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Hero of the Soviet Union Nikolai Afanasyevich Klimovsky. Last name Klimovsky Klimovsky Pavel Petrovich

Nikolai Afanasyevich Klimovsky went through a difficult life.
He was born on September 1, 1910 in the village of Rasskazovo, Chernokuryinsky volost, Barnaul district, Tomsk province, into a peasant family. Nikolai Afanasyevich did not know his mother - she died on the day he was born. And when he was 4 years old, his father, Afanasy Savonovich, leaving his son in the care of his grandfather Savon, together with other Rasskov men, went to war with the Germans (World War I), and never returned.
The boy's childhood in his grandfather's large, poor family was not easy. Nikolai Afanasyevich early learned to make shoes, harrow and plow, and herd cattle.
When the years approached, his comrades went to study, and he took a job with a local kulak. Sometimes, secretly from his grandfather, he attended school (he graduated from seven classes of junior high school only in 1928).
...The October Revolution brought great changes to the village. Nikolai Afanasyevich Klimovsky, one of the first in the village, became a Komsomol member and took an active part in collectivization. He led a field crew on a collective farm (the collective farm “Veselyi Trud” in the village of Rasskazovo was organized only in 1929). Then he worked as a weigher at Zagotzerno at the Romodan railway station, Mirgorod district, Poltava region.
In October 1932, Nikolai Afanasyevich was drafted into the Red Army. Essentially, it was only in the army that he had the opportunity to truly learn. Even before the start of the Great Patriotic War, he went through all the stages from soldier to officer - he achieved more through perseverance, hard work, and passionately wanted to make up for lost time.
In 1938 he graduated from the courses for junior lieutenants. He served further in the Far East in the 263rd Artillery Regiment of the 66th Division of the 1st Red Banner Army. He directly participated in the battles near Lake Khasan as a commander of a fire platoon.
Nikolai Afanasyevich Klimovsky began his military career as an artilleryman at Stalingrad in the difficult year of 1942. In one of the battles he was wounded. After treatment in the hospital, he continued to serve as deputy battalion commander of the artillery regiment of the 299th Infantry Division. Front roads led him to the Kursk Bulge. He took part in the liberation of Belgorod, Poltava, Kremenchug, and the crossing of the Dnieper.
In February 1944, he was appointed deputy commander of the 7th Guards Airborne Artillery Regiment of the 9th Guards Poltava Red Banner Airborne Division.
With his regiment, he took part in the battles near Iasi, at the fork of the Wisła and Vistula, and on the Sandomierz bridgehead.
In the battles of January 12-25, 1945, with the rank of Guard, Major Klimovsky (by this time he was already an experienced anti-tank artilleryman - he had dozens of destroyed tanks, hundreds of broken machine guns, guns...), controlling the fire of the infantry support group, ensured a strong breakthrough fortified enemy defenses in the area of ​​the village of Stopnica, sixteen kilometers east of the city of Busko-Zdroj in Poland.
On January 24, 1945, our troops crossed the Oder. The enemy's fierce resistance could not stop the offensive impulse of the Soviet soldiers. A fierce battle broke out for the village of Shurgast (Khruscyna) twenty kilometers southeast of the city of Brzeg in Poland.
Here, on the Zaoder bridgehead, Nikolai Afanasyevich Klimovsky’s high commanding skill and ability to make the only right decision at a critical moment were fully demonstrated.
The artillerymen took up firing positions and dug trenches. Klimovsky, accompanied by an orderly, walked around the firing positions (fortunately they were all located on a small “heel”) and returned to his observation post, equipped behind Sergeant Shabanov’s gun.
- How are you? - asked the commander of the artillery of the guard division, Lieutenant Colonel Valuev, over the phone.
- It's calm for now! - Klimovsky answered. - We wait.
“Look, Nikolai Afanasyevich, all hope is on you,” the commander warned.
- Do not worry!
In the morning silence, the growing roar of tank engines was heard. Turning into a line, the enemy tanks approached the bridgehead. Infantrymen ran behind them in thick chains.
Klimovsky stood at the observation post with binoculars in his hands. Nearby, holding a telephone receiver in his hands and not taking his eyes off the commander, sat a telephone operator, ready to immediately transmit the command.
The distance between the firing positions and the tanks quickly decreased, but the regiment commander hesitated. Some of the batteries did not have enough endurance.
- Why is there no team? - an alarmed voice asked into the phone.
Klimovsky, without taking his eyes off the binoculars, reached out his hand, took the receiver from the telephone operator’s hands and said imperiously:
His face turned slightly pale. Those five to six minutes of holding time, during which enemy tanks advanced like an avalanche towards the firing position, were worth considerable effort.
The silence of the bridgehead defenders seemed strange to the enemy. They began to get nervous and shot at random. The movement of the tanks slowed down.
And at that moment Klimovsky commanded: - Fire!
All guns struck simultaneously. Several tanks immediately caught fire. The Nazis realized the mistake, but, seeing no salvation, rushed forward.
Reflecting the counterattack, Klimovsky’s artillerymen hit the infantry and tanks with direct fire. Clouds of dust and smoke covered the battlefield. It was necessary to have a lot of experience, to have courage and composure, so as not to get confused in this situation, not to lose sight of a single weapon.
Two tanks broke through to the firing positions of the fourth battery. A shell exploded near Shabanov's gun. The entire gun crew was put out of action: three were wounded, two were killed. The tanks were already very close. A minute or two and they will crush the cannon under their tracks.
Klimovsky, with several other artillerymen who were at his command post, rushed to the gun.
Nikolai Afanasyevich snatched the shell from the dead man’s hands and sent it to the breech. I clung to the panorama. Shot. The tank he was shooting at continued to move straight towards the gun. Another shot. The car with the black and white cross stopped. Smoke poured out of it. Soon a group of our riflemen arrived at the gun. After two well-aimed shots, two more tanks were knocked out.
Two shots, and two more destroyed fascist tanks. The third, firing back, hurried to take cover behind the walls of nearby houses. Enemy infantry began to roll back behind him. In these battles, the regiment inflicted great damage on the enemy - eight tanks and self-propelled guns were burning on the battlefield. Hundreds of enemy corpses lay on the approaches to the bridgehead.
By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of June 27, 1945, for the courage and heroism shown during the crossing of the Oder and holding a bridgehead on its western bank, Guard Major Nikolai Afanasyevich Klimovsky was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the presentation of the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal (No. 7824 ).
The artillery commander, presenting Klimovsky for the award, wrote: “When crossing the Oder River, Guard Major Klimovsky was repeatedly exposed to mortal danger, personally controlled the fire of direct-fire guns, and showed high tenacity, courage and heroism.”
In 1946, he graduated from the Higher Officer Artillery School in Leningrad, in 1954 - the Higher Courses at the Military Artillery Command Academy. Since 1958, Colonel N.A. Klimovsky is in the reserve (he served 26 years in the ranks of the Soviet Army).
After being transferred to the reserve, he returned to his native place. Energetic by nature, he immediately plunged into the broad social life of the city and region. He worked as the head of the Karasuk DOSAAF driving school, chairman of the city Council of People's Deputies of the city of Karasuk (since 1959). He put a lot of work into the improvement of the city.
In 1967 he moved to Tula to live with his son. He worked as a technical supervision engineer at one of the research institutes. In 1974 he retired. Died April 21, 2006. Buried in Tula.

Klimovsky Alexander

(1787) class rank. (1787) [Stepanov V.P. Russian service nobility 2nd half. XVIII century St. Petersburg, 2000: 87-374]

Klimovsky Alexander

(1905--, 1931) priest, lived on the territory of the Dretensky village council. Deprived of voting rights in 1931 [NovgKP: vol. 7, p. 273, Starorussky district of the Novgorod region.] [Book of memory of victims of political repressions of the Novgorod region. T.1-9.]

Klimovsky Alexander

(1918) in 1918 Marine Corps 1918. Fate unknown. [Volkov S.V. Fleet officers... M., 2004]

Klimovsky Alexander Afanasyevich

(1893, Sukhodvorsky s/s, village of Payus --- 1941/45) Vologda region, Red Army soldier died in Vel. Otech. war

Klimovsky Alexander Ivanovich

(1893, Ramensky s/s---1941/45) Vologda region, Red Army soldier died in Vel. Otech. war

Klimovsky Alexander Ivanovich

(1899---1944.09.28) senior lieutenant died in Vel.Otech. war

Klimovsky Alexander Innokentievich

(1889--,1931) Russian. Higher education. Lived in Krasnoyarsk. Turner at a porcelain and earthenware factory. Arrested 03/1931/03. Charge under Art. 58-10, 58-13 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR. Convicted on 08/1931/23 by the OGPU board to 5 years in labor camp. Rehabilitated on 11/1989/06 by the KK prosecutor's office (P-16634). [Krasnoyarsk]

Klimovsky Alexander Ippolitovich

(1889.03.08, the village of Chastoostrovskoe, Emelyanovsk volost. Krasnoyarsk district of the Yenisei province. Russian. Lived in Krasnoyarsk. From a working-class family of a priest --- 1938.07.25) higher legal education, non-party. In 1931 we were judged under Art. 58-10 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR. Mechanic in a typewriter repair shop. Arrested 05/1938/14. Charged with KRO, ASA. Sentenced on 05/1938/28 by the UNKVD KK troika to VMN with confiscation of personal property. Shot on July 1938, 2025 in Krasnoyarsk. Rehabilitated 1957.09.10 VT Siberian Military District. (P-7846). [Krasnoyarsk]

Klimovsky Alexey

(1869--, 1929) priest, lived in the village of Dreteno. Deprived of voting rights. Expelled in 1929 [NovgKP: vol. 8, p. 230, Starorussky district of the Novgorod region.] [Book of memory of victims of political repressions of the Novgorod region. T.1-9.]

Klimovsky Alexey Vasilievich

(1788) class rank. (1788) [Stepanov V.P. Russian service nobility 2nd half. XVIII century St. Petersburg, 2000: 88-347 89-306 94-272 95-272 96-281]

Klimovsky Anastasy

(18?) collegiate secretary, double coat of arms included in the General Armorial Book, part XIV, 67

Klimovsky Antonin Ivanovich

(1906--,1938) -1976, Russian, native of Krasnoyarsk. Worked at the station depot. Novosibirsk chairman of the local committee. 1938.03.03 arrested for involvement in a Trotskyist organization. 1938.06.13 condemned by the Supreme Court of the Supreme Court of the USSR Armed Forces to 10 years in prison + 5 years with confiscation of property under Art. 17-58-8, 58-7, 11 CC. After conviction, he was sent to Solovki (STON), then by Solovetsky convoy to Norilsk. From 1939.08.16 to 1948.03.02 he served time in Norillag. At the end of his term he worked at a coke plant. 1952.11.19 OSO MGB USSR sentenced to settlement in Norilsk. 1955.09.14 The Military Commissariat of the USSR Armed Forces was rehabilitated. He remained to work in Norilsk, and after retirement he lived in Krasnoyarsk. [Krasnoyarsk]

Klimovsky Arseniy Evdokimovich

(---1905.05.14/15, under Tsushima) from the peasants of the Vologda province, Totemsky district, Spasskaya volost, the village of Borka. Single. a sailor of the 1st class on a squadron battleship died in a battle with the Japanese in the Tsushima Strait [inf.: Papeshin V.N.]

Klimovsky Boris Nikolaevich

(1915, Yaroslavl, Leninsk district --- 1944.05.) Sergeant in the Great Patriotic War. disappeared during the war. [CPNA, volume 1, page 398.]

Klimovsky Vasily Alexandrovich

(1894, Sukhodvorsky s/s, village of Basailovo --- 1941/45) Vologda region, Red Army soldier died in Vel. Otech. war

Klimovsky Vasily Nesterovich

(1893, Pyzhugsky s/s, village Niva --- 1941/45) Vologda region, Red Army soldier died in Vel. Otech. war

Klimovsky Vasily Nikolaevich

(1903--, 1942) native and resident of the village of Shotovo, Russian, 4th grade education, former member of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks), accountant. Arrested 03/1942/05 Case dismissed 06/1942/30 Released. [NovgKP: vol. 4, p. 310, Starorussky district of the Novgorod region.] [Book of memory of victims of political repressions of the Novgorod region. T.1-9.]

Klimovsky Vasl. Leop.

(1909) in 1909 lieutenant colonel stolonach. (and. d.) Kyiv military district [General sp.officer. to 1909. See section ]

Klimovsky Vikenty Dmitrievich

(1883, village of Demkino, Ryazan region. Head of the operational department of the Ranenburg district cooperative union. Resident of the city of Ranenburg, Ryazan region. Articles of accusation: 58-10 58-11---1938.01.24) 2. Shot on 01.24.38. [Lipetsk]

Klimovsky Viktor Nikolaevich

(1887, Petrozavodsk ---1938.04.20) Russian, non-partisan, ch. accountant at the Karelian State Theater. Lived in Petrozavodsk. Arrested 04/1938/07 by the Troika of the NKVD of the Karelian ASSR from 04/1938/14 convicted under Art. 58-2-10-11-12. Shot on 04/1938/20 in the vicinity of Petrozavodsk. Rehabilitated by the Presidium of the Supreme Court of the KASSR 1957.11.27 [Memorial lists of Karelia, 1937-1938: Destroyed Karelia. Part 2., Petrozavodsk, 2002.]

(1895, village of Ivanovskoye, Starorusskoye district --- 1937.10.25) Russian, psalm-reader, lived in the village of Artemovskoye. Arrested 08/1937/28 Shot 10/1937/25, born. Borovichi. [NovgKP: vol. 1, p. 128, Lyubytinsky district of the Novgorod region.] [Book of memory of victims of political repressions of the Novgorod region. T.1-9.]

Klimovsky Vladimir Alekseevich

(1895, Ivanovskoye village - 1931) Russian, literate, deacon, lived in Ivanovskoye village, deacon. Arrested 06/1931/12 Sentenced 11/1931/04 to 5 years in concentration camps. [NovgKP: t. 5, p. 259, Starorussky district of the Novgorod region.] [Book of memory of victims of political repressions of the Novgorod region. T.1-9.]

Klimovsky Vladimir Alekseevich

(1895---1937, Leningrad) native of the village of Ivanovskoye, Starorussky district, Leningrad. region, Russian, psalm-reader, lived: Artem village, Lyubytinsky district, Len. region Arrested on 1937.08.28 by a special troika of the UNKVD LO on 1937.10.19 sentenced to capital punishment. Shot in Borovichi 1937.10.25 [Leningrad]

Klimovsky Vladimir Vasilievich

(1919, Yaroslavl, Kirovsk district --- 1942.09.13, Oryol region, Livensky district, Monogarovo village.) Art. Sergeant V Vel.Otech. died of wounds during the war. Place of death, burial, reburial Oryol region, Livensky district, Monogarovo village. [CPNA, volume 1, page 159.]

Klimovsky Vladimir Philip.

(1909) in 1909, staff captain of the cavalry [General sp.officer. to 1909. See section]

Klimovsky Dmitry Alexandrovich

(1919, Yaroslavl, Leninsk district --- 1943.08.03,†Donetsk region, Kuibyshev district, Kushmatsky village.) Lieutenant. In Vel.Otech. died during the war. Place of death, burial, reburial Donetsk region, Kuibyshevsky district, kh. Kushmatsky. [CPNA, volume 1, page 398.]

Klimovsky Dmitry Nikolaevich

(1899--1953,†Moscow, Vvedensk class) professor

Klimovsky Egor Egorovich

(1899---1942.08.) private died in Vel. Otech. war

(1894.01.05, village of Ust-Tungussk, Yenisei district, Yenisei province. Russian. Lieutenant in Kolchak’s army from July 1918 to December 1919. Lived in Krasnoyarsk. Son of a priest --- 1938.07.25) secondary education, non-party. Accountant of the State Administration for Emergency Situations. Arrested on 05/1938/27, held in Krasnoyarsk prison, 10 people were held. 1938.06.13 UNKVD KK sentenced to VMN with confiscation of personal property. Shot on July 1938, 2025 in Krasnoyarsk. Rehabilitated 1957.09.10 VT Siberian Military District. (P-7847). [Krasnoyarsk]

Klimovsky Konstantin Nikolaevich

(1895, Staraya Russa ---1937.11.24) Russian, secondary education, priest, lived in the village of Lyakhovichi. Arrested 10/1937/18 Executed 11/1937/24 in Leningrad. [NovgKP: vol. 1, p. 288, Starorussky district of the Novgorod region.] [Book of memory of victims of political repressions of the Novgorod region. T.1-9.]

Klimovsky Konstantin Nikolaevich

(1895---1937, Leningrad) native of Staraya Russa Leningrad. region, Russian, non-partisan, priest, lived: village of Lyakhovichi, Zaluchsky district, Len. region Arrested 10/1937/18 by a special troika of the UNKVD LO 11/1937/15 sentenced under Art. Art. 58-10-11 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR to capital punishment. Shot in Leningrad 11/19/24 [Leningrad]

Klimovsky Kornil Kuzmich

(---1905.05.15, under Tsushima) from the territory of the Perm province. Osinskago u. Kolebarsky parish and factory. 1st class fireman on a squadron battleship died in a battle with the Japanese in the Tsushima Strait

Klimovsky Korol Omelyanovich

(1916.02.12, Ivano-Frankivsk region, Dolinsk district, Vishkov village, 1999) as of 1999.09.14 resident: Ukraine Ivano-Frankivsk region, Dolinsk district, Vishkov village

Klimovsky Kuzma Andreevich

(1893---1941/45) Artemovsky district, Sverdlovsk region, Red Army soldier died in Vel. Otech. war

Klimovsky Leonid Alexandrovich

(1915.08.03, Morkonnitsy, Malovishersky district, Novgorod region - -, 1976) resident: Ekaterinburg, Mira street, 3 building. In apartment 9 passport issued 1976.12.01

Klimovsky Luka Grigorievich

(1658) in 1658 foreigner

Klimovsky Lukyan

(1651) Polish dvn.?

Klimovsky Nikolay Grigorievich

(1911.11.02--, 2000) as of 2000.03.22 resident: Ukraine Ternopil region, Chortkiv district, Chortkiv city

Klimovsky Nikolai Ivanovich

(1893--,1932) Vologda region. repressed

Klimovsky Nikolay Afanasyevich

(1910.09.01, village of Rasskazovo, now Karasuk district, Novosibirsk region - 1944) b. in a peasant family. Russian. Member of the CPSU since 1944. In 1928 he graduated from 7 classes. He worked as a weigher on the railway. Art. Romodan, Mirgorod district, Poltava. region In Sov. Army since 1932.10.. Graduated from junior courses. lieutenants in 1938. Participant in the battles near the lake. Hasan in 1938. In battles Vel. Otech. war since 1942.04.. Kom-r of the 7th Guards. air-des. art. regiment (9th Guards Airborne Division, 5th Guards Army, 1st Ukrainian Front) Guards. Major K. in the battles of January 12-25, 1945, controlling the fire of the infantry support group, ensured a breakthrough of the heavily fortified fortification. defense pr-ka in the area not us. point Stopnica (16 km east of Busko-Zdrój, Poland), crossing the Oder on January 24, 1945, capturing and expanding the bridgehead on our left bank. point Shurgast (Khruscyna, 20 km southeast of Brzeg, Poland). In these battles, the regiment inflicted great damage on the pr-ku. Title of Hero of the Owls. Union assigned 27.6.45. In 1946 he graduated from the Higher Officer, Art. school in Leningrad, in 1954 - Higher courses at the Military. art. team academician Since 1958, Colonel K. has been in reserve. Worked before the City Council of Karasuk. Now he lives in Tula. Load hord. Lenin, 3rd horde. Red Banner, horde. Alexander Nevsky, Fatherland Wars 1st and 2nd Art., 2nd Horde. Red Star, medals.

Klimovsky Pavel Petrovich

(1914) to 1914 officer (1914)

Klimovsky Pavel Petrovich

(1917) in 1917 major general command division. (since 1917.04.10)

Klimovsky Pavel Yakovlevich

(1876--, 1932) lived in the village of Dovorets. Deprived of voting rights in 1918 [NovgKP: vol. 6, p. 235, Soletsky district of the Novgorod region.] [Book of memory of victims of political repressions of the Novgorod region. T.1-9.]

Klimovsky Petr Alexandrovich

(1910, Vologda region, village of Ulyanovo, Yaroslavl, Leninsk district --- 1942.10.) kr-ts. In Vel.Otech. disappeared during the war. [CPNA, volume 1, page 398.]

Klimovsky Petr Andreevich

(1873, the village of Sedelnikovo, Zaledeyevsk volost, Krasnoyarsk district, Yenisei province. Minister of worship. Lived in the village of Kuskun, Mansky district of the VSK. Priest of the Kuskun church. Arrested 1933.10.01. Accusation of sabotage - 1934) ASA. Convicted on 1934.01.02 by the troika of the OGPU VSK PP for 3 years of deportation to the Yenisei region. Rehabilitated on 1989.05.31 by the prosecutor's office of the KK (P-16795). [Krasnoyarsk] - What can I tell you about myself, I didn’t distinguish myself in anything. Our soldiers really showed heroism.

Nikolai Afanasyevich Klimovsky went through a difficult life.

He was born on September 1, 1910 in the village of Rasskazovo, Chernokuryinsky volost, Barnaul district, Tomsk province, into a peasant family. Nikolai Afanasyevich did not know his mother - she died on the day he was born. And when he was 4 years old, his father, Afanasy Savonovich, leaving his son in the care of his grandfather Savon, together with other Rasskov men, went to war with the Germans (World War I), and never returned.

The boy's childhood in his grandfather's large, poor family was not easy. Nikolai Afanasyevich early learned to make shoes, harrow and plow, and herd cattle.

When the years approached, his comrades went to study, and he took a job with a local kulak. Sometimes, secretly from his grandfather, he attended school (he graduated from seven classes of junior high school only in 1928).

...The October Revolution brought great changes to the village. Nikolai Afanasyevich Klimovsky, one of the first in the village, became a Komsomol member and took an active part in collectivization. He led a field crew on a collective farm (the collective farm “Veselyi Trud” in the village of Rasskazovo was organized only in 1929). Then he worked as a weigher at Zagotzerno at the Romodan railway station, Mirgorod district, Poltava region.

In the thirty-second he was drafted into the army, stayed for extra-long duty... He served in the Far East, with Hassan... And there was war. In the summer of forty-two we were thrown at Stalingrad... The task of our 5th Guards Army was one thing - to block the path of the sixth fascist army, which was rushing to the Volga, to divert its forces. I went through the whole war with the fifth...

In October 1932, Nikolai Afanasyevich was drafted into the Red Army. Essentially, it was only in the army that he had the opportunity to truly learn. Even before the start of the Great Patriotic War, he went through all the stages from soldier to officer - he achieved more through perseverance, hard work, and passionately wanted to make up for lost time.

In 1938 he graduated from the courses for junior lieutenants. He served further in the Far East in the 263rd Artillery Regiment of the 66th Division of the 1st Red Banner Army. He directly participated in the battles near Lake Khasan as a commander of a fire platoon.

Nikolai Afanasyevich Klimovsky began his military career as an artilleryman at Stalingrad in the difficult year of 1942. In one of the battles he was wounded. After treatment in the hospital, he continued to serve as deputy battalion commander of the artillery regiment of the 299th Infantry Division. Front roads led him to the Kursk Bulge. He took part in the liberation of Belgorod, Poltava, Kremenchug, and the crossing of the Dnieper.

In February 1944, he was appointed deputy commander of the 7th Guards Airborne Artillery Regiment of the 9th Guards Poltava Red Banner Airborne Division.

This was in Moldova. In the area of ​​the village of Pugochen, one of our divisions was left without infantry cover. The crews fought until the last shell, and when they ran out, the soldiers removed the locks and panoramas from the guns and, firing from machine guns, retreated. Regimental commander Major N.V. arrived in the division. Marchenko calmly and firmly said: “Get ready for the attack, we will recapture the guns from the fascists,” took the machine gun and shouted: “Communists, forward, follow me!” The batteries rushed after him, nothing could stop them. The artillerymen broke through to the firing positions of their batteries, and hand-to-hand combat ensued. Marchenko died in that battle - he was hit by machine gun fire. I was appointed commander of the regiment in April 1944. I tried to be like my predecessor in everything... /from the article by V. Varfolomeev “Walked under the red banner...”/

With his regiment, he took part in the battles near Iasi, at the fork of the Wisła and Vistula, and on the Sandomierz bridgehead.

In the battles of January 12-25, 1945, with the rank of Guard, Major Klimovsky (by this time he was already an experienced anti-tank artilleryman - he had dozens of destroyed tanks, hundreds of broken machine guns, guns...), controlling the fire of the infantry support group, ensured a strong breakthrough fortified enemy defenses in the area of ​​the village of Stopnica, sixteen kilometers east of the city of Busko-Zdroj in Poland.

On January 24, 1945, our troops crossed the Oder. The enemy's fierce resistance could not stop the offensive impulse of the Soviet soldiers. A fierce battle broke out for the village of Shurgast (Khruscyna) twenty kilometers southeast of the city of Brzeg in Poland.

Here, on the Zaoder bridgehead, Nikolai Afanasyevich Klimovsky’s high commanding skill and ability to make the only right decision at a critical moment were fully demonstrated.

The artillerymen took up firing positions and dug trenches. Klimovsky, accompanied by an orderly, walked around the firing positions (fortunately they were all located on a small “heel”) and returned to his observation post, equipped behind Sergeant Shabanov’s gun.

How are you? - asked the commander of the artillery of the guard division, Lieutenant Colonel Valuev, over the phone.

It's calm for now! - Klimovsky answered. - We wait.

Look, Nikolai Afanasyevich, all hope is in you,” the commander warned.

Do not worry!

In the morning silence, the growing roar of tank engines was heard. Turning into a line, the enemy tanks approached the bridgehead. Infantrymen ran behind them in thick chains.

Klimovsky stood at the observation post with binoculars in his hands. Nearby, holding a telephone receiver in his hands and not taking his eyes off the commander, sat a telephone operator, ready to immediately transmit the command.

The distance between the firing positions and the tanks quickly decreased, but the regiment commander hesitated. Some of the batteries did not have enough endurance.

Why is there no team? - an alarmed voice asked into the phone.

Klimovsky, without taking his eyes off the binoculars, reached out his hand, took the receiver from the telephone operator’s hands and said imperiously: “Wait!”

His face turned slightly pale. Those five to six minutes of holding time, during which enemy tanks advanced like an avalanche towards the firing position, were worth considerable effort.

The silence of the bridgehead defenders seemed strange to the enemy. They began to get nervous and shot at random. The movement of the tanks slowed down.

And at that moment Klimovsky commanded: - Fire!

All guns struck simultaneously. Several tanks immediately caught fire. The Nazis realized the mistake, but, seeing no salvation, rushed forward.

Reflecting the counterattack, Klimovsky’s artillerymen hit the infantry and tanks with direct fire. Clouds of dust and smoke covered the battlefield. It was necessary to have a lot of experience, to have courage and composure, so as not to get confused in this situation, not to lose sight of a single weapon.

Two tanks broke through to the firing positions of the fourth battery. A shell exploded near Shabanov's gun. The entire gun crew was put out of action: three were wounded, two were killed. The tanks were already very close. A minute or two and they will crush the cannon under their tracks.

Klimovsky, with several other artillerymen who were at his command post, rushed to the gun.

I noticed that the gun had fallen silent and ran there. And the enemy tanks moved towards the gun position. Fortunately, the Nazis did not notice me and believed that the gun would no longer fire. Well, I loaded it and fired it. The tank caught fire. The second tank crawled back. That's all. Nothing special... /from the article by I. Demyanenko and A. Burenko “Soldiers Listen to the Hero’s Story”/

Nikolai Afanasyevich snatched the shell from the dead man’s hands and sent it to the breech. I clung to the panorama. Shot. The tank he was shooting at continued to move straight towards the gun. Another shot. The car with the black and white cross stopped. Smoke poured out of it. Soon a group of our riflemen arrived at the gun. After two well-aimed shots, two more tanks were knocked out.

Two shots, and two more destroyed fascist tanks. The third, firing back, hurried to take cover behind the walls of nearby houses. Enemy infantry began to roll back behind him. In these battles, the regiment inflicted great damage on the enemy - eight tanks and self-propelled guns were burning on the battlefield. Hundreds of enemy corpses lay on the approaches to the bridgehead.

- Nikolai Afanasyevich, was it scary?
- Scary... That day there were several more attacks, then, together with the infantry that had crossed, the division went on the offensive and rushed towards Breslau and Dresden. In Dresden we learned about the end of the war. But there were still battles for Prague ahead...
/from the article by V. Varfolomeev “Walked under the red banner...”/

By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of June 27, 1945, for the courage and heroism shown during the crossing of the Oder and holding a bridgehead on its western bank, Guard Major Nikolai Afanasyevich Klimovsky was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the presentation of the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal (No. 7824 ).

The artillery commander, presenting Klimovsky for the award, wrote: “When crossing the Oder River, Guard Major Klimovsky was repeatedly exposed to mortal danger, personally controlled the fire of direct-fire guns, and showed high tenacity, courage and heroism.”

In 1946, he graduated from the Higher Officer Artillery School in Leningrad, in 1954 - Higher Courses at the Military Artillery Command Academy. Since 1958, Colonel N.A. Klimovsky is in the reserve (he served 26 years in the ranks of the Soviet Army).

“I still consider myself in your ranks,” these words of Nikolai Afanasyevich were drowned in thunder of applause./from the article by I. Demyanenko and A. Burenko “Soldiers listen to the hero’s story”/

After being transferred to the reserve, he returned to his native place. Energetic by nature, he immediately plunged into the broad social life of the city and region. He worked as the head of the Karasuk DOSAAF driving school, chairman of the city Council of People's Deputies of the city of Karasuk (since 1959). He put a lot of work into the improvement of the city.

In 1967 he moved to Tula to live with his son. He worked as a technical supervision engineer at one of the research institutes. In 1974 he retired. Died April 21, 2006. Buried in Tula.

ON THE. Klimovsky was awarded the Order of Lenin (06/27/45), three Orders of the Red Banner (10/22/44; 06/28/45; 04/20/53), the Order of Alexander Nevsky (05/09/44), the 1st Patriotic War (04/06/85) and the 2nd th (06/27/43) degree, two Orders of the Red Star (09/17/43; 11/06/47), the medal “For Military Merit” (11/3/44), and other medals.

- Nikolai Afanasyevich, almost seven decades are behind us, a great life. What is your deepest desire, dream?
- So that there will never be a war... I want to be useful to people, to remain in service. We veterans still have something to pass on to young people.
The Golden Star sparkled on his chest with living rays of sunlight...
/from the article by V. Varfolomeev “Walked under the red banner...”/

01.09.1910 - 21.04.2006
Hero of the Soviet Union

TO Limovsky Nikolai Afanasyevich - commander of the 7th Guards Airborne Artillery Regiment of the 9th Guards Poltava Red Banner Airborne Division of the 5th Guards Army of the 1st Ukrainian Front, Guard Major.

Born on September 1, 1910 in the village of Rasskazovo, Karasuksky district, Novosibirsk region, in a peasant family. Russian. Member of the CPSU(b)/CPSU since 1944. In 1928 he graduated from seven classes of junior high school. He worked as a weigher in "Zagotzerno" at the Romodan railway station in the Mirgorod district of the Poltava region.

In October 1932 he was drafted into the Red Army. In 1938 he graduated from the courses for junior lieutenants. Participant in the battles near Lake Khasan in 1938. He served in the 263rd Artillery Regiment of the 66th Division of the 1st Red Banner Army. In the battles of the Great Patriotic War from April 1942. He fought on the Stalingrad, 1st and 2nd Ukrainian fronts.

Artilleryman N.A.’s own military path Klimovsky began at Stalingrad in the difficult year of 1942. In one of the battles he was wounded. After treatment in the hospital, he continued to serve as deputy battalion commander of the artillery regiment of the 299th Infantry Division. Front roads led him to the Kursk Bulge. ON THE. Klimovsky took part in the liberation of Belgorod, Poltava, and Kremenchug.

In February 1944, he was appointed deputy commander of the 7th Guards Airborne Artillery Regiment of the 9th Guards Poltava Red Banner Airborne Division.

In the battles to expand the Pugochen bridgehead, the regiment commander died. N.A. took command. Klimovsky. With his regiment, he took part in the battles near Iasi, at the fork of the Wisła and Vistula, and on the Sandomierz bridgehead.

In the battles of January 12-25, 1945, Guard Major N.A. Klimovsky, controlling the fire of the infantry support group, ensured a breakthrough of the heavily fortified enemy defenses in the area of ​​​​the settlement of Stopnica, sixteen kilometers east of the city of Busko-Zdroj in Poland.

On January 24, 1945, our troops crossed the Oder. The enemy's fierce resistance could not stop the offensive impulse of the Soviet soldiers. A fierce battle broke out for the village of Shurgast (Chruscyna) twenty kilometers southeast of the city of Brzeg in Poland.

Reflecting enemy counterattacks, artillerymen N.A. Klimovsky was hit by direct fire on infantry and tanks. Clouds of dust and smoke covered the battlefield. It was necessary to have a lot of experience, to have courage and composure, so as not to get confused in this situation, not to lose sight of a single weapon.

Here, on the Zaoder bridgehead, N.A.’s high commanding skills were fully demonstrated. Klimovsky, the ability to make the only right decision at a critical moment.

He immediately noticed that one of the guns of the 4th battery had fallen silent. And fascist tanks were approaching her positions, N.A. Klimovsky, with several more artillerymen who were at his command post, rushed to the gun. The gun crew was disabled, three were wounded, two were killed.

ON THE. Klimovsky snatched the shell from the hands of the dead man and sent it to the breech. I clung to the panorama. Shot. The tank he was shooting at continued to move straight towards the gun. Another shot. The car with the black and white cross stopped. Smoke poured out of it. Soon a group of our riflemen arrived at the gun. They started sending shells to N.A. Klimovsky. After two well-aimed shots, two more tanks were knocked out.

Two shots, and two more destroyed fascist tanks. The third, firing back, hurried to take cover behind the walls of nearby houses. Enemy infantry began to roll back behind him. In these battles, the regiment inflicted great damage on the enemy.

U Kazakh Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated June 27, 1945 for the courage and heroism shown during the crossing of the Oder and maintaining a bridgehead on its western bank to Guard Major Nikolai Afanasyevich Klimovsky awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal (No. 7824).

In 1946 he graduated from the Higher Officer Artillery School in Leningrad, in 1954 - the Higher Courses at the Military Artillery Command Academy. Since 1958, Colonel N.A. Klimovsky is in reserve. He worked as chairman of the city council of the city of Karasuk. In 1967 he moved to the city of Tula. He worked as a technical supervision engineer at one of the research institutes. In 1974 he retired. Died April 21, 2006. Buried in Tula.

Awarded the Order of Lenin (06/27/1945), three Orders of the Red Banner (10/22/1944; 06/28/1945; 04/20/1953), the Order of Alexander Nevsky (05/09/1944), the 1st Patriotic War (03/11/1985) and the 2nd (06/27/1943) degrees, two Orders of the Red Star (09/17/1943; 11/06/1947), the medal "For Military Merit" (11/03/1944), and other medals.

Klimovsky Nikolay Afanasyevich– commander of the 7th Guards Airborne Artillery Regiment of the 9th Guards Poltava Red Banner Airborne Division of the 5th Guards Army of the 1st Ukrainian Front, Guard Major.

Born on September 1, 1910 in the village of Rasskazovo, Karasuksky district, Novosibirsk region, in a peasant family. In 1928 he graduated from seven classes of junior high school. He worked as a weigher in "Zagotzerno" at the Romodan railway station in the Mirgorod district of the Poltava region.

In October 1932 he was drafted into the Red Army. In 1938 he graduated from the courses for junior lieutenants. Participant in the battles near Lake Khasan in 1938. He served in the 263rd Artillery Regiment of the 66th Division of the 1st Red Banner Army. In the battles of the Great Patriotic War from April 1942. He fought on the Stalingrad, 1st and 2nd Ukrainian fronts.

Artilleryman N.A.’s own military path Klimovsky began at Stalingrad in the difficult year of 1942. In one of the battles he was wounded. After treatment in the hospital, he continued to serve as deputy battalion commander of the artillery regiment of the 299th Infantry Division. Front roads led him to the Kursk Bulge. ON THE. Klimovsky took part in the liberation of Belgorod, Poltava, and Kremenchug.

In February 1944, he was appointed deputy commander of the 7th Guards Airborne Artillery Regiment of the 9th Guards Poltava Red Banner Airborne Division.

In the battles to expand the Pugochen bridgehead, the regiment commander died. N.A. took command. Klimovsky. With his regiment, he took part in the battles near Iasi, at the fork of the Wisła and Vistula, and on the Sandomierz bridgehead.

In the battles of January 12-25, 1945, Guard Major N.A. Klimovsky, controlling the fire of the infantry support group, ensured a breakthrough of the heavily fortified enemy defenses in the area of ​​​​the settlement of Stopnica, sixteen kilometers east of the city of Busko-Zdroj in Poland.

On January 24, 1945, our troops crossed the Oder. The enemy's fierce resistance could not stop the offensive impulse of the Soviet soldiers. A fierce battle broke out for the village of Shurgast (Chruscyna) twenty kilometers southeast of the city of Brzeg in Poland.

Reflecting enemy counterattacks, artillerymen N.A. Klimovsky was hit by direct fire on infantry and tanks. Clouds of dust and smoke covered the battlefield. It was necessary to have a lot of experience, to have courage and composure, so as not to get confused in this situation, not to lose sight of a single weapon.

Here, on the Zaoder bridgehead, N.A.’s high commanding skills were fully demonstrated. Klimovsky, the ability to make the only right decision at a critical moment.

He immediately noticed that one of the guns of the 4th battery had fallen silent. And fascist tanks were approaching her positions, N.A. Klimovsky, with several more artillerymen who were at his command post, rushed to the gun. The gun crew was disabled, three were wounded, two were killed.

ON THE. Klimovsky snatched the shell from the hands of the dead man and sent it to the breech. I clung to the panorama. Shot. The tank he was shooting at continued to move straight towards the gun. Another shot. The car with the black and white cross stopped. Smoke poured out of it. Soon a group of our riflemen arrived at the gun. They started sending shells to N.A. Klimovsky. After two well-aimed shots, two more tanks were knocked out.

Two shots, and two more destroyed fascist tanks. The third, firing back, hurried to take cover behind the walls of nearby houses. Enemy infantry began to roll back behind him. In these battles, the regiment inflicted great damage on the enemy.

U Kazakh Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated June 27, 1945 for the courage and heroism shown during the crossing of the Oder and maintaining a bridgehead on its western bank to Guard Major Nikolai Afanasyevich Klimovsky awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union with the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal (No. 7824).

In 1946 he graduated from the Higher Officer Artillery School in Leningrad, in 1954 - the Higher Courses at the Military Artillery Command Academy. Since 1958, Colonel N.A. Klimovsky is in reserve. He worked as chairman of the city council of the city of Karasuk. In 1967 he moved to the city of Tula. He worked as a technical supervision engineer at one of the research institutes. In 1974 he retired. Died April 21, 2006. Buried in Tula.

Awarded the Order of Lenin (06/27/1945), three Orders of the Red Banner (10/22/1944; 06/28/1945; 04/20/1953), the Order of Alexander Nevsky (05/09/1944), the 1st Patriotic War (03/11/1985) and the 2nd (06/27/1943) degrees, two Orders of the Red Star (09/17/1943; 11/06/1947), the medal "For Military Merit" (11/03/1944), and other medals.