian crossings.

Let us highlight the prohibition of turning left on roads that have more than one lane in a given direction and the position of the cyclist in front of the turn.

Before performing the maneuver, the cyclist who is the driver must take a position.

8.5. Before turning right, left or making a U-turn, the driver must take the appropriate extreme position in advance on the roadway intended for traffic in that direction...

Another important point: cyclists are prohibited from crossing the road at pedestrian crossings. In case of violation of this requirement the cyclist has no right of way.

Towing of bicycles and bicycles is prohibited.

24.9. Towing of bicycles and mopeds, as well as towing with bicycles and mopeds, is prohibited, except for towing a trailer intended for use with a bicycle or moped.

Driving on the highway is prohibited.

16.1. On highways it is prohibited:

  • traffic of pedestrians, pets, bicycles, mopeds, tractors and self-propelled vehicles, other vehicles, the speed of which, according to technical characteristics or condition, is less than 40 km/h;

Cyclist privileges

April 15, 2015 in the Rules of the Road, allowing the movement of bicycles on a dedicated lane for route vehicles.

18.2. On roads with a lane for fixed-route vehicles, marked with signs 5.11, 5.13.1, 5.13.2, 5.14, the movement and stopping of other vehicles (except for school buses and vehicles used as passenger taxis, as well as cyclists - if the lane for route vehicles is located on the right) on this strip.

This right can only be exercised if there are no bicycle and pedestrian paths or a lane for cyclists.

Will my driver's license be revoked if I'm caught riding my bike drunk?

Many cyclists mistakenly believe that riding a bicycle does not carry any responsibility. Despite the fact that regulatory authorities pay minimal attention to cyclists, the law still provides for liability for driving while intoxicated. At the beginning of the article, we noted that a bicycle is a vehicle, and a cyclist is a driver.

The rules specifically prohibit driving any vehicle while intoxicated.

2.7. The driver is prohibited from:

  • drive a vehicle while intoxicated (alcohol, drugs or other), under the influence of medications that impair reaction and attention, in a sick or tired state that jeopardizes traffic safety;

Can my driving license be revoked if I'm caught riding a bicycle while drunk? Let us turn to the article of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation according to which drunk drivers are punished:

1. Driving a vehicle by a driver who is intoxicated, if such actions do not constitute a criminal offense, -

shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of thirty thousand rubles with deprivation of the right to drive vehicles for a period of one and a half to two years.

At first glance, it seems that the article is entirely suitable for cyclists and employees may try to attract attention based on it. However, riding a bicycle does not require a special driving license and obtaining, as well as deprivation of, such a right has nothing to do with driving a bicycle. For cyclists, the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation provides a special article defining liability.

Please note that if you drive a scooter or moped while intoxicated, the application of this article is completely legal. The only exception for this article is cyclists.

Fines for cyclists

Article 12.29. Violation of the Traffic Rules by a pedestrian or other person participating in traffic

2. Violation of the Traffic Rules by a person driving a bicycle, or a driver or another person directly involved in the process of road traffic (except for the persons specified in part 1 of this article, as well as the driver of the vehicle), -
eight hundred rubles.

3. Violation of traffic rules by persons specified in part 2 of this article, committed while intoxicated, -
entails the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount from one thousand to one thousand five hundred rubles.

Violations of the traffic rules discussed in this article for a cyclist will cost 800 rubles, and in case of committing a violation while intoxicated, from 1000 to 1500 rubles.

On road:

  • Be predictable and confident, but don't consider yourself the king of the road. Respect both drivers and other cyclists.
  • Follow the rules of the road: a bicycle is a vehicle, and everyone is equal on the roadway.
  • You can only drive along the road in the direction of traffic - never towards it. If as a child you were told that the safest thing to do is to move towards oncoming traffic, now you are driving the vehicle yourself, and driving in the oncoming lane is a traffic violation.
  • A cyclist should move along the road as far to the right as possible towards the side of the road. If there are cars parked on your right, you need to drive at a distance of one meter from them - this way you will protect yourself from a car door suddenly opening. By the way, if the door did open and you crashed into it, you yourself are the culprit of the accident, since you drove into a stationary car.
  • Like any other driver, you must stop at red and yellow traffic lights, and also calculate in advance your strength to negotiate the intersection while the green light is flashing.
  • While waiting for the green light, take a place in front of cars at the intersection - this way you can be seen better, but do not stand on a zebra crossing or at a turning corner - the first is inconvenient for pedestrians, the second is unsafe.
  • If you want to change lanes to the second lane before an intersection where the right lane is only for turning right, look around, check that there is room for you to change lanes, point to the left with your outstretched left arm, make sure again that you have room to maneuver, and change lanes. If there is no room to change lanes, take your time; perhaps there will be time to change lanes while everyone is standing at the traffic light, or wait for the right moment.
  • Show with your hands the direction of your movement in advance and, if possible, until the end of the maneuver (to the right - with an outstretched right hand, to the left - with an outstretched left hand, braking - with an outstretched hand)
  • Always give way to pedestrians - drivers follow the example of cyclists.
  • A cyclist cannot turn left on roads with more than one lane or tram tracks.
  • Use public transport lanes - they are the safest for movement, although traffic regulations prohibit driving in them (attention, you can get a fine for driving in a public transport lane!).
  • Be careful when driving past arches and exits from courtyards - a car may unexpectedly drive out of there. The slower and further you drive from them, the lower the risk of an accident.
  • Be careful near trucks and large vehicles - the “blind” zone of such vehicles is very large, and their drivers may not see you at all, either to the left, or to the right, or in front of them. It’s better to let them drive ahead - don’t overtake!
  • Use sidewalks as little as possible, and if you do drive on them, be respectful of pedestrians - this is their territory. Ask them to give way in advance and thank them, move slowly and look where you are going so that people you meet understand where you are going. Be attentive to dogs on leashes - it is better to go around them on the opposite side from the owner. Pass children as slowly as possible - they are unpredictable.
  • Turn on the lights (front and rear) in the evening and at night. It is advisable to wear a helmet and additional reflective elements on clothing.
  • From April 8, 2014, new amendments to the traffic rules are in effect - read and be careful!

In case of an accident:

  • Call the insurance company, traffic police and an ambulance.
  • Leave the scene of the accident untouched until the insurance agent arrives, and try to move as little as possible.
  • Do not agree to take money from the driver for the damage caused to you - after visiting the tram station, the damage may turn out to be much more serious than during your initial inspection of yourself and the bicycle.

Be careful, predictable and set an example for other cyclists!