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GOST for daytime running lights of the car. Choosing daytime running lights

The popularity of DRL is growing every year. Many motorists who do not have modern daytime running lights in the factory version of the car seek to install them on the vehicle. This can be done independently, without involving specialists. In addition to their main function, DRLs also have decent decorative properties. They improve the appearance of the car, making it more interesting and conspicuous. But do not forget that their main function is to increase road safety by improving the visibility of the vehicle for other road users. Therefore, it is important to understand and know which daytime running lights are best to put on your car.

What is it and how does it work

All experts and ordinary motorists will say that DRLs need to be carefully selected in terms of quality and performance and installed better. This will really increase the visibility of your car and reduce the risk of accidents and accidents. Studies have proven that installing DRLs does indeed reduce the number of traffic accidents. But specifically, no one can say which running lights are better to put. The range on the market is huge, and this variety makes drivers doubt the correctness of their choice. In order to avoid mistakes and understand exactly how to choose the best DRL model, you must first study the whole essence and principle of operation of the device. And then you will find out which daytime running lights are better and what they are now advised to buy with the current assortment. Believe me, there are much more car owners who bought really high-quality lights than those who made a mistake with the choice. This is where you shouldn't make any mistakes.

Let's start with the principle of operation. When you start the car, the voltage begins to rise and reaches the operating level. At a value of 13.2 to 13.7 V, the voltage is fixed and stored by the sensor, which is responsible for the DRL. When the motor is turned off, the voltage drops to 0V, causing the lights to turn off. Also, DRLs are turned off when the dipped headlights are turned on. They cannot be used at the same time. Basically, daytime running lights are based on LEDs. They are considered the most, because the best DRLs are made from LEDs. Diodes are placed in a special case, which is protected from water, moisture, dust, etc. Manufacturers also use durable shockproof shells, which protects against mechanical damage. Since DRLs are always located quite close to the road surface, a high level of protection is very important for them.

Types of DRL

Many perceive DRL as a special block of LED optics, which stands apart from all other lighting equipment. But in fact, 4 devices can be called daytime running lights;

  1. Near world. Not the most acceptable, but acceptable option. Many countries impose increased requirements for the operation of near optics as running lights. It must necessarily illuminate part of the road or curb.
  2. Far light. Also not the best choice, because when using the high beam as a DRL, it should be muted and shine parallel to the roadway. Even distant headlights should not blind oncoming traffic. When it approaches, you have to constantly turn off the optics.
  3. . In Russia, traffic rules allow the use of fog lights as daytime running lights. But in many other states it is prohibited. Experts believe that foglights have their own specifics, aimed at helping in difficult weather conditions. They are not powerful enough to fully fulfill the role of DRL.
  4. Separate independent headlights. The most acceptable and optimal option. Such optics are easy to install with your own hands, they are inexpensive, practically do not consume the car's electricity and do not depend on the operation of other lighting equipment. DRLs are autonomous and have enough power to keep you visible to other road users.

As you can see, among all the DRL options, it is the independent optics unit that is the most optimal and acceptable. This explains such a high demand for LED running lights. Also, do not forget that back in 2010, a decree was adopted according to which cars must necessarily move on public roads during daylight hours with daytime running lights on. Therefore, motorists, regardless of current weather conditions, should always turn on DRL during the day. If they are not provided by the factory on the car, then on your own, or use the PTF or dipped headlights. But given the shortcomings of such a solution, it is still better to set yourself up with full-fledged independent DRLs.

Top Producers

A large number of companies are engaged in the production of daytime running lights. But there are obvious leaders in this market segment, which account for the bulk of sales. A certain amount of success can be attributed to competent advertising and professional marketing. But still, the rating of navigation lights is headed by brands that have gained popularity not just because of good advertising. They are in demand due to the quality of their products, reliability, reliability and efficiency of their DRLs. The best optics used during the day, that is, the best daytime running lights, are currently produced by the following companies.

The market is full of various offers for DRLs from China. Many motorists believe that the manufacturer does not play a special role, that is, you can save money and take running lights. But in fact, the overpayment for the products of a well-known manufacturer is fully justified. Yes, such DRLs can cost 500 - 1000 rubles more. However, you get a guarantee of quality and confidence that the purchased DRL kit will definitely serve the stated period. Problems often arise with Chinese models, they fail, they do not shine efficiently enough, or some of the diodes burn out.

DRL rating

We offer to consider several of the most popular and sought-after DRL models, which are in high demand in the automotive market. Here we are talking mainly about the products of leaders among manufacturers. But the rating includes devices from another brand, which also deserves attention.

  1. DayLight 8. Developed by Philips. These are LED daytime running lights that consumers consider to be one of the best solutions at present. The LED lights are housed in a durable aluminum housing. It also acts as a cooling radiator in parallel. This DRL is IP67 rated. Structurally, the daytime running lights consist of 8 high power LEDs. This is a universal device that can be used on almost any machine. The stated service life is 10 years. Their cost varies from 4 to 7 thousand rubles.
  2. LEDriving FOG. Osram's product, which is based on LED lights. In fact, these are fog lights, but they perfectly function as daytime running lights. The device is highly economical. The outer protective glass perfectly protects the diodes from external influences and is not afraid of contact with abrasive materials. The light spreads evenly and brightly. The degree of protection also corresponds to the IP67 value. The device is equipped with an intelligent control system that allows you to automatically switch to daytime running lights and fog lights. The only drawback is the high cost. In some cases, the price reaches 14 thousand rubles;
  3. DRL D70. A more budget solution from EGO Light. DRLs are made in the form of a round body made of aluminum. The case additionally cools the LEDs, acting as a cooling radiator. Each LED has a power of 3 W, which is absolutely enough for any car. Lenses are made of polycarbonate, which guarantees high durability. The design has universal mounts, which allows you to install DRL on different cars. Lights turn on and off automatically. A set of such lamps will cost the buyer about 4 thousand rubles.
  4. DRL 120P18. Also developed by Ego Light. Daytime running lights received a rectangular body. And in this case, we are talking about a plastic base, where ventilation holes are provided to ensure cooling. Each emitter is equipped with 18 LEDs, the total power of which is 5 watts. This allows you to get a good level of brightness. The solution wins due to its low cost. A set of such daytime running lights will cost 2.5 thousand rubles.
  5. DRL 101. An Osram product that is very popular with consumers. In many ways, this demand is due to the original design, complemented by excellent technical characteristics. Light-filled tubes are used here, which look impressive and work very efficiently. Each lamp used produces 400 lumens, and the created color temperature is at the level of 6000 K. One DRL unit has 7.5 volts of power.
  6. DayLight 4. A popular DRL model from Philips. This is a cheaper alternative to the DayLight 8. The low price is explained more by the design than by the weak technical characteristics. Such DRLs are considered standard, since they are made in the form of a conventional box with LEDs. But if the visual component is not in your first place, this model will definitely interest you. This is a reliable, durable and efficient optics, focused on the budget segment of buyers.
  7. LEdayFlex. The last in the list, but far from the last in the ranking, was a product from Hella. A very popular DRL model based on 5 LEDs. This design can be used on a wide variety of vehicles. Buyers get the opportunity to independently choose how the layout of the diodes in the block will be located. The color temperature reaches 6000 K, and the power corresponds to 7.2 volts. They look original, have a strong and durable body, and are also distinguished by excellent reliability.

The range of daytime running lights is now huge. This allows you to choose the optimal design for any car and different financial capabilities of the buyer. But still, in the case of DRLs, it is better to give preference to proven models and well-established manufacturers. It is not worth exchanging for cheap Chinese devices, because they do not guarantee quality, reliability and durability. DRLs are considered a useful and necessary addition to many vehicles where daytime running lights are not available from the factory. Use together with a separate DRL low beam or

According to the traffic rules, the operation of a car with switched off or missing lighting devices both in the city and outside the city is currently prohibited. This prohibition also applies to side lights that are not turned on at the rear. Therefore, if a traffic police officer finds you have such a violation, then you cannot avoid a fine.

Changes in traffic rules

Changes to the SDA, which relate to the use of lighting devices, were introduced back in 2010. Now, at any time of the day and under any visibility conditions on the road, the dipped beam should always be on. The need to adopt such an amendment to the SDA is due to the fact that a car with lights on on the road more visible to others, so the number of emergencies associated with inattention is minimized. And most importantly, the expected trend was confirmed in practice and the number of accidents on the roads in the daytime has significantly decreased.

However, most drivers do not comply with the legal requirements. The reason for this may be a banal inattention, a technical malfunction of the car or another reason. However, regardless of this, in case of violation, the driver faces punishment.

When can a driver be fined, and is it possible?

To avoid a fine for incorrect use of lighting fixtures, the driver must drive with headlights on at any time of the day. If this condition is not met, he will be punished with a fine. In addition, in case of violation of the rules for operating the car in the event of an accident, both participants will be recognized as the perpetrators. Even if only one person breaks the rules. The reason for making such a decision may be a failed headlight.

Penalties for improper use of dipped beam headlights can be for various reasons. The following describes the most e frequently encountered situations for which you can be fined:

  • Use in the village high beam.
  • Incorrect use of rear fog lights.
  • The use of running lights in the evening.
  • The dipped beam is not turned on during the day.

And now about everything in more detail:

  • Use in the village high beam. When entering a built-up area or on a well-lit road, the driver must switch from high beam to low beam. Otherwise, he will be fined.
  • Incorrect use of rear fog lights. They are additional lighting fixtures that can only be used in low visibility conditions. In any other scenario, it will be considered an offense with further sanctions.
  • The use of running lights in the evening. In cars equipped with running lights, you need to turn on the dipped beam at night. At the same time, daytime running lights must be installed in accordance with all the requirements of GOST. In this case, we are talking about their territorial location. Light characteristics are also taken into account. The correct location of this type of headlights is able to provide high-quality illumination of the road and will not dazzle oncoming drivers.
  • Dipped beam is turned off during the day. Most drivers, when driving during the day, forget about the need to turn on the low beam headlights. Some models have an electronic control system that automatically turns on the lights when the car is started.

Features of the use of regular daytime running lights

Vehicle Design Daytime Running Lights may not be available on all models. As for their self-installation, this can also lead to a fine. And even if such structural changes are not detected during inspection by a traffic police instructor, they will be detected during a scheduled technical inspection. To prevent these actions from being regarded as an offense, the driver will first need to obtain the appropriate permission from the authorities for the installation of daytime running lights. Those models of cars where the design provides for daytime running lights can drive without fear that they will be fined.

In addition, a standard lighting system is characterized by a different mode of operation - they turn on automatically when the engine is started. When the low beam headlights are activated, the standard daytime running lights contribute to a reduction in power and are already used as additional dimensions.

Please note that when the standard daytime running lights are on, they are not entitled to a fine for driving with the lights off.

Daytime running lights

Instead of daytime running lights, the driver can turn on the fog lights. Based on clause 19.4 in the traffic rules, they can be used in conditions of limited visibility. They can also be used at night on unlit roads or instead of low beam headlights as an alternative to daytime running lights. And this means that the operation of the car with the fog lights on during the day will not be regarded as an offense.

Punishment for unplugged lights

The fine for operating a car without dipped beam on for 2016 is 500 rubles. This rule is spelled out in article 12.20, which refers to the violation of the rules for the use of external lighting devices. It is also possible that the driver can get off with a verbal warning, but only on the condition that such inattention of the driver did not lead to an accident. Otherwise, the amount of the fine may increase.

Can I be fined for a broken headlight?

If for some reason one of the dipped beam headlights does not light up in the car, then this is also may result in a fine. At the same time, the interpretation of such a situation may differ slightly from the case described above. In this case, the driver did not violate the rules for the operation of lighting devices. A violation here is a malfunction of the headlight, as well as conditions prohibiting the operation of the car.

In case of technical malfunctions due to which the dipped beam is turned off, in accordance with Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, Part 1, the violator will be punished with a fine of 500 rubles in connection with non-working or dirty lighting device. In addition, pay attention to paragraph 2.3.1. SDA, which states that driving with faulty or missing lighting devices at night or with low visibility can be positioned as an offense.

What is the result

The fine for a burned-out dipped beam lamp or an inoperative headlight is not the highest. But, despite this, the driver is obliged to unquestioningly comply with any rule and drive according to the rules without violating them. After all, the included lighting devices make your car more visible on the road at any time of the day, so that the likelihood of creating emergency situations is reduced to a minimum.

According to the latest changes in legislation, all vehicles are required to drive during the day with running lights on. If daytime running lights are not installed in the car, the driver must turn on the dipped beam or fog lights.

The adoption of such a law caused a lot of bewilderment among motorists. In this regard, the issue of including DRLs began to be actively discussed.

What are daytime running lights?

A car with daytime running lights on gets a lot more attention than one that doesn't. It is for this reason that we decided to make changes to the traffic rules.

Daytime running lights have certain advantages over conventional headlights. Headlights require electrical energy to operate, which is produced by a generator. During the movement of the car, the generator charges the battery due to the high speed of movement. In this situation, the headlights will not require large amounts of energy. But if the car has to move in conditions of constant traffic jams and traffic lights, then the battery will gradually discharge. And the generator will not have time to recharge the battery. As a result of this, the load of all enabled devices will be noticeable.

It will be difficult for an old car to cope with the increased load, as a result of which its battery may simply fail.

Daytime running lights use less energy than headlight bulbs. In this regard, at many car factories, it was DRLs that began to be built into cars. If we talk about side lights, they are not very bright, and therefore are almost invisible. Accordingly, they have no effect. They cannot be used instead of DRL.

Advantages of using DRL

The advantages of using DRL can be seen in two examples:

  1. Most of the cars in use have a fairly high power and torque. All this allows them to quickly accelerate to high speed and perform various maneuvers. If during the performance of a dangerous maneuver by one vehicle, the other driver does not notice the vehicle going towards it, an accident may occur.
  2. It seems that during the day in the light of the sun the car is perfectly visible. But the glare from the windows and mirrors of cars going towards them dulls the visibility. In this case, DRL can save you from an accident.

Rules for installing DRL

About how daytime running lights should be installed, traffic rules give a clear statement:

  1. DRLs must be installed in front of the car.
  2. The distance from them to the ground should not be less than 25 centimeters and more than 1.5 meters.
  3. DRLs should be located at a distance of at least 60 cm from each other.
  4. From the body edge to the DRL should not be more than 400 mm.

If there is no DRL, the driver has the right to install them. There is a huge selection on sale today. There are lights with LED lamps, with conventional incandescent lamps. LED lights are the most popular because they are very economical in terms of energy consumption.

What do they write in the traffic rules about running lights?

According to the rules of the road from 2016, all drivers must turn on DRLs while driving or fog lights, dipped beams. Such requirements ensure the safety of all other road users.

If the driver does not comply with this rule, he may be fined 500 rubles.

According to the SDA, DRLs must be used in the following cases:

  1. If minor passengers are being transported;
  2. If the transport is difficult to see in the distance;
  3. If oversized items or hazardous substances are being transported;
  4. DRLs should be used on public transport and fixed-route taxis.

How to choose a DRL?

The requirements that must be taken into account when installing DRLs have already been described above.

If the running lights on your car are made incorrectly, the traffic police inspector will have the right to stop you and write you a fine. In some situations, the vehicle can even be sent to a car impound.

If you want your running lights to comply with the rules of the road and GOST, you should pay special attention to their choice. After all, a lot will depend on what kind of road running light you decide to install on your car. The highest quality products are produced by companies such as Hella and Philips Osram. It is worth choosing them not only because they meet all standards, but also because they can make your journey on the roads the safest. With the products of the above brands, there are usually no problems when the car is being diagnosed at the service station. Devices made in a handicraft way cannot meet all the requirements.

Usually with the installation of DRLs there are no difficulties. The only thing that can cause you inconvenience is a violation of the integrity of the car structure. This problem is most common among drivers who bought their car before the law on the mandatory use of DRLs came into force.

Well, we got excited about “all”: demand gave birth to such an offer that it is simply unrealistic to buy and test all models. By the way, this was clearly seen at the Automechanika and Interauto exhibitions held in Moscow. We decided to choose samples with different characteristics: cheap and very expensive, with and without control units, rectangular and round, plastic and metal…

All together promise increased road safety and energy savings (the latter is pure truth). At the same time, the smaller the contribution to safety, the greater the savings - not only energy, but also money. No wonder: weak LEDs are cheap and consume almost no electricity. Not blinded by the light (often very dim), the eyes literally run up, but it’s clear: you can choose a lamp that is most suitable in design and method of attachment for any car.

In general, there were a dozen products, both branded and no name. The latter - in the literal sense: neither the manufacturer nor the country of origin advertised themselves. But many loudly declare full compliance with the requirements of ECE R48. But there is one trick here: the mentioned EU rules (and the corresponding GOST R 41.48–2004) apply to the installation of these lamps, but not to them. But the requirements for DRL are set out in another document: ECE R87 (GOST R 41.87–99). It is in it that it is said how brightly and where the correct flashlights should shine, what should be the color of their glow and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe visible surface.

It is on these requirements that most manufacturers of cheap DRLs stumble. Only very powerful and expensive LEDs can provide the luminous intensity of each lamp within 400-800 cd. It is easier with the total visible luminous surface, which should be at least 40 cm². But, apparently, the authors of a number of products do not attach importance to such a "little thing" - anyway, after all, their flashlights are dim, and where there is one violation, there are two ...


Items are listed in ascending order of cost.

Super 6 LED sports TTX-1015

Origin China

Estimated price 475 rubles.

Number of LEDs 6

Current consumption 140 mA

Light intensity 18 cd

Diffuser dimensions 115 × 10 mm

Weak LEDs in a plastic case shine extremely dimly, the fastening is unreliable, the luminous area is almost half the norm. They are attached to the bracket with Velcro, and he is on two self-tapping screws.

LED Daytime Running Light BF-201

Origin unknown

Estimated price 1000 rubles.

Number of LEDs 4

Current consumption 120 mA

Light intensity 80 cd

Diffuser dimensions Ø 70 mm

Plastic flashlights are mounted on brackets with adjustable tilt angle, to the bumper - with self-tapping screws. The world is weak. Thank you, at least they didn’t save on the reflector area.


Origin unknown

Estimated price 1045 rubles.

Number of LEDs 8

Current consumption 360 mA

Light intensity 27 cd

Diffuser dimensions 155 × 17 mm

The instructions say: 100% Waterproof, however, the pictograms on the box prohibit washing plastic lanterns in any way except with a sponge, and without shampoo! They shine weakly.

Maxlight M320D

Origin unknown

Number of LEDs 20

Current consumption 260 mA

Light intensity 108 cd

Diffuser dimensions 185 × 25 mm

The yellow wire indicated in the diagram for connecting to the parking lights ... is missing! The light is rather weak, but the glow area is within the standard. Fastening of plastic lamps - on a bracket, with adjustment.


Origin unknown

Estimated price 1425 rubles.

Number of LEDs 8

Current consumption 480 mA

Light intensity 54 cd

Diffuser dimensions 150 × 20 × 50 mm

(curved in the shape of a club)

The instructions indicate the possibility of automatic disconnection from the dimensions, but on the diagram and in life it is not. The light is dim, the size of the light spot is normal. Fastening to a vertical wall, on two through hollow bolts (wires are brought out through them). The body is plastic.

Egolight PL-8

Origin China

Estimated price 1615 rubles.

Number of LEDs 8

Current consumption 100 mA

Light intensity 55 cd

Diffuser dimensions 155 × 20 mm

These plastic DRLs have no brightness. Fastening on brackets, with adjustment for the angle of inclination, then - Velcro or self-tapping screws.

LED Daytime Running Light NIUDI ND-06

Origin China

Estimated price 1990 rubles.

Number of LEDs 5

Current consumption 600 mA

Light intensity 140 cd

Diffuser dimensions 220 × 30 mm

It provides for the possibility of auto-shutdown when the parking lights are on, however, there is ambiguity in the designation of the color of the wires. There are sealed connectors. Alas, the light is weak, and even one and a half margin of the glow area does not save the day. Fastening of plastic lamps - on corners.

DRL Tiger Narva - ZR Choice!

Origin China

Estimated price 2900 rubles.

Number of LEDs 4

Current consumption 470 mA

Light intensity 533 cd

Diffuser dimensions 125 × 25 mm

The included ECU implements automatic switching on at voltages above 13.7 V (this allows you to connect directly to the battery) and switching off when the dimensions are turned on. The brightness corresponds to the norms, the area too. Fastening of aluminum lamps - on brackets with latches.


Origin unknown

Estimated price 3000 rubles.

Number of LEDs 9

Current consumption 1280 mA

Light intensity 554 cd

Diffuser dimensions Ø 37 mm

The projector optical system and powerful LEDs in an aluminum housing helped to meet the requirements for the brightness of the lamps, but the area of ​​​​the luminous surface is small. Fastening - on a bracket (at any angle) or with a rear bolt.


Origin Romania

Estimated price 5500 rubles.

Number of LEDs 2 (with light guide)

Current consumption 1170 mA

Light intensity 640 cd

Diffuser dimensions 160 × 30 mm

The included ECU allows you to implement both a complete shutdown when the dimensions are turned on, and a decrease in brightness. Aluminum DRLs automatically turn on at voltages above 13.6 V. Sealed connectors, fuse. Fastening - on brackets with latches.

Philips LED DayLight8

Origin Taiwan

Estimated price 7000 rubles.

Number of LEDs 8

Current consumption 1060 mA

Light intensity 566 cd

Diffuser dimensions 160 × 18 mm

A high-quality product in aluminum cases automatically turns on when the voltage in the on-board network rises above 13.5 V. Automatic shutdown or brightness reduction is implemented when the dimensions are turned on. Fastening - on snaps to the bracket and on two self-tapping screws. Oh, if these lanterns were cheaper ...


Origin Taiwan

Estimated price 13 380 rubles.

Number of LEDs 8 (in eight separate housings)

Current consumption 1000 mA

Light intensity 690 cd

Diffuser dimensions Ø 30 mm

Here, the ECU only implements a shutdown when the dimensions are working, but it must be connected to the ignition terminal, not the battery. Attention: the black wire is ... a plus! In an expensive kit there are no brackets or cable for connecting to the on-board network. The brightness of aluminum flashlights and the total glow area are normal. If you have skillful hands, you can assemble some kind of drawing from flashlights, but you will have to tinker with the installation.


- How to choose the best form of DRL?

Generally speaking, it's a matter of taste. But we must keep in mind the requirement of GOST 41.87–99: the total area of ​​​​the luminous surface of the DRL must be at least 40 cm². For rectangular lanterns, it is easy to measure it with a ruler, but a round one should be at least 50 mm in diameter.

- How to connect DRLs yourself so that they light up when the ignition is turned on, but do not burn when the headlights are on?

We offer a couple of simple solutions. In the case of low-power DRLs, you can get by with just one diode, see below. scheme 1:

For more high current flashlights, pay attention to scheme 2: You only need one additional automotive relay with normally closed contacts. In any case, the task of the craftsman is to find a wire in the on-board network that is powered when the ignition is turned on, and one more that goes to the size or dipped beam bulb. If you purchased a product with an electronic unit, you only need to make a tap from the light bulb. And connect the remaining two wires directly to the battery terminals. Do not confuse the polarity - it is indicated in the instructions.

Today, every car used in the territory of the Russian Federation must be equipped with daytime running lights (DRL). Moreover, this type of optics must be turned on at any time of the day. You can learn more about how running lights regulate traffic rules from this article.

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Laws and regulations governing DRL requirements

At the moment, the general requirements for this type of optics are regulated by many legal acts. Of course, every motorist will not hurt to know about them. The main document that clearly specifies the requirements for daytime running lights is Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 316, signed in May 2010.

In accordance with this document, adjustments were made to the rules of the road. In particular, now daytime running lights in Russia must be installed on all cars without exception. The main requirement for DRL is that this optics or dipped beam must be turned on at any time of the day, which is necessary to identify the vehicle among other road users. Otherwise, the driver may face a fine.

In accordance with GOST number R 41.87-99, daytime running lights are a type of optics that indicates the dimensions of the car. This document standardizes optics for all types of vehicles in accordance with European standards. That is, the installed daylight (headlight) must be certified, which means that the approval symbol must be present on the body or glass.

Basic requirements in accordance with GOST and SDA

Daily DRLs should not only be present on every car, it is important to install them correctly.

In accordance with the Russian state standard, when installing daytime running lights, the following parameters must be taken into account:

  • from the roadway, the optics should be located at a distance of 0.25 to 1.5 m;
  • the minimum distance between the headlights must be at least 0.6 m, and they must be installed no further than 0.4 m from the edge of the vehicle body;
  • as for the luminous flux that daytime running lights have, it should be in the region of 25-200 cm2;
  • Another parameter is the radiation strength, in total it should vary from 400 to 800 Cd.

If these parameters are not observed, the driver may face a real fine. Of course, not every traffic police inspector, in order to determine the inconsistency of the standards, will measure with a ruler whether you have installed the optics correctly. However, there is a penalty for this, so it is still better to follow the rules when installing lights.

In fact, DRLs produced by well-known brands such as Philips, Hella and others meet the requirements of the law. Buying such optics, you can easily install it at home, and you will not have problems in terms of maintenance when using it. As for the shortcomings, in this case he is alone. To do everything in accordance with the standard of the Russian Federation, especially when it comes to old cars, you will have to intervene in the design of the bumper. That is, it will be necessary to make the appropriate cuts and carry out other installation work in order to install the optics (the author of the video is Azamchik Abdizhalilov).

Installation of running lights according to GOST

If you intend to equip your vehicle with this type of optics, while making sure that the installation complies with the rules and standards, just follow the parameters indicated above. If you do not do this, as we have already reported, you will face a fine. Moreover, if the traffic police officer regards this violation as “special”, the car may even be sent to a fine parking lot.

Therefore, in order not to incur problems, it is necessary not only to carry out installation in accordance with the requirements, but also to choose the right optics for your car. Remember that you should pay attention to the choice of the type of optics, as well as the brand, that is, the manufacturer, since a lot depends on this. When buying DRLs from world famous brands such as Philips or, for example, Osram, you can be 100% sure that the optics are fully compliant with the standard.

But you need to choose well-known manufacturers not only because their products comply with the rules, GOSTs and standards. Products from world brands, as practice shows, are the most reliable and efficient, and this, in turn, will allow you to move safely on Russian roads. Lamps and headlights from the above manufacturers undergo all the necessary testing and verification at foreign service stations. This is an indisputable plus, especially when comparing DRLs with optics made in a garage.

So how is the installation done:

  1. When you have chosen a place for installation, it is necessary to mount the fasteners of the lamps at the required angle, for this, self-tapping screws are used. Installation can be carried out both under the bumper and inside it, optimally, of course, it will be to install the lights directly into the structure. If there are plugs in the bumper, they must be dismantled and cleaned of dust and dirt. In accordance with the dimensions of the lanterns, holes must be made in the plugs.
  2. On the reverse side of the plug, you need to cut a horizontal bar and dismantle the stiffener.
  3. Fixing corners should be screwed to the headlight bracket for further mounting it on the car. Then the bracket should be fixed on the plug.
  4. After these steps, you need to open the hood and install the daytime optics control unit, you need to mount it as close to the battery as possible. For installation, screeds, clamps or adhesive tape are used.
  5. Then the wiring for the left and right headlights is laid. It remains only to connect the lights. According to the standard, the black cable is connected to the vehicle ground, and the red cable must be connected to one of the cables that connects to the battery positive. After that, the fuse is fixed.