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Reso insurance without certificates. Peco-guarantee

  1. How much does CASCO cost for a car?

    The price of the policy is influenced by a large number of factors:

    • The main parameters are the characteristics of the car and data about the driver.
    • Next in importance is the choice of a combination of the main risks: damage, theft and destruction of the car. The choice of combination determines not only the cost, but also the degree of insurance protection for your car.
    • The final price will depend on the added options (roadside assistance and others), as well as the choice of franchise.
  2. CASCO car insurance: how to get it at a discount?

    When applying for CASCO insurance at Ingosstrakh, it is worth knowing about the existing options for saving - up to 60% of the full cost of the policy!

Calculation of CASCO in RESO Guarantee with a discount on insurance!

CASCO promotion "Moscow Hit" in Reso Garantiya.

CASCO insurance for a car has become up to 27% more profitable.


The promotion applies to new cars (mileage less than 1000 km, year of manufacture - 2014-2015)
Insurance period - 1 year
Owner – individual
The policy includes the risk "Damage"
Comm. coefficients are not applied
Settlement by referral to service station


The insurance program includes all the same risks as the standard CASCO policy - “Damage”, “Theft” and “Additional equipment”.

Extending CASCO insurance in RESO is profitable!

For clients with a good driving history, we offer to extend the CASCO agreement on special conditions!

The new RESOauto policy will cost you less if:

The new contract, like the previous one, is concluded for 1 year.
No more than one insured event was declared under the previous policy.
The owner and policyholder are the same people as the year before.
The new CASCO policy does not provide additional discounts.
The new policy does not include drivers with an increasing coefficient based on age and length of service.
The validity period of a new CASCO policy begins on the day following the expiration date of the previous policy.

CASCO RESO Guarantee - "RESOauto" policy - reliable and profitable!

The following are accepted for insurance:

Any cars (even before registration with the traffic police) from theft and damage as a result of a traffic accident, fire, explosion, natural phenomena, falling objects (including snow and ice), falling stones, as well as as a result illegal actions of third parties.
Additional installed equipment.
Driver and passengers from an accident.
Civil liability of the driver in the amount of up to 30 million rubles.

The "RESOauto" policy guarantees:

How does insurance coverage work?

At your choice, they will restore your car or pay for the repairs you made (purchased parts).
You can choose three options for compensation for the risk of “damage”, which also affects the cost of the insurance policy:
1. Payment for repairs at service stations of official dealers in the direction of the insurance company or payment according to the calculation (calculation) of the Insurer at the average current market prices for parts and work.
2. Payment of bills for actual repairs performed at a service station at the choice of the insured;
3. Payment for repairs at service stations that are not official dealers, in the direction of the insurance company, or payment based on calculation (calculation) at non-dealer prices (the program is allowed only for foreign cars).

RESO GARANTIA - car insurance only against theft (theft) .

Car insurance against theft (theft) - a rare offer among insurance companies. A theft-only insurance policy is often purchased by car owners who do not need Damage insurance.

Only cars with mandatory inspection and photos, no older than 12 years, are accepted for insurance against theft.

In most cases, installation of additional alarm is not required. Requirement for installation of additional an alarm and search system are available for those cars that are considered, according to statistics, to be the most stolen.

Policy price CASCO against theft in RESO Guarantee does not depend on age and driving experience.

In the first half of 2014, the insurance company RESO-Garantia made payments for “Theft” of 936 million rubles, which is 44% higher than the same figure in 2013. Including in Moscow and the Moscow region, payments amounted to 432 million rubles. (+54%), in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region 413 million rubles. (+79%).

In just six months, 823 cars insured by RESO-Garantia were stolen in Russia, of which 342 were stolen in the Moscow region and 373 in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region.

RESO - special program "Privilege of Experience"

Experienced drivers can use CASCO in RESO with a 15% discount
Condition of the promotion: a limited list of drivers with more than 10 years of experience and over 40 years of age.

RESO GARANTIA - basic CASCO conditions

The CASCO RESO policy is valid on the territory of the Russian Federation and covers the risks: Theft (Theft), Damage.
It is possible to pay for the CASCO policy in installments.

Without certificates from the traffic police, you can apply for interior glazing (unlimited), once a year for body parts no more than $500. If the cost of a CASCO policy is more than 100,000 rubles, then without certificates for body parts up to 5% of the insured amount.

Important for new cars: before registration, the policy is valid for all risks of Theft and Damage.

RESOautoHelp - what's included :
In case of a breakdown on the road - provision of emergency assistance;
An emergency commissioner who goes to the scene of an accident to prepare the necessary documents and collect certificates;

Calculation of CASCO RESO Guarantee through the website with a discount on insurance up to 10%!

At your request, a company specialist will deliver a CASCO RESO Guarantee policy. Delivery is free.


Since March 1, 2009, according to the MTPL Law, it is possible to apply for payment to the insurance company where the MTPL policy was purchased, rather than looking for the company that caused the accident.
If you have MTPL insurance in RESO GARANTIA, then direct settlement (DSS) allows you to file an insured event and receive payment from RESO GARANTIA.
Our specialist will calculate OSAGO RESO for you, and the policy will be delivered to you free of charge at a time convenient for you.

Calculation of CASCO in RESO Guarantee - discounts on insurance. RESO CASCO calculator - calculate CASCO 2016 RESO

Reso Guarantee insurance company official website - reso.ru


RESO Insurance, comprehensive insurance Reso Guarantee, calculate comprehensive insurance Reso, calculate comprehensive insurance Reso Guarantee

RESO-Garantiya is a market leader in terms of the number of insurance contracts concluded. In the first 6 months of this year, 263,277 contracts were concluded - representing 12% of the entire market.

Let's consider the features of CASCO insurance at RESO, the types of programs it offers, as well as factors that may affect the cost of the policy.

The client is given the opportunity to pre-calculate the cost of the policy using the calculator on the official website of RESO. The calculation is made for an annual period.

1. To roughly calculate the cost of a CASCO policy, you can use a special calculator:.

2. To determine the amount, after entering the appropriate page of the site, in the window that appears, you must enter the following data:

  • policy payment period: once, once a quarter, once every six months;
  • car make and model;

  • year of issue;
  • insurance amount;
  • name of the anti-theft system;
  • mileage;
  • number of seats;
  • the number of accidents that occurred over the past year, after which the car was repaired;

  • region of purchase of the policy and place of residence of the owner;
  • insurance territory: Russian Federation or Russian Federation and foreign countries;

  • information about the driver: age and experience, gender;
  • the number of drivers who are allowed to drive;
  • option for paying insurance compensation: repairs at a service station from official dealers or at stations accredited by RESO

  • All that remains is to confirm that the data was not entered by a robot by typing the appropriate captcha. After entering these data, you will need to click on the “Confirm” button.

As a result, several cost options will be offered, which vary depending on additional connected options. The final price of the policy can be found out from the official representative of the company in the office.

What documents are needed to purchase a CASCO policy?

Before concluding a CASCO agreement, the driver must fill out an application in the prescribed form. In addition, he presents:

  • application filled out according to the established template. An employee of the company will help you draft the application correctly;
  • all driver's licenses included in the contract;
  • certificate confirming the registration of the car;
  • diagnostic inspection card for used cars;

  • powers of attorney, if registration is entrusted to the owner’s representative;
  • the results of an expert assessment of the car, with a long period of its operation;
  • documents confirming the purchase of an anti-theft system, if the latter is installed.
  • customs documents;
  • purchase and sale agreement (for new cars);
  • passport;

If the policyholder wants to install additional equipment or an alarm system on the car, then the relevant contracts will need to be submitted.

A complete list of required documents can be clarified at the company’s representative office.

What determines the cost of a CASCO policy?

There are several factors that can increase or decrease the price of a CASCO policy:

  • market value of the car. The more expensive the car, the more expensive its repair will cost, and therefore the policy itself;

  • theft coefficient. The more often the insured model and make of car is stolen, the more expensive the policy will be. On average, the price can rise by 15-20%;
  • the age of drivers who are allowed to drive this car. Increasing coefficients apply to persons under 21 years of age and over 65 years of age;
  • territory of use of the vehicle. If the owner is registered in a city with high accident statistics, then increasing coefficients will be applied when calculating the cost of the policy;
  • anti-theft system. If the RESO system of partner companies is installed, then insurance can be purchased cheaper;
  • owner's view. For legal entities, insurance is more expensive;
  • franchise. The higher the amount, the less you can pay for insurance;
  • refund option. If the policyholder agrees to have the car repaired at a station other than official dealers, he can save up to 40% on the purchase of the policy.

The number of persons admitted to management also affects the cost of CASCO. The more there are and the less experience they have, the higher the insurance premium will be. The final cost of the policy is influenced by the above circumstances, which are taken into account comprehensively.

Purchasing a CASCO policy in person at the RESO office

To buy a policy, the policyholder must come to the RESO office with a full package of documents. Here he will receive advice on insurance products and will be able to choose the ones he needs.

  • The specialist will make calculations for each program, taking into account the characteristics of the car, the experience and age of the driver and other factors.
  • The next step in registration will be to inspect the car. All damage will be recorded and included in a special report.
  • The head of the insurance department will check all documents, acts, photographs and carry out the procedure for approving the contract. If the decision is positive, then the next stage will be the conclusion of an agreement and payment of the insurance premium.

After all operations, the car owner will receive the policy itself, a payment receipt, a vehicle inspection report, and insurance rules.

Special products and extensions to CASCO

Along with the CASCO policy, the driver can purchase additional products. For example, the “Personal Protection” policy. Under this program, a motorist can insure the health and life of himself and his passengers in the event of an accident.

In this case, the insurance amount is paid in full upon the occurrence of death (to heirs) or disability of group 1.

If disability of 2 or 3 groups is established, 70% and 75% of the insured amount will be paid. If the policyholder is hospitalized, the payments will be 0.2% for each day of incapacity.

Insurance compensation can be received within 7 working days after submitting an application to RESO.

CASCO in "RESO-Garantiya" - Terms and conditions of insurance

List of current rules of IC "RESO-Garantia" for CASCO: (at the bottom of the page).

Not long ago, the RESO insurer introduced some additions that are taken into account when purchasing certain policies:

  • two franchise options are prescribed - conditional and unconditional, the first option was previously absent and the amount not taken into account by the insurer was determined by an absolute monetary value or a percentage of the policy;
  • if several cars are insured at the same time, the company issues a General Policy;

  • the list of additional equipment has been expanded, some terms that were previously absent have been introduced;
  • Some sections have been edited and inaccuracies have been eliminated;
  • damage will not be compensated for chips caused by the impact of foreign objects;
  • Impact of animals, damage due to destruction of the road surface, falling through the ice are included in the insured events;
  • reimbursement of expenses associated with car theft has been included in the GAP program;
  • payment of compensation is provided in connection with the loss of the car's marketable condition.

To clarify all the innovations, you must contact an official representative of the insurer.

Types of CASCO programs and services from RESO-Garantiya

At RESO, every car owner can insure a wide variety of risks: theft, damage, fire, scratches, damage to health and life.

The company offers several programs to choose from: some of them insure the totality of risks, others only specific types. Let's take a closer look at what they are.


In the RESOauto policy, the car owner can include the widest range of risks and insure not only the car and the equipment installed on it, but also civil liability, as well as the health of himself and his passengers.

Autocasco insures any cars, even those that have not yet been registered with the traffic police. The policy may include the following risks:

  • optional equipment. This includes video and automotive equipment, car computers, roof rails, and luggage racks. Moreover, a car radio with a removable panel is not insured; if it is stolen, then payments for such an incident are not due. In addition, you need to remember that you cannot separately insure additional equipment without a car. That is, if the transport is not insured for the risk of “Damage” or “Theft”, then additional equipment will not be insured;

  • damage;
  • theft, for example, a car was stolen or taken over as a result of robbery or robbery;
  • loss of commodity value (LCV).

The amount of civil liability of the driver is up to thirty million rubles.

UTS is insured separately and is not included in the “Damage” risk. This risk includes damage arising after the occurrence of the following events:

  • Road accident. Moreover, it does not matter whether the object of collision was moving or standing still. For example, an insured event is when the insured car was damaged by a curb or other stationary object on the road;

  • capsizing;
  • natural disasters. But only those that are uncharacteristic for a given locality;
  • fire from a short circuit in the vehicle's electrical wiring, external influences or spontaneous combustion. If the short circuit of the wires occurred without a fire, then this is not an insured event;
  • throwing stones, gravel or other objects from under the wheels of other cars. What is noteworthy is that chips are not insured under motor insurance;
  • falling of foreign objects (tree, pole and others);
  • theft of car parts and components;
  • road failure;
  • actions of animals that were not in the cabin;
  • soil subsidence;
  • falling into the water.

Also covered are situations where a car falls through the ice while driving along an ice crossing or winter road.

What will the policyholder (car owner) receive if the event specified in the “RESOauto” agreement for the “Damage” risk occurs? Firstly, he can receive money (cash or non-cash form). Secondly, it may be sent for repairs:

  • at service stations of official dealers in the RESO direction;
  • to any service station of the car owner’s choice;
  • to the service station selected by RESO.

Which option will be used in a particular case is discussed in advance and indicated in the contract.

In the event of an insured event, the company guarantees:

  • complete car repair in an authorized service center;
  • reimbursement of costs for vehicle evacuation;
  • providing assistance with evacuation and repair in case of an accident on the road, around the clock on preferential terms;
  • discounts for installing anti-theft systems.

The client has the right to choose to have the car restored by the company or pay the bills for the repairs performed.


This program is designed to restore a car in case of complete or near complete destruction, including after theft. This is especially true for new cars, which lose up to twenty percent in value during the first years of operation, so unforeseen expenses when an insured event occurs are especially unpleasant.

"RESO-Garantiya" establishes in its motor vehicle insurance rules that the insured amount will decrease annually for the risks of "Theft", "Damage" and "Additional equipment".

That is, if the contract specifies an insured amount of 3 million rubles, this does not mean that it will be fully paid as a result of the complete loss of the car or its theft. If an accident occurs at the end of 1 year of the contract, the policyholder will receive: 3 million - (3 million * 20%) = 2.4 million rubles (difference 600 thousand).

So, in order for the car owner to receive the full amount of insurance and buy the same car for it or pay off a loan on it, the company offers the “RESOautoGAP” program.

If a motorist enters into an agreement under it, then in the event of an insured situation, he will receive not only the required insurance payment, taking into account the annual decreasing amount, but also the difference. That is, if we consider the example described above, the compensation will include 2.4 million and 600 thousand rubles.

But such a payment is possible only if the car was completely destroyed and cannot be restored, or it was stolen. A policy for this type of insurance can be purchased together with auto CASCO or later.

GAP insurance can be purchased in conjunction with the previously described contract or as an independent policy and guarantees the client complete protection against material losses in the first years of operation of the machine.

This type of CASCO is characterized by the following advantages:

  • guaranteed preservation of the price of the car, which is especially important if the car was purchased on credit and the client has to make payments to the bank. Under these conditions, finding funds for additional repair costs poses particular difficulties;
  • insurance is possible for any vehicle with a service life of no more than seven years; there are no restrictions on the price of the vehicle;
  • if a RESOauto agreement is concluded, there is no need to wait for its expiration - simultaneous acquisition of GAP is possible;
  • For this policy, the client’s age category and driving experience do not matter.

If this agreement is concluded with an existing RESOauto, the amount of payments for the latter is reduced or completely eliminated, depending on the terms of the new policy.

You can insure cars of any make and value, but the service life should not be more than 7 years. The price of "RESOautoGAP" is not affected by the experience and age of drivers admitted to driving.


"RESO-Garantiya" provides drivers with the opportunity to insure their car only against the risk of "Theft". We accept vehicles that have been in use for no longer than 12 years. Before registration, the company’s specialists will certainly inspect the car and take photographs of it.

If the insured make and model of car is often stolen, then the installation of an additional alarm or search system will be required. For other vehicles this option is optional.

This insurance is a unique offer from the company, designed for drivers who are confident that their driving experience will exclude damage to the car from an accident, but who want to guarantee compensation in the event of a car theft.

It is possible to transfer payments in installments; the price of the contract does not depend on the age and length of service of the driver.


This program can be used by RESO clients who already have an MTPL policy. Its essence is that the driver receives an additional payment in addition to that established in the compulsory insurance policy.

And let me remind you, it is no more than 400 thousand rubles in case of damage to the car and no more than 500 thousand rubles in case of damage to health and life. And this amount does not always allow you to cover the costs of repairing an expensive foreign car.

By purchasing CASCO-Profi, a motorist receives up to 1 million rubles as insurance payments, which will allow him to fully restore the damage caused to his car.

But there are certain conditions under which such compensation is possible:

  • the traffic accident was not his fault;
  • he already has an OSAGO policy from RESO;
  • at least two participants in the accident;
  • The identity of the driver responsible for the accident has been established;
  • he was not competing, testing or teaching anyone how to drive at the time of the collision.

This program insures such a risk as “Collision”, that is, mechanical damage to the car that occurred when it collided with another car.

Moreover, the insured vehicle could be moving during the collision, or it could simply be parked.

One of the advantages of the program is the ability to repair a vehicle through insurance from official dealers (if the car is less than 7 years old). This policy, among other things, can insure cars purchased on a car loan.

"CASCO-Profi" has the following advantages:

  • the amount of insurance payment does not depend on the availability of compulsory motor liability insurance;
  • damage is compensated by sending it for repairs (if the car is under seven years old - only to an official representative);
  • economical option for the cost of the policy (from five thousand rubles).

Any vehicle, including one pledged to a bank, is subject to insurance. The amount of compensation is limited to one million rubles if it does not exceed the price of the car. Considering that OSAGO guarantees the return of only four hundred thousand rubles, this amount is not always enough to restore the car, so this policy is a reasonable addition to compulsory car insurance.

It is suitable for drivers who follow the rules, who are confident that they will not be the culprits of an accident, and who want to protect themselves from the unjustified actions of other motorists.


The driver can also insure unforeseen expenses resulting from an accident. For example, paying for tow truck services or emergency road repairs. For such situations, RESO recommends purchasing the “RESOauto HELP-Economy” policy. The insurance contract is concluded for 1 year. In terms of price, it is cheaper than membership in a motorists' club.

The program is valid only in certain regions. A driver who has entered into an agreement under this program receives:

  • evacuation of your vehicle to a service station or parking lot;
  • diagnostics and repairs on site where the insured event occurred. Moreover, the cost of spare parts, as well as fuels and lubricants needed for repairs, must be paid by the driver out of his own pocket;

  • "emergency commissioner" service. It includes consultation with an emergency commissioner when preparing documents; he also draws up a diagram of the incident, receives a certificate from the traffic police, copies of the protocol and resolution, helps fill out a notification of an accident, photographs the scene of the accident and the cars of the participants, copies the necessary documents and delivers them to RESO or the insurer under compulsory motor liability insurance.

The program is intended for foreign and Russian passenger cars under 10 years of age. If the policy is purchased together with CASCO or OSAGO, then you can pay for it in installments or with a one-time payment. If the driver purchases the policy separately, the entire cost must be paid at once.

Concluding this policy for an annual period will cost the car owner quite cheaply and will allow you to protect yourself from many problems on the road. An additional agreement is attached to the agreement, which determines which territory the agreement covers and other important points.


This policy includes not only the visit of an emergency commissioner, evacuation of a car in case of an accident and its urgent repair on the road, but also a call to an ambulance. The territory in which this program operates is the same as in the policy described above.

As in “RESO auto-help-Economy”, when concluding an agreement within the framework of the “Comfort” package, a tow truck can be called in the following cases:

  • the car cannot move under its own power or it is in a condition in which its movement is prohibited by traffic regulations.

  • an accident occurred;
  • the car overturned;
  • there was a fire;
  • transport was damaged as a result of a natural disaster;
  • A tree, an icicle, or another object fell on the car.

Also, evacuation is possible if damage to the car occurred in situations described in the risks “Damage” and “Theft”.

One of the popular options of this policy is “Emergency assistance in case of breakdown on the road”. It allows you to call specialists to repair your car at the scene of an accident. But you need to remember that not all breakdowns are insured events.

For example, if the cars stalled due to a bad road or heavy rain, the repair team will not arrive. It will also be impossible to call auto mechanics due to a malfunction that is caused by the fact that the car owner did not carry out a scheduled technical inspection or repair on time.

The program will cost a little more than the previous one. But when concluding such an agreement, the client, in addition to the above services, is guaranteed emergency medical care if necessary. This option is suitable for drivers who want to completely protect themselves when traveling.

"VIP service"

If a car owner insures a car under CASCO for no less than 3 million rubles and pays at least 150 thousand a year for the policy, then he becomes a client with a special VIP status. What does this give him?

Firstly, a personal manager is assigned to him, who will be in touch 24 hours a day. In addition, he receives:

  • 24/7 dispatch support;
  • detailed recommendations from a personal manager on actions at the scene of an accident online;
  • referral for repairs to a service station without visiting the company office;
  • evacuation of the car any number of times during the contract;
  • payments without certificates from the traffic police (if the damage is minor and does not exceed 5% of the insured amount);
  • providing step-by-step advice on behavior in the event of an accident;
  • evacuation of cars in Moscow and the region if an insured event occurs (the number is not limited within the scope of the policy, but for each insured event - no more than one);
  • the company is expanding the territory of providing services to some foreign countries.

All issues related to payments, repairs, documents are resolved by a personal manager.


Advantages of registering for CASCO insurance at RESO Insurance

The company rightfully occupies a leading position in this type of car insurance. The reliability of the company is guaranteed by the authorized capital, the amount of which exceeds ten billion rubles.

RESO has a consistently high rating according to studies conducted by expert agencies, and good future development prospects are noted. The financial viability of the company is guaranteed by several leading foreign companies.

The popularity of the company is associated with a large number of advantages:

  • numerous and varied insurance programs;
  • the ability to choose a policy option for any wallet;
  • 24/7 customer support;
  • different policy cost options for different budgets;
  • possibility of paying for the policy in installments.

RESO-Garantiya is a company that provides various insurance services. The priority areas are the issuance of and.

In recent years, the company has significantly increased the amount of its insurance premium. Receipts from clients increased by 19.4% from 2013 to 2019. The amount of accumulated premiums according to 2019 data brought the company to third place among all insurance companies in Russia. 40% of the services provided belong to the issuance of CASCO policies.

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The company's branches are located in many cities of the country. There are about 800 offices in total. According to the independent agency Expert RA, RESO-Garantiya has the highest level of reliability A++.

Clients who want to insure their own car on a voluntary basis should find out the CASCO rules from Reso Guarantee in order to conclude.

Central moments

The company agreement defines some points that are central. It is for them that insurance is provided in 2019 by insurers RESO-Garantiya.

An important point is the calculation of the sum insured. RESO-Garantiya provides non-aggregate payments that are made by insurers for each insured event. This does not take into account the number of incidents during the insurance period. The limit remains unchanged for the entire duration of the contract.

When full payment is made for the damage covered by the contract, the policy remains valid. The only exception to this clause is the complete loss of the vehicle.

When calculating insurance compensation for damage, the wear and tear of the vehicle at the time of the incident or the signing of the contract is not taken into account.

The CASCO insurance rules specify the conditions for total loss of the vehicle. It is stated when the restoration of the car requires more 80% from its cost. The calculation excludes depreciation at the time the insurance policy is issued.

According to the CASCO and OSAGO agreement in RESO-Garantiya, depreciation is accrued according to the following scheme:

The contract determines the deadline for filing a claim for damage suffered by the vehicle. The client may submit a written request within 10 days. Accounting is carried out only by the number of working days.

If the vehicle was stolen, the insurer determines a period of 24 hours. This is exactly how much time is given to verbally notify the company about the absence of a car. To receive compensation, the policyholder must submit a written request. He is given three working days to do this, otherwise payments will not be made.

In case of damage, the insurance company must pay compensation within 20 days, and the payment itself is made by non-cash method to the client’s account

If there is a total loss of the vehicle, the period increases to 30 days.

CASCO rules from Reso Guarantee provide for the terms of reimbursement of funds in the event of theft of a vehicle. Compensation is transferred within 30 days from the date of submission of the application by the policyholder. In addition, the client must have the necessary documents and a resolution to initiate a criminal case regarding the theft.

The agreement provides for exceptions from. Risks do not include damage to caps, tires, rims and other wheel parts, as well as tension awnings. If the awning product was stolen, payments will also not be made.

RESO-Garantiya makes payments in case of additional incidents. These include damage during towing of the vehicle, as well as damage to the integrity of the car during evacuation. In the latter case, the amount of compensation does not exceed 1% from the insured amount.

The client may not provide documentary evidence in the event of some insured events.

These include:

  • violation of the integrity of glass;
  • damage to headlights;
  • deterioration of body parts.

Compensation is awarded if the amount of damage does not exceed 200 dollars for Russian brands of vehicles and 500 dollars for imported cars.

Duties of the parties

The insurance contract provides for the rights and obligations of both parties. The rules for the policyholder and the insurer are prescribed separately.

In the event of an insured event, the policyholder, driver or other representative must take measures to save the car. Also, actions should be aimed at helping passengers of the vehicle. The insured must prevent further damage to the vehicle and eliminate factors that may contribute to additional damage.

If during the incident the insured vehicle was damaged or lost, as well as technical equipment, the policyholder must act in accordance with his responsibilities:

  1. It is necessary to urgently call law enforcement agencies who will investigate this incident. It is also important to document the event.
  2. After the accident, the policyholder, his representative or the driver must contact the insurance company with a written statement. Its form is determined by the insurer. The document specifies all the circumstances of the insured event.

When a vehicle is stolen, a specific plan of action for the policyholder is also outlined in accordance with his responsibilities:

  1. The policyholder, his representative or the driver are required to contact employees of the Internal Affairs Authorities to file a statement about the theft of the vehicle. This must be done at the moment the missing car is discovered.
  2. Within 24 hours, the policyholder must notify the insurance company of the occurrence of the incident. The transfer of data can be carried out through a written statement sent by telegram or by facsimile.
  3. If your car has a special search and detection system, you need to activate it. This can be done if the service is available when the vehicle is stolen. It is also worth notifying the company that maintains this system. The notification method is specified in the contract or instructions.
  4. The policyholder is given three working days to submit a written application to the insurance company. It must indicate all the circumstances of the incident.

Not only the policyholder has direct responsibilities. The contract also sets out the rules for the insurer. He must compensate for the damage within the terms stipulated in the agreement.

If these are not prescribed, then you need to focus on generally accepted norms:

  1. In case of theft, compensation is received no later than thirty working days. The countdown begins from the moment the policyholder submits a package of documents to the company and signs an agreement regulating the actions of the parties upon discovery of the missing car.
  2. If the policyholder dies, then payments must also be transferred to 30 day term.
  3. For all other insured events, a period equal to 25 days from the moment of submission of documents by the policyholder.

Features of CASCO rules in Reso Garantiya

Compensation for damage caused to the car can be calculated in a way convenient for the client.

RESO-Garantiya provides several options:

  • calculation made by the insurance company;
  • a certificate of repair work performed, which is issued to the client at the insurer's partner service center;
  • a receipt for restoration work at a service station chosen by the client independently.

While the CASCO agreement is in effect, the sum insured may be reduced. It is associated with natural wear and tear of parts and components of the vehicle. If repairs require an amount that is more than 80% from the cost of the vehicle, then the car cannot be restored. In this case, its total destruction is recognized.

In some situations, insurers may refuse compensation for damage.

The company highlights non-insurable cases, such as:

  • intentionally causing damage to a vehicle;
  • driving a car by a driver under the influence of alcohol or drugs;
  • driving a car without a driver's license at the time of the incident;
  • fleeing the scene of a traffic accident;
  • destruction, seizure or confiscation by government authorities of a vehicle.

Insurers allocate five days for the client during which he can contact the company to file a claim in case of damage. If a theft occurs, the notification must be made within 24 hours. A written application is submitted within three days.

Important provisions of the contract

The CASCO RESO-Guarantee agreement specifies important provisions that the policyholder needs to know:

  • When calculating the price of a CASCO policy, the market value of the vehicle is taken into account. If insured events occur, the amount of insurance payments does not decrease regardless of the degree, nature of the risk and frequency of events.
  • If the damage to glass structures, headlights, lanterns, or the body was insignificant, then the client does not require certificates from the authorities. He can expect to receive no more than 5% from the full sum insured.
  • In the case of calculating compensation for damage by mutual agreement of the parties, wear and tear of the vehicle and its elements may not be taken into account.

Insurers may refuse to pay compensation to the client, while legal cases are specified in the contract

Among them are:

  • violation of the integrity of the vehicle and the impossibility of its operation due to natural wear and tear of parts;
  • loss of a car in cases provided for by criminal law such as extortion, embezzlement, fraud;
  • changing components and parts of a vehicle, as well as replacing their numbers;
  • forgery of registration plates on a car;
  • commercial and moral losses (lost benefits);
  • theft and violation of the integrity of anti-theft systems that were installed illegally or were not included in the CASCO insurance policy.

The RESO-Garantiya company provides installment plans for customers.

The policyholder can pay the insurance premium:

  • full payment;
  • two payments - on the day the policy was issued and within six months (surcharge 3% );
  • four payments - quarterly 25% with the first payment on the day of receipt of the policy (surcharge 5% ).