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Yandex fines - online check of traffic police fines. Online check of traffic police fines on Yandex fines Payment history Yandex fines

At the service you will find

  • official fines according to the traffic police (website gibdd.ru)
  • MADI and Moscow parking (website avtokod.mos.ru)
  • Kazan parking

Information is provided from the state payment system GIS GMP. If you found a fine on our service, it means that it has not been paid according to the GIS GMP data.

To check traffic police fines from cameras, you need to enter the number of the vehicle registration certificate (STS) in the form at the top of the page. The search results will include:

  • unpaid traffic police fines in all regions of Russia
  • for violating the rules of stopping and parking in Moscow
  • for violating the rules of paid parking in Moscow
  • for violating the rules of paid parking in Kazan

Traffic police fines on a driver's license are usually issued by a traffic police inspector in the personal presence of the driver and remain in the driver's hands. Such resolutions can be paid by the resolution number (UIN).

According to the law, information about new fines is sent to the state payment system GIS GMP immediately (Part 4 of Article 21.3 of the Federal Law of July 27, 2010 N 210-FZ). In practice, fines enter the database within 1-3 days from the date of the decision.

  1. If you are sure that the penalty exists
  2. More than two weeks have passed since the decision
  3. Nobody paid a fine
  4. However, it does not appear online.

This means that the decision was not included in the GIS GMP database (state payment system). In this case, you need to contact the traffic police or MADI, or GKU "AMPP" (depending on who imposed the fine).

On the service, you can pay fines online in any popular way.

You can pay fines with a bank card when searching for fines by the number of the car registration certificate. On the page with the search results, you need to specify the full name and phone number of the payer to fill out the receipt, and click the "Pay" button.

It is possible to pay fines through Sberbank Online, as well as through Yandex.Money, QIWI and other means of electronic payments when searching for a fine by the decision number (UIN). For this:

  • search for a fine by UIN
  • enter the contact details of the payer
  • click "Pay"
  • choose a payment method: Sberbank Online, Yandex.Money, QIWI or other
  • follow the instructions to complete the payment.

Enter your email address when paying. The receipt will be sent to your email automatically.

Fine repayment (payment display) in the state payment system GIS GMP usually occurs within 1-3 business days. After another 1-2 days, the fine should be paid off in the traffic police database. If 5 days have passed, and the fine "hangs" in unpaid - contact the bank or service that accepted the payment.

The traffic police checks the status of payment of fines in the state payment system GIS GMP. After that, it updates its database and the official website gibdd.ru. This happens within 1-5 business days after payment of the fine. If this period has expired and the fine has not been paid off, contact the bank or service that accepted the payment.

Attention! Our service does not automatically debit money from bank cards. We do not store bank card data and do not auto-pay fines.

Fines can be paid in any of the following ways:

  • through the street terminal
  • Sberbank Online
  • through the cash desk of any bank

When paying through the traffic police service online, you are guaranteed to pay off your debt. We track paid fines in the state payment system GIS GMP and achieve the repayment of each resolution.

Reading time: 3 minutes

The Yandex.Money payment system enjoys well-deserved popularity among the population. Among the services that Yandex has recently offered to its customers is the payment of traffic police fines. This is a very beneficial tool for drivers, allowing them to pay off their debts in a timely manner, without wasting time on long queues at banks and post offices.

Yandex services for payment

So, a convenient service from POISON makes it possible to perform two important functions at once:

  1. Check if there is a need to pay a fine.
  2. Pay off existing debts.

The features of the check can be found in detail in the article "". To pay off the debt, the electronic payment system offers several ways:

  • through the Yandex.Penalties application - for owners of gadgets with the Android operating system;
  • through the Yandex.Navigator application - for owners of iOS devices;
  • through the official Yandex.Money page - from a personal computer.

Using the Yandex.Money service, you can receive notifications of debts via SMS and e-mail without logging into the payment system itself. This is a very convenient service when there is no constant access to the Internet. In order to start using it, you need to connect the SMS alert service.

Payment instructions

Despite the fact that the debt repayment function has been available for more than two years, not all car owners know how to pay a traffic police fine through Yandex.Money. The payment system allows you to pay debts for violations of any kind issued by police officers (, and so on). Having familiarized yourself with the mechanism of the system once, you can not worry that the debt will remain outstanding.

Payment of traffic police fines through Yandex Money online consists of the following sequential steps:

  1. Log in to the system.
  2. Select the "Penalties" item in the "Goods and Services" section.
  3. Enter data to check existing debts.
  4. If the obligations are not pulled up automatically, you must select the menu item "Pay according to the data from the decision."
  5. In the form that opens, you must fill out all the data, including the following information:
    • region where the order was issued:
    • division of the traffic police;
    • number and date of the decision;
    • personal data of the car owner (name, address);
    • amount of payment.
    • Press the "Pay" button.
    • Payment can be made both from an e-wallet account and from a linked card. At the same time, the terms of use indicate the maximum amounts for transfer in one operation:

      The history of payment of traffic police fines through Yandex is saved in the system. It can be viewed in the "My transactions" section. In addition, confirmation of payment in the form of a receipt is additionally sent to the e-mail, which can be printed if necessary.

      Similarly, payment is made through mobile applications that can be downloaded from markets for mobile devices. Other available payment methods can be found in the article "".

      Paying traffic police fines through Yandex.Money is an easy way to pay off your debt at any time and almost anywhere, without waiting for "chain letters" to your home address from bailiffs.

      Payment of traffic police fines through Yandex: Video

Reading time: 3 minutes

The tightening of liability at the legislative level for violation of the Rules of the Road, as well as the introduction of special devices for fixing violations on the roads in automatic mode, has led to the fact that many car owners are not even aware that they have outstanding debts. Notifications of issued resolutions are sent by mail, but not always the place of residence of the driver coincides with his registration. Online check of traffic police fines through Yandex allows you to respond to sanctions in a timely manner, and even pay off debt with a 50% discount.

What does Yandex offer?

If payments are not made on time, the amount owed increases. In addition, arrest is possible for up to 15 days, the performance of forced public works, a ban on traveling abroad. To avoid consequences of this kind, it is better to find out about existing debts in time.

Yandex.Penalties is a special service that allows you to perform the following actions:

  • search for issued sanctions;
  • payment of existing debts.

The service operates in two versions:

  • browser;
  • mobile.

Both versions have identical access to the police database. This allows you to interactively receive information about sanctions. There are other tracking methods, which can be found in detail in the article "".

In addition, the attorney service of our partners will be able not only to indicate your unpaid traffic police fines, but also provide you with information about the presence of debts on loans, alimony, housing and communal services and other things, and also assess the likelihood of a ban on flying abroad.

Verification algorithm

You can check traffic police fines online through the official Yandex website very quickly and easily if you follow certain instructions. The specific algorithm of actions depends on the chosen method.

Tracking Options

In total, there are two options for how you can track traffic police sanctions through Yandex. These include the following methods:

  • by vehicle number;
  • by driver's license.

How to check for sanctions by number

To carry out an operation using the registration certificate number, you must perform the following actions:

  1. Log in to the site
  2. Go to the "Products and Services" section.
  3. Open the "Penalties" service.
  4. Enter the number of the vehicle registration certificate in the appropriate field.
  5. Press the "Check" button.
  6. If information about the debt is in the database of the Yandex.Fine service by car number, then a notification about this will be displayed on the screen along with a proposal to proceed to payment. If there are no debts, the system will issue a notification.

    Other verification options

    Another available method is an online check through the Yandex.Penalties for rights service. The algorithm of actions is identical to the previous method, only instead of the vehicle certificate number, the driver's license number is entered in the corresponding field.

    You can learn in detail about how to pay off existing debt using the service in the article "".

    Many car owners are interested in online verification by last name. At the moment, this feature is not available in all available verification resources, including the Yandex.Penalties service. This is due to the following reasons:

  • violation of the right of confidentiality in connection with the availability of the full name of each person to third parties;
  • a high probability of finding information not about yourself, but about a namesake with identical initials.

It is also considered inefficient to search for fines by photo, since it is difficult to identify a person in this way.

Online verification of fines by the number of the resolution is also not implemented. In this way, you can only pay the debt if the decision has already been issued, is on hand, and information about this has not yet entered the database.

Thus, the service from Yandex allows you to receive notifications of new debts in a timely manner, and also significantly saves time for drivers and eliminates worries about the likelihood of losing a payment.

Payment of traffic police fines via Yandex.Money: Video

Have you received a “letter of happiness” from the traffic police (GAI), which says that you have violated something there and you have been fined? Where to pay for it? Do not rush to go to the bank, to the post office and stand in line - in this article we will analyze several ways that Yandex provides in order to pay the fine online!

traffic police fines- this is the name of the page of the Yandex.Money payment system for paying fines for speeding, improper parking, lack of technical inspection, etc. - everything that is directly related to the State Inspectorate for Road Safety (formerly the State Auto Inspectorate, or traffic police).

In a special form, you must specify:

  • where the decision was issued
  • which division of the traffic police,
  • decision number,
  • the amount of the fine
  • driver information, etc.

You can pay from your Yandex Money wallet, from a bank card of this payment system, or from any Visa or MasterCard plastic card (even if it is not linked to an account). Maximum fine which can be paid like this:

  1. 15,000 rubles from the account
  2. 10,000 rubles from the linked Yandex.Money card
  3. 15,000 rubles for Visa or MasterCard cards

There are no commissions for making a payment. After the payment is made, the information is sent to the state information system (GIS GMP) and enters the traffic police, after which the latter updates its database. As a rule, it takes about a day, maximum - 5 working days.

Through the online system "Traffic Police Penalties" you can not only pay the existing one, but also check whether the fine has been paid and whether you have any debts that you have forgotten about or do not yet know about.

To check, go to the page http://money.yandex.net/debts/ and enter the number of the driver's license, the number of the vehicle registration certificate.

For mobile device users, there is a special Yandex.Penalties application(versions for Android and iOS). You can download it.

Yandex.Fine works according to the following principle: you indicate the number of the driver's license and vehicle registration certificate, the application accesses the database of the State Payments Information System and informs the user about which fines and when they were issued. If the user has some kind of debt, then it can be paid immediately, without waiting for an official letter.

You can pay the fine via the Internet using Visa, Visa Electron, MasterCard and Maestro cards of any bank that operates in Russia. During the day the database will be updated. There are currently no transfer fees.

As you can see, Yandex provides convenient and simple ways not only to pay off a fine via the Internet without a commission, without going to the nearest bank branch or to the nearest ATM, but also to instantly find out if you have any old or new “sins” requiring payment.

’ you can pay traffic police fines online in a couple of minutes - and drive with a clear conscience.

You can pay with a Visa or MasterCard card (issued by any bank in the world), as well as from a Yandex.Money wallet (then we will save a record of paying a fine in your history).

How to pay a fine

On the main page of the 'City payments', select the item 'Traffic police fines' (on the right under the search bar) - you will be taken to the payment window. Select the region where the fine was issued and the traffic police department indicated in the resolution.

The service will automatically substitute the necessary details - carefully check them. If something is indicated inaccurately (for example, TIN, BIC or current account number), click on the 'Change' button and enter the correct data.

After that you need to specify:

    fine resolution number: 12 characters (on old forms) or 20 digits (on new ones), as well as the date;

    details of the fined driver: full name and address.

The last field is the amount of the fine (indicated in the decision). You will immediately see the amount, taking into account the commission of the service - 30 rubles.

If all the fields are filled in correctly, click on the ‘Pay’ button - you will be taken to a page where you can select a payment method: Yandex.Money, cash or a Visa, MasterCard and Maestro bank card (issued in any country).

To pay a fine from a bank card, indicate its details: number, CVC code, expiration date, name and surname of the owner. If you do not have a Yandex.Money wallet, you need to enter your email - you will receive an electronic receipt for paying the fine to it. If you pay using your username and password, the record will be saved in the history of your wallet. Please note: your bank may ask for a special password (3-D Secure) to confirm the payment.
With one card, you can spend a maximum of 15,000 rubles per day. There is no additional commission.

To pay the fine in cash, enter your phone number - a special code will be sent to it. You can pay by code at the terminals and through the Svyaznoy and Euroset salons. Enter the payment code in the terminal (or tell the cashier), then deposit money.

To pay the fine with Yandex.Money, select the option: pay from the account or from the card linked to it. In the first case, just confirm the payment with your payment password (permanent or one-time). If you are paying with a linked card, you will also need to enter the CVC code (located on the back of the card).
The maximum amount for a payment from an account is 14,970 rubles, from an attached card - 9,970 rubles.